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Butterflies of Eravikulam National Park and its environs in the Western Ghats of Kerala, India



The Eravikulam National Park (ENP) holds the largest remaining pristine patches of southern montane wet temperate forests and southern montane wet temperate grasslands of peninsular India. The study shows that ENP harbours 198 species of butterflies, constituting 60.73% of the butterflies recorded from Kerala and 59.10% of butterflies observed in Western Ghats (WG). Thirty-five species of butterflies seen in ENP have some level of endemicity associated with them and 22 of them (52.38%) are strictly endemic to WG. Twenty-seven species are under the schedules of Indian Wildlife Act 1972 (WPA) and its amendments. This National Park has montane grassland-Shola dependent super-endemics like Neptis palnica and Telinga davisoni. ENP also holds Parantica nilgiriensis a Near Threatened species and another 11 Western Ghats endemics, namely, Telinga davisoni, T. oculus, Ypthima chenu, Y. ypthimoides, Arnetta mercara, Baracus hampsoni, B. subditus, Thoressa astigmata, T. evershedi, Oriens concinna, and Caltoris canaraica, which are primary grass feeders. Eravikulam, on the Anamalai–High Range–Palni landscape, lies on a major path of the return migration of butterflies to Western Ghats before the north-east monsoons. Although well-protected, the ENP has anthropogenic pressures from tea estates surrounding it, mammal-oriented management practices like controlled burning of primary grasslands, and natural forest fires, that can significantly affect the invertebrate fauna especially montane grassland shola-dependent butterflies.
Editor: Date of publicaon:
Funding: 
Compeng interests:
Author details: 
  
Author contribuons: 
Acknowledgements:    
Bueries of Eravikulam Naonal Park and its environs in the
Western Ghats of Kerala, India
Kalesh Sadasivan-1--------, Toms Augusne-2--------, Edayillam Kunhikrishnan-3---------& Baiju Kochunarayanan 4
Abstract:     
                
                
                
             
    Neps palnica  Telinga davisoni    Paranca nilgiriensis!a!
    Telinga davisoni, T. oculus,!Ypthima chenu, Y. ypthimoides,!
Arnea mercara,! Baracus hampsoni,!B. subditus,! Thoressa asgmata,!T. evershedi,!Oriens concinna Caltoris canaraica,!which! are!
              
  
Keywords: 
               
Butteries of Eravikulam NP and its environs Sadasivan et al.
      2   
       
       
       
   °   ° 
        
         
   
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      
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     
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     
    
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      
     
      
      
         
       
  
      
        
      
        
       Rohana(
cambia! Moore’! [Rohana parisas atacinus 
Argynnis nipheArgynnis
castetsi     Colias
nilagiriensis Colias nilagiriensis
    Catophaga galena!
Appias wardii 
   Ismene jaina! Moore’! [Burara(
jaina fergusonii     
       
      
 
       
      
        
          
      
   
 
  
     Jamides bochus bochus
       
       
       
      
     
         
      
       
    
     
      
       
       
        
        
Butteries of Eravikulam NP and its environs Sadasivan et al.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2022 | 14(6): 21199–21212 21201
        
         
  
        
   
      
       
    
      
       
       
       
       
     
      
       
       
 
  
 
     
  
          
  
       
      
Image 1. Map of Eravikulam Naonal Park.
Butteries of Eravikulam NP and its environs Sadasivan et al.
     
     
      Neps palnica
Telinga davisoni 
    
       
  
     
  
       Graphium
teredon(        
    Troides
minos       
  Papilio dravidarum 
  Pachliopta pandiyana   
        
   
   Papilio paris tamilana! Moore,!
    Papilio crino 
     
          
    Colias nilagiriensis 
 Appias wardii   
       Catopsilia pomona
pomona    Appias Catophaga(
albina swinhoei     
   Eurema laeta laeta 
Eurema brigia rubella
 Eurema Terias nilgiriensis  
Prioneris sita     Appias libythea!
Pareronia hippia
    
