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Genus Hyalella (Amphipoda: Hyalellidae) in Humid Pampas: molecular diversity and a provisional new species


Abstract and Figures

Hyalella is a genus of epigean freshwater amphipods endemic to the Americas. The study of morphological characters alone has traditionally dominated the description of new species. Recently, molecular systematics tools have contributed to identifying many cryptic species and a high level of convergent evolution in species complexes from North America and the South American highlands. In this study, we evaluate for the first time the molecular diversity in Hyalella spp. in Uruguay, a country located in the humid pampa ecoregion, based on four molecular markers. Thus, we investigate the systematic position of H. curvispina in the context of the available phylogenetic hypothesis for the genus. Phylogenetic and morphological analyses confirm that there is a “curvispina complex”. This complex includes H. curvispina and several similar morphological forms but is paraphyletic in relation to some altiplano species. In addition, we found one provisional new species. The results obtained are contrasted with previous studies to help understand the mechanisms of genetic differentiation and speciation of the genus, which seems to have a strong tendency towards morphological convergence.
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Genus Hyalella (Amphipoda: Hyalellidae) in Humid
Pampas: molecular diversity and a provisional new
Analisa Waller1, Exequiel R. González2, Ana Verdi1, Ivanna H. Tomasco3
1 Sección Entomología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República, Iguá 4225, CP 11400, Montevideo, Uruguay
2 Universidad de Santo Tomás, Avenida Ejército 146, CP 8370003 Santiago. Chile
3 Departamento de Ecología y Evolución, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República, Iguá 4225, CP 11400, Montevideo, Uruguay
Corresponding author: Analisa Waller (
Received 17 December 2021
Accepted 29 March 2022
Published 28 June 2022
Academic Editors Martin Schwentner, Klaus-Dieter Klass
Citation: Waller A, González ER, Verdi A, Tomasco IH (2022) Genus Hyalella in Humid Pampas: molecular diversity and provisional new species.
Arthropod Syematics & Phylogeny 80: 261–278.
Hyalella is a genus of epigean freshwater amphipods endemic to the Americas. The study of morphological characters alone has
traditionally dominated the description of new species. Recently, molecular systematics tools have contributed to identifying many
cryptic species and a high level of convergent evolution in species complexes from North America and the South American high-
lands. In this study, we evaluate for the rst time the molecular diversity in Hyalella spp. in Uruguay, a country located in the humid
pampa ecoregion, based on four molecular markers. Thus, we investigate the systematic position of H. curvispina in the context of
the available phylogenetic hypothesis for the genus. Phylogenetic and morphological analyses conrm that there is a “curvispina
complex”. This complex includes H. curvispina and several similar morphological forms but is paraphyletic in relation to some al-
tiplano species. In addition, we found one provisional new species. The results obtained are contrasted with previous studies to help
understand the mechanisms of genetic dierentiation and speciation of the genus, which seems to have a strong tendency towards
morphological convergence.
curvispina complex, Uruguay, COI, 12S, 28S, H3, molecular species delimitation, phylogeny
1. Introduction
Hyalella is a genus of epigean freshwater amphipods of
America (Baldinger 2004) and is the only one present in
South America (Reis et al. 2020). Members of this ge-
nus are found in various freshwater environments such
as lakes, ponds, and streams, clinging to vegetation and
burrowing in bottom sediments (da Silva Castiglioni and
Bond-Buckup 2008). They are mainly omnivores, and
due to their feeding habits, they play an essential role in
the food webs facilitating the energy ow in aquatic eco-
systems (da Silva Castiglioni and Bond-Buckup 2008;
Giorgi and Tiraboschi 1999). Dierent species of Hyalel-
la have been used as bioindicators of environmental con-
Arthropod Syematics & Phylogeny 80, 2022, 261–278 | DOI 10.3897/asp.80.e79498
Copyright Analisa Waller et al.: This is an open access article diributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrericted use, dirie-
bution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Waller et al.: Molecular diversity of Hyalella
ditions and pollution; in North America, Hyalella azteca
is a standard organism in bioassays (Casset et al. 2001).
There are 84 described species of Hyalella (Tuparai
Talhaferro et al. 2021; Limberger et al. 2021), but tax-
onomic knowledge of the genus is incomplete. Highly
complex cryptic species with very subtle interspecic
and interpopulation morphological variations (Worsham
et al. 2017) make identifying and dierentiating species
challenging. Traditionally, the taxonomic description and
identication of species have been based exclusively on
morphological characters. Bibliographic research shows
that 70% of the descriptions of the Hyalella species be-
long only to that category. However, speciation is not
always accompanied by morphological change. The ac-
tual number of biological species is likely to be greater
than the current tally of nominal species, most of which
are delineated on purely morphological grounds (Bick-
ford et al. 2007). Recent studies incorporating molecu-
lar data show a high rate of morphological convergences
and cryptic species (Adamowicz et al. 2018; Zapelloni et
al. 2021), which shows the need to integrate genetic and
morphological data for the delimitation of the species of
this genus.
In the last decades, the genus has begun to be studied
by applying molecular systematics tools. In particular, in
the Hyalella genus, the mitochondrial gene for subunit I
of Cytochrome Oxidase C (COI) has been used almost
exclusively, both partial (Adamowicz et al. 2018; Major
et al. 2013; Vergilino et al. 2012; Wellborn and Broughton
2008; Witt et al. 2003; Witt and Hebert 2000; Worsham et
al. 2017) and complete (Major et al. 2013). This gene has
also been used for DNA barcoding (Babin-Fenske et al.
2012; Dionne et al. 2011; Jurado-Rivera et al. 2020; Witt
et al. 2006). Recently, the 13 protein-coding mitochondri-
al genes has been used to resolve phylogenetic relation-
ships among a set of species (Juan et al. 2016; Zapelloni
et al. 2021). A minority party, other independent markers
have been used, such as the 28S nuclear gene (Adamowicz
et al. 2018; Witt et al. 2006; Zapelloni et al. 2021), the
H3 histone gene (Jurado-Rivera et al. 2020), allozymes
(Duan et al. 2000; Witt and Hebert 2000), and dozens of
single-copy nuclear orthologous genes sequences (Zapel-
loni et al. 2021). Several species have relatively restricted
distributions within the Americas, suggesting “groups of
species”. In North America, we found the “azteca com-
plex” with North and Central American species, including
Hyalella azteca (Major et al. 2013; Vergilino et al. 2012;
Witt et al. 2006; Witt and Hebert 2000; Worsham et al.
2017). In South America, several groups have been sug-
gested. One group is endemic of the deep lake Titicaca and
is highly diverse from both molecular and morphological
perspectives (Adamowicz et al. 2018; Jurado-Rivera et al.
2020; Zapelloni et al. 2021). Other ‘groups’ include spe-
cies from the Amazonian basin and its area of inuence,
species from high altitudes in the Andes and low regions
west of the Andes, and species from east of the Andes and
its area of inuence, with anities to H. curvispina; and
the “patagonic complex” distributed in the southern ex-
treme of South America, with some species along the An-
des (González and Watling 2001). Dierent criteria have
been proposed to delimit species due to the presence of
cryptic species and adaptive convergence in these poly-
phyletic complexes. For example, Witt et al. (2006) has
proposed the Species Screening Threshold (SST) method
with COI, which employs a 3.75% maximum within-spe-
cies divergence for delineating relationships among H. az-
teca using K2P distance (Kimura 1980), which posteriors
studies applied (Dionne et al. 2011; Vergilino et al. 2012).
Adamowicz et al. (2018) used Barcode Index Numbers
(BINs). This method implements a species threshold val-
ue of 2% to detect 48 BINs in the South American Hyalel-
la data set, twelve of them occurring at the Titicaca area,
including six uniquely sampled in this lake (Jurado-Rive-
ra et al. 2020). Finally, Jurado-Rivera et al. (2020) used
genetic distances using the K2P and Multi-rate Poisson
Tree Processes method (mPTP), GMYC and ABGD to
delimit species.
The description of Hyalella curvispina had been much
debated until a few years ago. H. curvispina was initial-
ly described by Shoemaker in 1942 as a type locality in
Montevideo. In 1953 de Oliveira described H. curvispina
form H. cangallensis (Schelloenberg) due to the presence
of only one curved setae in the inner ramus of uropod
1. After, Stock and Platvoet (1991) considered that the
description of de Oliveira (1953) was not attributable to
H. curvispina due to the thickness of the palps of maxilli-
peds and because the presence of one or two curved setae
in uropod one is frequently observed in the same popu-
lation without other distinctive features. More recently,
Grosso and Peralta (1999) redescribed the species based
on Chilean material, but a few years after, González and
Watling (2003b) considered that this taxon corresponds to
H. simplex due to the presence of sternal gills in ventral
sternites 3 to 7 while in H. curvispina they are present
in segments 2 to 7. Morphological data (González and
Watling 2001) suggest a species complex to the East of
the Andes characterized by H. curvispina (Peralta and
Grosso 2009). Still, it has not been included in the mo-
lecular phylogenies proposed to date. The morphological
diagnostic features of the “curvispina complex” include
a smooth body surface, the presence of curved setae in
the inner ramus of uropod one, and sternal gills present
in segments 2 to 7. The species that share these charac-
teristics with H. curvispina and inhabit the East of the
Andes are H. pampeana Cavalieri, 1968; H. falklandensis
Bouseld,1996; H. rionegrinae Grosso and Peralta, 1999
and H. bonariensis Dos Santos et al., 2008. Our team
has revealed the presence of dierent morphs of Hyalel-
la curvispina with subtle dierences at the telson level,
internal part of gnathopod 1, and setaes in uropods that
call the status of new species into question. This species
complex inhabits a much more recent and unstable geo-
graphic area than the complexes studied. This region was
formed in the Holocene, between 5000–7000 years ago,
when the Uruguayan coastal lagoons and the rise of the
continental block that includes Uruguay began (del Puer-
to et al. 2011). At the same time, the area presents shallow
lagoons and temporal ponds with periodic drying (Laufer
et al. 2009) that could generate population bottlenecks,
with measurable evolutionary consequences.
