Conference PaperPDF Available

Design and Launch of the Hybrid Rocket Demonstrator Compass


Abstract and Figures

Hybrid Engine Development (HyEnD) is the student rocketry team of the University of Stuttgart. Since the end of 2019, HyEnD is participating in the educational program STERN II (Studentische Experimentalraketen) of the German Aerospace Center DLR. This program supports students at German universities to design, build and launch an experimental rocket within a project term of three years. HyEnD is developing the hybrid sounding rocket N2ORTH, which will launch from Esrange Space Center in Sweden in November 2022. The goal is to educate students in aerospace related engineering topics and to surpass the altitude record of the HEROS rocket (32.3 km) which was launched by HyEnD in 2016. Under the given constraints, the design is optimized for maximum performance, resulting in a simple component setup, an efficient propulsion system and an overall lightweight design. In a first design study, the decision was made to use liquid nitrous oxide (N2O) as oxidizer and a custom developed, HTPB-based fuel in blow down operation. New technologies and concepts were developed and tested on the subscale demonstrator rocket Compass, which was launched in June 2021 to an altitude of 3220 m. Compass features a newly developed Type V CFRP pressure vessel with an ETFE surface coating on the inside to ensure chemical compatibility. Opening the compact and lightweight pyrotechnic slider valve initiates the launch. The HyFIVE hybrid rocket engine has a nominal thrust of 800 N and features a CFRP casing. During the test campaign, the engine was optimized in 41 hot fire tests, which were conducted at the DLR Institute of Space Propulsion in Lampoldshausen. A combined test of oxidizer tank, valves, ground support equipment and engine was performed as well. The two-stage recovery system, consisting of a drogue parachute and a main parachute, was successfully tested in drop tests. During the Compass launch campaign, HyEnD was able to demonstrate the operating principle of all components. Although the deployment of the main parachute was not fully successful, a safe launch, stable flight and data acquisition was achieved. All newly developed technologies were assessed and, if necessary, optimized for their implementation in the N2ORTH rocket.
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M. Oechsle, J. Dobusch, M. Gritzka, P. Jochum, F. Merz, R. R¨
University of Stuttgart, Hybrid Engine Development - HyEnD e.V.
Hybrid Engine Development (HyEnD) is the student rock-
etry team of the University of Stuttgart. Since the end of
2019, HyEnD is participating in the educational program
STERN II (Studentische Experimentalraketen) of the Ger-
man Aerospace Center DLR. This program supports students
at German universities to design, build and launch an experi-
mental rocket within a project term of three years. HyEnD is
developing the hybrid sounding rocket N2ORTH, which will
launch from Esrange Space Center in Sweden in November
2022. The goal is to educate students in aerospace related
engineering topics and to surpass the altitude record of the
HEROS rocket (32.3 km) which was launched by HyEnD in
2016. Under the given constraints, the design is optimized
for maximum performance, resulting in a simple compo-
nent setup, an efficient propulsion system and an overall
lightweight design. In a first design study, the decision was
made to use liquid nitrous oxide (N2O) as oxidizer and a
custom developed, HTPB-based fuel in blow down operation.
New technologies and concepts were developed and tested
on the subscale demonstrator rocket Compass, which was
launched in June 2021 to an altitude of 3220 m. Compass
features a newly developed Type V CFRP pressure vessel
with an ETFE surface coating on the inside to ensure chem-
ical compatibility. Opening the compact and lightweight
pyrotechnic slider valve initiates the launch. The HyFIVE
hybrid rocket engine has a nominal thrust of 800 N and fea-
tures a CFRP casing. During the test campaign, the engine
was optimized in 41 hot fire tests, which were conducted at
the DLR Institute of Space Propulsion in Lampoldshausen.
A combined test of oxidizer tank, valves, ground support
equipment and engine was performed as well. The two-stage
recovery system, consisting of a drogue parachute and a main
parachute, was successfully tested in drop tests. During the
Compass launch campaign, HyEnD was able to demonstrate
the operating principle of all components. Although the de-
ployment of the main parachute was not fully successful, a
safe launch, stable flight and data acquisition was achieved.
All newly developed technologies were assessed and, if nec-
essary, optimized for their implementation in the N2ORTH
Index Termshybrid, rocket, engine, propulsion, ni-
trous oxide, HTPB, launch, type v, tank, pyrotechnic valve
The STERN (Studentische Experimentalraketen, engl.: stu-
dent experimental rockets) project of the German Aerospace
Center (DLR) provides funding for student groups of German
universities in order to develop and launch a rocket within
three years. The rockets are launched from the Esrange
launch site near Kiruna, Sweden and shall reach an altitude
of at least 3 km and the speed of sound [1]. However, several
student groups exceeded these minimum requirements [2].
In 2019, HyEnD applied together with the Institute of
Space Systems (IRS) of the University of Stuttgart for the
second time for the DLR STERN project. The application
included a proposal for the development of a successor of
the HEROS sounding rocket, which has reached an altitude
of 32.3 km in November 2016 and was developed within the
first STERN participation of HyEnD [3].
