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Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae, a new species in subsection Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae (Pleurothallidinae) from the Cordillera del Cóndor, Ecuador

  • Grupo Científico Calaway Dodson

Abstract and Figures

A new species of Pleurothallis from the Cordillera del Cóndor in southeast Ecuador is described and illustrated. In addition, information concerning its distribution, habitat, and phenology is provided. Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae is similar to P. paquishae but differs in the size of the flower, the dorsal sepal 6.5-7.8 mm long, the petals slightly falcate, linear, microscopically verrucose-papillose on the dorsal surface, minutely denticulate along the margins; the lip is ovate-elliptic with, denticulate-ciliate margins, with a slightly bilobed glenion. Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae is also compared with P. scabrilinguis, and P. applanata, an endemic species to Ecuador. resuMen. Se describe e ilustra una nueva especie de Pleurothallis de la Cordillera del Cóndor en el sureste de Ecuador. Adicionalmente, se proporciona información sobre la distribución, el hábitat y la fenología de esta especie. Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae es similar a P. paquishae pero difieren en el tamaño de la flor, el sépalo dorsal de 6.5-7.0 mm de largo, los pétalos levemente falcados, lineares, microscópicamente verrugoso-papiloso en la superficie dorsal, diminutamente denticulados en los márgenes; el labelo aovado-elíptico, con los márgenes denticulados-ciliados y el glenion levemente bilobulado. Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae también se compara con P. scabrilinguis, y P. applanata, una especie endémica del Ecuador.
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LANKESTERIANA 22(2): 101–109. 2022.
Leisberth VéLez-AbArcA1,5, MArco M. JiMénez1,2, Diego gutiérrez DeL Pozo3
& Luis e. bAquero1,4
1Grupo Cientíco Calaway Dodson: Investigación y Conservación de Orquídeas del Ecuador, Quito,
170510, Pichincha, Ecuador.
2Vivero de Conservación La Paphinia, Avenida del Ejército y Juan Izquierdo, Zamora,
Zamora Chinchipe, 190102, Ecuador.
3Departamento de Conservación y Manejo de Vida Silvestre (CYMVIS) y Herbario amazónico
ECUAMZ, Universidad Estatal Amazónica (UEA), Carretera Tena a Puyo Km. 44,
Napo EC-150950, Ecuador.
4Grupo de Investigación en Biodiversidad, Medio Ambiente y Salud BIOMAS,
Carrera de Ingeniería Agroindustrial y Alimentos, Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Agropecuarias,
Universidad de Las Américas, Calle José Queri, Quito, Pichincha, 170137, Ecuador.
5Author for correspondence:
AbstrAct. A new species of Pleurothallis from the Cordillera del Cóndor in southeast Ecuador is described
and illustrated. In addition, information concerning its distribution, habitat, and phenology is provided.
Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae is similar to P. paquishae but differs in the size of the ower, the dorsal sepal
6.5–7.8 mm long, the petals slightly falcate, linear, microscopically verrucose-papillose on the dorsal
surface, minutely denticulate along the margins; the lip is ovate-elliptic with, denticulate-ciliate margins,
with a slightly bilobed glenion. Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae is also compared with P. scabrilinguis, and
P. applanata, an endemic species to Ecuador.
resuMen. Se describe e ilustra una nueva especie de Pleurothallis de la Cordillera del Cóndor en el
sureste de Ecuador. Adicionalmente, se proporciona información sobre la distribución, el hábitat y la
fenología de esta especie. Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae es similar a P. paquishae pero difieren en el
tamaño de la flor, el sépalo dorsal de 6.5–7.0 mm de largo, los pétalos levemente falcados, lineares,
microscópicamente verrugoso-papiloso en la superficie dorsal, diminutamente denticulados en los
márgenes; el labelo aovado-elíptico, con los márgenes denticulados-ciliados y el glenion levemente
bilobulado. Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae también se compara con P. scabrilinguis, y P. applanata, una
especie endémica del Ecuador.
