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Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 42, e41122, 2022 1
Food Science and Technology
OI: Dhttps://doi.org/10.1590/fst.41122
ISSN 0101-2061 (Print)
ISSN 1678-457X (Online)
Review Article
1 Cardiovascular eects
1.1 Role in arrhythmia and heart failure management
Cardiomyocytes of guinea pigs were treated with a dose of
5 μmol·L-1. e antiarrhythmic eect is very rapid. Treatment
with a praeruptorin A (Pd-Ia), the active component of P.
praeruptorum Dunn A at a dose of 50 μmol·L-1 enhanced the
antiarrhythmic eect. Treatment with P. praeruptorum Dunn A
shortened the action potential durations APD30, APD50 and
APD100 of guinea pig cardiomyocytes (Fengetal., 1998). Pd-Ia
also signicantly shortened action potential amplitude (APA)
of guinea pig ventricular myocytes. Exposure to a dose of
5 μmol·L
resulted in an increase in action potential from normal
(90.82 ± 3.07) mV to (87.2 ± 3.51) mV. When the dosage was
increased to 50 μmol·L-1, the shortening eect was signicant
(85.41 ± 3.44 mV) and dose-dependent. ese results suggest
that PD-IA has an anti-arrhythmic eect, and the mechanism
may be mediated via Ca2+. e internal circulation channel is
blocked. PD-IA reduces the heart weight-to-body weight ratio
and also decreases the activity of serum creatine kinase and other
enzymes via mechanisms similar to inhibition of calcium inux
(Linetal., 2007). In addition, PD-IA promotes the expression
of nestin, which is signicantly enhanced in both myocardial
ischemic and infarcted cells. erefore, it is believed that nestin
expression is related to the regeneration and repair of myocardial
cells to a certain extent.
Functional foods are some industrial processed or natural
foods (Figure1). When regularly consumed at an eective level
in a variety of diets, they not only provide basic nutrition to
the human body, but also have a potential positive impact on
human health (Granatoetal., 2020). Now common functional
foods include probiotics (Longetal., 2022), active factors from
natural sources (Khanet al., 2021; Jianget al., 2021), foods
composed of clear compound nutrients (Califa-Estwicketal.,
2021; ur Rehmanetal., 2021), etc. As a new source of food from
a research perspective, P. praeruptorum Dunn may play a role in
Eect of functional food raw material Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn: a research
Yongjian DENG1#, Pan WANG2#, Chunlang RAN3, Shiwen HU3 , Shaocheng CHEN3*
Received 20 Feb., 2022
Accepted 13 May, 2022
1 Department of Pharmacy, Shuangqiao Economic and Technological Development Zone Peoole’s Hospital, Chongqing, China
2 Department of Traumatology, Chongqing University Central Hospital/Chongqing Emergency Medical Center, Chongqing, China
3 College of Biological and Chemical Engineering, Chongqing University of Education, Chongqing, China
*Corresponding author: chensc@cque.edu.cn
#ese authors have contributed equally to this work
Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn is a natural plant with expectorant, antitussive, anti-asthmatic, anti-inammatory, antispasmodic
and sedative eects. It is used in traditional Chinese medicine. e key active substances extracted aer separation are also
used to process functional food. Recent advances in the development of Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn industrially have
increased the market demand. In particular, the study of the physiological activity of P. praeruptorum Dunn has always been
a research hotspot; however, limited data exist currently. is study reviews the research developments associated with the
physiological activities of P. praeruptorum Dunn in terms of cardiovascular, expectorant and antitussive, antitumor, and
anti-inammatory eects. e results serve as a standard of reference for further investigation into the pharmacologic role of
Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn.
Keywords: Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn; HepG2 physiological activity; anti-inammatory; antitussive; anti-asthmatic.
Practical Application: Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn is a kind of natural plant. Some active substances contained in it
have been used in the processing of health food, but there are few applications and studies on it. is study summarizes the
research on its role, which provides some new ideas and reference materials for better application. Peucedanum praeruptorum
Dunn is the dry root of Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn and purple Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn belonging to family
Umbelliferae. It tastes bitter and pungent, and is slightly cold. It eectively clears pulmonary congestion, resolving phlegm,
alleviating heat and detoxifying the system. Nearly 130 types of plants are included in the genus Peucedanum. Approximately
30types are distributed in China, and 7 are fully utilized. Clinical research shows that Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn exhibits
strong therapeutic response to wind-heat cough and asthma, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. It is a natural plant with robust
physiological activity. Scholars have investigated the physiological activity of Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn, but most of the
studies are sporadic. is study summarizes the recent advances in the study of the physiological activity of P. praeruptorum
Dunn, so as to provide a reference for further investigation.
Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 42, e41122, 20222
Review of Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn
myocarditis; however, the role of nestin in myocardial ischemia
and myocardial infarction (mi) is not clear, and requires further
exploration. P. praeruptorum Dunn is a functional food for
preventing myocarditis.
Because the synthesis and secretion of APN can promote the
hypertrophy eect of cardiac myocytes, and ET-1 can promote
the synthesis and secretion of adiponectin (APN) (Tu et al.,
2006a). e results show that the drug-containing serum of
P. praeruptorum Dunn extract (PD-E) inhibits the synthesis
of ET-1, which inhibits the synthesis and secretion of APN to
eventually reduce the hypertrophy of cardiomyocytes. PD-E
enhances the expression of Bcl-2 and Bax proteins and the
ratio of Bcl-2/Bax protein expression, and inhibits the apoptosis
of cardiomyocytes induced by ventricular pressure overload
(Tuetal., 2006b). e PD-E reduced the oxygen consumption
of myocardium, promoted cardiac output, and inhibited the
eects of heart failure[6].
P. praeruptorum Dunn water aqueous (Pd-wa) protects against
barium chloride and symptoms of arrhythmia (Changetal., 1991).
e protective eect of Pd-wa against barium chloride-induced
arrhythmia was observed in rats. Prophylactic administration of
PD-E (aqueous & alcoholic) signicantly reduced the duration of
arrhythmia in rats. e PD-E (aqueous and alcoholic) inhibited
barium chloride-induced arrhythmia in rats. Pd-wa administration
prevented arrhythmia in rats immediately resulting in therapeutic
eect. e duration of arrhythmia decreased from 5.5 ± 0.71 min
(control group) to 0.58 ± 1.00 min (P < 0.05), and the duration
of anti-arrhythmic eect persisted for 8.50 ± 5.01 min.
Some studies investigated the eect of propyl present in P.
praeruptorum Dunn on hypertrophic rats with renal hypertension
(Zhouetal., 2006). Propyl, one of the active components of P.
praeruptorum Dunn, increased the arterial outow/heart wet
weight (AO/HWW) and coronary outow/heart wet weight
(CO/HWW) by 31.3% and 25.1%, respectively, in rats with renal
hypertension and le ventricular hypertrophy. us, praeruptorin
C (Pra-C) can increase coronary ow and cardiac output. e le
ventricular systolic pressure (LVSP) and -dp/dtmax of rats were
also increased by 16.0% and 36.5%, respectively. In conclusion,
Pra-C improves the myocardial systolic and diastolic function
of rats with le ventricular hypertension (LVH). Pra-C was also
reported to reduce the levels of hydroxyproline in le ventricular
muscle during LVH to improve the myocardial compliance of
rats. P. praeruptorum Dunn has a protective eect against heart
injury caused by ischemia-reperfusion (Jiangetal., 2004b). Studies
have shown that Pra-C promoted the recovery of coronary blood
ow (CBF) and coronary outow (CO) adversely aected in the
heart during ischemia-reperfusion, and signicantly reduced
the levels of CK and calcium ions in the mitochondria. ese
results suggest its protective role in ischemia-reperfusion injury
of rat heart.
e mechanisms of P. praeruptorum Dunn against arrhythmia
and heart failure can be summarized as follows. Various components
of P. praeruptorum Dunn aect cardiovascular function, via
calcium antagonism, inhibition of myocardial hypertrophy, and
improved myocardial systolic and diastolic function. Based on
its physiological activities, P. praeruptorum Dunn is expected to
be an eective functional food in cardiovascular intervention
and prevention.
1.2 Protection against myocardial ischemia and myocardial
Pretreatment with P. praeruptorum Dunn has a signicant
protective eect on myocardial cells of hypoxic reoxygenated
rats. P. praeruptorum Dunn propyl reduced intracellular calcium
concentrations and decreased apoptosis, thus demonstrating a
Figure 1. Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn form and its application in food industry.
Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 42, e41122, 2022 3
protective eect on injured rat cardiomyocytes by acting as a
calcium antagonist (Chen & Zhu, 2007).
