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Sustainability has been progressively incorporated into all dimensions of society as a response to the negative externalities of the traditional production model, and the craft sector has been no stranger to this. Thus, the present work constitutes a bibliometric analysis of 894 research articles from the Scopus database on sustainable crafts in the 21st century, identifying the growth trends, published articles, and the most productive journals, authors, institutions, and countries. Additionally, we have identified the main research topics that have emerged in sustainable crafts in three time periods: before the international financial crisis, the post-crisis period, and, finally, within the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals set out by the United Nations (UN). Based on the bibliometric indicators analysed, we conclude that this research area has grown exponentially, particularly in response to the Sustainable Development Goals, increasing the abundance and diversity of the issues investigated.
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Sustainable Crafts: Describing
Conceptual Evolution Through a
Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic
Literature Review
María Belén Prados-Peña
, Francisco Jesús Gálvez-Sánchez
, Ana García-López
Valentín Molina-Moreno
Department of Marketing and Market Research, University of Granada, Granada, Spain,
Department Business Organization,
Catholic University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain,
Drawing Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Granada, Granada, Spain,
Department of Management-1, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Sustainability has been progressively incorporated into all dimensions of society as a
response to the negative externalities of the traditional production model, and the craft
sector has been no stranger to this. Thus, the present work constitutes a bibliometric
analysis of 894 research articles from the Scopus database on sustainable crafts in the
21st century, identifying the growth trends, published articles, and the most productive
journals, authors, institutions, and countries. Additionally, we have identied the main
research topics that have emerged in sustainable crafts in three time periods: before the
international nancial crisis, the post-crisis period, and, nally, within the 2030 Agenda and
the Sustainable Development Goals set out by the United Nations (UN). Based on the
bibliometric indicators analysed, we conclude that this research area has grown
exponentially, particularly in response to the Sustainable Development Goals,
increasing the abundance and diversity of the issues investigated.
Keywords: sustainable crafts, environmental sustainability, social sustainability, scientometrics, literature review
Modern society has become increasingly aware of the need to incorporate economic, social, and
environmental concerns into a model characterized by globalization, climate change, the depletion of
natural resources, and an ageing population, which invite us to modify our current habits. As a result,
sustainability has acquired considerable signicance in recent years (Nguyen et al., 2021), even more so
after the United Nations established its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations, 2015a).
However, the concept of sustainable development is not so novel and emerged in the early 1970s
to protect the environment and ensure development without the associated destruction (Nguyen
et al., 2021). It was dened by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED)
in 1987 as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their needs(WCED, 1987). Subsequently, the United Nations has shown its commitment
through Agenda 21 (United Nations, 1992), the Millennium Development Goals (United Nations,
2000), and the recent Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations, 2015).
In addition to the support of supranational institutions, over the last 50 years, several currents of
economic-environmental thought have focused on sustainability. One of the rst was industrial
economics, introduced by Stahel and Reday (1976), which refers to the combination of factors of
production for generating products and services destined for the market. Years later, Stahel himself
Edited by:
Elie Bouri,
Lebanese American University,
Reviewed by:
Provash Kumer Sarker,
Bangladesh Bank, Bangladesh
Anupam Dutta,
University of Vaasa, Finland
Francisco Jesús Gálvez-Sánchez
These authors have contributed
equally to this work and share rst
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Environmental Economics and
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Environmental Science
Received: 21 May 2022
Accepted: 07 June 2022
Published: 29 June 2022
Prados-Peña MB, Gálvez-Sánchez FJ,
García-López A and Molina-Moreno V
(2022) Sustainable Crafts: Describing
Conceptual Evolution Through a
Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic
Literature Review.
Front. Environ. Sci. 10:949681.
doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.949681
Frontiers in Environmental Science | June 2022 | Volume 10 | Article 9496811
published: 29 June 2022
doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.949681
introduced the need to evolve from the concept of ownership to
that of use, thus limiting the exploitation of natural resources
(Stahel, 1982). Then, in 1996, Lyle introduced the notion of
regenerative design (Lyle, 1996), which prolonged the useful
life of products, making them more sustainable, and in 1997
Benyus began to analyse natural models for this purpose, thus
introducing the concept of biomimetics (Benyus, 1997). By the
21st century, the concepts of cradle-to-cradle (McDonough and
Braungart, 2010), loop and performance economy (Stahel, 2010),
blue economy (Pauli, 2010), and ecology (Commoner, 2020) had
already emerged. Moreover, recent years have seen the
introduction of the Circular Economy, which gures centrally
in a proposed model that considers the balance between technical
and biological cycles to favour the conservation of natural
resources (Ellen Macarthur Foundation, 2012;Birat, 2015).
However, sustainable development is more than a concern for
environmental issues; it is a concern for the longevity of the planet
and all its life forms, and, consequently requires a commitment to
social equality and democratic and inclusive processes, as well as a
concern for the needs of future generations (Ferraro et al., 2011).
Therefore, sustainable development encompasses cultural, social,
economic, environmental, ethical, and political aspects
(Thackara, 2014;Leal-Filho et al., 2015).
The volume of production in the craft sector has gradually
decreased over the last century and has been replaced by
industrial production. In todays post-industrial era, the artisan
has to compete nationally and internationally with products that
appear to have been made by hand, when in fact they are mass-
produced (Fillis, 2012). However, in recent decades there has
been a resurgence of crafts and artisanal processes (Fox-Miller,
2017), as new markets have emerged, particularly among urban
consumers, who have attributed ethical, environmental and
sociocultural value to crafts (Wood, 2011). According to
Fuller-Love et al. (2006), crafts are a source of creativity and
innovation, with a positive impact on the development of the
rural economy. This change has reestablished the links with
sustainability, creating a context in which both crafts and
artisans have become more valued (Zhan and Walker, 2019).
According to these authors, the environmental impact of crafts
has traditionally been considered low. On the one hand, the
materials used are generally renewable. On the other hand,
manual skills and human energy are an important part of the
process (Zhan & Walker, 2019). Furthermore, handmade objects
often have a long lifespan and their traditional designs give them an
appearance of timelessness (Nugraha, 2012). Yair (2010)
highlighted the importance of craft materials to ensure
environmental sustainability, while Cox and Bebbington (2014)
proposed other relationships such as responsible and sustainable
business performance, development of knowledge and skills, social
responsibility and business continuity. cultural and aesthetic
experience. In addition, UNESCO has considered crafts as part
of our intangible heritage, establishing the objective of safeguarding
and respecting intangible cultural heritage (UNESCO 2003), while
for Fillis (2008), crafts are a creative industry. Thus, Hartley (2005)
and Hesmondhalgh (2007) indicate that the recent literature on
crafts suggests that the craft sector should be considered as part of
the cultural and creative industries.
