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Helicopter‐based immobilization of moose using butorphanol–azaperone–medetomidine

Wildlife Society Bulletin


Chemical immobilization is an important tool for the capture, study, and management of wildlife. Increased regulation of traditional opioids has necessitated a search for alternative drugs in wildlife capture. Butorphanol–azaperone–medetomidine (BAM) is one promising alternative that has been used in a range of taxa, though often on medium‐size mammals using ground‐based methods. We tested the efficacy of BAM via remote delivery from a helicopter in a wild population of moose (Alces alces shirasi) in northwestern Wyoming. In March 2020 and 2021, we immobilized male (n = 15) and female (n = 26) moose with butorphanol (0.20 mg/kg), azaperone (0.066 mg/kg), and medetomidine (0.079 mg/kg), with antagonists atipamezole (0.495–0.527 mg/kg) and naltrexone (0.124–0.151 mg/kg) to reverse immobilizations. Mean induction (x̄ ± SE; 9.2 ± 0.6 min) and mean recovery times (7.2 ± 0.5 min) were longer but still comparable to published instances of moose captured using traditional chemical immobilizers (carfentanil, etorphine, thiafentanil). All animals survived >60 days post‐capture. Our findings add to a body of work demonstrating that BAM provides rapid inductions, reliable sedation, and quick reversals in a variety of taxa and by aerial remote delivery. We assessed the efficacy of butorphanol–azaperone–medetomidine via remote delivery from a helicopter in a wild population of moose (Alces alces shirasi). Moose had brief inductions and recoveries, were unresponsive during handling, and had high rates of post‐capture survival. Butorphanol‐azaperone‐medetomidine is accessible to researchers and managers, has low toxicity to humans, and provided induction quality comparable to conventional immobilizers for a wild ungulate population.
Received: 10 May 2021
Revised: 15 December 2021
Accepted: 22 December 2021
DOI: 10.1002/wsb.1327
Helicopterbased immobilization of moose using
Rebecca L. Levine
|Samantha P. H. Dwinnell
|Bart Kroger
Corey Class
|Kevin L. Monteith
Haub School of Environment and Natural
Resources, University of Wyoming, 804 E
Fremont Street, Laramie, WY 82071, USA
Arctic and Terrestrial Biology, The University
Centre in Svalbard, P.O. Box 156 N9187,
9170, Longyearbyen, Norway
Wyoming Game and Fish Department, 2820
WY120, Cody, WY 82414, USA
Haub School of Environment and Natural
Resources, Wyoming Cooperative Fish and
Wildlife Research Unit, Department of
Zoology and Physiology, University of
Wyoming, 804 E Fremont Street, Laramie,
WY 82071, USA
Rebecca L. Levine, University of Wyoming,
804 E Fremont Street, Laramie, WY 82071.
Funding information
Wyoming Game & Fish Department;
A. Young and J. Nielson; M. Newhouse;
Wyoming Governor's Big Game License
Coalition; M. and C. Rumsey
Chemical immobilization is an important tool for the capture,
study, and management of wildlife. Increased regulation of
traditional opioids has necessitated a search for alternative
drugs in wildlife capture. Butorphanolazaperonemedetomidine
(BAM) is one promising alternative that has been used in a range
of taxa, though often on mediumsize mammals using ground
based methods. We tested the efficacy of BAM via remote
delivery from a helicopter in a wild population of moose (Alces
alces shirasi) in northwestern Wyoming. In March 2020 and 2021,
we immobilized male (n= 15) and female (n= 26) moose
with butorphanol (0.20 mg/kg), azaperone (0.066 mg/kg), and
medetomidine (0.079 mg/kg), with antagonists atipamezole
(0.4950.527 mg/kg) and naltrexone (0.1240.151 mg/kg) to
reverse immobilizations. Mean induction (x±SE; 9.2±0.6min)
and mean recovery times (7.2 ± 0.5 min) were longer but still
comparable to published instances of moose captured using
traditional chemical immobilizers (carfentanil, etorphine, thiafen-
tanil). All animals survived >60 days postcapture. Our findings
add to a body of work demonstrating that BAM provides rapid
inductions, reliable sedation, and quick reversals in a variety of
taxa and by aerial remote delivery.
aerial capture, Alces, azaperone, BAM, butorphanol, helicopter,
immobilization, medetomidine, moose
Wildlife Society Bulletin 2022;46:e1327.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2022 The Authors. Wildlife Society Bulletin published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Wildlife Society.
Capture yields valuable information for the management and conservation of wildlife populations (CluttonBrock
and Sheldon 2010, Monteith et al. 2014). Largebodied mammals introduce a variety of challenges to capture
because animals can be susceptible to musculoskeletal injury and aggressive towards humans. Thus, helicopters are
used commonly for the remote delivery of chemical immobilizers. Potent opioids, including carfentanil, etorphine,
and others have been used to immobilize wild mammals since the 1970s and 1980s (Woolf et al. 1973, Franzmann
et al. 1984). More recently, thiafentanil largely replaced other opioids as it provides similar induction quality with a
lower therapeutic index and faster induction time (Kreeger et al. 2005, Lian et al. 2016). Although the induction
qualities, physiological effects, and reversal methods of conventional drugs are well documented (Delvaux et al.
