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Family Practice, 2022, XX, 1–7
Diagnostic Studies
TARGET-HF: developing a model for detecting incident
heart failure among symptomatic patients in general
practice using routine health care data
LukasDe Clercq1, Martijn C.Schut2,, Patrick M. M.Bossuyt3,, Henk C. P. M.van Weert1,,
M. LouisHandoko4,, Ralf E.Harskamp1,*,
1Department of General Practice, Amsterdam UMC, Location Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2Department of Medical Informatics, Amsterdam UMC, Location Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The
3Department of Public Health and Clinical Epidemiology, Amsterdam UMC, Location Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
4Department of Cardiology, Amsterdam UMC, Location VU Medical Center, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
*Corresponding author: Department of General Practice, Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam Public Health and Amsterdam Cardiovascular Sciences Research
Institutes, University of Amsterdam, Room J2-126, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ, Postbox 22660, 1100 DD Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
E-mail: r.e.harskamp@amsterdamumc.nl
Background: Timely diagnosis of heart failure (HF) is essential to optimize treatment opportunities that improve symptoms, quality of life, and
survival. While most patients consult their general practitioner (GP) prior to HF, the early stages of HF may be difficult to identify. An integrated
clinical support tool may aid in identifying patients at high risk of HF. We therefore constructed a prediction model using routine health care data.
Methods: Our study involved a dynamic cohort of patients (≥35 years) who consulted their GP with either dyspnoea and/or peripheral oedema
within the Amsterdam metropolitan area from 2011 to 2020. The outcome of interest was incident HF, verified by an expert panel. We developed
a regularized, cause-specific multivariable proportional hazards model (TARGET-HF). The model was evaluated with bootstrapping on an isolated
validation set and compared to an existing model developed with hospital insurance data as well as patient age as a sole predictor.
Results: Data from 31,905 patients were included (40% male, median age 60 years) of whom 1,301 (4.1%) were diagnosed with HF over
124,676 person-years of follow-up. Data were allocated to a development (n = 25,524) and validation (n = 6,381) set. TARGET-HF attained a
C-statistic of 0.853 (95% CI, 0.834 to 0.872) on the validation set, which proved to provide a better discrimination than C = 0.822 for age alone
(95% CI, 0.801 to 0.842, P < 0.001) and C = 0.824 for the hospital-based model (95% CI, 0.802 to 0.843, P < 0.001).
Conclusion: The TARGET-HF model illustrates that routine consultation codes can be used to build a performant model to identify patients at
risk for HF at the time of GP consultation.
Key words: decision support techniques, dyspnoea, early diagnosis, heart failure, oedema, primary health care
Heart failure (HF) is a syndrome characterized by the heart’s
inability to meet the metabolic needs of the body. The
underlying conditions are often multifactorial and may in-
clude comorbidities, such as coronary artery disease, hyper-
tension, diabetes mellitus, or valvular disease.1,2 Overall,
around 2% of adults are diagnosed with HF, which increases
to >10% over the age of 70 years.1 Median life expectancy
after diagnosis is 5 years, and the number of patients with HF
is expected to double over the next decades. Timely diagnosis
is important to allow the initiation of treatments that can im-
prove outcomes, both in terms of mortality and quality of life.
Leaders in the eld of HF strongly propose to prioritize the
aim of future efforts towards early detection and treatment
of HF in order to alter the course of disease and limit further
The key to improve HF detection lies in the community,
particularly when focussed on a population in which HF is
at least moderately prevalent.5 In this regard, a good starting
population would therefore be patients who consult their
general practitioner (GP) with symptoms associated with
HF. Two hallmark symptoms of HF are shortness of breath
(dyspnoea) and peripheral oedema; both are unfortunately
non-specic in nature, more often than not arising from con-
ditions other than HF.6–8 Guidelines recommend that people
presenting such symptoms to their GP get a natriuretic pep-
tide test as well as an electrocardiogram, with referral for im-
aging and/or cardiologist review when either is abnormal.1
Still, GPs selectively order these tests based on their percep-
tion of the patient’s risk, resulting in selective diagnostic veri-
cation and diagnostic delay in patients not deemed at-risk. A
report by the British Heart Foundation indicates that nearly 8
in 10 patients had visited their GP over the previous 5 years
with symptoms associated with HF, but had not been diag-
nosed as such prior to emergency hospital admission.9
A user-friendly diagnostic support system should be devel-
oped to aid GPs in improving risk stratication. Unfortunately,
existing HF risk prediction models are not t for this task as
© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press.