KeyworDs/PALAbrAs cLAVe: Andean tepuis, micro-endemism, microendemismo, Pleurothallis applanata,
Pleurothallis paquishae, taxonomía, taxonomy, Tepuyes andinos
doi: 10.15517/lank.v22i2.51750
Introduction. Pleurothallidinae Lindl. is one of the
most species-rich neotropical orchid subtribes. Luer
(1986) accounted for as many as 4000 species in the
subtribe. About two decades later, Pridgeon (2005)
accounted for 4100 species. Then, more than 30
years after Luer’s monograph, just over 5114 species
are currently being accepted among the 12,000
published names applicable to the subtribe (Luer
1986, Karremans 2016, Karremans & Vieira-Uribe
2020). Pleurothallis R.Br., as dened by Pridgeon
(2005), is a highly diverse neotropical orchid genus
in the Pleurothallidinae, including some 500 species
(Karremans & Vieira-Uribe 2020) ranging from
Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean to
South America.
In his infrageneric classication of Pleurothallis,
Lindley (1859) established Pleurothallis sect.
Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae Lindl. for a group of
plants characterized by eshy, cordate leaves and
fasciculate owers. Later, Luer (1988) classied
the group as a subsection of Pleurothallis creating
Pleurothallis subsect. Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae.
This group was later given a generic status under
Zosterophyllanthos Szlach. & Marg. (Szlachetko &
ORCID of the Authors: LVA , MMJ , DGP , LEB
Received 6 October 2021; accepted for publication 4 July 2022. First published online: 7 July 2022.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivs 3.0 Costa Rica License.
LANKESTERIANA 22(2). 2022. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2022.
Margonska 2001). However, Luer (2005) treated the
members of Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae, together
with Pleurothallis subsect. Acroniae Luer (1986),
under Acronia C.Presl. Nevertheless, according
to available phylogenetic studies, this subsection
is a monophyletic group, and the recognition of
additional genera segregated from Pleurothallis is
not yet supported (Karremans 2016, Pridgeon 2005,
Wilson et al. 2011, 2013). Luer (2005) indicated
that species of section Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae
differ by the sessile leaves with a cordate base,
the single or simultaneously owers produced in a
fascicle, with lateral sepals connate into a synsepal,
the lip usually with a well-developed glenion, and a
bilobed stigma.
In Ecuador, there are approximately 269 accepted
species of Pleurothallis (WSCP, 2022), and the
number of species recorded in the country increases
quickly (Jiménez et al. 2018, 2021, Luer 2005, Luer &
Thoerle 2012, 2013, Wilson et al. 2016, 2017, 2018,
Zambrano et al. 2017). Around 56% (ca. 150 species
of Ecuadorian Pleurothallis) are members of the
subsection Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae (Zambrano et
al. 2017). Recently, some specimens of Pleurothallis
were collected from the Cordillera del Cóndor; when
the material was compared with several species, it
was found that they correspond to a different and
unknown taxon described here.
Materials and methods. The description and
illustration of the new taxon were generated from
specimens collected during a comparative study
on the orchids of the Cordillera del Cóndor under a
permit granted by the Ministry of the Environment
of Ecuador (No 037-2019-IC-FLO-FAU -DPAZCH-
UPN-VS / MA). Photographs of individuals of the
new species and morphologically similar species in
bloom were taken using a Canon® EOS 1100D camera
and +10 Kernel Pro Optics 58 mm close-up lenses
and Panasonic® FZ300 camera with Raynox DCR-
150 50 mm, EFS 18-58 mm lens. The systematics
of Acronia by Luer (2005) and the new species were
compared to the previously described related species
(Lindley 1836, Luer 1979, 1996). The new species was
compared in detail with P. paquishae Luer, to which
it is morphologically most similar in appearance.
Voucher specimens where deposited at Herbario
Amazónico (ECUAMZ).
tAxonoMic treAtMent
Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae Vélez-Abarca,
M.M.Jiménez & D.Gutiérrez del Pozo, sp. nov.
(Fig. 1, 2, 4A, 5A).
TYPE: Ecuador. Zamora Chinchipe: Cantón El Pangui,
Cordillera del Cóndor ank, 1090 m, 15 Dec 2020, L.
Vélez LV0067 (holotype: ECUAMZ!).