Colos fausta fulvia
      
  Pareronia hippia    
     
      
       
      
      
       
          
      
Ypthima ypthimoides   Lethe rohria
neelgheriensisYpthima baldus
baldus    Ypthima huebneri 
      
Ochlandra (   Zipaes sais!
   Paranrrhoea marshalli 
Image 2. Habitats shots of Eravikulam Naonal Park: A—Southern
montane wet temperate grasslands of Eravikulam near Anamudi
peak | B—Riparian patches of grasses and Rhododendron trees | C—
Garnoa grass patches in marshes and steam sides | D—Southern
montane wet temperate forests (Sholas) and grasslands. © Kalesh
Butteries of Eravikulam NP and its environs Sadasivan et al.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2022 | 14(6): 21199–21212 21203
Ypthima ceylonica      
Telinga davisoniTelinga
oculus   Ypthima ypthimoides 
Ypthima chenu
Argynnis castetsi Neps palnica
   Paranca nilgiriensis  
     
Charaxes psaphon imnaCharaxes schreiber
wardii   Idea malabarica  
Kallima horseldii   Cethosia mahraa!
   Dophla evelina laudabilis! Swinhoe,!
 Byblia ilithyia 
Symphaedra nais      
 
Abisara echerius prunosa!Moore,!
          
albidisca  
     
       
      
Arhopalini 
Azanus jesous gamraAzanus ubaldus
        
Freyeria putli
      Creon cleobis
cleobis  
      
       
       
 Arnea mercara
Baracus hampsoniBaracus
subditusOriens concinna
      Calamus
Thoressa evershedi
Caltoris canaraica Thoressa asgmata!
   Quedara basiava
      
      Tag ia d es
ligiosa ligiosaGerosis bhagava
bhagava     
  
        
 
       
       
Table 1. Summary of comparison of Western Ghats (WG), Kerala, and
Eravikulam Naonal Park (ENP) with respect to buery families,
endemic status, IUCN Red List status, and legal protecon under
Indian Wildlife Protecon Act 1972.
Family-wise stascs
Family WG Kerala ENP
 19 19 14
   
 100 97 70
 221
 98 94 42
 82 82 46
   198
Endemic species
Family WG Kerala ENP
 442
 18 18 8
 000
 1
 12 12 8
 42 42 22
IUCN Red List status
Red List Category WG Kerala ENP
 20 20 17
 221
 22 22 18
WPA 1972 legal status
Schedules WG Kerala ENP
 66
 111
  44 18
 11 11
  62 27
Butteries of Eravikulam NP and its environs Sadasivan et al.
IUCN Red List
    
      
 Paranca nilgiriensis    
Pachliopta pandiyana  Byblia ilithyia!
WPA 1972
      
       
          
         
them!Charaxes schreiber wardii Dophla(
evelina laudabilis!Swinhoe,!1890,!Prioneris sita
Appias libythea
Buery Migraon in ENP
       
    
       
 
 
        
        
      
     
      
    Tirumala septentrionis
dravidarum   Euploea core core!
  Tirumala limniace exocus 
 Danaus chrysippus chrysippus  
Euploea sylvester coreta 
  Catopsilia pomona pomona 
 Appias (Catophaga) albina  
  Appias wardii   
 Jamides bochus bochus    Lampides
agna agna    Pelopidas mathias
mathias      
         
Table 2. Family-wise list of endemic species and their known
Scienc name Common name Endemicity
1Troides minos 
2Pachliopta pandiyana 
Pachliopta hector 
4Graphium teredon
 