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2Detecting heart failure in symptomatic primary care patients
they require actions to be performed, such as an ECG or la-
boratory tests, and were not developed for diagnostic support
purposes.5,10 Our primary objective was therefore to construct
a model for incident HF based on known risk factors, yet only
employing preregistered/routine care data available in the pa-
tients’ electronic primary care health records. We compare
this model with an existing insurance claims-based model2 as
well as with a model employing patient age as sole predictor.
We reported this study in accordance with the Transparent
Reporting of a Multivariable Prediction Model for Individual
Prognosis or Diagnosis statement.11
Data sourcing
Data were collected in a historical, dynamic cohort of pa-
tients registered at the GPs afliated with the Academic
Huisartsennetwerk Amsterdam, a non-prot organization in
charge of region-based acquisition of GP data for research
purposes. The dataset acquired in this network encompasses
routine care data from more than 600,000 registered pa-
tients of 50 practices across sub-municipalities in the cities
of Amsterdam and Almere. As GPs in the Netherlands func-
tion as gateway to the healthcare system, registration with a
practice is de facto required, with estimated registration rates
exceeding 99.9%.12 Patients at participating practices can opt
out of data sharing at any point in time, yet are noted by the
network to do so rarely (<0.75%). In light of this informa-
tion, we deem this dataset to accurately represent the commu-
nity in the areas covered by the practices. Due to the nature of
primary care, where patients can move to a practice outside
the reach of the network, follow-up is not guaranteed across
any time period.
The database is housed on a secure server of the
Department of General Practice of the Amsterdam University
Medical Center (AUMC). Researchers can perform analyses
on pseudonymized subsets on a secure digital environment.
Studies that leverage this are not classied as human subjects
research by the AUMC Medical Ethics Committee provided
they abide by the standardized isolation and deidentication
procedures. Our dataset consists of patients’ demographics,
previous consultations, and recurring issues/chronic condi-
tions dubbed “Episodes”. Each consultation’s reason (com-
plaint, symptom, or condition) is coded using the International
Classication of Primary Care (ICPC).13
Our historical cohort has an entry date of 2011 January 1
and an exit date of 2020 December 31, for a total obser-
vation period of 10 years. It includes all patients registered
in the database at the time of extraction (2021 June 2)
who met the following three eligibility criteria: (a) the pa-
tient has a consultation with an ICPC code for dyspnoea
(K02, R02) or oedema (K07) occurring within the inclusion
period at a point where the patient is 35 years or older
(the “index” consultation) with (b) at least one consult-
ation thereafter and (c) no registered HF diagnoses before
the index consultation.
Outcome of interest
All potential HF diagnoses found in the patient records were
veried manually under close scrutiny of a panel (LDC, RH)
with expertise in general practice, cardiovascular medicine,
and medical data processing. A search was initiated for iden-
tication of HF diagnoses, where episode records were evalu-
ated for ICPC codes (K77, K84.03) and a series of textual
searches of the GP’s notes for terms indicating a HF diagnosis.
The regular expressions used can be found in Supplementary
material S1. Episodes with a HF code match were deemed a
valid diagnosis unless the accompanying notes indicate other-
wise (e.g. expression of doubt, differential diagnoses,…);
those with only a textual match were considered invalid un-
less the context of said match proved otherwise.
We searched the literature for population-based HF hazard
prediction models to identify variables of interest. Based on
the risk factors identied by two systematic reviews, reported
by Yang et al.5 and Sahle et al.,10 and the availability thereof
as ICPC codes, we arrive at a set of 2 demographic values—
sex and age—and 14 medical history variables: tobacco use,
alcohol abuse, obesity, material deprivation (poverty/nan-
cial issues), family history of cardiovascular disease (CVD),
hypertension, diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease, atrial
brillation, heart murmur, valvular heart disease, stroke,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and chronic kidney
disease. This entire procedure is detailed in Supplementary
material S2.
