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Fragility Analysis of Deteriorating Bridge Components Subjected to Simulated Ground-Motion Sequences



This study assesses the impact of corrosion deterioration on the seismic performance of bridge components during a sequence of ground motions. Specifically, a simplified methodology is proposed to derive state-dependent fragility relationships for bridge components (i.e., fragility relationships that explicitly depend on the damage state achieved by the component during a first shock) subjected to chloride-induced corrosion and 500 simulated mainshock-induced ground-motion sequences. Specifically, vector-valued probabilistic seismic demand models are derived for various corrosion levels. Those models relate the dissipated hysteretic energy in the sequence to a deformation-based engineering demand parameter induced by the first shock and a ground-motion intensity measure of the second shock, calibrated via sequential cloud-based time-history analyses. For each corrosion level, fragility relationships are first derived for a single ground motion; state-dependent fragility relationships are then derived by considering the additional damage induced by a second ground motion within the simulated sequence (structure-specific damage states are considered). Finally, continuous functional models are developed from the analysis results to estimate the fragility relationships at a given corrosion level. The results demonstrate the significant impact of environmental deterioration in seismic-prone regions, emphasising the necessity of accounting for deteriorating effects in current practice.
Otárola K, Fayaz J, Galasso C. Fragility analysis of deteriorating bridge components subjected to simulated ground-motion
sequences. Proceedings of the 12th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research
Institute, Salt Lake City, UT. 2022.
Fragility Analysis of Deteriorating Bridge Components
Subjected to Simulated Ground-Motion Sequences
K. Otárola
, J. Fayaz
and C. Galasso
This study assesses the impact of corrosion deterioration on the seismic performance of bridge components during a sequence
of ground motions. Specifically, a simplified methodology is proposed to derive state-dependent fragility relationships for
bridge components (i.e., fragility relationships that explicitly depend on the damage state achieved by the component during a
first shock) subjected to chloride-induced corrosion and 500 simulated mainshock-induced ground-motion sequences.
Specifically, vector-valued probabilistic seismic demand models are derived for various corrosion levels. Those models relate
the dissipated hysteretic energy in the sequence to a deformation-based engineering demand parameter induced by the first
shock and a ground-motion intensity measure of the second shock, calibrated via sequential cloud-based time-history analyses.
For each corrosion level, fragility relationships are first derived for a single ground motion; state-dependent fragility
relationships are then derived by considering the additional damage induced by a second ground motion within the simulated
sequence (structure-specific damage states are considered). Finally, continuous functional models are developed from the
analysis results to estimate the fragility relationships at a given corrosion level. The results demonstrate the significant impact
of environmental deterioration in seismic-prone regions, emphasising the necessity of accounting for deteriorating effects in
current practice.