Arthropod Syematics & Phylogeny 80, 2022, 261278 263
In this study, we evaluate the molecular diversity of
Hyalella spp. in Uruguay for the rst time, using four
markers, and we investigate its systematic position in the
framework of available phylogenetic hypothesis for the
genus. Specically, we i) assess the number of Hyalella
cryptic species in Uruguay and ii) infer the phylogeny of
Hyalella comparing Hyalella curvispina with similar and
dierent morphs and place the Uruguayan Hyalella with-
in the clade identied by Zapelloni et al. (2021).
2. Methods
2.1. Field collecting
A previous survey in several populations of Uruguay re-
ported the presence of nine dierent morphs similar to
Hyalella curvispina. In autumn 2020, we visited nine
country points where these dierent morphs came from
and collected 8 of them. Sampling localities were: San
José (H8), Colonia (H1), Durazno (H3), Colonia Rosell
y Rius (H2), Lavalleja (H4), Paso de los Toros (H5), Ba-
toví (H7), Achar (H6), and two localities of Montevideo:
Facultad de Ciencias (FC) and Montevideo type locality
for Hyalella curvispina (MVD) (Fig. 1 and Table S1). We
collected the specimens with a water net with a diameter
of 20 cm and a mesh width of 250 µm. All samples were
stored in liquid N2 at collection sites and preserved there
until the molecular procedure. Two adult males from each
site were dissected and morphologically evaluated under
a stereoscope instead of glass to conrm the presence of
the characteristics of each morph according to the collec-
tion site.
2.2. Molecular procedures
We obtained total genomic DNA extractions from ve
animals for each of the nine morphs previously collected,
following standard protocol for precipitation of proteins
with salts and DNA with ethanol (modied from Miller
et al. 1988). We used only the pereion and pleon of the
animal to avoid contamination of possible microorgan-
isms adhering to the mouthparts, the concentration of
DNA extractions were estimated in the nanodrop spec-
trophotometer (NanoDrop, Thermo Scientic, USA). We
analyzed the genes COI, 12S, 28S and H3 and amplied
them by PCR using the primers LCO and 5587F (Stutz et
al. 2010), 12Samphi-f and 12Samphi-r (Rodrigues 2016),
Rnest and Fnest (Stutz et al. 2010) and H3af and H3ar
(Colgan et al. 1998) respectively. The amplication were
carried out in a PX0.2 Thermal Cycler (Thermo Electron
Corporation) in a total volume of 22 μl containing 10µl
of kit GoTaq® Hot Start Green Master Mix (Promega), 2
µl of each primer (10 mM) and 8µl DNA dilution (1/100).
We included negative controls in all cases, replacing the
DNA dilution with water. Sequences of all morphs were
obtained, except for COI. In particular, we got an average
of 2 COI sequences for ve morphs and H. curvispina,
an average of 3 sequences of 12S, and one sequence of
H3 and 28S for all morphs and H. curvispina of the two
Montevideo localities (FC and MVD).
We amplied a 369 base pair (bp) fragment of the mi-
tochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene
was using the primers LCO and 5587F (Stutz et al. 2010).
The PCR program consisted of initial denaturation for
2 min at 95 ° C followed by 36 cycles of 30 s at 95ºC,
30 s at 45ºC, 1 min at 72ºC, and a 7 min extension step
at 72ºC (modied from Stutz et al. 2010). We amplied
the 12S mitochondrial ribosomal gene using the primers
12Samphi-f and 12Samphi-r (Rodrigues 2016) to obtain
a partial sequence of 452 bp. The PCR cycle was an ini-
tial denaturation for 5 min at 96°C, followed by ten cy-
cles of 30 s at 96°C, 60 s at 55°C (decreasing annealing
temperature by 1°C/cycle during seven cycles and then
decreasing to 47°C in the last cycle), and 60 s at 72°C,
followed again by 30 cycles of 30 s at 96°C, 60 s at 45°C
and 60 s at 72°C, with a nal extension of 5 min at 72°C
(modied from Rodrigues 2016). We amplied the ribo-
somal nuclear gene 28S with primers Rnest and Fnest
(Stutz et al. 2010) to obtain a partial sequence of 605 bp.
The PCR program consisted of a 1 min denaturation step
at 94ºC, 39 cycles of 1 min at 94ºC, 1 min at 51°C, 1
min at 72°C, and a 5 min extension step at 72°C (Stutz
et al. 2010). Finally, we amplied a 332 bp of the H3
protein-coding gene H3af and H3ar (Colgan et al. 1998).
The PCR program consisted of initial denaturation for 5
min at 96°C, followed by 30 cycles of 30 sec at 96°C,
Figure 1. Map of collection sites of the dierent Hyalella
morphs in Uruguay. H1: Colonia (34°26.0501′S 57°49.4717′W);
H2: Colonia Rossell (33°10.9503′S 55°44.363′W); H3: Duraz-
no (33°24.0584′S 56°31.18′W); H4: Lavalleja (34°30.4393′S
55°22.3598′W); H5: Paso de los Toros (32°45.4339′S
56°31.8643′W); H6: Achar (32°23.8234′S 56°9.4333′W); H7:
Batoví (31°52.9283′S 56°0.7117′W); H8: San José (34°18.65′S
56°52.7′W); FC: Montevideo (34°52.8334′S 56°7.05′W); MVD
(34°50.3666′S 56°16.05′W): Montevideo (Hyalella curvispina).
Waller et al.: Molecular diversity of Hyalella
45 s at 50°C, and 60 s at 72°C, with a nal extension
of 5 min at 72°C (Rodrigues 2016). PCR products were
checked at electrophoresis with agarose gel (0.8% in TBE
1X), stained with Ethidium Bromide, and visualized with
an ultraviolet light source. PCR products of the expected
size without secondary bands were puried and automat-
ically sequenced (Sanger method, Macrogen Inc., http:// from both ends.
We edited obtained sequences manually using the
PROSEQ 3.2 program (Filatov 2002), considering that
each change corresponded to well-dened peaks in the
chromatogram. In the case of protein-coding genes (COI
and H3), we checked the absence of stop codons or in-
dels that could modify the reading frame to ensure no
pseudogene was present. In nuclear genes, we annotated
the polymorphisms with an IUPAC ambiguity code.
2.3. Molecular analyses
We compared the obtained sequences with sequences
from dierent species of the same genus reported in Gen-
bank (see accession numbers and other details in Supple-
mentary Table S2). All genes were aligned independently
using the MUSCLE algorithm with the MEGA X pro-
gram (Kumar et al. 2018). In all cases, a sequences from
Platorchestia sp. (Table S2), a genus closely related to
Hyalella, was used as the outgroup taxon.
For each gene, nucleotide frequencies, variable sites,
and parsimony-informative (Pi) sites were estimated
using MEGA X software. We calculated global nucle-
otide distances and pairwise distances between morphs
and species with the K2P substitution model (Witt et al.
2006). The most suitable nucleotide substitution model
for each gene was assessed with JMODELTEST v2.2.10
(Darriba et al. 2012), with Akaike Information Criterion
(AIC), and with Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC)
(Posada and Crandall 1998). Additionally, we estimated
phylogenetic reconstruction with MEGAX by apply-
ing dierent criteria with 1000 bootstrap pseudorep-
licates and pairwise deletion options (i.e., eliminate all
positions with less than 95% site coverage). We carried
out the reconstruction by maximum likelihood with the
substitution model suggested by JMODELTEST. The
initial tree(s) for the heuristic search were automatical-
ly obtained by applying Neighbor-Joining and BioNJ
algorithms to a matrix of pairwise distances estimated
using the Maximum Composite Likelihood distance. For
maximum parsimony, we used the Subtree-Pruning-Re-
grafting algorithm with search level 1, in which the initial
trees were obtained by the random addition of sequences
(10 replicates). For neighbor-joining algorithms, evolu-
tionary distances were computed using the Maximum
Composite Likelihood method and are in the units of the
number of base substitutions per site.
Bayesian phylogenetic methods were also performed
in BEAST v.2.6.3 (Suchard et al. 2018) and carried
the option *Beast, to estimate the species tree by con-
sidering the information of all markers. For each gene,
we used the best-t nucleotide substitution model esti-
mated by JMODELTEST v2.2.10 (Darriba et al. 2012).
We explored the nucleotide substitution saturation for
each molecular marker using the Xia test in DAMBE v.
7.2.144 (Xia 2018). For COI, we separated the analysis
and eliminated the third position of the codon. We par-
titioned the COI gene, analyzing the rst and second co-
don positions separated from the third due to saturation of
this marker (see discussion below). We linked the mito-
chondrial genes, the two partitions of COI and 12S, kept
the other two genes independent, and selected the Yule
process. It used the MCMC length of 100.000.000 gen-
erations, sampling every 10.000 with a burn-in of 20%
of the trees sampled. Using TRACER v. 1.6 (Rambaut
2018), we assessed the resulting log les and corrobo-
rated that the Eective Sampling Size (ESS) values were
higher than 200 to ensure adequate sampling and conver-
gence. We created a maximum clade credibility tree in
TREE ANNOTATOR v2.6.3 (Suchard et al. 2018), and
this tree was visualized and edited in FIGTREE v. 1.4.4.
(Rambaut 2018). Due to the diculties in obtaining the
COI gene for all the Uruguayan samples, and because the
evolutionary history of mitochondrial genome is also in
12S (by linkage, as the mitochondrial genome does not
recombine), we estimate two species trees, with and with-
out COI, using the vouchers sequenced for four and three
genes respectively. Finally, we applied a maximum like-
lihood approximation implemented in IQ-TREE v1.6.12
(Nguyen et al. 2015), with a partition by gene and unliked
edges, and an automatic selection of the best substitution
model for each gene, and 1000 pseudoreplicates of ultra-
fast bootstrap (Minh et al. 2013).
We applied three species delimitation methods for
each gene independently and for all of them concatenat-
ed (with and without COI). We used the ABGD method
developed by Puillandre et al. (2012) on the webserver
After sequence alignment, we computed a matrix of pair-
wise distances using the K2P model (Kimura 1980). We
used Pmin = 0.001 and Pmax = 0.1 and X = 0.5. We also
applied a recently developed method, still based on pair-
wise genetic distances, but whose implementation pro-
vides a score for each dened partition and overcomes
the challenge of a priori dening p, the ASAP (Puillandre
et al. 2021). ASAP was run in webserver https://bioinfo., with K2P model
and default options. Additionally, we used PTP and bPTP
on the webserver PTP is a
model for delimiting species on a rooted phylogenetic
tree developed by Zhang et al. (2013). It models specia-
tion or branching events in terms of the number of sub-
stitutions, so it only requires a phylogenetic input tree.