Studies have shown that P. praeruptorum Dunn and its active
components modulate the expression of tumor necrosis factor-α
and myocardial nuclear factor -κB induced by ischemia-reperfusion
(Wang & Chang, 2003). Both Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn
and Pd-Ia inhibited the expression of NF-κB and TNF-α in I/R
myocardium (Jiangetal., 2004a). Pd-Ia alleviated the reperfusion
injury induced by myocardial ischemia in rats. e results
showed that the activities of LDH, AST, CK and CK-MB in
serum were aected by P. praeruptorum Dunn and the inhibition
of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats was stronger
with P. praeruptorum Dunn extract. P. praeruptorum Dunn
extract, prepared with 3.75g/mL of raw material, signicantly
increased the activity of superoxide dismutase in the serum of
rats with reperfusion injury, suggesting the possible mechanism
underlying the anti-myocardial ischemic eect. Treatment with
P. praeruptorum Dunn extract administered via duodenum at a
dose of 0.2/100 g/kg led to a decrease in the activities of serum
LDH and CK-MB.
P. praeruptorum Dunn aected the levels of IL-6 and
apoptosis proteins in myocardium aer ischemia-reperfusion
(Changetal., 2003). P. praeruptorum Dunn ethanol extract
signicantly increased coronary ow in cats with acute myocardial
infarction aer a series of anaesthetic thoracotomy procedures.
P. praeruptorum Dunn extract increased CSF and reduced
+LVdp/ DT in anesthetized thoracotomy cats with 12 ngers,
LVEDP, LVP, and CR, suggesting that EP can resist myocardial
ischemia and reduce myocardial infarction following treatment
with P. praeruptorum Dunn crude extract of root (0.5, 1.0, and
1.5g/kg) and P. praeruptorum Dunn methyl extract (0.5 mg/kg,
1.0 mg/kg, and 2.0 mg/kg). e results showed that treatment with
both extracts reduced the levels of IL-6 in rats with myocardial
ischemia-reperfusion injury, and also inhibited the expression of
apoptosis-related genes Fas, Bax, and bcl-2 (Jiangetal., 2004b).
ese results indicate that P. praeruptorum Dunn can reduce
the size of myocardial infarction and protect against myocardial
ischemia and apoptosis.
1.3 Vasodilation and anti-hypertensive eects
P. praeruptorum Dunn regulates the blood pressure of
hypertensive rats and vascular resistance of dogs (Rao & Chen,
2001). It was found that the A, B, C and E components of P.
praeruptorum Dunn dilate blood vessels with inducing drug
resistance. e antihypertensive eect was mild and lasting.
e higher the dosage of P. praeruptorum Dunn, the more
obvious was the reduction in the resistance of vertebral and
coronary arteries and lower was the limb vascular resistance.
Studies have also shown that Pra-C improved K
in le ventricular
hypertrophy by reversing the degree of hypertensive le ventricular
hypertrophy+, and the levels of Ca2+-ATP, -ATPASE, and Na+.
P. praeruptorum Dunn inhibited the plasma endothelin-1(ET-1)
in patients with pulmonary hypertension (Wangetal., 2001a).
P. praeruptorum Dunn extract (QF-8) inhibited the synthesis
and release of ET-1 in venous plasma of patients with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD_ secondary to pulmonary
hypertension, thereby lowering blood pressure.
P. praeruptorum Dunn exhibited pharmacologic eects in
le ventricular hypertrophy and muscle cell hypertrophy of
renal hypertensive rats (Raoetal., 2002). e results showed
that coumarin, the main active component of P. praeruptorum
Dunn, reduced the myocardial wet weight of the le ventricle
and inhibited the hypertrophic eect of cardiac hypertrophy by
reducing the resting calcium level in hypertrophic cardiomyocytes.
e prophylactic intervention inhibited the intracellular calcium
increase induced by KCl and increased the myocardial membrane
and mitochondrial Na levels of cardiomyocytes+. e eect of
K+-ATPASE activity and mitochondrial Ca2+, Mg2+, -ATPASE
activity was better than reversal of non administration.