All conditions present prior to each patient’s index con-
sultation were considered antecedent conditions. The pres-
ence thereof was established through the means of an ICPC
code search, yielding a structured medical history suitable for
our regression models. All relevant ICPC codes are detailed in
Supplementary Table S3.
Missing data
The variables regarding medical history represent the registra-
tion of conditions by the GP prior to the index consultation,
not the actual presence of said condition within a patient.
In that sense, they can—per denition—not be missing.
Demographic values are entered for each patient as part of
Key messages
•The key to improving heart failure (HF) detection lies in the community.
•The general practitioner (GP) has access to the community and its medical history.
•GP routine care data contain sufficient information for HF risk modelling.
•The developed TARGET-HF model does not require laboratory tests or other measurements.
•TARGET-HF outperforms existing secondary care models and age alone.
•The model is a promising candidate for an integrated clinical support tool.
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Family Practice, 2022, Vol. XX, No. XX 3
their registration with a GP practice and were found to be
complete for all included patients.
Statistical analysis methods
We calculated the incidence of rst registered HF diagnoses
in our cohort as events per 1,000 person-years, which we
report for men and women separately and over different
age ranges identical to those used by Goyal et al. in their
analysis.2 Patients were censored from incidence calcula-
tions for the time period beyond their HF diagnosis, when
present. Incidence rate ratios between sexes are reported
across the age groups with their exact Poisson condence
A 20% outcome-stratied validation set of our cohort was
isolated before the model development process to validate
the acquired model. A cause-specic Cox proportional haz-
ards model was chosen for its ability to handle right-censored
data. Taking heed of the concerns Sahle et al. had regarding
previous incident HF risk prediction models, we attempted
to avoid ill-advised model development practices such as
stepwise variable selection or categorization of continuous
As in Goyal et al., we modelled hazard ratios under three
conditions: independently, adjusted for sex and age, and ad-
justed for all included variables.2 This exploratory phase
was followed by using the full set of variables to generate
a nal predictive model using an L1-penalty for regulariza-
tion and feature selection (LASSO). This technique shrinks
the model’s coefcients, the rate of which is determined by
a penalty parameter, potentially eliminating them from the
model altogether as they shrink to zero.14 The optimal penalty
was selected through a randomized search applied to a 5-fold
cross-validation, after which the nal model (TARGET-HF)
was trained on the entire development set with the acquired
penalty value. One alternative regularization technique—L1/2
regularization—was evaluated but yielded no appreciable
improvements in calibration. More information regarding
this comparison and the results thereof can be found in
Supplementary material S4, Supplementary Table S7 and
Supplementary Figure S8. All models were constructed and
evaluated in Python using the Lifelines15 and Scikit-survival16
Predictive performance of the model was compared to a
baseline of age as sole predictor as well as the “outpatient”
model developed by Goyal et al. based on hospital insurance
data. The latter was chosen for its use of routine care vari-
ables, i.e. not requiring additional measurements or tests, all
of which were available as ICPC codes in our dataset. All
models were evaluated using Harrell’s C-statistic17 on the
validation set as a whole as well as stratied by age groups
identical to those used by Goyal et al. Following the principle
of Heagerty and Zheng18 and the weighted method of Uno
et al.,19 we calculated area under the cumulative/dynamic re-
ceiver–operator curve (AUROCC,D) over the rst 5 years of
follow-up in 1-month increments. Condence intervals were
calculated through bootstrapping (1,000 iterations).
Cohort analysis
A total of 31,905 patients met our cohort criteria, a owchart
of which can be found in Fig. 1. Our cohort was 40% male
and the median age was 60 years; further baseline character-
istics are summarized in Table 1.
Heart failure incidence
Inspection of the episodes yielded a total of 4,731 ICPC code
matches and 1,033 additional textual matches, with 698
(8.3%) and 393 (29.5%) of those, respectively, identied as
false positive. The textual searches found an additional 10.9%
of patients with a HF diagnosis when compared to searching
on ICPC codes alone, as can be seen in Fig. 1. After removal of
the 2,129 patients with diagnosed HF prior to their index con-
sultation, we were left with 1,301 patients (4.08%) diagnosed
with HF over 124,676 person-years of follow-up in our cohort.