And bPTP is an updated version of the original maximum
likelihood PTP that adds Bayesian support values to de-
limited species on the input tree. Higher BS value on a
node indicates all descendants from this node are more
likely to be from one species.
Arthropod Syematics & Phylogeny 80, 2022, 261278 265
3. Results
3.1. Sequence data
Because we faced diculties in amplifying and sequenc-
ing COI sequences, we recovered 11 COI sequences that
include only Hyalella curvispina from FC locality in
Montevideo, and ve morphs. We could amplify and se-
quence 30 sequences of the 12S gene, ten 28S and H3 of
H. curvispina, and all morphs (Table 1).
We summarized the sequence length obtained from
each marker and the number of parsimony-informative
sites in Table 2. Although 28S was the longest sequence
(605 bp), the proportion of informative sites was low
(approx. 18%). We analyzed shorter sequences from two
mitochondrial markers, 369 and 452 bp, COI and 12S,
respectively. They presented a high proportion of infor-
mative sites from the point of view of parsimony (39 and
43%, respectively). Histone H3 was the smallest fragment
(332bp) and was the one that presented the highest pro-
portion of parsimoniously informative sites, although, in
absolute terms, there were only a few (22 sites) (Table 2).
Most of the morphs have dierent alleles/haplotypes,
but there were shared haplotypes in all cases, generally
for geographically close localities. In all cases: i) the H.
curvispina samples (topotypes) are identical to those of
FC locality close to 20 km (Montevideo), except for the
H3 gene, ii) localities H1 and H8 with a distance of 120
km between them (Colonia and San José, respectively)
are identical except for the COI, iii) localities H5 and
H6 with a distance of 67 km between both (Paso de los
Toros and Achar) except for COI. For the COI, one of
the samples from the locality H1(1) (Colonia) shares a
haplotype with H. curvispina (type locality and another).
However, for mitochondrial 12S, the H1 and H8 morphs
(from Colonia and San José, respectively) are identical
and dierent from those of H. curvispina (both localities).
In contrast, the morphs H5 and H6 of the localities (Paso
de los Toros and Achar) are identical.
The 28S marker has the lowest variation, and the sam-
ples from populations H5, H6 (Paso de los Toros and
Achar), and H. curvispina (two locations) on the one
hand, as well as those from H1, H8, and H3 (Colonia,
San José, and Durazno), are identical.
For histone H3 the samples from H1, H3, H4, H5, H6,
H7 and H8 (Colonia, Durazno, Lavalleja, Paso de los
Toros, Achar, Batoví and San José) are identical, while
Hyalella curvispina from the two localities of Montevi-
deo do not share haplotype. We kept identical variants in
the analyzes to estimate the species tree with all of them
(Table 3).
Table 1. Number of specimens by morph sequenced and the number of haplotypes for each molecular marker (MM). N: total
number of sequences obtained for each marker. N°ht: number of haplotypes for each marker. Localites: FC, MVD (type locality of
Hyalella curvispina), H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, and H8 (see Fig. 1).
MM N N° hapl. Hyalella curvispina
Hyalella curvispina
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8
COI 11 9 2 2 1 2 3 1
12S 30 7 1 3 4 4 3 3 2 2 4 4
28S 10 61 1 11111111
H3 10 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Table 2. Used molecular markers (MM) with fragment length in base pairs (bp), number of conserved sites (CS), number of variable
sites (VS), and number of parsimony-informative sites (PIS).
Molecular marker (MM) Fragment length (bp) Number of conserved
sites (C)
Number of variable sites (V) Parsimony (Pi)
COI 369 165 203 145
12S 452 182 259 193
28S 605 390 203 110
H3 332 256 74 22
Table 3. Number of variants (Nv, haplotypes or alleles for COI and 12S, or for H3 and 12S, respectively) found per molecular
marker (MM), and shared haplotypes among samples assessed.
MM Nv Samples that shared haplotype/alleles
COI 9 H. curvispina (topotype MVD and FC) and H1(1)
12S 7 H. curvispina (topotype MVD and FC) H1 and H8 H2 and H3 H5 and H6
28S 6H. curvispina (topotype MVD and FC) H1, H8 and H3 H6 and H5 H.curvispina (MVD) and H7
H3 3 H. curvispina (topotype MVD) and H2 H1, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7 and H8
Waller et al.: Molecular diversity of Hyalella
The substitution models selected by the AIC criteri-
on were HKY+G for the COI and 12S, the TVM+G for
the 28S, and K80+G for the H3. The substitution models
selected by BIC were TIM3+G for COI and 12S and TM-
V+I+G for 28S and TPM1uf+G for H3.
3.2. Genetic distances
Pairwise genetic distances are summarized in Table 4 and
Supplementary Table S3, S4, S5, S6. A low genetic dis-
tance is observed for all markers (average 10, 4, 1 and
1%, for COI, 12S, 28S, and H3, respectively) among the
Uruguayan morphs, with specimens H4(1) and H4(2v)
(Table S3) being from Lavalleja, the much more diver-
gent morph concerning the rest of the Uruguayan samples
(19, 8, 2 and 1% for COI, 12S, 28S, and H3, respectively).
As expected, for all markers except COI, the average ge-
netic distances between Hyalella spp. and Platorchestia
sp. used as outgroup taxon are much greater than the dis-
tances within the genus Hyalella (Table 4). For the COI,
the average genetic distance between all the species eval-
uated and H. azteca (the most basal species of all those
analyzed according to the study of Zapelloni et al. (2021)
(at the genomic scale) is practically the same as the dis-
tance to the outgroup taxon (24 and 25%, respectively).
The average distances among Uruguayan samples are
moderate (0.10, 0.04, 0.01, 0.01 for COI, 12S, 28S, and
H3, respectively). We found the highest genetic distance
between the H4 (specimens H4(1) and H4(2v)) and the
rest (0.19, 0.08, 0.02 and 0.01, for COI, 12S, 28S, and
H3, respectively), similar to the interspecic distances
between the Uruguayan samples (excluding specimens
H4(1) and H4(2v)) and other species such as H. kochi
3.3. Saturation analyses
For all markers, the sequences showed little substitution
saturation. For each marker Iss is signicantly lower
than Iss.c for both symmetric and asymmetric topolo-
gies (these were always lower than the rsts). For COI
sequences, for the three codon positions taken together
(Iss: 0.22 < Iss.c: 0.76 (symmetric topology) Iss.c: 0.52
(asymmetric topology), degree of freedom (DF): 114, p <
0.0001), or for the 1st and 2nd position of the codon tak-
en together (Iss: 0.05 < Iss.c: 0.90 (symmetric topology)
Iss.c: 0.76 (asymmetric topology), DF: 75, p < 0.0001).
For the 12S mitochondrial gene sequences (Iss: 0.13 <
Iss.c: 0.68 (symmetric topology) Iss.c: 0.36 (asymmetric
topology), DF: 256, p < 0.0001). For 28S sequences (Iss:
0.07 < Iss.c: 0.72 (symmetric topology) Iss.c: 0.41 (asym-
metric topology), DF: 521, p < 0.0001) and for histone H3
sequences (Iss: 0.04 < Iss.c: 0.53 (symmetric topology)
Iss.c: 0.41 (asymmetric topology), DF: 95, p < 0.0001).
3.4. Phylogenetic analysis
No gene analyzed independently showed solvency in the
resolution of the most nodes (see phylogenetic recon-
structions (Figs 2–5, and in Supplementary Figs S1–S8).
On the contrary, most of the nodes have low to moderate
support values. Only some were high and varied with the
reconstruction method used. However, except for the H3
gene, the COI and 12S mitochondrial genes and the 28S
nuclear gene show that the Uruguayan samples are para-
phyletic. There is a monophyletic group formed by Uru-
guay, H. montforti 2015 2D, and H. kochi (4747, 2319B,
3TK27), which includes two groups: one wider group
that includes H. curvispina and has a higher anity with
H. montforti 2015 2D and H. kochi 4747, 2319B, 3TK27,
and the other with fewer samples, sister to the previous
one. In these tree topologies, we observed that the sam-
ples annotated as H. kochi are polyphyletic. The H3 gene
presents a very low variation (showed in other studies)
and could not resolve any node with bootstrap values
from moderate to high. We do not recover the monophyly
of the Uruguayan samples, nor the close relationship be-
tween these and H. montforti 2015 2D or some samples
of H. kochi 4747, 2319B, 3TK27.
The Bayesian species tree considering all markers,
each with its most appropriate substitution model, re-
solves most nodes with higher supports of the posterior
probability. Among them, we can highlight 1) the mono-
phyly of the Uruguayan samples together with two sam-
ples of H. kochi 4747, 2319B, and H. montforti 2015 2D,
the basal position of H4(1) concerning this clade, and the
reciprocal monophyly of the Uruguayan samples without
H4(1) on one side and of H. montforti 2015 2D with two
samples of H. kochi (2319B and 4747) on the other, 2) the
basal position of H. azteca and H. armata 26-2A within
the species of the genus analyzed, 3) the monophyly of
two other groups of species H. nefrens 2310E + H. hirsu-
ta 30-5C + H. neveulemairei 30-5D + H. kochi AP18, and
Table 4. Average genetic distances using K2P distance. *Locality H4 represented by specimens H4(1), H4(2v), and H4(3) (the last
one only for 12S).
Mitocondrial Nuclear
Average COI 12S 28S H3
Hyalella sp. vs. H. azteca 0.24 0.22 0.08 0.08
Hyalella sp. vs outgroup 0.25 0.30 0.25 0.12
Uruguay vs. H. kochi 0.18 0.07 0.01 0.01
Uruguay (non-H4 vs H4)* 0.19 0.08 0.02 0.01
Intra Uruguay 0.10 0.04 0.01 0.01
Arthropod Syematics & Phylogeny 80, 2022, 261278 267
H. cajasi EC3-1 + H. tiwanaku 2304 (Fig. 6), although
with very low statistical support (0.39).