1999, Roffe et al. 2001, Evans et al. 2012), many are no longer available for wildlife capture. Rising opioid abuse
worldwide resulted in heightened regulation of narcotics (Jones et al. 2019); etorphine hydrochloride, carfentanil,
and thiafentanil are all restricted as U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency schedule II opioids with a manufacturing
cessation further impacting carfentanil availability (Drug Enforcement Administration 2016,2020). The
identification of more accessible immobilizers with comparable effectiveness and safety is therefore timely and
The drug combination butorphanolazaperonemedetomidine (BAM) has grown in popularity for wildlife
capture (Wolfe et al. 2014,Semjonovetal.2018). Butorphanol is a synthetic opioid with sedative and pain
relieving properties, azaperone is a tranquilizer that depresses the nervous system, and medetomidine is a
painrelieving sedative (MacDonald et al. 1988, Kreeger and Arnemo 2012). Together, BAM is a reversible
drug combination with low toxicity to humans that has been used successfully for immobilization in many
taxa (e.g., elk [Cervus canadensis nelsoni,Wolfeetal.2014]; beaver [Castor canadensis,Rougetal.2018];
cheetah [Acinonyx jubatus,Semjonovetal.2018]; black bear [Ursus americanus, Williamson et al. 2018]). Most
published BAM immobilizations have used groundbased methods on mediumsized mammals, thus, the
efficacy of remote delivery via helicopter to capture megafauna is largely undetermined (Harms et al. 2018,
McDermottetal.2020). Yet, BAM is uniquely promising for remote delivery systems because medetomidine
potentiates butorphanol, thereby reducing injection volume and allowing for improved accuracy with lighter
darts (Jalanka and Roeken 1990).
We evaluated the effectiveness of remote delivery of BAM from a helicopter in a wild population of adult
Shiras moose (Alces alces shirasi). During a study on moose ecology, we located and darted adult male and female
moose via helicopter with BAM premix (butorphanol 27.3 mg/ml, azaperone 9.1 mg/ml, and medetomidine
10.9 mg/ml). We subsequently reversed inductions with atipamezole and naltrexone. We tested how BAM
compared with traditional immobilizers for the helicopterbased capture of wild ungulates. To evaluate BAM, we
focused on sedation quality, capture efficiency, and animal welfare. First, we assessed sedation quality by response
to stimuli and duration of immobilization. Second, we measured capture efficiency by timing of induction and
recovery. Third, we assessed animal welfare by checking vitals (rectal temperature, pulse, and oxygen saturation),
quantifying recovery times, and monitoring for postcapture mortality. We further compared the responses of
males and females to the drug by dose per kilogram of body mass. Finally, to assess whether BAM is a viable
alternative for the capture of large mammals, we compared our findings to previously published moose
immobilizations with etorphine, carfentanil, xylazine, succinylcholine, thiafentanil, and their permutations.
We conducted our work in the Absaroka Mountains, Wyoming, USA, (44°127.84N, 109°1018.48W) during
March 2020 and 2021. The climate was temperate and semiarid with average annual precipitation of 43cm (PRISM
Climate Group, March had a mean low temperature of 9°C and mean high
temperature of 6°C. Ambient temperatures during capture were 84°C. Elevation of captures ranged from 1,900
to 3,000 meters above sea level. Snow accumulation in capture areas was <0.5 meters. The region had coniferous
23285540, 2022, 3, Downloaded from by Rebecca Levine - Wyoming State Library , Wiley Online Library on [19/09/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
forests at high elevations, open shrubby habitat at low elevations, deciduous riparian areas, and agricultural land.
High elevation conifer species included subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), Englemann's spruce (Picea engelmannii),
whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis), and limber pine (Pinus flexilis). Lowlands were dominated by big sagebrush
(Artemisia tridentata), Rocky Mountain juniper (Juniperus scopulorum), and mixed grasslands. Riparian areas were
comprised of cottonwoods (Populus angustifolia, P. trichocarpa) and willows (Salix spp.). Agricultural land use was
predominantly hay cultivation (Medicago sativa).
We located 41 adult moose (26 females and 15 males) via helicopter and darted them with a cartridgefired
projector (Model 196, PneuDart, Williamsport, PA, USA). Chase times were routinely <2 minutes, and never
exceeded 5 minutes. Darts contained a premix of butorphanol (27.3 mg/ml; ZooPharm, Laramie, WY, USA),
azaperone (9.1 mg/ml; ZooPharm), and medetomidine (10.9 mg/ml; ZooPharm). We loaded darts for females with
2.2 ml and darts for males with 2.4 ml of BAM premix. We monitored moose responses to the initial dose and
darted the moose again with a full dose if there was no response to the drug within 15minutes. Capture crews
recorded the time darted and time of recumbency.
(Arnemo et al. 2003), although moose routinely remained in sternal recumbency, with head positioned
horizontally against the body. We removed the dart, and administered an antiinflammatory, flunixin
megalumine, intravenously (8.0 ml for males, 6.0 ml for females; 50 mg/ml; VetOne, Boise, ID, USA), and
prophylactically administered an antimicrobial, tulathromycin, subcutaneously (9.0 ml for males, 7.0 ml for
females; 100 mg/ml; Zoetis, Parsippany, NJ, USA). We measured pulse and oxygen saturation (SpO
pulse oximeter (Ohmeda TuffSat, General Electric Healthcare,Chicago,IL,USA);ininstanceswhereoxygen
saturation was seemingly low, we continued to monitor thereafter (Kreeger and Arnemo 2012). In the event of
consistently low oxygen saturation (<70%) or a downward trend in readings, we were prepared to supply
supplemental oxygen or reverse the immobilization. We took rectal temperature (Vicks SpeedRead Digital
Thermometer, Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, OH, USA) andusedanupperlimitof40.5°Cforthecontinuation
of processing. As part of a different research objective, we also collected morphometric measurements,
counted tick abundance, extracted an incisiform canine (for those captured for the first time), drew blood, and
collected hair and fecal samples. We assessed nutritional condition via palpation and ultrasonography of fat
depth (Stephenson et al. 1998,Monteithetal.2014). We checked pregnancy status via transrectal
ultrasonography (Stephenson et al. 1995), fitted pregnant females with vaginal implant transmitters, and
deployed GPS collars on all moose (VERTEX PLUS Collar; Vectronic Aerospace GmBH, Berlin, Germany).
