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Juvenile‐to‐adult transition invariances in fishes: Perspectives on proximate and ultimate causation

Journal of Fish Biology
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Abstract and Figures

To bridge physiological and evolutionary perspectives on size at maturity in fishes, the authors focus on the approximately invariant ratio between the estimated oxygen supply at size at maturity (Qm) relative to that at asymptotic size (Q∞) among species within a taxonomic group, and show how two important theories related to this phenomenon complement each other. Gill‐oxygen limitation theory proposes a mechanistic basis for a universal oxygen supply‐based threshold for maturation, which applies among and within species. On the contrary, the authors show that a generalisation of life‐history theory for the invariance of size at maturity (Lm) relative to asymptotic size (L∞) can provide an evolutionary rationale for an oxygen‐limited maturation threshold (Qm/Q∞). Extending previous inter‐ and intraspecific analyses, the authors show that maturation invariances also occur in lake whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill 1818), but at both scales, theory seems to underestimate the value of the maturation threshold. They highlight some key uncertainties in the model that should be addressed to help resolve the mismatch.
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Juvenile-to-adult transition invariances in fishes:
Perspectives on proximate and ultimate causation
Yolanda E. Morbey
| Daniel Pauly
Department of Biology, Western University,
London, Ontario, Canada
Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada
Yolanda E. Morbey, Department of Biology,
Western University, 1151 Richmond St. N,
London, ON N6A 5B7, Canada.
To bridge physiological and evolutionary perspectives on size at maturity in fishes,
the authors focus on the approximately invariant ratio between the estimated oxygen
supply at size at maturity (Q
) relative to that at asymptotic size (Q
) among species
within a taxonomic group, and show how two important theories related to this phe-
nomenon complement each other. Gill-oxygen limitation theory proposes a mecha-
nistic basis for a universal oxygen supply-based threshold for maturation, which
applies among and within species. On the contrary, the authors show that a generali-
sation of life-history theory for the invariance of size at maturity (L
) relative to
asymptotic size (L
) can provide an evolutionary rationale for an oxygen-limited mat-
uration threshold (Q
). Extending previous inter- and intraspecific analyses, the
authors show that maturation invariances also occur in lake whitefish Coregonus
clupeaformis (Mitchill 1818), but at both scales, theory seems to underestimate the
value of the maturation threshold. They highlight some key uncertainties in the
model that should be addressed to help resolve the mismatch.
gill-oxygen limitation theory, growth models, life-history theory, size at maturity invariance
In aquatic environments, dissolved oxygen is a key physical parameter
affecting the physiology, performance, survival and distribution of
organisms (Ficke et al., 2007;Pörtner,2001;Pörtner&Knust,2007;
Wu, 2002). In fishes, oxygen plays an important role in driving trends in
growth and body size (Atkinson, 1994), and oxygen limitation has been
implicated as a mechanism underlying fish size declines because of cli-
mate warming and commercial fisheries (Baudron et al., 2014;
Pauly, 2019; Pauly & Cheung, 2017;vanRijnet al., 2017;Waples&
Audzijonyte, 2016). Changes in oxygen supply and demand during
ontogeny may also influence the size at which fish sexually mature, as
proposed by Pauly (Pauly, 1984,2021a,2021b), and shown by experi-
ments on Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L. 1758) (Kolding
et al., 2008) and guppies Poecilia reticulata Peters 1859 (Diaz Pauli
et al., 2017). Yet oxygen supply and demand as a determinant of fish
growth, body size and maturation has stimulated fierce debate
between its critics (e.g., Lefevre et al., 2017,2018) and its proponents
(Pauly, 2021a; Pauly & Cheung, 2017,2018). Recognising the impera-
tive to address issues related to global change in aquatic environments
and to move beyond this stalemate, the authorsaim was to show that
oxygen-limited maturation is consistent with an evolutionary perspec-
tive as embodied by life-history theory (LHT).
The study of life histories, which refer to the time course of
development, growth, survival and reproduction, can be roughly
divided into studies of proximate vs. ultimate causation. Extending
early discussion of proximate vs. ultimate causation in the context of
animal behaviour by Tinbergen (1963,2005), proximate mechanisms
include the genetic, ontogenetic, physiological, ecological and beha-
vioural processes that occur within the lifetime of an individual to pro-
duce a life history of a particular form. Physiologists, ecologists and
ethologists generally focus on experimental evidence and will often
overlook the nuances of adaptive function (i.e., fitness value). On the
contrary, evolutionary and behavioural ecologists generally focus on
the underlying adaptive function of a specific life-history combination.
