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The machine learning–powered BirdNET App reduces barriers to global bird research by enabling citizen science participation

PLOS Biology

Abstract and Figures

The BirdNET App, a free bird sound identification app for Android and iOS that includes over 3,000 bird species, reduces barriers to citizen science while generating tens of millions of bird observations globally that can be used to replicate known patterns in avian ecology.
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The machine learning–powered BirdNET App
reduces barriers to global bird research by
enabling citizen science participation
Connor M. WoodID*, Stefan Kahl, Ashakur Rahaman, Holger Klinck
K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University, Ithaca,
New York, United States of America
The BirdNET App, a free bird sound identification app for Android
and iOS that includes over 3,000 bird species, reduces barriers to citi-
zen science while generating tens of millions of bird observations
globally that can be used to replicate known patterns in avian
The ubiquity of smartphones combined with the power of new machine learning algorithms
presents an opportunity to promote positive interactions between humans and birds and thus
create new possibilities for avian research. We present the BirdNET App, a free program capa-
ble of identifying over 3,000 bird species by sound alone. The BirdNET App allows users to
record audio on a smartphone and transmit that audio and anonymized metadata to the Bird-
NET server, and a bird species identification is provided with a qualitative confidence score.
The raw audio, quantitative confidence score, and metadata (date, time, and location) are
saved on the server for subsequent research usage; all observations are anonymized, and no
user data are stored. This analytical workflow was inspired in part by the Pl@ntNet app, which
combines crowdsourcing and machine learning to engage users in plant identification [1]. The
BirdNET App relies on 2 components: the species identification algorithm and the user
Briefly, the BirdNET algorithm is a deep convolutional neural network. The 2018 to 2020
version could identify 984 North American and European bird species; an early 2021 update
enabled it to identify over 3,000 species from around the world. For a full technical description
of the algorithm, see [2]. The interface was built around a real-time spectrogram from which
users actively select snippets of sound for analysis, a feedback button allowing users to indicate
whether a prediction was correct or not, and a basic data portal allowing users to view their
own observations and commonly observed species in their area (Fig 1). The app interface sup-
ports 13 languages, with species names translated into an additional 12 languages. Our under-
lying philosophy was that consistently high prediction accuracy with global coverage and a
simple, rewarding user interface would help us achieve the sustained use that would be neces-
sary for research applications and most enjoyable for users.
To test whether the app could indeed remove barriers to citizen science—something that is
often suggested but rarely tested [3]—we compared usage of the BirdNET App to that of eBird.
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Citation: Wood CM, Kahl S, Rahaman A, Klinck H
(2022) The machine learning–powered BirdNET
App reduces barriers to global bird research by
enabling citizen science participation. PLoS Biol
20(6): e3001670.
Published: June 28, 2022
Copyright: ©2022 Wood et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: The data used in the
four case studies (two song dialects and two
migrations, one of each in North America and in
Europe) are publicly available (
5281/zenodo.6484061). BirdNET App data will be
publicly available once it has been compiled in a
shareable format; until then, we welcome inquiries
from researchers interested in using BirdNET App
data (email:
Funding: Funding was provided by Jake Holshuh,
the Arthur Vining Davis Foundation, the European
Union, the European Social Fund for Germany, the
Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the German Federal
Ministry of Education and Research in the program
of Entrepreneurial Regions InnoProfileTransfer in
the project group localizIT (funding code
03IPT608X), and Chemnitz Technical University. All
Both programs enable citizen scientists to submit bird observations for research purposes, but
eBird, a pioneering project initiated in 2003, is designed for intermediate/expert birders who
can submit checklists of birds they have identified, while the BirdNET app can be used by
beginners who have no knowledge of birds. In 2020, the BirdNET App engaged >1.1 million
participants compared to 317,792 eBird participants (eBird: An online database of bird distri-
bution and abundance. Ithaca, New York: Cornell Lab of Ornithology; 2021). This difference
in participation does not imply that one is “better” than the other; instead, it reflects conscious
Fig 1. Images of the app user interface (iOS version, American English) and the distribution of submissions. A
spectrogram (A) visualizes environmental sounds in real time by flowing right to left and is paused when the user
selects a snippet of sound for analysis (B). After that snippet is analyzed by the BirdNET server, a qualitative species
identification is provided (C), and the user has the option of indicating whether that identification is correct (D).
BirdNET App users made 31 million submissions in 2020, and even after stringent quality filters were applied, 5.8
million observations remained and achieved near-total coverage of North America and Europe (E).Image credit:C.