After the application was accepted, the team started work-
ing on the project in October 2019. The goal of HyEnD’s
second STERN participation is to launch a hybrid sounding
rocket called N2ORTH and to recover it safely. Furthermore,
N2ORTH shall surpass the altitude record currently hold by
the HEROS rocket.
The design of the N2ORTH rocket is based on the expe-
rience gained with the HEROS rockets. Several new tech-
nologies are developed and tested within the project. In or-
der to evaluate these technologies and to gain experience, it
was decided to incorporate these technologies into a subscale
demonstrator rocket called Compass. Compass is designed
for a total impulse of up to 8000 N s and shares the work-
ing principle of most components with the larger N2ORTH
rocket. Both rockets are compared in Figure 1.
Fig. 1. Compass and N2ORTH
2nd International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR)
19 - 23 June 2022. Heilbronn, Germany
A design study for N2ORTH was conducted in order to iden-
tify the relevant technologies that are required to provide a
performance increase when compared to the HEROS rocket.
Multiple propellant combinations and propulsion system con-
figurations were compared. As Compass shares the same pro-
pellant combination and has the same working principle of
components, the results of the design study have a major im-
pact on the overall design of Compass.
2.1. Propulsion System
The DLR STERN project allows the use of rocket engines of
any type, including solid, liquid and hybrid propellant engines
[1]. Liquid rocket engines usually offer high performance and
can be throttled. However, the feeding and injection systems
require a comparably high development effort [4].
Solid propellant engines require no feeding system as the
propellants are already stored in the combustion chamber [4].
However, they offer lower performance than most liquid pro-
pellants. Additionally, the development of solid rocket motors
is subject to legal limitations and restrictions. In Germany,
certain licenses are required for production and handling [5],
making solid propellants unappealing for student groups.
Hybrid rocket engines can offer comparable performance
to liquid propellant engines, depending on the chosen pro-
pellants [3]. Due to the solid state of one of the components
(usually the fuel), the safety of all steps during production and
operation is increased [6]. Because of the less complex de-
sign, pressure-fed hybrid rocket engines are commonly used
by students and amateurs worldwide [7, 8, 9]. As HyEnD has
already successfully developed and tested several hybrid mo-
tors, the decision was made to develop a hybrid rocket within
the project.
Typical oxidizers used in hybrid rockets are liquid oxygen
(LOx, O2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and concentrated hydrogen
peroxide (HTP, H2O2) [4]. A comparison of relevant param-
eters can be found in Table 1.
Table 1. Considered Oxidizers
ρ[10] OFopt*ISP,SL*
O21285 kg m3(at 214 C) 2.2 260 s
N2O 785 kg m3(at 20 C) 6.7 231 s
H2O21452 kg m3(at 20 C) 5.7 246 s
*Calculated with NASA CEA [11]. Fuel: HTPB.
Flow frozen at throat, expansion from 30 to 1 atm.
While liquid oxygen delivers the highest specific impulse
(ISP,S L = 260 s) of the considered oxidizers, hydrogen per-
oxide has the highest density (1452 kg m3). However, liquid
oxygen is cryogenic, requires expensive equipment and la-
borious handling [4]. H2O2is challenging to handle due to
the risk of decomposition and also the most expensive option.
Nitrous oxide offers the lowest performance (ISP,SL = 231 s)
and density (785 kg m3) of the considered options, but is
affordable from an overall system perspective and often used
in student-built engines [3, 7, 12]. While the handling does
not require cryogenic temperatures, material compatibility
still has to be considered. Self-decomposition can result from
handling at elevated temperatures, pressures and impurities
[13]. Due to the high vapor pressure (pvap 51 bar at 20 C
[10]), self-pressurized propulsion systems without a pressure
regulator and additional pressurant tank can be used.
Depending on the size of the rocket, the resulting weight
reduction of a self-pressurized system can compensate the
performance losses due to the use of nitrous oxide. Addi-
tionally, the high optimum mixture ratio (OFopt = 6.7with
HTPB) results in a larger rocket tank. While the density of
nitrous oxide is lower than the density of the considered fuels
(see Table 2), the oxidizer can usually be stored more effi-
ciently in a pressure vessel than the solid fuel can be stored
in the combustion chamber. The low volumetric loading frac-
tion is inherently caused by the design of a hybrid combus-
tion chamber, as the fuel grain requires one or multiple ports.
Although a pressure-fed combustion chamber has to handle
lower pressures than the tank, additional thermal protection is
required, thereby increasing the dry mass.
It was concluded that the use of nitrous oxide in blow-
down configuration is most suitable to achieve the highest
rocket performance within the project constraints. Helium
was chosen as an additional pressurant stored in the ullage
of the oxidizer tank. Supercharging with inert gases like he-
lium increases the lift-off thrust, ensures a sufficient pressure
difference over the injector and reduces effects of cavitation
within the feeding system and injector [12]. Additionally,
the risk of flame flashbacks during the gas phase blow down
is reduced.