They will often rely on evolutionary models and will usually simplify
Received: 15 March 2022 Accepted: 24 June 2022
DOI: 10.1111/jfb.15146
874 © 2022 Fisheries Society of the British Isles. J Fish Biol. 2022;
... The size-and hence the age-at first maturity is a very important feature of fish and other waterbreathing ectotherms (WBE) (see Table 1 for a summary of acronyms and corresponding definitions), as it determines, jointly with their subsequent growth, longevity, and fecundity, the reproductive output that their life-history attempts to optimize (Morbey and Pauly 2022). With length at first maturity (L m ) and reproductive output being so intimately connected, it is critical to understand the various factors which influence the timing of maturation, especially if these factors are sensitive to changing environmental conditions, such as those brought about by climate change. ...
... The ubiquity of this ratio, here identified as "reproductive respiration threshold" (RRT) suggests that it evolved early in the evolution of WBE as a handy heuristic (Budaev et al. 2019;Morbey and Pauly 2022), enabling them to mature when the relative surface area of their gills could still supply their somatic growth and the energetically costly growth of gonadal tissues. This inference is supported by experimental evidence showing that external hypoxia causes maturation to occur at sizes lower than in normoxia (Kolding et al. 2008). ...
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The size—and hence the age—at first maturity is a very important feature of fish and other water-breathing ectotherms (WBE), as it determines, jointly with their subsequent growth, longevity, and fecundity, the reproductive output that their life-history attempts to optimize. Here, based on the fact that gill surface area (S) is related to their weight (W) according to S ∝ Wd, with d always < 1, which causes relative oxygen supply to decline with size, and body fluids and tissues to gradually become hypercapnic and acidic, we posit that a pH “reproductive respiration threshold” (RRT) triggers the hormonal cascade leading to maturation. Previous studies showed that such a RRT exists and takes similar values in hundreds of species of bony fish and invertebrate WBE. Here, we show that the RRT is significantly lower in non-viviparous marine Chondrichthyes, as assessed based on 1622 pairs of length at first maturity and maximum length in 918 species of Chondrichthyes, i.e., 414 species of sharks, 470 of rays, and 34 of chimaera. The hypothesis that the high concentration of urea retained for the purpose of osmoregulation by marine Chondrichthyes is the reason for this difference was tested through comparison of marine, euryhaline, and freshwater rays, which retain differing urea concentrations. We found that in rays, decreasing urea retention correlates with increasing RRT, with freshwater rays approaching the values occurring in bony fish. Finally, we found that viviparity, which increases the oxygen demand of pregnant Chondrichthyes, induces higher RRT, thus again linking respiration and the attainment of first maturity. These results support the existence of critical maturation RRT, while also suggesting a role for urea that was previously undocumented.
... Besides, generation time could be another life-history trait relating to molecular evolutionary rate (Lanfear et al. 2007;Nabholz et al. 2008;Lynch 2016), which however was not included in our analysis for lack of data available. Considering the positive relationships between body size, longevity, and generation time across species (Chen et al. 2022;Morbey and Pauly 2022;Glaizier 2023), those life-history traits may have synergetic effects on molecular evolutionary rates. Among those fish species in our study, Rate 4D of all genes combined sequences showed large variation, ranging from 0.0041 to 2.56 × 10 −8 substitutions per site per year. ...
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Understanding the molecular relevance of metabolic rate is crucial for unveiling the mechanisms driving the evolution of animals. In this study, we investigated the association between mitochondrial DNA characteristics and both resting and maximal metabolic rates in conjunction with life-history traits among 139 species of teleost fish. We gathered fish MR data from various sources and procured sequences of 13 mitochondrial protein-encoding genes. We calculated the absolute substitution rate for entire nucleotide sequences and four-fold degenerate sites of each gene, along with encoding amino acid sequences. Using the phylogenetic comparative method, we then explored the associations between metabolic rate and mitochondrial DNA absolute substitution rate. Additionally, we screened metabolic rate-associated single nucleotide variants in mitochondrial DNA. The findings indicate no positive correlation between metabolic rates and any substitution rate values of both combined sequences and individual mitochondrial protein-coding genes, refuting the metabolic rate hypothesis. Instead, both maximum body size and longevity correlated negatively with molecular substitution rates, suggesting their influences on both mutation and fixation within mitochondrial genes in fish. Results also revealed significant correlations between base variation at ATP6_169 and both resting metabolic rate and maximum metabolic rate, identifying the unique ATP6_169G in Scombridae fish, which results in an extremely low pI value of the ATP6 protein. Considering its functional significance, the ATP6_169G in Scombridae fish might link to their lifestyle characterized by fast locomotion and high metabolic demands alongside a slower molecular evolutionary rate.