Wood; base maps were provided by the University of Minnesota (
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funding was secured by HK and SK. The funders
had no role in study design, data collection and
analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist. SK developed the
app but has made it freely available and receives no
financial benefit for downloads, submissions, or
other usage.
design choices. By catering to a smaller pool of more advanced users, eBird can generate
high-quality data (e.g., abundance and nondetections). By removing the need for preexisting
bird identification skills and specialized equipment like binoculars, the BirdNET App vastly
expands the number of potential citizen science participants, although it generates more sim-
plistic presence-only data. These paradigms are complementary, and, ideally, synergistic, with
an exchange of data and participants leading to improved research tools and conservation
By reducing the barrier to entry of citizen science bird monitoring, we rapidly amassed 5.8
million high-quality bird observations across North America and Europe (Fig 1E). We then
conducted 4 case studies to test whether app data could be used to replicate known patterns in
avian ecology and thus serve as a reliable research resource. The case studies were selected
based on the availability of results we could attempt to reproduce (e.g., song dialect mapping
has been somewhat limited at broad scales because of data limitations) and to encompass a
range of phenomena (e.g., simple versus complex songs and the migration of small versus
large populations). First, we manually classified 1,392 White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia
albicollis) song observations as ending in a doublet or triplet phrase. While [4] reported a uni-
form west-to-east expansion of the White-throated Sparrow’s doublet song, we found that the
triplet has persisted across the western portion of the sparrow’s range and that the doublet
phrase has penetrated to the far eastern edge of the range (Fig 2A). The improved detail we
achieved is likely a function of sample size: The 1,392 songs we analyzed were collected in just
3 months, whereas the 1,785 songs analyzed by [4] were amassed over 70 years. Second, we
manually classified 4,466 Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella) song observations as B- or X-
type and found, consistent with [5], that the X-type song was dominant in Germany and
southeastern England, while the B-type song was dominant in Poland and eastern Europe (Fig
2B). Third, we mapped 2,690 Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum) observations and found
that the app data accurately reflected the known seasonal and migratory ranges of this species
in eastern North America (BirdLife International and Handbook of the Birds of the World
[2019] Bird species distribution maps of the world. Version 2019.1. Available from: http:// Yet, the Brown Thrasher has an estimated popula-
tion of 6,100,000 [6], and its migration is essentially a massive wave of birds, and we wanted a
more difficult test. Therefore, fourth, we mapped 1,700 observations of the Common Crane
(Grus grus), which has a migratory population of approximately 250,000 that flies from the Ibe-
rian Peninsula and northern Africa to northern Europe (BirdLife International. 2020. Species
factsheet: Grus grus). Once again, we were able to accurately map this migration, and there
were even observations from a newly described flyway across the Po River plain in northern
Italy used by just a few thousand individuals [7] (Fig 2C). The success of these 4 case studies
suggests that the BirdNET App can generate reliable data suitable for novel inquiries in bird
research. The data used in these case studies are publicly available (
By creating an app that was easy to use and produced satisfying results, we were able to cre-
ate a user community of over 2 million people globally and thus rapidly accrue tens of millions
of bird observations across 6 continents that can yield accurate assessments of avian ecology.
The defining characteristic of machine learning–powered nature apps like BirdNET is that dig-
ital media are converted to biological observations by the algorithm, rather than human
observers. Consequently, potential biases such as species-specific classification performance
will be uniform and directly measurable, as opposed to variable and uncertain, as occurs when
users of unknown skill are identifying species. We have shown that eliminating the need for
species identification skills and equipment removes a potentially significant barrier to citizen
science participation and that the resulting data can be used to generate accurate results.
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Fig 2. Results from BirdNET App data case studies. BirdNET App submissions of White-throated Sparrow (A) and
Yellowhammer (B) songs were manually sorted into distinct dialects, which reflected the geographically distinct
dialects reported by [4] and [5], respectively. Common Crane observations corresponded with the species’ known
migration routes from the Iberian Peninsula to northern Europe and, to a lesser extent, across the Po River Valley in
northern Italy (C). Base maps were provided by the University of Minnesota (
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Pl@ntNet app data have been used to support conservation initiatives in Europe and Africa
[8], and we believe BirdNET App data have similar potential. Expanded research applications
will depend on a thorough understanding of the biases inherent in the bird observations. Vari-
ation in vocal activity across seasons and among species, user motivations, cell phone coverage,
ambient noise among habitats, and species-specific classification accuracy, as well as digital
divides such as the wealth needed to own a smartphone will all be manifested in BirdNET App
data [3]. Nonetheless, the 4 case studies we presented reveal that app data can already provide
accurate results.
A forthcoming app user data analysis portal will allow users to analyze their own observa-
tions in greater detail than the current species list and “explore your area” features, an
improvement that will enable users to pursue their own research questions. Adding an
optional social networking component to the app could be transformative. The ability to con-
nect with friends could foster friendly competition that would likely increase submission rates.