The species tree obtained from the two nuclear genes
and only one mitochondrial (only 12S and excluding
COI) has the same general topology and higher posterior
probability values. The information from the Uruguayan
sample H7(1) (not recovered with COI) is incorporated
and show higher anity with two samples of H. kochi
(4747, 2319B) and H. montforti (2015 2D) than with the
majority group of Uruguayan samples (Fig. 7).
Maximum likelihood reconstructions yielded similar
results (Fig. S9 and Fig. S10) for four or three genes,
respectively). The major dierence in both cases is the
absence of reciprocal monophyly between groups H. ne-
frens 2310E + H. hirsuta 30-5C + H. neveulemairei 30-
5D + H. kochi AP18, and H. cajasi EC3-1 + H. tiwanaku
3.5. Molecular species delimitation
The results of molecular species delimitation are shown
in the Supplementary Fig. S11. The results for the dier-
ent genes analyzed independently are similar, quite dier-
ent, and COI was the gene that yielded the most dierent
results between methods. Among the four methods tested,
ASAP found more groups in all genes, and diered most
from the other methods.
In general, H. armata 26-2A, H. azteca, H. cajasi EC3-
1, H. tiwanaku 2304, and H4(1), a sample of the “curvispi-
H. neveulemairei 2316D
H. nefrens 2310E
H. neveulemairei 30-5D
H. longipalma 31-10C
H. nefrens 4798A
H. longipalma 1377B
H. cuprea
H. kochi 4822
H. longipalma 1356B
H. kochi AP18
H. kochi 3TK17B
H. hirsuta 30-5C
H. kochi 16 2B
H. simplex
H. fransiscae CHL-1
H. armata 26-2A
H. sp.1 H4(1)
H. sp.1 H4(2v)
H. kochi 2319-B
H. kochi 3TK27
H. montforti 2015 2D
H. kochi 4747
H. curvispina H2(1)
H. curvispina H3(2)
H. curvispina H3(1)
H. curvispina H5(1)
H. curvispina H1(2)
H. curvispina H4(2)
H. curvispina H1(1)
H. curvispina FC1
H. curvispina FC2
H. cajasi EC3-1
H. cajasi EC6-1
H. cajasi ecuador02
H. tiwanaku 4743
H. lucifugax
H. tiwanaku 4743
H. solida 2319-A
H. azteca
P. japonica IZCAS:IA1700i
Figure 2. Phylogeny of Hyalella reconstructed by Maximum Likelihood using all Uruguayan specimens sequenced for COI (369
bp), 28 Hyalella sequences from North and South America, and an outgroup taxon (Platorchestia japonica). Uruguayan samples,
all in “curvispina complex,” are denoted in grey color. Bootstrap values are next to the nodes.
Waller et al.: Molecular diversity of Hyalella
na complex”, stand out as well-dierentiated species with
high statistical support. For all genes and methods, sample
H4(1) was always clearly dierent from the rest of the Uru-
guayan samples, with the exception of the ABGD method
applied to COI and concatenated with COI. Besides, a
group of dierent species is considered by these methods
as a single species: H. kochi AP18, H. neveulemairei 30-
5D, H. nefrens 2310E, and H. hirsuta 30-5C. In this group
H. kochi AP18 is dierentiated analyzing H3 and 28S (by
ABGD) and H. hirsuta 30-5C analyzing COI (by PTP and
bPTP). ASAP excludes from this group H. kochi AP18 and
H. hirsuta 30-5C analyzing COI and 12S. The Uruguayan
samples, except H4(1), generally cluster as a single spe-
cies in COI, 12S, and 28S with ABGD, PTP and bPTP, and
the concatenate without COI (by PTP and bPTP).
4. Discussion
This study evaluated genetic diversity based on four loci in
Hyalella curvispina previously identied similar morphs
in Uruguay. In this way, we were able to: i) propose the
H. azteca
H. curvispina H8(2)
H. curvispina H8(4)
H. curvispina H8(3)
H. curvispina H8(1)
H. curvispina H1(5)
H. curvispina H1(3)
H. curvispina H1(4)
H. curvispina H1(1)
H. curvispina MVD
H. curvispina FC1
H. curvispina H4(2)
H. curvispina FC2
H. curvispina FC3
H. curvispina H7(1)
H. curvispina H7(3)
H. curvispina H7(4)
H. curvispina H7(2)
H. curvispina H6(2)
H. curvispina H5(1)
H. curvispina H6(4)
H. curvispina H2(4)
H. curvispina H2(2)
H. curvispina H2(3)
H. curvispina H2(1)
H. curvispina H3(1)
H. curvispina H3(2)
H. curvispina H3(3)
2015 2D
H. sp.1 H4(1)
H. sp.1 H4(2v)
H. sp.1 H4(3)
H. hirsuta 30
Figure 3. Phylogeny of Hyalella reconstructed by Maximum Likelihood using all Uruguayan specimens sequenced for 12S (452
bp), 21 Hyalella sequences from North and South America, and an outgroup taxon (Platorchestia parapacica). Uruguayan sam-
ples, all in “curvispina complex,” are denoted in grey color. Bootstrap values are next to the nodes.
Arthropod Syematics & Phylogeny 80, 2022, 261278 269
paraphyletic status of the “curvispina complex”, ii) esti-
mate its phylogenetic position in the framework of previ-
ously proposed hypotheses of the genus, ii) suggest the
presence at least one provisional species new to Uruguay
that is probably cryptic species as showed in the phyloge-
netic trees reported by Jurado-Rivera et al. (2020).
4.1. Genus Hyalella in Uruguay
The phylogeny obtained incorporates representatives of
the genus Hyalella from Uruguay, including H. curvispi-
na, into the general phylogeny previously proposed for
the genus. As expected, the general topology concerning
the other species coincides with that previously reported
by Zapelloni et al. (2021), which used identical Hyalella
sequences. However, we used only those vouchers se-
quenced for all genes. We recovered all proposed clades
by Adamowicz et al. (2018) (except B, which we did
not include) as monophyletic with high support. In addi-
tion to previous studies, H. azteca and H. armata 26-2A
(Clade C) are more basal than the southern clades. The
closer relationship between these species presents a pos-
terior probability value of less than 0.5 so we cannot trust
the phylogenetic relationships inferred at these nodes, as
Zapelloni et al. (2021) show. The South American species
are clustered together and include dierent clades and
Uruguayan samples. However, the relationships between
groups A, E, D, and F could not be resolved with signi-
cant statistical support (except for basal group C).
The “curvispina complex” forms a monophyletic group
with H. montforti 2015 2D and H. kochi 4747, 2319B,
3TK27, both corresponding to clade E from the northern
Altiplano (Zapelloni et al. 2021). However, H. kochi is
H. montforti 1410C
H. kochi 2319B
H. montforti 2015 2D
H. kochi 3TK27
H. kochi 4747
H. curvispina H7(1)
H. curvispina MVD
H. curvispina FC1
H. curvispina H6(1)
H. curvispina H5(1)
H. curvispina H2(1)
H. curvispina H3(1)
H. curvispina H8(1)
H. curvispina H1(1)
H. sp.1 H4(1)
H. kochi 16 2B
H. kochi 4822
H. kochi 3TK17B
H. kochi AP18
H. tiwanaku 4816B
H. longipalma 31-10C
H. nefrens 2310E
H. longipalma 1377B
H. longipalma 1356B
H. nefrens 4798A
H. neveulemairei 30-5D
H. hirsuta 30-5C
H. tiwanaku 2304
H. cajasi EC6-1
H. neveulemairei 2316D
H. cajasi ecuador02
H. fransiscae CHL-1
H. kochi 3TK10
H. armata 26-2A
H. muerta
H. azteca
H. cajasi EC3-1
P. japonica YP8
Figure 4. Phylogeny of Hyalella reconstructed by Maximum Likelihood using all Uruguayan specimens sequenced for 28S (605
bp), 27 Hyalella sequences from North and South America, and an outgroup taxon (Platorchestia japonica). Uruguayan samples,
all in “curvispina complex,” are denoted in grey color. Bootstrap values are next to the nodes.
Waller et al.: Molecular diversity of Hyalella
also elsewhere in the phylogenetic tree, so some of these
vouchers considered as H. kochi are probably cryptic spe-
cies. Then, the close association between H. curvispina
and H. kochi (sensu stricto) should be taken with cau-
tion. In any case, all the samples associated with Uru-
guayan Hyalella come from Peru, which is very distant
geographically. This study is the rst one that includes
Hyalella species to the east of the Andes, i.e., “curvispina
complex”. The close link between the samples from Peru
and Uruguay may reect the scarce knowledge about the
genus. It would be necessary to include many more South
American representatives (in addition to those already in-
cluded from Peru, Bolivia, and Chile). In the future, this
phylogenetic information could shed light on the histori-
cal biogeography of Hyalella and the palaeoclimatic his-
tory of the continent.
On the other hand, we found high genetic variations
between H. curvispina and associated morphs and at least
one provisional new species. We consider that specimens
collected at the type locality of H. curvispina, which also
have the expected morphology, are indeed topotypes of
this species. Other samples, collected in distant lakes
(except H7(1) and H4(1) + H4(2v)), show higher an-
ity with that species, with high statistical support in the
species phylogeny that includes the COI (96%). Indeed,
many of these morphs together with H. curvispina are ge-
netically identical in some of their markers. The genetic
dierentiation found among most of them was moderate,
in the range expected for intraspecic dierentiation, and
consistent among most genes (Supplementary Tables S3,
S4, S5, S6). Thus, we propose that all these morphs are
part of the H. curvispina variation generated in the re-
gion. All the Hyalella specimens found in Uruguay have
morphological characteristics that dene the “curvispi-
na complex”, they are: smooth body surface, presence
of curved setae on inner side of inner ramus of uropod I
and sternal gills present in segments 2 to 7. On the other
hand, we found one morph, H4 specimens H4(1), H4(2v)
and H4(3) (only for 12S gene), which show greater dif-
ferentiation than the rest of the morphs (Fig. 2, 3, 4, 5
H. neveulemairei 30-5D
H. nefrens 2310E
H. longipalma 31-10C
H. hirsuta 30-5C
H. tiwanaku 4816B
H. kochi AP18
H. kochi 4822
H. neveulemairei 2316D
H. curvispina MVD
H. curvispina H2(1)
H. cajasi EC6-1
H. cajasi EC3-1
H. sp.1 H4(1)
H. curvispina H1(1)
H. curvispina H5(1)
H. curvispina H3(1)
H. curvispina H8(1)
H. curvispina H6(1)
H. curvispina H7(1)
H. kochi 4747
H. montforti 2015 2D
H. kochi 2319-B
H. curvispina FC1
H. tiwanaku 4743
H. tiwanaku 2304
H. solida 2319A
H. azteca
H. armata 26-2A
P. pacifica DF1
Figure 5. Phylogeny of Hyalella reconstructed by Maximum Likelihood using all Uruguayan specimens sequenced for H3 (332 bp),
18 Hyalella sequences from North and South America, and an outgroup taxon (Platorchestia pacica). Uruguayan samples, all in
“curvispina complex,” are denoted in grey color. Bootstrap values are next to the nodes.