... However, it has been observed that Great Lakes whitefish matured at younger ages, grew faster, and achieved larger asymptotic sizes than the inland lake fish. The transition rate of fish species from the juvenile stage to the adult stage is influenced by environmental factors, such as temperature and food availability [28,29]. Therefore, the transition rate involves the randomness of the environment, as any ecological system is an open system. ...
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It is frequently observed that adult members of prey species sometimes use their predation mechanism on juvenile members of predator species. Ecological literature describes this phenomenon as prey-predator role reversal dynamics.Numerous authors have observed and described the biological development behind this feeding behaviour. However, the dynamics of this role reversal have hardly been illustrated in the literature in a precise way. In this regard, we formulated an ecological model using the standard prey-predator interactions, allowing for a reverse feeding mechanism. The mathematical model consisted of a three-species food-web structure comprising the common prey, intermediate predator, and top predator. Note that a role-reversal mechanism was observed between the intermediate and top predators based on the scarcity of the prey population. However, we observed the most critical parameters had a significant effect on this reverse feeding behaviour. The bifurcation analysis is the primary criterion for this identification. The proposed deterministic model is then extended to its stochastic analogue by allowing for environmental influences on the tri-trophic food web structure. The conditional moment approach is applied to obtain the equilibrium distribution of populations and their conditional moments in the system. The stochastic setup analysis also supports the stability of this food chain structure, with some restricted conditions. Finally, to facilitate the interpretation of our mathematical results, we investigated it using numerical simulations.
... Despite intensive research into the developmental regulation of maturation hormones in multiple animals, how an animal knows when to initiate hormone synthesis so that it stops growing and completes maturation at the correct size remains poorly understood (8)(9)(10)(11). Nevertheless, there is increasing evidence that initiation of the juvenile-to-adult transition is associated with the attainment of a particular body size or body condition in a wide variety of animals (9,(12)(13)(14)(15). ...
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The decision to stop growing and mature into an adult is a critical point in development that determines adult body size, impacting multiple aspects of an adult’s biology. In many animals, growth cessation is a consequence of hormone release that appears to be tied to the attainment of a particular body size or condition. Nevertheless, the size-sensing mechanism animals use to initiate hormone synthesis is poorly understood. Here, we develop a simple mathematical model of growth cessation in Drosophila melanogaster , which is ostensibly triggered by the attainment of a critical weight (CW) early in the last instar. Attainment of CW is correlated with the synthesis of the steroid hormone ecdysone, which causes a larva to stop growing, pupate, and metamorphose into the adult form. Our model suggests that, contrary to expectation, the size-sensing mechanism that initiates metamorphosis occurs before the larva reaches CW; that is, the critical-weight phenomenon is a downstream consequence of an earlier size-dependent developmental decision, not a decision point itself. Further, this size-sensing mechanism does not require a direct assessment of body size but emerges from the interactions between body size, ecdysone, and nutritional signaling. Because many aspects of our model are evolutionarily conserved among all animals, the model may provide a general framework for understanding how animals commit to maturing from their juvenile to adult form.
... ideas on protein denaturation, efficiency of assimilation, etc.), particularly those that have come to light as it has evolved since the 1980s-that remain to be evaluated (Pauly, 1981(Pauly, , 2010(Pauly, , 2021. For example, the GOLT was recently expanded to encompass predictions surrounding spawning and maturation (Morbey & Pauly, 2022;Pauly, 2022;Pauly & Liang, 2022a, 2022b. In addition, there remains much to explore regarding oxygen limitation more broadly, as well as the role of oxygen in shaping body size and other life history traits (Atkinson, 1995;Audzijonyte et al., 2019;Pauly, 1981Pauly, , 2010Pauly, , 2021. ...