However, the concept of sustainable crafts is relatively new
(Väänänen and Pöllänen, 2020). For Bamford (2011), this
dimension is incorporated into the sector based on design for
sustainabilityas an antidote to the combined impacts of hyper-
efcient production and rampant throw-awayconsumerism.
Väänänen and Pöllänen (2020) consider that sustainable craft is
currently a broad concept involving two fundamental
components: craft (design) and sustainability, concluding that
craft can be a catalyst for the transformation toward more
sustainable societies. Finally, Zhan and Walker (2019)
examined the denition and nature of craft from practical,
epistemological, and ontological perspectives. According to
these authors, craft is characterised by its ecological attributes,
connection to the locality, exemplication of systems thinking,
and its relationship with authentic notions of self. Traditional
crafts can therefore provide insights for positive transformation,
as they embody a manifestation of community, knowledge,
practices, and values based on context and place.
However, the concept has not been clearly dened. Thus,
Väänänen et al. (2017) consider a need to dene the concept of
sustainable crafts in the face of growing concern and debate about
the presence and future of crafts in a context of sustainability.
Offering a novel perspective on the concept as a holistic system
consisting of craft practice, product, and intangible craftsmanship,
Väänänen and llänen (2020) raise the need to conceptualise
sustainable crafts from both a theoretical and practical perspective.
We also know that the transition towards more sustainable
societies requires a major shift and reorientation of consumer
mindsets, lifestyles, patterns, and values (Ferraro et al., 2011). In
this context, our research aims to analyse the degree of
development of the concept of sustainable crafts. To this end,
we propose the methodology of scientometrics or bibliometric
analysis to map the evolution of the concept (Donthu et al., 2021;
Kumar et al., 2021) and analyse the degree of current knowledge
and future research trends in this area of knowledge. Therefore, we
address the following research questions:
Q1. What is the trend of scientic publications on sustainable
Q2. What are the main thematic areas and the most relevant
publications in sustainable crafts?
Q3. Which are the most prolic authors, journals, institutions,
and countries in sustainable crafts?
Q4. What are the main Global cooperation networks of
authors, institutions, and countries?
Q5. What are the main current and future research topics in
sustainable crafts?
2.1 Database and Methodology of
Bibliometric Analysis
Scientometrics or bibliometric analysis is a technique that mainly aims
to identify, organise, and analyse metadata to examine the evolution of
an area of knowledge over a specicperiod(Lievrouw, 1989;Cronin,
2001;Keathley-Herring et al., 2016;Rey-Martí et al., 2016).
Frontiers in Environmental Science | June 2022 | Volume 10 | Article 9496812
Prados-Peña et al. Sustainable Crafts: Describing Conceptual Evolution
For the data, we used the Scopus database. However, the main
scientic repositories such as Web Of Science, Scopus, PubMed,
and Google Scholar have been consulted, following the
recommendations of Harzing and Alakangas (2016) and
Mongeon and Paul-Hus (2016). Scopus was selected because
1) it is the repository that contains the largest volume of
information in terms of authors, countries, and institutions
(Zhang and Eichmann-Kalwara, 2019); 2) it contains the
greatest volume of articles and journals that meet the scientic
quality requirements of peer review (Ackerson and Chapman,
2003;Mingers and Lipitakis, 2010); 3) although its metrics
correlate highly with Web of Science, the coverage provided
by the latter is lower (Bakkalbasi et al., 2006;Archambault
et al., 2009); and 4) it shows detailed attributes and variables
of publications (Nascimento and Rodrigues, 2015). Thus, Scopus
has been selected as the most suitable repository for bibliometric
reviews (Donthu et al., 2021).
2.2 Methodological Procedure
The bibliometric or scientometric analysis was carried out in
three phases (see Figure 1).
First, the search criteria were selected to identify the records in
the repository (identication phase). Then, having obtained the
records that met the search requirements, the data were exported
for analysis using the Vosviewer v. 1.6.18 software (analysis and
visualisation phase). Finally, the connections and associations
between the scientic documents were established, and a
discussion was established (results and discussion phase).
2.2.1 Identication Phase
The search for the selected terms was carried out using the elds
article title, abstract, and keywords."Accordingly, the search
terms used were as follows: (TITLE-ABS-KEY (craftor
craftor craft practiceor craft productor craftsor
craft productionor handicraftor handicraftsor craft
industryor craftmanship) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY
(sustainableor sustainabilityor sustainable
development")) AND (EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2022) OR
(DOCTYPE, ar")). The data were downloaded in January
2022, obtaining 1,537 documents that met the search
The rst lter applied in Scopus was the type of scientic
paper. Next, research articles were selected since, according to
Paul et al. (2021), these are evaluated based on novelty and
undergo a rigorous blind peer-review process, ensuring higher
scientic quality. Consequently, we excluded 585 publications
that did not meet the search criteria.
The time horizon lter was then applied, selecting 20012021.
As a result, the total number of documents meeting the search
requirements was 894.
2.2.2 Analysis and Visualisation Phase
Additionally, we used Voswiever v.1.6.18 to generate network
maps, which allows us to cluster and process words (Sedighi,
2016;Meseguer-Sánchez et al., 2021a;Gálvez-Sánchez et al.,
2021). Consequently, from the sample of articles meeting the
search requirements, we analysed the interactions between
authors, countries, and the evolution of keywords. This
procedure has been widely used in many review studies for
visualising co-citations and co-occurrence maps based on
keywords (Van Eck and Waltman, 2010;Belmonte-Ureña
et al., 2021;Meseguer-Sánchez et al., 2021b). The keyword
analysis allowed us to examine the conceptual domains and
detect the existing interrelationships.
FIGURE 1 | Applied bibliometric analysis methodology. Source: Authorsown.
