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Development of digital technology-based nursing service innovation in the pandemic era



Optimizing health services during the pandemic is something that hospitals must do in order to keep improving service quality. This community service aims to educate nurses on how to use digital technology-based nursing services in the pandemic. Health education is provided through webinars, as a method of implementing this community service program. The majority of webinar participants (60%) had sufficient knowledge based on the results of the pretest. Following the presentation of the material, it can be concluded that there has been an increase in knowledge, with 182 participants (90%) having excellent knowledge. Nursing services are benefiting from digital innovation not only in terms of workforce management, but also in terms of changing the way care is delivered. Nurses are crucial in the adoption of digital tools and information technology to improve patient care. This is due to the fact that the quality of digital care delivery has risen to the forefront of healthcare and is being scrutinized more than ever before.
Vol.7 No.4 (2022) pp. 763-768
p-ISSN: 2614-4964 e-ISSN: 2621-4024
Development of digital technology-based nursing service
innovation in the pandemic era
Yulis Setiya Dewi1, Nursalam1, Ahsan2, I Ketut Eddy Purnama3, Tomoko Hasegawa4,
Arina Qona’ah1, Rifky Octavia Pradipta1, Hidayat Arifin5, Gusmaniarti6
1 Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
2 Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
3 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
4 University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan
5 Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung, Indonesia
6 Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
Optimizing health services during the pandemic is something that hospitals must do in order to
keep improving service quality. This community service aims to educate nurses on how to use
digital technology-based nursing services in the pandemic. Health education is provided through
webinars, as a method of implementing this community service program. The majority of webinar
participants (60%) had sufficient knowledge based on the results of the pretest. Following the
presentation of the material, it can be concluded that there has been an increase in knowledge,
with 182 participants (90%) having excellent knowledge. Nursing services are benefiting from
digital innovation not only in terms of workforce management, but also in terms of changing the
way care is delivered. Nurses are crucial in the adoption of digital tools and information
technology to improve patient care.
Keywords: Nursing services; Digital technology; Real time monitor sensors; Covid-19
Pengembangan inovasi pelayanan keperawatan berbasis
teknologi digital di era pandemi
Optimalisasi pelayanan kesehatan di masa pandemi merupakan hal yang harus
dilakukan oleh rumah sakit guna tetap meningkatkan mutu pelayanan. Pengabdian
masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada perawat mengenai
pelayanan keperawatan berbasis teknologi digital yang dapat digunakan di masa
pandemi. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah pendidikan
kesehatan yang diberikan melalui webinar yang diselenggarakan secara online.
Berdasarkan hasil pre-test, mayoritas peserta webinar (60%) memiliki pengetahuan yang
cukup. Setelah pemberian materi, dapat disimpulkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan
dimana 182 peserta (90%) memiliki pengetahuan yang baik. Inovasi digital dalam
pelayanan keperawatan tidak hanya berpengaruh dalam manajemen tenaga kerja, tetapi
juga sebagai dasar untuk mengubah cara pemberian perawatan. Perawat memainkan
peranan penting dalam implementasi sarana digital dan informatika untuk
meningkatkan perawatan pasien.
Kata Kunci: Pelayanan keperawatan; Teknologi digital; Real time monitor censors; Covid-19
Community Empowerment
1. Pendahuluan
Optimalisasi pelayanan kesehatan di masa pandemi merupakan hal yang harus
dilakukan oleh rumah sakit guna tetap meningkatkan mutu pelayanan. Upaya dalam
mempertahankan mutu pelayanan yang tidak disertai dengan dukungan sarana
prasarana dan sumber daya yang memadai akan menimbulkan masalah. Salah satu
masalah yang terjadi adalah tingginya angka kejadian Covid-19 pada tenaga kesehatan
(Olesen et al., 2020). Hal ini dapat dipicu oleh belum adanya standar yang ketat dalam
Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi (PPI) untuk Covid-19 di rumah sakit,
manajemen tata ruang perawatan. Pengaturan serta fungsi dari tata ruang perawatan
pasien Covid-19 memerlukan sistem yang terintegrasi antara proses perawatan dan
monitoring (Zanardo et al., 2020). Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk
memberikan edukasi kepada perawat mengenai pelayanan keperawatan berbasis
teknologi digital yang dapat digunakan di masa pandemi.