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Life history theory suggests that maximum size and growth evolve to maximize fitness. In contrast, the Gill Oxygen Limitation Theory (GOLT) suggests that growth and maximum size in fishes and other aquatic, water‐breathing organisms is constrained by the body mass‐scaling of gill surface area. Here, we use new data and a novel phylogenetic Bayesian multilevel modelling framework to test this idea by asking the three questions posed by the GOLT regarding maximum size, growth and gills. Across fishes, we ask whether the body mass‐scaling of gill surface area explains (1) variation in the von Bertalanffy growth coefficient ( k ) above and beyond that explained by asymptomatic size ( W ∞ ), (2) variation in growth performance (a trait that integrates the tradeoff between k and W ∞ ) and (3) more variation in growth performance compared to activity (as approximated by caudal fin aspect ratio). Overall, we find that there is only a weak relationship among maximum size, growth and gill surface area across species. Indeed, the body mass‐scaling of gill surface area does not explain much variation in k (especially for those species that reach the same W ∞ ) or growth performance. Activity explained three to five times more variation in growth performance compared to gill surface area. Our results suggest that in fishes, gill surface area is not the only factor that explains variation in maximum size and growth, and that other covariates (e.g. activity) are likely important in understanding how growth, maximum size and other life history traits vary across species.
... Studies on other groups of crustaceans should provide additional tests of the generality of these results. But for now, the data for decapods suggest that the life-history constraints on (large) crustaceans are similar enough to those of fish to have led to the emergence of the same heuristics that initiate maturation and spawning (Morbey & Pauly, 2022). ...
Gill surface area (S) and respiration (R) in juvenile and adult crustaceans scale with their body weight (W) such that S ∝ R ∝ Wd, with d ranging mostly between 0.6 and 0.9, but always <1, as in other water-breathing ectotherms (WBE). The growth of adult crustaceans therefore approaches an asymptote, whether or not seasonal growth oscillations are explicitly considered in the model used to describe that growth (e.g., von Bertalanffy growth function). On the other hand, the variation in asymptotic size (L∞ or W∞) among crustaceans is primarily determined by water temperature, which impacts on the oxygen requirements of WBE. Through multiple examples, this and related aspects of the Gill-Oxygen Limitation Theory (GOLT), first developed for fishes and later extended to other WBE, are shown to also apply to the growth of a wide range of crustacean taxa. The GOLT also explains certain aspects of crustacean reproduction, such as the relationship between size at first maturity and maximum size, and, possibly, the feature that female crustaceans hold their eggs outside of their bodies instead of internally.
... Numerous studies covering hundreds of species suggest that in growing iteroparous bony fishes maturation and spawning is initiated when a threshold ratio L max D /L m D ~1.35 is reached, as was first demonstrated for 56 populations of marine fish in 34 species by Pauly (1984) and confirmed for 51 populations in 3 freshwater salmonid species by Meyer and Schill (2021), for 41 populations in 7 species of cichlids by Amarasinghe and Pauly (2021) and for 241 populations in 132 freshwater and marine species by Chen et al. (2022). This established that the threshold ratio L max D /L m D ~1.35 acts as a heuristic (sensu Budaev et al. 2019) which individual fish can rely on (Pauly 2021b) and which is compatible with life-history theory (Morbey and Pauly 2022). We shall use the label A=L max D /L m D ~1.35 because it signifies a beginning (in German Anfang-the letters of the English alphabet are exhausted). ...
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Among fishery biologists and even ichthyologists, maturation and spawning of fish are viewed as processes that use “energy” that would otherwise be applied to somatic growth, which is supposed to explain why post-maturity growth in length tends to decline. This widespread conceptualization may be called the “reproductive drain hypothesis” (RDH). However, when growth is correctly viewed as involving body mass, and is thus expressed in weight, post-maturity turns out (in iteroparous bony fish whose maximum length exceeds 10 cm) to accelerate after first maturity, despite its energy cost. This, and other common observations flatly contradict the RDH, and the time has come to withdraw this hypothesis. As a contribution towards this task, we propose an alternative reconceptualization of fish spawning consistent with what is known about fish biology.
... Numerous studies covering hundreds of species suggest that in growing iteroparous bony fishes maturation and spawning is initiated when a threshold ratio L max D /L m D ~1.35 is reached, as was first demonstrated for 56 populations of marine fish in 34 species by Pauly (1984) and confirmed for 51 populations in 3 freshwater salmonid species by Meyer and Schill (2021), for 41 populations in 7 species of cichlids by Amarasinghe and Pauly (2021) and for 241 populations in 132 freshwater and marine species by Chen et al. (2022). This established that the threshold ratio L max D /L m D ~1.35 acts as a heuristic (sensu Budaev et al. 2019) which individual fish can rely on (Pauly 2021b) and which is compatible with life-history theory (Morbey and Pauly 2022). We shall use the label A=L max D /L m D ~1.35 because it signifies a beginning (in German Anfang-the letters of the English alphabet are exhausted). ...