DiAgnosis: Similar to Pleurothallis paquishae from
which it differs by the lanceolate dorsal sepal (vs.
narrowly elliptical), broadly ovate lateral sepals (vs.
ovate), the petals with the apical third slightly falcate
(vs. narrowly linear-oblong, recurved), minutely
denticulate margins (vs. nely serrulate), the lip
ovate-elliptical, papillose (vs. ovate-oblong, minutely
spiculate), with a slightly bilobed glenion (vs. ovate).
Plant medium in size, up to 15 cm tall, epiphytic,
caespitose; roots slender, exuous, whitish, 1 mm in
diameter. Ramicauls yellowish-green, erect, 6–12 cm
long, with a tubular sheath on the lower third and two
other sheaths at the base. Leaf horizontal, coriaceous,
ovate, acute, 3.5–6.5 × 2.5–4.0 cm, the base sessile,
deeply cordate, margin slightly involute. Inorescence
a fascicle of successive, single-owered, resupinate,
enclosed at the base by a spathaceous bract ca. 8
mm long; peduncle terete, 3 mm long, covered with
the spathaceous bract; oral bract tubular, acute, 3
mm long; pedicel clavate, curved, ca. 4 mm long.
Ovary smooth, lustrous, pedicellate, cylindrical,
longitudinal sulcate, covered with black dots on the
dorsal surface, with a slight curvature at the junction
with the pedicel, 3 mm long, 0.7 mm in diameter.
Flower small, the sepals brownish red, the petals
reddish-brown, the lip brown to dark red-purple,
the column light-green, the anther orange suffused
with purple. Sepals eshy; dorsal sepal lanceolate,
subverrucose at the apical half, acute, 6.5–7.8 × 2.3–
2.4 mm, 3-veined; the lateral sepals connate into a
broadly ovate, acute synsepal, concave at the base,
subverrucose, lustrous on abaxial surface, 5.8–6.5 ×
4.3–4.5 mm, 4-veined. Petals eshy, slightly falcate,
narrowly linear, acute, with a cleft in the basal third,
microscopically verrucose-papillose on the dorsal
surface, margins minutely denticulate, 4.0–4.5 ×
0.75 mm, 1-veined. Lip eshy, ovate-elliptic, obtuse,
LANKESTERIANA 22(2). 2022. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2022.
Vélez-AbArcA et al. — Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae, a new species from Ecuador
Figure 1. Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae Vélez-Abarca, M.M.Jiménez & D.Gutiérrez del Pozo. A. Habit. B. Flower, ¾ view.
C. Dissected perianth. D. Ovary, column and lip in lateral view, and lip adaxial and abaxial view. Illustration by L.
Vélez-Abarca, based on the holotype Vélez-Abarca LV-0067 (ECUAMZ).
LANKESTERIANA 22(2). 2022. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2022.
Figure 2. Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae Vélez-Abarca, M.M.Jiménez & D.Gutiérrez del Pozo. A. Habit. B. Flower, ¾ view.
C. Perianth dissected. D. Close-up of the petal margin. E. Ovary, column, and lip, lateral view. F. Lip, adaxial and
abaxial view. G. Close-up to the abaxial margin of the lip. H. Close-up to the adaxial margin of the lip. I. Anther cap
and pollinia. LCDP by L. Vélez-Abarca from photos by M. M. Jiménez based on the holotype Vélez-Abarca LV-0067
LANKESTERIANA 22(2). 2022. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2022.
Vélez-AbArcA et al. — Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae, a new species from Ecuador
verrucose-papillose abaxially, margins minutely
denticulate-ciliate, 3.2 × 2.0–2.2 mm, 3-veined, the
disc with a small, slightly bilobed glenion near the
base, the base subtruncate, shortly deexed. Column
short, stout, semiterete, 1.3 × 1.0 mm, with a short,
thick, obsolescent foot; stigma apical, bilobed.
Anther cap apical, sub-globose-cordiform, minutely
papillose, 0.5–0.6 × 0.5–0.6 mm. Pollinia 2, obovoid.
