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Online Testing of RESTful APIs: Promises and Challenges
Alberto Martin-Lopez
SCORE Lab, I3US Institute,
Universidad de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
Sergio Segura
SCORE Lab, I3US Institute,
Universidad de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
Antonio Ruiz-Cortés
SCORE Lab, I3US Institute,
Universidad de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
Online testing of web APIs—testing APIs in production—is gaining
traction in industry. Platforms such as RapidAPI and Sauce Labs
provide online testing and monitoring services of web APIs 24/7,
typically by re-executing manually designed test cases on the target
APIs on a regular basis. In parallel, research on the automated gen-
eration of test cases for RESTful APIs has seen signicant advances
in recent years. However, despite their promising results in the
lab, it is unclear whether research tools would scale to industrial-
size settings and, more importantly, how they would perform in
an online testing setup, increasingly common in practice. In this
paper, we report the results of an empirical study on the use of au-
tomated test case generation methods for online testing of RESTful
APIs. Specically, we used the RESTest framework to automatically
generate and execute test cases in 13 industrial APIs for 15 days
non-stop, resulting in over one million test cases. To scale at this
level, we had to transition from a monolithic tool approach to a
multi-bot architecture with over 200 bots working cooperatively in
tasks like test generation and reporting. As a result, we uncovered
about 390K failures, which we conservatively triaged into 254 bugs,
65 of which have been acknowledged or xed by developers to
date. Among others, we identied conrmed faults in the APIs of
Amadeus, Foursquare, Yelp, and YouTube, accessed by millions of
applications worldwide. More importantly, our reports have guided
developers on improving their APIs, including bug xes and doc-
umentation updates in the APIs of Amadeus and YouTube. Our
results show the potential of online testing of RESTful APIs as
the next must-have feature in industry, but also some of the key
challenges to overcome for its full adoption in practice.
•Information systems
RESTful web services;•Software
and its engineering →Software testing and debugging.
REST, web API, bot, black-box testing, online testing
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ESEC/FSE ’22, November 14–18, 2022, Singapore, Singapore
©2022 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9413-0/22/11. . . $15.00
ACM Reference Format:
Alberto Martin-Lopez, Sergio Segura, and Antonio Ruiz-Cortés. 2022. Online
Testing of RESTful APIs: Promises and Challenges. In Proceedings of the
30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium
on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE ’22), November 14–
18, 2022, Singapore, Singapore. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 13 pages. https:
Web APIs allow systems to interact with each other over the net-
work, typically using web services [
]. Most modern web APIs
comply with the REST architectural style [
], being referred to as
RESTful web APIs. RESTful web APIs [
] provide access to data
and services by means of create, read, update, and delete (CRUD)
operations over resources (e.g., a video in the YouTube API [
] or
a playlist in the Spotify API [
]). RESTful APIs are ubiquitous in
the modern-day society: public institutions such as the American
government [
] expose their existing assets as a set of RESTful
APIs; software companies such as Microsoft [
] and Netix [
base many of their systems communications on their RESTful APIs;
even non-software companies such as Marvel [
] provide APIs for
developers to build applications on top of them. The importance and
pervasiveness of web APIs is also reected on the size of popular
API repositories such as ProgrammableWeb [
] and RapidAPI [
which currently index over 24K and 30K APIs, respectively.
Checking the correct functioning of web APIs is critical. A sin-
gle bug in an API may aect tens or hundreds of other services
leveraging it. In this scenario, test thoroughness and automation
are of utmost importance. Industry standard tools and libraries for
testing RESTful APIs such as Postman [
] and REST Assured [
automate test execution, but test cases still need to be manually im-
plemented. Industrial eorts are also shifting toward the model of
online testing, where APIs are continuously tested while in produc-
tion. This is the case of platforms such as Datadog [
], RapidAPI
Testing [
], and Sauce Labs [
], which oer web API testing and
monitoring as a service. Under this model, APIs are tested and mon-
itored 24/7 with pre-dened API requests and output assertions
following a black-box approach. Customers may choose among
dierent pricing plans [
] determining the number of API calls per
day/month, the integration with CI/CD platforms, and the type of
notications, among others. These platforms completely automate
test case execution, but their generation still requires manual work,
either for the creation or amplication [71] of test cases.
Research on the automated generation of test cases for RESTful
APIs has seen signicant advances in recent years. Most approaches
follow a black-box strategy, where test cases are automatically
derived from the specication of the API under test, typically in the
OpenAPI Specication (OAS) format [
]. These approaches are
ESEC/FSE ’22, November 14–18, 2022, Singapore, Singapore Alberto Martin-Lopez, Sergio Segura, and Antonio Ruiz-Cortés
capable of automatically generating (sequences of) HTTP requests,
sending them to the API and asserting the validity of the responses.
Test data generation strategies are varied [
], while test oracles are mostly limited to checking the
conformance with the API specication and the absence of API
crashes. Despite their promising results, research approaches have
typically been evaluated in controlled environments with a few
open source APIs [
], a limited number of test cases [
], or within the boundaries of a single organization [
Thus, there is no evidence of their applicability and generalizability
to industrial settings and, more importantly, of how they would
t into the online testing model increasingly found in practice.
Hence, as a matter of fact, there is a clear gap between industrial
solutions, mostly concerned with test case execution, and research
approaches, focused on automated test case generation, but with
evaluation results limited to lab settings.
In this paper, we report the results of an empirical study on the
use of automated test case generation methods for online testing
of RESTful APIs. Specically, we automatically generated and exe-
cuted test cases on 13 industrial APIs during the course of 15 days
non-stop. We assessed dierent black-box testing strategies includ-
ing fuzzing [
], adaptive random testing [
], and constraint-based
testing [
], among others, resulting in over one million test cases.
The evaluation was conducted using RESTest [
], an open source
testing framework for RESTful web APIs. However, to scale at this
level, we had to transition from a monolithic tool approach to a
multi-bot architecture, resulting in over 200 bots—highly cohesive
and autonomous programs—working cooperatively in tasks such
as test case generation, test case execution, and test case reporting.
We uncovered about 390K test failures, which we automatically
clustered into 4,818 potential faults. After a systematic selection and
manual inspection of 586 fault clusters, we conservatively identied
254 reproducible issues in all the APIs under test, 65 of which have
been acknowledged or xed by the API developers to date [
The bugs detected are varied, including API crashes caused both by
valid [
] and invalid API inputs [
], unexpected client errors [
and security vulnerabilities [
], among many others. Our bug re-
ports led to xes in the documentation and the implementation of
the APIs of YouTube and Amadeus, used by millions of users world-
wide. The results provide helpful insights on the fault detection
capability of online testing of RESTful APIs as well as its limitations,
including its high computational cost and the debugging eort re-
quired. We also report the dierences observed among dierent
testing techniques, and how these techniques complement each
other for nding more and more varied bugs. Overall, our work
contributes to narrowing the gap between research and practice on
online testing of RESTful APIs, showing the lights and shadows of
current test case generation techniques at scale.
In summary, after discussing related work (Section 2) and pre-
senting the empirical study performed (Section 3), this paper makes
the following original research and engineering contributions:
An assessment on the failure and fault detection capability
of online testing of RESTful APIs (Sections 4.1 and 4.2).
A comparison of test data and test case generation techniques
for online testing of RESTful APIs (Section 4.3).
A set of problems uncovered by online testing in 13 industrial
APIs, including 254 reproducible bugs (Section 5).
A list of challenges for the adoption of test case generation
techniques for online testing of RESTful APIs (Section 6).
A publicly available implementation of a multi-bot architec-
ture for online testing of RESTful APIs, and a dataset of over
1M test cases and 390K test failures [92].
Finally, we address threats to validity in Section 7and conclude
the paper in Section 8.