Earthquake-induced ground motions lead to intermittent shocks to a structure during its lifetime, while ageing
and deteriorating effects constitute a continuous mechanism of environmentally-induced damage accumulation
[1]. Currently, it is known that a considerable proportion of the civil infrastructure systems/infrastructure
components across the globe shows visible signs of ageing and deterioration, especially while approaching the
end of their design lifetime [2]. Therefore, the simultaneous consideration of infrequent ground-motion
sequences and ageing and deteriorating effects in seismic-prone regions is critical for risk preparedness and
risk-informed decision making. Among the various mechanisms that structures are likely to experience when
exposed to environmental hazards, chloride-induced corrosion deterioration is of particular interest from the
structural performance standpoint [3]. The significance of considering primary and secondary effects of
chloride-induced corrosion deterioration on structural material properties (e.g., percentage of area loss of steel
PhD student, Dept. of Science, Technology and Society, Scuola Universitaria Superiore (IUSS) Pavia, Pavia, PV 27100
Research fellow, Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, University College London, London, WC1E 6BT
Full professor, Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, University College London, London, WC1E 6BT
rebar) for lifetime structural response and damage/loss have been addressed by several authors [46],
highlighting the potential underestimation of seismic fragility/losses when not accounting for this threat [7
10]. Depending on the severity of the environmental exposure, these mechanisms may lead to loss of structural
capacity of structural components [1113]. Therefore, efforts towards a structural performance-based
assessment framework under joint - yet uncorrelated - seismic and environmental hazards are imperative. Here,
a simplified methodology is presented to derive state-dependent fragility relationships under mainshock-
induced ground-motion sequences for a given corrosion deterioration level of interest. In the context of this
paper, state-dependent fragility relationships explicitly express the dependency on the damage state achieved
by a bridge component during a first shock. Specifically, the proposed methodology is exercised using the
physics-based hybrid ground-motion simulations of Cybershake 15.12 and a real ordinary bridge structure
designed for southern California (La Veta Avenue, Orange, California). The ground-motion sequences are
utilised to perform nonlinear time-history analyses of the case-study bridge structure. The results of the
analyses are then used to derive structure-specific fragility relationships for different corrosion levels under
single ground motion and state-dependent fragility relationships to model the increased damage caused by the
following ground motions in the sequences. The results emphasise the necessity to incorporate deteriorating
effects in structural performance-based assessments to account for the accelerated deterioration of structures
during their lifetime.
State-dependent Fragility Analysis
A two-spanned double-column ordinary bridge structure (i.e., Bridge B [14]) is selected as a case study to
investigate the effects of the mainshock-induced seismic sequences on the fragility of deteriorating structural
components. The structural performance of ordinary bridge structures is mainly inferred by the response of
their columns [14,15]. Therefore, in this study, the assessment is conducted primarily on the columns of the
bridges sole bent. The proposed state-dependent fragility relationships are not explicitly conditioned on time;
instead, they are conditioned on a corrosion deterioration parameter () that implicitly depends on time [3].
Here, corresponds to the percentage area loss of steel rebar [16], denominated arbitrarily as corrosion
deterioration level. The corrosion deterioration level depends directly on the type of environmental exposure.
Therefore, unlike exposure-specific time-dependent fragility relationships, the developed fragility
relationships dependent on the percentage of area loss of steel rebar are more applicable and generic for
different exposure scenarios. In total, six equally spaced deterioration levels are considered ranging from 0%
up to 25%. Along with the percentage area loss of rebar steel, corrosion results in various secondary effects.
These secondary effects are accounted for in terms of reductions in structural material properties such as cover
concrete strength [17], core concrete strength [18], steel yield strength [19], steel ultimate strength [19], and
steel ultimate strain [20]; all been reduced as a function of the deterioration level . For each of those levels,
a bridge computational model is developed; the adopted nonlinear modelling strategy implemented via the
software framework OpenSeesPy [21] is consistent with the work of Fayaz et al. [14].
Monte-Carlo simulation is used to obtain catalogues (with interarrival times following the Poisson
assumption) of simulated ground motions (hybrid simulations) from the CyberShake 15.12 [22,23] database,
representing a 100-year bridge lifetime. In this study, among the ~900 southern California sites available in
CyberShake [22], the simulations are obtained for Los Angeles Downtown (LADT) because of its proximity
to seismic sources coupled with a large inventory of buildings and bridge structures. The simulated ground
motion set is limited to the seismic sources [22] that lie within 100 km from the LADT site. Within this setting,
the simulated ground motions for LADT are randomly sampled using the annual probabilities of occurrence
of the corresponding rupture variations, ruptures and sources [22,23]. Ground-motion sequences are then
assembled using consecutive simulated ground motions with a maximum interarrival time of 12 months
between the events. This assumption is to select seismic sequences occurring between the probable
decision/repairing actions after a significant earthquake event [9]. Finally, the 500 ground-motion sequences
(i.e., a first mainshock, , followed by a second mainshock, ) with higher  (denoted
herein as  for brevity) in both shocks are arbitrarily selected (with a minimum threshold of 0.1g). The
previous intensity measure () is estimated as the geometrical mean of seven equally-spaced 
pseudo-acceleration spectral ordinates [24] within the range [,2.5] including the fundamental structural
period, where (i.e., 0.37 s) is the dominant structural period in the transversal direction [25]. Note that the
first three modal periods of the bridge structure are 0.83 s, 0.44 s and 0.37 s, respectively.