Arthropod Syematics & Phylogeny 80, 2022, 261278 271
and Supplementary Tables S3, S4, S5, S6). Although the
COI showed signicant dierentiation between the dif-
ferent morphs, this is not consistent with the information
provided by another mitochondrial marker, 12S, nor by
nuclear markers (see below). We propose maintaining
the complex name Hyalella curvispina for most of these
forms, and suggest one new provisional species corre-
sponding to specimens H4(1), H4(2v) and H4(3)) (La-
Platorchestia sp.
H. azteca
H. armata 26-2A
H. montforti 2015 2D
H. kochi 2319B
H. kochi 4747
H. curvispina FC1
H. curvispina H1(1)
H. curvispina H2(1)
H. curvispina H3(1)
H. curvispina H5(1)
H. sp.1 H4(1)
H. tiwanaku 2304
H. cajasi EC3-1
H. nefrens 2310E
H. neveulemairei 30-5D
H. hirsuta 30-5C
H. kochi AP18
Figure 6. Phylogeny of Hyalella reconstructed by Bayesian analysis. Samples of H. curvispina FC1, H1(1), H2(1), H3(1), H5(1)
and H. sp.1 H4(1) are Uruguayan samples. Eleven Hyalella sequences from North and South America and outgroup taxon (sequenc-
es of dierent specimens of the genus Platorchestia sp.) were included. The consensus tree is based on 1758 bp from COI, 12S, 28S,
and H3 concatenated datasets. Posterior probabilities are noted next the nodes. Clades from A to F were dened in Zapelloni et al.
(2021); Clade G is proposed in the present study.
H. montforti 2015_2D
H. kochi 2319B
H. kochi 4747
H. curvispina FC1
H. curvispina MVD
H. curvispina H7(1)
H. curvispina H1(1)
H. curvispina H8(1)
H. curvispina H2(1)
H. curvispina H3(1)
H. curvispina H5(1)
H. curvispina H6(1)
H. sp.1 H4(1)
H. tiwanaku 2304
H. cajasi EC3-1
H. nefrens 2310E
H. neveulemairei 30-5D
H. hirsuta 30-5C
H. kochi AP18
H. azteca
H. armata 26-2A
Platorchestia sp.
0.96 0.82
0.36 0.94
0.45 0.9
Figure 7. Phylogeny of Hyalella reconstructed by Bayesian analysis. Samples H. curvispina FC1, MVD, H1(1), H2(1), H3(1),
H5(1), H6(1), H7(1), H8(1) and H. sp.1 H4(1) are Uruguayan samples. Eleven Hyalella sequences from North and South America
and outgroup taxon (sequences of dierent specimens of the genus Platorchestia sp.) were included. Shown is the consensus tree
based on 1389 bp from 12S, 28S and H3 concatenated datasets. Posterior probabilities are noted next to the nodes. Clades from A to
F were dened in Zapelloni et al. (2021); Clade G is proposed in the present study.
Waller et al.: Molecular diversity of Hyalella
valleja locality) named H. sp.1 in phylogenetic trees. The
morphological characteristics that dierentiate H. sp.1
from H. curvispina are subtle, namely, telson with three
strong setae distributed in two groups in the apical margin
and inner median face of propodus in gnathopod 1 with
an oblique row of 9–10 short pectinate setae.
In addition, all Uruguayan samples are more closely
related to clade E (97%), so they could be considered part
of clade E. Genetic distances between clades measured
as K2P for 28S are in the range of 1.1% to 6.4% (Ada-
mowicz et al. 2018). The H7(1) sample belongs to clade
E, with a genetic distance to it of 0.4%. The remaining
samples from Uruguay, except for H. sp.1, belong to this
clade with a distance of 1.1%. In addition, we suggest a
new clade, clade G, formed by H. sp.1; the genetic dis-
tance between this new clade and clade E is 1.8%.
The information provided by each of the markers in-
dependently, and the markers as a whole, suggests a geo-
graphical dierentiation within the H. curvispina clade
(part of group E). We now considered “H. curvispina
clade”, the clade including the type locality and related
localities, excluding H. sp.1 and the sample H7(1), with
the closest populations being more genetically associat-
ed. However, the relationship between these “geographic
groups” is still uncertain because of low statistical sup-
port. And shallow supports would reect a recent dier-
entiation. A multilocus approach, including thousands of
markers (e.g., obtained from RADseq and NGS approx-
imations), will probably be helpful to resolve the critical
ne-scale aspect of phylogeography needed to ascertain
further details of this dierentiation.
In the locality of Lavalleja, we collected three sam-
ples, two of them with a higher genetic divergence (in
mitochondrial and nuclear markers) regarding the varia-
tion of most Uruguayan variants/morphs and preliminary
morphological evaluation shows dierences between this
sample and H. curvispina (Waller, data not shown). We
suggest that this sample, i.e. specimens H4(1), H4(2v)
and H4(3), would be considered a dierent species H.
sp.1. The other one H4(2) presents low genetic diver-
gence and morphologically corresponds to H. curvispi-
na. Molecular species delimitation analyses strongly
support this conclusion. Dierent methods identify the
sample H4(1) as an independent species for all genes
except COI and their concatenation. Since this sample
belongs to a new species, it conrms sympatric species
living together in the same pool. Several authors have
been observed sympatric distributions in the two species
complexes evaluated at the molecular level. In particu-
lar, the cryptic species of H. azteca from North Ameri-
ca (Wellborn and Cothran 2004; Witt and Hebert 2000)
and in Hyalella species from Brazil (da Silva Castiglioni
and Bond-Buckup 2008a, 2008b, 2009; González et al.
2006). On the other hand, sample H7 shows greater af-
nity to two samples of H. kochi (4747, 2319B) and to
H. montforti 2015 2D than to the rest of the Uruguayan
samples. Although H7 was sequenced for mitochondrial
12S and nuclear markers and not for COI due to techni-
cal problems, we propose this sample be a new species.
However, molecular species dierentiation analyses do
not discriminate it as a dierent species, but it is integrat-
ed into the E clade. It would be necessary to review the
systematic of group E as a whole and establish clearer
species boundaries or suggest synonymy to H. montforti
(by the principle of priority of the zoological nomencla-
tural code). Overall, these results highlight the relevance
of including molecular systematics studies in determin-
ing the genus Hyalella.
4.2. Species identification based on
genetic divergence estimates
The Species Screening Threshold criterion (SST) (Witt
et al. 2006) has been used in the molecular systematics
of the genus for the last two decades (Dionne et al. 2011;
Vergilino et al. 2012) and considers that Hyalella species
diverge from each other by 3.75% for COI sequences
using the K2P distance (Kimura 1980). Following this
criterion, the presence of cryptic species could be consid-
ered for the H. curvispina species complex, particularly
six species of the morphs (excluding H7 not sequenced
for COI). However, our analysis performed with a 369
bp of COI does not provide solid phylogenetic support
for this delimitation. Strikingly several recent Hyalella
COI barcoding studies have used even shorter fragments,
sometimes only 300 to 400 bp in length, for specimen
identication (Dionne et al. 2011; Major et al. 2013; Stutz
et al. 2010).
On the other hand, comparing the information pro-
vided by COI with that from various markers, both mi-
tochondrial and nuclear, reveals the specic diculties
associated with this marker. Firstly, the genetic distanc-
es in the COI marker are practically the same between
dierent levels of variation. In particular, values in the
order of 4 to 29% are found between poorly dierenti-
ated species within the “curvispina complex”, as well as
between highly dierentiated species (some species of
the “curvispina complex” with other Hyalella species),
or between Hyalella species with the outgroup taxon This
condition may be due to saturation (i.e., multiple substi-
tutions at the same site in a sequence leads to underes-
timation of actually occurring mutations) and leads to
homoplasy and an underestimation of divergence times
between haplotypes observed, particularly for older phy-
logenetic events (e.g., Wilke et al. 2009). However, when
analyzing the degree of saturation with the DAMBE pro-
gram, low saturation levels were observed for all mark-
ers, including COI without the third codon position. The
absence of signicant-high saturation for COI could be
due to the sequence size (369 bp), as saturation in COI
for Hyalella has been recorded at sequence sizes larger
than 500 bp (Major et al. 2013; Worsham et al. 2017; Za-
pelloni et al. 2021).
In turn, the 12S gene gives us dierent information to
the COI, although both are mitochondrial genes and are
physically linked because this genome does not recom-
bine (Meyer 1993; Saldamando and Marquez 2012). Al-
though both markers share the evolutionary history, the
12S gene is the most conserved within the mitochondri-
Arthropod Syematics & Phylogeny 80, 2022, 261278 273
al genome (Arif and Khan 2009). Thus, unlike the COI,
12S might not be saturated (Major et al. 2013; Witt and
Hebert 2000; Worsham et al. 2017) and oers more accu-
rate information at this level of comparison (Arbogast et
al. 2002; Major et al. 2013). On the other hand, pairwise
genetic distances with all markers except COI (with nu-
clear genes, 12S, or even the concatenated construct of all
genes) show dierent sharpie levels of variation within
the genus (i.e., intra- and interspecic) and among genera
(between Hyalella and outgroup taxon). Pairwise genet-
ic distances calculated with COI (Table 4) do not show
this pattern, and variations within and among genera are
of similar magnitude. Thus, we believe that for Hyalella,
12S is more reliable than COI and that the SST criterion
should be applied to another marker.