Papilio dravidarum
 
6Eurema Terias nilgiriensis 
 
7Colias nilagiriensis
 
8Prioneris sita
Sawtooth 
9Appias wardii /(
 
10 Lethe drypes todara
 
11 Mycalesis patnia junonia
 
12 Mycalesis subdita 
 Telinga davisoni 
14 Telinga oculus  
 Ypthima ceylonica 
16 Ypthima chenu
 
17 Ypthima ypthimoides 
18 Cethosia mahraa
 
19 Argynnis castetsi 
20 Cirrochroa thais thais
 
21 Neps palnica  
22 Paranca nilgiriensis 
 Celatoxia albidisca
 
24 Ionolyce helicon viola
 
 Cigaris schistacea
 
26 Celaenorrhinus fusca
 
27 Arnea mercara  
28 Baracus hampsoni
 
29 Baracus subditus
 
 Quedara basiava
 
 Thoressa asgmata
 
 Thoressa evershedi
 
 Oriens concinna 
 
 Potanthus diana  
 Caltoris canaraica 
Butteries of Eravikulam NP and its environs Sadasivan et al.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2022 | 14(6): 21199–21212 21205
Image 3. Some interesng bueries of Eravikulam Naonal Park: A—Argynnis-castetsi (Oberthür, 1891) Palni Frillary | B—Telinga-davisoni-
(Moore, [1891]) Palni Bushbrown | C—Neps palnica Eliot, 1969 Palni Sailer | D—Telinga-oculus-Marshall, 1881 Red-disc Bushbrown | E—
Paranca nilgiriensis (Moore, 1877) Nilgiri Tiger | F—Celatoxia-albidisca (Moore, [1884]) White-disc Hedge Blue | G—Baracus-subditus Moore,
[1884] Yellow-striped Hedge Hoppe | H—Oriens- concinna (Elwes & Edwards, 1897) Sahyadri Dartlet | I—Caltoris- canaraica-(Moore, [1884])
Karwar Swi | J—Colias-nilagiriensis Felder & Felder, 1859 Nilgiri Clouded Yellow. © A-B, D-J—Kalesh Sadasivan & C—Pree Y.
Butteries of Eravikulam NP and its environs Sadasivan et al.
Table 3. List of species in ENP under Red List of IUCN.
Scienc name Common name
Red List
1Troides minos 
2Pachliopta pandiyana 
Pachliopta aristolochiae aristolochiae
 
4Pachliopta hector 
Eurema Terias andersoni shimai 
 
6Eurema brigia rubella
 
7Belenois aurota aurota
 
8Melanis leda leda
 
9Rohana parisas atacinus
 
10 Byblia ilithyia 
11 Junonia almana almana
 
12 Junonia hierta hierta
 
 Vanessa cardui  
14 Euploea core core
 
 Paranca nilgiriensis 
16 Zizula hylax hylax
 
17 Cheritra freja butleri
 
18 Pelopidas mathias mathias
 
Table 4. List of species in ENP under WPA 1972.
Scienc name Common name
1Pachliopta hector 
2Eurema Terias andersoni shimai 
 
Prioneris sita
Sawtooth 
4Cepora nadina remba
 
Appias Hiposcria indra shiva
 
6Appias libythea
 
7Appias wardii /(
 
8Melanis zitenius gokala 
 
9Mycalesis anaxias anaxias
 
10 Charaxes schreiber wardii
11 Libythea laius lepitoides
 
12 Dophla evelina laudabilis
 
 Tanaecia lepidea miyana
 
14 Athyma ranga karwara
 
 Neps nata hampsoni
 
16 Neps palnica  
17 Parthenos sylvia virens 
 
18 Hypolimnas misippus
 
19 Euchrysops cnejus cnejus
 
20 Lampides boecus 
21 Nacaduba pactolus connentalis
 
22 Prosotas noreia hampsonii
 Tarucus ananda 
24 Cigaris lohita lazularia
 
 Catapaecilma major callone
 
26 Oriens concinna 
 
27 Pelopidas subochracea subochracea
 
      Neps palnica
Telinga davisoni 
       
      
Paranca nilgiriensis  
Telinga davisoni, 
  Telinga oculus  , 
Ypthima chenu, 
 Ypthima ypthimoides  , 
 Arnea mercara , 
 Baracus hampsoni    ,
 Baracus subditus!Moore,!
,   Thoressa asgmata 
,    Thoressa evershedi!
 ,   Oriens concinna 
   Caltoris canaraica!
      