Data yang diperoleh dari World Health Organization (WHO) menyebutkan bahwa
sebanyak 14% dari total pasien Covid-19 dialami oleh tenaga kesehatan (Rathnayake et
al., 2021). Di beberapa negara, jumlah infeksi Covid-19 pada tenaga kesehatan
mencapai 35% dari total kasus (Bohlken et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2020). Di Indonesia, data
per Januari 2021 didapatkan sebanyak 647 tenaga kesehatan meninggal karena
terinfeksi virus Covid-19 yang terdiri dari 289 dokter, 221 perawat, 84 bidan, 27 dokter
gigi, 15 orang petugas laboratorium dan 11 orang apoteker. Jumlah ini termasuk
kategori tiga besar kasus Covid-19 pada tenaga kesehatan yang ada di Asia (Setiawan
& Nurwati, 2020).
Paparan Covid-19 pada tenaga kesehatan dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik dari Covid-19
yang memiliki ukuran partikel antara 80-160 nanometer. Partikel ini ditransmisikan
melalui airbone mikroskopis dan aerosol droplet. Droplet dan partikel kecil dalam
spektrum luas akan terbentuk pada saat batuk atau bersin dan bahkan saat berbicara
atau bernafas. Sebagian besar droplet yang dihasilkan akan jatuh dan mengenai benda
pada area sekitar yang dapat bertahan dalam hitungan jam atau bahkan dua hingga
tiga hari (Kim et al., 2020). Selain itu, tingginya angka kejadian Covid-19 pada tenaga
kesehatan juga disebabkan oleh tindakan medis misalnya intubasi takea, ventilasi non-
invasif, trakeotomi, dan resusitasi jantung paru (Daryai et al., 2020).
Upaya yang dilakukan untuk menurunkan kasus Covid-19 pada tenaga kesehatan
adalah dengan menggunakan teknologi berbasis digital dalam memberikan pelayanan
keperawatan kepada pasien. Pemanfaatan teknologi digital dapat digunakan untuk
monitoring suhu ruangan dan kelembapan pada ruangan isolasi pasien (Shahrvini et
al., 2021). Selain itu, monitoring juga dilakukan terintegrasi dengan parameter lain
misalnya suhu dan tekanan udara. Monitoring ini dapat dilakukan dalam jarak jauh
melalui akses dengan menggunakan remote berbasis Internet of Things (IOTs). Hal ini
diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pelayanan pada pasien Covid-19 terutama yang
dirawat di ruang isolasi.
2. Metode
Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah pendidikan
kesehatan yang diberikan melalui webinar yang diselenggarakan secara online.
Community Empowerment
Pembicara pada webinar ini adalah pelaksana kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang
memiliki keahlian dalam bidang critical care dan Kepala Bidang Keperawatan dari RS
Universitas Airlangga dan RS Haji Surabaya. Tema yang diangkat dalam webinar
adalah Pengembangan Inovasi Pelayanan Keperawatan Berbasis Teknologi Digital di
era Pandemi Covid-19”. Materi yang disampaikan pada webinar yang diselenggarakan
pada Jum’at, 26 November 2021 adalah manajemen pelayanan keperawatan dan real
time monitor sensor berbasis IoTs dalam keperawatan. Peserta pengabdian masyarakat
adalah perawat dan mahasiswa keperawatan dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia.
Penilaian terhadap keberhasilan dari pendidikan kesehatan dilakukan dengan
memberikan pre-test dan post-test kepada peserta sebelum dan sesudah penyampaian
materi melalui Google Form.
3. Hasil dan Pembahasan
Pelaksanaan webinar “Pengembangan Inovasi Pelayanan Keperawatan Berbasis
Teknologi Digital di Era Pandemi Covid-19” diikuti oleh mahasiswa dan perawat
sejumlah 202 peserta (Gambar 1). Mahasiswa yang menjadi peserta berasal dari
Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Kadiri, Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya,
Universitas Sahid Surakarta, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Universitas Sari Mulia
Banjarmasin, Universitas Karya Husada, IIK Bhakti Kediri, Poltekkes Kemenkes
Malang, STIKES Indramayu, Stikes Cendekia Utama Kudus, Stikes Centama Kudus,
Stikes BHM Madiun, ITKes Wiyata Husada Samarinda. Sedangkan perawat rumah
sakit yang menjadi peserta webinar diantaranya adalah Rumah Sakit Darmo Surabaya,
Klinik K3 PT. PHC Surabaya, Rumah Sakit Premier, RSAL dr Ramelan Surabaya,
RSUD Bangil, RSUD Buleleng, RSUD dr Koesma Tuban, RSUD Ngimbang, dan RSUD
Dr. Soetomo Surabaya.
