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Despite being naturally fishless, the widespread introduction of trout and minnows is threatening the conservation of high mountain lakes all over the world. Previous studies have reported that amphibians quickly disappear after trout introduction, followed by many conspicuous invertebrates. Here, we have studied the effects of minnows versus trout on the littoral macroinvertebrate community of 54 high mountain lakes from the Pyrenees, covering a gradient of environmental characteristics. The relative importance of fish compared to other variables in explaining macroinvertebrate communities was assessed using distance-based redundancy analysis (dbRDA) and multivariate regression tree (MRT) to find the main environmental thresholds. Both dbRDA and MRT approaches revealed that minnow density was the most important variable negatively determining community structure, followed by aquatic macrophytes, which increased taxa richness. The occurrence and abundance of relevant taxa was analysed in relation to fish densities and other environmental factors using binomial and gamma generalized linear models (GLM). GLM suggested that trout had an impact on the distribution of swimmer taxa and caused declines in the abundance of conspicuous clinger and burrower taxa. Minnows restricted the occurrence of more taxa than trout and negatively affected a wide variety of body sizes and functional groups. Indeed, we found that minnows were responsible for a dramatic biodiversity loss in the littoral macroinvertebrate community. The fast spread of minnows in high mountain areas is of great concern for the conservation of lake macroinvertebrates. Urgent measures to stop minnow introductions are strongly recommended.
Biological Conservation 272 (2022) 109637
Available online 1 July 2022
0006-3207/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Non-native minnows cause much larger negative effects than trout on
littoral macroinvertebrates of high mountain lakes
Víctor Osorio
, María ´
Angeles Puig
, Teresa Buchaca
, Ibor Sab´
, Alexandre Mir´
Federica Lucati
, Jongmo Suh
, Quim Pou-Rovira
, Marc Ventura
Integrative Freshwater Ecology Group (IFE), Centre for Advanced Studies of Blanes (CEAB), CSIC, Acc´
es Cala Sant Francesc 14, Blanes 17300, Catalonia, Spain
Department of Political and Social Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Ramon Trias Fargas 25-27, Barcelona 08005, Catalonia, Spain
o, Estudis al Medi Aqu`
atic, Parc Cientíc de la Universitat de Girona (UdG), Girona 17003, Catalonia, Spain
Invasive species
Exotic sh
Alpine lakes
Biodiversity loss
Despite being naturally shless, the widespread introduction of trout and minnows is threatening the conser-
vation of high mountain lakes all over the world. Previous studies have reported that amphibians quickly
disappear after trout introduction, followed by many conspicuous invertebrates. Here, we have studied the ef-
fects of minnows versus trout on the littoral macroinvertebrate community of 54 high mountain lakes from the
Pyrenees, covering a gradient of environmental characteristics. The relative importance of sh compared to other
variables in explaining macroinvertebrate communities was assessed using distance-based redundancy analysis
(dbRDA) and multivariate regression tree (MRT) to nd the main environmental thresholds. Both dbRDA and
MRT approaches revealed that minnow density was the most important variable negatively determining com-
munity structure, followed by aquatic macrophytes, which increased taxa richness. The occurrence and abun-
dance of relevant taxa was analysed in relation to sh densities and other environmental factors using binomial
and gamma generalized linear models (GLM). GLM suggested that trout had an impact on the distribution of
swimmer taxa and caused declines in the abundance of conspicuous clinger and burrower taxa. Minnows
restricted the occurrence of more taxa than trout and negatively affected a wide variety of body sizes and
functional groups. Indeed, we found that minnows were responsible for a dramatic biodiversity loss in the littoral
macroinvertebrate community. The fast spread of minnows in high mountain areas is of great concern for the
conservation of lake macroinvertebrates. Urgent measures to stop minnow introductions are strongly
1. Introduction
Invertebrate declines have been documented worldwide and are
equally or more severe than in vertebrates (Cowie et al., 2022). More-
over, there exist important spatial and taxonomic biases in biodiversity
assessments that are evidenced by the underrepresentation of this ani-
mal group in the IUCN Red List (only 2 % of the 1,305,250 species were
assessed in 2018; Eisenhauer et al., 2019). Particularly, insects have
been reported to suffer large losses in terrestrial and aquatic groups, and
across ecological guilds, which could cascade onto ecosystem func-
tioning and human well-being (S´
anchez-Bayo and Wyckhuys, 2019;
Wagner, 2020).
Among the biomes of the planet, freshwaters have suffered the
strongest decline in biodiversity, as proved by the recent decline in the
number of vertebrate species (81 % in freshwaters compared to 38 % in
terrestrial and 36 % in marine biomes; WWF, 2016). This great decline is
a result, on a global scale, of factors related to habitat destruction,
pollution, water-level reduction and invasive species among others
(Collen et al., 2014). Fish are among the most common animal invaders
threatening freshwaters (Hulme et al., 2009). Nowadays, many high
mountain lakes around the world have suffered from the introduction of
trout and other sh species for angling purposes (Wiley, 2003; Mir´
o and
Ventura, 2013; Ventura et al., 2017). Along with trout, minnows (mainly
Phoxinus genus) have also expanded considerably throughout European
mountains during the 20th century due to their use as live bait by an-
glers (Museth et al., 2007) and remain as the only sh when trout
disappear (Mir´
o and Ventura, 2015). The widespread presence of min-
nows has been documented not only in the north European lakes of
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (V. Osorio), (M. Ventura).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Biological Conservation
journal homepage:
Received 24 February 2022; Received in revised form 5 June 2022; Accepted 14 June 2022
Biological Conservation 272 (2022) 109637
Scotland and Norway (Maitland and Campbell, 1992; Museth et al.,
2007), but also in the Pyrenees (Mir´
o and Ventura, 2015) and the Alps
(Tiberti et al., 2020).
The introduction of trout in high mountain lakes has been respon-
sible for the decline or elimination of native fauna in many regions,
including amphibians, large crustaceans, and conspicuous littoral mac-
roinvertebrates (Knapp et al., 2001; Tiberti et al., 2014; Mir´
o et al.,
2018; Toro et al., 2020). As a result, the direct predation of more visible
taxa can produce a series of indirect ecological effects (trophic cascade)
affecting the entire ecosystem (Schindler et al., 2001; Eby et al., 2006).
On the other hand, the effects of minnow introduction have scarcely
been studied in comparison with those of trout. Regardless of their
smaller size, minnows share a similar diet with trout, thus becoming the
top predators when established in shless lakes (Hesthagen et al., 1992).
They seem to have a strong impact on both amphibians and zooplankton
communities (Schabetsberger et al., 2006; Mir´
o et al., 2018), and the
evidence from boreal lakes suggest that a negative effect may be ex-
pected on macroinvertebrates, as minnows were found to feed on con-
spicuous taxa (Museth et al., 2010). However, there are no studies
describing their effects on the conservation of the macroinvertebrate
community of high mountain lakes.
In comparison with other freshwater ecosystems, high mountain
lakes have littoral macroinvertebrate communities with relatively low
species richness (Füreder et al., 2006). Their taxa, though, play an
important role in lake food-web stability via their diverse feeding stra-
tegies and the magnied importance of the littoral zone in small lakes
(high perimeter to surface area ratio) (S´
andez et al., 2015).
These communities comprise species well adapted to harsh environ-
mental conditions, which are sensitive to local and global anthropogenic
impacts. Indeed, groups like chironomids and caddisies have been
recognised as good indicators of climatic change in mountain areas
a et al., 2010). The current study aimed to
compare the effects of minnows versus trout introduction on the littoral
macroinvertebrate community of high mountain lakes. Specically, our
objectives were: (i) to determine the relative importance of non-native
sh introductions in explaining the macroinvertebrate community
compared to other environmental factors, (ii) to evaluate how differ-
ently minnow and trout densities affect both macroinvertebrate com-
munity composition and abundance, and (iii) to ascertain whether the
impact of minnows on the conservation of macroinvertebrate commu-
nity is equally important as that of trout.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Study area
We surveyed 54 high mountain lakes and ponds from the Central-
Eastern Pyrenees (052E122E, 42464231N), located within the
area of the Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park and the
Alt Pirineu Natural Park, which were both designated as Sites of Com-
munity Interest by the European Commission's Natura 2000 conserva-
tion program (Fig. A.1). In addition, high mountain lakes are protected
habitats listed in the European Directive 92/43/EEC for the conserva-
tion of natural habitats and of wild fauna and ora (Council of the Eu-
ropean Communities, 1992). The lakes sampled were relatively small
and shallow water bodies (area range: 0.038 ha, median area: 1.9 ha;
maximum depth range: 0.651.4 m, median maximum depth: 7.1 m). A
more detailed description of Pyrenean lake characteristics is provided in
the online Appendix A.