Sequential cloud-based nonlinear time-history analyses are performed using the above inputs for the
various corrosion deterioration levels. For each considered ground-motion sequence, an analysis is conducted
by rotating the two orthogonal components of the ground motions on the bridge structure through 180 degrees
at 30 degrees intervals. From the six rotated responses, the median value of the maximum curvature (),
as well as the column associated median of the dissipated hysteretic energy () are derived for
both and . This data is used to calibrate probabilistic seismic demand models (s), represented
by a surface depending on the deformation-based engineering demand parameter () from the  and
the selected intensity measure () from the . The s are derived by fitting the response surface
󰇛󰇜 as per Gentile and Galasso [26].  is the total dissipated hysteretic energy
in the sequence (i.e., in  and ; that is the summation of );  is the dissipated hysteretic
energy during  (i.e.,  due to );  is the dissipated hysteretic energy during  (i.e.,
 due to );  is the associated deformation-based  for  (); and  is the
associated  for  (). A five parameter (i.e., , , , , and ) functional form is fitted as shown
in Eq. 1, for each deterioration level of the analysed structural component (i.e., the bridge column).
    󰇛 󰇜
Using the deformation-based  thresholds (
) for  (estimated via pushover analyses) and the
energy-based  threshold (
) for  (obtained using s), and inverting Eq. 1, the median and
dispersion of the desired fragility relationship are computed. A total of four  are selected to perform the
state-dependent fragility analyses, which are: a) slight damage (); b) moderate damage (); c) extensive
damage (); and d) complete damage (). No damage is defined as . Continuous functional models
are fitted using the previously obtained values using a quadratic functional form to predict the median and
dispersion at any deterioration level of interest.
The fitted continuous functional models and the derived fragility relationships are first presented for the
component in pristine conditions to display the influence of the chloride-induced corrosion deterioration. After
performing a stepwise regression, a polynomial quadratic functional form is selected for the median fragility
and dispersion prediction models (Fig. 1a). The fitted models explain a high proportion of the variance (above
95% in every case). It can be observed that the deteriorating effects are more apparent at , with a difference
in the fragility median of the model of about 67% between the pristine and deteriorated ( =25%) conditions.
It is also noticeable that the impact of corrosion on  and  can be negligible for engineering purposes.
This is more easily observable in the fragility relationships (Fig. 1b), where the relationship correspondent to
and  are more apparently affected by the deterioration mechanisms.
Similarly, to understand the combined effects of ground-motion sequences and corrosion-induced
deterioration effects, state-dependent fragility relationships are shown for pristine (Fig. 2a) and deteriorated
( =25%) (Fig. 2b) conditions. As expected, the observed difference in the median fragility values indicates
that the deteriorated component is more fragile than the pristine component. Moreover, higher reductions in
the median fragility values are attained when conditioning on the various s, in the deteriorated component.
For instance, differences up to 35% are observed between the structural component in pristine and deteriorated
( =25%) conditions for  given no damage. Differences up to 49% are observed for the same conditions
for  given . In general, the median fragility values reduce as the corrosion deterioration level increases,
and the differences between the undamaged and the damaged (conditioned on a previous ) median fragility
values are higher in a deteriorated component rather than one in pristine conditions, given the ground-motion
Figure 1. a) Median fragility values as a function of the deterioration level ; and b) fragility relationships
under various (i.e., 0%, 12.5% and 25%) deterioration levels ; of the bridge column.