P. praeruptorum Dunn aects the pulmonary hemodynamics
and blood ow margin in rats with pulmonary hypertension
(Wangetal., 2001a). e increased blood viscosity of pulmonary
circulation in rats with inammatory pulmonary hypertension
is attributed to multiple factors, such as RBC accumulation,
platelet attachment and activation, inammatory cell chemotaxis,
and adhesion. e antagonism of the biological activity of PAF
and inhibition of histamine release from mast cells inhibits the
pulmonary vascular leakage and edema. e results also showed
that P. praeruptorum Dunn could be used to prevent and control
pulmonary hypertension by inhibiting the RBC cascade and the
activation and aggregation of platelets.
P. praeruptorum Dunn plays a role in pulmonar y hypertension
induced by monocrotaline (Wangetal., 2000). e abnormal
indices of pulmonary artery pressure, right heart index,
pulmonary vascular injury, inammatory cell inltration,
TNC expression and proliferation of vascular smooth muscle
cells were reduced by oral administration of P. praeruptorum
Dunn extract under concentration gradient. PPD inhibits the
development of pulmonary hypertension and plays a signicant
role in hypoxic pulmonary hypertension in dogs (Wangetal.,
2001b). e extract of P. praeruptorum Dunn (QF-3) signicantly
reduced the mean pulmonary dynamic pressure, diastolic
pulmonary dynamic pressure, mixed blood oxygen partial
pressure and blood oxygen transport in dogs with low acute
hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. In addition, CO, CI and
dRVP increased signicantly. In conclusion, QF-3 can be used
to prevent and treat pulmonary hypertension.
e role of P. praeruptorum Dunn in reversing pulmonary
hypertension was studied (Kanget al., 1993). e reduction
of systolic pressure and ventricular hypertrophy index in rats
with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension was achieved using P.
praeruptorum Dunn oral liquid (2.5g /100 g).
e petroleum ether extracts of P. pratorum Dunn can be
used to relax norepinephrine-induced preconstriction of the
pulmonary ring in humans and to reduce primary tension,
with non-competitive antagonistic eects (Kang & Yu, 1994).
Additional studies were conducted in order to reduce pulmonary
vascular resistance and total pulmonary resistance in patients
with obstructive or chronic pulmonary disease and secondary
pulmonary hypertension using an oral decoction of 1g/mL P.
praeruptorum Dunn (Xietal., 1996).
Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 42, e41122, 20224
Review of Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn
Strong vasodilation and blood pressure-lowering eects
associated with the use of this natural product suggest a potential
role in prevention and treatment of hypertension, especially in
the elderly and obese individuals..
2 Antitussive and expectorant eect
P. praeruptorum Dunn from Guangxi, China was extracted
with water and ethyl acetate to concentrations of 5.0 g/kg and
10.0 g/kg, respectively, and administered to mice and guinea
pigs intragastrically administration once a day for 7 days
(Huanget al., 1995). e results showed that the extract of
Guangxi P. praeruptorum Dunn prolonged the incubation period
of cough in mice and guinea pigs, and decreased the frequency
of cough, demonstrating signicant antitussive eect.
e aqueous extract of P. praeruptorum Dunn was fed
to mice, resulting in expectorant eect based on phenol red
ushing test of respiratory tract (Wuetal., 2003). Other varieties
of P. praeruptorum Dunn were eective in removing phlegm.
e expectorant activity of white, ne and red P. praeruptorum
Dunn was better than that of other P. praeruptorum Dunn varieties.
e raw material was administered in a solution of 20 g/kg and
administered intragastrically to rats via capillary tube method.
P. praeruptorum Dunn treatment aer honey moxibustion
also resulted in strong expectorant and antitussive eects in mice,
release of phenol red (Zhangetal., 2010). e results showed that
the output of phenol red increased signicantly, and inhibited
the cough induced by ammonia and prolonged the incubation
period of cough in mice. Besides, it also prolonged the incubation
period of asthma induced by histamine phosphate in guinea
pigs. ese eects were stronger than those of P. praeruptorum
Dunn before moxibustion with honey.
e results showed that P. praeruptorum Dunn alleviated
cough and removed phlegm. However, the studies are limited by
the lack of analysis of dierent active ingredients contributing to
the therapeutic eect. Analysis of key active ingredients, followed
by isolation and identication, can elucidate the mechanism
of expectorant and anti-tussant action of this natural product.
3 Anti-platelet aggregation
e active components of P. praeruptorum Dunn were
extracted with ethanol and added to the platelet plasma of rabbit
ear arteries treated with PAF (Zhang & Li, 2019). e results
showed that the hydrophilic and ethyl acetate components, and
the aqueous and alcoholic extracts of P. praeruptorum Dunn
glycoside inhibited platelet aggregation induced by PAF, and
the hydrophilic component was the best. PAF, in turn, generates
AAI and BHR, which can cause asthma.