We distributed the lakes into three nominal categories according to
the sh species present in them: naturally shless lakes (n =22), lakes
with trout only (n =15) and lakes with minnows (n =17), of which six
had both trout and minnows. The most common trout species found in
the lakes was Salmo trutta (n =14), whereas Salvelinus fontinalis (n =4)
and Oncorhynchus mykiss (n =4) were less frequent. The coexistence of
two trout species, S. trutta and O. mykiss, was observed in only two lakes
(Lakes Llastra and Coveta). Selection of lakes was made to compose a set
of sites as similar as possible to each other in their physical and
geographic characteristics but at the same time, covering a gradient of
small to medium size. As a result, the categories comprised similar
replicates in terms of lake morphology and aquatic habitats availability
for the different sh categories.
2.2. Macroinvertebrate samples
Lakes were sampled once during JulyAugust to make collected data
comparable over the years, with 26 lakes sampled in 2014, 6 in 2015, 11
in 2016, 8 in 2017, and 3 in 2018. The one-time sampling approach is
thought to successfully characterize the summer littoral macro-
invertebrate community, as most mountain species have relatively long
life cycles and larval development periods. As a result, species compo-
sition and richness change little over the summer (Knapp et al., 2001;
Tiberti et al., 2014). Littoral macroinvertebrates were sampled from
representative shore-accessible habitats at ca. 80 cm depth using a d-
frame net with a mesh size of 250
m, employing commonly used
sampling techniques (de Mendoza and Catalan, 2010; Tiberti et al.,
2014). Collected material was pooled in a unique composite semi-
quantitative sample per lake, and preserved in the eld in absolute
ethanol. Sampling methods are extensively described in the Supporting
Information. Macroinvertebrates were counted under the stereo micro-
scope (Olympus SZH, Japan) and determined to the lowest practical
taxonomic unit (typically genus or species), with the exception of
Hydrachnidia, Oligochaeta and Palpomyiini (Ceratopogonidae) speci-
mens, that were counted only. For Chironomidae, the used taxonomic
resolution was tribe or subfamily rank. Abundance per sample was
expressed as total individuals m
preceding any statistical treatment.
2.3. Environmental data
The environmental descriptors measured to understand the factors
shaping littoral macroinvertebrate community included water chemis-
try, morphometric, physical and biological lake variables, as well as
catchment and geographical descriptors.
Water chemistry samples were taken from the lakes' outlet, or sub-
supercially at the deepest point from an inatable boat when there
was no active outlet. Laboratory analyses of pH, conductivity, alkalinity,
total nitrogen, dissolved inorganic nitrogen and total phosphorus were
performed following the procedures described by Ventura et al. (2000).
Water samples for chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) were taken from the deepest
point of the lake at a depth of 1.5-times the Secchi depth, using a
UWITEC-type sampling equipment. In those lakes where the Secchi disk
bottomed out the samples were taken between 1 and 2 m above the
sediment. From the collected samples, a known volume of water (be-
tween 1.5 and 2 L) was ltered using a manual vacuum pump and GF/F
lters (47 mm in diameter). The lters were wrapped in aluminium foil
and kept cold before freezing (20 C) within 36 h. Chlorophyll-a was
determined using the spectrophotometric method of Jeffrey and Hum-
phrey (1975).
Fish density in lakes was measured by the installation of multi-mesh
gill nets (CEN 14757:2015). The number of nets placed in each lake was
decided depending on its area (from 2 to 6 nets in a lake between 0.4 and
6 ha, distributed among different depths). They were kept in the lakes
ca. 2024 h, before counting and weighting all sh captured. The
catches of trout (Salmonidae family) and minnows (Phoxinus sp.) in gill
nets were used to produce the standardized values of catch per unit
effort (CPUE) and biomass per unit effort (BPUE). CPUE was expressed
as individuals net
for trout and minnows, whereas BPUE was
expressed as kg net
. The density of minnows expressed as in-
dividuals net
can be roughly converted to individuals trap
using the regression equation Y =0.77X +39.22 (R
which resulted from tting a linear model on data available from 18
lakes with minnows (data not shown).
V. Osorio et al.
Biological Conservation 272 (2022) 109637
Due to unavailability of data, CPUE and BPUE estimates of three
lakes (namely Bassa Cloto de Baix-Minnow, Estanyet 4 Gargolhes
Inferior-Trout, and L`
ossa Mig-Minnow/Trout) were obtained from other
similar lakes or averaging over similar lakes, according to expert
criteria. Bassa Cloto de Baix values were obtained by averaging over the
rest of lakes with minnows. The values of Estanyet 4 Gargolhes Inferior
came from Gargolhes Inferior, while the ones of L`
ossa Mig came from
Xic, as both pairs of lakes share similar size and habitat diversity.
Water transparency was measured by estimating the light extinction
coefcient in the water column (Kd; m
) from the Secchi disk depth
measurement. In lakes where the Secchi disk reached the bottom, a
constant extinction coefcient of 0.2 m
was used (Buchaca, 2005). It
was not possible to measure Secchi disk depth at Lake L`
ossa Mig, where
a Kd value estimated from the similar Lake Obago d'Amunt was used.
Lake maximum depth, littoral substrate composition, littoral macro-
phytes percentage, and percentage of lithological and vegetation units in
the catchment were measured in the eld. The abundance of amphibians
along the shoreline (ind. m
) was estimated by visual encounter sur-
veys (Mir´
o et al., 2018). Additionally, the density of animal manure was
counted in a 20 m wide area along the shoreline, obtaining a rough
estimate of local livestock pressure (excrements m
). Additional
morphometric parameters (altitude, lake area, total catchment area) and
geographical coordinates (easting and northing) were determined using
cartographic information.
2.4. Statistical methods
We used an exploratory non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test and post-
hoc tests with Bonferroni correction (level of signicance was
to examine whether the richness of macroinvertebrates taxa differed
among the three categories, i.e. shless, trout, and minnow lakes. Lakes
with both trout and minnows were included within minnow category
since minnows are always present in the littoral zone either with or
without trout. The same approach was used to compare for alpha, beta,
and gamma diversity measures in the samples, which were calculated on
rareed subsets of lakes (30 permutations of nine randomly chosen lakes
at a time) and employing the adaptation of common Shannon entropy
index suggested by Jost (2007).
To shed light on the main patterns of variation in the community, we
employed distance-based redundancy analysis (dbRDA) ordination
(Legendre and Anderson, 1999). The response matrix consisted of Bray-
Curtis distances on log-transformed taxa abundance. As a preliminary
step, the explanatory variables that could potentially inuence the
community were classied into four groups, describing: i) spatial vari-
ation (space-dbRDA), which comprised 22 Moran's eigenvector maps
(MEMs) with signicant positive spatial autocorrelation and generated
employing relative neighbourhood graph connectivity (Peres-Neto et al.,
2006); ii) catchment properties (catchment-dbRDA), including 10 de-
scriptors of catchment features, in addition to lake altitude and lake
geomorphology, iii) in-lake habitat (inlake-dbRDA), consisting of 12
variables describing water physicochemical condition, littoral substrate,
and littoral macrophytes dominance, and; iv) vertebrate interaction
(vertebrate-dbRDA), composed by 6 variables describing predator and
competitive interaction with vertebrates, among which CPUE and BPUE
of trout and minnows, as well as tadpoles and newts abundance.