2.1 Automated Testing of RESTful APIs
Research on the automated generation of test cases for RESTful
APIs has thrived in recent years. Most approaches follow a black-
box approach, where test cases are automatically derived from the
API specication, typically in the OpenAPI Specication (OAS) for-
mat [
]. An OAS document represents a contract on how a RESTful
API may be used, i.e., it describes the API in terms of the allowed in-
puts (HTTP requests) and outputs (HTTP responses), in a machine-
readable format. Given an OAS document, current techniques auto-
matically generate pseudo-random test cases—sequences of HTTP
requests—and test oracles—assertions on the HTTP responses. Ap-
proaches mainly dier in the way in which they generate input
data and test cases. Regarding test data generation strategies, these
include using default and example values [
], fuzzing dictionar-
ies [
], purely random inputs [
], perturbed data [
], custom
data generators and data dictionaries [
], data extracted from
knowledge bases (e.g., DBpedia [
]) [
], and contextual data (i.e.,
extracted from previous API responses) [
]. Test case gener-
ation strategies include random testing (parameters are assigned
values randomly) [
], adaptive random testing (aiming to
diversify test cases as much as possible) [
], and constraint-based
testing (parameters are assigned values such that inter-parameter
dependencies [
] are satised) [
]. In terms of test oracles, these
are mainly limited to checking the absence of API crashes (500 sta-
tus codes) and the conformance with the specication. Other oracles
include checking the status code [
], metamorphic relations [
and security properties [58]. White-box techniques require access
to the code of the API under test and are far less common than black-
box techniques. Existing approaches employ search algorithms to
maximize code coverage and fault detection [55,96,99].
Related approaches on the automated generation of test cases
for RESTful APIs have been mostly evaluated in lab settings using
a few open source APIs [
], a limited number of test cases
(up to a few thousands) [
], during a limited amount of
time (up to a few hours) [
] or within the boundaries of
a single organization [
]. In contrast, our work complements
previous work by assessing the strengths and limitations of dierent
state-of-the-art test case generation techniques in an online testing
scenario. Specically, we automatically generated and ran test cases
on 13 industrial APIs with millions of users worldwide during 15
days non-stop. This provides a novel perspective on the potential
of automated test case generation techniques for RESTful APIs in
practice: we uncovered 254 unique bugs in 13 industrial APIs, 65
of which have been acknowledged or xed by developers to date,
and some of which have led to changes in the APIs of Amadeus
Online Testing of RESTful APIs: Promises and Challenges ESEC/FSE ’22, November 14–18, 2022, Singapore, Singapore
and YouTube. More importantly, our work opens new promising
research directions to address some of the challenges identied in
areas such as debugging and testing as a service.
2.2 Online Testing
Online testing refers to the testing performed on production soft-
ware [
], as opposed to oine testing, which is done on a
development environment, before the software is released. Online
testing can be regarded both as a passive monitoring activity [
or as an active testing process [
]. In the former, the system
is observed under real-world usage aiming to detect inconsisten-
cies or anomalies [
]. In the latter, the system is continuously
stimulated with new test cases, possibly derived from the feedback
obtained from previous test results [
]. In this paper, we adopt
the second denition and refer to online testing as an active testing
process consisting in generating and executing test cases (i.e., API
requests) in the APIs in production.
Online testing platforms for web APIs are gaining popularity in
industry. These platforms provide continuous testing and monitor-
ing capabilities as a service, with dierent pricing plans determining
features such as the test execution frequency, the automation degree
and the number of users, among others. Datadog [
] is a monitor-
ing platform for tracking an API’s availability and response time
by periodically executing a set of manually congured API calls.
RapidAPI Testing [
] and Sauce Labs (formerly API Fortress) [
allow to create functional tests composed of one or more HTTP
requests with custom assertions in the HTTP responses. The data
used in the requests can be static, contextual (i.e., obtained from
a previous response) or random, based on a data category (e.g.,
“yellow” for the category “color”). However, test cases must be indi-
vidually created (RapidAPI) or amplied based on a template (Sauce
Labs). The same test cases are executed continuously at regular
intervals. In the research arena, some papers address online testing
of RESTful APIs (i.e., testing web APIs in production) [
but with a limited number of test cases or during a few hours, and
typically using a single testing technique. Online testing has also
been applied to service-oriented architectures (SOA) [
including non-functional testing [
], and other less related
domains such as mobile applications [
], embedded systems [
and software product lines [81], among others.
Compared to prior work, we report the rst empirical study on
the use of automated test case generation techniques for online test-
ing of RESTful APIs in industrial-like settings. This resembles the
model of testing as a service oered by popular industrial platforms.
This allowed us to study the failure and fault detection capability
of dierent black-box test case generation techniques over time (15
days), as well as some of the key challenges to overcome for their
adoption in practice.
In this section, we report the results of our study on online testing of
RESTful APIs, including both automated generation and execution
of test cases.
3.1 Research Questions
We aim to answer the following research questions:
Table 1: RESTful APIs under test. O = Operations, P = Param-
eters, R = Read, W = Write.
API Category Service under test O P R W
Amadeus [2] Travel Hotel search 1 27 X
DHL [23] Shipping Service point search 1 9 X
FDIC [24] Banking all 6 73 X
Foursquare [26] Social, mapping Venues search 1 17 X
LanguageTool [27] Languages Text proofread 1 11 X
Marvel [28] Entertainment Characters 6 72 X
Ohsome [31] Mapping all 122 1,146 X
OMDb [32] Media all 1 9 X
RESTcountries [42] Reference all 21 42 X
Spotify [44] Media Playlists 12 48 X X
Stripe [45] Financial Products 5 47 X X
Yelp [48] Recommendations Businesses search 1 14 X
YouTube [49] Media Comments 10 148 X X
YouTube [51] Media Search 1 31 X
Total 189 1,694 13 4
:What is the failure detection capability of online testing
of RESTful APIs? We aim to investigate the number and types of
failures detected over time.
:What is the fault detection capability of online testing of
RESTful APIs? Out of all the failures uncovered, we aim to nd out
the number and types of unique faults detected over time.
:What are the dierences observed between dierent testing
approaches? We wish to compare dierent testing strategies in
terms of API coverage and fault detection capability, aiming to
understand how dierent approaches complement each other.
3.2 APIs Under Test
Table 1depicts the RESTful APIs under test. For each API, we spec-
ify its name, the service tested (“all” if the whole API is tested), the
number of operations and parameters tested (columns “O” and “P”,
respectively), and whether it provides read and write operations
(columns “R” and “W”, respectively). We test the Search and Com-
ments services of YouTube as dierent APIs, as done by previous
authors [
], since they are subject to dierent testing strate-
gies (e.g., the former is a read-only API while the latter provides
write functionality). Our benchmark comprises large and complex
real-world APIs tested by previous authors [
], which
includes both commercial APIs used by millions of users world-
wide (e.g., Spotify and Yelp), but also industrial-size open source
APIs (e.g., Ohsome
and LanguageTool). We add another API to
our benchmark, FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), as
a good representative of complex APIs developed by public institu-
tions (i.e., the American government). The OAS specications of the
APIs (required to test them) were obtained from the APIs’ websites
or from public repositories such as [
]. Exceptionally,
Foursquare, RESTCountries and Yelp did not have public OAS docu-
ments, so we reused them from our previous work [
], ensuring
they accurately reected the API documentations.
Overall, we selected 13 APIs from varied application domains,
which comprehend 189 operations and 1,694 input parameters. Most
of the APIs tested provide only read operations. This is a common
Ohsome developers showed interest in our preliminary results and deployed an API
instance identical to the production one where we could run our experiments without
ESEC/FSE ’22, November 14–18, 2022, Singapore, Singapore Alberto Martin-Lopez, Sergio Segura, and Antonio Ruiz-Cortés
Table 2: Taxonomy of test bots and total bots used per type, according to the inclusion criteria for our experiments.