We observed a HF incidence rate of 10.44 per 1,000
person-years (95% CI, 9.88 to 11.02), with 12.96 per 1,000
person-years for men (95% CI, 11.95 to 14.04) and 8.94
(95% CI, 8.29 to 9.63) and women. A full overview of rates
and rate ratios across sexes and age ranges can be found in
Supplementary Table S5.
Our development set for training the models held data from
25,524 persons, of which 1,041 (4.1%) had a registered in-
cident HF event in their follow-up period. With a total of 16
variables, this puts our models (prior to feature selection) at
over 65 events per variable. The hazard coefcients of the
unregularized models and their corresponding P-values are
reported in Supplementary Table S6.
The L1-regularized model, TARGET-HF, saw the coef-
cients of two of its variables—tobacco use and family history
of CVD—reduced to zero, effectively eliminating them from
the model. Its hazard ratios, in comparison against those from
Goyal et al.’s outpatient model, are shown in Fig. 2.
Predictive performance
Our validation set held data from 6,381 persons, of which
260 (4.07%) carried an incident HF event during their
follow-up period. For this set, Harrel’s C-statistic was 0.853
for TARGET-HF (95% CI, 0.834 to 0.872), which proved
to outperform C = 0.824 for Goyal et al.’s model (95% CI,
0.802 to 0.843, P < 0.001) and C = 0.822 for the baseline
model with age only (95% CI, 0.801 to 0.842, P < 0.001).
Further C-statistics of the validation set stratied by age can
be found in Table 2. Classication performances and their
condence intervals across time in the form of the AUROCC,D
can be observed in Table 3 and Fig. 3.
The C-statistic within the development set was 0.812
for TARGET-HF (95% CI, 0.799 to 0.826), outperforming
C = 0.788 for Goyal et al.’s model (95% CI, 0.775 to 0.803,
P < 0.001) and C = 0.784 for a baseline model based on age
alone (95% CI, 0.770 to 0.798, P < 0.001).
Timely detection of HF starts with accurate identication of pa-
tients who should undergo further diagnostic work-up. On this
premise, we developed the TARGET-HF model using routine
primary care data. We demonstrated that it is feasible to con-
struct a prediction model that outperforms both age as a sole
predictor and an existing community-based prediction model.
Moreover, this discriminatory advantage remained consistent
when the model was applied to an isolated validation set.
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4Detecting heart failure in symptomatic primary care patients
Strengths and limitations
Our study has a number of strengths. The advantage of using
routine care data is that it involves an unselected and there-
fore representative sample of a population in a metropolitan
area. Moreover, the data are rich in both structured and un-
structured content, such as consultation notes and abstracts
of specialist letters, which allowed us to more accurately iden-
tify HF cases.
Working with routine care data also comes with challenges.
First, our methods for identifying HF in the follow-up were
rigorous but not fool-proof, the large ratio of discarded epi-
sodes based on their content gave rise to suspicion towards
episodes lacking elaborate descriptions. Few opportunities re-
main to remediate this situation aside from external linkage
with hospital registrations, though this is hampered by
privacy concerns and the lack of a centralized medical record
or unique identier. Second, our predictors are proxies for
incidence of the conditions they represent, meaning that we
did not take into account the time since a code was registered.
There may be performance gains in using algorithms capable
of modelling this temporal information. A related limitation is
the lack of correction for patients’ differing inclinations and/
or motives to visit their GP and/or report symptoms or life-
style complaints. Feasible variables to include to account for
this are various derivations of consultation count/frequency
prior to the index consultation.
Selective reporting may also be an issue. Our predictors—
the registration of a code at any point in the past—are used
as such and may or may not reect the presence or absence of
the conditions they represent. In that sense, they ought to be
considered proxies. Especially for lifestyle risk factors, there is
a concern for underreporting and reporting bias, as they will
only be registered when the patient brings these subjects up
or when the GP chooses to register a lifestyle-related code for
a consultation for a related complaint. This is exemplied by
lifetime tobacco use, which in our cohort is only around 11%
for both men and women, whereas a large-scale questionnaire
established a far larger proportion in a population sample.20
Nonetheless, these proxies appear to be able to function as
predictors for incident HF, as shown by our models.