More importantly, pooling results across multiple users would enable community-driven proj-
ects to document local bird diversity to promote ecotourism, defend lands against resource
extraction, or educational uses. An optional “point count mode” with which users could sub-
mit 3- to 5-minute continuous soundscape recordings would allow communities to document
an estimated 5% to 15% of the local bird species per week even with minimal participation [9].
Moreover, these acoustic point counts would yield analytically valuable nondetections of the
remaining species.
At the outset of this project, we envisioned networks of app users interacting with birds,
with their own bird observations, with each other, and with researchers. In just 3 years, over 2
million users from over 100 countries have generated over 40 million submissions. Critically,
these submissions are not the final product: The BirdNET App enables top-down and, soon,
bottom-up research on avian ecology at continental scales. We welcome inquiries from
researchers interested in using BirdNET App data (email: Raw
observations are not yet publicly available due to the substantial challenges to hosting tens of
millions of observations and audio files; sharing observations only (i.e., prediction scores and
metadata but no audio) is simpler but prevents validation of observations and thus leaves the
data vulnerable to misinterpretation. Detailed data usage guidelines that will facilitate wide-
spread open-access data sharing are forthcoming.
The removal of barriers is the most important aspect of machine learning–powered nature
apps like BirdNET. People do not need knowledgeable mentors or specialized equipment,
which is often expensive, to identify the species around them, they simply need a smartphone.
Challenges remain, as classification accuracy will never be perfect and gaps—both geographic
and phylogenetic—in coverage will persist. However, greater accessibility means that more
people have the opportunity to engage more deeply with the nonhuman world, which can
potentially improve both their physical and mental health [10]. Highly accessible tools can also
foster participation in other citizen science programs, such as eBird. At a societal level, making
nature experiences more accessible may help make people more attuned to—and invested in—
environmental conditions [11]. From a research perspective, greater accessibility means that
more data can be collected more rapidly than if the citizen science participant pool were lim-
ited to wealthier and already-skilled volunteers. We hope that the BirdNET App and similar
projects will enable new opportunities for avian research and conservation.
We are grateful to all the BirdNET App users, especially those whose feedback continues to
shape the project. The BirdNET algorithm could not exist without the thousands of skilled
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volunteers who contributed millions of recordings to the Macaulay Library and Xeno-canto.
We thank Amir Dadkhah for coding the iOS version and Dan Salisbury for validating app sub-
missions. Jan Kocna, A
´lvaro Vega Hidalgo, Auguste Bonnin, Margherita Silvestri, Luuk van
der Duim, Ricardo Brioschi Lyra, Vera Fink, Volodymyr Pyrih, Konstantin Lisnyak, and
Dainius Kučinskas translated the app.
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... Powered by three Lithium-Iron Disulfide (L91) AA batteries, the sensors recorded for 11 days until the 32 GB cards were full. In total, we deployed the ARUs four times, covering all four seasons: spring 2022 (March 4-14), summer 2022 (June 23-July 3), autumn 2022 (September [16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26], and winter 2023 (January 15-25). We recorded the soundscape of each area with three AudioMoth (version 1.1) autonomous recording units (ARUs), except for the 2009 burnt area where two sensors were deployed. ...
... Powered by three Lithium-Iron Disulfide (L91) AA batteries, the sensors recorded for 11 days until the 32 GB cards were full. In total, we deployed the ARUs four times, covering all four seasons: spring 2022 (March 4-14), summer 2022 (June 23-July 3), autumn 2022 (September [16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26], and winter 2023 (January 15-25). ...
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In recent decades, climate change has significantly influenced the frequency and intensity of wildfires across Mediterranean pine forests. The loss of forest cover can bring long-term ecological changes that impact the overall biodiversity and alter species composition. Understanding the long-term impact of wildfires requires effective and cost-efficient methods for monitoring the postfire ecosystem dynamics. Passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) has been increasingly used to monitor the biodiversity of vocal species at large spatial and temporal scales. Using acoustic indices, where the biodiversity of an area is inferred from the overall structure of the soundscape, rather than the more labor-intensive identification of individual species, has yielded mixed results, emphasizing the importance of testing their efficacy at the regional level. In this study, we examined whether widely used acoustic indicators were effective at capturing changes in the avifauna diversity in Pinus halepensis forest stands with different fire burning histories (burnt in 2001, 2009, and 2018 and unburnt for >20 years) on the Sithonia Peninsula, Greece. We recorded the soundscape of each stand using two–three sensors across 11 days of each season from March 2022 to January 2023. We calculated for each site and season the following five acoustic indices: the Acoustic Complexity Index (ACI), Acoustic Diversity Index (ADI), Acoustic Evenness Index (AEI), Normalized Difference Soundscape Index (NDSI), and Bioacoustic Index (BI). Each acoustic index was then assessed in terms of its efficacy at predicting the local avifauna diversity, as estimated via two proxies—the species richness (SR) and the Shannon Diversity Index (SDI) of vocal bird calls. Both the SR and SDI were calculated by having an expert review the species identification of calls detected within the same acoustic dataset by the BirdNET convolutional neural network algorithm. A total of 53 bird species were identified. Our analysis shows that the BI and NDSI have the highest potential for monitoring the postfire biodiversity dynamics in Mediterranean pine forests. We propose the development of regional-scale acoustic observatories at pine and other fire-prone Mediterranean habitats, which will further improve our understanding of how to make the best use of acoustic indices as a tool for rapid biodiversity assessments.