We administered antagonists upon completion of handling procedures. Antagonists, atipamezole
(25 mg/ml; ZooPharm) and naltrexone (50 mg/ml; ZooPharm), were administered intramuscularly using
2 separate syringes. For females, we used target doses of 6.0 ml atipamezole (0.02/kg body mass) and 0.75 ml
naltrexone (0.002/kg body mass). In males target doses were 7.0 ml atipamezole (0.02/kg body mass) and
1.0 ml naltrexone (0.003/kg body mass). We recorded the start time of handling, time of antagonist injection,
We used the recorded times to calculate the following variables: induction time (darting to recumbency),
approach time (recumbency to approached), handling time (approached to reversed), recumbent time (start of
recumbency to standing), and recovery time (antagonist dose to standing). We used Welch's 2 Sample ttest to
compare event times and first vitals between males and females. We calculated body mass using body length and
chest girth (body mass = 87.8 + 30.0 × body length × chest girth
; Hundertmark and Schwartz 1998), and
subsequently tested relationships between event times (induction and recovery) and drug dose per kilogram of
body mass with the Pearson correlation coefficient. We performed all analyses with R (v. 4.0.3; R Core Team 2020).
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A single dart was sufficient to immobilize 37 of 41 moose. The 4 moose that required an additional dose of BAM
were darted with a full second dart after 15 minutes. One female was initially darted in the abdomen and showed
partial response. The second dart was administered from the ground and, though induction time after the second
dart was <10 minutes, the exact start of recumbency was not observed. One male and a second female showed no
response because the initial darts had frozen, rendering the agonist inert. Lastly, in a male showing no response to
the initial dose, the first dart partially penetrated the tuber ischium and consequently, none or very little of the
agonist was received by the animal as evidenced by the full dart upon removal. All moose that required a second
dart either had shot placement that prevented absorption of BAM into the bloodstream or inert agonist. We
censored the 4 moose who required additional darting from our analyses because they were not representative of
standardized capture conditions. Upon recumbency, no additional doses were necessary. Mean induction time was
9.2 ± 0.6 minutes (n= 36) and induction times did not differ between males and females (Table 1). Induction time did
not vary with BAM dose per kilogram of body mass (Pearson's r=0.277, P= 0.102).
Upon approach, all moose were in sternal or lateral recumbency with head lowered. Approach time was
25.4 ± 1.6 minutes (n= 28) and did not differ between males and females (Table 1). We noted persistent salivation
and sporadic respiratory vibrations (i.e., snoring) during immobilizations. We did not observe muscle twitching or
responses to stimuli. Temperature, pulse, and oxygen saturation also did not differ between males and females
(Table 1). Mean rectal temperature was 38.0 ± 0.2°C (n= 36). Mean pulse was 113.0 ± 8.4 beats per minute (n= 31;
slightly reduced sample size because of technological malfunction and failed reading of heart rate). Mean oxygen
saturation was 84.7 ± 1.3% (n= 36). In instances where oxygen saturation was initially low (<70%), we did not
observe downward trends and in no instances did saturation remain low. No supplemental oxygen was
administered. Mean body mass estimated via morphometric equations was 330 ± 7.9 kg and did not differ between
sexes (t
= 0.466, P= 0.646, n= 37). Ingestafree body fat was greater for females (6.53 ± 0.27%, n= 24) than for
males (5.24 ± 0.23%, t
= 3.651, P< 0.001, n= 13).
Mean recovery time was 7.2 ± 0.5 minutes (n= 37). Recovery time did not differ between sexes (Table 1).
Recovery time did not vary depending on dose of BAM, atipamezole, or naltrexone per kilogram of total body mass
(Pearson's r= 0.019, P= 0.913; r=0.001, P= 0.995; r=0.002, P= 0.990, respectively). Upon recovery,
TABLE 1 Welch's 2 Sample ttest comparison of event times and vitals for male and female moose (Alces alces
shirasi) immobilized with butorphanolazaperonemedetomidine during helicopterbased captures in March
20202021, Wyoming, USA. Event times include induction (darting to recumbency), approach (recumbency to
approached), handling (approached to reversed), recumbent (start of recumbency to standing), and recovery
(antagonist administration to standing).
Females Males Tests
Mean Range nMean Range nt P df
Induction (min) 9.4 519 23 8.6 618 13 0.751 0.459 27.32
Handling (min) 25.3 2032 24 20.6 1328 13 3.027 0.007 19.85
Approach (min) 25.7 1152 18 25.0 1836 10 0.214 0.833 24.46
Recumbent (min) 51.1 3683 18 45.2 3654 10 1.844 0.077 25.75
Recovery (min) 6.7 313 24 8.3 518 13 1.633 0.117 21.08
Temperature (°C) 38.0 35.240.5 23 38.0 36.439.8 13 0.174 0.863 31.05
Heart rate (bpm) 114.4 40240 21 109.9 62175 10 0.289 0.774 26.35
(%) 84.4 62100 23 85.2 6798 13 0.268 0.791 22.17
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we observed 5 moose coughing for up to one minute. Moose were recumbent for an average of 49.0 ± 1.8 minutes
(n= 28). Time to recumbency did not differ between sexes. Handling time was longer for females than males
(Table 1), likely because of additional time for pregnancy assessment. There were no mortalities during capture, nor
in the 2 months following capture.
A viable alternative to traditional immobilizers must provide timely inductions and reversals, induce reliable
sedation, and require a small injection volume that is compatible with remote delivery systems. Our results indicate
that BAM provided induction and recovery times that were longer but comparable to traditional drugs used for
moose immobilization (Table 2). Our immobilizations with BAM induced complete and consistent loss of
consciousness; moose remained unresponsive to stimulus until antagonists were administered. As for injection
volume, BAM doses fell within the range of volumes for traditional immobilizers (Table 2). The absence of significant
relationships between dose per kilogram of body mass and induction or recovery times suggests a buffered margin
for safe, effective dosing with BAM and its antagonists. Thus, BAM is a viable immobilant for aerial capture in terms
of induction quality, timing, and remote delivery.
TABLE 2 Comparison of chemical immobilants in moose (Alces alces) by mean dose per kilogram body mass,
event times, and mortalities
. Values for butorphanolazaperonemedetomidine were from the present study,
March 20202021, Wyoming, USA
. Doses and timing for other drugs are from published accounts of capture.