Table 2. Considered Fuels
ρ OFopt*ISP,SL*
Paraffin 900 kg m3[14] 7.4 234 s
HTPB/MDI 930 kg m3[15] 6.7 231 s
Sorbitol 1490 kg m3[14] 2.7 219 s
HDPE 947 kg m3[16] 7.3 234 s
*Calculated with NASA CEA [11]. Oxidizer: N2O.
Flow frozen at throat, expansion from 30 to 1 atm.
As shown in Table 2, all considered fuels deliver compara-
ble specific impulse. Oxygenated fuels like sorbitol lead to
slightly reduced performance and to a lower optimum mix-
ture ratio. Due to the minor differences in performance, other
criteria are used for the selection of the fuel. Paraffin has
higher regression rates compared to the other fuels [17]. This
is important for hybrid rocket engines with high thrust lev-
2nd International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR)
19 - 23 June 2022. Heilbronn, Germany
els as they are considered for first stage applications and or-
bital vehicles. However, a high regression rate results in a
higher required combustion chamber diameter. It was con-
cluded that a rocket diameter higher than 250 mm is not feasi-
ble for N2ORTH due to the limited availability of appropriate
equipment and tools. Thus, the maximum possible fuel mass
at optimum mixture ratio is limited by the engine diameter.
Fuels with lower regression rates generally lead to longer fuel
grains with smaller diameter, thereby allowing a longer burn
time at a given fuel thickness. Fuel grains from HDPE either
have to be machined from a semi-finished product or brought
into the appropriate shape by plastic injection molding. Ad-
ditionally, HDPE leads to comparatively high L/D ratios of
the engine due to its low regression rate [18]. Therefore, it
was not regarded suitable for the project. The use of a casting
process with an HTPB-based fuel allows a less constrained
shaping of the fuel grain. While HTPB offers a performance
increase of up to 4.5 % when compared to pure sorbitol, one
common disadvantage is the use of toxic curing agents (MDI,
TDI) [19] during the fuel grain production process. In-house
development and testing of a HTPB-based fuel using a non-
toxic curing mechanism started prior to the STERN project.
As first results were promising, it was decided to fully develop
this new fuel within the STERN project.
2.2. Key Technologies
In order to improve the performance of N2ORTH when com-
pared to HEROS, the most relevant parameter is the structural
mass ratio. The key technologies to be developed and tested
with Compass were identified as:
A type V CFRP liner-less pressure vessel that is inte-
grated into the outer hull structure
A hybrid engine with a lightweight CFRP combustion
chamber hull
Development of a non-toxic HTPB-based fuel, castable
at room temperature
In-house developed pyrotechnical valves for oxidizer
supply and release
The Compass rocket has a length of 2450 mm and an outer di-
ameter of 122 mm (see Figure 2). The oxidizer tank can store
up to 5 L of nitrous oxide and is filled via a quick disconnect
coupling. Helium is used to pressurize the oxidizer up to a
pressure of 65 bar, which is set by the relief valve. The rocket
also features an avionics section, a two-stage recovery system
and the pyrotechnically actuated main and release valve. It is
propelled by the HyFIVE hybrid rocket engine with a nominal
thrust of 800 N. The dry mass of Compass is 10 kg.
Fig. 2. Compass (CAD Model)
3.1. Oxidizer Tank
The oxidizer tank of Compass is a composite pressure vessel,
which features a thin ETFE fluoropolymer surface coating on
the inside. This design was chosen primarily due to the po-
tential weight savings for the N2ORTH rocket compared to
HEROS. The production process as well as the application in
the rocket was validated with Compass.
In the production process, two aluminum tank domes are
coated with an ETFE fluoropolymer on the inner surface. The
cylindrical part of the pressure vessel uses a thin aluminum
tube as a winding mandrel, which is coated with an ETFE
layer and an adhesion promoter on the outside. The ETFE
coating ensures leak tightness as well as nitrous oxide com-
patibility [13]. The adhesion promoter improves the bond-
ing to the CFRP overwrap. Additional ETFE is used to weld
together the tank domes and the ETFE-coated mandrel. Af-
ter the CFRP overwrap is applied, the cylindrical aluminum
winding mandrel is dissolved with a sodium hydroxide solu-
tion. During this process, the sodium hydroxide solution must
be cooled continuously due to the exothermic reaction. The
laminate is heat cured at a temperature of 65 Cfor 24 h. An
overview of the tank design is shown in Figure 3.
The structural calculation was conducted using classical
laminate theory in combination with Puck’s action plane fail-
ure criterion [20]. The tank was designed for an operating
pressure of 65 bar with a safety factor of two. The design
was validated by destructive testing with tank prototypes. The
obtained failure pressures were in good accordance with the
calculated values with a deviation of less than 4 %. An empty
mass of 1050 gwas achieved for the flight version of the 5 L
oxidizer tank.