Bot dimension Bot ID Bot name Description Inclusion criterion Total
Write-safety RRead-only Tests only read operations (i.e., HTTP GET requests) The API contains read operations 55
RW Read/write Tests both read and write operations (e.g., POST and DELETE requests) The API contains write operations 20
Test data
FD Fuzzing dictionaries Uses type-aware fuzzing dictionaries and malformed strings for all request parameters All APIs 14
CDG Customized data generators Parameters are congured with customized data generators (e.g., a generator of dates
in ‘yyyy/mm/dd’ format) All APIs 32
DP Data perturbation Makes a minor change to the data used in an API request to make it invalid All APIs 14
SD Semantically-related data Uses concepts related to the semantics of the parameters, extracted from knowledge
bases like DBpedia [64]
The API contains parameters from which to
extract semantically-related concepts 5
CD Contextual data Uses values observed in previous API responses The API responses include reusable data for
subsequent requests 10
Test case
RT Random testing Parameters are assigned values randomly All APIs 39
CBT Constraint-based testing Constraint solvers are used to satisfy all inter-parameter dependencies of the API [88] The API contains inter-parameter dependencies 27
ART★Adaptive random testing Similar to RT or CBT, but aiming to generate as diverse test cases as possible [82]The API contains at least one operation with
more than 10 parameters 9
★ART bots employ RT or CBT (depending on whether the API has inter-parameter dependencies [88] or not) as a basis to generate test case candidates, from which the most diverse test cases are selected [82].
pattern in commercial APIs, where API users can only query ex-
isting data (e.g., characters from Marvel comics), and this data can
only be modied by the API providers. However, we also test ser-
vices whose main functionality is invoked via write operations (e.g.,
proofreading a text in LanguageTool), and even services which re-
quire stateful interactions (e.g., in Spotify, creating a playlist, adding
songs to it, and deleting it).
3.3 Experimental Setup
In what follows, we describe the tooling used and how it was cong-
ured, and we explain several considerations to answer the research
questions. All the experiments were performed in a single virtual
machine equipped with 512GB RAM, 32 CPU cores and 2TB HDD
running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, Java 8 and NodeJS 16.
3.3.1 Testing Ecosystem. For the generation and execution of test
cases we used RESTest [
], an open source framework integrating
varied test case generation strategies, a key requirement for our
study. After some preliminary experiments, we soon realized that
the monolithic approach of the tool—combining test case genera-
tion, execution and reporting in the same process—would hinder
the development and deployment of the application at the desired
scale. Inspired by the WES platform of Facebook [
], we conceived
a novel architecture decoupling the key parts of the testing pro-
cess into highly cohesive and autonomous programs called bots,
illustrated in Figure 1. Bots can be independently developed and
deployed using dierent technologies. We distinguish two types
of bots: input and output bots. Input bots support the generation
and execution of test cases. Output bots are responsible for analyz-
ing and leveraging the test outputs. Bots are started, stopped and
monitored automatically by a controller component, and they can
optionally interact with each other, e.g., by triggering the update
of test reports.
We devise two types of input bots: test bots, which generate and
execute test cases, and garbage collectors, which delete resources cre-
ated by test bots. Garbage collectors are implemented in JavaScript
and test bots are implemented using RESTest. As illustrated in Ta-
ble 2, test bots are classied along three dimensions, namely: (1)
write-safety, which concerns the types of operations invoked by
the bot; (2) test data generation technique, which refers to the input
Figure 1: Testing ecosystem architecture.
data used in the API requests; and (3) test case generation technique,
which relates to how API requests (i.e., test cases) are built. Test bots
are created by combining these three dimensions in any way. As
an example, R-FD-RT represents a read-only (R) bot that performs
fuzzing [
], i.e., random testing (RT) with fuzzing dictionaries (FD).
In total, we have 2 (write-safety)
5 (test data generation tech-
3 (test case generation technique)
1 (garbage collector)
= 31 types of input bots. Regarding output bots, we used both test
reporters (TR), which generate graphical test reports with the Allure
test reporting framework [
], and test coverage computers (TCC),
which compute the test coverage achieved by test bots according
to standard coverage criteria for RESTful web APIs [89].
3.3.2 Bots Selection Criteria. We selected a subset of bots for test-
ing each API based on their potential applicability, for example,
read/write bots are only applicable to APIs with write operations.
Table 2illustrates the inclusion criteria for selecting test bots in
the APIs under test, and how many bots of each type were selected.
According to these criteria, we selected 75 test bots, most of which
are read-only (55 bots), use customized data generators (32), and ap-
ply random testing (39), whereas read/write bots (20), bots that use
semantically-related data (5), and bots that apply adaptive random
testing (9) are the least common. We may remark that we do not
aim at doing a rigorous comparison of testing techniques. Instead,
we aim to assess how dierent test generation strategies perform
in an online scenario and how they complement each other. Table 4
shows the full list of test bots used in our experiment. Besides test
bots, we congured three garbage collectors for the APIs of Spo-
tify, Stripe and YouTube, and one test reporter and test coverage
Online Testing of RESTful APIs: Promises and Challenges ESEC/FSE ’22, November 14–18, 2022, Singapore, Singapore
computer per test bot. As illustrated in Figure 1, we congured a
total of 75 (test bots)
3 (garbage collectors)
75 (test reporters)
75 (test coverage computers) =228 bots.
3.3.3 Bots Configuration. All test bots were congured to continu-
ously generate and execute test cases during 15 days (378 hours).
Bots were congured to comply with the quotas imposed by the
APIs. Quotas describe the limitations of use for a xed period of
time [
] (e.g., 5K requests/day in Yelp [
]). To respect quotas, test
bots work by iterations. In every iteration, they generate a set of
test cases, execute them, and sleep for a given time. We congured
all test bots of the same API to generate the same number of API
calls per iteration, however, the sleep time between iterations was
adjusted according to the test data generation technique used by
the bot. FD (fuzzing dictionaries) and DP (data perturbation) test
bots sleep four times longer than the rest, therefore they generate
four times less API calls. This is because these bots are not expected
to generate valid test cases that achieve a high API coverage, and
so they are assigned a lower test budget [
]. The specic con-
guration used for each bot (i.e., test cases per iteration and sleep
time) is available in the supplementary material of the paper [92].
Test reporters and test coverage computers are invoked after
every test bot iteration, continuously updating test reports and
coverage. Garbage collectors are executed after test bots are stopped,
thus deleting all resources created during the experiments.
3.3.4 Test Oracles. To detect failures, we consider six test oracles,
namely: (1) 5XX status codes (server errors) returned when send-
ing a valid request (F_5XX
); (2) 5XX status codes returned when
sending an invalid request (F_5XX
); (3) 2XX status codes (success-
ful responses) with requests violating some parameter constraint
); (4) 2XX status codes with requests violating some inter-
parameter dependency [
] (F_2XX
); (5) 400 status codes (client
errors) with valid requests (F_400); and (6) disconformities with the
OAS specication of the API (F_OAS). F_5XX
and F_5XX
are due to server errors, and so they can reveal API crashes (500
status codes) or temporary outages (503 status codes), among oth-
ers. F_2XX
and F_2XX
failures reveal inconsistencies in the form
of invalid API inputs (which expect a 4XX client error response)
wrongly handled as valid (since they obtain a 2XX successful re-
sponse). For instance, if a required parameter is not included in an
API call, it should not obtain a 2XX status code (F_2XX
). Likewise,
if two mutually exclusive parameters are both included in an API
call, it should not obtain a 2XX status code (F_2XX
). F_400 failures
reveal unexpected client errors (400 status code) with API calls that
are valid, therefore they should obtain a 2XX successful response.
Lastly, F_OAS failures reveal conformance errors, for example, an
API response not including a property dened as “required” in the
API specication.