(min) Antagonist
(min) Mortalities nSource
0.1970.198 2.22.4 9.2 ± 0.6 Atipamezole
0.4950.527 7.2 ± 0.5 0 37 Present study
0.066 0.1240.151
0.26 ± 0.08 34 8.3 ± 2.6 Atipamezole
~0.55 6.7 ± 3.8 0 53 Lamglait et al.
0.09 ± 0.03 ~0.78
0.11 ± 0.03
Thiafentanil 0.0300.033 1 2.4 ± 0.4
3.6 ± 0.2
Naltrexone 0.900.99 2.9 ± 0.2 3 73 Kreeger et al.
Succinylcholine 0.051 0.951.90 13.0 ± 0.4 ——18 252 Delvaux et al.
Xylazine 4.0 4.35.0 8.7 ± 1.5 RX821002A 0.58 2.8 1 40 Delvaux et al.
0.007 1.171.50 6.6 ± 0.4 Naltrexone 0.709 3.7 4 72 Delvaux et al.
Etorphine 0.1920.260 0.77 4.4 ± 2.6 Diprenorphine ——0 19 Haga et al.
0.010 3.75 6.5 ± 2.5 Diprenorphine
0.013 2.2 ± 0.5 0 15 Evans et al.
0.221 0.022
Postcapture mortality monitoring was not standard, with some publications lacking mention of the time window. Known
mortality monitoring ranged from several days to 12 weeks.
Doses (mg/kg) for present study and Kreeger et al. 2005 calculated with mean body mass for Shiras moose (Schladweiler
and Stevens 1973).
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Like many immobilizers, BAM has cardiovascular side effects. Butorphanol can reduce respiration via nervous
system depression, azaperone has caused tachycardia and hypotension in domestic ungulates, and medetomidine
can prompt vasoconstriction and bradycardia (Serrano and Lees 1976, Sinclair 2003, Malamed 2017). Although
some of the side effects may counteract each other (i.e., tachycardia and bradycardia, hypotension and
vasoconstriction), the use of BAM is not without risk, including mainly respiratory depression and aspiration
(Arnemo et al. 2003, Mich et al. 2008, SiegalWillott et al. 2009). We observed a wide range of oxygen saturation
levels (62100%) with one animal dropping below 70%. Yet, recovery times were predictable (318 minutes), and
all moose survived more than 60 days postcapture with no obvious detrimental effects. Variable oxygen saturation
may point to the inconsistency of pulse oximetry, possibly because of vasoconstriction from medetomidine (Talke
and Stapelfeldt 2006, Malinowski et al. 2019). Given technological shortcomings, trends in oxygen saturation are
regarded as more informative than absolute SpO
values (Kreeger and Arnemo 2012). Moose with low initial
oxygen saturation all showed subsequent upward trends after adjustment of head position.
General wildlife handling protocols recommend corrective action in the event of sustained (>2 minutes) low
oxygen saturation (<70%; Kreeger and Arnemo 2012). A respiratory stimulant, doxapram hydrochloride, can be
used with supplemental oxygen to treat respiratory depression (Thompson et al. 2020) or in combination with chest
compressions to treat respiratory arrest (Arnemo et al. 2003). Appropriate interventions to treat low oxygen
saturation can protect against organ damage, capture myopathy (Kreeger and Arnemo 2012), and postcapture
hyperthermia (Thompson et al. 2020). Nevertheless, respiratory depression in sedated moose remains under-
studied, and currently no standard lower threshold for oxygen saturation exists for this cervid (Arnemo et al. 2003).
Such limitations on speciesspecific protocols highlight the importance of supplemental oxygen availability and fast
acting antagonists for precautionary reversal of immobilization.
Aspiration of saliva or regurgitated rumen fluid is a known risk during moose capture and is exacerbated by
chemical immobilization (Arnemo et al. 2003). Our protocols mitigated aspiration risk and facilitated saliva drainage
by positioning moose in sternal recumbency and supporting the head with nose below the neck or positioning the
head horizontally against the body (Arnemo et al. 2003). Such precautions, however, were only possible after the
arrival of capture crews. We noted coughing after recovery in a few instances, though, we suspected the coughing
to be associated with excessive salivation with BAM as opposed to aspiration of rumen fluid (Ellis et al. 2019).
Although we observed respiratory side effects (audible respiration, coughing upon recovery, and variable
oxygen saturation), survival postcapture was unaffected. Outcomes of eastern moose (Alces acles americanus)
captured with BAM reflected our findings (Lamglait et al. 2021). Similar capture protocols with a different
subspecies yielded moderate induction and reversal times, reliable immobilization, and only low oxygen saturation
as the primary animal welfare concern (Lamglait et al. 2021). Agonist and antagonist dosing varied between studies;
our captures used lower drug volumes and doses per kilogram body weight of BAM and naltrexone yet produced
similar induction, sedation quality, and reversal (Table 2). Accordingly, we conclude that BAM is a promising tool for
the aerial immobilization of moose and suggest followup studies to further investigate blood oxygen levels, validate
our results, and test the efficacy of BAM in other species.
Moose immobilized with BAM had brief inductions and recoveries, were unresponsive during handling, and had
high rates of postcapture survival. Furthermore, injection volume, induction time, and recovery time were
compatible with aerial capture needs (light darts for remote delivery and efficient use of flight time). As with all
capture efforts, dosages were specific to capture technique and animal size. We suspect associated dosage would
be less for ground capture when animals are less aroused (Kreeger et al. 2005, Thompson et al. 2020). Larger moose
subspecies also may require greater drug volume (Lamglait et al. 2021). Based on variability in oxygen saturation
levels, we recommend that supplemental oxygen be available when using BAM. The mean cost of inducing and
23285540, 2022, 3, Downloaded from by Rebecca Levine - Wyoming State Library , Wiley Online Library on [19/09/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
antagonizing one moose with BAM, atipamezole, and naltrexone was $4555. Inducing and reversing moose with
BAM was roughly 500% less expensive than costs reported for opioids used in the 1980s and 1990s (Delvaux et al.