2nd International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR)
19 - 23 June 2022. Heilbronn, Germany
Fig. 3. Compass Oxidizer Tank
3.2. Engine
The HyFIVE engine was developed for the use in the Com-
pass rocket, but also to determine the fuel’s regression rate
and general properties. In total, 41 hot fire tests with differ-
ent configurations were conducted. The modular test engine
HyFIVE-1 was designed to have a short turnaround time to
enable a high test cadence required for evaluation of differ-
ent fuel compositions. With HyFIVE-2 the focus was shifted
towards optimization of the engine regarding combustion ef-
ficiency and insulation component design. The thrust was in-
creased from the 500 N range (depending on the fuel and in-
jector configuration) to 800 N. HyFIVE-3 was designed with
a CFRP casing, reducing the overall engine mass.
3.2.1. Fuel Development
A non-toxic HTPB-based fuel was developed. The curing
mechanism is based on the reaction between hydroxyl termi-
nated polybutadiene (HTPB) and maleic anhydride grafted
polybutadiene, thereby forming an ester linkage and a car-
boxylic acid group (half ester). Higher anhydride grafting
concentrations in the polybutadiene backbone may lead to
incompatibilities between the HTPB and the maleinized
polybutadiene, mainly caused by the increased polarity of
the latter. This issue is solved by introducing an epoxidized
HTPB as a third component, whose epoxy groups may react
with the carboxylic acid groups formed in the first occuring
anhydride-hydroxyl reaction. The fuel can be stored at 0C
for several weeks after mixing while remaining castable. Cur-
ing is initiated by heating the mixture to 65-75 Cfor at least
12 h. The fuel has a density of 930 kg m3. The hardness can
be varied by the molecular weight of the HTPB and the graft-
ing grade of the maleinized polybutadiene. The regression
rate of the fuel was evaluated in a test campaign by measuring
the oxidizer mass flow and the mass of the fuel grain before
and after the test. The following correlation between the fuel
regression rate (in mm s1) and the oxidizer mass flux GOx
(mass flow per port cross section) was obtained:
˙r= 0.085 ·GOx
valid for 125 kg
s m2< GOx <350 kg
s m2
Problems with insufficient adhesion to phenolic liners were
solved by coating of the latter by an epoxy formulation with
excess amine fraction. The formulation bonds physically
to the sanded phenolic liner surface, whereby the unre-
acted amine groups react with the anhydride groups of the
maleinized polybutadiene, ensuring a chemical bond between
fuel grain and liner. This method of adhesion promotion is
also feasible for isocyanate cured HTPB standard formula-
3.2.2. Combustion Chamber Design
A cutaway view of the flight version of the engine is shown in
Figure 4. It uses a 320 mm long fuel grain with an initial port
diameter of 35 mm. A doublet impingement injector made
off brass is fitted between the aluminum bulkhead and the
connection element to the rocket’s structure. All insulation
components are made from paper phenolic composites, with
the only exception being the graphite throat. A vortex ele-
ment made from silica phenolic is placed in the post chamber
to increase the reaction efficiency. Relevant parameters of the
flight engine are listed in Table 3. The operation of the engine
is started by igniting an asymmetrically mounted commercial
of the shelf (COTS) pyrotechnical flare charge 1.5 s before
opening the oxidizer supply.
Fig. 4. HyFIVE-3 Engine Design (CAD Model)
Table 3. HyFIVE-3 Flight Engine Parameters
Parameter Value
Nominal thrust 800 N
Nominal chamber pressure 25 bar
Operation time up to 10 s
Nozzle expansion ratio 1:4
Mixing ratio (OF ) 6-7
Fuel mass 685 g
Dry mass 1488 g
2nd International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR)
19 - 23 June 2022. Heilbronn, Germany
In March 2021, the flight version of the engine was tested at
the test bench M11.5 of the DLR Institute of Space Propulsion
in Lampoldshausen [21] for five seconds. The temperature,
pressure and mass flow of the oxidizer as well as the com-
bustion chamber pressure and thrust was measured. Based on
this data, a specific impulse of ISP = 211 s and combustion
efficiency of ηc= 97% was obtained. Figure 5 shows the cut
engine after the test. All insulation components, the fuel grain
and the vortex element were observed to be in good condition.
Fig. 5. HyFIVE-3 Engine Opened after Hot Fire Test
3.2.3. Blow-Down Operation
The engine was tested together with the rocket’s oxidizer
tank, valves and ground support equipment in a blow-down
test in May 2021. Figure 6 shows the overall setup with the
oxidizer tank, fluid system and engine. The tank was filled
with 2.1 kg of nitrous oxide at a temperature of 18 Cand
super charged with helium to a pressure of 67 bar.