4.3. General considerations
We found little dierentiation in the markers assessed in
this study, both nuclear and mitochondrial 12S. However,
mitochondrial dierentiation at the COI level is high (in
fact saturated), which has also been reported in studies
conducted for other complexes (Major et al. 2013; Witt
and Hebert 2000; Worsham et al. 2017). These results
may reect the current dierentiation processes of the
genus across regions, in principle dominated by coloni-
zation and extinction events (Zapelloni et al. 2021). Simi-
larly (Duan et al. 2000), and despite the dierence in geo-
graphical scale of the studies, unique variants and high
levels of variation are also found between populations
50–200 km apart. This dierentiation is associated with
the geographic variation. Closer populations are more
phylogenetically linked, suggesting some connectivity
between populations and diversication in the presence
of gene ow within H. curvispina (sensu latu).
Also, in agreement with previous studies about other
species complexes in the genus, we found that the “cur-
vispina complex” is paraphyletic respect to the species
H. kochi 4747, 2319B, 3TK27 (sensu latu) and H. mont-
forti 2015 2D. These results suggest that adaptive and
morphological convergence in this group is high (Ada-
mowicz et al. 2018), and the “curvispina complex” is no
exception. In particular, morphological variation does not
match genetic dierentiation, which may be related to the
recurrent selection of similar morphologies in the face of
the same ecological dierent challenges. In contrast to
the genetic phylogeny, all samples from Uruguay, includ-
ing H. sp.1 and sample H7(1), are more similar morpho-
logically to each other and H. curvispina than to H. kochi
(2319B, 4747 and 3TK27) and H. montforti 2015 2D.
Habitat specialization and trophic regimes could explain
the convergence of morphotypes observed in Hyalella
specimens from Uruguay. Hyalella curvispina has varied
feeding habits: shredder, predator, scrapper, and collec-
tor-collector (Cummins et al. 2005; Giorgi and Tirabos-
chi 1999; Saigo et al. 2009; Wantzen and Wagner 2006).
They are also food for other macroinvertebrates, sh, am-
phibians, and birds (Colla and César 2019). As a defense
mechanism against predation pressure, Hyalella species
occupy dierent habitats (Wellborn 1995). They inhabit a
variety of freshwater environments such as lakes, ponds,
and streams, clinging to vegetation and burrowing in
bottom sediments, where they are important members of
the benthic fauna (da Silva Castiglioni and Bond Buckup
2008B; Grosso and Peralta 1999; Wellborn 1995).
On the other side, the two phylogenetically most
closely related species to the H. curvispina complex (i.e.,
H. kochi and H. montforti) share some morphological
characteristics with it. Regarding H. kochi both species
have a smooth body surface, the inner face of propodus
of gnathopod 1 with seven setae, the presence of curved
setae in the inner ramus of uropod 1. However, the main
characteristic that distinguishes these two species is the
presence of six pairs (from segment 2 to 7) of sternal gills
in H. curvispina, while H. kochi has only ve pairs (from
segment 3 to 7), and the consistency of this character
makes it relevant in the evolutionary relationships within
the genus (González and Watling 2001). Compared with
H. montforti, both species have six pairs of sternal gills
and curved setae in the inner ramus of uropod 1. Still, the
main characteristic that distinguishes these two species is
the body with dorso-posterior anges on pereon segment
7, pleonite 1, 2, and 3 in H. montforti. Since these forms
have a common ancestor and live in dierent environ-
ments, it is reasonable to think that the common morpho-
logical characteristics reect phylogenetic inertia, while
others would be local adaptations.
5. Acknowledgments
This research was supported by Agencia Nacional de Investigación e
Innovación under the code POS NAC 2019 1 157755, and Comisión
Sectorial de Investigación Cientíca (CSIC) de la Universidad de la
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Waller et al.: Molecular diversity of Hyalella
Supplementary material 1
Table S1
Authors: Waller A, González ER, Verdi A, Tomasco IH (2022)
Data type: .xls
Explanation note: Sampling localities of Hyalella in Uruguay and geographic coordinates.
Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (
licenses/odbl/1.0). The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely
share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source
and author(s) are credited.
Supplementary material 2
Table S2
Authors: Waller A, González ER, Verdi A, Tomasco IH (2022)
Data type: .xlsx
Explanation note: For each Hyalella sample, species and procedence, voucher number, Molecular Operational Taxo-
nomic Units, and GenBank accession code.
Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (
licenses/odbl/1.0). The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely
share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source
and author(s) are credited.
Supplementary material 3
Table S3
Authors: Waller A, González ER, Verdi A, Tomasco IH (2022)
Data type: .xls
Explanation note: Pairwise genetic distance of COI between sequences of Hyalella.
Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (
licenses/odbl/1.0). The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely
share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source
and author(s) are credited.
Arthropod Syematics & Phylogeny 80, 2022, 261278 277
Supplementary material 4
Table S4
Authors: Waller A, González ER, Verdi A, Tomasco IH (2022)
Data type: .xls
Explanation note: Pairwise genetic distance of 12S between sequences of Hyalella.
Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (
licenses/odbl/1.0). The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely
share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source
and author(s) are credited.
Supplementary material 5
Table S5
Authors: Waller A, González ER, Verdi A, Tomasco IH (2022)
Data type: .xls
Explanation note: Pairwise genetic distance of 28S between sequences of Hyalella.
Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (
licenses/odbl/1.0). The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely
share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source
and author(s) are credited.
Supplementary material 6
Table S6
Authors: Waller A, González ER, Verdi A, Tomasco IH (2022)
Data type: .xls
Explanation note: Pairwise genetic distance of H3 between sequences of Hyalella.
Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (
licenses/odbl/1.0). The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely
share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source
and author(s) are credited.
Waller et al.: Molecular diversity of Hyalella
Supplementary material 7
Figures S1–S11
Authors: Waller A, González ER, Verdi A, Tomasco IH (2022)
Data type: .pdf
Explanation note: Figure S1: Maximum parsimony phylogeny of a partial COI sequence of Hyalella from North and
South America. — Figure S2: Maximum parsimony phylogeny of a partial 12S sequence of Hyalella from North
and South America. — Figure S3: Maximum parsimony phylogeny of a partial 28S sequence of Hyalella from
North and South America. — Figure S4: Maximum parsimony phylogeny of a partial H3 sequence of Hyalella
from North and South America. — Figure S5: Neighbor-joining phylogeny of a partial COI sequence of Hyalella
from North and South America. — Figure S6: Neighbor-joining phylogeny of a partial 12S sequence of Hyalella
from North and South America. — Figure S7: Neighbor-joining phylogeny of a partial 28S sequence of Hyalella
from North and South America. — Figure S8: Neighbor-joining phylogeny of a partial H3 sequence of Hyalella
from North and South America. — Figure S9: Phylogeny of Hyalella reconstructed by maximum likelihood imple-
mented by IQ-tree based on 1758 bp from COI, 12S, 28S, and H3 concatenated datasets. — Figure S10: Phylogeny
of Hyalella reconstructed by maximum likelihood implemented by IQ-tree based on 1389 bp from 12S, 28S, and
H3 concatenated datasets. — Figure S11: Molecular species delimitation methods (bPTP, PTP, ABGD, and ASAP)
were applied to genes COI, 12S, 28S, and H3 individually and concatenated in the Hyalella genus.
Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (
licenses/odbl/1.0). The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely
share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source
and author(s) are credited.
... One way to potentially accelerate the critical taxonomic process is to follow a system of provisional nomenclature (Schindel and Miller [28]). Many amphipod studies have shown how valuable the incorporation of genetic data can be to reveal, for example, the presence of cryptic species, instances of morphological convergences, and simply increase confidence around species delimitation (Grabowski et al. [29,30]; Adamowicz et al. [31]; Liu et al. [32]; Rendoš et al. [33]; Mamos et al. [34]; Zapelloni et al. [35]; Tong et al. [36]; Waller et al. [37]; Liu et al. [23]; Park [38]). There is a risk that species discovery using molecular methods is not followed up by formal species descriptions, which could act to exacerbate the problems associated with a backlog of undescribed species (Grabowski et al. [30]). ...
... Many studies on amphipod taxonomy incorporating a genetic component use multiple molecular markers, both mitochondrial and nuclear, to assist in the decision-making process (Liu et al. [32]; Rendoš et al. [33]; Mamos et al. [34]; Waller et al [37], Liu et al. [23]; Park [38]). Initially, we used two mitochondrial (16S and COI) and two nuclear (Histone H3 and 28S) markers. ...
... A cautious approach in the use of mitochondrial markers for species delimitation therefore needs to be taken in order to avoid overestimating species richness (Hupało et al. [39]). Such patterns in molecular data are commonly reported in amphipod studies elsewhere (Rendoš et al. [33]; Mamos et al [34]; Park and Poulin [40]; Waller et al [37]), and discrepancies between different genetic markers and putative species boundaries are commonly attributed to hybridization and the random sorting of ancestral variation into descendant lineages (incomplete lineage sorting) (Mamos et al. [34]). ...
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A synopsis of current knowledge of the diversity of the New Zealand landhopper fauna is provided. A combination of morphological and molecular analysis was employed on material from across New Zealand. Thirteen new endemic genera soon to be formally described have been discovered, including four belonging to the widespread families Talitridae and Arcitalitridae. These are families that had not been previously reported from New Zealand. We document the existence of at least 48 new provisional native species. This number far exceeds the 28 species currently described. Some described species are now shown to be species complexes and a few of these are very diverse with numerous cryptic species. Six changes to the existing taxonomy are proposed. Dallwitzia simularis (Hurley, 1957) is transferred from Makawidae Myers and Lowry, 2020 to Talitridae Rafinesque, 1815; Kellyduncania hauturu (Duncan, 1994) is reinstated as a member of Dana Lowry, 2011 and Kellyduncania (Lowry and Myers, 2019) is relegated to a synonym of Dana Lowry, 2011; Kanikania Duncan, 1994 is transferred from Makawidae Myers and Lowry, 2020 to Arcitalitridae Myers and Lowry, 2020; Parorchestia longicornis is transferred to Kanikania Duncan, 1994; Waematau kaitaia (Duncan, 1994) is transferred to Kohuroa Lowry, Myers and Nakano, 2019; and Waematau unuwhao (Duncan, 1994) is transferred to Omaiorchestia Lowry and Myers, 2019. This reduces the number of described genera from 17 to 16.