Capsule not seen.
other sPeciMens exAMineD: Ecuador. Zamora
Chinchipe: Cantón El Pangui, Cordillera del Cóndor,
near Tundayme, 1170 m, 12 Mar 2022, L. Vélez
LV0071 (ECUAMZ!); near El Quimi, 14 Mar 2022, L.
Vélez LV0070 (ECUAMZ!).
ePonyMy: Combination of the names of the rst
author’s daughters Nathasha Ariana and Dayana
Distri bution AnD hAbitAt: The new species is an
epiphyte growing under the shade of Chrysophyllum
sanguinolentum (Pierre) Baehni (Sapotaceae), and
Protium amazonicum (Cuatrec.) Daly (Burseraceae),
trees in dwarf forests of a sandstone plateau of the
Cordillera del Cóndor located in the Amazonian
region of south-eastern Ecuador. This territory
is characterized by dense vegetation, including
trees with abundant bryophytes and lichens. The
Cordillera del Cóndor plateau zone is the southern
portion of the “Andean Tepui Region” proposed by
Neill (2007) and Neill et al. (2014), areas of very
high diversity whose biological richness is only
partially described to date.
Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae generally grows in
shady areas, on branches parallel to the ground, in the
middle layer of small trees with very small diameters,
typical of the vegetation of the Cordillera del Cóndor.
It has been found at 980 to 1100 m above sea level.
Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae (Fig. 2, 4A,
5A, 6A) is very similar to other species of the
“scabrilinguis” morphological group (Fig. 4),
characterized by its elliptic-lanceolate dorsal sepal,
narrowly linear, slightly falcate petals, an ovate-
elliptic lip with a slightly bilobed glenion, and a
sub-globose-cordiform anther. Among them, the
most similar species is P. paquishae (Fig. 3, 4B,
5B, 6C), which has the same distribution in Ecuador
in the Cordillera del Cóndor. These two species
are vegetatively similar, but they differ strongly in
the floral parts; the flower of P. ariana-dayanae is
proportionally smaller (Fig. 4A–B), the dorsal sepal
is lanceolate, 6.5–7.0 × 2.3–2.4 mm (vs. narrowly
elliptical 11.0 × 3.5 mm), the synsepal measures
5.8–6.0 × 4.3–4.5 (vs. 11 × 6 mm), the petals have
the apical third slightly falcate, 4.0–4.5 × 0.75 mm
(vs. apical third slightly recurved, 9.5 × 1.0 mm), the
lip may have a brown to dark purple-red color, ovate-
elliptical, 3.0 × 2.0–2.2 mm, the surface papillose,
minutely denticulate-ciliate margins, with a slightly
bilobed glenion (vs. lip red to velvety brown, ovate-
oblong, 5.5 × 2.5 mm, surface thoroughly verrucose-
spiculated, denticulate margin, turned-shaped
glenion) anther cap sub-globose (vs. cordiform with
horn-shaped upper lobes ) (Fig. 5A–B).
This species could also be mistaken as a variation
of P. applanata (Fig. 4C, 5C, 6B) since they are
supercially similar; however, the color of the
owers in P. applanata is variable from a purple-
brown color (hue shared with P. ariana-dayanae),
yellow hue, tan hue and intermediate colors between
yellow and purple-brown. This color variation is
something that does not occur in the new species.
In addition, P. ariana-dayanae is a species with a
smaller ower (Fig. 4), dorsal sepal lanceolate, sub-
verrucose at the apical half, 6.5–7.0 × 2.3–2.4 mm
(vs. narrowly elliptical-ovate, glabrous, 10.0 × 3.6
mm), lateral sepals broadly ovate, subverrucose, 5.8–
6.0 × 4.3–4.5 mm (vs. ovate, smooth, 9.5 × 6 mm).
Lip ovate-elliptical, 3.0 × 2.0–2.2 mm, with a slightly
bilobed glenion (vs. oblong-ovate, 4.5 × 2.2 mm, with
an orbicular glenion), anther cap sub-globose (vs.
cordiform) (Fig. 6).
Another similar species is Pleurothallis
scabrilinguis (Fig. 4D, 5D), but they differ from P.
ariana-dayanae by leaf ovate, deeply cordate, 3.5–6.5
× 2.5–4.0 cm (vs. narrowly ovate, base shallowly
cordate, 4–10 × 1–2 cm), oral bract 3 mm long (vs.