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Prados-Peña et al. Sustainable Crafts: Describing Conceptual Evolution
2.2.3 Results and Discussion Phase
Authors, journals, subject areas, countries, institutions of
afliation, Global cooperation networks, and keywords were
analysed. In the case of authors, institutions, and countries,
Global cooperation networks have been established based on
the analysis of co-authorship. Thus, as the frequency of co-
authorship increases, the interrelationship between them
intensies, increasing the conceptual relationship between
them. The keyword analysis is based on the co-occurrence
method, developed to identify a conceptual and thematic
structure. The results show an overview of the most explored
research themes in the relationship between crafts and
This section presents the results concerning the main
characteristics of the scientic production of sustainable crafts
in 20012021 (see Table 1). Specically, the results are presented
on the number of published articles, authors, countries,
institutions, citations, journals, the average number of
citations, and the average number of authors in the research area.
The rst publication in sustainable crafts was by Stahel, W. R.
in 1986, concerned with optimising the lifespan of craft products
(Stahel, 1986). Since then, at least 953 articles have been published
in this line of research and are available in the Scopus database.
Table 1 shows the signicant annual increase in all the
scientometric indicators analysed in 20012021. This line of
research has grown considerably and has acquired a relevant
position in the current scientic literature, particularly
since 2015.
However, as shown in Figure 2, there are three distinct periods
in the evolution of scientic output on sustainable crafts.
The rst period runs until 2008 when the international
nancial crisis was declared and is characterised by a
practically residual scientic production: a trend that has
continued since this line of research began in 1986. The
second period begins just after the nancial crisis. It covers
up to 2015, when there was a slight increase in research,
possibly caused by changes in consumer habits resulting
from the profound international economic and nancial
crisis. In fact, for Antal and Van den Bergh (2013),afterthe
global crisis of 2008, decoupling growth and environmental
TABLE 1 | Main characteristics of the scientic production in sustainable crafts. Source: Authorsown.
Year Articles Authors Countries Institutions Citations Journals Citations
per article
of authors
2001 5 6 3 7 2 4 0.40 1.20
2002 11 19 10 11 5 11 0.45 1.73
2003 6 12 7 10 6 6 1.00 2.00
2004 10 15 7 14 36 10 3.60 1.50
2005 6 17 4 11 63 6 10.50 2.83
2006 16 36 13 25 70 16 4.38 2.25
2007 17 36 9 27 99 16 5.82 2.12
2008 14 33 12 24 101 13 7.21 2.36
2009 26 65 16 40 119 26 4.58 2.50
2010 28 73 15 46 173 25 6.18 2.61
2011 39 103 24 67 213 35 5.46 2.64
2012 36 109 21 74 272 33 7.56 3.03
2013 43 114 30 75 315 42 7.33 2.65
2014 34 88 25 63 354 33 10.41 2.59
2015 51 153 33 105 403 46 7.90 3.00
2016 49 146 31 100 516 47 10.53 2.98
2017 77 211 37 139 586 61 7.61 2.74
2018 79 243 40 150 713 63 9.03 3.08
2019 93 281 47 174 904 80 9.72 3.02
2020 121 356 52 260 1,332 106 11.01 2.94
2021 133 419 56 279 1,737 104 13.06 3.15
20012021 894 2,394 108 1,685 8,019 600 8.97 2.52
FIGURE 2 | Annual evolution of the number of published papers.
Source: Authorsown.
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Prados-Peña et al. Sustainable Crafts: Describing Conceptual Evolution
pressures is the main hope and focus of policy and a large part of
the economy,alluding to the increasing popularity of green
growth. Finally, the third period from 2015 onwards has seen
exponential growth, possibly triggered by the 2030 Agenda and
the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United
Nations (United Nations, 2015), which seems to have
prompted researchers to more readily adopt the guidelines
of the international community and apply these to the craft
This section describes the results of the main thematic areas of
publications on sustainable crafts, along with the most inuential
articles in this line of research.
Figure 3 shows the distribution of published research articles
on sustainable crafts according to the various thematic areas of
the Scopus database.
Twenty-ve thematic areas were identied concerning this
line of research. Social Science is the subject area with the highest
volume of scientic papers (n= 351; 20.53%), followed by
Environmental Science (n= 225; 12.84%); Business,
Management and Accounting (n= 173; 9.87%); Arts and
Humanities (n= 159; 9.08%); and Agricultural and Biological
Sciences (n= 150; 8.56%). The remaining 39.61% of the
publications are distributed across 20 thematic areas,
indicating that the research topics in sustainable crafts are
widely distributed. Therefore, this line of research is being
approached from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Table 2 shows the most relevant publications in this research
area according to the number of total citations.
We have found different trends within the most relevant
contributions to research on sustainable craftsmanship.
One trend is concerned with the sustainability of the craft
sector based on the benets of sustainable agriculture. Thus, while
McCabe (2003) analysed agriculture to overcome the pressures of
population growth, Calvo-Iglesias et al. (2006) explored the
management of farmersknowledge to protect local cultural
heritage and promote changes in the landscape.
Pieroni (2008) analysed how botanical taxa contribute to
sustainable trade activities based on food, medicines, and craft
products, while Schmidt et al. (2007) examined the effects of
harvesting on population ecology for craft sustainability.
Other research articles address sustainability in the crafts
sector from a broader perspective. For example, Wiek and
Iwaniec (2014) critically reviewed sustainability criteria and
their applications in crafts. Pansera and Sarkar (2016), on the
other hand, studied how new craft entrepreneurs are creating
innovations that offer solutions to meet unaddressed and ignored
consumer needs while achieving higher levels of sustainability,
productivity, poverty reduction, and local inclusion. Feng and
Chen (2018) also studied the impact of environmental regulation
on green innovation in the craft sector.
Finally, the most cited research articles include proposals to
protect the property rights of artisan cultural models (Santagata,
2002). Some of these articles also explore the impact of
sustainable tourism on the generation of jobs and wealth in
local communities (Mbaiwa, 2011) and the development of
new concepts such as direct manufacturing resulting from the
combination of artisanal production, mass production, and mass
customisation (Chen et al., 2015).
FIGURE 3 | Thematic areas in sustainable crafts. Source: Authorsown.
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Prados-Peña et al. Sustainable Crafts: Describing Conceptual Evolution
This section presents the productivity results of authors, institutions,
countries, journals, and their Global cooperation networks. Global
cooperation networks provide insight into the relationships between
researchers and the dissemination of knowledge (Chen, 2006), while
collaborations enable new high-impact research by generating
synergies that contribute to exchanging ideas (Acedo et al., 2006).