Gambar 1. Webinar inovasi pelayanan keperawatan berbasis teknologi digital
Peserta yang mengikuti webinar diminta untuk mengikuti pre-test dan post-test sebagai
upaya untuk menentukan pengetahuan awal dan evaluasi terhadap pemahaman
materi webinar. Berdasarkan hasil pre-test, mayoritas peserta webinar (60%) memiliki
pengetahuan yang cukup, sebanyak 27 persen memiliki pengetahuan yang baik dan 13
persen memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang terhadap pelayanan keperawatan berbasis
teknologi digital. Setelah pemberian materi, peserta diminta untuk mengerjakan post-
test. Berdasarkan hasil post-test, sebanyak 182 peserta (90%) memiliki pengetahuan
yang baik, 17 peserta (8%) memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup dan 3 peserta (2%) masih
memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang.
Community Empowerment
Perkembangan teknologi digital mempengaruhi seluruh aspek kehidupan termasuk
dalam pelayanan kesehatan terutama layanan keperawatan. Salah satu diantaranya
adalah peningkatan penggunaan kecerdasan buatan (AI) dan sistem robot untuk
monitoring kondisi pasien dan meningkatnya ketergantungan pada telehealth dan
model perawatan virtual lainnya, terutama dalam menanggapi pandemi Covid-19.
Meskipun kemajuan substansial sampai saat ini terus berkembang, tantangan dalam
penggunaan teknologi digital keperawatan tetap ada. Salah satunya adalah adanya
kekhawatiran jika perawat tidak mampu mengikuti perubahan cepat dalam teknologi
digital dan dampaknya terhadap masyarakat. Hal ini dapat membatasi manfaat
potensial yang ada dalam implementasinya ke layanan praktik keperawatan dan
perawatan pasien. Tantangan ini harus ditanggapi oleh perawat dengan mempercepat
proses transformasi pelayanan secara digital, sehingga dapat menanggapi tantangan
global kompleks yang saat ini dihadapi sistem kesehatan dan masyarakat.
Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilaksanakan menjadi salah satu cara untuk
meningkatkan pengetahuan dan memberikan gambaran bagaimana perawat dapat
berkontribusi dalam memanfaatkan teknologi dalam pelayanan. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa keperawatan harus mempercepat transformasi ke pelayanan
yang dilakukan secara digital dengan berinvestasi dalam pendidikan, penelitian, dan
praktik inovasi teknologi. Perawat harus meningkatkan keterampilan dalam ilmu data
dan topik kesehatan digital lainnya untuk memastikan teknologi yang muncul seperti
AI dikembangkan dengan tepat dan aman untuk praktik keperawatan dan perawatan
pasien. Keperawatan harus berinvestasi dan memimpin perkembangan kesehatan
digital dan berkolaborasi dengan orang lain untuk mengembangkan dan memberikan
alat digital yang dibutuhkan pasien dan masyarakat. Perawat harus memperjuangkan
teknologi di semua bidang praktik profesional, menciptakan peluang kepemimpinan
dalam kesehatan digital, dan menginformasikan kebijakan kesehatan (Booth et al.,
Contoh penggunaan teknologi menunjukkan bagaimana teknologi digital telah
membawa manfaat bagi praktik dan pendidikan keperawatan (Krick et al., 2019)
Misalnya, program telehealth di mana perawat menyediakan pemantauan harian,
pembinaan, dan triase pasien dengan beberapa penyakit kronis telah membantu
mengurangi penerimaan unit gawat darurat perangkat seluler, khususnya smartphone
dan aplikasi kesehatan, memungkinkan perawat untuk menawarkan saran jarak jauh
tentang manajemen nyeri kepada pasien remaja penderita kanker (L. Jibb et al., 2020; L.
A. Jibb et al., 2017) dan melengkapi aspek pendidikan keperawatan dengan
memberikan solusi pedagogis inovatif untuk penyampaian konten dan peluang
pembelajaran jarak jauh (Buchanan et al., 2020; Chuang et al., 2018).