4–7 mm long), pedicel 4 mm long (vs. 5-10 mm long),
dorsal sepal lanceolate, sub-verrucose at the apical
half, acute, 6.5–7.8 × 2.3–2.4 mm (vs. elliptical-ovate,
glabrous, subacute to obtuse, 6–10 × 2.5–7.0 mm),
lateral sepals subverrucose, acute synsepal, 5.8–6.0 ×
4.3–4.5 mm (vs. glabrous, obtuse, 5–10 × 4–8 mm ),
LANKESTERIANA 22(2). 2022. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2022.
Figure 3. Pleurothallis paquishae Luer. A. Habit. B. Flower, ¾ view. C. Perianth dissected. D. Close-up of petal margins.
E. Pedicel, ovary, column, and lip, lateral view. F. Lip, adaxial and abaxial views. G. Close-up to the adaxial surface of
the lip. H. Close-up of column, lateral view. I. Anther cap and pollinia. LCDP by L. Vélez-Abarca from photos by M.
M. Jiménez based on Jiménez M. 1313 (ECUAMZ).
LANKESTERIANA 22(2). 2022. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2022.
Vélez-AbArcA et al. — Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae, a new species from Ecuador
Figure 4. Comparison of the owers between related species. A. Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae. B. Pleurothallis paquisahe.
C. Pleurothallis applanate, based on Jiménez M. 796 (ECUAMZ). D. Pleurothallis scabrilinguis, based on Jiménez M.
1134 (ECUAMZ). Scale bar = 5 mm. By L. Vélez-Abarca from photos by M. M. Jiménez.
Figure 5. Comparison of the lip in adaxial and abaxial views, and the glenion. A. Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae. B.
Pleurothallis paquishae. C. Pleurothallis applanata. D. Pleurothallis scabrilinguis. Scale bar = 3 mm. Figure by L.
Vélez-Abarca from photos by M. M. Jiménez.
Figure 6. Frontal view of the column, anther and pollinarium. A. Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae. B. Pleurothallis applanata.
C. Pleurothallis paquishae. D. Pleurothallis scabrilinguis. Scale bar = 0.5 mm. Figure by L. Vélez-Abarca from photos
by M. M. Jiménez.
LANKESTERIANA 22(2). 2022. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2022.
petals slightly falcate, with a cleft in the basal third,
microscopically verrucose-papillose on the dorsal
surface, 4.0–4.5 × 0.75 mm (vs. glabrous on the dorsal
surface, 3–7 × 0.5–1.2 mm), lip ovate-elliptic, obtuse,
verrucose-papillose abaxially, margins minutely
denticulate-ciliate, with a slightly bilobed glenion,
3.2 × 2.0–2.2 mm (vs. triangular, oblong, subacute or
round at the apex, papillose abaxially with denticulate
margins, turned-shaped glenion, 3–7 × 2–4 mm),
anther cap, sub-globose, (vs. cordiform) (Fig. 6D).
conserVAtion stAtus: This species has been only
reported from the cantón of El Pangui (Fig. 7) in the
province of Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador. The plateau
where P. ariana-dayanae was found could act as a
natural barrier that determines its restricted distribution;
perhaps more research in other similar “tepuis”
from Ecuador and Peru will lead to discovering new
populations of P. ariana-dayanae. However, only three
populations were found in an area no greater than 49
km2. Micro-endemism is restricted to an area subject to
rapid deforestation due to mining activities.
AcKnowLeDgMents. We acknowledge Lou Jost for helping
with language corrections and other observations in this
manuscript. To the Ministerio del Ambiente, Agua y
Transición Ecológica (MAATE) for granting the Research
Permit No.037-2019-IC-FLO-FAU-DPAZCH-UPN-VS/
MA and MAAE-ARSFC-2021-1619. The authors also
acknowledge the reviewers of this manuscript and the
editors of Lankesteriana for helping with comments and
corrections of this work.
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LANKESTERIANA 22(2). 2022. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2022.