(a) Fluid System Set-Up (b) Engine Hot Fire
Fig. 6. Compass Blow Down Test
Figure 7 shows the measured tank and combustion chamber
(CC) pressure. The injector design was identical to the design
used for the previous static tests. Due to the blow down op-
eration and resulting decrease of oxidizer tank pressure, the
average thrust is reduced to 500 Nand the nominal operating
point (800 N) is reached shortly after ignition. In theory, the
thrust profile can be adjusted by a variation of super charging
pressure, injector inlet area and the oxidizer temperature.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time / s
Pressure / bar
Fig. 7. Pressure Data of Blow Down Test
3.3. Valves
A schematic of the fluid system of Compass is shown in Fig-
ure 8. It is designed for a pressure of 65 bar with a safety
factor of two. The three main design drivers are weight, com-
pactness and minimizing total pressure loss of the flow. The
main and release valves were developed in house. For the
quick disconnect, the check valve and the relief valve, ade-
quate COTS components are available.
Fig. 8. Schematic of the Compass Fluid System
The main valve (see Figure 9) consists of a slider with a
trough hole, pushed into the opened position by two pistons.
To ensure a simultaneous actuation of both pistons, a single
nitrocellulose pyrocharge is used. The pistons allow for a
complete separation of the pyrocharge and the oxidizer. In
total, the Compass main valve has a mass of 230 g. For
N2ORTH, the slider results in a compact system and elimi-
nates the need for additional piping. This advantage is less
significant for Compass due to other design constraints.
Fig. 9. Main Valve
2nd International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR)
19 - 23 June 2022. Heilbronn, Germany
For the release valve, a simple and light-weight design was
developed (see Figure 10). The valve is screwed into a
manifold with a membrane sealing the oxidizer inlet. Upon
activation, the membrane is punctured by a pyrotechnically
actuated hollow nail, releasing the oxidizer through the out-
lets. The reaction products of the pyrocharge are separated
from the oxidizer side by two O-rings. The design results in
a weight of 35 g.
Fig. 10. Release Valve (CAD Model)
3.4. Recovery
The recovery system is positioned below the nose cone sec-
tion. The parachutes are ejected laterally to the rocket’s body
axis (see Figure 11). The two-stage system includes a mortar-
like ejection mechanism of the drogue parachute. The main
parachute (packed in a deployment bag), a three-ring release
system and the parachute’s harness are stored in a CFRP tub
underneath the mortar. At the bottom end of the section, a
ring-shaped mount is used to connect the harness. To reduce
the parachute’s opening forces, a polyamid shock absorber is
used. The ejection and release systems are pyrotechnically
Fig. 11. Components of the Two-Stage Recovery System
The Compass recovery system resembles a smaller version of
the system designed for N2ORTH, resulting in a similar se-
quence of the descent phase (shown in Figure 12). At apogee
the drogue parachute is ejected, reducing the descent veloc-
ity to 30 m s1. At an altitude of 400 m the three-ring release
system is triggered, causing the drogue parachute to pull the
main parachute out of the recovery tub. The main parachute
decelerates the rocket to a terminal velocity of 5 m s1to en-
sure a safe and damage-free landing.
Fig. 12. Sequence of the Descent Phase
3.5. Avionics
The avionics are split up into modules enabling a parallel de-
velopment of multiple functions. The individual nodes are
connected by a CAN bus, allowing the measurements (see Ta-
ble 4) that are acquired on different nodes to be merged into
one telemetry downlink. Furthermore, the CAN bus is used
to initiate state transfers and monitor the current state of the
Table 4. Compass Data Acquisition
Measurement Range Sample Rate
a±12 g100 Hz
a±24 g400 Hz
a±64 g800 Hz
ω±1000 s1100 Hz
ω±2000 s11000 Hz
T(4x) 50 250 C 10 Hz
pCC 050 bar 1000 Hz
pT ank 0100 bar 1000 Hz
pAmbient 10 1200 mbar 100 Hz
GPS - 5 Hz
Despite all required measurements for an apogee detection
being available, the development of a parachute deployment
avionics was deemed unfeasible due to the lack of adequate
testing possibilities. Therefore, a flight proven COTS product
in form of two Altus Metrum Telemega v4 was chosen.
The power management structure is displayed in Figure 13.
The power control and distribution unit (PCDU) consists of
two converter boards (CV) and one switch board (SW). The
CV implements a radio silence switch (RSS) which can be
controlled by the ground support equipment (GSE) to disable
2nd International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR)
19 - 23 June 2022. Heilbronn, Germany
the entire avionics. All required voltages are provided by the
CV. In order to avoid a single point of failure each Telemega
is directly connected to one CV. The SW combines the out-
puts of both CVs to supply the remaining avionics nodes. In
case of a battery or converter failure the SW will automati-
cally switch to the remaining functioning CV. In total, three
power sources are used: The GSE, which is only present prior
to launch, a four cell lithium ion battery acting as main power
source as well as a three cell lithium polymer battery used for
the pyrotechnical igniters.
Fig. 13. Compass Avionics Power Management
Compass was launched on 25th of June, 2021 from the Trup-
penuebungsplatz (military training area) Heuberg (see Fig-
ure 15). Due to altitude and range restrictions on the launch
site, the rocket was filled remotely with only 1.85 kg nitrous
oxide (46 % of tank volume). The GSE ignited the engine
1.5 s before opening the main valve. Figure 14 depicts the
height and roll rate before drogue parachute deployment over
time. The roll rate increased to 1.6 Hz at the end of the thrust
phase (t+9.5 s). This could be attributed to fin misalignment.