In the international cooperationmaps,thesizeofthecircles
indicates the number of published scienticpapers,thecolours
indicate the clusters of cooperation, and the distance refers to the
frequency of co-authored publications. Table 3 shows the ten most
productive authors in sustainable crafts in 20012021 and their main
Bernal, R. and Galeano, G., both of Colombian origin, are the
most productive authors, with six published research articles, ve
of which have been co-authored. In addition, all the articles
published by the other Colombian author in this line of research,
García, N., were co-authored with his compatriots. The same is
true of the British authors Walker, S. and Zhan, X., who have co-
authored all their publications in this line of research.
Bernal, R., and Walker, S. are the two authors with the greatest
dissemination of their research outcomes (37 and 34 total
citations, respectively), the latter having the highest average
number of citations per article (8.5). The low number of
citations of the ten most productive authors in the research
area translates to an H-index of between 1 and 3.
Figure 4 shows the global cooperation networks of the co-
authors in sustainable crafts. For 2,394 authors, co-authorship on
a minimum of two published articles was selected. A total of 132
authors were obtained, of which 36 form the eight clusters of
international cooperation in sustainable crafts.
Table 4 shows the ranking of the 10 most productive
institutions and their international cooperation results in the
period 20012021 in the research line of sustainable crafts.
The most productive institutions are the American Arizona
State University and the British Oslo Metropolitan University
(both with eight research articles). The American institution has
the highest citation volume and average number of citations per
TABLE 2 | Most relevant publications on sustainable crafts. Source: Authorsown.
Year Authors Title Citations
2015 Chen, D., Heyer, S., Ibbotson, S., (...), Steingrímsson, J.G., Thiede, S.,
(...), Steingrímsson, J.G., Thiede, S., (...).
Direct digital manufacturing: Denition, evolution, and sustainability
2002 Santagata, W. Cultural districts, property rights, and sustainable economic growth 180
2014 Wiek, A., Iwaniec, D. Quality criteria for visions in sustainability science 135
2003 McCabe, J.T. Sustainability and livelihood diversication among the Maasai of northern
2018 Feng, Z., Chen, W. Environmental regulation, green innovation, and green industrial
development: An empirical analysis based on the spatial Durbin model
2011 Mbaiwa, J.E. Changes in traditional livelihood activities and lifestyles caused by tourism
development in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
2008 Pieroni, A. Local plant resources in the ethnobotany of Theth, a village in the Northern
Albanian Alps
2007 Schmidt, I.B., Figueiredo, I.B., Scariot, A. Ethnobotany and effects of harvesting on the population ecology of
Syngonanthus nitens (Bong.) Ruhland (Eriocaulaceae), an NTFP from the
Jalapao region, central Brazil
2016 Panera, M., Sarkar, S. Crafting sustainable development solutions: Frugal innovations of grassroots
2006 Calvo-Iglesias, M.S., Crecente-Maseda, R., Fra-Paleo, U. Exploring the farmers knowledge as a source of information on past and
present cultural landscapes. A case study from NW Spain
TABLE 3 | Most productive authors according to the number of research articles published. Source: Authorsown.
Authors A TC TC/A Institution C H index
Bernal, R. 6 37 6.17 Guadualito Nature Reserve Colombia 2
Galeano, G. 6 31 5.17 National University of Colombia Colombia 3
Garcia, N. 4 32 8.00 Ponticia Universidad Javeriana Colombia 2
Hofverberg, H. 4 12 3.00 Malmö Högskola Sweden 2
Walker, S. 4 34 8.50 Lancaster University United Kingdom 1
Zhan, X. 4 29 7.25 Lancaster University United Kingdom 1
Gambia, J. 3 24 8.00 Rhodes University South Africa 1
Hwang, S.H. 3 9 3.00 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Taiwan 1
Kaipainen, M. 3 13 4.33 Itä-Suomen yliopisto Finland 1
Kashima, Y. 3 13 4.33 University of Melbourne Australia 1
(A): the number of articles published (TC): total citations; (TC/A): average citations per article; (C): Country; (H index): Hirst index in the research area.
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Prados-Peña et al. Sustainable Crafts: Describing Conceptual Evolution
article (186 and 23.25, respectively). However, Lancaster
University and The University of British Colombia achieve the
highest H index in the research area (both with H index = 5).
Regarding the research outcomes of global networks, only the
National University of Colombia publishes more articles from
international collaborations than domestic co-authors (CI =
57.1%). In contrast, the Arizona State University and the Chinese
Academy of Sciences published the same number of articles with
international co-authors as those with domestic co-authors. At the
other extreme are the two African institutions that have not
published any articles with other international co-authors in this
line of research. These ndings suggest that the average number of
citations is higher for articles published with domestic co-authors in
70% of the institutions, except for the Universidad Nacional de
Colombia, Universidade de São Paulo, and the University of
Figure 5 shows the global cooperation networks of the institutions
in sustainable crafts research. For 1,685 identied institutions, an
interaction of at least two published research articles was selected, and
19 international institutions were identied.
There is a lack of connections between the institutions
identied, indicating no Global cooperation network between
the institutions working in this research area.
Concerning the most productive countries and their
cooperative research results, Table 5 presents the top 10 in
sustainable crafts in 20012021.
FIGURE 4 | Global cooperation networks of co-authors in sustainable crafts. Source: Authorsown.
TABLE 4 | Ranking of the ten most productive institutions in sustainable crafts. Source: Authorsown.
Institution C A TC TC/A H index CI (%) IC NIC
Arizona State University United States 8 186 23.25 4 50.0 9.00 37.50
Lancaster University United Kingdom 8 70 8.75 5 12.5 4.00 9.43
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Taiwan 7 32 4.57 3 28.6 1.00 6.00
National University of Colombia Colombia 7 44 6.29 4 57.1 8.75 3.00
The University of British Columbia Canada 6 89 14.83 5 33.3 12.50 16.00
University of KwaZulu-Natal South Africa 6 24 4.00 4 0.0 0.00 4.00
Chinese Academy of Sciences China 6 92 15.33 4 50.0 3.67 27.00
University of South Africa South Africa 5 30 6.00 3 0.0 0.00 6.00
University of São Paulo Brazil 5 65 13.00 2 40.0 31.50 0.67
University of Waterloo Canada 5 89 17.80 4 40.0 19.0 16.67
(C): Country; (A): number of articles published (TC): total citations; (TC/A): average citations per article; (H index): Hirst index in the research area; (CI): cooperative index; (TC/A CI): average
number of citations from international cooperation; (TC/A NIC): average number of citations without international cooperation.