       
      
     
 
Butteries of Eravikulam NP and its environs Sadasivan et al.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2022 | 14(6): 21199–21212 21207
Table 5. List of migratory bueries of Eravikulam Naonal Park.
Family Tribe Taxo n
1  Pachliopta aristolochiae
2  Pachliopta hector
  Papilio demoleus demoleus!
4  Papilio polytes romulus!
  Catopsilia pomona pomona!
6  Catopsilia pyranthe pyranthe!
7  Cepora nerissa phryne!
8  Belenois aurota aurota!
9  Appias Catophaga albina
10   Appias Hiposcria indra
11   Appias wardii 
12   Hypolimnas bolina jacintha!
   Hypolimnas misippus!
14   Junonia almana almana!
   Junonia hierta hierta!
16   Junonia lemonias lemonias
17   Junonia orithya 
18   Vanessa cardui 
19   Danaus chrysippus chrysippus!
20   Danaus genua genua!
21   Euploea core core
22   Euploea sylvester coreta!
   Paranca aglea aglea
24   Tirumala limniace exocus!
   Tirumala septentrionis
26   Jamides bochus bochus
27   Lampides boecus
28   Pelopidas agna agna
29   Pelopidas mathias mathias!
    
      
       
       
       
     Nilgiritragus hylocrius!
     
     
 
 
  