Compass reached a height of 3220 m at t+24 s. The drogue
parachute was deployed and lead to an average descent rate
of 21.6 m s1.
0 50 100 150
Height / m
Roll Rate
0 50 100 150 0
Time / s
Roll Rate / Hz
Fig. 14. Height and Roll Rate of Compass
The main parachute was triggered but unable to inflate. Thus,
the rocket performed a drogue landing and was subsequently
damaged. Due to lack of adequate testing the self developed
avionics down link was not utilized resulting in only telemetry
data of the Telemegas being transmitted in flight. The avion-
ics node responsible for acquiring engine and tank pressure
failed to record the measurements. The cause of the main
parachute deployment failure was traced back to the retain-
ing straps that secure the bag in the recovery bay during the
descent phase. The straps likely failed after the hatch was
opened, causing the main parachute bag to get tangled around
the fuselage and in its own harness. Therefore, the main
parachute could not be pulled out of the bag by the drogue
(a) Oxidizer Loading (b) Launch
Fig. 15. Compass Launch
In retrospect, the most important contribution of the Compass
demonstrator rocket to the project was the experience gain of
the team. This ranges from effective and constructive commu-
nication in demanding situations and project management to
practical experiences with the technical systems and working
fluids. However, the scalability of the technical challenges
is limited. The supersonic flight regimes expected for the
N2ORTH rocket can not be reached with a subscale demon-
strator. Moreover, the monetary, labor and time effort for
building of the Compass rocket were significant. Despite the
limited scalability, a number of important technical lessons
could be learned. The design flaw of the recovery systems
was identified and addressed in the design of the N2ORTH
rocket. The fin alignment procedure was changed, including
improved methods to quantify the misalignment. Important
experience was gained regarding the transferability of the in-
jection behavior from static to blow-down operation, and pre-
diction of the overall propulsion system performance.
2nd International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR)
19 - 23 June 2022. Heilbronn, Germany
The DLR STERN project is funded by the DLR Space Ad-
ministration with funding from the Federal Ministry for Eco-
nomic Affairs and Climate Action. HyEnD’s participation is
administered by the Institute of Space Systems at the Uni-
versity of Stuttgart. All hot-fire tests were performed at the
test complex M11 of the DLR Institute of Space Propulsion
in Lampoldshausen. The launch took place at the military
training area (Truppenuebungsplatz) Heuberg of the German
Armed Forces. The support of the DLR department of satel-
lite and orbital propulsion and the personnel of Heuberg is
greatly acknowledged. While the authors of this paper were
responsible for the development of the presented subsystems
of Compass, the project would have not been possible without
the work of more than 50 active students.
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“Hybrid experimental rocket stuttgart: A low-cost tech-
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2nd International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR)
19 - 23 June 2022. Heilbronn, Germany
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... Las alianzas geopolíticas actuales ofrecen retos y ventajas para Colombia. La adhesión a los acuerdos Artemis por parte de Colombia (nasa, 2022), que establecen un conjunto de principios prácticos para guiar la cooperación en materia de exploración espacial Compass (Oechsle et al., 2022) y Heros (Schmierer et al., 2015), desarrollados por HyEnD, son prototipos experimentales que, a través de estudios rigurosos, lograron establecer un diseño óptimo para la construcción del N2ORTH (HyEnD, 2023). Finalmente, el cohete Phoenix-1B Mk-II, desarrollado por un grupo de investigación de la Universidad de KwaZulu-Natal, logró un apogeo de 35 km con un empuje nominal de 7,25 kN en una campaña de lanzamientos del año 2021, con lo que alcanzó el récord del cohete Heros (Aerospace Systems Research Institute [asri], s. f.). ...
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Los cohetes sonda, utilizados en investigaciones espaciales, transportan cargas a altitudes elevadas y permiten estudios variados en breves tiempos espaciales. Son herramientas rentables por su naturaleza no orbital y la ausencia de propulsores costosos, lo cual los hace ideales en estudios de áreas inaccesibles para satélites. Recientemente, los cohetes híbridos tipo sonda fusionan características de motores de combustibles sólido y líquido, y han emergido como soluciones innovadoras, ofreciendo ventajas en rendimiento, seguridad y control. Estos cohetes usan propulsores que contienen elementos en fases sólidas y líquidas o gaseosas. A pesar de desafíos técnicos como la eficiencia de combustión reducida, han ganado relevancia en aplicaciones académicas y recreativas. La metodología de este estudio combina enfoques cuantitativos y cualitativos para entender la tecnología tipo sonda global, identificar características de cohetes híbridos y explorar oportunidades para su implementación en Colombia. Por su parte, La propulsión híbrida se alinea con las oportunidades y los desafíos del entorno aeroespacial colombiano, ofreciendo una alternativa técnica y estratégica. Los resultados finales, como la construcción del cohete AINKAA H1, validan la viabilidad de desarrollar cohetes híbridos en Colombia. Finalmente, es esencial que Colombia fortalezca su infraestructura y sus colaboraciones para aprovechar oportunidades y consolidarse en el mercado espacial global.