... One way to potentially accelerate the critical taxonomic process is to follow a system of provisional nomenclature [31]. Many amphipod studies have shown how valuable the incorporation of genetic data can be to reveal, for example, the presence of cryptic species and instances of morphological convergences and simply increase confidence around species delimitation [26,[32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41]. There is a risk of species discovery using molecular methods not being followed up by formal species descriptions, which could exacerbate the problems associated with a backlog of undescribed species [33]. ...
... Many studies on amphipod taxonomy incorporating a genetic component use multiple molecular markers, both mitochondrial and nuclear, to assist in the decision-making process [26,[35][36][37]40,41]. Initially, we used two mitochondrial (16S and COI) and two nuclear (histone H3 and 28S) markers. ...
... A cautious approach in the use of mitochondrial markers for species delimitation therefore needs to be taken in order to avoid overestimating species richness [42]. Such patterns in molecular data are commonly reported in amphipod studies elsewhere [36,37,40,43], and discrepancies between different genetic markers and putative species boundaries are commonly attributed to hybridisation and the random sorting of ancestral variation into descendant lineages (incomplete lineage sorting) [37]. ...
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A synopsis of current knowledge of the diversity of the New Zealand landhopper fauna is provided. A combination of morphological and molecular analysis was employed on material from across New Zealand. Thirteen new endemic genera soon to be formally described have been discovered, including four belonging to the widespread families Talitridae and Arcitalitridae. These are families that had not been previously reported from New Zealand. We document the existence of at least 48 new provisional native species. This number far exceeds the 28 species currently described. Some described species are now shown to be species complexes, and a few of these are very diverse with numerous cryptic species. Six changes to the existing taxonomy are proposed. Dallwitzia simularis (Hurley, 1957) is transferred from Makawidae Myers & Lowry, 2020 to Talitridae Rafinesque, 1815; Kellyduncania hauturu (Duncan, 1994) is reinstated as a member of Dana Lowry, 2011; Kellyduncania (Lowry & Myers, 2019) is relegated to a synonym of Dana Lowry, 2011; Kanikania Duncan, 1994 is transferred from Makawidae Myers & Lowry, 2020 to Arcitalitridae Myers & Lowry, 2020; Parorchestia longicornis is transferred to Kanikania Duncan, 1994; Waematau kaitaia (Duncan, 1994) is transferred to Kohuroa Lowry, Myers & Nakano, 2019; and Waematau unuwhao (Duncan, 1994) is transferred to Omaiorchestia Lowry & Myers, 2019. This reduces the number of described New Zealand genera from 17 to 16.
... However, occurrences of this genus have not been systematically documented in their neighbouring country, Paraguay. Recent taxonomic and genetic studies of Hyalella suggest that the full extent of its diversity and distribution is vastly underestimated (Limberger et al. 2021;Talhaferro et al. 2021a;Waller et al. 2022). Therefore, reported discrepancies in regional taxonomic richness may be largely due to limited sampling (Reis et al. 2020(Reis et al. , 2023. ...
... nov. can be recognised as distinct species based on the taxonomic keys by Damborenea et al. (2020) and morphological differences from other recently described South American species (Reis et al. 2020;Jaume et al. 2021;Limberger et al. 2021;Rocha Penoni et al. 2021;Talhaferro et al. 2021a, b;Vernica et al. 2022;Waller et al. 2022;Peralta and Verónica 2023;Reis et al. 2023). Both H. mboitui and H. julia show a smooth body without dorsal or lateral processes or mucronations, have pigmented eyes, and lack setae on the dorsal margin of uropod 3. The presence of a curved seta on the ramus of male uropod 1 links both new taxa to a large cluster of South American species spanning Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay (Bastos-Pereira and Bueno 2012; Rodrigues et al. 2014;Damborenea et al. 2020;Talhaferro et al. 2021a). ...
... The two new Paraguayan taxa are also readily distinguishable from recently described Hyalella species from nearby Argentina (Peralta and Miranda 2019; Vernica and Alejandra 2022) and southern Brazil (Reis et al. 2020;Limberger et al. 2021;Rocha Penoni et al. 2021;Talhaferro et al. 2021a, b) by the number and type of setae on the telson and uropods 1 and 3 (Figs 5B, D, 11B, D). Their level of morphological differentiation also indicates that the new Paraguayan species cannot be subsumed under the South American H. curvispina Shoemaker, 1942 species complex, which appears to comprise significant cryptic diversity based on recent molecular marker analyses (Waller et al. 2022). Despite similarities in telson shape and the morphology and setal cover of maxillae and maxillipeds (Figs 2H-J, 8H-J; Shoemaker 1942; Grosso and Peralta 1999), H. mboitui and H. julia are distinguished from H. curvispina by their diagnostic mandibular dentition, the absence of a plumose seta on the dactyli of male gnathopods, the number of setae on the telson, and the shape and number of setae of the uropod 3 peduncle, which is wider than long in H. curvispina (Shoemaker 1942;Grosso and Peralta 1999;Damborenea et al. 2020) but not in H. mboitui and H. julia (Figs 5D, 11C). ...
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The freshwater amphipod genus Hyalella Smith, 1874 is widely distributed in the Neo-tropics, with several biogeographically restricted species and a high cryptic diversity throughout South America. Tens of species of Hyalella have been documented from nearby Brazil and Argentina, but no systematic record of the genus exists for Paraguay. Here we describe two new species of Hyalella: H. mboitui sp. nov. and H. julia sp. nov. from the Ñeembucú wetlands of southwestern Paraguay. Hyalella mboitui sp. nov. and H. julia sp. nov. are characterised by a dorsally smooth body, pigmented eyes, uropod 1 endopod with a curved seta, the dorsal margin of uropod 3 ramus without setae, and uropod 3 peduncle longer than wide and with six setae apically. The two species are distinguished by their diagnostic mouthparts, with a median serrated edge on the lac-inia mobilis in H. mboitui sp. nov. and two elongated lateral denticles with a serrated edge in H. julia sp. nov., and by the presence of a pronounced cup for the dactylus on gnathopod 2 in H. mboitui sp. nov. In addition, they show differences in the number of articles on antennae 1 and 2, in the relative length of the pereiopods, and in the numbers and types of setae on their gnathopods and uropods 1-3. Hyalella mboitui sp. nov. and H. julia sp. nov. represent the first taxonomically documented occurrence of Paraguayan freshwater amphipods. These new taxa attest to the largely unmapped species richness of freshwater invertebrates in the Humid Chaco of Paraguay. This potential biodiversity hotspot is currently under threat from land conversion, highlighting the need for more systematic studies and effective conservation of the local invertebrate biodiversity.
... Even these last authors suggested that this lake could serve as a 'cradle of diversification' to Hyalella (Andamowicz et al. 2018). In Uruguay, Waller et al. (2022) revealed a complex of species -the 'curvispina complex'-and reported greater diversity than originally expected. ...
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We studied the diversity, distribution and ecology of Hyalella (a genus endemic to America that lives over a wide range of geographical altitudes) in 44 peatlands of the Puna and the Altos Andes ecoregions, in the NW of Argentina, mostly placed in the provinces of Salta and Catamarca. Our aim is to deepen our understanding of the distribution and ecology of these freshwater crustaceans in both ecoregions. Field collection was made between 2013 and 2017, and ecogeographical variables were also recorded. The crustaceans were identified by dissections under a microscope. We estimated biodiversity indices and made Whittaker curves to compare diversity between both ecoregions. We made correlations between Hyalella abundance and 11 ecogeographic variables. A principal components analysis was made to study relationships among each peatland and eco-geographical variables. A total of 6548 individuals, distributed among 4 species and 11 morphospecies, were collected. Diversity in the Puna was higher than in the Altos Andes, but was low in each individual peatland. Hyalella fatimae was the most abundant species in both ecoregions. The PCA revealed that altitude, rainfall, temperature, electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids were key variables that characterized the peatlands. The abundance of Hyalella was negatively correlated with altitude and annual mean rainfall, and positively correlated with the mean minimum temperature of the coldest month. Hyalella proved to be an important component of macroinvertebrates assemblages in these environments, capable of generating a species complex and endemism, as reported for other regions of South America. The peatlands are important wetlands in the arid region of the Puna and the Altos Andes, and deserve more attention in the present context of being threatened by climatic change and the advance of economic activities.
... Hyalella occurs in freshwater; most are surface species but a few groundwater species are also known (Cardoso et al. 2014;Rodrigues et al. 2014). Recent molecular phylogenetic analyses have revealed the presence of many cryptic species in this genus (Witt et al. 2006;Waller et al. 2022) and further research is expected to increase the number of Hyalella species to 500 (Väinölä et al. 2008). Molecular phylogenetic analyses also reveal an interesting evolutionary history, including a Gondwanan origin of Hyalellidae and Chiltoniidae, (Cannizzaro and Berg 2022) and multiple origins of species in Lake Titicaca, South America (Adamowicz et al. 2018;Zapelloni et al. 2021). ...