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Butteries of Eravikulam NP and its environs Sadasivan et al.
Appendix I. Checklist of Bueries of Eravikulam Naonal Park and Its Environs, Kerala (*POP-Populaon status as VC–Very Common, C–
Common, NR–Not Rare, R– Rare, VR–Very Rare and S–Stragglers, **END– Endemicity as WG–Western Ghats, PI–Peninsular India, SL– Sri Lanka,
SI–South India, +IUCN –IUCN Red List Status, #WPA–Indian Wildlife Protecon Act Schedule as Sch.)
Scienc name Common name Pop*End** IUCN+WPA#
1Troides minos   !
2Pachliopta pandiyana    !
Pachliopta aristolochiae aristolochiae ! !
4Pachliopta hector   
Graphium agamemnon menides ! ! !
6Graphium doson eleius ! ! !
7Graphium nomius nomius  ! ! !
8Graphium teredon  ! !
9Papilio demoleus demoleus ! ! !
10 Papilio dravidarum   ! !
11 Papilio helenus daksha  ! ! !
12 Papilio polymnestor polymnestor  ! ! !
 Papilio polytes romulus ! ! !
14 Papilio paris tamilana ! ! !
 Catopsilia pomonapomona ! ! !
16 Catopsilia pyranthe pyranthe ! ! !
17 Eurema andersoni shimai   ! 
18 Eurema nilgiriensis    ! !
19 Eurema blanda silhetana   ! ! !
20 Euremahecabe hecabe  ! ! !
21 Eurema laeta laeta ! ! !
22 Eurema brigia rubella ! !
 Colias nilagiriensis   ! !
24 Delias eucharis ! ! !
 Prioneris sita   !
26 Pieris canidia canis  ! ! !
27 Cepora nadina remba  ! ! 
28 Cepora nerissa phryne ! ! !
29 Belenois aurota aurota ! !
 Appias Catophaga albina swinhoei ! ! !
 Appias Hiposcria indra shiva  ! ! 
 Appias lalage lalage  ! ! !
 Appias libythea ! ! 
 Appias wardii /(  !
 Leptosia nina nina ! ! !
 Colos fausta fulvia S ! ! !
 Ixias pyrene sesia ! ! !
 Pareronia hippia  ! ! !
 Hebomoia glaucippe australis  ! ! !
40 Melanis leda leda ! !
Butteries of Eravikulam NP and its environs Sadasivan et al.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2022 | 14(6): 21199–21212 21209
Scienc name Common name Pop*End** IUCN+WPA#
41 Melanis phedima varaha  ! ! !
42 Melanis zitenius gokala  ! ! 
 Lethe drypes todara  ! !
44 Lethe(europa(europa( ! ! !
 Lethe rohria neelgheriensis ! ! !
46 Mycalesis anaxias anaxias  ! ! 
47 Mycalesis patnia junonia   ! !
48 Mycalesis mineus polydecta ! ! !
49 Mycalesis perseus tabitha ! ! !
 Mycalesis subdita   ! !
 Mycalesis visala visala  ! ! !
 Orsotriaena medus mandata ! ! !
 Telinga davisoni  ! !
 Telinga oculus    ! !
 Ypthima baldus baldus ! ! !
 Ypthima ceylonica S ! !
 Ypthima chenu   ! !
 Ypthima huebneri  ! ! !
 Ypthima ypthimoides  ! !
60 Rohana parisas atacinus  ! !
61 Ariadne ariadne indica ! ! !
62 Ariadne merione merione ! ! !
 Byblia ilithyia S !  !
64 Charaxes bharata   ! ! !
 Charaxes psaphon imna S ! ! !
66 Charaxes schreiber wardii S ! ! 
67 Cyress thyodamas indica  ! ! !
68 Acraea terpsicore ! ! !
69 Cethosia mahraa   ! !
70 Argynnis castetsi  ! !
71 Cirrochroa thais thais   ! !
72 Cupha erymanthis maja ! ! !
 Phalanta(phalantha(phalantha ! ! !
74 Vindula erota saloma ! ! !
 Libythea laius lepitoides ! ! 
76 Libythea myrrha rama ! ! !
77 Dophla evelina laudabilis S ! ! 
78 Symphaedra nais S! ! !
79 Tanaecia lepidea miyana ! ! 
80 Athyma inara ! ! !
81 Athyma perius perius ! ! !
82 Athyma ranga karwara ! ! 
 Athyma selenophora kanara ! ! !
84 Moduza procris procris  ! ! !
 Neps clinia kallaura  ! ! !
Butteries of Eravikulam NP and its environs Sadasivan et al.
Scienc name Common name Pop*End** IUCN+WPA#
86 Neps hylas varmona ! ! !
87 Neps jumbah nalanda  ! ! !
88 Neps nata hampsoni  ! ! 
89 Neps palnica   !
90 Parthenos sylvia virens  ! ! 
91 Hypolimnas bolina jacintha ! ! !
92 Hypolimnas misippus  ! ! 
 Junonia almana almana ! !
94 Junonia hierta hierta ! !
 Junonia iphita iphita  ! ! !