... Recently, they have been preparing to launch an orbital rocket in 2024 by using hybrid rocket engines with hydrogen peroxide and a solid fuel grain. The HyEnD project at Germany's University of Stuttgart has also presented several hybrid rockets using N2O as the oxidizer ( [256], and the N2ORTH sounding rocket reached an altitude of 64.4 km in 2023 (Hybrid Engine Development, 2023) [257]. Also, in Germany, HyImpulse [258] launched the SR75 sounding rocket for technology qualification for their Small Launcher. ...
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This paper extensively reviews hybrid rocket propulsion-related activities from combustion engine designs to launch tests. Starting with a brief review of rocket propulsion development history, a comparison among the three bi-propellant rocket propulsion approaches, and hybrid rocket engine design guidelines, a very thorough review related to hybrid rocket propulsion and its applications is presented in this paper. In addition to propellant choice, engine design also affects the hybrid rocket performance and, therefore, a variety of engine designs, considering, e.g., fuel geometry, swirl injection, ignition designs, and some innovative flow-channel designs are also explored. Furthermore, many fundamental studies on increasing hybrid rocket engine performances, such as regression rate enhancement, mixing enhancement, and combustion optimization, are also reviewed. Many problems that will be encountered for practical applications are also reviewed and discussed, including the O/F ratio shift, low-frequency instability, and scale-up methods. For hybrid rocket engine applications in the future, advanced capabilities and lightweight design of the hybrid rocket engine, such as throttling capability, thrust vectoring control concept, insulation materials, 3D-printing manufacturing technologies, and flight demonstrations, are also included. Finally, some active hybrid rocket research teams and their plans for flight activities are briefly introduced.
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The development of hybrid rockets offers excellent opportunities for the practical education of students at universities due to the high safety and relatively low complexity of the rocket propulsion system. During the German educational program Studentische Experimental-Raketen (STERN), students of the Technische Universität Braunschweig obtain the possibility to design and launch a sounding rocket with a hybrid engine. The design of the engine HYDRA 4X (HYbridDemonstrations-RaketenAntrieb) is presented, and the results of the first engine tests are discussed. The results for measured regression rates are compared to the results from the literature. Furthermore, the impact of the lightweight casing material carbon fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) on the hybrid engine mass and flight apogee altitude is examined for rockets with different total impulse classes (10 to 50 kNs). It is shown that the benefit of a lightweight casing material on engine mass decreases with an increasing total impulse. However, a higher gain on apogee altitude, especially for bigger rockets with a comparable high total impulse, is shown.
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On 8 November 2016 at 1030 hrs, the Hybrid Experimental Rocket Stuttgart (HEROS) 3 was launched from the European Space and Sounding Rocket Range (ESRANGE) Space Center to an apogee altitude of 32,300 m (106,000 ft). This set a new altitude record for European student and amateur rocketry and a world altitude record for hybrid rockets built by students. The 7.5-m-long rocket was using nitrous oxide (N2O) and a paraffin-based fuel to produce 10,000 N of thrust. The dry mass of the rocket was only 75 kg thanks to a carbon fiber structure for the most part. The rocket performed the record-breaking flight at perfect weather and visibility conditions, reaching a maximum airspeed of 720 m∕s and Mach 2.3. The rocket performed a soft landing with two parachutes and can be reused. Flight data and engine performance data are published and analyzed. The flight data show excellent stability of the rocket. Engine performance data prove very high efficiency and stable combustion. The subsystem design and verification before the launch is reported. Engine and flight trajectory simulations show very good agreement with the flight data. Furthermore, the overall project, rocket design, and subsystems, as well as the launch campaign, are presented here in detail.
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The combustion behavior of paraffin-based hybrid rocket fuels with gaseous oxygen as an oxidizer has been analyzed in detail. Regression rate tests have been done in a two-dimensional radial microburner at the DLR, German Aerospace Center and at the Space Propulsion Laboratory. Fuel samples have been characterized by viscosity measurements, tensile tests, and a differential scanning calorimeter. Tensile tests showed significant improvement in maximum stress and elongation when polymers in low concentration were added to the paraffin samples. The values of the liquid fuel viscosities differed significantly between the selected fuels. This affected the droplet entrainment process during combustion and the regression rates of the fuels. The entrainment and regression rate increased for the decreasing fuel liquid layer viscosity. An exponential relation has been found between the liquid fuel layer viscosity and the regression rate, which can be used to predict the regression rate of new liquefying fuels by measuring their viscosity.