Using each group of explanatory variables, we rstly produced four
dbRDA models, namely space-dbRDA, catchment-dbRDA, inlake-
dbRDA, and vertebrate-dbRDA. All variables were normalised and
standardised before entering the ordination algorithm. Searching for
parsimony and preventing the problem of ination of the overall type I
error, we ran forward selection with the Blanchet et al. (2008) double
stopping criterion on the above-mentioned models (P <0.05, 9999
randomizations). The variables selected were incorporated into the full
dbRDA model (full-dbRDA), that was examined using variation parti-
tioning analysis by means of partial dbRDA to estimate pure and shared
effects of groups of variables by computing adjusted R
. Ultimately, a
forward selection applied on the full-dbRDA produced the parsimonious
dbRDA (pars-dbRDA), which was explored for linear dependencies
employing variance ination factors (VIF).
To highlight local structures in macroinvertebrate community, we
used a multivariate regression tree (MRT) on log-transformed taxa
abundance (Bray-Curtis distance, 1000 multiple cross-validations)
(De'Ath, 2002). Explanatory variables in the pars-dbRDA were passed
to MRT as candidates to be explored. The number of clusters included in
the tree were dened by the solution that minimized the cross-validated
relative error (CVRE). We subsequently determined taxa signicantly
associated to groups of sites or combinations of those by means of the
indicator species analysis suggested by De C´
aceres et al. (2010).
We investigated the impact of sh density (minnows: Minnow_CPUE;
trout: Trout_CPUE) on invertebrate taxa representative of different body
sizes and functional groups according to their propensity and frequency
of movement within the habitat (Table A.1) by generalised linear models
(GLM). To control for additional sources of variability, we also consid-
ered other biologically relevant variables identied in pars-dbRDA, such
as littoral macrophyte cover, altitude and lake area. The probability that
a taxon was found in the samples was assessed by a binomial GLM (logit
link function) on presence-absence data. Subsequently, the non-zero
observations from the dataset were modelled using a zero truncated
gamma GLM (log link), assessing the relevant variables driving its
abundance when the taxon was present in lakes. Those taxa with low
occurrences were aggregated to a higher taxonomic rank (always within
the same functional group; Table A.1) to ensure sufcient cases. If a
taxon was found in >48 of the 54 lakes (e.g. ubiquitous groups such as
Oligochaeta and some Chironomidae taxa), only the gamma GLM was
tted, since there was not enough variation in the response variable to
run the binomial model. All GLMs were initially tted including the
following predictors and interaction terms: Minnow_CPUE, Trout_CPUE,
macrophyte cover, altitude, area, Minnow_CPUE ×macrophyte cover,
Trout_CPUE ×macrophyte cover, Minnow_CPUE ×Trout_CPUE.
Macrophyte cover was previously transformed using the inverse-sine
function, and the square root transformation was applied on Trout_C-
PUE and Minnow_CPUE. A backward stepwise selection based on AIC
(Akaike's Information Criterion) was used to nd the best subset of terms
for each taxon and GLM model separately. We determined the relative
weight of terms by dropping them from GLM models and evaluating the
resultant change in deviance.
Statistical analyses were conducted within the R 4.1.0 statistical
environment (R Core Team, 2021). R packages used are detailed in the
Supporting Information. The level of signicance adopted for all ana-
lyses was
3. Results
3.1. Taxa diversity
A total of 77 macroinvertebrate taxa were found in 54 lakes. The
order Diptera was the most diverse and abundant group (64 % of mac-
roinvertebrate abundance), followed by Bivalvia, Ephemeroptera,
Megaloptera, Hemiptera, and Coleoptera taxa. Oligochaeta were largely
dominated by Tubicidae taxa. The list of all identied taxa and their
frequency of occurrence in the sampled lakes are presented in Table A.1
of the Supporting Information.
There were signicant differences in taxa richness among lake cat-
egories (
=11.2, P <0.005). The richness of shless lakes (16.3 ±2.5)
was signicantly different from that of minnow lakes (11.7 ±5.3).
However, trout lakes (14.7 ±3.9) did not signicantly differ from the
other categories. Signicant differences arose among lake categories
regarding alpha, beta, and gamma diversities (Fig. 1). Fishless lakes had
signicantly higher values of the three indices, whereas minnow lakes
showed the lowest values of alpha and gamma diversity.
V. Osorio et al.
Biological Conservation 272 (2022) 109637
3.2. Overall community analysis
Five MEM variables (MEM-3, 13, 14, 19, 20) signicantly described
the spatial autocorrelation in the community (Table 1). The catchment-
related variables best explaining the community were the percentage of
meadows cover, the ratio total catchment/lake area (a surrogate of
water renewal time), lake area, and lake altitude. Among in-lake vari-
ables, selected variables were littoral macrophyte cover, algal biomass
(chlorophyll-a), dissolved inorganic nitrogen, total phosphorus and
water conductivity. The most relevant vertebrate-related variables were
the measures of catch per unit effort of minnows and trout, so the group
was henceforth called sh-related variables.
The full-dbRDA was composed by the 16 variables listed above,
explaining 54.3 % of macroinvertebrate variance (adjusted R
The variation partitioning analysis revealed that sh-related variables
had the highest fraction of pure effects, doubling the variation uniquely
attributed to spatial and catchment inuence, followed by in-lake vari-
ables (Table 1). In-lake variables showed the highest shared variance,
most of it shared with sh variables (Fig. A.3 in Supporting Informa-
tion). Most of the explanatory power of MEM variables (70.7 %) was
shared with variables of other nature. The forward selection algorithm
reduced the number of variables from the full-dbRDA to 10, which
comprised the pars-dbRDA: Minnow_CPUE (33.9 % of exclusive vari-
ance), total catchment/lake area (14.5 %), lake area (7.9 %), macro-
phyte cover (6.9 %), total phosphorus (6.6 %), altitude (6.5 %),
conductivity (6.2 %), chlorophyll-a (6.0 %), MEM20 (5.8 %), and
Trout_CPUE (5.7 %) (Fig. 2a). Summary statistics of all but MEM vari-
ables are shown in Table A.2 in the Supporting Information. This model
signicantly accounted for 44.3 % of macroinvertebrate variance
(pseudo-F =3.4, P =0.001), with the rst three axes being signicant
(dbRDA1: pseudo-F =14.1, dbRDA2: pseudo-F =6.8, dbRDA3: pseudo-
F =4.5; P =0.001, for all three). The variables Minnow_CPUE, Chlo-
rophyll-a, and MEM20 were negatively correlated with the rst axis (r =
0.7, 0.3, and 0.3, respectively). The second axis was negatively
correlated with macrophyte cover, total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a
(r = 0.6, 0.6 and 0.4, respectively), but positively correlated with
lake area (r =0.4) and altitude (r =0.3). The third axis accounted for
13.1 % of the constrained variance, with total catchment/lake area and
Trout_CPUE as negatively correlated variables (r = 0.6 and 0.4,
respectively), and altitude positively correlated (r =0.4).
A tree with four ‘leaves resulted from the MRT analysis (Fig. 2b).
Minnow density was responsible for the rst split, with a threshold of
27.6 individuals net
. Macrophyte cover created two successive
splitting nodes with similar threshold values (19 % and 18.5 % of cover).
We found four taxa indicating signicant association with lakes in leaves
A, B, and C (Megaloptera, Bivalvia, and Chironomidae taxa). Five in-
dicator taxa were shared between the sites with highest abundance of
macrophytes (i.e. leaves B and C), including Hydrachnidia and Odonata
taxa. Five taxa were exclusively associated with leaf B (Corixidae, Hir-
udinea, Odonata), and two with leaf C (Diptera and Coleoptera taxa). No
taxon was signicantly associated with leaf D.
3.3. Factors explaining macroinvertebrates occurrence
A total of 14 taxa across different body sizes and functional groups
were analysed by GLM. For nine of them, minnows had a signicantly
negative effect on their probability of occurrence, whereas four taxa
were affected by trout (Fig. A.4). Exceptions were Gastropoda,
Fig. 1. Comparative boxplots of alpha (a), beta (b) and gamma (c) diversity indices among lake categories (Kruskal-Wallis
=16.8, and
respectively, and P <0.001 each). Diversity measures were calculated on rareed subsets of lakes (30 permutations of nine randomly chosen lakes at a time) and
employing the adaptation of common Shannon entropy index suggested by Jost (2007). Asterisks indicate the level of statistical signicance of post-hoc tests with
Bonferroni correction: ***P 0.001; ns, not signicant (P >0.05).