... eBird, iNaturalist, iRecord, Obser vation. org) supported by a range of apps and mobile tools, including automated image and sound identification (August et al., 2015;Wood et al., 2022). Typically, these platforms do not focus on IAS, but-because of their wide audience and public participation-many records of IAS are likely to be made through these platforms, including the first IAS records new to a territory. ...
Full-text available
Early detection and rapid response are essential to deal effectively with new introductions of invasive alien species (IAS). Citizen science platforms for opportunistic recording of species are increasingly popular, and there is potential to harvest their data for early detection of IAS, but this has not been tested. We evaluated the potential of data from existing citizen science platforms for early detection of IAS by obtaining 687 first records of species from 30 European countries where there was both an official first record (i.e. published in scientific literature or by a government agency) and a record in a citizen science platform. We tested how the difference between the two (time lag) was related to species traits, popularity in citizen science platforms, public and research attention and regulatory status. We found that for 50% of the time lag records, citizen science platforms reported IAS earlier than or in the same year as the official databases. Although we cannot determine causality (the first official record could have been from a citizen science platform, or contemporaneous with it), this demonstrates that citizen science platforms are effective for IAS early detection. Time lags were largely affected by species traits. Compared with official records, vertebrates were more likely to have earlier records on citizen science platforms, than plants or invertebrates. Greater popularity of the IAS in citizen science platforms and its observation in neighbouring countries resulted in earlier citizen science reporting. In contrast, inclusion in the EU priority list resulted in earlier official recording, reflecting the efficacy of targeted surveillance programmes. However, time lags were not affected by the overall activity of citizen platforms per country. Synthesis and applications. Multi‐species citizen science platforms for reporting nature sightings are a valuable source of information on early detection of IAS even though they are not specifically designed for this purpose. We recommend that IAS surveillance programmes should be better connected with citizen science platforms, including greater acknowledgement of the role of citizen scientists and better data flow from smaller citizen science initiatives into global databases, to support efficient early detection. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
... Existing deep learning models like Nighthawk, specialized for short-duration calls, were retrained on the Merlin Sound ID framework with datasets manually labeled for in-flight vocalizations of pre-selected nocturnal migratory species [22]. While existing applications like BirdNET [23] offered user-friendly interfaces for bird call identification, they were not designed to handle large datasets and frequently relied on location-specific species recognition. Further research is necessary for species in other geographic locations. ...
Conference Paper
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Analyses for biodiversity monitoring based on passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) recordings is time-consuming and challenged by the presence of background noise in recordings. Existing models worked only on certain avian species and the development of further models required labeled data. The developed framework automatically extracted labeled data from available platforms for selected avian species. The labeled data were embedded into recordings, including environmental sounds and noise, and were used to train Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) models. The models were evaluated on unprocessed real world data recorded in urban KwaZulu-Natal habitats. The Adapted SED-CRNN model reached a F1 score of 0.73, demonstrating its efficiency under noisy, real-world conditions. The proposed approach to automatically extract labeled data for chosen avian species enables an easy adaption of PAM to other species and habitats for future conservation projects.
... Extremely versatile species with large repertoires have a higher chance of confusion with other species that could affect performance scores [10]. Our results concur that BirdNET is an efficient multi-species recognizer [10,17], however, we found several misidentification errors that were confirmed by manual validation. For example, several BirdNET detections for Blue Grosbeak were American Robin (Turdus migratorius) vocalizations. ...