1999). Helicopter flight time is expensive and poses high risk to personnel; thus, rapid and reliable inductions and
reversals, like those found with BAM, are essential to efficient use of resources and mitigation of flying risk. Though
BAM was efficacious for the capture of freeranging moose, in many instances, a potent and commercially available
opioid like thiafentanil is preferable for shorter inductions and reversals, smaller drug volumes, and upright head
position (Kreeger et al. 2005, Lian et al. 2016). Nevertheless, on the shifting landscape of opioid regulation,
manufacturing, and availability, BAM is accessible to researchers and managers, has low toxicity to humans, and
provided induction quality comparable to traditional immobilizers for a wild ungulate population.
We thank A. Pils with the Shoshone National Forest, and the Wyoming State Veterinary Lab. A special thank you to
our pilots: K. Stenberg with Yarak Aviation, D. Rivers with Native Range Capture Services, and T. Herby with 307
Aviation. We acknowledge C. Kroger for her continued support of capture efforts. This work was made possible by
the gracious permission of many private landowners in the Meeteetse region. A special thank you to S. Brainerd
(Associate Editor), A. Knipps (Editorial Assistant), A. Tunstall (Copy Editor), J. Levengood (Content Editor), and 2
anonymous reviewers for their careful consideration and feedback on the manuscript. Our work was supported by
the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, M. and C. Rumsey, M. Newhouse, A. Young and J. Nielson, and the
Wyoming Governor's Big Game License Coalition.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
All capture and handling protocols were approved by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department (Chapter 331285)
and the University of Wyoming Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (protocol 20200305KM0041201).
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Associate Editor: S. Brainerd.
How to cite this article: Levine, R. L., S. P. H. Dwinnell, B. Kroger, C. Class, and K. L. Monteith. 2022.
Helicopterbased immobilization of moose using butorphanolazaperonemedetomidine. Wildlife Society
Bulletin 46:e1327.
23285540, 2022, 3, Downloaded from by Rebecca Levine - Wyoming State Library , Wiley Online Library on [19/09/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
... Helicopter captures are more expensive than ground darting operations, are not always suitable in closed canopy habitats, and may result in increased stress and capture myopathy due to extended chase times (Arnemo et al. 2006, Latham et al. 2019. Helicopter-based captures also impose serious risks to personnel involved in capture operations (Levine et al. 2022). While ground darting may be a less expensive operation and may induce less stress on target animals (Boesch et al. 2011), it comes with a unique set of challenges. ...
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Telemetry studies allow scientists to track animal movements and study species ecology without direct visual observation. Fitting telemetry devices requires physical or chemical capture and restraint of animals. Ground darting is a commonly used technique to capture cervids but locating animals to dart and finding individuals post induction remains a challenge. Here we present an application of using thermal imaging drones to help locate, ground dart, and monitor target animals to ensure safe immobilization. We immobilized 10 free‐ranging Sitka black‐tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis), 8 of which were captured with the assistance of the thermal drone. The utilization of drones in wildlife ground darting operations can increase safety and efficiency, and reduce risk to researchers and study subjects.
... low snow depth or tall shrubs), we immobilized calves using a MKT kit (medetomidine, 0.06 mg/kg; ketamine, 1.5 mg/kg; telazol-zolazepam-B, 0.8 mg/kg; 0.03 ml/kg, similar to Muller et al. 2007) or a BAM kit (butorphanol, 27.3 mg/ml; 0.17 ml/kg; azaperone, 9.1 mg/ml; 0.06 ml/kg; medetomidine, 10.9 mg/ml; 0.07 ml/kg). Intramuscular injection of atipamezole reversed chemical immobilization for calves immobilized with MKT (0.2 mg/kg) or atipemazole with naltrexone for calves immobilized with BAM (25 mg/ml, 0.02 mg/kg; 50 mg/ml, 0.002 ml/kg; for atipemazole and naltrexone, respectively; Levine et al. 2022). All drug dosages were previously estimated for an average calf mass of 190 kg. ...
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Quantifying the consequences of winter ticks (Dermacentor albipictus) on the body condition and life‐history traits of moose (Alces alces) is a challenge due to several confounding factors. We experimentally reduced tick load on moose calves by testing the effectiveness of 2 acaricide treatments: one using topical permethrin (5%) alone and the other a combination of a more concentrated topical permethrin (44%) and orally administered fluralaner (25 mg/kg). We evaluated changes in tick load, body mass, hematocrit, and hair loss severity and occurrence, from recaptured or resighted moose calves over winter in Québec and New Brunswick, Canada. Nearly all untreated moose (94%, n = 41) experienced hair loss compared to calves that received the combination of permethrin (44%) and fluralaner (41%, n = 37). Of treated moose that exhibited hair loss, only 22% had more than 5% damage and some already had hair loss at capture. Capturing moose later likely increased the probability of observing hair loss when resighting treated moose, although hair loss essentially remained lower for treated calves than for untreated calves. In untreated moose, tick load at capture tended to drive hair loss, but calendar date mostly drove hair loss severity, especially during April. There was no clear effect of topical permethrin (5%) on tick load, body mass, and hematocrit. Body condition simply decreased from January captures to spring recaptures, regardless of treatment. Our results suggested that combining permethrin (44%) and fluralaner effectively reduced tick load based on hair loss severity and occurrence. We cannot, however, disentangle the individual effects of permethrin (44%) and fluralaner. We discuss research implications and considerations of using such a treatment for reducing winter tick load.
... We chemically immobilized male and female adult moose (≥1 year) via helicopter (Levine et al., 2022). For the duration of the study, we sought to maintain 15 collared animals of each sex (approximately 30% of the population). ...