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Biological Conservation 272 (2022) 109637
Hirudinea, Hydrachnidia, and Odonata, which appeared unaffected by
sh. The density of both minnows and trout was found to decrease the
probability of occurrence of the coleopteran genus Hydroporus along
with Dytiscidae and Corixidae families. The dytiscid genus Agabus was
not found in any lake with sh presence, and both Boreonectes (Dytis-
cidae) and Arctocorisa (Corixidae) genera were absent in lakes with
minnows. The occurrence of Sialidae (Megaloptera) was negatively
affected by minnows. Minnow density was the only signicant and
negative variable in the models of Baetidae (Ephemeroptera), Sphaer-
iidae (Bivalvia), Polycentropodidae (Trichoptera), Macropelopiini, and
Procladiini (both Chironomidae). Trout density was a negative predictor
for Limnephilidae (Trichoptera).
Macrophyte cover increased the likelihood of occurrence of Odonata,
Hirudinea, and Gastropoda, but had a negative effect on Limnephilidae.
We found a positive interaction between minnows and macrophytes for
Sialidae and Limnephilidae (the impact of minnow density on their
probability of occurrence was less severe in lakes with high macrophyte
cover) and between trout and macrophytes for Dytiscidae. See
Tables A.3A.21 for detailed GLM results and Fig. A.4 for visualization
of taxa response (Supporting information).
For those macroinvertebrates signicantly affected by sh, we
compared the estimated sh density at which their probability of
occurrence was decreased to 0.5 (Fig. 3). The relative sensitivity to
minnow density was variable among taxa, but organisms differing in
body size and functional group were impacted at low minnow densities,
such as large and mid-sized clingers, large swimmers, and large and mid-
sized burrowers. Although signicantly affected, some burrower taxa
like Sphaeriidae and Macropelopiini were particularly threatened at
higher minnow densities. By contrast, trout density was mainly
responsible for the impact on large swimmers and clingers.
3.4. Factors explaining macroinvertebrates abundance
The factors controlling the abundance of macroinvertebrates were
assessed for 19 taxa (including ve groups for which the probability of
occurrence was not studied due to their ubiquitousness). Nine taxa were
negatively affected by minnows, including large clingers, along with
large, mid-sized, and small burrowers. Four taxa were negatively
affected by trout, mainly large and mid-sized clingers, but also large and
small burrowers (see Fig. 4 for relevant taxa). A negative relationship
with minnows was found for Sialidae, Macropelopiini, Orthocladiinae
(Chironomidae), Limnephilidae, Procladiini, non-Tanytarsini Chirono-
minae (Chironomidae), Polycentropodidae, Hydrachnidia, and Tany-
tarsini (Chironomidae). The impact of minnows on Oligochaeta was
marginally signicant. Oligochaeta, Sialidae, Baetidae and Limnephili-
dae displayed declines in abundance related to trout. Nevertheless, trout
density had a positive effect on the abundance of the chironomids
Orthocladiinae and Pentaneurini.
Macrophyte cover was a positive predictor of the abundance of
Corixidae, non-Tanytarsini Chironominae, Pentaneurini, Tanytarsini,
Hydrachnidia, Procladiini, Gastropoda, Baetidae, Sphaeriidae, and Oli-
gochaeta. Signicant effects of lake altitude were detected for Corixidae
and Tanytarsini, which were more abundant at higher altitudes. The
abundance of Macropelopiini and Hydrachnidia increased with lake
area, whereas Baetidae showed a negative relationship with that vari-
able. Negative interactions were found between minnows and trout for
Pentaneurini (the impact of minnow density on its abundance was more
severe in lakes with low trout density), and between trout and macro-
phyte cover for Procladiini (the impact of trout density on its abundance
was more severe in lakes with low macrophyte cover). For further details
on GLM results, see Tables A.3A.21 in the Supporting Information.
4. Discussion
In this study, non-native minnows and trout were shown to play a
strong role on shaping the littoral macroinvertebrate communities in
high mountain lakes. Variation partitioning analysis indicated that the
variation uniquely attributable to the density of sh was larger than the
one explained by either spatial autocorrelation, catchment features, or
in-lake habitat descriptors. Altitude-related and habitat variables have
been usually dened as the most important factors affecting the mac-
roinvertebrate distribution in high mountain lakes (Fjellheim et al.,
2000; de Mendoza and Catalan, 2010; de Mendoza et al., 2015). Yet, in
agreement with our results, the presence of predatory sh can also
control the occurrence and abundance of many macroinvertebrate taxa
and even surpass environmental and spatial factors in their inuence on
the community (Schilling et al., 2009; de Mendoza et al., 2012).
Trout have been described to threaten a variety of animal groups in
high mountain lakes (e.g. Knapp et al., 2001; Tiberti et al., 2014; Mir´
et al., 2018). The effects of the presence of introduced trout on macro-
invertebrate communities of naturally shless lakes have been described
previously across geographically disparate areas (Knapp et al., 2001;
Tiberti et al., 2014; Toro et al., 2020). One contribution of this study, has
been to take into account the effects of trout density (Figs. 3, 4 and A.4).
In accordance with Knapp et al. (2001) and Tiberti et al. (2014), we
found that trout caused a decline in the abundance of conspicuous Tri-
choptera, Ephemeroptera, Coleoptera, Hemiptera and Oligochaeta taxa.
Conversely, Chironomidae groups such as Orthocladiinae and Penta-
neurini beneted from higher trout densities. Evidence of enhanced
emergence of chironomids caused by trout is reported in the literature
(Tiberti et al., 2016). It seems very likely that the selective predation of
trout on large-bodied and predator taxa is involved in the higher
abundances of certain chironomids from interspecies competition and
predation within the littoral invertebrate community (Mousavi et al.,
2002), but other factors like an increase in nutrient concentration could
also be involved (Leavitt et al., 1994).
Our results suggest that minnows have a much larger negative effect
Table 1
Forward selection of variables in distance-based redundancy analysis (dbRDA)
for spatial, catchment, in-lake and vertebrate variables explaining littoral mac-
roinvertebrate community (P <0.05, 9999 randomizations). Adjusted R
variables selected from each model to be incorporated in full-dbRDA is indicated
in parentheses. Variation partitioning among groups of variables in full-dbRDA
(total adj R
=0.384) is displayed below. Abbreviations stand for: TC/LA =total
catchment area/lake area, Alt =altitude, Mac_cov =percentage of littoral
macrophyte cover, Chla =chlorophyll-a, TP =total phosphorus concentration,
DIN =dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration, Cond =water conductivity,
Minnow_CPUE =CPUE of minnows, Trout_CPUE =CPUE of trout.
Selected variables (adj R
Alt (0.028*) TP (0.028**)
Area (0.026*) DIN (0.023*)
Variation partitioning on full-dbRDA
Total (adj
0.140 0.106 0.176 0.157
Pure (adj
0.041 0.041 0.064 0.080
(adj R
0.099 0.065 0.112 0.077
Asterisks indicate the level of statistical signicance associated with each vari-
able: *P 0.05; **P 0.01 and ***P 0.001.
V. Osorio et al.
Biological Conservation 272 (2022) 109637
CPUE ≥ 27.6
(Split 1, 27.2%)
(Split 2, 7.5%) (Split 3, 11.%)
Residual: 0.543
CVRE: 0.879
SE: 0.13
Sigara (0.81)
Arctocorisa (0.79)
Erpobdella (0.73)
Enallagma (0.66)
Pyrrhosoma (0.58)
Hydrachnidia (0.83)
Aeshna (0.73)
Gerris (0.66)
Chrysops (0.55)
Culicoides (0.48)
Cloeon (0.75)
Pisidium (0.95)
Sialis (0.93)
Macropelopiini (0.89)
Procladiini (0.83)
Palpomyiini (0.82)
Donacia (0.48)
Macropelopiini (0.89)
Procladiini (0.83)
n = 4 n = 9
n = 9n = 32
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Cloeon (0.75)
Pisidium (0.95)
Sialis (0.93)
Pisidium (0.95)
Sialis (0.93)
Macropelopiini (0.89)
Procladiini (0.83)
Aeshna (0.73)
Gerris (0.66)
Chrysops (0.55)
Culicoides (0.48)
Hydrachnidia (0.83)
< 18.5%≥ 18.5%
≥ 19%< 19%
cover Macrophyte
< 27.6. Minnow
−2.0 −1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
db−RDA1 41.4%
db−RDA2 19.9%
Fig. 2. (a) Ordination diagram showing the linear combination of variables describing the main gradients of variation in the littoral macroinvertebrate community
(Bray-Curtis distances on log-transformed taxa abundance) along the rst two axes of pars-dbRDA. A principal component analysis (PCA) of variables in pars-dbRDA
is included as a subplot. (b) Multivariate regression tree (MRT) run on macroinvertebrate dataset (Bray-Curtis distances on log-transformed taxa abundance, 1000
multiple cross-validations) and using explanatory variables in pars-dbRDA as candidates to be explored. Percentage of constrained variance related to each split of the
tree is displayed in parentheses. Taxa signicantly associated with leaves are included along with their indicator value. Minnow CPUE is expressed as individuals
. See Table 1 for a description of variable abbreviations.