FIGURE 5 | Global cooperation networks of institutions working on
sustainable crafts. Source: Authorsown.
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Prados-Peña et al. Sustainable Crafts: Describing Conceptual Evolution
The United States and the United Kingdom are the most
productive countries in sustainable crafts research, with 154 and
92 published articles. At the same time, these countries have also
achieved the highest dissemination of their research results, with
2,786 and 1,168 total citations, respectively. Moreover, together
with China, they are the countries with the highest H index in the
research area (20 and 18 respectively). Despite this, Germany is
ranked in the top 3 for total citations (915), making it the country
with the highest average number of citations per article (32.68).
In terms of international cooperation results, the United States
and the United Kingdom have the highest number of international
contributors (37 and 34 respectively). However, most of their
articles are published by domestic co-authors. Only Germany
has cooperation rates above 50% (CI = 53.6%), while Canada
and Australia have an international cooperation rate of 50%.
Figure 6 shows the Global cooperation networks of countries
working in sustainable crafts for 20012021. For the 108 countries
identied, analysis of at least six published research articles resulted in
seven Global cooperation networks consisting of 37 countries. The
high number of countries, together with the high level of interaction,
indicates that a stable and extensive Global cooperation network on
sustainable crafts exists at the international level.
Finally, Table 6 shows the ten most productive journals in
sustainable crafts and their main characteristics in 20012021.
Sustainability Switzerland is the most productive journal in
sustainable crafts, with 35 publications, followed by Design
Journal and Craft Research (15 and 14 respectively). However,
the Journal of Cleaner Production, with only 12 publications, has
achieved the greatest dissemination of research results, with a
total of 449 citations. These numbers indicate that this journal has
the highest average number of citations (37.42) and, therefore, the
one with the highest H index in the research area (9), followed by
the two most productive journals (Sustainability Switzerland and
Design Journal).
This section presents the results of the analysis of the keywords,
which are representative of the content (Comerio and Strozzi, 2019)
in scientic papers on sustainable crafts up to 2021. Furthermore,
this analysis allows for visualising the evolution of these research
works throughout time (Fang et al., 2018), creating a picture of the
line of research (Ding et al., 2001). Accordingly, co-occurrence is
based on records sharing the same keywords are similar (Kessler,
1963;Weinberg, 1974). For this purpose, we used the VosWiever
tool, which, according to Park and Nagy (2018), develops
the keyword matrix based on extraction and frequency calculation.
Accordingly, the keyword analysis is organised according to
the three time periods shown in Figure 2.
6.1 Introduction of the Concept of
Sustainable Crafts (20012007)
For a total of 71 research articles published in this period, only 17
keywords were identied, among which there is no co-
occurrence. This nding indicates that in these 7 years, in
addition to the few articles published, these works are
TABLE 5 | Top 10 most productive countries in sustainable crafts and their cooperative networks. Source: Authorsown.
Country A TC TC/A H index NC Main
CI (%) TC/A
United States 154 2,786 18.09 20 37 The United Kingdom. Brazil. Canada. China. India 27.9 14.47 19.50
United Kingdom 92 1,168 12.70 18 34 The United States. Australia. Netherlands. South Africa. Belgium 39.1 18.36 9.05
India 72 400 5.56 12 10 The United States. Australia. Netherlands. Romania. Saudi Arabia 12.5 7.11 5.33
China 66 866 13.12 18 11 Japan. The United States. Australia. Egypt. Macao 24.2 5.31 15.62
Brazil 48 496 10.33 11 11 The United States. Canada. Germany. Portugal. The United Kingdom 27.1 19.00 7.11
South Africa 43 361 8.40 11 22 The United Kingdom. Canada. Kenya. Sweden. The United States 27.9 15.75 5.55
Italy 35 461 13.17 10 11 The United States. Spain. Chile. Colombia. France 22.9 11.25 13.74
Australia 34 444 13.06 8 18 The United Kingdom. China. Germany. The United States. Canada 50.0 21.59 4.53
Canada 30 334 11.13 10 17 The United States. Brazil. New Zealand. South Africa. The United Kingdom 50.0 12.87 9.40
Germany 28 915 32.68 12 19 France. Australia. Brazil. Netherlands. The United Kingdom 53.6 26.67 39.62
(A): number of articles published (TC): total citations; (TC/A): average citations per article; (H index): Hirst index in the research area; (CI): cooperative index; (TC/A CI): average number of
citations from international cooperation; (TC/A NIC): average number of citations without international cooperation.
FIGURE 6 | Global cooperation network of countries in sustainable
crafts. Source: Authorsown.
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Prados-Peña et al. Sustainable Crafts: Describing Conceptual Evolution
unconnected. Consequently, there are no research topics that
have been studied in depth.
6.2 Sustainable Crafts in the Aftermath of
the International Financial Crisis
For 221 research articles published in this period, 1,424
keywords were identied. Following the analysis of at least
three co-occurrences, 78 keywords were obtained. After a
ltering process that eliminated keywords incorporated in
the search and others unrelated to the research (thus
avoiding erroneous conclusion), the nal number of
keywords represented in Figure 8 is 42, divided into ve
clusters (Figure 7).
6.2.1 Ecotourism and Sustainable Fishing
Signicant contributions have been made to the issue of
ecotourism during this period. Thus, Mbaiwa (2011) studied
the potential of using sustainable tourism as a tool for the
economic sustainability of disadvantaged populations, while
García-Rosell and Mäkinen (2013) proposed a stakeholder-
based ecotourism evaluation model. In addition, Godratollah
et al. (2011) put forward a methodological proposal that
includes social, ecological, cultural, economic, and institutional
indicators for ensuring tourism sustainability.
TABLE 6 | Top 10 most productive journals in sustainable crafts. Source: Authorsown.