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Monitoring trends in wildlife communities is integral to making informed land management decisions and applying conservation strategies. Birds inhabit most niches in every environment and because of this they are widely accepted as an indicator species for environmental health. Traditionally, point counts are the common method to survey bird populations, however, passive acoustic monitoring approaches using autonomous recording units have been shown to be cost-effective alternatives to point count surveys. Advancements in automatic acoustic classification technologies, such as BirdNET, can aid in these efforts by quickly processing large volumes of acoustic recordings to identify bird species. While the utility of BirdNET has been demonstrated in several applications, there is little understanding of its effectiveness in surveying declining grassland birds. We conducted a study to evaluate the performance of BirdNET to survey grassland bird communities in Nebraska by comparing this automated approach to point count surveys. We deployed ten autonomous recording units from March through September 2022: five recorders in row-crop fields and five recorders in perennial grassland fields. During this study period, we visited each site three times to conduct point count surveys. We compared focal grassland bird species richness between point count surveys and the autonomous recording units at two different temporal scales and at six different confidence thresholds. Total species richness (focal and non-focal) for both methods was also compared at five different confidence thresholds using species accumulation curves. The results from this study demonstrate the usefulness of BirdNET at estimating long-term grassland bird species richness at default confidence scores, however, obtaining accurate abundance estimates for uncommon bird species may require validation with traditional methods.
... Existing deep learning models like Nighthawk, specialized for short-duration calls, were retrained on the Merlin Sound ID framework with datasets manually labeled for in-flight vocalizations of pre-selected nocturnal migratory species [22]. While existing applications like BirdNET [23] offered user-friendly interfaces for bird call identification, they were not designed to handle large datasets and frequently relied on location-specific species recognition. Further research is necessary for species in other geographic locations. ...
Full-text available
Analyses for biodiversity monitoring based on passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) recordings is time-consuming and challenged by the presence of background noise in recordings. Existing models for sound event detection (SED) worked only on certain avian species and the development of further models required labeled data. The developed framework automatically extracted labeled data from available platforms for selected avian species. The labeled data were embedded into recordings, including environmental sounds and noise, and were used to train convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN) models. The models were evaluated on unprocessed real world data recorded in urban KwaZulu-Natal habitats. The Adapted SED-CRNN model reached a F1 score of 0.73, demonstrating its efficiency under noisy, real-world conditions. The proposed approach to automatically extract labeled data for chosen avian species enables an easy adaption of PAM to other species and habitats for future conservation projects.
... If considered sufficiently reliable, BirdNET could partially or even fully automate the analysis of ample amounts of ecoacoustic data that can already be efficiently obtained with ARUs (Stowell, 2021;Borowiec et al., 2022). Moreover, the recently released BirdNET App (Wood et al., 2022) might further contribute to the collection of ornithological data by helping non-experts identify bird vocalizations heard on the field. ...
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1. Passive acoustic monitoring has become increasingly popular as a practical and cost-effective way of obtaining highly reliable acoustic data in ecological research projects. Increased ease of collecting these data means that, currently, the main bottleneck in ecoacoustic monitoring projects is often the time required for the manual analysis of passively collected recordings. In this study we evaluate the potential and current limitations of BirdNET-Analyzer v2.4, the most advanced and generic deep learning algorithm for bird recognition to date, as a tool to assess bird community composition through the automated analysis of large-scale ecoacoustic data. 2. To this end, we study 3 acoustic datasets comprising a total of 629 environmental soundscapes collected in 194 different sites spread across a 19 • latitude span in Europe. We analyze these soundscapes using both BirdNET and manual listening by local expert birders, and we then compare the results obtained through the two methods to evaluate the performance of the algorithm both at the level of each single vocalization and for entire recording sequences (1, 5 or 10 min). 3. Since BirdNET provides a confidence score for each identification, minimum confidence thresholds can be used to filter out identifications with low scores, thus retaining only the most reliable ones. The volume of ecoacoustic data used in this study did not allow us to estimate species-specific minimum confidence thresholds for most taxa, so we instead used and evaluated global confidence thresholds selected for optimized results when consistently applied across all species. 4. Our analyses reveal that BirdNET identifications can be highly reliable if a sufficiently high minimum confidence threshold is used. However, the inevitable trade-off between precision and recall does not allow to obtain satisfactory results for both metrics at the same time. We found that F1-scores remain moderate (<0.5) for all datasets and confidence thresholds studied, and that acoustic datasets of extended duration seem to be currently necessary for BirdNET to provide a reliable and minimally comprehensive picture of the target bird community. We estimate, however , that the usage of species-and context-specific minimum confidence thresholds would allow to substantially improve the global performance benchmarks obtained in this study. Ecological Indicators 164 (2024) 112146 2 5. We conclude that a judicious use of AI-based identifications provided by BirdNET can represent a powerful method to assist in the assessment of bird community composition through the automated analysis of ecoacoustic data, especially when applied to acoustic datasets of extended duration.