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Males in polygynous systems may be facing a trade‐off between the traits that enhance reproductive success and the need to cope with environmental change. To secure mates, males invest into large bodies, lavish ornaments and costly activities, but these investments may be incompatible with future environments. As climatic change intensifies, thermal stressors could be disrupting the energy‐intensive pathways that historically have yielded mating opportunity. We evaluated how traits associated with social dominance interacted with environmental conditions to shape mating behaviour and opportunity in moose (Alces alces), a heat‐sensitive species in which southern populations live at the edge of their thermal tolerance. We anticipated that males with favourable characteristics (e.g. age, weaponry) would allocate more to reproduction, resulting in increased mating opportunity. We expected that warm temperatures would limit reproductive effort, especially as age and weapon size increased. We quantified mating tactics, effort, and opportunity for male moose ranging in age from 1.5 to 11.5 years. We used hidden Markov models to detect mating tactics, accelerometer data to quantify movement effort, and proximity to females as a proxy for mating opportunity. We modelled these mating dynamics as a function of age, weapon size, and ambient temperature. Warm temperatures exaggerated age‐related differences in time and effort allocated to reproductive movement. Heat disproportionately limited reproductive effort in old males, the ages that also had the greatest mating opportunity. Even though warm temperatures altered mating behaviour, they did not reduce mating opportunity. Across temperatures, mating opportunity was highest in prime‐age and old males, yet time and effort devoted to reproductive movement decreased with age. Climate change, which is increasing autumn temperatures, may increase variation in reproductive effort across ages and depress the movement of old males, who are typically the primary breeders. The discrepancy between behaviour and opportunity suggests that movement is not a reliable pathway to reproduction and emphasizes the advantages of energy‐saving strategies, especially as environments become more taxing for heat‐sensitive species. We reveal the limitations of movement effort in polygynous mating strategies and the susceptibility of this critical life history stage to environmental change. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
... Eleven calves were tranquilized with a mix of medetomidine (0.029 mg/kg), ketamine (1.07 mg/kg), and telazol (0.48 mg/kg) and reversed with atipamezole (0.15 mg/kg) (n = 11) (Sutherland-Smith et al. 2004;Muller et al. 2007). Two calves were tranquilized with a mix of butorphanol (0.22 mg/kg), azaperone (0.08 mg/kg), and medetomidine (0.09 mg/kg) reversed with a mix of atipamezol (0.22 mg/kg) and naltrexone (0.43 mg/kg) (n = 2) (Harms et al. 2018;Levine et al. 2022). All drug usage and dosages were supervised by a veterinarian (M. ...
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For many mammals living at higher latitudes, food scarcity and snow-hindered movements associated with their first winter are synonymous of trying months. In addition, most wild animals have to cope with parasites. Many studies have been conducted on captive animals to assess consequences parasitism on health over winter, but comparable studies on wild populations are scarce for large mammals. Here, we performed winter tick (Dermacentor albipictus Packard, 1869) counts and collected body condition data (mass and hematological parameters) on 15 moose (Alces alces (Linnaeus, 1758)) calves from two distinct climatic regions in northern and southern New Brunswick (Canada) in January. The same calves were recaptured 3 months later to observe variation in body condition parameters. Higher tick loads and more drastic changes of hematological parameters, such as hematocrit and creatinine in southern individuals, suggested that this population might be suffering more from the consequences of winter tick infestation than the northernmost population. However, other parameters that were not measured in our study, such as quantity and quality of food, could influence moose calves body condition at the southeastern limit of their range.
We chemically immobilized a free-ranging moose subspecies, Shiras moose (Alces alces shirasi), using a combination of butorphanol (27.3 mg/mL), azaperone (9.1 mg/mL), and medetomidine (10.9 mg/mL). Ground and helicopter darting with fixed doses of 2 mL and 3 mL, respectively, safely immobilized 13 individuals in Wyoming, USA.
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Management and research of moose (Alces alces) in Alaska, USA, often require chemical immobilization; however, moose may be prone to capture‐induced hyperthermia while immobilized. We chemically immobilized moose with carfentanil citrate and xylazine hydrochloride to measure rump fat depth, collect blood and fecal samples, and to deploy modified vaginal implant transmitters and global positioning system (GPS)‐collars for recording body temperature and movement during and after the chemical immobilization. We predicted wild moose pursued and captured from a helicopter would have elevated body temperature at time of capture, whereas body temperature would remain stable in hand‐raised captive moose not pursued and only hand‐injected for immobilization. Additionally, we expected post‐capture body temperature would be a function of activity, time immobilized, and ambient temperature. As predicted, body temperature of wild moose was elevated 1 hour after capture (38.9°C, 95% CI = 38.7–39.1°C) but returned to baseline levels within 3 hours (38.0°C, 95% CI = 37.9–38.1°C); however, body temperatures then rose above baseline levels and remained elevated 12–48 hours post‐capture when movement rates were also elevated. Body temperatures in captive moose were not elevated 1‐hour post‐immobilization (37.9°C, 95% CI = 37.8–38.0°C). Body temperatures of wild moose were positively related to cortisol levels at time of capture. Two moose that died after immobilization had initial body temperatures similar to other immobilized moose; however, their body temperature began to rise at 17 hours and 40 hours post‐immobilization. Our study provides evidence that chemical immobilization affects body temperature and movement of wild moose up to 48 hours after capture, possibly as a result of renarcotization from carfentanil citrate. With advancements in technology, we recommend fine‐scale GPS data (<1‐hr fix rates) and continuous body temperature be evaluated to detect evidence of renarcotization during and after opioid‐based captures of northern ungulates. © 2020 The Wildlife Society. Our study provides evidence that chemically immobilizing moose affects body temperature and movements in moose for up to 48 hours after capture. With advancements in technology, we recommend fine‐scale global positioning system data (<1‐hr fix rates) and continuous body temperature be evaluated to detect evidence of renarcotization during and after opioid‐based captures of northern ungulates.