It is worth clarifying that not all test oracles are available to all
test bots, and therefore dierent bots uncover dierent types of
failures. In particular, disconformities with the API specication
(F_OAS) and 5XX status codes (F_5XX
and F_5XX
) can be uncov-
ered by any bot. On the other hand, to detect an unexpected client
error (F_400), the API request must be valid, i.e., it must use valid
input data. Only CDG bots can uncover this type of failures, since
they always use valid data and therefore expect successful API re-
sponses. While SD and CD bots (i.e., semantic and contextual data
bots) also have potential to uncover these faults, they are reported
as “warnings”, since they may use invalid data unintentionally, for
instance, when extracting country names instead of country codes
from a knowledge base [
]. Regarding F_2XX
and F_2XX
they can only be detected by DP bots, since they purposely manip-
ulate the input data used to make it invalid (by violating parameter
constraints or inter-parameter dependencies), so they expect client
error responses.
3.3.5 Evaluation Metrics. We used the following metrics: (1) total
number of failures and faults detected, overall and classied by type
(i.e., according to the oracle violated); (2) failure and fault detection
ratio (FDR and FtDR, respectively); (3) average percentage of faults
detected (APFD); and (4) API test coverage. The APFD measures the
weighted average of the percentage of faults detected over the life
of the test suite, and it is a good representative of how fast faults are
found [
]. The API test coverage is measured according to standard
black-box coverage criteria for RESTful web APIs [
], implemented
in tools like RESTest [
], Restats [
] and OpenAPI specication
coverage [
], and previously used to compare black-box testing
techniques [
]. These criteria measure the degree to which a set
of API requests and responses cover the elements dened in the API
specication. API requests cover input elements such as operations
and parameter values, while API responses cover output elements
such as status codes and response body properties. As a dierence
compared to the original test coverage approach [
], we consider
input criteria to be covered only if the API request covering the
elements obtained a successful response, i.e., the API request was
valid. For instance, if an API request obtains a 400 status code, we
consider such code as “covered”, but the parameter values used in
the request are “not covered”, since they were rejected by the API
(client error). We follow this approach because invalid API requests
do not generally exercise the core functionality of the API.
3.3.6 Classifying Failures into Faults. We followed a two-step semi-
automated approach to classify failures into unique faults: rst,
failures were automatically grouped into fault clusters; then, fault
clusters were either conrmed (if they represented unique faults) or
discarded, manually. A fault cluster represents a unique potentially
incorrect behavior in the API (e.g., a server error when setting a
parameter with certain value), and it comprehends all the failures
revealing that issue. We consider that two failures belong to the
same fault cluster, and therefore they are caused by the same poten-
tial fault, if: (1) they violate the same test oracle, (2) they occur in
the same API operation (e.g.,
GET /search
), (3) they have the same
status code (e.g., 404) and content-type (e.g.,
and (4) they are similar enough. Similarity between failures was
measured using the normalized Levenshtein distance (NLD) [
to compare HTTP requests, HTTP responses and error logs. If the
distance is lower than certain threshold, failures are considered
similar. The only exception was F_OAS failures, whose error logs
are composed of structured error messages containing dynamic val-
ues (see example in Figure 2). These failures are considered similar
if, after replacing dynamic values with wild cards and removing
duplicate error messages, the resulting sanitized error logs are the
same. Table 3summarizes the heuristics and thresholds used.
ESEC/FSE ’22, November 14–18, 2022, Singapore, Singapore Alberto Martin-Lopez, Sergio Segura, and Antonio Ruiz-Cortés
Figure 2: F_OAS error log. Red boxes depict error messages.
Yellow highlighting depicts dynamic values.
Table 3: Heuristics to determine similar failures.
Type Failures 𝑓1and 𝑓2are similar if:
F_5XXV𝑁 𝐿𝐷 (𝑟𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑒𝑓1, 𝑟 𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜 𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑓2)<0.5
F_5XXI𝑁 𝐿𝐷 (𝑟𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑒𝑓1, 𝑟 𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜 𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑓2)<0.5 & 𝑁 𝐿 𝐷 (𝑒𝑟𝑟 𝑜𝑟 _𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑓1, 𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑜 𝑟_𝑙𝑜 𝑔𝑓2)<0.5
F_2XXP𝑁 𝐿𝐷 (𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑜𝑟 _𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑓1, 𝑒 𝑟𝑟 𝑜𝑟 _𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑓2)<0.5
F_2XXD𝑁 𝐿𝐷 (𝑟𝑒 𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓1,𝑟 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑓2)<0.1
F_400 𝑁 𝐿𝐷 (𝑟𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑒𝑓1, 𝑟 𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜 𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑓2)<0.5 & 𝑁 𝐿 𝐷 (𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑓1, 𝑟 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑓2)<0.25
F_OAS 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑒 (𝑤𝑖𝑙 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑑 (𝑒 𝑟𝑟𝑜 𝑟_𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑓1)) == 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑒 (𝑤 𝑖𝑙𝑐 𝑎𝑟𝑑 (𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑜𝑟 _𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑓2))
Next, we describe the results of our study and how they answer the
target research questions.
4.1 RQ1: Failure Detection Capability
Table 4shows the number of test cases, API coverage, failures and
faults obtained in every API under test and by each test bot. As
illustrated, a total of 389,216 failures were uncovered, i.e., 1 every 3
test cases. The majority of failures (243,394) consist in disconfor-
mities of the responses with the API specication (F_OAS). In fact,
this is one of the main conclusions derived from our study: API
specications poorly reect the actual API implementation. We found
inconsistencies in all APIs under test except in RESTCountries, but
this is because the documentation of this API did not explicitly
state the format of the responses, hence no inconsistencies could
be found. Disconformities include status codes and content-types
not listed in the specication, as well as violations in the format
of the response bodies, e.g., an object missing a required property.
Systematic violations of the API contracts mean a strong limitation
to client applications, which could crash if they run into a scenario
not described (or even forbidden) in the API specication (e.g., a
non-nullable property being
). Besides OAS disconformities,
we uncovered thousands of other failures related to server errors
(5XX status codes), client errors (400 status codes) and wrongly
returned successful responses (2XX status codes).
We studied the FDR for all APIs under test. Overall, the FDR
ranged from 0.04 (9,141 failures out of 258,297 test cases) in the
API of RESTCountries to 0.79 (31,811 out of 40,480) in the API of
LanguageTool. We also studied the evolution of the FDR over time.
This allowed us to detect dierent tendencies and anomalies in
several APIs. Figure 3depicts the FDR over the test suite fraction in
ve APIs: Amadeus, DHL, Ohsome, Spotify, and Yelp. The remaining
APIs show a similar trend to the one observed in Spotify, and are
not included for the sake of clarity (charts for all APIs are available
in the supplementary material [
]). Spotify represents a common
scenario, where the FDR remains constant, i.e., the same failures
are uncovered all the time. In Amadeus, the FDR slightly declines,
meaning that test cases fail less often over time. We suspect this
Figure 3: FDR in Spotify, Amadeus, DHL, Ohsome and Yelp.
happens because API developers are continuously xing issues. The
APIs of DHL, Ohsome and Yelp are clear anomalies. In DHL, all
test cases started to fail at 60% of the overall test budget, because
we were banned from the API, even though we always complied
with the imposed quota. In Ohsome, a similar phenomenon was
observed, but the failures were due to 500 status codes, all with
the same error message:
“The timerange metadata could not
be retrieved from the db”
. In Yelp, the FDR spiked four times
because the API only returned 500 status codes, likely due to some
non-functional bug causing temporary outages.
Summary of answers to RQ1
Automatically generated test cases uncovered about 390K failures
(1 out of every 3 test cases) in the APIs under test.
Failures were revealed in all APIs, with the FDR ranging from 0.04
to 0.79.
63% of failures are due to inconsistencies between the API responses
and their specications.
The FDR evolution revealed anomalies—temporary outages and
API bans—in DHL, Ohsome and Yelp.
4.2 RQ2: Fault Detection Capability
Our fault clustering approach yielded 4,818 potential faults (i.e.,
fault clusters) from the 389,216 test failures revealed. FDIC [
] and
Ohsome [
] were the APIs for which most potential faults were
detected, 2,871 and 1,445, respectively. We discarded these APIs
when assessing the fault detection capability of our online testing
setup, as we could not manually analyze all these fault clusters.