Journal A TC TC/A H index Articles H index journal SJR C
Sustainability Switzerland 35 332 9.49 8 85 0.61 (Q1) Switzerland
Design Journal 15 76 5.07 6 19 0.35 (Q2) United Kingdom
Craft Research 13 32 2.46 3 5 0.21 (Q1) United Kingdom
Journal Of Cleaner Production 12 449 37.42 9 200 1.94 (Q1) United Kingdom
Wit Transactions On Ecology And The Environment 11 24 2.18 3 21 0.18 (Q3) United Kingdom
African Journal Of Hospitality Tourism And Leisure 9 29 3.22 3 11 0.23 (Q4) South Africa
Journal Of Modern Craft 8 12 1.50 2 5 0.11 (Q2) United Kingdom
Economic Botany 7 114 16.29 4 70 0.49 (Q2) United States
Forests Trees And Livelihoods 6 35 5.83 4 26 0.41 (Q2) United Kingdom
Indian Journal Of Traditional Knowledge 6 33 5.50 2 33 0.19 (Q3) India
(A): the number of articles published (TC): total citations; (TC/A): average citations per article; (SJR) Scimago Journal & Country Rank (quartile); (C): Country.
FIGURE 7 | Keyword network on sustainable crafts for the period 20082014. Source: Authorsown.
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Prados-Peña et al. Sustainable Crafts: Describing Conceptual Evolution
In terms of sustainable sheries, the main contributions were
those of Ross et al. (2008), who developed a technology transfer
programme to implement small-scale farming to ensure the
sustainability of the Mexican silverside Menidia estor and
protect the livelihood of farmers. In addition, Cillari et al.
(2012) proposed the use of bottom longlining to ensure the
sustainability and recovery of artisanal sheries in the Strait of
6.2.2 Resource Management
Zhang et al. (2010) were the rst to propose a waste exchange
model to improve energy efciency and reduce the fossil fuel
dependence of the craft sector, while Kabongo and Boiral (2011)
created a model for the management of waste materials,
proposing up to ve types of waste recovery. da Silva Viera
et al. (2010) focused on reincorporation into the production cycle,
proposing the reuse of sawmill waste as raw material for the
design of small wood products, thus ensuring the economic and
social sustainability of disadvantaged populations.
Important contributions have also been made to the
management of forest resources. For example, Bruschi et al.
(2014) analysed the negative externalities of the production
model and called for caution regarding the overexploitation
and destructive harvesting of woody species to ensure their
sustainability. Pieroni (2008) discussed how botanical taxa
contribute to the development of sustainable trade activities
based on food, medicine, and handicraft products. Moreover,
Dovie et al. (2008) found that groups with greater botanical
knowledge implement resource selection and apply habits
oriented towards prioritisation, planning, and conservation
6.2.3 Environmental Performance: Water Management
Important contributions have emerged in the governance of
water management. For example, Kuzdas and Wiek (2014)
studied various governance styles in water management in
response to the impact of climate change, while Jaglin et al.
(2011) argue that these measures should be based on workable co-
production arrangements between local governments and other
actors, underpinned by coherent coordination and regulatory
Moreover, contributions from the management of the cultural
heritage of water emerged in this period. For example, Rugani
et al. (2011) found that, in the Italian city of Siena, aside from
achieving better environmental outcomes than other
contemporary management systems, conservation of its
network of underground galleries was essential to the cultural
heritage of the city. In addition, Studds and Miller (2010)
proposed solutions for the reuse of dredged sediment materials
to ensure the future viability of the waterway.
6.2.4 Forest Sustainability Management
In this cluster, the contributions are concerned with the
management of forest resources. Thus, da Silva Viera et al.
(2010) found that the reuse of forest residues contributed to
the generation of new products, whose commercialisation also
had important social and economic implications for the
community. In addition, Bruschi et al. (2014) suggested a
model that includes the participation of local communities in
the forest management of woody species to avoid deforestation
and overexploitation. Furthermore, Glover and Elsiddig (2012)
suggested the design of integrated policies for sustainable forest
management based on partnerships with local communities and
the promotion of property rights, while for Camacho et al. (2012),
the experiences derived from the management of natural forest
resource systems vary according to local cultures, beliefs, and
traditions. Finally, in this period, Barzekar et al. (2011) proposed
a set of multidisciplinary indicators for monitoring ecotourism in
6.2.5 Knowledge Management for Sustainability
Finally, the smallest cluster includes some contributions toward
knowledge management to achieve sustainability in the artisanal
sector. The main works are those of Gavronski et al. (2012), who
established the relationship between knowledge management and
the social climate of the plant to ensure sustainability in
operations. In addition, Kabongo and Boiral (2011) proposed
an analytical framework for managing waste material recovery
practices, while Grifths (2012) concluded that environmental
quality standards contribute to developing new, more sustainable
manufacturing technologies.
6.3 Sustainable Crafts in the Framework of
the 2030 Agenda and the 17 SDGs
From 602 research articles published in this period, 2,622
keywords were identied. After analysing at least ve co-
occurrences, 80 keywords were obtained. After further
ltering, the nal number of keywords represented in Figure 8
is 43, grouped around 4 clusters.
6.3.1 Local Sustainability
An important part of the search for sustainability in the craft
sector has been based on local impact. The latter constitutes the
main axis of the sustainable development of traditional crafts, as
their end products have dual artistic and economic characteristics
(Fan and Feng, 2019). Chen et al. (2015) established different
manufacturing paradigms ranging from handcrafting to mass
production with the industrial revolution, nding that artisans
often produced various products. Still, the products shared
similarities in their production methods, although sometimes
their marketability was limited to the local community Chen et al.
Along these lines, some authors have analysed how craft
brewers are clear indicators of urban renewal and economic
development of territories (Gatrell et al., 2018), while souvenir
shops selling artisanal products tell local and realstories and are
therefore more accepted by tourists than mass-produced
souvenirs, even if the latter are often cheaper (Anastasiadou
and Vettese, 2019). Consequently, in the face of increasing
tourism, the craft sector contributes to the economic
sustainability of local regions more than the industrial sector
(Olya et al., 2018). Therefore, the conservation and sustainable
Frontiers in Environmental Science | June 2022 | Volume 10 | Article 94968110
Prados-Peña et al. Sustainable Crafts: Describing Conceptual Evolution
management of natural resources require the involvement of all
stakeholders, including local communities (Gosling et al., 2017).
Additionally, the artisanal sector must be oriented towards green
innovation, dened by Feng and Chen (2018) as the application
of production technology and equipment in the artisanal
production process, while highlighting the need to incorporate
aspects of environmental regulation to transition towards a green
artisanal economy.