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Field immobilization of native or invasive wild pigs (Sus scrofa) is challenging. Drug combinations commonly used often result in unsatisfactory immobilization, poor recovery, and adverse side effects, leading to unsafe handling conditions for both animals and humans. We compared four chemical immobilization combinations, medetomidine–midazolam–butorphanol (MMB), butorphanol–azaperone–medetomidine (BAM™), nalbuphine–medetomidine–azaperone (NalMed-A), and tiletamine–zolazepam–xylazine (TZX), to determine which drug combinations might provide better chemical immobilization of wild pigs. We achieved adequate immobilization with no post-recovery morbidity with MMB. Adequate immobilization was achieved with BAM™; however, we observed post-recovery morbidity. Both MMB and BAM™ produced more optimal results relative to body temperature, recovery, and post-recovery morbidity and mortality compared to TZX. Adequate immobilization was not achieved with NalMed-A. Of the four drug combinations examined, we conclude that MMB performed most optimally for immobilization and recovery of wild pigs.
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Purpose of Review Opioid misuse and abuse in the USA has evolved into an epidemic of tragic pain and suffering, resulting in the estimated death of over 64,000 people in 2016. Governmental regulation has escalated alongside growing awareness of the epidemic’s severity, both on the state and federal levels. Recent Findings This article reviews the timeline of government interventions from the late 1990s to today, including the declaration of the opioid crisis as a national public health emergency and the resultant changes in funding and policy across myriad agencies. Aspects of the cultural climate that fuel the epidemic, and foundational change that may promote sustained success against it, are detailed within as well. Summary As a consequence of misuse and abuse of opioids, governmental regulation has attempted to safeguard society, and clinicians should appreciate changes and expectations of prescribers.
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Maximizing animal wellbeing by minimizing drug-related side effects is a key consideration when choosing pharmaceutical agents for chemical restraint in nonhuman primates. One drug combination that may promote this ideology is butorphanol (27.3 mg/mL), azaperone (9.1 mg/mL), and medetomidine (10.9 mg/mL; BAM). Based on results from a pilot study, 2 doses of BAM (16 and 24 μL/kg IM) were compared in healthy, 3-y-old rhesus macaques. Physiologic parameters and anesthetic quality were assessed and recorded every 5 min. Experimental endpoints were established for hypoxemia (85% or less peripheral oxygen saturation with oxygen supplementation), pulse rate (80 bpm or less for 2 consecutive readings), mean arterial pressure (MAP; 50 mm Hg or less), and hypothermia (97 °F or less); if any endpoint was achieved, medetomidine was reversed by using atipamezole (0.22 mg/kg IM). Both BAM doses resulted in immobilization of all animals with no clinically significant differences between groups. All animals initially exhibited hypoxemia that resolved with oxygen supplementation. Regardless of dose, most macaques (71%) reached established experimental endpoints for bradycardia (62 to 80 bpm) or hypotension (44 to 50 mm Hg MAP). Given the results of this study, our recommendation regarding the use of 16- or 24-μL/kg BAM for immobilizing rhesus macaques is dependent on caution regarding cardiopulmonary parameters and the provision of supplemental oxygen.
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Objective: The butorphanol-azaperone-medetomidine fixed-dose combination (BAM, respectively, 30-12-12 mg mL⁻¹) with subsequent antagonism by naltrexone-atipamezole was evaluated for reversible immobilization of captive cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus). Study design: Prospective, clinical trial. Animals: Twelve cheetahs (six males and six females, weighing 37–57 kg) housed in enclosures, were immobilized at Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre in the Republic of South Africa. Methods: BAM volume dose rate was 0.009–0.014 mL kg⁻¹ (mean ± standard deviation 0.010 ± 0.001 mL kg⁻¹). Total dose in all animals was 0.5 mL. The actual doses were as follows: butorphanol (0.29 ± 0.04 mg kg⁻¹), azaperone (0.12 ± 0.01 mg kg⁻¹) and medetomidine (0.12 ± 0.01 mg kg⁻¹). Physiologic variables and quality of immobilization were recorded every 5 minutes beginning at 15–20 minutes after darting. Arterial blood samples were collected three times at 20, 30 and 40 minutes after darting from all animals for analysis of blood oxygenation and acid-base status. Results: The inductions were calm and smooth and mean induction time was 4.0 ± 1.1 minutes. Heart rate (50 ± 9 beats minute⁻¹) and respiratory frequency (20 ± 3 breaths minute⁻¹) were stable throughout immobilization. The recovery time after reversing with naltrexone and atipamezole was 9.1 ± 3.6 minutes. Conclusions: and clinical relevance BAM proved to be a reliable and cardiovascular stable drug combination for immobilization of cheetahs. © 2018 Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists and American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia
Lipids are the primary energy store of the body and estimation of these reserves provides an indication of nutritional status in moose (Alces alces). Estimates of total body fat enhance our understanding of reproductive potential, survival rate, energy balance, and nutritional carrying capacity. We developed predictive equations of total body fat and body mass from ultrasonographic fat measurements for application in live animals. We detected a strong linear relationship (r ² = 0.96) between ingesta-free body fat and rump fat thickness measured by ultrasonography. Rump fat thickness was measurable over a range of body fat levels (5.8-19.1%). Rump fat mass (r ² = 0.92) and kidney fat mass (r ² = 0.95) were curvilinearly related to ingesta-free body fat level. For adult females, total length and chest girth were not related to body mass. Ingesta-free body fat, however, explained 81% of the variability in body mass, and ultrasonically measured rump fat thickness predicted body mass (r ² = 0.80).