... For instance, a comparison of two similar citizen science projects focusing on mosquitoes-one analogue, where participants submit physical samples by post, and one digital, where participants submit photos through an app-showed that there was a significantly higher proportion of female, younger and non-academic participants in the digital project [51]. Also, in 2020, BirdNET-an app that uses artificial intelligence to identify birds based on sound-engaged more than 1.1 million participants compared to the 317,792 participants of eBird-an app where participation requires pre-existing identification skills [52]. While Bird-NET generates probabilistic, less well-validated data, it may act as a gateway for participants to become skilled birders who may then move on to the more advanced protocols of eBird. ...
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Emerging technologies are increasingly employed in environmental citizen science projects. This integration offers benefits and opportunities for scientists and participants alike. Citizen science can support large-scale, long-term monitoring of species occurrences, behaviour and interactions. At the same time, technologies can foster participant engagement, regardless of pre-existing taxonomic expertise or experience, and permit new types of data to be collected. Yet, technologies may also create challenges by potentially increasing financial costs, necessitating technological expertise or demanding training of participants. Technology could also reduce people's direct involvement and engagement with nature. In this perspective, we discuss how current technologies have spurred an increase in citizen science projects and how the implementation of emerging technologies in citizen science may enhance scientific impact and public engagement. We show how technology can act as (i) a facilitator of current citizen science and monitoring efforts, (ii) an enabler of new research opportunities, and (iii) a transformer of science, policy and public participation, but could also become (iv) an inhibitor of participation, equity and scientific rigour. Technology is developing fast and promises to provide many exciting opportunities for citizen science and insect monitoring, but while we seize these opportunities, we must remain vigilant against potential risks. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Towards a toolkit for global insect biodiversity monitoring’.
Passively collected acoustic data have become increasingly common in wildlife research and have prompted the development of machine‐learning approaches to extract and classify large sets of audio files. BirdNET is an open‐source automatic prediction model that is popular because of its lack of training requirements for end users. Several studies have sought to test the accuracy of BirdNET and illustrate its potential in occupancy modelling of single or multiple species. However, these techniques either require extensive statistical knowledge or computational power to be applied to large datasets. In addition, there is a lack of comparisons of occupancy and community composition calculated using BirdNET and typical field methods. Here we develop a framework for assessing the accuracy of BirdNET using generalized linear mixed models to determine species‐specific confidence score thresholds. We then compare community composition under our model and another post‐processing approach to field data collected from co‐located point count surveys in northeastern Vermont. Our framework outperformed the other post‐processing method and resulted in species composition similar to that of point count surveys. Our work highlights the potential mismatch between accuracy and confidence score and the importance of developing species‐specific thresholds. The framework can facilitate research on large acoustic datasets and can be applied to output from BirdNET or other automatic prediction models.
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Hedgerows are a semi-natural habitat that supports farmland biodiversity by providing food, shelter, and habitat connectivity. Hedgerow planting goals have been set across many countries in Europe and agri-environment schemes (AES) play a key role in reaching these targets. Passive acoustic monitoring using automated vocal-isation identification (automated PAM), offers a valuable opportunity to assess biodiversity changes following AES implementation using simple, community-level metrics, such as vocal activity of birds and bats. To evaluate whether vocal activity could be used to indicate the effectiveness of AES following hedgerow planting in future result-based or hybrid schemes, we surveyed twenty-four hedgerows in England classified into a chrono-sequence of three age categories (New, Young, Old). We recorded 4466 h over the course of 30 days and measured bird and bat vocal activity using BirdNET for birds and Kaleidoscope for bats. Vocal activity of all birds, farmland birds, and bats were modelled with age and predictors of hedgerow, habitat, and weather conditions to assess changes occurring from hedgerow planting to maturity. We show an increase of vocal activity in Young and Old hedgerows compared to New ones and highlight elements of the surrounding landscape that should be considered when evaluating AES implementation on bird and bat communities. We found high BirdNET precision in community-level vocal activity and low precision of species-level observations, and we argue that vocal activity may be used in novel AES to link a result-based payment component to automated PAM results, incentivising biodiversity effective hedgerow planting and management by farmers and landowners.