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The oceans are facing increasing pressure related to water warming, acidification, pollution, overex-ploitation and illegal activities, which generate biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation, placing at risk the provision of goods and services. In order to preserve healthy and resilient marine ecosystems , adaptive scientific tools for the sustainable management of resources are required, as agreed in the Agenda 2030 (UN 2015). Key elements for sustainable social and economic progress worldwide were identified in the Agenda. Under this framework, with humanity's aim to move more efficiently and effectively towards these goals, the UN has designated the period 2021-2030 as the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (UN 2017). The focus is placed on i) maintaining a clean, healthy, safe and resilient ocean, ii) developing tools to predict future changes in marine conditions and their impact on society, iii) ensuring the sustainable exploitation of resources, especially food resources, and above all, iv) ensuring transparency and availability of information. Marine fisheries provide food of high nutritional value for millions of people and are an important economic driver on all continents (FAO 2022). Particularly important is the role that small-scale artisanal fisheries play in the food systems, livelihoods, culture and environment of regions and communities , which are highly vulnerable to environmental and economic perturbations (Chuenpagdee 2011). For this reason, the UN declared 2022 the International Year of Small-scale Fisheries and Aquaculture (UN 2018), with the intention of promoting sustainable small-scale fisheries that ensure food security and poverty eradication. The current state of fish stocks is alarming, 34% of them being currently exploited at unsustainable levels and 60% at the maximum sustainable level (FAO 2022). It has been predicted that, if current fishing effort is maintained, most fisheries will collapse by 2048 (Worm et al. 2006). While total catches have stabilized since the late 1990s, when they reached the historic maximum, the lack of data from some fisheries and the existence of illegal and unregulated fishing call into question predictions about the future of fisheries (Pauly and Zeller 2015). Pauly and Zeller (2015) estimate global catches at over 100 million t, well above the officially reported 80 million t. Therefore, it is imperative to implement suitable management measures, improve the collection of fisheries information, and expand the knowledge of exploited organisms and marine ecosystems in order to revert to current situation of fisheries exploitation and make them sustainable over time.
... ideas on protein denaturation, efficiency of assimilation, etc.), particularly those that have come to light as it has evolved since the 1980s-that remain to be evaluated (Pauly, 1981(Pauly, , 2010(Pauly, , 2021. For example, the GOLT was recently expanded to encompass predictions surrounding spawning and maturation (Morbey & Pauly, 2022;Pauly, 2022;Pauly & Liang, 2022a, 2022b. In addition, there remains much to explore regarding oxygen limitation more broadly, as well as the role of oxygen in shaping body size and other life history traits (Atkinson, 1995;Audzijonyte et al., 2019;Pauly, 1981Pauly, , 2010Pauly, , 2021. ...
Life history theory argues that the maximum size of an organism and its corresponding growth rate have evolved to maximize lifetime reproductive output. The Gill Oxygen Limitation Theory suggests that in aquatic organisms, maximum size is instead constrained by the surface area of the gills, the primary site of gas exchange with the environment. A central prediction of this theory is a tight relationship among maximum size, growth, and gill surface area. Yet since this idea was first tested in the early 1980s, data availability has increased and analytical methods have advanced considerably. Here, we revisit this relationship with new data and a novel phylogenetic Bayesian multilevel modeling framework that allows us to understand how individual variation in gill surface area confers relationships of maximum size, growth, and gills across species. Specifically, we bring gill surface area into an allometric context and examine whether the gill surface area for a given body size (intercept) and the rate at which gill surface changes with size (slope), for a given species, explains growth performance (an index integrating the life history tradeoff between growth and maximum size) across fish species. Additionally, we assess whether variation in von Bertalanffy growth coefficients across species can be explained by gill surface area. Finally, we explore whether additional factors, here, activity and evolutionary history, explain variation in maximum size and growth across species. Overall, we find that although a positive relationship exists among maximum size, growth, and gill surface area across fishes, it is weak. Additionally, gill surface area does not explain much variation in growth coefficients across species, especially for those that reach the same maximum size. However, we find that the activity level of a fish explains more variation in maximum size and growth across species compared to gill surface area. Our results support the idea that in fishes, growth and maximum size are not simply related to gill surface area, and that other covariates, both tractable (e.g., activity, metabolic rate, temperature) and less tractable (e.g., predation risk, resource availability, and variation), appear to explain more variation in life history traits across species.