We did analyze a subset of them, nonetheless, and we identied
numerous bugs (more details in Section 5). Without considering
FDIC and Ohsome, a total of 218,419 test failures were automatically
clustered into 502 potential faults which, after manual revision,
resulted in 139 reproducible (or already xed) issues in all the APIs
under test. Besides the issues extracted from the fault clusters, we
spotted 8 additional issues from the reports generated by the test
reporter bots (available at [33]).
Overall, we uncovered a total of 147 faults in 12 APIs. Half of
these faults (73) are disconformities between the API responses and
their specications (F_OAS), which is coherent with the ndings
Online Testing of RESTful APIs: Promises and Challenges ESEC/FSE ’22, November 14–18, 2022, Singapore, Singapore
Table 4: Per-bot breakdown of test cases, coverage, failures and faults. Last column depicts unique faults, i.e., only uncovered
by that bot. Rows in boldface depict bots uncovering the most faults. Rows highlighted in gray depict the total stats per API.
API Bot Test cases Coverage (%) Failures/Faults Unique
F_5XXVF_5XXIF_400 F_2XXPF_2XXDF_OAS Total faults
Amadeus R-CDG-ART 384 78.77 0/0 0/0 137/7 0/0 0/0 112/5 249/12 3
Amadeus R-CDG-CBT 384 76.42 0/0 0/0 203/7 0/0 0/0 53/2 256/9 0
Amadeus R-DP-CBT 384 76.42 0/0 0/0 0/0 37/3 32/0 0/0 69/3 3
Amadeus R-SD-CBT 384 74.53 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 13/2 13/2 0
Amadeus R-CD-CBT 384 72.17 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 5/2 5/2 0
Amadeus R-FD-RT 408 3.3 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 48/1 48/1 1
Amadeus R-CDG-RT 384 76.42 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 12/2 12/2 0
Amadeus All bots 2,712 - 0/0 0/0 340/7 37/3 32/0 243/6 652/16 -
DHL R-FD-RT 2,280 13.7 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 913/2 913/2 0
DHL R-CDG-RT 8,976 91.78 1/0 0/0 90/3 0/0 0/0 3,678/1 3,769/4 3
DHL R-DP-RT 2,280 97.26 0/0 15/1 0/0 516/3 0/0 912/2 1,443/6 4
DHL R-SD-RT 8,952 91.78 2/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 3,587/1 3,589/1 0
DHL R-CD-RT 8,951 87.67 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 6,280/2 6,280/2 1
DHL All bots 31,439 - 3/0 15/1 90/3 516/3 0/0 15,370/3 15,994/10 -
FDIC R-CDG-ART 12,744 85.54 190/- 0/- 2,141/- 0/- 0/- 10,113/- 12,444/- -
FDIC R-FD-RT 3,456 85.54 0/- 139/- 0/- 0/- 0/- 140/- 279/- -
FDIC R-CDG-RT 12,240 85.54 188/- 0/- 1,956/- 0/- 0/- 9,125/- 11,269/- -
FDIC R-DP-RT 3,456 85.54 0/- 252/- 0/- 409/- 0/- 0/- 661/- -
FDIC All bots 31,896 - 378/- 391/- 4,097/- 409/- 0/- 19,378/- 24,653/- -
Foursquare R-CDG-ART 12,240 65.79 7/0 0/0 2/0 0/0 0/0 12,024/3 12,033/3 0
Foursquare R-CDG-CBT 22,200 65.79 4/0 0/0 23/0 0/0 0/0 16,229/3 16,256/3 0
Foursquare R-DP-CBT 5,700 68.42 0/0 3/0 0/0 617/2 1,905/3 2,528/2 5,053/7 6
Foursquare R-FD-RT 5,700 63.16 0/0 1/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 1,516/2 1,517/2 0
Foursquare R-CDG-RT 22,200 65.79 0/0 4/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 15,108/3 15,112/3 0
Foursquare All bots 68,040 - 11/0 8/0 25/0 617/2 1,905/3 47,405/4 49,971/9 -
LanguageTool RW-CDG-ART 6,680 47.95 0/0 0/0 1,177/1 0/0 0/0 5,503/5 6,680/6 0
LanguageTool RW-CDG-CBT 7,500 47.95 0/0 0/0 1,018/1 0/0 0/0 6,482/5 7,500/6 0
LanguageTool RW-DP-CBT 1,900 45.21 0/0 0/0 0/0 82/1 0/0 1,818/1 1,900/2 1
LanguageTool RW-SD-CBT 7,500 45.21 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 3,126/4 3,126/4 0
LanguageTool RW-CD-CBT 7,500 53.42 2/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 3,203/4 3,205/4 0
LanguageTool RW-FD-RT 1,900 0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 1,900/1 1,900/1 0
LanguageTool RW-CDG-RT 7,500 47.95 0/0 2/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 7,498/5 7,500/5 0
LanguageTool All bots 40,480 - 2/0 2/0 2,195/1 82/1 0/0 29,530/6 31,811/8 -
Marvel R-CDG-ART 14,273 95.45 3/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 7,233/14 7,236/14 0
Marvel R-FD-RT 3,744 23.86 0/0 3/1 0/0 0/0 0/0 590/12 593/13 11
Marvel R-CDG-RT 14,507 95.45 4/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 5,726/14 5,730/14 0
Marvel R-DP-RT 3,744 88.64 0/0 41/1 0/0 1,332/10 0/0 0/0 1,373/11 11
Marvel R-CD-RT 14,508 96.02 2/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 7,408/16 7,410/16 1
Marvel All bots 50,776 - 9/0 44/2 0/0 1,332/10 0/0 20,957/26 22,342/38 -
Ohsome R-CDG-CBT 73,198 80.55 8,477/- 0/- 19,389/- 0/- 0/- 34,855/- 62,721/- -
Ohsome R-DP-CBT 56,120 21.45 0/- 13,100/- 0/- 283/- 6/- 0/- 13,389/- -
Ohsome R-FD-RT 56,730 9.98 0/- 12,815/- 0/- 0/- 0/- 0/- 12,815/- -
Ohsome R-CDG-RT 178,120 80.23 0/- 46,209/- 0/- 0/- 0/- 11,010/- 57,219/- -
Ohsome All bots 364,168 - 8,477/- 72,124/- 19,389/- 283/- 6/- 45,865/- 146,144/- -
OMDb R-CDG-CBT 13,388 78.26 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 725/1 725/1 0
OMDb R-DP-CBT 3,420 78.26 0/0 36/1 0/0 1,674/2 1,710/1 0/0 3,420/4 3
OMDb R-SD-CBT 11,518 78.26 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 149/1 149/1 0
OMDb R-CD-CBT 13,388 78.26 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 700/2 700/2 0
OMDb R-FD-RT 3,420 86.96 0/0 552/1 0/0 0/0 0/0 261/3 813/4 1
OMDb R-CDG-RT 13,391 78.26 1/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 668/1 669/1 0
OMDb All bots 58,525 - 1/0 588/1 0/0 1,674/2 1,710/1 2,503/3 6,476/7 -
RESTCountries R-FD-RT 19,739 48.34 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0
RESTCountries R-CDG-RT 72,869 82.12 224/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 224/0 0
RESTCountries R-DP-RT 19,740 49.01 1/0 2/0 0/0 8,478/11 0/0 0/0 8,481/11 11
RESTCountries R-SD-RT 73,290 77.48 218/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 218/0 0
RESTCountries R-CD-RT 72,659 70.2 218/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 218/0 0
RESTCountries All bots 258,297 - 661/0 2/0 0/0 8,478/11 0/0 0/0 9,141/11 -
Spotify R-CDG-RT 22,139 27.43 1/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 16,832/8 16,833/8 0
Spotify RW-FD-RT 5,700 17.4 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 662/1 662/1 0
Spotify RW-DP-RT 5,700 20.65 0/0 0/0 0/0 58/2 0/0 475/0 533/2 2
Spotify RW-CD-RT 22,140 72.27 26/1 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 11,863/13 11,889/14 6
Spotify All bots 55,679 - 27/1 0/0 0/0 58/2 0/0 29,832/13 29,917/16 -
Stripe R-CDG-CBT 11,160 17.24 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 773/1 773/1 0
Stripe RW-CDG-ART 10,737 25.52 0/0 0/0 9/0 0/0 0/0 10,728/1 10,737/1 0
Stripe RW-CDG-CBT 11,158 25.52 0/0 0/0 16/0 0/0 0/0 11,142/1 11,158/1 0
Stripe RW-DP-CBT 2,850 17.24 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 4/1 0/0 4/1 1
Stripe RW-CD-CBT 11,098 91.03 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 2,616/4 2,616/4 2