Figure 2. a) State-dependent fragility relationships in pristine conditions; and b) state-dependent fragility
relationships for =25% deterioration level; of the bridge column.
A simplified methodology to derive state-dependent fragility relationships for structural components subjected
to mainshock-induced ground-motion sequences while experiencing chloride-induced corrosion deterioration
along their lifetime was presented. It was demonstrated that seismic and environmental multi-hazard
mechanisms could negatively impact the fragility of structural components. It was further observed that the
components become weaker following earthquake-induced damage, and corrosion-induced deterioration can
accelerate this loss of structural capacity. Therefore, the combined consideration of infrequent earthquake-
induced ground-motion sequences and environmentally-induced corrosion deterioration in seismic-prone
regions is critical for risk preparedness and decision making to minimise societal losses.
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A framework to derive state-dependent fragility relationships of structures subjected to ground-motion sequences (e.g. mainshock-aftershock (MS-AS) or triggered earthquakes) is proposed. The hysteretic energy dissipated in the sequence is adopted as the main demand parameter, as it is a cumulative measure mono-tonically increasing with the length of the excitation. For a structure subjected to earthquake-induced ground motions, it is not possible to define a closed-form representation of the hysteretic energy as a function of the peak deformation. However, based on theoretical considerations, the hysteretic energy-peak deformation trend is discussed, highlighting that (a) the significant duration of the ground motion explains the variability of the hysteretic energy for a given peak deformation; (b) the hysteretic energy dissipated in an AS decreases (for a given AS peak displacement) if the peak displacement in the MS increases. A vector-valued probabilistic seismic demand model consistent with these considerations is proposed in the form of a surface relating the hysteretic energy in the sequence to the peak deformation in the MS and a ground-motion intensity measure of the AS. This is calibrated via sequential cloud-based time-history analyses. The framework is demonstrated for 14 reinforced concrete frame buildings with different height, plastic mechanisms, and infill distributions. The results show the feasibility of the proposed approach, effectively capturing damage accumulation without inconsistencies in the obtained statistical model. The framework may be used for risk-assessment applications explicitly incorporating ground-motion sequences. The hysteretic energy versus peak deformation relationship may also be exploited in problems involving long-duration ground motions or soft soils.
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Current seismic design procedures such as Caltrans Seismic Design Criteria (2013, 2019) are continuously evolving to develop methodologies for conducting seismic analysis to achieve more accurate estimations of the demands corresponding to target hazard levels. The most widely used conventional procedure to conduct seismic demand analysis is to scale recorded or simulated ground motions to achieve the intensity measure (IM) associated with the target hazard level. The scaled ground motions are then used to conduct the nonlinear time-history analysis (NLTHA) of the bridge models, and the obtained response values are then utilized to design the bridge structure. This study systematically shows how to make use of site-based synthetic ground motions for assessing the seismic demands of Caltrans ordinary bridges in the context of performance-based design. Within this framework, catalogs of synthetic ground motions representing a time-span of 100,000 years for seven sites in Southern California are generated; the ground motions are then used to conduct NLTHA of four Caltrans standard ordinary bridge structures (denoted as A, B, C, and F). Using the results of the analyses, statistical methods of Hypothesis T-Test and KL-Divergence are applied to obtain the optimal number of ground motions and ground motion intercept angles that can statistically replicate the results of simulated ground motions that naturally possess the IM of the target hazard level. Scaling relations are provided that convert engineering demand parameters (EDP) associated with IM for a target hazard level with EDPs directly representing the target hazard level.