V. Osorio et al.
Biological Conservation 272 (2022) 109637
on the littoral macroinvertebrate community than trout. Both dbRDA
and MRT approaches revealed that minnow density was by far the most
important single variable determining community structure, with a
threshold of 27.6 individuals net
(that corresponds to approx-
imately 60.5 individuals trap
) beyond which the community
was affected signicantly. Only scarce literature exists on the role of
minnows in high mountain lakes and their effects on littoral macro-
invertebrates have remained so far unexplored. Previous studies in
subalpine lakes revealed that minnow diet included Cladocera and large
taxa, such as Gammaridae, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera
(Hesthagen et al., 1992; Museth et al., 2010). Yet, disagreeing results
describing an increasing abundance of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and
Trichoptera taxa in lakes with minnows have also been reported (Næstad
and Brittain, 2010).
Macroinvertebrate communities in lakes with minnows were
composed of a very limited number of taxa, and dominated by small
burrower organisms with semi-sessile habits. Chironomidae and Oli-
gochaeta showed a substantial increase in their relative abundance in
lakes with minnows (92 % of individuals counted in the samples on
average), but simply as a result of the absence of other potential com-
munity members. Indeed, minnows restricted the occurrence of more
taxa than trout, and negatively affected a wide variety of functional
groups (i.e. swimmers, clingers, and burrowers). In contrast to trout,
high minnow densities did not benet any taxon, but rather caused
population declines of Trichoptera and inconspicuous taxa, like
Hydrachnidia and most of Chironomidae groups. Only Corixidae and
Dytiscidae were both affected by minnows and trout, as these large and
mobile insects are generally very vulnerable to visual predators (Tate
and Hershey, 2003). The high densities in which minnows often occur
may certainly be one of the reasons to their exacerbated impact on the
community. The shore-based shoals of minnows perform a faster
location of patchy food than solitary trout and their efciency increases
with shoal size (Pitcher et al., 1982). Moreover, when living in sympatry
with trout, minnows are conned to the shallow parts of the lake to
avoid trout predation. Under these circumstances, minnows that would
be otherwise consuming pelagic invertebrates may shift towards a
heavier predation on littoral benthic fauna (Museth et al., 2010). Trout
has a less exible feeding strategy than minnows and is clearly inu-
enced by the size frequency distribution of potential prey (S´
andez and Amundsen, 2015).
Aquatic macrophyte cover was the only signicant factor explaining
the occurrence of groups like Hirudinea, Gastropoda, and Odonata. In
fact, irrespective of minnow and trout density, we found higher taxa
richness in lakes with more abundant macrophytes (Fig. A.5 of the
Supporting Information). Aquatic vegetation is of great importance in
providing food resources as well as increased habitat heterogeneity to
macroinvertebrates (Carlisle and Hawkins, 1998). As a source of both
competitive and predatory refuges, we observed that higher values of
macrophyte cover increased the likelihood of occurrence and the
abundance of taxa vulnerable to sh predation. Even inconspicuous taxa
such as Oligochaeta, Sphaeriidae, and most chironomids, were favoured
by submerged vegetation. On the other hand, Limnephilidae taxa were
more common in lakes with low macrophyte dominance. This fact can
probably be attributed to the higher availability of mineral grains
required by dominant species of Limnephilidae (e.g. Annitella pyrenaea)
to build their larval cases in lakes with low macrophyte dominance.
The results of this study show that non-native minnows pose a very
serious threat for the conservation of littoral macroinvertebrates, being
responsible for a dramatic biodiversity loss. Other studies have shown
that conservation implications of minnow introduction extend far
beyond the macroinvertebrate communities, as so far the survival of
macrophyte populations and amphibians is also compromised by
(M,Sw, Dytiscidae)
(M,B, Chironomidae)
(M,B, Chironomidae)
020406080 0 5101520
Minnow CPUE
(individuals net−1 day−1)
Trout CPUE
(individuals net−1 day−1)
(M,Sw, Dytiscidae)
Fig. 3. Estimated sh density at which macroinvertebrate probability of occurrence was equal to 0.5. Only macroinvertebrates signicantly affected by either
minnows or trout are presented. Fish density estimations and their standard errors are displayed (see Supporting Information for statistical procedures). The
threshold of minnow CPUE suggested by MRT analysis (Fig. 2b) is indicated with a thick vertical line. The body size and functional group of taxa are codied as: L =
large, M =mid-sized, S =small, Sw =swimmer, C =clinger, and B =burrower.
V. Osorio et al.
Biological Conservation 272 (2022) 109637
minnows. Gacia et al. (2018) described the massive uprooting of Pyr-
enean quillwort meadows related to minnow presence. The predation on
primary consumers, together with the release of nutrients and increased
turbidity due to the benthic scavenging activity of shoals, were proposed
as the underlying causes. Amphibian declines are the rst consequence
of trout introduction (Knapp et al., 2001; Mir´
o et al., 2018), but minnow
presence is also equally unfavourable for amphibians as is trout. Am-
phibians disappear from lakes when trout are introduced, but do not
return when trout disappear and minnows remain as the only sh spe-
cies present in the lake (Mir´
o et al., 2018). Mir´
o and Ventura (2015) did
not nd any lake where minnows disappeared once established in the
Pyrenees, whereas pre-existing trout populations have disappeared after
minnow introductions in twenty lakes and ponds. Some of these lakes
had brown trout introduced centuries ago while others were stocked
recently. In addition, Tiberti et al. (2022) found that there is a strong
negative relationship between trout and minnows, indicating that
minnows have a direct role in the decrease of trout abundance. This
suggests that minnows are a bigger conservation threat due to their
higher resistance to adverse environmental conditions and their greater
impact on littoral invertebrates than trout.
The conservation of invertebrates is at least as threatened as that of
vertebrates worldwide (S´
anchez-Bayo and Wyckhuys, 2019).
2200 2300 2400 2500
Altitude (m a.s.l.)
Corixidae abundance
(indv. m-2)
Macrophytes (% littoral cover)
D = 20.9%D = 96.1%
Minnow CPUE
0 50 100
0 5 10 15
D = 62.6% D = 34.1%
Limnephilidae abundance
(indv. m-2)
Trout CPUE
Macrophytes (% littoral cover)
Baetidae abundance
(indv. m-2)
D = 23.2%
Trout CPUE
D = 8.2%
Area (ha)
D = 16.9%
Sialidae abundance
(indv. m-2)
Large swimmer Large clinger
Mid-sized clinger
(indv. m-2)
Macrophytes (% littoral cover)
D = 42.4%
Mid-sized burrower
Trout CPUE
Minnow CPUE
0 50 100 200
D = 31.7 %D = 36.0 %
Orthocladiinae abundance
(indv. m-2)
Macropelopiini abundance
(indv. m-2)
0 50 100
D = 79.5%
Minnow CPUE
Area (ha)
D = 19.2%
Mid-sized burrower Small burrower
Large burrower
0 50 100
Minnow CPUE
D = 26.3%
Trout CPUE
D = 73.6%
Macrophytes (% littoral cover)
Large crawler
Gastropoda abundance
(indv. m-2)
D = 81.6 %
Sphaeriidae abundance
Fig. 4. Estimated effect of signicant variables (P <0.05) on the abundance of relevant macroinvertebrate taxa obtained by gamma GLM. The contour of the shaded
areas corresponds to ±2 SE (95 % CI) relative to the main estimate, and hatch marks at the top and the bottom are descriptors of the frequency of data points along
the gradient of continuous variables (above and below the main estimate, respectively). The increase in deviance (D, equivalent to variance for this type of an-
alyses) resulting from dropping the selected variable from the model is indicated. Minnow and trout CPUE are expressed as individuals net
V. Osorio et al.
Biological Conservation 272 (2022) 109637
Invertebrate groups such as Coleoptera and Bivalvia, which were
heavily impacted by minnows in this study, include very sensitive and
endangered species that rely on the integrity of these habitats for their
survival (Council of the European Communities, 1992; Verdú et al.,
2011). The recovery of high mountain macroinvertebrate communities
has been shown to be possible after trout eradication (Knapp et al., 2001;
Tiberti et al., 2019). Although hard to accomplish, restoration of lakes
invaded by minnows may be an effective conservation measure for
impacted macroinvertebrate communities, as already proved for pro-
tected amphibians (Mir´
o et al., 2020).