Vélez-AbArcA et al. — Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae, a new species from Ecuador
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nuclear ITS and chloroplast DNA sequencing. Lankesteriana, 11(3), 369.
Wilson, M., Dupree, K., Driessen, W., Larsen, B. T., Löckher, A., Niessen, A., Portilla, J., Salas Guerrero, M., Suarez, M.
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Wilson, M., Jiménez, M. M., Jost, L., Kay, A., Frank, G. & Baquero, L. E. (2018). A new species of Pleurothallis
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Phytotaxa, 343(3), 249–258.
Zambrano, B., Solano-Gómez, R. & Wilson, M. (2017). A new species of Pleurothallis (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae)
from Southwestern Ecuador: Pleurothallis marioi. Phytotaxa, 308(1), 80–88.
... Pleurothallis R.Br. is a neotropical genus distributed from southern Mexico to South America, with representation in the Antilles (Ackerman et al. 2014). According to Karremans & Vieira-Uribe (2020), 499 species are currently accepted; however, with the publication of new species during the last two years, the number increased to 528 species (Jiménez et al. 2021, Karremans et al. 2021, Pupulin et al. 2020, Vélez-Abarca et al. 2022. Colombia, with 236 species, comprises the largest number of species in the neotropics (Karremans et al. in prep.). ...
... KeywordS / PalabraS clave: distribución, distribution, ecología, ecology, Ibagué, Orchidaceae, Tolima, Villahermosa Members of this group are characterized by flowers with linear, falcate petals, large, flattened lip with irregular texture (cellular, verrucous, papillose, pilose, vesicular), and a conspicuous basal glenion (Vélez-Abarca et al. 2022). The specimens were photographed with a Nikon D5300 camera and a NIKKOR AF 105 mm f/2.8 D Micro lens. ...
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Two new species of Pleurothallis subsection Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae are described and illustrated. Both species were found in the central Andes of Colombia in the department of Tolima. The two species are compared and discussed with Pleurothallis applanata, Pleurothallis ariana-dayanae, Pleurothallis paquishae, and Pleurothallis scabrilinguis, which are the morphologically closest species. The two new species differ from their congeners mainly by lip morphology. Pleurothallis franciana is distinguished by having an oblong-lanceolate, acute, vesiculous lip with an obovate glenion, and Pleurothallis petroana is distinguished by the ovate-lanceolate, verrucose-papillose, slightly pilose lip, with a spathulate glenion.
... It is represented by 499 species (Karremans & Vieira-Uribe 2020), excluding new species that have been published in the last two years (e.g. Jiménez et al. 2021, Sierra-Ariza et al. 2022, Vélez-Abarca et al. 2022. ...
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A new species of Pleurothallis from the Western Andes of Colombia is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to subsection Acroniae of the series Amphigyae, morphologically resembles Pleurothallis amphigya, but differs mainly by the ovate-lanceolate lip, with two divergent, elongate keels, located at the base up to about the middle of the lip (vs. triangular trilobed, the disc with a developed glenion at the base).
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Five new species of Pleurothallis subsect. Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae from Ecuador are described and illustrated: P. kashi-menkakarai, P. lapoi, P. marioandresavilae, P. sabanillae and P. tinajillensis. The taxonomic similarities of the new entities are discussed and information about their distribution, habitat, and conservation status is provided. Additionally, the first known and confirmed locality for Pleurothallis saueri is provided, a previously described species without collection data, as well as a lectotype is designated for this name.
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Resumen. Una especie nueva de Pleurothallis de la subsección Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae de Ecuador es descrita, ilustrada y su afinidad con otras especies es discutida. Pleurothallis chicalensis se compara con P. dewildei, de la cual difiere por las hojas ovadas, las flores amarillas con el sinsépalo ampliamente obovado y el labelo transversalmente cordado con el ápice apiculado. Abstract. A new species of Pleurothallis in subsection Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae from Ecuador is described, illustrated and its relationship with other species is discussed. Pleurothallis chicalensis is compared with P. dewildei, from which is distinguished by the ovate leaves, the yellow flowers with broadly obovate synsepal and the transversely cordate lip with apiculate apex.