Inovasi pelayanan juga perlu disosialisasikan terutama dalam tatanan manajemen. Hal
ini kaitannya dengan pelaksanaan inovasi yang memerlukan kebijakan bagi beberapa
unit di rumah sakit serta proses pengelolaannya. Penggunaan IoTs dalam monitoring
ruangan pasien Covid-19 memungkinkan perawat untuk memonitor secara realtime
dengan menggunakan device baik device ruangan ataupun personal device. Upaya ini
digalakkan untuk mencegah adanya perkembangan infeksi pada ruangan Covid-19.
Salah satu contohnya adalah melalui kelembapan udara yang tidak dikontrol dapat
meningkatkan akumulasi bakteri pada ruangan.
Community Empowerment
Pemanfaatan alat realtime monitor dapat memudahkan pekerjaan perawat dengan
memberikan laporan secara berkala mengani kondisi lingkungan ruang perawatan
pasien. Perawat dapat fokus untuk melakukan perawatan kepada pasien. Peran dan
dukungan dari tatanan manajemen sangat diperlukan karena inovasi ini dapat terus
berkembang dengan terus menyesuaikan keadaan dan situasi di rumah sakit.
4. Kesimpulan
Inovasi digital dalam pelayanan keperawatan tidak hanya berpengaruh dalam
manajemen tenaga kerja, tetapi juga sebagai dasar untuk mengubah cara pemberian
perawatan. Perawat memainkan peranan penting dalam implementasi sarana digital
dan informatika untuk meningkatkan perawatan pasien, terutama di lingkungan
Covid-19 di mana kualitas pemberian perawatan digital telah menjadi yang terdepan
dalam perawatan kesehatan dan berada di bawah pengawasan yang lebih ketat dari
Daftar Pustaka
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Community Empowerment
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-
Commercial 4.0 International License
... Inovasi digital dalam layanan keperawatan tidak hanya memengaruhi manajemen tenaga kerja, tetapi juga menjadi dasar perubahan pemberian layanan kepeda pasien. Perawat memainkan peran penting dalam penerapan alat digital dan informatika dalam peningkatan layanan keperawatan 15 . ...
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Orientasi penerimaan pasien baru merupakan titik penting dalam pertukaran informasi yang mendukung keselamatan, kenyamanan, dan pemahaman pasien selama di rumah sakit. Namun, pelaksanaannya belum optimal di rumah sakit dikarenakan waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam pelaksanaannya. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan orientasi pasien baru dengan pendampingan kepada perawat dalam pelaksanaanya dengan metode video. Metode pengabdian yang digunakan adalah pendampingan implementasi orientasi pasien baru. Adapun peserta pada kegiatan pengabdian ini berjumlah 1 kepala ruangan dan 14 perawat di ruangan Ar-raodah 1 RSUD Haji Makassar. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi dan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 27 Mei 2024. Hasil menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan pelaksanaan orientasi pasien baru dengan metode video.
... Hingga saat ini, masih belum diketahui kapan situasi ini akan berakhir. Virus ini memorak-porandakan ekonomi dan peradaban masyarakat dunia (Dewi et al., 2022). Hampir seluruh sektor terdampak, tidak hanya kesehatan tapi juga kehidupan sehari-hari. ...
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This community service program focuses on increasing productivity at the MSMEs Roti Abimanyu during the COVID-19 pandemic with a training scheme for the use of social media and marketplaces. The target to be achieved in this activity is to increase sales, marketing, and product ordering services through the use of information technology. This activity is carried out with training and assistance in utilizing e-commerce. The result of this activity is that MSMEs Roti Abimanyu have understood marketing techniques through social media and marketplaces.