Stripe RW-FD-RT 2,850 3.45 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0
Stripe RW-CDG-RT 11,158 25.52 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 1,432/1 1,432/1 0
Stripe All bots 61,011 - 0/0 0/0 25/0 0/0 4/1 26,691/4 26,720/5 -
Yelp R-CDG-ART 11,340 100 2,088/0 0/0 1,226/1 0/0 0/0 1,875/6 5,189/7 1
Yelp R-CDG-CBT 22,140 100 8,110/0 0/0 2,344/1 0/0 0/0 1,554/5 12,008/6 0
Yelp R-DP-CBT 5,700 100 0/0 456/0 0/0 76/1 221/1 154/1 907/3 3
Yelp R-FD-RT 5,700 54.55 0/0 1/1 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/1 0
Yelp R-CDG-RT 22,200 100 0/0 3,988/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 1,299/3 5,287/3 0
Yelp All bots 67,080 - 10,198/0 4,445/1 3,570/1 76/1 221/1 4,882/6 23,392/10 -
YouTubeComments R-CDG-CBT 1,152 11.84 0/0 0/0 128/1 0/0 0/0 0/0 128/1 1
YouTubeComments R-CDG-RT 1,152 11.84 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0
YouTubeComments RW-CD-ART 1,152 49.05 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 46/1 46/1 0
YouTubeComments RW-DP-CBT 288 0 0/0 0/0 0/0 27/7 2/1 0/0 29/8 8
YouTubeComments RW-CD-CBT 1,152 47.57 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 18/1 18/1 0
YouTubeComments RW-FD-RT 288 0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0
YouTubeComments All bots 5,184 - 0/0 0/0 128/1 27/7 2/1 64/1 221/10 -
YouTubeSearch R-CDG-ART 1,840 87.5 0/0 0/0 456/3 0/0 0/0 417/1 873/4 0
YouTubeSearch R-CDG-CBT 1,885 87.5 0/0 0/0 486/3 0/0 0/0 230/1 716/4 0
YouTubeSearch R-DP-CBT 475 85.58 0/0 0/0 0/0 165/2 1/1 0/0 166/3 3
YouTubeSearch R-FD-RT 474 2.88 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0
YouTubeSearch R-CDG-RT 1,885 86.54 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 27/1 27/1 0
YouTubeSearch All bots 6,559 - 0/0 0/0 942/3 165/2 1/1 674/1 1,782/7 -
Total All APIs 1,101,846 - 19,767/1 77,619/5 30,801/16 13,754/44 3,881/8 243,394/73 389,216/147 -
ESEC/FSE ’22, November 14–18, 2022, Singapore, Singapore Alberto Martin-Lopez, Sergio Segura, and Antonio Ruiz-Cortés
obtained in terms of failure detection capability (RQ
). About one
third of the faults (52) are caused by invalid API inputs handled as
valid (F_2XX
and F_2XX
). This type of faults are pervasive: APIs
are sometimes designed to return successful responses even when
receiving invalid inputs (e.g., by ignoring them). For instance, in
the Stripe API [
], when using two mutually exclusive parameters,
the API ignores one of them instead of properly returning a 400
“Bad Request”
) status code. This was conrmed by the Stripe API
developers. Invalid inputs do, however, cause API crashes in some
cases, due to poor input validation. We found 5 bugs of this type
) in 4 APIs (DHL, Marvel, OMDb and Yelp). Server errors on
valid inputs (F_5XX
) are a much more severe fault, since they may
be caused by miscongurations or data corruption, among others.
We found one of these in the Spotify API, unveiled when reordering
or replacing the tracks of a playlist. Lastly, we uncovered 16 client
errors obtained with valid API inputs (F_400). These faults generally
reveal inconsistencies between the documentation and the imple-
mentation of an API. For instance, in the DHL API, the country code
(Kosovo) is rejected by the API (400 status code), although it
should be supported according to the API documentation [23].
The FtDR ranged from 0.04
(11 faults out of 258,297 test
cases) in the API of RESTCountries to 5.8
(16 out of 2,712) in
the API of Amadeus. An overview of when and how often faults
are found is shown in Figure 4, which shows the APFD for every
API under test. For all APIs, two thirds of the test budget (i.e.,
the test cases generated in 10 days) was enough to uncover all
faults. LanguageTool, RESTCountries and Stripe exposed all their
faults within the rst day of testing. These faults were related to
disconformities with the API specications (F_OAS) and wrong
handling of invalid inputs (F_2XX
and F_2XX
). On the other
hand, Amadeus, DHL, Marvel and YouTubeComments required
over one week to uncover all faults. More varied issues were found
in these cases, as explained in Section 5.
Summary of answers to RQ2
Automatically generated test cases found 147 faults in 11 APIs (65
of which conrmed or xed by developers).
(2) Half of the faults (73) are caused by OAS disconformities.
About one third of the faults (52) are caused by invalid API inputs
handled as valid.
(4) Only 6 faults are due to internal server errors (5XX status codes).
87% of faults (128) were found in the rst 3 days of testing, with 10
days being enough to uncover all faults.
4.3 RQ3: Comparison of Testing Approaches
All testing approaches uncovered faults, even after 3 days of testing,
but we found several dierences among the test data and test case
generation techniques under evaluation, discussed below. As previ-
ously mentioned, the results for the APIs of FDIC and Ohsome are
discussed later (Section 5.1) due to the number of failures revealed.
Thus, the results reported next refer to the 11 remaining APIs.
All test data generation techniques except semantically-related
data (SD) found unique bugs or contributed to improve the coverage
in all APIs under test. Regarding coverage, customized data genera-
tors (CDG) and contextual data (CD) obtained the best results in
most APIs (8 out of 11). This was expected, since valid data tends
Figure 4: APFD per API. Markers denote faults.
Figure 5: Coverage and faults over test cases classied per bot
for the YouTubeSearch API. Markers denote unique faults.
to cover more input elements (e.g., parameter values) and to obtain
successful API responses, thus covering more output elements (e.g.,
response body properties). Invalid data—data perturbation (DP) and
fuzzing dictionaries (FD)—achieved the highest coverage in 3 APIs,
because they covered client and server errors (4XX and 5XX status
codes) that valid data could not cover. In terms of faults found, valid
and invalid data generation uncovered 76 and 81 faults, respectively
(10 of these faults were found by both approaches). In fact, the bugs
uncovered by DP are often unique (i.e., not uncovered by other
techniques). Figure 5(right-hand side) illustrates this phenomenon
in the API of YouTubeSearch (charts of all APIs available in the
supplementary material [
]), where all bugs found by the DP bot
were unique. Overall, DP found the largest amount of unique bugs,
55 in total, followed by CDG with 27. Dierent techniques uncover
dierent types of bugs. For instance, F_2XX
and F_2XX
can only be detected by DP bots, since they purposely manipulate
the input data used to make it invalid. Similarly, F_400 faults can
only be detected by CDG bots, since they use manually set valid
data which should never obtain 400 status codes.