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A new species, Pleurothallis ecomingae, from near Chical, Carchi Province, Ecuador, is described and illustrated. This species is unique in that it has characteristics typical of both subgenera Scopula and Ancipitia. The plant has narrowly lanceolate leaves with a near-apical fascicle of single-flowered peduncles, previously only seen in Scopula. And, it has flowers with a minute, pubescent, tri-lobed lip in which the basal lobes are modified into ‘horns’, and an apical orifice in the central lobe, a feature previously only seen in Ancipitia. This intermediate morphology supports the previous suggestion that, at least based on morphology, the two subgenera should be combined.
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In this paper we summarize the taxonomic history of Pleurothallis crocodiliceps Rchb.f. and demonstrate that the species described by Reichenbach did not possess the stereotypical minute, pubescent, tri-lobed lip, with basal lobes modified into “horns”. The first two species described with such a lip were P. arietina and P. nelsonii. Rather than a single widely distributed, variable species, with a morphologically constant lip, P. crocodiliceps, we recognize the P. arietina-P. nelsonii species complex. Herein we describe four new species in this complex and discuss the morphological characters useful in distinguishing among the members of the complex. We also discuss the nature of the lip possessed by members of this complex and propose that it may mimic a female insect luring a male fly into pollinating the flower by pseudocopulation.
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A new orchid species in Pleurothallis subsection Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae, is described and illustrated. It was discovered in semi-deciduous premontane forest from Southwestern Ecuador. The new species is named herein as Pleurothallis marioi; information about its distribution, habitat, phenology, and conservation status is provided. The new taxon is compared with P. acestrophylla, P. arctata, P. calamifolia, P. lemniscifolia, P. portillae, and P. subtilis, species to which it is morphologically similar.
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The history of the taxonomy of Pleurothallis R.Br. subsection Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae and recent descriptions in that group are summarized. The phylogenetic position of the group based on preliminary molecular data and the appropriateness of the proposed genera Acronia C.Presl. and Zosterophyllanthos Szlach. & Marg. for this group are discussed. Three new species from northern South America are described: Pleurothallis rubrifolia from southeastern Ecuador and northeastern Peru; Pleurothallis nangaritzae from southeastern Ecuador; and Pleurothallis castanea. Labellar micromorphology examined by scanning electron microscopy for P. rubrifolia and P. nangaritzae is discussed in relation to taxonomy and possible pollinator interactions.
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Subtribe Pleurothallidinae with just over 5000 species is possibly the most species-rich of all orchids. It has been growing steadily for more than two centuries, but the last three decades have been especially active in terms of systematic and phylogenetic studies in the group. The growth in species numbers has been accompanied by the marked increase in generic and infrageneric concepts. Nevertheless, Pleurothallidinae are plagued with cases of convergent and divergent morphology, and phylogenetic relatedness is not always apparent. This opens the door to controversial changes in generic circumscriptions that are considered too inclusive by some and too exclusive by others. A grave consequence of these disagreements is the difficulty of assessing which and how many species actually belong to each genus. Here an attempt is made to place generic names among their close relatives as a first step to re-evaluating the whole subtribe.
Two new species of Crocodeilanthe, C. dewildei and C. steinbachii, three new species of Masdevallia, M. calochrysos, M. driesseniana and M. rostriflora, and one new species of Pleurothallis, P. amentacea, are described and illustrated.
The following new genera of the subfamily Epidendroideae (Orchidaceae) are described: Gylanthos Szlach. & Marg., gen. nov., Lueranthos Szlach. & Marg., gen. nov., Mirandopsis Szlach. & Marg., gen. nov., Mystacorchis Szlach. & Marg., gen. nov. and Zosterophyllanthos Szlach. & Marg., gen. nov. New taxonomic statuses are proposed: Masdevalliantha (Luer) Szlach. & Marg., comb. & stat. nov. and Peltopus (Schltr.) Szlach. & Marg., comb. & stat. nov. 112 new combinations on the species and one on the infrageneric levels are validated. A new name for Bulbophyllum peltopus Schltr. is proposed - Peltopus greuterianus Szlach. & Marg., nom. nov.