Prior studies
To the best of our knowledge, this study is the rst to build
a prediction model on HF using routine primary care data.
However, community-based models do exist that predict HF.
A systematic review of these models found that the strongest
associations with incident HF have been observed for age,
coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and
smoking.5 When comparing these risk factors with the nd-
ings from our analysis we observe similar associations, espe-
cially for the demographic values. There were also notable
differences, for instance, our model’s low weight on hyperten-
sion, a factor that typically contributes fairly heavily in other
incident HF models.5 Another interesting observation is that
reported material deprivation yields a coefcient indicating
a lower risk compared to the baseline hazard, contradicting
prior ndings indicating that material deprivation should be
viewed as a risk factor for HF.21 While speculative, we postu-
late that this may be related to care avoidance and subsequent
delayed diagnoses, as well as fewer diagnostic procedures and/
or poor registration of incident HF in those with recorded
material deprivation versus those without.
Clinical implications
HF is a major health problem of increasing prevalence that
severely affects the quality of life and shortens lives.22 It is
often not diagnosed early enough to take full advantage of
ameliorating medication.23 A reliable tool that can help de-
tect high-risk patients for HF in the community would be
an important asset to tackle this. Using TARGET-HF, we
may provide GPs with an important rst building block
to improve early detection of HF. The model could easily
be integrated in existing primary care electronic health re-
cord systems, where it could run in the background, to be
activated when a patient is evaluated with symptoms sug-
gestive for HF. It could perhaps work in tandem with the re-
cent BEAT-HF campaign, which aims to increase clinicians’
awareness of anyone who presents with breathlessness, ex-
haustion, and ankle swelling.4
Future studies
The prototype that we have developed appears promising,
yet further validation is warranted prior to implementation.
Moreover, interventional studies would then be required to
Fig. 1. Flowchart depicting in- and exclusion criteria for the cohort used
in the development and evaluation of the TARGET-HF model. tHF signifies
the time of the identified heart failure (HF) diagnosis registration, t0
symbolizes the reference consultation.
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Family Practice, 2022, Vol. XX, No. XX 5
evaluate whether integrating this algorithm in GP practice
does indeed result in improved HF detection, initiation of ad-
equate treatment, and ultimately improved clinical outcomes.
However, prior to these steps, we propose to evaluate whether
additional techniques, such as natural language processing,
could further improve the prediction of HF or diagnostic
coding thereof. Textual queries provided us with an add-
itional 11% of HF diagnoses not caught by ICPC codes, a
non-negligible number for such a serious heart condition. In
other words, there is still work to be done and we believe that
Table 1. Baseline characteristics of patients reporting with dyspnoea and/or ankle oedema between 2011 and 2020, with and without heart failure (HF)
in their follow-up.
HF (n = 1,301) No HF (n = 30,604) P-value
Agea (median, 25–75th) 77 (67–84) 59 (49–71) <0.001
Years of recorded historya (median, 25–75th) 2.2 (0.8–4.0) 3.6 (1.5–6.0) <0.001
Years of follow-upa (median, 25–75th) 4.2 (2.2–6.2) 3.6 (1.5–6.1) <0.001
Years within GP network (median, 25–75th) 7.1 (5.5–9.6) 9.0 (6.5–9.7) <0.001
Male sex 601 (46.2%) 12,047 (39.4%) <0.001
Tobacco use 101 (7.8%) 3,320 (10.9%) <0.001
Alcohol abuse 66 (5.1%) 1,231 (4.0%) 0.062
Obesity 141 (10.8%) 3,950 (12.9%) 0.028
Material deprivation 8 (0.6%) 445 (1.5%) 0.008
Family history of cardiovascular disease 3 (0.2%) 162 (0.5%) 0.167
Hypertension 735 (56.5%) 10,650 (34.8%) <0.001
Diabetes mellitus 433 (33.3%) 5,170 (16.9%) <0.001
Coronary artery disease 404 (31.1%) 3,507 (11.5%) <0.001
Atrial brillation 288 (22.1%) 1,598 (5.2%) <0.001
Heart murmur 17 (1.3%) 261 (0.9%) 0.092
Valvular heart disease 167 (12.8%) 1,025 (3.4%) <0.001
Stroke 144 (11.1%) 1,431 (4.7%) <0.001
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 256 (19.7%) 2,806 (9.2%) <0.001
Chronic kidney disease 229 (17.6%) 1,911 (6.2%) <0.001
Distributional differences are evaluated with Fisher’s exact test for proportions and a Mann–Whitney U test for durations.
aDurations established relative to the index consultation.