6.3.2 Cultural Heritage Management
Chi et al. (2020) conclude that rural crafts and local cultures are
the main attractions for visitors to rural destinations. Therefore,
these authors emphasize the importance of protecting and
promoting local culture and heritage to maintain and develop
tourism in such areas. Furthermore, the handicraft sector is one of
the key factors for sustainable tourism development (Olya et al.,
2018). In this sense, proper heritage management of the sector
contributes to people learning, protecting, and enhancing
traditional crafts while achieving sustainable management and
efcient use of resources (Li et al., 2019). In this context, Pallarès-
Blanch et al. (2015) point out that craft activities with high added
value are more closely0020aligned with sustainable principles.
From the perspective of ecotourism, guided itineraries allow
for a better understanding of the community and its potential,
favouring its conservation and the communitys economic
development (Gosling et al., 2017). Two major sectors
contribute to ecotourism from the standpoint of heritage
management: craft breweries, which help to conserve and
restore cultural heritage buildings (Feeney, 2017); and craft
food shops, which carry the nostalgia of a rural past, satisfying
the imagination and needs of visitors, contributing to the
sustainability of the tourist destination (Guan et al., 2019).
6.3.3 Resource Management
In terms of resource management in this period, Huang (2015)
was the rst to propose applying circular economy models to the
craft sector, while Bozkurt and Lara-Cohen (2019) highlighted
the importance of repair work in developing environmentally
sustainable societies. In addition, Pao et al. (2015) emphasized the
need to encourage renewable energy development, and Mustafa
et al. (2015) drew on natural resource management to enhance
ecotourism and local artisan products.
The management of natural plant resources provides people
with food, fuel, medicines, and materials for construction and
manufacturing handicrafts and many other products. For
example, for Schösler and de Boer (2018), food has become a
key aspect of achieving sustainability goals. Accordingly,
Sperandio et al. (2017)Accordingly, Sperandio et al. (2017)
have provided technical solutions for the valorisation and
reuse of brewery waste, while Hannibal and Kauppi (2019)
assess the social sustainability of supply chains, considering
that information asymmetries can lead to uncertainty about
the production and marketing of goods.
Resource management provides the artisanal sector with
social, environmental, and economic benets, and it also
contributes to preserving cultural identity and the livelihoods
of local communities (Maroyi, 2017).
6.3.4 Social Sustainability
A thorough understanding of livelihoods is necessary to ensure
that development policies are compatible with resource
conservation and social and economic development goals,
i.e., sustainability (Simard et al., 2019).
In the search for social sustainability, authors have mainly paid
attention to sustainable agriculture. For example, according to
Schösler and de Boer (2018), food is a central focus for achieving
sustainability objectives, and these authors consider the need to
adopt more reective practices that can incorporate the
sustainability dimension. For Maroyi (2017), knowledge about
plant species, particularly in developing countries, provides
people with food, fuel, medicines, and materials for
construction and the manufacture of handicrafts. Similarly,
FIGURE 8 | Keyword network on sustainable crafts for the period 20152021. Source: Authorsown.
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Prados-Peña et al. Sustainable Crafts: Describing Conceptual Evolution
Schnitzer et al. (2016) developed and tested a sustainable
livelihood model consistent with environmental protection in
handicraft villages in rural areas, based on different techniques
and integrated components, including xhandicraft production.
However, some authors have paid attention to other issues.
For example, the supply chain is of particular importance in
labour-intensive industries such as handicrafts (Hannibal and
Kauppi, 2019). In addition, Laitala et al. (2018) focused on
fashion to show how repair, redesign, and modication are
real alternatives for prolonging the usage life of clothing,
correlating positively with the environmental and social
benets perceived by consumers.
Finally, the keywords from this period are ordered from
darkest to lightest colour, thus showing future research trends
in the craft sector (Figure 9).
Future research trends in sustainable crafts mainly focus on
the potential of heritage management, knowledge, and promotion
of the craft sectors values, traditions, and fundamentals for
achieving social, economic, and environmental sustainability.
This article employed scientometric methodology to address the
conceptual development of sustainable crafts in the period
20012021. To achieve this objective, we conducted a
bibliometric review of 894 research articles available in the
Scopus database for the selected period, generating four main
C1. The main characteristics of the research area indicate
strong growth in the concept of sustainable craftsmanship in the
21st century and, consequently, an increased level of interest from
the research community. The large number and weighting of
thematic areas presented in Figure 3 suggest a high degree of
multidisciplinarity in this area of knowledge. In addition, three
distinct periods have been detected, with the period following the
declaration of the 2030 Agenda leading to exponential
quantitative and qualitative growth in this research area.
C2. The most prolic authors in sustainable crafts have been
the Colombian authors Bernal, R. and Galeano, G., while Arizona
State University is the most productive institution. The
United States is the most prolic country, while the most
productive journal is Sustainability Switzerland.
C3. A low degree of international cooperation has been
detected, particularly at author and institution levels. However,
countriesalthough showing particularly low outputhave
signicantly larger and more consistent Global cooperation
C4. Multiple research themes have been identied. While in
the period 20012007, relatively few research articles were
published, and these had low interrelation and no particular
topic of interest, after the international nancial crisis, the
following topics were identied: ecotourism and sustainable
sheries; resource management; environmental performance:
water management; forest sustainability management; and
knowledge management to achieve sustainability. However, the
period 20152021 saw exponential growth, with four major
emerging research themes: local sustainability, cultural heritage
management; resource management; and social sustainability.
Consequently, we detected a gradual increase in the keywords
resulting from the research articles published in each of the three
periods analysed and a quantitative and qualitative increase in the
research topics, particularly after the United Nations published
the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015.
From this perspective, the main research trends in the foreseeable
future will focus on the potential of heritage management,
knowledge, and the promotion of the sustainable craft sectors
values, traditions, and foundations.
Thus, the present work makes a novel and innovative
contribution to this research area. Specically, we have
FIGURE 9 | Future research trends in sustainable crafts. Source: Authorsown.
Frontiers in Environmental Science | June 2022 | Volume 10 | Article 94968112
Prados-Peña et al. Sustainable Crafts: Describing Conceptual Evolution
provided a holistic view of crafts through the lens of
sustainability, following the recommendations of Väänänen
et al. (2017),nding a great growth in scientic production in
this research eld after the 17 SDGs. This increase has caused new
concerns to arise in the artisan sector, which is adopting a
comprehensive vision of sustainability. Consequently, our
conclusion extend the considerations of Fröcklin et al. (2018)
and Oyekunle and Sirayi (2018),nding social, environmental,
economic and cultural applications in the concept of sustainable
crafts. However, we have not found any research work that
addresses the inuence of sustainable crafts on the Sustainable
Development Goals, so we propose that future research addresses
the impact of the sustainable actions of the crafts sector on the
various SDGs.