4.1. Conclusions
We found that the negative effects of non-native minnow introduc-
tion prevailed over environmental and spatial factors in determining the
littoral macroinvertebrate community of high mountain lakes. Minnows
had a much larger negative effect on macroinvertebrates than trout and
were linked to the elimination of many taxa from the studied ecosys-
tems. Our results demonstrate substantial local effects at the lake scale,
but uncontrolled expansion of minnows could also lead to regional and
biogeographic changes in native aquatic biodiversity. As sh introduc-
tion makes water bodies unsuitable for the survival of vulnerable taxa,
fragmentation and isolation of their populations is expected to occur. We
conclude that given the ongoing and fast spread of non-native minnows
in mountain ranges worldwide, there is an urgent need for incorporating
restrictive criteria about trout stocking and the abolition of the use of
minnows as live bait for angling. In addition, we suggest to implement
restoration measures to remove non-native sh, especially minnows in
early stages of introduction. In those lakes where minnows are already
introduced and where conservation is not the main goal, we also
recommend to establish more sustainable shing methods such as sh-
ing without death. This should prevent the disappearance of trout, and
therefore a larger deterioration of the lake.
Economic support was provided by the European Commission LIFE
(LIFE20 NAT/ES/00347), BiodivERsA FISHME (BiodivRestor-280) and
FUNBIO (RTI2018-096217-B-I00) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/
501100011033 and BIOOCULT (2413/2017) funded by MTERD/OAPN
and by ERDF A way of making Europe.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Víctor Osorio: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis,
Investigation, Data curation, Writing original draft, Writing review &
editing, Visualization. María ´
Angeles Puig: Conceptualization, Inves-
tigation, Writing review & editing, Supervision, Funding acquisition.
Teresa Buchaca: Conceptualization, Investigation, Data curation,
Writing review & editing, Funding acquisition. Ibor Sab´
as: Investi-
gation, Data curation, Writing review & editing. Alexandre Mir´
Investigation, Data curation, Writing review & editing. Federica
Lucati: Investigation, Data curation, Writing review & editing.
Jongmo Suh: Investigation, Data curation, Writing review & editing.
Quim Pou-Rovira: Conceptualization, Investigation, Data curation,
Writing review & editing, Funding acquisition. Marc Ventura:
Conceptualization, Investigation, Writing review & editing, Supervi-
sion, Project administration, Funding acquisition.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
We would like to acknowledge the eld and shing teams and all the
people who helped us during the eld work, including Berta P´
erez and
Eva Docampo. Also, we want to sincerely thank the valuable assistance
given in the eld work by the staff of the Pyrenean protected areas of
Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park and Alt Pirineu
Natural Park.
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V. Osorio et al.
... Noteworthy among these vertebrates are amphibians, birds, and mammals (especially bats and shrews) exhibiting varying degrees of association with aquatic environments and reliance on aquatic subsidies. However, fish have been commonly introduced into high mountain lakes, with negative direct impacts on their aquatic preys (aquatic invertebrates and amphibians; Knapp et al., 2001;Tiberti et al., 2014;Ventura et al., 2017;Osorio et al., 2022) and indirect impacts that extend throughout the entire aquatic food web (Schindler et al., 2001), ultimately influencing the adjacent terrestrial ecosystems and predators relying on aquatic prey subsidies (Matthews et al., 2002;Pope et al., 2009;Epanchin et al., 2010). For example, Matthews et al. (2002) found that alien fish lead to the disappearance of the garter snake (Thamnopsis elegans) from the lake shore of high mountain lakes of Sierra Nevada (CA, USA) by reducing the abundance of their shared prey (i.e., amphibians). ...
... Indeed, the presence of fish in mountain lakes can also increase the number of some emerging insects, particularly of tiny non-biting midges (Fam. Chironomidae; Finlay and Vredenburg, 2007;Pope et al., 2009;Tiberti et al., 2016b;Osorio et al., 2022). This phenomenon is likely associated with competitive advantages conferred upon some midge species by fish predation on their benthic invertebrate predators or competitors (Pope et al., 2009;Tiberti et al., 2016b;Osorio et al., 2022). ...
... Chironomidae; Finlay and Vredenburg, 2007;Pope et al., 2009;Tiberti et al., 2016b;Osorio et al., 2022). This phenomenon is likely associated with competitive advantages conferred upon some midge species by fish predation on their benthic invertebrate predators or competitors (Pope et al., 2009;Tiberti et al., 2016b;Osorio et al., 2022). The increase of emerging midges might alleviate competition between fish and terrestrial insectivores, potentially explaining why researchers have not been able to find negative indirect effects of alien fish on another insectivore bird (pied flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca; Milardi et al., 2019) and insectivore bats (Gruenstein et al., 2021) in boreal and mountain lakes. ...
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Widespread fish introductions into originally fishless mountain lakes have had severe consequences for native biota, including aquatic macroinvertebrates, which provide important food subsidies for terrestrial and semiaquatic insectivores like shrews (Fam. Soricidae). Since both fish and shrews rely on aquatic macroinvertebrates as food, whether in their larval or imaginal stage, we investigated if fish presence had adverse effects on shrews. Baited tubes were deployed to monitor the presence/absence of shrews by collecting their scats in lakes with and without fish in the western Italian Alps. Only two species, the Valais shrew (Sorex antinorii) and the Eurasian water shrew (Neomys fodiens), were found inhabiting the lakes' edges, where they fed on aquatic insect subsidies. The results indicate a significant pattern of exclusion between shrews and introduced fish. This negative association was especially evident in the presence of large-bodied fish (i.e., salmonids), but also of small fish (i.e., cyprinids). Consistently, compared to naturally fishless lakes, those with fish exhibit a lower availability of aquatic prey, representing a significant portion of the diet of both shrew species. Overall, our findings suggest that the impact on shrews may be mediated by a complex interplay of competition and predation between fish and shrews. Fish impacts may extend beyond the lakes to insectivorous mammals in surrounding areas. We recommend that the potential benefits to species and habitats reliant on aquatic subsidies be considered and integrated into conservation and restoration plans, and that these findings be communicated to the public to foster greater support for restoration efforts.
... The presence or absence of introduced fish communities, represented by cyprinids and salmonids (Ventura et al. 2017;Osorio et al. 2022), was determined in situ. ...
... We discovered introduced fish in 28.6% of the reservoirs visited during this study. Similar introductions in mountain lakes are known to impact the habitat and indigenous species such as amphibians (Ventura et al. 2017;Osorio et al. 2022). In addition, nautical sports have become popular in more recent reservoirs, potentially affecting biodiversity through excessive human presence, wave action on the shoreline, noise, trampling and vibration (Coops et al. 1991;Fleissner et al. 2022). ...