In recent years, the impact of rising water temperatures associated with global warming on cold-water freshwater organisms has become a major issue, and understanding the physiological and ecological elements that support temperature limits is essential for the conservation biology of freshwater organisms. We describe a new species of thermophilic hyalellid amphipod, Hyalella yashmara sp. nov. from the Peruvian hot spring Baños del Inca Cajamarca and this could potentially contribute to understanding the high temperature preference of these. We found that this new species can live in water temperatures ranging from 19.8 to 52.1°C, that, to our knowledge, is the highest recorded habitat temperature of amphipods. Hyalella yashmara sp. nov. is most similar to H. meinerti Stebbing, 1899 from Peru. However, this new species differs from the latter in features of gnathopods 1 and 2, sternal gills, uropod 3 and telson. A detailed morphological comparison between Hyalella yashmara sp. nov. and Peruvian species is also provided. Our molecular phylogenetic analyses based on the nuclear 28S rRNA and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequences strongly support the monophyly of Hyalellidae (=Hyalella). Since Hyalellidae was found to form a sister group with Chiltoniidae, these two families were expected to have originated from a common ancestor that invaded freshwater habitats from marine environments when the continents of South America, Africa and Australia were united as Gondwana. Our findings suggest that the South American species of Hyalella are not monophyletic and that the North American species are likely to share a most recent common ancestor with H. yashmara sp. nov. ZooBank:
Lotic ecosystems are biodiverse environments that form different mesohabitats suitable for some species of crustaceans, such as those of the genus Hyalella, endemic to the Americas. In the state of Santa Catarina, a new species - Hyalella insulae - was recently described - the first insular species of Hyalella in Brazil, on the island of Florianópolis. The species was identified in the Municipal Natural Monument of Lagoa do Peri (MONA), south of the island, which has a large source of freshwater in the state, consisting of two watersheds: Cachoeira Grande and Ribeirão Grande. This study aims to analyze the spatial distribution of H. insulae in two mesohabitats (backwater and rapids) of these watersheds. Specimens were sampled in stretches of rifles and pools between winter/2010 and summer/2012, in three 1st to 3rd order streams inserted in the two watersheds, totaling 192 samples. It was observed that most samples with the presence of H. insulae occurred in the Cachoeira Grande watershed. The mean total abundance of H. insulae was higher in the pools stretches of Cachoeira Grande streams when compared to Ribeirão Grande. In the streams of both watersheds, in addition to males and females, juveniles of H. insulae were collected, which demonstrates that the species is reproducing in these streams. In addition, a higher concentration of dissolved oxygen and lower values of water temperature, water velocity, electrical conductivity and alkalinity were observed in Cachoeira Grande stream. This study demonstrated the preference of H. insulae for pools stretches of streams in Cachoeira Grande, which has primary and dense vegetation, unlike Ribeirão Grande, where areas with secondary vegetation and evidence of anthropic actions are observed in the surroundings. Thus, this research demonstrated the importance of studies regarding the distribution of endemic species, as well as the conservation and preservation of island streams and their biota. KEYWORDS: Freshwater amphipod; distribution; mesohabitats.
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The freshwater amphipod of the genus Hyalella is typical from continental American waters and shows high levels of endemicity and Brazil has the second largest diversity. A new species is described here, Hyalella longipropodus n. sp. that occurs in a spring of southern Brazil in the municipality of Palmeira das Missões, in the northwestern region of state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brasil. Hyalella longipropodus n. sp. shows the following character states: antenna 2 more than half body length, gnathopod 2 propodus elongated, uropod 1 inner ramus of male without apical curved setae, uropod 3 peduncle with seven strong distal setae with accessory setae, ramus of uropod 3 with ten cuspidate setae with accessory setae. Hyalella longipropodus n. sp. occurs in sympatry with H. gauchensis, but these differ especially in the size and shape of gnathopod 2, the presence of curved setae on uropod 1 in H. gauchensis and the absence in H. longipropodus n. sp., antenna length (longer in H. longipropodus n. sp.) and number of cuspidate setae on uropods 1, 2, and 3. Besides the morphological differences, H. longipropodus n. sp. presented genetic differences always above 19% for the COI gene and 29 % for the 16S rRNA gene, when compared with other species found in the northwestern region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, showing that it is really a species not yet described by science.
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Species diversification in ancient lakes has enabled essential insights into evolutionary theory as they embody an evolutionary microcosm compared to continental terrestrial habitats. We have studied the high-altitude amphipods of the Andes Altiplano using mitogenomic, nuclear ribosomal and single-copy nuclear gene sequences obtained from 36 Hyalella genomic libraries, focusing on species of the Lake Titicaca and other water bodies of the Altiplano northern plateau. Results show that early Miocene South American lineages have recently (late Pliocene or early Pleistocene) diversified in the Andes with a striking morphological convergence among lineages. This pattern is consistent with the ecological opportunities (access to unoccupied resources, initial relaxed selection on ecologically-significant traits and low competition) offered by the lacustrine habitats established after the Andean uplift.
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The amphipod HyalellaSmith, 1874 is exclusive to the Americas, and the South region of Brazil presents the greatest diversity of the genus. This paper presents two species of Hyalella from Santa Catarina state, Brazil. A new species from the municipality of Palmeira is characterized by oval eyes, absence of flanges, epimeral plates not accuminated, presence of three lateral pappose setae on article 4 in antenna 2, absence of plumose setae in the maxilliped, presence of comb-scales and absence of serrate setae in the gnathopods, presence of curved seta on the inner ramus of the uropod 1 and absence of lateral setae on the telson. A new species from Rio das Antas municipality main characteristics are absence of flanges, epimeral plates accuminated, absence of plumose setae and distal nail in the maxilliped, presence of comb-scales and absence of serrate setae in gnathopods, presence of curved seta on the inner ramus of the uropod 1 and absence of lateral setae on the telson. Here we expand the distribution and increase the morphological and taxonomic knowledge of the genus.
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Freshwater amphipods of the genus Hyalella have a great importance in aquatic ecosystems due to their role in matter and energy cycling and its utilization as bioindicators of environmental health. The aim of this work was to analyze relevant population parameters of Hyalellapampeana, such as population density and structure, individual body size, sex ratio, fecundity and recruitment, and to study the possible relation of these parameters to variations in environmental variables. Samples were taken monthly during a one-year period (2006) at three small ponds in the Natural Reserve Island of Martín García, Argentina. The inland aquatic environments showed distinctive physicochemical characteristics, mainly related to pH and conductivity values. Amphipod population density varied among sites and throughout the year, with population peaks during spring, positively correlating with pH values. The operational sex ratio of the total population was almost equal to 1 male: 1 female, displaying seasonal variation. Mean fecundity and mean size of ovigerous females were higher during winter and early spring months than in summer months. The presence of ovigerous females and juveniles in all months indicated that reproduction is continuous during the year for Hyalella, in its natural environment.
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The Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis by Sampling Trees (BEAST) software package has become a primary tool for Bayesian phylogenetic and phylodynamic inference from genetic sequence data. BEAST unifies molecular phylogenetic reconstruction with complex discrete and continuous trait evolution, divergence-time dating, and coalescent demographic models in an efficient statistical inference engine using Markov chain Monte Carlo integration. A convenient, cross-platform, graphical user interface allows the flexible construction of complex evolutionary analyses.
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The molecular evolutionary genetics analysis (Mega) software implements many analytical methods and tools for phylogenomics and phylomedicine. Here, we report a transformation of Mega to enable cross-platform use on Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. Mega X does not require virtualization or emulation software and provides a uniform user experience across platforms. Mega X has additionally been upgraded to use multiple computing cores for many molecular evolutionary analyses. Mega X is available in two interfaces (graphical and command line) and can be downloaded from free of charge.
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DAMBE is a comprehensive software package for genomic and phylogenetic data analysis on Windows, Linux and Macintosh computers. New functions include imputing missing distances and phylogeny simultaneously (paving the way to build large phage and transposon trees), new bootstrapping/jackknifing methods for PhyPA (phylogenetics from pairwise alignments), and an improved function for fast and accurate estimation of the shape parameter of the gamma distribution for fitting rate heterogeneity over sites. Previous method corrects multiple hits for each site independently. DAMBE's new method uses all sites simultaneously for correction. DAMBE, featuring a user-friendly graphic interface, is freely available from
In this study, three new species of Hyalella (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Hyalellidae) are described based on specimens collected in wetlands located in three freshwater ecoregions (Southeastern Mata Atlântica, Tramandaí-Mampituba and Laguna dos Patos) of the southern Brazilian Coastal Plain (states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina). Hyalella minuana n. sp. was recorded in the southernmost region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. This species is characterized by presenting smooth body surface, epimeral plates not acuminated, nine serrate setae on the inner face of gnathopod 1, and peduncle of uropod 3 with four cuspidate setae with accessory seta and without plumose seta on the margin of the telson. Hyalella lagoana n. sp. was recorded in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul and southern region of Santa Catarina. This species shows body surface smooth, epimeral plates not acuminated, nine serrate setae on the inner face of gnathopod 1, peduncle of uropod 3 with five cuspidate setae with accessory seta, and telson with six cuspidate setae with accessory seta without plumose seta on the margins. Hyalella sambaqui n. sp. was recorded in the state of Santa Catarina. This species is characterized by presenting smooth body surface, epimeral plates not acuminated, six serrate setae on the inner face of gnathopod 1, peduncle of uropod 3 with three cuspidate setae with accessory seta, and telson with three cuspidate setae with accessory seta and four plumose setae on the margin of the telson. The new records elevates the known diversity of species of Hyalella in the Brazilian territory to 33 species (19 in the southern Brazilian region) and to 83 species in the Americas.
We describe ASAP (Assemble Species by Automatic Partitioning), a new method to build species partitions from single locus sequence alignments (i.e. barcode datasets). ASAP is efficient enough to split datasets as large 104 sequences into putative species in several minutes. Although grounded in evolutionary theory, ASAP is the implementation of a hierarchical clustering algorithm that only uses pairwise genetic distances, avoiding the computational burden of phylogenetic reconstruction. Importantly, ASAP proposes species partitions ranked by a new scoring system that uses no biological prior insight of intra‐specific diversity. ASAP is a stand‐alone program that can be used either through a graphical web‐interface or that can be downloaded and compiled for local usage. We have assessed its power along with three others programs (ABGD, PTP and GMYC) on 10 real COI barcode datasets representing various degrees of challenge (from small and easy cases to large and complicated datasets). We also used Monte‐Carlo simulations of a multi‐species coalescent framework to assess the strengths and weaknesses of ASAP and the other programs. Through these analyses, we demonstrate that ASAP has the potential to become a major tool for taxonomists as it proposes rapidly in a full graphical exploratory interface relevant species hypothesis as a first step of the integrative taxonomy process.
The genus Hyalella includes about 51 species, which occur only in the Americas. At present, 7 species are recorded from Argentinean hydrographic basins. Collections in streams in Argentina made during the years 2001, 2004, and 2005 revealed the presence of several species of Hyalella. The occurrence of H. araucana in the Province of Santa Cruz was confirmed. The distribution of H. kochi, previously recorded in Chile, Peru, and Bolivia, was extended to the provinces of Jujuy and Tucumán. A new species was found in the Province of Buenos Aires, and is described here. These new records increase from 7 to 9 the number of species known from Argentina and the Falkland Islands.