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Bioacoustic assessments of species richness are rapidly becoming attainable, but uncertainty regarding the optimal acoustic survey design remains. Selecting the duration of recording and the number of recording units are critical decisions, and we used both simulated and empirical data to quantify the trade‐offs those choices present. We evaluated the performance of 30 hypothetical acoustic survey designs (e.g. continuous recording, every other 5 min, etc.). Simulated bird species' ( n ≤ 60) abundance across the study area, probability of daily availability and time‐dependent probability of vocal activity varied randomly within ranges of realistic values. Field data, collected in central New York, USA (747 hr) and in the northern Sierra Nevada, USA (1,090 hr), was analysed with a novel machine‐learning algorithm, BirdNET. All three datasets were subsampled at 5‐min intervals, observed species richness was compared across survey designs, and detection probability was calculated for each species. Observed species richness increased with survey coverage (number of recording units) and with recording duration in all three datasets. The impact of differences in survey coverage decreased as recording duration decreased. Species' detection probabilities were negatively affected by reducing the number of days of recording and by reducing the daily recording duration. The more rare species a community had, the more species richness was underestimated as survey coverage decreased. Rarefaction curves indicated that increasing recording time has diminishing marginal utility but that the asymptote varies among communities. The cost per species observed decreased with increasing recording duration. Discontinuous and reduced‐coverage sampling may still yield fairly accurate assessments of biodiversity but reducing recording duration or coverage will result in different species remaining undetected. Whether the performance of a study design is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ depends on researchers' constraints and scientific questions to be answered. More hardware and longer recording durations are not always better, but we caution researchers against doing the bare minimum required for their present needs without pressing financial reasons to do so.
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Variation in avian diversity in space and time is commonly used as a metric to assess environmental changes. Conventionally, such data were collected by expert observers, but passively collected acoustic data is rapidly emerging as an alternative survey technique. However, efficiently extracting accurate species richness data from large audio datasets has proven challenging. Recent advances in deep artificial neural networks (DNNs) have transformed the field of machine learning, frequently outperforming traditional signal processing techniques in the domain of acoustic event detection and classification. We developed a DNN, called BirdNET, capable of identifying 984 North American and European bird species by sound. Our task-specific model architecture was derived from the family of residual networks (ResNets), consisted of 157 layers with more than 27 million parameters, and was trained using extensive data pre-processing, augmentation, and mixup. We tested the model against three independent datasets: (a) 22,960 single-species recordings; (b) 286 h of fully annotated soundscape data collected by an array of autonomous recording units in a design analogous to what researchers might use to measure avian diversity in a field setting; and (c) 33,670 h of soundscape data from a single high-quality omnidirectional microphone deployed near four eBird hotspots frequented by expert birders. We found that domain-specific data augmentation is key to build models that are robust against high ambient noise levels and can cope with overlapping vocalizations. Task-specific model designs and training regimes for audio event recognition perform on-par with very complex architectures used in other domains (e.g., object detection in images). We also found that high temporal resolution of input spectrograms (short FFT window length) improves the classification performance for bird sounds. In summary, BirdNET achieved a mean average precision of 0.791 for single-species recordings, a F0.5 score of 0.414 for annotated soundscapes, and an average correlation of 0.251 with hotspot observation across 121 species and 4 years of audio data. By enabling the efficient extraction of the vocalizations of many hundreds of bird species from potentially vast amounts of audio data, BirdNET and similar tools have the potential to add tremendous value to existing and future passively collected audio datasets and may transform the field of avian ecology and conservation.
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1. Successful monitoring and management of plant resources worldwide needs the involvement of civil society to support natural reserve managers. Because it is difficult to correctly and quickly identify plant species for non-specialists, the development of recent techniques based on automatic visual identification should facilitate and increase public engagement in citizen science initiatives. 2. Automatic identification platforms are new to most citizen scientists and land managers. Pl@ntNet is such a platform, available since 2013 on web and mobile environments, and now included in several workflows such as invasive alien species management, endemic species monitoring, educational activities, and eco-tourism practices. The successful development of such platforms needs to identify their strengths and weaknesses in order to improve and facilitate their use in all aspects of ecosystem management. 3. Here we present two cases of conservation practitioners using Pl@ntNet in Europe (France) and Africa (Kenya). We expose the benefits and discuss the limitations and perspectives. Based on the experiences of field managers, we formulate several recommendations for future initiatives. These recommendations should more broadly interest diverse actors within the citizen sciences, who usually face the need to bridge the gap between managers and citizens.
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A growing body of empirical evidence is revealing the value of nature experience for mental health. With rapid urbanization and declines in human contact with nature globally, crucial decisions must be made about how to preserve and enhance opportunities for nature experience. Here, we first provide points of consensus across the natural, social, and health sciences on the impacts of nature experience on cognitive functioning, emotional well-being, and other dimensions of mental health. We then show how ecosystem service assessments can be expanded to include mental health, and provide a heuristic, conceptual model for doing so.