The magnitude of many kinds of biological structures and processes scale with organismal size, often in regular ways that can be described by power functions. Traditionally, many of these “biological scaling” relationships have been explained based on internal geometric, physical, and energetic constraints according to universal natural laws, such as the “surface law” and “3/4‐power law”. However, during the last three decades it has become increasingly apparent that biological scaling relationships vary greatly in response to various external (environmental) factors. In this review, I propose and provide several lines of evidence supporting a new ecological perspective that I call the “mortality theory of ecology” (MorTE). According to this viewpoint, mortality imposes time limits on the growth, development, and reproduction of organisms. Accordingly, small, vulnerable organisms subject to high mortality due to predation and other environmental hazards have evolved faster, shorter lives than larger, more protected organisms. A MorTE also includes various corollary, size‐related internal and external causative factors (e.g. intraspecific resource competition, geometric surface area to volume effects on resource supply/transport and the protection of internal tissues from environmental hazards, internal homeostatic regulatory systems, incidence of pathogens and parasites, etc.) that impact the scaling of life. A mortality‐centred approach successfully predicts the ranges of body‐mass scaling slopes observed for many kinds of biological and ecological traits. Furthermore, I argue that mortality rate should be considered the ultimate (evolutionary) driver of the scaling of life, that is expressed in the context of other proximate (functional) drivers such as information‐based biological regulation and spatial (geometric) and energetic (metabolic) constraints.
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The prevailing determinant of maturation in fishes is thought to be a redirection of energy from growth to reproduction. Instead, the Gill Oxygen Limitation Theory predicts that maturation, and thus reproduction, is induced when a fish reaches a critical ratio of oxygen supply to demand (Qm/Qmaint). The consistency of this critical ratio has been previously documented in many fishes, but a broader test was lacking. In this study, the authors assess if this critical ratio is consistent across 132 unique fish species, as measured by the slope of the relationship between LmaxD and LmD, where Lmax is the maximum length reached in a given population, Lm is the mean size at first maturity in that population and D is a gill‐related exponent which renders the LmaxD/LmD ratio equivalent to the Qm/Qmaint ratio. The authors found that across all species, the LmaxD/LmD ratio was 1.40 (95% c.i. 1.38–1.42), which was not significantly different from that previously estimated across other species groups (1.35, 95% c.i. 1.22–1.53), especially when phylogenetic relationships were considered (1.25, 95% Bayesian credible interval 1.09–1.40). The consistency of the LmaxD/LmD ratio across taxa, which expresses the difference in metabolic rate at maturity and maximum size, suggests that the scaling of gill surface area is the factor that underlies this ratio, and which triggers the maturation in fishes.
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The standard response to the question “why do fish reach first maturity when they do” is that, at some point (or age), they perceive environmental stimuli, which are converted via the pituitary and the hypothalamus into triggers for a hormonal cascade leading to gonadal maturation and the release of gametes. Yet, the question rarely asked is why fully formed young fish do not respond to the environmental stimuli that the adults react to by maturing and spawning. This question requires an answer, from ichthyologists and/or physiologists, e.g., in the form of a heuristic that individual fish can use, even if the explanation provided here (elaborating on a causal mechanism for the juvenile-to-adult proposed by the author in 1984) should be considered inadequate. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Fish generally mature of a smaller fraction of their maximum sizes than birds and mammals. In farmed tilapia (Family Cichlidae), which can tolerate very adverse conditions, the stunting caused by these conditions also cause them to spawn at very small sizes. Such spawning at small sizes (or 'early spawning') is usually perceived as a unique feature of tilapia. There are many reports in the literature that stressful environmental conditions, as occur in small freshwater reservoirs compared with larger ones, and in smaller tilapia aquaculture ponds, reduce both the maximal size that cichlid fish can reach and their size at first maturity. The mechanism that explains how stressful environmental conditions tend to reduce the maximum size that fish can reach, is very general and should apply to all fish. However, not all fish species are equally hardy, and most fish do not survive in stunted or dwarf form under stressful environmental conditions. Tilapia, and other cichids, on the other hand, can handle stressful conditions, if by remaining stunted. The present study shows that tilapia and other cichlids do not spawn 'earlier' than other teleosts. Rather, they are uncommonly tolerant of stressful environmental conditions that however, elevate their metabolism. By reducing their growth and the maximum size they can reach ('stunting'), also reduce the sizes at which their maturity is initiated ('early spawning'). This corroborates the Gill Oxygen Limitation Theory (GOLT), which identifies spawning as an event, rather than a determinant, of fish growth.