Alpine freshwater ecosystems are biodiversity hotspots providing key ecosystem services. These ecosystems face threats from climate change and anthropogenic activities. Snowmaking reservoirs have emerged across the globe as a response to snow rarefaction and increasing winter tourism, and despite efforts to assess their environmental impact, our understanding of their ecological quality after being built remains limited. In the present study, we evaluated representative snowmaking reservoirs in French Alpine counties (départements) and their potential to serve as aquatic ecosystems. A comprehensive approach was employed encompassing ski resort surveys and geographical analyses of 136 reservoirs, complemented by investigations into abiotic characteristics and biodiversity surveys in 28 sampled reservoirs. The findings indicated that the multiplication and proximity of these reservoirs to freshwater habitats make them components of the alpine aquatic landscape. Terrestrial vegetation, although sparse, was commonly present on the banks of these reservoirs, but they systematically lacked aquatic vegetation. Faunal diversity appeared to be limited, and consisted of both indigenous and non-native species. Comparisons of snowmaking reservoirs with mountain lakes revealed similarities in water quality, implying the potential for similar oligotrophy and biotic communities. However, differences in conductivity, alkalimetry and pH were observed, possibly linked to distinct differences in water sources or retention times. Snowmaking reservoirs displayed unique habitat features through their structure and functioning. Although these reservoirs are attractive in terms of their biodiversity, there are concerns regarding their capacity to support species due to observations of drowned mammals and stranded amphibians and dragonflies. Our observations reveal potential ecological traps in the design, exploitation and uses of snowmaking reservoirs. Recommendations are made to enhance existing structures and future designs by increasing ecological processes and better protecting biodiversity.
... The latter are often associated with the collateral introduction of so-called forage fish, i.e., small fish-mainly minnows of the genus Phoxinus-used as live baits to fish or to forage the salmonids. Both salmonids and minnows have been shown to exert detrimental impacts on native invertebrates and amphibians Schilling et al. 2009;Tiberti et al. 2014;Osorio et al. 2022). Their impacts mostly rely on direct predation of conspicuous benthic invertebrates as well as large zooplankton (e.g., Daphnia sp.) but can also be subtler through imposed habitat shifts of native species (Milardi et al. 2016). ...
... It is worth noting that the presence of minnows in the littoral of the lake that likely relates to the intensification of fishing practices since the 1980s could have also contributed to alter the abundances littoral invertebrates (Osorio et al. 2022). Salmonid's limited reliance on zooplankton may be supported by the actual composition of the zooplankton community that exhibited high abundances of a cyclops species (C. ...
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Unlabelled: Mountain lakes are especially vulnerable to climate change, but are also increasingly exposed to local anthropogenic development through winter and summer tourism. In this study, we aimed to tease apart the influence of tourism from that of climate in a mountain lake located within one of the largest French ski resorts, by combining paleolimnological and present ecological data. The reconstructed long-term ecological dynamics highlighted an increase in lake biological production from the end of the Little Ice Age up to the 1950s, suggesting a historical dominance of climate control. Afterward, a major drop in pelagic production occurred at the same time as the watershed erosion increased and peaked in the 1990s, concomitant with massive digging for the ski resort expansion. The benthic invertebrates collapsed in the 1980s, concomitantly with the onset of massive salmonid stocking and recent warming. Stable isotope analyses identified benthic invertebrates as the major salmonid diet resource and suggested a possible direct impact of salmonid stocking on benthic invertebrates. However, habitat use may differ among salmonid species as suggested by the way fish DNA was preserved in surficial sediment. The high abundances of macrozooplankton further confirmed the limited reliance of salmonids on pelagic resources. The variable thermal tolerance of benthic invertebrates suggested that the recent warming may mostly affect littoral habitats. Our results indicate that winter and summer tourism may differently affect the biodiversity of mountain lakes and could collectively interfere with the ecological impacts of recent warming, making local management of primary importance to preserve their ecological integrity. Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00027-023-00968-6.
... of the possible impact of trout on mountain lakes. On the contrary, amphibians and invertebrates from the littoral zone are impacted by trout and, even more, by minnows when present (Miró et al., 2018;Osorio et al., 2022). Therefore, the presence of trout does not appear to be an obstacle that interferes with the contribution of phytoplankton to the global change sentinel role of high mountain lakes. ...
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High mountain lakes are increasingly recognized as sentinel ecosystems of global change. Monitoring phytoplankton changes or reconstructing their composition from sedimentary records can help identify systemic changes in these lakes and their catchments. This study aimed to evaluate the distribution of the major phytoplankton groups in high mountain lakes across environmental gradients and identify tipping points in relative dominance. The phytoplankton groups were estimated using pigment‐based chemotaxonomy in 79 lakes in the Pyrenees selected to cover the bedrock and elevation gradients. Fifty‐four environment variables were considered, including in‐lake and catchment descriptors. Redundancy analyses showed that in‐lake descriptors override the explicative capacity of landscape variables. Generalized additive models and multivariate regression trees showed that water hardness, trophic state and food‐web descriptors were, in this order, the most influential factors determining phytoplankton group dominance. Calcium concentration of about 200 μeq L⁻¹ defined the threshold between soft waters—with chrysophytes and chlorophytes showing a higher affinity for them—and harder waters that favour diatoms and cyanobacteria. Across the trophic gradient, there was a threshold at ~5 μg L⁻¹ of total phosphorus (TP), chrysophytes being dominant below that TP value and cryptophytes above. The dominance of chlorophytes and cryptophytes increased with the density of macrozooplankton. Chrysophytes were significantly lower and diatoms higher in lakes with fish. Synthesis. The relative abundance of phytoplankton groups in temperate high mountain lakes responds in a nonlinear way to the hardness of the water in the range 20–1195 Ca²⁺ μeq L⁻¹ and the trophic state in the range 0.94–19 TP μg L ⁻¹. The thresholds across water hardness and trophic state gradients coincide with studies based on other organisms, pointing to a robust typology for mountain lakes that should be considered when selecting global change sentinel lakes and anticipating abrupt transitions across these thresholds.
... These cascades could cause collapse in native species abundances and alter food-web stability. This result echoes previous studies in mountain lakes which showed declines in macroinvertebrate diversity in presence of trout that were exacerbated with the addition of minnows (Osorio et al., 2022). ...
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Species introductions can alter local food‐web structure by changing the vertical or horizontal diversity within communities, largely driven by their body size distributions. Increasing vertical and horizontal diversities is predicted to have opposing effects on stability. However, their interactive effects remain largely overlooked. We investigated the independent and collective effects of vertical and horizontal diversities on food‐web stability in alpine lakes stocked with variable body size distributions of introduced fish species. Introduced predators destabilize food‐webs by increasing vertical diversity through food chain lengthening. Alternatively, increasing horizontal diversity results in more stable food‐web topologies. A non‐linear interaction between vertical and horizontal diversities suggests that increasing vertical diversity is most destabilizing when horizontal diversity is low. Our findings suggest that the size structure of introduced predators drives their impacts on stability by modifying the structure of food‐webs, and highlights the interactive effects of vertical and horizontal diversities on stability.
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Small fish species such as minnows (Phoxinus sp.) are introduced into mountain lakes by anglers that use them as live bait for fishing salmonids, that were previously introduced in these naturally fishless habitats. Introduced fish severely impact native biota but minnows are nevertheless released believing to provide forage for game fish, i.e., salmonids. However, our results indicate that minnows negatively interact with game fish, reducing their relative densities. On some occasions, minnows can remain the only present fish following trout extinction. We believe that this information should be urgently disseminated among anglers as a pragmatic argument to also convince anglers less sensitive to conservation issues that carrying minnows to the mountains is not a good idea whatever the main interest is, e.g., nature conservation or outdoor recreation.