Fig. 2. Hazard ratio comparison between the TARGET-HF model and Goyal et al.’s outpatient model.
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6Detecting heart failure in symptomatic primary care patients
there may be predictive potential in the unstructured data of
GP patient les that has thus far been untapped.
The TARGET-HF model illustrates that consultation codes
found in routine primary care data can be used to build an ef-
fective predictive model to identify patients at risk for HF at the
time of GP consultation. Moreover, we found that the model
outperformed both age as a sole predictor and an existing
community-based prediction model based on hospital insurance
Supplementary material
Supplementary material is available at Family Practice online.
Table 2. Harrel’s C-statistic of predicting incident heart failure on the validation set of a cohort of patients reporting with dyspnoea and/or ankle oedema
between 2011 and 2020, evaluated for TARGET-HF and compared to Goyal et al.’s outpatient model and age as a sole predictor.
C-statistic Baseline (age) TARGET-HF Goyal et al. (outpatient)
All ages (n = 6,381) 0.822 (0.801–0.842) 0.853 (0.834–0.872) 0.824 (0.803–0.843)
35–54 0.721 (0.510–0.857) 0.831 (0.627–0.943) 0.833 (0.778–0.888)
55–64 0.538 (0.438–0.645) 0.718 (0.606–0.814) 0.650 (0.551–0.739)
65–74 0.638 (0.572–0.693) 0.732 (0.662–0.792) 0.631 (0.568–0.693)
75+ 0.632 (0.581–0.678) 0.688 (0.576–0.778) 0.626 (0.581–0.678)
The values in bold represent the model with the best performance per age category.
Table 3. Area under the cumulative/dynamic receiver–operator curve (AUROCC,D) of predicting incident heart failure on the validation set of a cohort
of patients reporting with dyspnoea and/or ankle oedema between 2011 and 2020, evaluated at several points in time after the index consultation for
TARGET-HF and compared to Goyal et al.’s outpatient model and age as a sole predictor.
AUROCC,D Baseline (age) TARGET-HF Goyal et al. (outpatient)
1 year 0.822 (0.791–0.852) 0.855 (0.826–0.882) 0.825 (0.793–0.854)
2 years 0.849 (0.824–0.873) 0.878 (0.855–0.899) 0.841 (0.814–0.864)
3 years 0.850 (0.826–0.874) 0.888 (0.867–0.908) 0.853 (0.829–0.875)
4 years 0.854 (0.827–0.878) 0.885 (0.860–0.908) 0.855 (0.830–0.878)
5 years 0.866 (0.841–0.889) 0.894 (0.871–0.914) 0.861 (0.837–0.889)
The values in bold represent the model with the best performance per point in time.
Fig. 3. Area under the cumulative/dynamic receiver–operator curve (AUROCC,D) of TARGET-HF compared to Goyal et al.’s outpatient model and age as a
sole predictor in predicting incident heart failure, calculated on a 1-month resolution.
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Family Practice, 2022, Vol. XX, No. XX 7
This work was supported by departmental resources and a
seeding grant from the Amsterdam Public Health Research
Institute (TARGET-HF).
Ethical approval
This study was exempted from formal ethics review, the data
protection impact assessment was evaluated by the data pro-
tection ofcer of the Amsterdam UMC-AMC location on
2020 March 26 (dPIA-target-hf-27-2-2020).
Conflict of interest
Data availability
All relevant data produced in the present work are contained
in the manuscript. Requests for access to original data les
can be directed at the Amsterdam UMC general practice net-
work (https:/www.amsterdamumc.org).
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