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Ketenagakerjaan adalah segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan tenaga kerja pada waktu sebelum, selama dan setelah selesai masa hubungan kerja, baik pada pekerjaan yang menghasilkan barang maupun pekerjaan berupa. Dari aspek hukum ketenagakerjaan merupakan bidang hukum privat yang memiliki aspek publik, karena meskipun hubungan kerja dibuat berdasarkan kebebasan para pihak, namun terdapat sejumlah ketentuan yang WAJIB tunduk pada ketentuan pemerintah dalam artian hukum publik. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan, Pandemi juga dapat memiliki dampak ekonomi yang tidak proporsional pada segmen tertentu dari populasi, yang dapat memperburuk ketimpangan yang mempengaruhi sebagian besar kelompok pekerja, seperti : Pekerja yang sudah memiliki masalah dengan kondisi kesehatan, Kaum muda yang sudah menghadapi tingkat pengangguran dan setengah pengangguran yang lebih tinggi, Pekerja yang lebih tua yang mungkin menghadapi risiko lebih tinggi terkena masalah kesehatan yang serius dan kemungkinan menderita kerentanan ekonomi, Perempuan yang terlalu banyak mewakili pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang berada di garis depan dalam menangani pandemi dan yang akan menanggung beban yang tidak proporsional dalam tanggung jawab perawatan terkait dengan penutupan sekolah atau sistem keperawatan, Pekerja yang tidak terlindungi, termasuk pekerja mandiri, pekerja kasual dan pekerja musiman (gig workers) yang tidak memunyai akses terhadap mekanisme cuti dibayar atau sakit dan Pekerja migran yang mungkin tidak dapat mengakses tempat kerja mereka di Negara tujuan ataupun kembali pulang kepada keluarga mereka. Ketidak menentuan dan kesulitan hidup menjadikan kelompok rentan ini memerlukan jaring pengaman sosial, seperti jaminan kesehatan dan jaminan sosial. Melalui penyediaan jaminan kesehatan dan jaminan sosial, maka kehidupan masyarakat yang paling rentan menjadi terlindungi, baik pada saat tidak ada krisis maupun pada saat krisis. Dengan adanya perlindungan sosial ini, pekerja rentan dapat tetap hidup dalam kondisi sehat dan tetap mampu bekerja untuk memenuhi kehidupan mereka dan keluarganya pada hari depan. Tanpa jaminan kesehatan dan jaminan sosial, maka krisis akibat pandemi Covid-19 ini akan merenggut harapan dan kehidupan kelompok rentan.
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The pandemic of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has brought significant pressure on nurses globally as they are the frontline of care. This study aimed to explore the experiences and challenges of nurses who worked with hospitalised patients with COVID-19. In this qualitative study, a purposive sample of 14 nurses participated in in-depth telephone interviews. Data were analysed using Colaizzi’s phenomenological method. Five key themes emerged: (1) physical and psychological distress of nurses, (2) willingness to work, (3) the essential role of support mechanisms, (4) educational and informational needs of nurses and (5) the role of modern technology in COVID-19 care. Although the provision of care led to physical and psychological distress among nurses, with their commitment and professional obligation, it is a new experience that leads to personal satisfaction. Guilty feeling related to inefficiency of care, witnessing the suffering of patients, discomfort associated with wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), work-related issues (e.g., long hour shifts), negative impact to the family and rejection by others are the leading distress factors. Religious beliefs, including keeping trust in good and bad merits, have become a strong coping mechanism. Addressing distress among nurses is essential. The reported learning needs of nurses included skills related to donning and doffing PPE, skills in performing nursing procedures and breaking bad news. Nurse managers need to pay special attention to expanding training opportunities as well as support mechanisms, for example, welfare, appreciations and counselling services for nurses. Modern technology, particularly robots and telecommunication, can perform an essential role in COVID-19 care. The establishment of timely policies and strategies to protect health workers during a national disaster like COVID-19 is needed.
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Transformation into a digitally enabled profession will maximize the benefits to patient care, write Richard Booth and colleagues
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Background The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has necessitated a sudden transition to remote learning in medical schools. We aimed to assess perceptions of remote learning among pre-clinical medical students and subsequently to identify pros and cons of remote learning, as well as uncover gaps to address in ongoing curricular development. Methods A survey was distributed to first- and second-year medical students at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine in March 2020. Frequencies of responses to structured multiple-choice questions were compared regarding impacts of remote learning on quality of instruction and ability to participate, value of various remote learning resources, living environment, and preparedness for subsequent stages of training. Responses to open-ended questions about strengths and weaknesses of the remote curriculum and overall reflections were coded for thematic content. Results Of 268 students enrolled, 104 responded (53.7% of first-year students and 23.9% of second-year students). Overall, students felt that remote learning had negatively affected the quality of instruction and their ability to participate. Most (64.1%) preferred the flexibility of learning material at their own pace. Only 25.5% of respondents still felt connected to the medical school or classmates, and feelings of anxiety and isolation were noted negatives of remote learning. Most second-year students (56.7%) felt their preparation for the United States Medical Licensing Examination Step 1 exam was negatively affected, and 43.3% felt unprepared to begin clerkships. In narrative responses, most students appreciated the increased flexibility of remote learning, but they also identified several deficits that still need to be addressed, including digital fatigue, decreased ability to participate, and lack of clinical skills, laboratory, and hands-on learning. Conclusions Videocasted lectures uploaded in advance, electronic health record and telehealth training for students, and training for teaching faculty to increase technological fluency may be considered to optimize remote learning curricula.
