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Juvenile-to-adult transition invariances in fishes:
Perspectives on proximate and ultimate causation
Yolanda E. Morbey
| Daniel Pauly
Department of Biology, Western University,
London, Ontario, Canada
Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada
Yolanda E. Morbey, Department of Biology,
Western University, 1151 Richmond St. N,
London, ON N6A 5B7, Canada.
Email: ymorbey@uwo.ca
To bridge physiological and evolutionary perspectives on size at maturity in fishes,
the authors focus on the approximately invariant ratio between the estimated oxygen
supply at size at maturity (Q
) relative to that at asymptotic size (Q
) among species
within a taxonomic group, and show how two important theories related to this phe-
nomenon complement each other. Gill-oxygen limitation theory proposes a mecha-
nistic basis for a universal oxygen supply-based threshold for maturation, which
applies among and within species. On the contrary, the authors show that a generali-
sation of life-history theory for the invariance of size at maturity (L
) relative to
asymptotic size (L
) can provide an evolutionary rationale for an oxygen-limited mat-
uration threshold (Q
). Extending previous inter- and intraspecific analyses, the
authors show that maturation invariances also occur in lake whitefish Coregonus
clupeaformis (Mitchill 1818), but at both scales, theory seems to underestimate the
value of the maturation threshold. They highlight some key uncertainties in the
model that should be addressed to help resolve the mismatch.
gill-oxygen limitation theory, growth models, life-history theory, size at maturity invariance
In aquatic environments, dissolved oxygen is a key physical parameter
affecting the physiology, performance, survival and distribution of
organisms (Ficke et al., 2007;Pörtner,2001;Pörtner&Knust,2007;
Wu, 2002). In fishes, oxygen plays an important role in driving trends in
growth and body size (Atkinson, 1994), and oxygen limitation has been
implicated as a mechanism underlying fish size declines because of cli-
mate warming and commercial fisheries (Baudron et al., 2014;
Pauly, 2019; Pauly & Cheung, 2017;vanRijnet al., 2017;Waples&
Audzijonyte, 2016). Changes in oxygen supply and demand during
ontogeny may also influence the size at which fish sexually mature, as
proposed by Pauly (Pauly, 1984,2021a,2021b), and shown by experi-
ments on Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L. 1758) (Kolding
et al., 2008) and guppies Poecilia reticulata Peters 1859 (Diaz Pauli
et al., 2017). Yet oxygen supply and demand as a determinant of fish
growth, body size and maturation has stimulated fierce debate
between its critics (e.g., Lefevre et al., 2017,2018) and its proponents
(Pauly, 2021a; Pauly & Cheung, 2017,2018). Recognising the impera-
tive to address issues related to global change in aquatic environments
and to move beyond this stalemate, the authors’aim was to show that
oxygen-limited maturation is consistent with an evolutionary perspec-
tive as embodied by life-history theory (LHT).
The study of life histories, which refer to the time course of
development, growth, survival and reproduction, can be roughly
divided into studies of proximate vs. ultimate causation. Extending
early discussion of proximate vs. ultimate causation in the context of
animal behaviour by Tinbergen (1963,2005), proximate mechanisms
include the genetic, ontogenetic, physiological, ecological and beha-
vioural processes that occur within the lifetime of an individual to pro-
duce a life history of a particular form. Physiologists, ecologists and
ethologists generally focus on experimental evidence and will often
overlook the nuances of adaptive function (i.e., fitness value). On the
contrary, evolutionary and behavioural ecologists generally focus on
the underlying adaptive function of a specific life-history combination.
They will often rely on evolutionary models and will usually simplify
Received: 15 March 2022 Accepted: 24 June 2022
DOI: 10.1111/jfb.15146
874 © 2022 Fisheries Society of the British Isles. J Fish Biol. 2022;101:874–884.wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jfb