Conference Paper

Strategisches Drohnenverkehrsmanagement: Konzept für eine automatisierte Fluggenehmigung und - freigabe von Drohnenflügen

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Die sichere Integration von Unbemannten Flugsystemen (Unmanned Aircraft Systems-UAS) in den bestehenden Luftverkehr ist eine große Herausforderung bei der Einrichtung eines Drohnenverkehrsmanagements in einem U-Space-Luftraum. Die sogenannte U-Space-Verordnung beschreibt verpflichtende U-Space-Dienste, die UAS-Betreibern helfen sollen, UAS sicher in den urbanen Luftraum zu integrieren. Einer dieser Dienste ist der UAS-Fluggenehmigungsdienst (U-FAS), welcher Fluggenehmigungsanfragen in der strategischen Planungsphase von UAS Flügen koordinieren und verwalten soll. Bisher existieren keine detaillierten Spezifikationen dieser Dienste. Dieser Beitrag stellt ein Konzept für einen automatisierten und U-Space-konformen Fluggenehmigungs-und Aktivierungsprozess vor, welcher die Mindestanforderungen an einen UAS-Fluggenehmigungsdienst aktueller U-Space-Rahmenwerke erfüllt.

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Conference Paper
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The traffic volume of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) is expected to grow significantly over the coming decade. The European U-space regulation draft defines in abstract terms how UAS traffic will be managed in future. Naturally, the draft omits compliance and implementation details, which are left to working groups at EASA and various standardization bodies. In this paper, we provide an overview of challenges that need to be solved before a UAS traffic management (UTM) that is compliant with the regulation may become operational. Furthermore, we present initial solution approaches with regard to airspace design and deconfliction. Our results are based on experience in implementing a prototypical UTM for the city of Hamburg, Germany, an urban environment in controlled airspace. However, many of our results are applicable to other environments as well.
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These slides represent a revision of potential requirements for an implementation supporting Strategic Conflict Management within UTM. The full set of requirements presented here lay the groundwork for strategic deconfliction of UTM Operations from each other. These slides DO NOT endeavor to provide generalized insight into UTM and are not intended to do so. It is assumed the audience for these slides is familiar with UTM concepts. For good introduction to UTM research, please see the initial NASA ConOps and the more recent FAA ConOps on UTM. These are system-level requirements presented at a high level. Detailed requirements will be developed from this requirement set. Those more detailed requirements will be placed upon specific systems within UTM, such as the USS or FIMS. Architectural decisions may also be made based on this requirement set. These slides are an important step in the formalization of UTM requirements including their validation through collaborative review. Since we are early in this process, some of the concept of operations and the requirements are conflated, but this document should provide a clear picture of both aspects of the system description.
Conference Paper
The safe integration of UAS into urban airspaces is one of the key challenges when establishing a UTM. A significant challenge to overcome is the detection and resolution of potential collisions. Such conflicts can occur for a variety of reasons and in different stages of the flight process, which makes them very complex to handle. A conflict management framework can make the overall process of conflict management more manageable. Existing frameworks have taken on this challenge, but neither are they extensive, nor do they apply to European legislation. This paper presents a draft for a framework compliant with the European U-space regulations, including the responsibilities of all involved actors. In addition, we expanded the framework to be adaptable to changes in regulations.
Analysis of the German Drone Market
  • Luftfahrt Verband Unbemannte
Verband Unbemannte Luftfahrt (VUL). Analysis of the German Drone Market, 2019.