96 Junonia lemonias lemonias  ! ! !
97 Junonia orithya  ! ! !
98 Kaniska canace viridis   ! ! !
99 Vanessa indica pholoe  ! ! !
100 Vanessa cardui   ! !
101 Danaus chrysippus chrysippus ! ! !
102 Danaus genua genua ! ! !
 Euploea core core ! !
104 Euploea klugii kollari  ! ! !
 Euploea sylvester coreta  ! ! !
106 Paranca aglea aglea ! ! !
107 Paranca nilgiriensis   !
108 Tirumala limniace exocus  ! ! !
109 Tirumala septentrionis dravidarum  ! ! !
110 Abisara echerius prunosa   ! ! !
111 Spalgis epius epius E ! ! !
112 Anthene lycaenina lycaenina ! ! !
 Acytolepis puspa felderi ! ! !
114 Caleta decidia ! ! !
 Castalius rosimon rosimon  ! ! !
116 Catochrysops strabo strabo ! ! !
117 Celatoxia albidisca   ! !
118 Celastrina lavendularis lavenduris   ! !
119 Chilades lajus lajus  ! ! !
120 Chilades pandava pandava  ! ! !
121 Euchrysops cnejus cnejus ! ! 
122 Everes lacturnus syntala ! ! !
 Freyeria putli ! ! !
124 Ionolyce helicon viola   ! !
 Jamides alectoeurysaces  ! ! !
126 Jamides bochus bochus ! ! !
127 Jamides celeno celeno   ! ! !
128 Lampides boecus ! ! 
Butteries of Eravikulam NP and its environs Sadasivan et al.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2022 | 14(6): 21199–21212 21211
Scienc name Common name Pop*End** IUCN+WPA#
129 Leptotes plinius plinius  ! ! !
 Megisba malaya thwaitesi  ! ! !
 Nacaduba kurava canaraica ! ! !
 Nacaduba Pactolus connentalis  ! ! 
 Petrelaea(dana  ! ! !
 Prosotas dubiosa indica ! ! !
 Prosotas nora ardates  ! ! !
 Prosotas noreia hampsonii ! ! 
 Pseudozizeeria maha ossa  ! ! !
 Talicada nyseus nyseus ! ! !
 Tarucus ananda ! ! 
140 Udara akasa mavisa ! ! !
141 Zizeeria karsandra ! ! !
142 Zizina os indica ! ! !
 Zizula hylax hylax  ! !
144 Iraota moleon arsaces ! ! !
 Cigaris lohita lazularia  ! ! 
146 Cigaris schistacea   ! !
147 Cigaris vulcanus  ! ! !
148 Catapaecilma major callone ! ! 
149 Cheritra freja butleri ! !
 Deudorix epijarbas epijarbas ! ! !
 Rapala iarbus sorya ! ! !
 Creon cleobis cleobis  ! ! !
 Badamia exclamaonis   ! ! !
 Burara gomata kanara  ! ! !
 Burara jaina fergusonii ! ! !
 Choaspes benjaminii benjaminii
  ! ! !
 Hasora chromus chromus ! ! !
 Hasora taminatus taminatus  ! ! !
 Celaenorrhinus fusca  ! !
160 Pseudocoladenia dan dan  ! ! !
161 Coladenia indrani indra ! ! !
162 Gerosis bhagava bhagava S ! ! !
 Tagiades gana silvia  ! ! !
164 Tagiades japetus obscurus  ! ! !
 Tagiades ligiosa ligiosa  ! ! !
166 Spialia galba ! ! !
167 Aeromachus dubius dubius ! ! !
168 Aeromachus pygmaeus  ! ! !
169 Arnea mercara    ! !
170 Baracus hampsoni   ! !
171 Baracus subditus  ! !
172 Erionota torus ! ! !
Butteries of Eravikulam NP and its environs Sadasivan et al.
Scienc name Common name Pop*End** IUCN+WPA#
 Iambrix salsala luteipalpis ! ! !
174 Notocrypta paralysos mangla  ! ! !
 Quedara basiava   ! !
176 Salanoemia sala  ! ! !
177 Suastus gremius gremius  ! ! !
178 Suastus minuta bipunctus  ! ! !
179 Thoressa asgmata   ! !
180 Thoressa evershedi   ! !
181 Udaspes folus  ! ! !
182 Cephrenes acalle oceanica  ! ! !
 Oriens concinna    !
184 Oriens goloides  ! ! !
 Potanthus diana    ! !
186 Potanthus pallidus  ! ! !
187 Potanthus palnia palnia ! ! !
188 Potanthus pava pava  ! ! !
189 Taractrocera ceramas  ! ! !
190 Telicota bambusae bambusae  ! ! !
191 Telicota colon colon ! ! !
192 Borbo bevani   ! ! !
 Borbo cinnara ! ! !
194 Caltoris canaraica   ! !
 Caltoris kumara kumara  ! ! !
196 Pelopidas agna agna  ! ! !
197 Pelopidas mathias mathias ! !
198 Pelopidas subochracea subochracea ! ! 
 Shola Forests of Kerala
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Other Disciplines
Reviewers 2019–2021
       