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Since the 1990s, Common Cranes migrating in autumn through Italy have increased significantly both in number and in flock size. In the present study we provided a countrywide profile of autumn crane migration across Italy between 2001 and 2007 (486 records). To investigate the association of climatic characteristics with temporal and spatial migration patterns, we used weather data and climate anomalies over 60 years (1948–2007; NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Project database). Autumn migration showed different phenological patterns along two main migratory routes: 1) a Southern Italy route and 2) a Northern Italy route. The Southern route, across the lower Adriatic Sea was only partially described before, and more inferred than documented, whereas the Northern route, across the Po River plain, resulted as a new flyway, never described before. Crane migrations along the Northern route occurred 7 to 14 days earlier than along the Southern one. Along both routes, we detected mass migration events concurring with particular weather conditions: the use of Southern route was associated with southward winds in the Balkans, the records along Northern route with high pressure and favourable westward winds in Central Europe and in the main stop-over site (Hortobágy) of likely origin. In the last 60 years, the occurrence of the latter weather configurations has slightly, but consistently, increased, suggesting that the Northern route may have recently established as an alternative route for the cranes migrating from Eastern Europe, joining the two traditional continental routes (the West-European, and the Baltic-Hungarian).
Hypotheses on regional song variation (“dialects”) assume that dialects remain stable within regions, are distinct between regions, and persist within populations over extensive periods [1, 2, 3]. Theories to explain dialects focus on mechanisms that promote persistence of regional song variants despite gene flow between regions [4, 5, 6], such as juveniles settling in non-natal populations retaining only those songs from their repertoires that match neighbors [7, 8]. It would be considered atypical for a novel song variant to invade and replace the established regional variant. Yet some studies have reported song variants shifting rapidly over time within populations [9, 10, 11]. White-throated sparrows, Zonotrichia albicolis, for example, traditionally sing a whistled song terminating in a repeated triplet of notes [12], which was the ubiquitous variant in surveys across Canada in the 1960s [13]. However, doublet-ending songs emerged and replaced triplet-ending songs west of the Rocky Mountains sometime between 1960 and 2000 [11] and appeared just east of the Rockies in the 2000s [14]. From recordings collected over two decades across North America, we show that doublet-ending song has now spread at a continental scale. Using geolocator tracking, we confirm that birds from western Canada, where doublet-ending songs originated, overwinter with birds from central Canada, where the song initially spread. This suggests a potential mechanism for spread through song tutoring on wintering grounds. Where the new song variant has spread, it rose from a rare variant to the sole, regional song type, as predicted by the indirect biased transmission hypothesis [10]. Video Abstract Download : Download video (43MB)
With ongoing environmental degradation at local, regional, and global scales, people's accepted thresholds for environmental conditions are continually being lowered. In the absence of past information or experience with historical conditions, members of each new generation accept the situation in which they were raised as being normal. This psychological and sociological phenomenon is termed shifting baseline syndrome (SBS), which is increasingly recognized as one of the fundamental obstacles to addressing a wide range of today's global environmental issues. Yet our understanding of this phenomenon remains incomplete. We provide an overview of the nature and extent of SBS and propose a conceptual framework for understanding its causes, consequences, and implications. We suggest that there are several self‐reinforcing feedback loops that allow the consequences of SBS to further accelerate SBS through progressive environmental degradation. Such negative implications highlight the urgent need to dedicate considerable effort to preventing and ultimately reversing SBS.
The Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella) is a bird with a very long history of research in geographic song variation, dating back to the 1920s. Numerous features make the Yellowhammer a suitable model for studying songbird dialects: it is a common and easily recognizable species, has a simple song, keeps singing long into the season, and has dialects (defined by the final song phrase) that are relatively easy to identify. Numerous works have focused on Yellowhammer dialects and their geographic distribution in various parts of Europe, often revealing mosaic-like patterns even at relatively restricted spatial scales. However, it has been repeatedly suggested that Yellowhammer dialects can be divided into two groups showing a macrogeographic pattern of distribution (in some recent works, eastern and western groups of dialects have been mentioned). To evaluate this assumption, data scattered in various published sources need to be pooled. Comparing historical records is nevertheless challenging, as various nomenclatures for Yellowhammer dialects were used until the mid-1980s (when a detailed system coined by Poul Hansen in Denmark was adopted), and older studies often did not differentiate between dialects recognized at present. To facilitate further work on song variation of this species, we summarized published information on the distribution of Yellowhammer dialects in Europe, added data from recordings publicly available online and in selected sound collections, and unified the different dialect nomenclatures used in the past. We demonstrate that the continental-wide distribution patterns of Yellowhammer dialects do not support the existence of broad, geographically distinct dialect groups (eastern vs. western). Furthermore, some of the presently-recognized distinct dialect types seem to be parts of a broader continuum. Based on our conclusions, we discuss potential future avenues for Yellowhammer dialect research.
Partners in Flight Landbird Conservation Plan: 2016 Revision for Canada and Continental United States.
  • KV Rosenberg