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There have been five Mass Extinction events in the history of Earth's biodiversity, all caused by dramatic but natural phenomena. It has been claimed that the Sixth Mass Extinction may be underway, this time caused entirely by humans. Although considerable evidence indicates that there is a biodiversity crisis of increasing extinctions and plummeting abundances, some do not accept that this amounts to a Sixth Mass Extinction. Often, they use the IUCN Red List to support their stance, arguing that the rate of species loss does not differ from the background rate. However, the Red List is heavily biased: almost all birds and mammals but only a minute fraction of invertebrates have been evaluated against conservation criteria. Incorporating estimates of the true number of invertebrate extinctions leads to the conclusion that the rate vastly exceeds the background rate and that we may indeed be witnessing the start of the Sixth Mass Extinction. As an example, we focus on molluscs, the second largest phylum in numbers of known species, and, extrapolating boldly, estimate that, since around AD 1500, possibly as many as 7.5-13% (150,000-260,000) of all~2 million known species have already gone extinct, orders of magnitude greater than the 882 (0.04%) on the Red List. We review differences in extinction rates according to realms: marine species face significant threats but, although previous mass extinctions were largely defined by marine invertebrates, there is no evidence that the marine biota has reached the same crisis as the non-marine biota. Island species have suffered far greater rates than continental ones. Plants face similar conservation biases as do invertebrates, although there are hints they may have suffered lower extinction rates. There are also those who do not deny an extinction crisis but accept it as a new trajectory of evolution, because humans are part of the natural world; some even embrace it, with a desire to manipulate it for human benefit. We take issue with these stances. Humans are the only species able to manipulate the Earth on a grand scale, and they have allowed the current crisis to happen. Despite multiple conservation initiatives at various levels, most are not species oriented (certain charismatic vertebrates excepted) and specific actions to protect every living species individually are simply unfeasible because of the tyranny of numbers. As systematic biologists, we encourage the nurturing of the innate human appreciation of biodiversity, but we reaffirm the message that the biodiversity that makes our world so fascinating, beautiful and functional is vanishing unnoticed at an unprecedented rate. In the face of a mounting crisis, scientists must adopt the practices of preventive archaeology , and collect and document as many species as possible before they disappear. All this depends on reviving the venerable study of natural history and taxonomy. Denying the crisis, simply accepting it and doing nothing, or even embracing it for the ostensible benefit of humanity, are not appropriate options and pave the way for the Earth to continue on its sad trajectory towards a Sixth Mass Extinction.
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Amphibians of high mountain lakes face many threats related to global change, including novel pathogens, development, climate change and overexploitation. However, the foremost threat is the presence of non-native fish. One of the objectives of the LIFE+ LIMNOPIRINEUS project (2014-2019) was the recovery of protected amphibian communities (including the endemic Calotriton asper) in eight naturally fishless Pyrenean high mountain lakes, by controlling or eradicating non-native trout or minnows. During the summer months of 2015 to 2019, we removed 95-100% of the fish present in these lakes, and monitored changes in their amphibian populations, as well as surveyed 56 nearby control lakes with or without fish. We found rapid natural recovery of amphibian communities as fish removal work progressed. The fish-removal lakes achieved typical richness figures for the area one year after fish removal began, and typical species abundances after three years (with the only exception of Rana temporaria). We documented a total of 16 colonisation events, all by amphibian species from the same valley. The two earliest colonisation events were observed in the year in which fish removal began, with eight events the following year. The lack of colonisation from nearby valleys in the study period highlights the crucial role of nearby residual populations not affected by human impacts. We show that whole amphibian communities from high mountain lakes recover rapidly after eliminating or reducing non-native fish, proving that this is a powerful tool to improve the conservation status of endangered amphibians.
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Mountain lakes provide some fundamental ecosystem services (i.e., water supply for drinking and energy production) and have an enormous aesthetic and conservation value. Ecological knowledge on mountain lakes, however, is still scarce and limited to a few geographical areas and mainly to abiotic features. To fill this gap, a limnological campaign was carried out on 19 lakes of the Mont Avic Natural Park (Aosta, Western Italian Alps). Bathymetric maps of the lakes are provided in this paper, as is data on the lakes’ physical properties, chemistry, nano- and pico-plankton, zooplankton, littoral macroinvertebrates, amphibians and introduced fish. The aim of this study was to create a reference database of ecological data for the development of new studies and conservation measures/actions. To this end, ecological data are discussed from both a limnological and a conservation perspective, allowing for the identification of major threats affecting the lakes in the protected area. Despite local threats which include water exploitation, organic pollution, and introduced fish, water quality was good. Lake biota can however be affected by such threats, in particular introduced fish (Salmonidae and Cyprinidae), representing a challenging conservation problem.
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Invertebrates are central to the functioning of ecosystems, yet they are underappreciated and understudied. Recent work has shown that they are suffering from rapid decline. Here we call for a greater focus on invertebrates and make recommendations for future investigation.
In Lake Grande de Peñalara, an originally fishless small high mountain lake in the Central Iberian Peninsula, brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) was introduced in the 1970s, and then eradicated 30 years later using gillnets. In this study, we investigated the time-course and changes in macroinvertebrates and zooplankton communities, before and after the eradication, by studying their richness and several biological and ecological traits of macroinvertebrates. Macroinvertebrates richness increased from 13 taxa coexisting with fish, up to a maximum of 27 taxa after the eradication. Rare groups usually affected by fish predation, e.g. swimmers in surface and open waters, showed high dispersal and recolonization capabilities, while those with burrowing, interstitial or crawler habits maintained their presence, and even with the presence of fish given their advantage of hiding from being directly sighted by fish. Taxa with affinities for rare habitats within the lake (e.g. macrophyte beds) occasionally appeared 4–6 years after eradication. In contrast, zooplankton assemblage did not significantly change in richness in the 10 years after eradication. No new species of cladocerans or copepods appeared after fish removal, but 4 new rotifer taxa appeared and 5 disappeared. This was apparently more related to a change in water quality or trophic status as a consequence of the fish removal than to the direct effect of fish removal on rotifers. Zooplankters were significantly smaller, on average, before fish eradication rather than later, indicating that the community responded to the change in predation pressure.
Insect declines are being reported worldwide for flying, ground, and aquatic lineages. Most reports come from western and northern Europe, where the insect fauna is well-studied and there are considerable demographic data for many taxonomically disparate lineages. Additional cases of faunal losses have been noted from Asia, North America, the Arctic, the Neotropics, and elsewhere. While this review addresses both species loss and population declines, its emphasis is on the latter. Declines of abundant species can be especially worrisome, given that they anchor trophic interactions and shoulder many of essential ecosystem services of their respective communities. A review of the factors believed to be responsible for observed collapses and those perceived to be especially threatening to insects form the core of this treatment. In addition to widely recognized threats to insect biodiversity, e.g., habitat destruction, agricultural intensification (including pesticide use), climate change, and invasive species, this assessment highlights a few less commonly considered factors such as atmospheric nitrification from the burning of fossil fuels and the effects of droughts and changing precipitation patterns. Because the geographic extent and magnitude of insect declines are largely unknown, there is an urgent need for monitoring efforts, especially across ecological gradients, which will help to identify important causal factors in declines. This review also considers the status of vertebrate insectivores, reporting bias, challenges inherent in collecting and interpreting insect demographic data, and cases of increasing insect abundance. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Entomology, Volume 65 is January 7, 2020. Please see for revised estimates.
Biodiversity of insects is threatened worldwide. Here, we present a comprehensive review of 73 historical reports of insect declines from across the globe, and systematically assess the underlying drivers. Our work reveals dramatic rates of decline that may lead to the extinction of 40% of the world's insect species over the next few decades. In terrestrial ecosystems, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera and dung beetles (Coleoptera) appear to be the taxa most affected, whereas four major aquatic taxa (Odonata, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera) have already lost a considerable proportion of species. Affected insect groups not only include specialists that occupy particular ecological niches, but also many common and generalist species. Concurrently, the abundance of a small number of species is increasing; these are all adaptable, generalist species that are occupying the vacant niches left by the ones declining. Among aquatic insects, habitat and dietary generalists, and pollutant-tolerant species are replacing the large biodiversity losses experienced in waters within agricultural and urban settings. The main drivers of species declines appear to be in order of importance: i) habitat loss and conversion to intensive agriculture and urbanisation; ii) pollution, mainly that by synthetic pesticides and fertilisers; iii) biological factors, including pathogens and introduced species; and iv) climate change. The latter factor is particularly important in tropical regions, but only affects a minority of species in colder climes and mountain settings of temperate zones. A rethinking of current agricultural practices, in particular a serious reduction in pesticide usage and its substitution with more sustainable, ecologically-based practices, is urgently needed to slow or reverse current trends, allow the recovery of declining insect populations and safeguard the vital ecosystem services they provide. In addition, effective remediation technologies should be applied to clean polluted waters in both agricultural and urban environments.