Conference Paper
Zusammenfassung Das STERN-Programm dient der Nachwuchsförderung im Bereich Raumtransport/Trägersysteme und wurde über das DLR-Raumfahrtmanagement initiiert. STERN ist an alle Hochschulen der Fachrichtung Luft-u. Raumfahrttechnik adressiert. Studenten sollen dabei im Rahmen einer dreijährigen Projektlaufzeit eine eigene Rakete entwickeln, bauen und auch starten. Es gibt keine Beschränkung hinsichtlich der Höhe oder des verwendeten Antriebs. Als Mindestvoraussetzung zählen jedoch eine Flughöhe von drei Kilometern und das Erreichen der Schallgeschwindigkeit. Aufgrund der zu erwartenden Flughöhen von derzeit 10-15 km bei einigen Hochschulen, werden die Starts in der Regel auf dem Esrange-Startgelände in Kiruna (Nordschweden) erfolgen. Bis zur endgültigen Startfreigabe müssen die Studenten wie bei einem regulären Entwicklungsprogramm mehrere Reviews erfolgreich durchlaufen. Begleitet werden die Hochschulen von DLR-MORABA (Mobile Raketenbasis) sowie dem DLR-Institut für Raumfahrtantriebe in Lampoldshausen.
Conference Paper
In April 2012, the German Aerospace Center DLR initiated a sponsorship program for university students to develop, build and launch their own rockets over a period of three years. The program designation STERN was abbreviated from the German “STudentische Experimental-RaketeN”, which translates to Student- Experimental-Rockets. The primary goal of the STERN program is to inspire students in the subject of space transportation through hands-on activities within a project structure, to motivate universities to supervise and support the student projects with the help of financial support and to increase the lecture activities in the field of launcher and propulsion systems. The STERN program incorporates a space mission project life cycle, including preliminary, critical, integration and acceptance reviews, a thorough integration and testing campaign, launch and follow up activities. The program is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) and managed through the DLR Space Administration. The first STERN cycle is now almost finished. During the first cycle more than 460 students (status: February 2016) have been involved in the program. Furthermore eight rockets have been launched during three campaigns. The paper presents an overview of its hands-on activities, highlights technical results and the operational improvements over the years.
Acrylonitrilebutadiene-styrene thermoplastic, widely mass-produced for noncombustion applications including household plumbing and structural materials, is evaluated and compared with hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene as a potential fuel for hybrid rocket motors. Acrylonitrilebutadiene-styrene has several mechanical properties, including its ability to be fabricated into a wide variety of shapes using fused deposition modeling, which are very attractive as a potential hybrid rocket fuel. The acrylonitrilebutadiene-styrene grains were fabricated using fused deposition modeling from existing rapid-prototyping stock materials composed of 50 : 43 : 7 butadiene, acrylonitrile, and styrene mole fractions. The acrylonitrilebutadiene-styrene grains were burned with nitrous oxide as the matching oxidizer and compared for performance and consistency against fuel grains of equal size cast from hydroxylterminated polybutadiene and burned with nitrous oxide. Test results demonstrate a higher burn-to-burn consistency for acrylonitrilebutadiene-styrene, but slightly reduced overall performance. Methods for increasing the burn energy of the acrylonitrilebutadiene-styrene fuel grains were investigated. Equilibrium chemistry calculations conclude that, for a given oxidizer-to-fuel ratio, varying the butadiene mole fraction in the acrylonitrilebutadiene-styrene formulation has a significant effect on the propellant performance. A major result of this research is the demonstrated viability of thermoplastic as a hybrid rocket fuel grain material.
Conference Paper
This paper addresses the safety issues associated with the oxidizer nitrous oxide (N2O) with emphasis on propulsion systems. Even though N 2O is a widely used energetic material, the number of decomposition related accidents are quite limited due to its abnormally slow decomposition kinetics. However hazards do exist especially in propulsion systems where large quantities of N2O are stored at room temperature in thin walled vessels. Moreover the closely coupled combustion chamber is a significant source for ignition which does not naturally exist in other applications. A detailed kinetics model for the N2O decomposition process is presented. It is shown that a simplified single step first order kinetics model accurately captures the decomposition process at pressures larger than 40 atm. With use of the kinetics data, it has been shown that, at the same pressure and temperature, the N2O decomposition rate is six orders of magnitude slower than the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), making it a much safer propellant. Models for homogenous and local thermal ignition are also presented. It is shown that the estimated minimum ignition energy for pure N2O is approximately 450 mJ which is three orders of magnitude larger than the ignition energy for a stoichiometric CH4/air mixture. Small concentrations of diluents (i.e. N2, O2 or He) further increase the ignition energy making the mixture extremely difficult to ignite at dilution levels higher than 30%. The results of a model developed to predict the pressure rise in a closed vessel subject to decomposition is presented to demonstrate the significant hazard that exists in the N2O tank. The model predicts a 20 fold increase in pressure over a time period of many seconds for tanks that are in the range of 1-3 meters in length. Finally, a list of safety related recommendations unique to N2O operations have been included. The general conclusion is that despite its potential decomposition hazard, if handled properly, N2O is one of the safest oxidizers being used in rocket propulsion systems.