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This paper presents a probabilistic framework for life-cycle seismic resilience assessment of aging bridges and transportation road networks subjected to infrastructure upgrade. The proposed framework accounts for the uncertainties in damage occurrence of vulnerable deteriorating bridges and restoration rapidity of the overall system functionality. The time-variant bridge fragilities and the damage combinations probability are evaluated considering different earthquake magnitudes and epicenter locations that define the seismic scenario. Traffic analyses are carried out to assess in probabilistic terms the network functionality profiles, the corresponding resilience levels, and a damage-based measure of life-cycle resilience. The effects of structural deterioration, seismic damage, and post-event repair actions under uncertainty are related to traffic restrictions applied over the network. The framework is applied to reinforced concrete bridges exposed to chloride-induced corrosion and simple road networks with a single bridge or two bridges in series under different earthquake scenarios. The effect of network upgrading is also investigated by adding road segments with a vulnerable bridge to strengthen the network connectivity and improve the lifetime system resilience. The results show the capability of the proposed resilience framework in quantifying the detrimental effects of structural deterioration at the network scale and the beneficial consequences of infrastructure investments, such as enhancing the network redundancy with the construction of an additional highway branch.
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The performance of lifelines under damage and emergency conditions induced by sudden extreme events, such as earthquakes, can be assessed based on the concept of resilience. Damage also arises in time due to aging, affecting the structural performance of each network component and, consequently, impairing the overall system functionality. Furthermore, the sparse location over the network of vulnerable deteriorating structures, such as spatially distributed bridges, should be taken into account to establish proper infrastructure management policies. In this article, a probabilistic approach is proposed to assess the seismic performance of transportation networks considering the uncertainties involved in the lifetime structural response of aging bridges under different earthquake scenarios. The time-variant seismic capacity associated with prescribed limit states is evaluated by nonlinear incremental dynamic analysis. The initial damage induced by seismic events and its recovery process through structural repair is related to traffic restrictions to different road users. Traffic flow distribution analyses are carried out over the road network to assess the post-event system functionality and the corresponding seismic resilience. The role of different factors such as aging, earthquake scenario, and seismic capacity correlation is investigated by considering spatially distributed reinforced concrete bridges exposed to corrosion and highway networks with detours and re-entry links.
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Civil infrastructure systems when located in high seismic zones may experience multiple earthquake events along their service life. Highway bridges that comprise critical elements of the transportation network are often exposed to harsh environments that exacerbate the structural performance to withstand such repeated shocks. While earthquake occurrences are intermittent in nature, environmental degradation mechanisms such as corrosion deterioration continually weakens the structural capacity. Presently there exists a gap in literature that simultaneously considers such temporally varying multi-hazard threats within a probabilistic framework. This study presents a novel methodology that considers repeated main shock sequences and corrosion deterioration for an index-based estimation of cumulative damage along the service life while considering the associated uncertainties with the earthquake occurrence and the deterioration process. A newly introduced analytical strategy in this study enables the updating of bridge pier section properties reflecting deterioration of an already damaged bridge between subsequent earthquake shock events. The proposed framework is demonstrated on a representative case-study multi-span continuous concrete box-girder bridge in California, United States. The results reveal a significant impact of corrosion deterioration on the seismic damage accumulation under multiple earthquakes and underlines the necessity to incorporate aging effects within bridge asset management in high seismic zones.
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Chloride-induced corrosion of highway bridges constitutes a critical form of environmental deterioration and may result in significant escalation of seismic life-cycle costs due to increased fragility during earthquake events. Most of existing literature tends to adopt simplistic uniform area loss assumptions in lieu of potentially complex, yet realistic and more detrimental, pitting corrosion models for seismic vulnerability analysis. Since the degree of deterioration depends on the severity and duration of exposure, there exists a need to investigate the influence of uniform vs. pitting corrosion assumption on seismic life-cycle costs for varied chloride exposure conditions. A case-study example of a highway bridge in Central and Southeastern US reveals consideration of pitting corrosion as critical for extreme exposures compared to relatively minor settings. Subsequently this study provides recommendations to aid bridge engineers and stakeholders to balance between computational cost and accuracy of results to aid prompt decisions on rehabilitation of ageing bridges in different exposure conditions. A framework is also included to compute seismic life-cycle costs from generic measures of corrosion, independent of assumed exposure scenario. This framework is particularly helpful for seismic loss assessment of highway bridges in chloride exposure zones with periodic field measurements to estimate the extent of structural deterioration.