As a result, we conclude that the craft sector has responded to
the challenges posed by sustainability. A very relevant aspect of
the artisan sector has traditionally been its contribution to local
development. While Yang et al. (2018),Oyekunle and Sirayi
(2018) and Zhan and Walker (2019) detected the productive
and recovery value and asset management of the sector, our
ndings extend to the consideration of sustainable craftsmanship
that has been the engine of the development of productive sectors
auxiliary, such as tourism, thus causing strong professional
development and employment growth, especially in rural
areas. At the same time, this concern for management has
contributed to a greater awareness of environmental issues,
giving rise to a more sustainable social and environmental
management model. Thus, traditional crafts have adapted to
the challenges posed by the major international nancial crisis,
proposing sustainable solutions and alternatives to the unbridled
consumption habits characteristic of industrial production.
However, it is consumers who, through their purchasing
decisions, ultimately determine the preservation of the sector.
Therefore, we propose research studies that analyse the meaning
of sustainability for consumers and how this can be incorporated
into the brand image of artisan products.
A very relevant theme of sustainable crafts is concern for the
environment. Our ndings extend the considerations of Zhan
and Walker (2019),nding that sustainable crafts is, at least in its
concept, a clean production model that already has instruments
to apply the operating bases of the circular economy.
Consequently, we have veried that solutions have been
proposed for the correct management of natural resources, as
well as for recycling, the recovery of waste and its reincorporation
into the supply chain. However, there are still margins for
improvement in sustainable crafts in the environmental
dimension, especially linked to the development of indicators
to measure the circularity of the craft production process, for
which we propose the development of lines of research that
contribute to the development of indicators. that help the craft
sector to continue moving towards a cleaner production model.
For all these reasons, we conclude that after the Sustainable
Development Goals, sustainable crafts have experienced strong
growth in their concern for social, economic and environmental
sustainability, becoming a productive model that respects the
environment, generating growth and economic development.
local, which coincides with the ndings of Väänänen and
Pöllänen (2020).
Consequently, our ndings could be useful for policymakers
since we provide a scientic basis for the impact of the craft sector
on environmental, social, and economic sustainability. As a
result, policymakers could implement mechanisms to ensure
and promote the values and survival of traditional crafts. In
addition, our ndings could be valuable for the artisans
themselves and their representative institutions by
demonstrating examples of good sustainable development
practices to enhance sustainability at the local level. Finally,
our results could also help researchers, as we provide data that
could underpin their future hypotheses concerning the trajectory
of the existing discussion on sustainable crafts.
Finally, we should note that this study has certain limitations
that should be considered for future research. The database used
was Scopus, so we propose considering other repositories such as
Google Scholar or Web of Science. In addition, we have only
considered research articles in this review. Thus, in future work,
we consider it worthwhile to incorporate a greater diversity of
research documents, such as book chapters or conference papers,
which could complement the information obtained. Moreover,
the computer tool used for data visualisation and clustering was
VosWiever, and so using other software could also provide
slightly different or complementary results. Finally, the
bibliometric analysis methodology does not consider that
citations require time to be analysed. Thus, content analysis
could provide a complementary method for evaluating
research in the future (Hughes, 2011).
The original contributions presented in the study are included in
the article/supplementary material, further inquiries can be
directed to the corresponding author.
Conceptualization, MP-P, FG-S, and AG-L; methodology, MP-P,
and FG-S; formal analysis, MP-P, and FG-S;
writingpreparation of the original draft, MP-P, FG-S, and
VM-M; WritingProofreading, and Editing, MP-P, FG-S,
AG-L, and VM-M; supervision, AG-L, and VM-M; acquisition
of funds, AG-L, and VM-M. All authors have read and accepted
the published version of the manuscript.
This study was funded by RRREMAKER. RRREMAKER MSC-
RISE-H2020 project has received funding from the European
Unions Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme
under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie, proposal number:
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Frontiers in Environmental Science | June 2022 | Volume 10 | Article 94968116
Prados-Peña et al. Sustainable Crafts: Describing Conceptual Evolution
... Using bibliometric analysis to map the literature on asset management, De Filippo et al. [23] identified 2,449 publications from management, optimization, maintenance, infrastructure, business, and finance research. The analysis techniques are related to previous scientific research that has been carried out, like those on energy efficiency [23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30] . However, taken as its whole, the offshore sector typically includes a variety of activities, such as transportation, logistics, planning for wind farms, facility maintenance, exploration, drilling, and production [30][31][32] . ...
... This can be conducted using datamining tools and analysis software called VosViewer [22] . Most scientometric investigations in humanities, built environment, sciences, and social sciences utilise scientific citations to provide a deeper understanding of authorship, citations, scientific relevance, and research engagement [22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30] . The current study undertakes a scientometric analysis and evaluation of the research trends by using publications relevant to the asset management of offshore facilities. ...
... To qualitatively validate the bibliometric studies, the methodology was contrasted with some recent bibliometric research cutting across different fields. The application of sampling, visualization, cluster investigation and correlation are newer methods of data analysis that have practical applications for scientometric studies in multidisciplines [22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30] , ranging from the built environment to marine structures and data analysis. On the basis of the results of this scientometrics study, a thorough systematic review is then provided to provide deeper insights into the technology and applications of asset management of offshore facilities. ...
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The demand for monitoring activities has been more evident recently in oil and gas “O & G” activities such as exploration, drilling, production, logistics, or shipping. Consequently, these offshore infrastructures require asset management (or facilities management). This study seeks to understand the research pattern of publications within the domain of asset management in offshore infrastructures with the aim of determining the present state of the field’s research. The paper conducts a scientometric analysis of publications that focus on offshore infrastructures’ asset management published between 1992 and 2022. The employed search query yielded a total of 346 journal articles from the Scopus database and 43 from the Web of Science (WoS) database, respectively. The data analysis of the scientometric investigation explored research authorship, co-occurrence of keywords, number of publications, network mapping, country geographical breakdown, and literature coupling. The paper shows rising interest in monitoring and asset management in the oil and gas industry. It was concluded that the management of these infrastructures requires frequent review with the application of sustainable asset management strategies.