When using the same test data generation technique, dierent
test case generation strategies achieved similar coverage. However,
constraint-based testing (CBT) was more cost-eective than ran-
dom testing (RT). For instance, in YouTubeSearch (left-hand side
of Figure 5), CBT required just about 50 test cases to achieve the
same coverage as RT with about 700. Regarding faults found, RT,
CBT and adaptive random testing (ART) found 63, 31 and 4 unique
bugs, respectively. However, in the APIs where it was evaluated,
Online Testing of RESTful APIs: Promises and Challenges ESEC/FSE ’22, November 14–18, 2022, Singapore, Singapore
CBT found more bugs than RT. At the same time, ART did not yield
any improvement over RT or CBT, except in Amadeus, where 3
more bugs were found, compared to CBT. In particular, these faults
belong to the F_OAS category, therefore the diversication of API
requests may have led to more diverse API responses, where more
varied OAS disconformities were found.
Summary of answers to RQ3
Valid and invalid test data generation strategies (i.e., positive and
negative testing) are clearly complementary, as they uncovered a
similar number of unique bugs.
All test data generation strategies contributed to detect unique
faults or improve the coverage in some API, being data perturbation
the most eective one. The only exception was semantic data.
All test case generation strategies contributed to detect unique
faults or improve the coverage in some API, being constraint-based
testing the most eective one.
Test case diversity in terms of API parameters and input values does
not seem to help to nd new bugs or achieve higher API coverage.
In this section, we discuss the results of FDIC and Ohsome, where
thousands of potential faults were identied, as well as some of the
issues detected in all APIs and the overall cost of our experiments.
5.1 FDIC and Ohsome APIs
In the APIs of FDIC and Ohsome, a total of 24,653 and 146,144 test
failures were classied into 2,871 and 1,445 potential faults (i.e.,
fault clusters), respectively. In FDIC, 2,686 of these clusters (94% of
the total) are related to disconformities with the OAS specication.
After a quick analysis, we conjecture that most of these clusters
represent, indeed, unique faults. This is because the specication
of this API is so complex and its responses are so varied that every
test case can potentially uncover new inconsistencies in the OAS
specication. In Ohsome, the same types of faults seem to occur in
all its 122 operations. This explains the high number of fault clusters
found. Although it is possible that a single fault manifest in multiple
operations, this cannot be known in a black-box testing setup,
therefore we adopt the same criteria as previous authors, where
faults in dierent operations are considered unique [55,70,86].
We analyzed a subset of fault clusters in FDIC and Ohsome to
grasp a better understanding of how eectively our fault clustering
approach found real-world bugs in these APIs, and what shape they
have. We created the subset as follows: we sorted fault clusters over
time and we selected 42 clusters (mean number of clusters found in
the other APIs under test) equidistant to each other. For example,
in Ohsome, out of the 1,445 faults clusters found, we analyzed
those at positions
, ...,
. In FDIC, all fault
clusters were unique faults. We also spotted 33 additional bugs
in the graphical test reports [
], conforming a total of 75 unique
bugs in this API. In Ohsome, 28 out of 42 fault clusters were unique
faults. Additionally, we spotted 3 faults related to 500 status codes
in the test reports, making a total of 31 unique bugs. In both cases,
more faults could have been manually found in the test reports, for
instance, faults aecting other API operations in Ohsome, or more
disconformities with the OAS specication in FDIC.
5.2 Issues Detected
Testing APIs in production can be helpful to uncover problems
that escaped oine testing. In fact, online testing allowed us to
detect not only functional bugs, but also problems related to non-
functional requirements of the APIs under test. We detail these rst,
and then we delve into some of the functional bugs found.
5.2.1 Non-Functional Requirements. We found problems related to
security, reliability, availability and SLA compliance.
Security. When using malformed input data, we found 500 status
codes showing the stack trace of the exception thrown in the OMDb
], and 400 status codes with the error message
in the DHL API [
]. Disclosing this information to a
potential attacker is dangerous, since they could exploit vulnerabil-
ities revealed in the stack trace (e.g., outdated libraries) or nd an
input compromising the integrity of the system.
Reliability and availability. We detected temporary outages in
the form of 5XX status codes in 9 APIs (DHL, Foursquare, Lan-
guageTool, Marvel, Ohsome, OMDb, RESTCountries, Spotify and
Yelp). Outages are generally caused by limitations of the servers,
and they can aect the overall user experience, especially when
they are prolonged in time (e.g., as in Yelp and Ohsome).
SLA compliance. In the ninth day of testing, we were banned
from the DHL API, even though we always complied with the
specied quota limitations. SLA-aware API specications such as
] could help detect more SLA violations like this in a
more systematic way.
5.2.2 Functional Bugs. We identied 254 reproducible bugs in all
APIs under test—209 extracted from 586 fault clusters, 44 found in
the test reports [
], and 1 found by the garbage collector bot of
Spotify (when unfollowing playlists, the bot would start obtaining
server errors if requests were sent quickly, e.g., every 5 millisec-
onds [
]). This is a conservative approximation, since more bugs
could have been found with a more sophisticated and precise fault
clustering approach (Section 3.3.6), or with a more thorough man-
ual analysis of the potential faults found in FDIC and Ohsome. To
date, 65 bugs from 7 APIs (Amadeus, DHL, Foursquare, OMDb,
RESTCountries, Yelp and YouTube) have been acknowledged by
developers, reproduced by other users or already xed. Next, we
describe some types of bugs uncovered in our experiments (all bugs
are documented in the supplementary material [92]).
Errors due to invalid data introduced by API clients. In the Amadeus
API, hotel objects must contain two properties,
, both
of which must match the regular expression
. We found
response bodies whose hotel objects contained invalid phone num-
bers (e.g.,
‘+1 2 9’
) [
] and missing fax numbers [
]. Client appli-
cations may not be able to parse such API responses, or even crash.
Amadeus developers conrmed that: (1) these errors are caused by
hotel providers themselves, as they may introduce invalid hotel
data; and (2) they would update the API specication to reect this
new scenario. Issues like these can hardly be discovered with oine
testing, since they deal with data from the real-world systems.
Inconsistencies between API implementation and API documenta-
tion. Industrial APIs are complex and evolve rapidly, and so does
their documentation. In some cases, the implementation and docu-
mentation of an API may not be in sync. For instance, the YouTube
ESEC/FSE ’22, November 14–18, 2022, Singapore, Singapore Alberto Martin-Lopez, Sergio Segura, and Antonio Ruiz-Cortés
search API documentation [
] does not state that parameters
are mutually exclusive, although when
using both in an API request, a 400 status code is obtained [
Similarly, the documentation of the YouTube comments API [
states that parameters id and maxResults are mutually exclusive,
although when using both in an API request, a successful response
is obtained [
]. YouTube developers acknowledged both issues,
the former as incomplete documentation (they updated the API doc-
umentation accordingly) [
], and the latter as an implementation
defect (they introduced a bug x) [
]. A continuous online testing
setup can rapidly detect these inconsistencies.
Internal server errors with valid input data. API crashes caused by
invalid requests—for instance, using an out-of-range value for an
parameter in Marvel [
], or using a negative number for the
parameter in DHL [
]—are relatively common and easy to x,
namely, by doing proper input validation. However, server errors
on valid inputs represent a more serious fault. For instance, in the
Ohsome API, a valid request obtained a 500 status code with the er-
ror message
“No message available”
]. Similarly, in the FDIC
API, multiple valid requests obtained server errors with the message
“Cannot read property ‘map’ of undefined”
]. Debugging
these faults is hard, especially due to the little information provided
in the error messages.
Beyond all these bugs, we uncovered dozens of other types of
issues related to OAS disconformities [
], inconsistencies between
the status codes and response bodies [
], unparseable JSON re-
sponses [
] and unexpected client errors [
], among many others.
5.3 Cost of our Online Testing Setup
Our testing ecosystem is heavily based on RESTest. This greatly
inuenced the manual work required to deploy all test bots, as well
as the overall consumption of computational resources.
In terms of manual work, we had to congure 75 test bots
(RESTest instances), which involved writing both test congura-
tion les and data dictionaries (mainly used by CDG bots). For the
test conguration les, we wrote about 26K lines of code (LOCs),
although about 95% of them were duplicated, i.e., copied and pasted.