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OpenSees, an open source finite element software framework, has been used broadly in the earthquake engineering community for simulating the seismic response of structural and geotechnical systems. The framework allows users to perform finite element analysis with a scripting language and for developers to create both serial and parallel finite element computer applications as interpreters. For the last 15 years, Tcl has been the primary scripting language to which the model building and analysis modules of OpenSees are linked. To provide users with different scripting language options, particularly Python, the OpenSees interpreter interface was refactored to provide multi-interpreter capabilities. This refactoring, resulting in the creation of OpenSeesPy as a Python module, is accomplished through an abstract interface for interpreter calls with concrete implementations for different scripting languages. Through this approach, users are able to develop applications that utilize the unique features of several scripting languages while taking advantage of advanced finite element analysis models and algorithms.
With the recent advent of performance‐based earthquake engineering (PBEE) in seismic design practice of buildings serving as an impetus for this work, initial steps toward a fully probabilistic performance‐based seismic design (PBSD) method for bridges, a less trodden area in terms of PBEE applications, are taken herein by assembling an updated probabilistic seismic performance assessment framework for ordinary standard bridges (OSBs) in California. The framework stems from the comprehensive PBEE methodology developed under the auspices of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center. With performance measures defined as the risk associated with the exceedance of a set of damage/limit‐states (LSs), improvements from the state‐of‐the‐art literature on the PEER PBEE methodology are incorporated, including (1) introduction of an improved intensity measure ‐ average spectral acceleration over a period range, (2) conditional mean spectrum‐based hazard‐consistent and site‐specific ground motion selection, (3) introduction of material strain‐based engineering demand parameters, (4) use of practical LSs pertinent to seismic damage evaluation of bridges, and (5) development of strain‐based normalized fragility functions for the considered LSs. The updated framework, assembled herein using a specific testbed California OSB as a case in point, is general within its scope and is applicable to the gamut of design situations representative of the population of OSBs in California. With the PEER PBEE framework implemented for OSBs in an updated and rigorous form, the groundwork for utilizing this framework in the context of PBSD of such bridges is laid.
The use of numerical simulations in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) has achieved a promising level of reliability in recent years. One example is the CyberShake project, which incorporates physics-based 3D ground-motion simulations within seismic hazard calculations. Nonetheless, considerable computational time and resources are required due to the significant processing requirements imposed by source-based models on one hand, and the large number of seismic sources and possible rupture variations on the other. This article proposes to use a less computationally demanding simulation-based PSHA framework for CyberShake. The framework can accurately represent the seismic hazard at a site, by only considering a subset of all the possible earthquake scenarios, based on a Monte-Carlo simulation procedure that generates earthquake catalogs having a specified duration. In this case, ground motions need only be simulated for the scenarios selected in the earthquake catalog, and hazard calculations are limited to this subset of scenarios. To validate the method and evaluate its accuracy in the CyberShake platform, the proposed framework is applied to three sites in southern California, and hazard calculations are performed for earthquake catalogs with different lengths. The resulting hazard curves are then benchmarked against those obtained by considering the entire set of earthquake scenarios and simulations, as done in CyberShake. Both approaches yield similar estimates of the hazard curves for elastic pseudospectral accelerations and inelastic demands, with errors that depend on the length of the Monte-Carlo catalog. With 200,000 yr catalogs, the errors are consistently smaller than 5% at the 2% probability of exceedance in 50 yr hazard level, using only ∼3% of the entire set of simulations. Both approaches also produce similar disaggregation patterns. The results demonstrate the potential of the proposed approach in a simulation-based PSHA platform like CyberShake and as a ground-motion selection tool for seismic demand analyses.