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The gill-oxygen limitation theory (GOLT) provides mechanisms for key aspects of the biology (food conversion efficiency, growth and its response to temperature, the timing of maturation, and others) of water-breathing ectotherms (WBEs). The GOLT’s basic tenet is that the surface area of the gills or other respiratory surfaces of WBE cannot, as two-dimensional structures, supply them with sufficient oxygen to keep up with the growth of their three-dimensional bodies. Thus, a lower relative oxygen supply induces sexual maturation, and later a slowing and cessation of growth, along with an increase of physiological processes relying on glycolytic enzymes and a declining role of oxidative enzymes. Because the “dimensional tension” underlying this argument is widely misunderstood, emphasis is given to a detailed refutation of objections to the GOLT. This theory still needs to be put on a solid quantitative basis, which will occur after the misconceptions surrounding it are put to rest.
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The slowing of growth as fish age has long been believed to be related to energy expenditure for maturation, and this rationalization has been used to explain why, across nearly all fish species, the relationship between size at first maturity (Lm) and maximum (Lmax) or asymptotic length (L∞) is relatively constant. In contrast, the Gill‐Oxygen Limitation Theory (GOLT) postulates that (a) fish growth slows because as they grow, their two‐dimensional ability to extract oxygen from the water diminishes relative to their three‐dimensional weight gain, and (b) they can only invest energy for maturation if oxygen supply at their size at first maturity (Qm) exceeds that needed for maintenance metabolism (Q∞). It has been reported previously across dozens of marine fish species that the relationship between Qm and Q∞ is linear and, further, it can be mathematically converted to Lm vs. L∞ by raising both terms to the power of D (the gill surface factor), resulting in a slope of 1.36. If the GOLT is universal, a similar slope should exist for LmD vs. L∞D relationships for freshwater species across multiple individual populations that reside in disparate habitats, although to our knowledge this has never been evaluated. For analysis, we used existing data from previous studies conducted on 51 stream‐dwelling populations of redband trout Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri, Yellowstone cutthroat trout O. clarkii bouvieri and mountain whitefish Prosopium williamsoni. The resulting LmD vs. L∞D slopes combining all data points (1.35) or for all species considered separately (range = 1.29–1.40) were indeed equivalent to the slope originally produced for the marine species from which the GOLT‐derived relationship was first reported. We briefly discuss select papers both supporting and resisting various aspects of the GOLT, note that it could potentially explain shrinking sizes of marine fish, and call for more concerted research efforts combining laboratory and field expertise in fish growth research.
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Biodiversity is defined by trait differences between organisms, and biologists have long sought to predict associations among ecologically important traits. Why do some traits trade off but others are coexpressed? Why might some trait associations hold across levels of organization, from individuals and genotypes to populations and species, whereas others only occur at one level? Understanding such scaling is a core biological problem, bearing on the evolution of ecological strategies as well as forecasting responses to environmental change. Explicitly considering the hierarchy of biodiversity and expectations at each scale (individual change, evolution within and among populations, and species turnover) is necessary as we work toward a predictive framework in evolutionary ecology. Within species, a trait may have an association with another trait because of phenotypic plasticity, genetic correlation, or population‐level local adaptation. Plastic responses are often adaptive and yet individuals have a fixed pool of resources; thus, positive and negative trait associations can be generated by immediate environmental needs and energetic demands. Genetic variation and covariation for traits within a population are typically shaped by varying natural selection in space and time. Although genetic correlations are infrequently long‐term constraints, they may indicate competing organismal demands. Traits are often quantitatively differentiated among populations (local adaptation), although selection rarely favors qualitatively different strategies until populations become reproductively isolated. Across species, niche specialization to particular habitats or biotic interactions may determine trait correlations, a subset of which are termed “strategic trade‐offs” because they are a consequence of adaptive specialization. Across scales, constraints within species often do not apply as new species evolve, and conversely, trait correlations observed across populations or species may not be reflected within populations. I give examples of such scale‐dependent trait associations and their causes across taxonomic groups and ecosystems, and in the final section of the paper, I specifically evaluate leaf economics spectrum traits and their associations with plant defense against herbivory. Scale‐dependent predictions emerge for understanding plant ecology holistically, and this approach can be fruitfully applied more generally in evolutionary ecology. Adaptive specialization and community context are two of the primary drivers of trade‐offs and syndromes across biological scales.