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Background Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to transform the health system, yet little research to date has explored its influence on nurses—the largest group of health professionals. Furthermore, there has been little discussion on how AI will influence the experience of person-centered compassionate care for patients, families, and caregivers. Objective This review aims to summarize the extant literature on the emerging trends in health technologies powered by AI and their implications on the following domains of nursing: administration, clinical practice, policy, and research. This review summarizes the findings from 3 research questions, examining how these emerging trends might influence the roles and functions of nurses and compassionate nursing care over the next 10 years and beyond. Methods Using an established scoping review methodology, MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, PsycINFO, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central, Education Resources Information Center, Scopus, Web of Science, and ProQuest databases were searched. In addition to the electronic database searches, a targeted website search was performed to access relevant gray literature. Abstracts and full-text studies were independently screened by 2 reviewers using prespecified inclusion and exclusion criteria. Included articles focused on nursing and digital health technologies that incorporate AI. Data were charted using structured forms and narratively summarized. Results A total of 131 articles were retrieved from the scoping review for the 3 research questions that were the focus of this manuscript (118 from database sources and 13 from targeted websites). Emerging AI technologies discussed in the review included predictive analytics, smart homes, virtual health care assistants, and robots. The results indicated that AI has already begun to influence nursing roles, workflows, and the nurse-patient relationship. In general, robots are not viewed as replacements for nurses. There is a consensus that health technologies powered by AI may have the potential to enhance nursing practice. Consequently, nurses must proactively define how person-centered compassionate care will be preserved in the age of AI. Conclusions Nurses have a shared responsibility to influence decisions related to the integration of AI into the health system and to ensure that this change is introduced in a way that is ethical and aligns with core nursing values such as compassionate care. Furthermore, nurses must advocate for patient and nursing involvement in all aspects of the design, implementation, and evaluation of these technologies. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID) RR2-10.2196/17490
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Background The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been placing severe strain on global healthcare systems and medical education programs, leading to growing demands for medical students to assume the role of preliminary healthcare providers. Objectives To assess the perception and attitudes of medical students about clinical clerkship training during the COVID-19 pandemic. Design A cross-sectional survey with web-based 3-fields/14-items questionnaire was conducted, from April 7 to 14, 2020, to evaluate their self-assessed perception and attitudes on clerkship training of hospital practice under the COVID-19 outbreak and spread among 161 (78 on pre-clerkship course, 83 on clinical clerkship course) medical students at Dankook University College of Medicine, Cheonan, Republic of Korea. Results Of the 151 medical students who completed the survey, 81 students (53.7%) considered themselves familiar with COVID-19. Although the students were concerned about the spread of the virus during clinical clerkship training, 118 (78.1%) students preferred the clerkship training in a hospital practice. The students in the clinical clerkship program preferred this over those in the pre-clerkship program (85.7% vs. 70.2%, P = 0.03), primarily because a clinical clerkship could not be replaced by an online class during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, their responses indicated, in order of significance, fear of not completing the clerkship course on time, willingness to participate as a preliminary healthcare provider in pandemic, the potential waste of tuition, and belief that a hospital is rather safe. The change in the academic calendar had not a positive impact on the lifestyles of many students. Conclusions In circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic, educational strategies to clinical clerkship training for medical students should be developed to provide them with the opportunity to be actively involved in hospital practice under strict safety guidance focused on preventing virus infection and transmission.