This high percentage reveals that the data format used for cong-
uration les in RESTest should be improved necessarily, to make
it less verbose. Despite this limitation, half of the bots required
just 2 or less manually written LOCs, since the conguration of
dierent bots of the same API can be reused. Regarding data dic-
tionaries, we used 50 dictionaries containing 52,084 values, about
1K values per dictionary. Note that data dictionaries are generally
not manually written, but rather extracted from the API documen-
tation (e.g., Foursquare categories [
] and Stripe tax codes [
or other general-purpose knowledge bases (e.g., country codes in
Wikipedia [47]).
In terms of computational resources, the RAM and disk consump-
tion kept increasing over the 15 days of online testing. Preliminary
experiments show that RAM usage could be reduced by restarting
bots regularly (e.g., every day), to avoid potential memory leaks.
We also measured the computational cost per bot. Although we did
not nd noticeable dierences across dierent bots of the same API,
we did nd evident dierences between dierent APIs. For instance,
the bots testing FDIC and RESTCountries used much more RAM
(up to 20GB) and took up much more disk space (up to 250GB) than
the rest. This is due to the shape and size of the responses obtained
in these APIs, some of which took hundreds of MBs. Handling such
responses (e.g., parsing and analyzing them in the search for faults)
implies a non-negligible overhead.
We identify the following challenges for the adoption of test case
generation techniques for online testing of RESTful APIs.
Challenge #1:Automated fault identication. Automatically deter-
mining the root causes of the many failures found (about 390K in
our work) is challenging. Our fault clustering approach helped us
identify 139 unique bugs out of 502 potential faults, but this also
means that 363 potential faults were misclassied (i.e., duplicated,
non-reproducible or not actual faults), and 8 bugs that we spot-
ted in the test reports were missed in the fault clustering. Faults
are misclassied due to the heterogeneity of error logs, requests,
and especially responses. The thresholds used may not be equally
eective for all failures. More sophisticated fault identication ap-
proaches are desirable, e.g., using dynamic thresholds according
to the type of failure and API, applying non-supervised machine
learning techniques to improve the precision of the automatic clas-
sication, or employing delta debugging to isolate failure-inducing
inputs [103].
Challenge #2:Eective human interaction. While bots work mostly
autonomously, they can benet greatly from some human interac-
tion. For instance, fault clusters could be formed by output bots,
and then checked by a human to improve the accuracy of the classi-
cation and to avoid the formation of duplicated clusters. Similarly,
bots could report some failures as “potential faults” and request hu-
man input to conrm or discard them. This could be addressed with
active learning algorithms [
], for example, integrating human
input as a part of the testing and debugging process.
Challenge #3:Optimal selection of testing strategies. Testers may
choose dierent testing strategies according to several factors such
as the types of bugs that they wish to uncover (e.g., crashes, regres-
sions or inconsistencies between the API and its documentation),
or the characteristics of the API under test (e.g., size, output for-
mat and quota limitations). Automatically determining the most
appropriate testing techniques based on these and other factors is
an open problem.
Challenge #4:Optimal test execution scheduling. The test execu-
tion schedule determines when, how many, and in what order
tests should be executed. This was manually congured in our ex-
periments. Ideally, however, the schedule should be automatically
computed to optimize the available quota (based on the API pricing
plans), the time and economic budget (e.g., the infrastructure costs),
and the testing strategies used (e.g., prioritizing those strategies
that are more cost-eective).
Challenge #5:Optimization of computational resources. This is
both an engineering and a research challenge. Test bots should be
optimized to use the least resources possible, especially avoiding
memory leaks. From a research point of view, sophisticated tech-
niques for test regression, selection and prioritization could help
Online Testing of RESTful APIs: Promises and Challenges ESEC/FSE ’22, November 14–18, 2022, Singapore, Singapore
in devising more eective test suites or reusing existing ones (e.g.,
with metamorphic testing [
]), thus saving resources by avoid-
ing the creation and execution of test cases that are not likely to
uncover new faults.
Our work is subject to a number of validity threats, discussed below.
Internal validity. Threats to the internal validity relate to those
factors that may aect the results of our evaluation. Faults in the im-
plementation of our testing ecosystem might compromise the valid-
ity of our conclusions. Even though the tools used (e.g., RESTest [
and Allure [
]) are thoroughly tested, it cannot be guaranteed that
they are free of bugs. To mitigate this threat, and to enable replicabil-
ity of our results, we provide a supplementary package containing
the source code and the implementation of all tools used in our test-
ing ecosystem (e.g., the bots and the controller component), as well
as scripts to fully replicate the results reported in this paper [92].
The use of RESTest as the selected test case generation tool may
have inuenced the results obtained in our experiments, especially
depending on how the evaluated techniques (e.g., data perturbation
and adaptive random testing) were implemented in the framework.
However, this does not invalidate our results; on the contrary, it sup-
ports the potential of our multi-bot architecture to integrate other
testing techniques and tools (e.g., RESTler [57] and RestCT [101]).
To mitigate possible errors of our fault clustering approach (Sec-
tion 3.3.6), we manually reviewed all fault clusters generated, and
reported all identied faults to the API developers, so as to count on
their conrmation when possible. We adopt a conservative approx-
imation and report only faults that have been manually conrmed.
Despite possible limitations of our fault clustering approach, it au-
tomatically classied 218,419 failures into 502 potential faults in 11
APIs. From these, we identied 139 actual unique bugs, 65 of which
have been acknowledged or xed by API developers to date.
External validity. Threats to the external validity might aect the
generalizability of our ndings. The main threat in this regard is the
selection of case studies. We tested 13 industrial APIs comprising
189 operations in total, although this might not be a suciently
representative sample. To minimize this threat, we selected highly
popular APIs with millions of users worlwide, from dierent appli-
cation domains (e.g., media, nancial and social), and with diverse
characteristics and sizes.
In this paper, we assessed the potential of automated black-box
test case generation approaches for online testing of RESTful APIs,
resembling the model of testing as a service increasingly found in
industry. To this end, we devised a multi-bot architecture allowing
us to generate and execute test cases with varied strategies during 15
days non-stop in 13 highly popular APIs. The results are promising,
with over 200 bugs found, both functional and non-functional, some
of which have led developers to take actions including xes and
documentation updates in the APIs of Amadeus and YouTube. This
provides an encouraging vision on the future of testing of web
APIs as a service, where platforms could oer a rich catalog of bots
providing diverse automated test case generation capabilities under
dierent pricing plans. Several challenges stay in the way though.
In this regard, our work paves the way for new promising research
directions to overcome some of the problems identied, including
the need for automated debugging mechanisms, human-in-the-loop
models, and optimal test execution scheduling strategies.
In order to enable reproducibility of the results obtained in this
paper, we provide a supplementary material containing the source
code of the scripts and programs developed, the executable binaries,
the data generated in the experiments and instructions on how
to replicate the experiments, reproduce the results and reuse the
material for further research. The artifact can be downloaded from
Zenodo at [92]:
This work has been supported by the European Commission (FEDER)
and Junta de Andalucía under projects MEMENTO (US-1381595),
APOLO (US-1264651) and EKIPMENT-PLUS (P18-FR-2895), by the
Spanish Government (FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación –
Agencia Estatal de Investigación) under project HORATIO (RTI2018-
101204-B-C21), by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER, UE
under project BUBO (PID2021-126227NB-C22), by the Excellence
Network SEBASENet 2.0 (RED2018-102472-T), by the FPU scholar-
ship program, granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education and
Vocational Training (FPU17/04077), and by a Fulbright Spain Pre-
doctoral Research grant at the University of California, Berkeley.
We are grateful to Prof. Armando Fox for his feedback on early
stages of this work. We would also like to thank Juan Domingo
Martín Gómez for his technical support for the analysis of the
data and for insightful discussions regarding the proposed fault
clustering approach. [Alberto speaking:] Thanks, dad.
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