Fifty-three free-ranging moose (Alces americanus) cows were darted from a helicopter with 3-4 ml of a premix combination of butorphanol (27.3 mg/ml), azaperone (9.1 mg/ml), and medetomidine (10.9 mg/ml; BAM), equivalent to estimated dosages of: butorphanol 0.26 ± 0.08 (mean ± SD) mg/kg, azaperone 0.09 ± 0.03 mg/kg, and medetomidine 0.11 ± 0.03 mg/kg. After a mean chase time (from sighting to darting) of 6.1 ± 5.5 min, the mean induction time (from darting to recumbency) was 8.3 ± 2.6 min. This combination provided a safe and reliable sedation for minor procedures that lasted 30-60 min. Heart rate (50.4 ± 7.0 beats/min), respiratory rate (21.3 ± 11.1 breaths/minute), ETCO2 via nasal canula (43.2 ± 7.0 mmHg), and rectal temperature (38.5°C ± 0.7°C) mostly remained at expected values for wild cervid and bovid species anesthetized with this drug combination. SpO2 (90.0% ± 3.7%) was suggestive of moderate hypoxemia despite intranasal oxygen supplementation (1 L per 100 kg/min). The recovery time to standing was 6.7 ± 3.8 min after reversal with IM naltrexone (3 mg/mg butorphanol) and atipamezole (5 mg/mg medetomidine). Despite a larger volume to inject, this protocol offers an alternative to highly potent opioids, and should be considered for practical or staff safety reasons. On the basis of the results of this study, the use of 4 ml of BAM is considered a safe and effective protocol for immobilization of cow moose under comparable settings.
Butorphanol–Azaperone–Medetomidine (BAM) is a relatively new drug mixture compounded for the past decade to immobilize mammals, particularly ungulates. Despite its increased use in recent years, scant research has quantified the physiologic responses of immobilized animals or assessed its relative efficacy using different trapping methods. We tested the safety and efficacy of BAM for use in the immobilization of 198 free‐ranging white‐tailed deer ( Odocoileus virginianus ) captured using drop‐nets, Clover traps, and gun‐propelled darts from 1 January 2014 to 28 July 2016 in Kentucky and Indiana, USA. Use of BAM produced a safe and satisfactory plane of immobilization that rarely required treatment of side effects. First signs of induction were observed on average at 4.4 ± 0.2 (standard error) minutes post–intramuscular administration, and deer reached lateral recumbency at 8.6 ± 0.4 minutes. Times to first signs of induction and the induction period were longer for adults than for juveniles, while times to the first sign of reversal, lifting head, and standing were longer for juveniles than adults. Although physiologic responses of deer during induction were within published norms, respiration rates, body temperature, heart rates, and oxygen saturation typically declined throughout the immobilization period. Our BAM dose did not affect time to recovery or heart rate. Regardless of trapping method, on average, heart rate was 61.2 ± 0.7 beats/minute, respiratory rate was 29.1 ± 0.5 breaths/minute, temperature was 38.93° ± 0.04° C, and oxygen saturation was 85.0% ± 0.3%. Deer showed first signs of reversal at 4.3 ± 0.3 minutes after administration of the reversal agent intramuscularly or half‐intramuscularly and half‐intravenously and were fully recovered after 6.3 ± 0.4 minutes. In summary, we found that BAM was an efficacious and safe drug to use on white‐tailed deer captured by a variety of trapping methods. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.
A total of 58 American beavers (Castor canadensis) was immobilized with butor-phanol, azaperone, and medetomidine (BAM) for the purpose of health assessments, sex determination , and placement of very high-frequency tail transmitters in a subset of animals. Isoflurane gas anesthesia was available to aid with induction when needed, and all animals received supplementary oxygen. Thirty-one beavers immobilized with a mean (SD) dose of 0.65 (0.15) mg/kg butorphanol, 0.22 (0.05) mg/kg azaperone, and 0.26 (0.06) mg/kg medetomidine did not require supplemental isoflurane during induction and the mean induction time was 8 min (range: 3-21 min). This dose was equivalent to 0.024 (0.005) mL of BAM per kilogram. A total of 29 beavers that was immobilized with a mean (SD) of 0.51 (0.07) mg/ kg butorphanol, 0.17 (0.02) mg/kg azaperone, and 0.2 (0.03) mg/kg medetomidine needed supplementary isoflurane at 5% and 5 L/min for ,1 min to induce full anesthesia. In none of the beavers did BAM alone provide sufficient depth of anesthesia to drill a hole in the tail for transmitter placement, and supplementary isoflurane was administered to reach a sufficient level of analgesia for the procedure. The beavers were reversed with 5 mg of atipamezole per milligram of medetomidine and 1 mg of naltrexone per milligram of butorphanol. No adverse effects or mortalities were observed. Butorphanol-azaper-one-medetomidine can be considered safe for use in American beavers for minor procedures.
Wildlife anesthetic protocols must offer rapid inductions and recoveries, be physiologically safe, and be minimally regulated. With this in mind, we evaluated differences in induction and recovery times and physiological parameters in 33 American black bears ( Ursus americanus) anesthetized with ketamine-xylazine (KX) or immobilized with a commercial drug combination of butorphanol, azaperone, and medetomidine (BAM). Dose was based on mass estimated from field observations. Bears were housed at Appalachian Bear Rescue, Townsend, Tennessee, US, or free-ranging within the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Tennessee and North Carolina, US) and chemically immobilized for management purposes. From 11 April to 29 June 2016, we immobilized bears with injection via pole syringe or disposable dart projected from an air-powered dart rifle. Once immobilized, we measured each bear's temperature, respiration (breaths/min), heart rate (beats/min), hemoglobin oxygen saturation (via pulse oximetry), arterial blood gases, and mass (kg). We found no differences in the induction parameters, partial pressures of CO2, and rectal temperatures. The BAM-treated bears had lower heart and respiratory rates that led to lower hemoglobin oxygen saturation levels (from blood gas analysis, SaO2). The SaO2after treatment with BAM (91.1±0.8%) was lower than with KX (93.4±0.9%). After handling, we reversed KX-treated bears with a x̄=0.2±0.02 mg/kg yohimbine and BAM-treated bears with x̄=1.5±0.1 mg/kg atipamezole and 0.8±0.1 mg/kg naltrexone. We found no differences in the recovery times to increased respiration and to the bear assuming a head-up position. The BAM-treated bears stood and recovered quicker than did KX-treated animals. Based on our observations, BAM appears to offer safe, predictable immobilizations with fewer drawbacks and faster recovery times than KX-treated bears.