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Introduction Pain negatively affects the health-related quality of life (HRQL) of adolescents with cancer. The Pain Squad+ smartphone-based application (app), has been developed to provide adolescents with real-time pain self-management support. The app uses a validated pain assessment and personalised pain treatment advice with centralised decision support via a registered nurse to enable real-time pain treatment in all settings. The algorithm informing pain treatment advice is evidence-based and expert-vetted. This trial will longitudinally evaluate the impact of Pain Squad+, with or without the addition of nurse support, on adolescent health and cost outcomes. Methods and analysis This will be a pragmatic, multicentre, waitlist controlled, 3-arm parallel-group superiority randomised trial with 1:1:1 allocation enrolling 74 adolescents with cancer per arm from nine cancer centres. Participants will be 12 to 18 years, English-speaking and with ≥3/10 pain. Exclusion criteria are significant comorbidities, end-of-life status or enrolment in a concurrent pain study. The primary aim is to determine the effect of Pain Squad+, with and without nurse support, on pain intensity in adolescents with cancer, when compared with a waitlist control group. The secondary aims are to determine the immediate and sustained effect over time of using Pain Squad+, with and without nurse support, as per prospective outcome measurements of pain interference, HRQL, pain self-efficacy and cost. Linear mixed models with baseline scores as a covariate will be used. Qualitative interviews with adolescents from all trial arms will be conducted and analysed. Ethics and dissemination This trial is approved by the Hospital for Sick Children Research Ethics Board. Results will provide data to guide adolescents with cancer and healthcare teams in treating pain. Dissemination will occur through partnerships with stakeholder groups, scientific meetings, publications, mass media releases and consumer detailing. Trial registration number NCT03632343 ( ).
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Background: The COVID-19 outbreak caused by the SARS-Cov-2 virus has been sustained in China since December 2019, and could become a pandemic if we do not contain it. The mental health of frontline medical staff is a concern. In this study, we aimed to identify the influencing factors on medical worker anxiety in China during the COVID-19 outbreak. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study to estimate the prevalence of anxiety among medical staff from 10th February 2020 to 20th February 2020 in China using the Zung Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) to assess anxiety, using the criteria of normal (≤49), mild (50-59), moderate (60-70) and severe anxiety (≥70). We used multivariable linear regression to determine the factors (e.g., having direct contact treating infected patients, being a medical staff worker from Hubei province, being a suspect case) for anxiety. We also used adjusted models to confirm independent factors for anxiety after adjusting for gender, age, education and marital status. Results: Of 512 medical staff from China, 164 healthcare workers (32.03%) had had direct contact by treating infected patients. The prevalence of anxiety was 12.5%, with 53 workers suffering from mild (10.35%), seven workers from moderate (1.36%) and four workers from severe anxiety (0.78%). After adjusting for sociodemographic characteristics (gender, age, education and marital status), medical staff who had had direct contact treating infected patients saw higher anxiety scores than those who had not had direct contact (βvalue=2.33, CI: 0.65 -4.00; p=0.0068). Similar things were observed in medical staff from Hubei province, compared with those from other parts of China (βvalue=3.67, CI: 1.44 -5.89; p=0.0013). The most important variable was suspect cases with high anxiety scores, compared to non-suspect cases (βvalue=4.44, CI: 1.55 -7.33; p=0.0028). Conclusion: Our results highlight that government authorities should make early detection of the high risk of anxiety among medical staff a priority, and implement appropriate psychological intervention programs, to prevent medical staff from developing psychological disorders that could potentially exert an adverse effect on combating the COVID-19 epidemic.
Objectives From December 2019, a novel coronavirus named COVID-19 was reported in China. Within 3 months, the World Health Organization defined COVID-19 as a pandemic, with more than 370,000 cases and 16,000 deaths worldwide. In consideration of the crucial role of diagnostic testing during COVID-19, the aim of this technical note was to provide a complete synthesis of approaches implemented for the management of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients. Key Findings The planning of a robust plan to prevent the transmission of the virus to patients and department staff members should be fundamental in each radiology service. Moreover, the speed of spread and the incidence of the pandemic make it necessary to optimize the use of personal protective devices and dedicated COVID-19 equipment, given the limited availability of supplies. Conclusion In the management of radiographic and CT imaging, staff should take special precautions to limit contamination between patients and other patients or professionals. Implications for practice An isolated imaging room should be dedicated to suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases, including radiography and CT scanners. This paper will provide guidance concerning disposable protective gear to be utilized, as well as on the cleaning and sanitation of radiology room and equipment.