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Organisms have evolved to trade priorities across various needs, such as growth, survival, and reproduction. In naturally complex environments this incurs high computational costs. Models exist for several types of decisions, e.g., optimal foraging or life history theory. However, most models ignore proximate complexities and infer simple rules specific to each context. They try to deduce what the organism must do, but do not provide a mechanistic explanation of how it implements decisions. We posit that the underlying cognitive machinery cannot be ignored. From the point of view of the animal, the fundamental problems are what are the best contexts to choose and which stimuli require a response to achieve a specific goal (e.g., homeostasis, survival, reproduction). This requires a cognitive machinery enabling the organism to make predictions about the future and behave autonomously. Our simulation framework includes three essential aspects: (a) the focus on the autonomous individual, (b) the need to limit and integrate information from the environment, and (c) the importance of goal-directed rather than purely stimulus-driven cognitive and behavioral control. The resulting models integrate cognition, decision-making, and behavior in the whole phenotype that may include the genome, physiology, hormonal system, perception, emotions, motivation, and cognition. We conclude that the fundamental state is the global organismic state that includes both physiology and the animal's subjective “mind”. The approach provides an avenue for evolutionary understanding of subjective phenomena and self-awareness as evolved mechanisms for adaptive decision-making in natural environments.
This book introduces life history evolution to postgraduate students just beginning their research in population biology, ecology, or evolutionary biology. It discusses major analytical tools, gives examples of their applications, and provides problems for discussion at the end of each chapter. It will interest all biologists wishing to understand the evolution of the life cycle and the causes of phenotypic variation in fitness, and it contains the seeds of applications of life history theory to population dynamics, behaviour, and community ecology. Care is taken in Part I to build up the tools needed for a well-rounded evolutionary explanation: demography, quantitative genetics, reaction norms, trade offs and phylogenetic/comparative analysis. Part II discusses the evolution of major life history traits. This is a comprehensive, up-to-date text in a field that holds a central position in modern ecology and evolution.
Metabolic theory aims to tackle ecological and evolutionary problems by explicitly including physical principles of energy and mass exchange, thereby increasing generality and deductive power. Individual growth models (IGMs) are the fundamental basis of metabolic theory because they represent the organisational level at which energy and mass exchange processes are most tightly integrated and from which scaling patterns emerge. Unfortunately, IGMs remain a topic of great confusion and controversy about the origins of the ideas, their domain and breadth of application, their logical consistency and whether they can sufficiently capture reality. It is now 100 years since the first theoretical model of individual growth was put forward by Pütter. His insights were deep, but his model ended up being attributed to von Bertalanffy and his ideas largely forgotten. Here I review Pütter's ideas and trace their influence on existing theoretical models for growth and other aspects of metabolism, including those of von Bertalanffy, the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory, the Gill‐Oxygen Limitation Theory (GOLT) and the Ontogenetic Growth Model (OGM). I show that the von Bertalanffy and GOLT models are minor modifications of Pütter's original model. I then synthesise, compare and critique the ideas of the two most‐developed theories, DEB theory and the OGM, in relation to Pütter's original ideas. I formulate the Pütter, DEB and OGM models in the same structure and with the same notation to illustrate the major similarities and differences among them. I trace the confusion and controversy regarding these theories to the notions of anabolism, catabolism, assimilation and maintenance, the connections to respiration rate, and the number of parameters and state variables their models require. The OGM model has significant inconsistencies that stem from the interpretation of growth as the difference between anabolism and maintenance, and these issues seriously challenge its ability to incorporate development, reproduction and assimilation. The DEB theory is a direct extension of Pütter's ideas but with growth being the difference between assimilation and maintenance rather than anabolism and catabolism. The DEB theory makes the dynamics of Pütter's ‘nutritive material’ explicit as well as extending the scheme to include reproduction and development. I discuss how these three major theories for individual growth have been used to explain ‘macrometabolic’ patterns including the scaling of respiration, the temperature–size rule (first modelled by Pütter), and the connection to life history. Future research on the connections between theory and data in these macrometabolic topics have the greatest potential to advance the status of metabolic theory and its value for pure and applied problems in ecology and evolution.
Given ocean warming, the GOLT predicts a reduction of the size of fish due to their inability to compensate, via their gill surface, for the increased metabolic rate that results from higher temperatures (Cheung et al., 2013). Lefevre et al. (2017, 2018) objected to this because they believe that fish can grow gills as needed, such that oxygen supply cannot be limiting their metabolism. Pauly & Cheung (2017) responded to this claim, refuted its various elements, and reiterated the basic dimensional argument that is at the basis of the GOLT. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.