It can be concluded that P. praeruptorum Dunn glycoside is
a potential active ingredient that inhibits platelet aggregation.
It can be used in the prevention and management of asthma,
and as a functional food. However, its mechanism of action has
yet to be elucidated and evaluated in clinical trials.
4 Anti-tumor eect
e P. praeruptorum Dunn active ingredient elemene
inhibits lymphatic metastasis in lymphomas by inhibiting the
expression of P2X7R, and enhancing immunity and inhibiting
tumor growth (Zhouet al., 2000). e high expression of
Bcl-2 and the presence of HCA-F25/cI16A3 cell line both
contribute to the development of liver cancer. However, elemene
inhibits the expression of Bcl-2 and HCA-F25 /cI16A3 DNA
precisely, resulting in anti-tumor eect. It was found that β
-elemene inhibited the subcutaneous transplantation of Lewis
lung cancer in mice, and the tumor inhibition rate was more
than 30% (Fangetal., 2005). e side eects are substantially
less compared with tegafur treatment. erefore, β-elemene is
eective for lung cancer prevention and management. e active
compound β-elemene was injected intraperitoneally to prevent
intracerebral glioma in mice, resulting in obvious analgesic and
anti-tumor eects (Maoetal., 2001).
us, elemene exhibits signicant anti-tumor eects with
few side eects, specically for the prevention of cancers of
lung and liver. erefore, the study of its mechanism is of great
signicance. Cancer seriously aects the quality of life, and
routine intervention and prevention using the active ingredients
of P. praeruptorum Dunn should be further investigated.
5 Anti-inammatory eect
e eects of P. praeruptorum Dunn A on the activity of
RAW264.7 cells cultured in vitro were analyzed via MTT assay
(Lietal., 1994). e levels of iNOS, TNF-α, IL-1β, NO, NF-κB
and IκB-α generated in RAW264.7 cells were analyzed. e herbal
extract did not signicantly aect the activity of RAW264.7, but
signicantly down-regulated the expression of NO and iNOS,
TNF-α and IL-1β induced by LPS. e activation of NF-κB was
inhibited by blocking the degradation of IκB-α, resulting in
anti-inammatory and anti-tumor eects. ese results suggest
that P. praeruptorum Dunn A may be a potential functional food
for the prevention and management of atherosclerotic diseases.
e mRNA expression of iNOS, TNF-α and IL-6 in LPS stimulated
mouse macrophages was signicantly increased. RAW264.7 cells
were stimulated with P. praeruptorum Dunn at doses of 2, 4, 6,
8, and 16 μg/mL propyl, butyl, E and 1 μg/mL LPS, respectively
(Wangetal., 2004). e extract signicantly inhibited the release
of inammatory mediator NO in macrophages and the expression
of iNOS, TNF-α and IL-6 mRNA in macrophages, suggesting
that propyl, butyl and E exhibit anti-inammatory eects.
6 Promotes blood circulation and removes blood
PPD treatment decreases the whole blood viscosity at
dierent shear rates, and signicantly improves the pulmonary
circulation of anesthetized rats (Hong et al., 2001). Another
study showed that P. praeruptorum Dunn extract also had similar
eects on increase in blood viscosity induced by hypoxia in
dogs (Hongetal., 2000). PPD extracted from P. praeruptorum
Dunn signicantly improved er ythrocytes in cases of pulmonary
hypertension induced by monocrotaline (Wangetal., 2001a).
Reducing the viscosity of pulmonary circulation at dierent
shear rates eectively prevents pulmonary hypertension in rats.
7 Outlook
P. praeruptorum Dunn exhibits a wide range of physiological
activities (Figure2). Currently, however, most of the studies
Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 42, e41122, 2022 5
demonstrate signicant cardiovascular eects and studies
investigating other physiological eects are relatively rare. As a
natural plant product, it is associated with few or even no side
eects. Extraction and separation of active ingredients using
modern biotechnology is of great value for the development of
functional foods with clear functions and mechanisms.
is research was funded by the Science and Technology
Project of Chongqing Education Commission (KJZD-M201901601)
and Chongqing University Innovation Research Group Project
(CXQTP20033), China.
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