              
        !
Date of Publicaon: 26 June 2022 (Online & Print)
DOI: 10.11609/jo.2022.14.6.21127-21330
Publisher & Host
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Freshwater shes of the Chimmony Wildlife Sanctuary, Western Ghats, India
Bueries of Eravikulam Naonal Park and its environs in the Western Ghats of Kerala,
The dragonies and damselies (Insecta: Odonata) of Shendurney Wildlife Sanctuary,
southern Western Ghats, India
A pioneering study on the spider fauna (Arachnida: Araneae) of Sagar District, Madhya
Pradesh, India
Taxonomy and threat assessment of Lagos kunawurensis Rupr (Plantaginaceae), an
endemic medicinal plant species of the Himalaya, India
The study of algal diversity from fresh water bodies of Chimmony Wildlife Sanctuary,
Kerala, India
A checklist of herpetofauna of Telangana state, India
Comments on “The Dragonies and Damselies (Odonata) of Kerala – Status and
Short Communicaons
Landings of IUCN Red Listed nshes at Chetlat Island of Lakshadweep, southeastern
First report of the termite Glyptotermes*ceylonicus (Blaodea: Isoptera: Kalotermidae)
from India: an example of disconnuous distribuon
Authenc report of the emesine bug Gardena*melinarthrum Dohrn, 1860 (Hemiptera:
Heteroptera: Reduviidae) from India
Reappearance of stomatopod Gonodactylus*platysoma*(Wood-Mason, 1895) aer an era
from the interdal region of Chota Balu, South Andaman, India
Range extension of earthworm Drawida impertusa Stephenson, 1920 (Clitellata:
Moniligastridae) in Karnataka, India
Pelatantheria insecfera (Rchb.f.) Ridl. (Orchidaceae): a new generic record for Eastern
Ghats of Andhra Pradesh, India
New breeding site record of Oriental White Ibis Threskiornis melanocephalus (Aves:
Threskiornithidae) at Thirunavaya wetlands, Kerala, India
Rediscovery of Gardena*melinarthrum Dohrn from Sri Lanka
A report on the occurrence of the cicada Callogaeana fesva (Fabricius, 1803) (Insecta:
Cicadidae) from Mizoram, India
New distribuon records of two species of metallic ground beetles of the genus Chlaenius-
(Coleoptera: Carabidae: Chlaeniini) from the Western Ghats, India
Report of Euphaea*pseudodispar Sadasivan & Bhakare, 2021 (Insecta: Odonata) from
Kerala, India
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Habitat management strategies across the globe are often focusing on flagship species, such as large threatened mammals. This is also true for most protected areas of India, where large mammals such as the Tiger or Asian Elephant represent focal species of conservation management, although a shift towards other species groups can be observed in recent times. Prescribed burning is a controversially debated method to manage open habitat types. This method is practised as a tool to manage the habitat of the endangered Nilgiri tahr, Nilgiritragus hylocrius (an endemic goat) at a large scale (50 ha grids) in Eraviku-lam National Park of the Western Ghats (Kerala, India). However, the impact of prescribed burning on other biota of this unique environment in a global biodiversity hotspot has not been studied. We compared the impact of large-scale prescribed burning on grasshopper abundances in Eravikulam National Park with small-scale burning in Parambikulam Tiger Reserve from 2015 to 2018, to assess the impact of the different fire management practices of these reserves on this species-rich insect group. We observed a negative response of grasshoppers to burning of larger contiguous areas in terms of their recovery after fire events, whereas burning small patches in a mosaic pattern facilitated rapid recovery of grasshopper communities. Our results suggest that burning management can be optimized to benefit both, the flagship vertebrate species as well as species-rich invertebrate communities.
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In a study on the diversity and abundance of butterflies of montane forests of Eravikulam National Park in the Western Ghats, southern India, 85 species of butterflies belonging to six families were recorded. This include eight species of butterflies that are endemic to the Western Ghats and one Near-Threatened species according to IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The family Nymphalidae, the brush-footed butterflies, was the major group of butterflies seen in the montane forests of Eravikulam National Park.
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We present a systematic, updated checklist of larval host plants of the butterflies of the Western Ghats, a globally recognized biodiversity hotspot. This includes recent new records, with a total of approximately 834 plant species/groups belonging to 88 families that are used by 320 butterfly species of the Western Ghats (the host plant records for 16 species are unknown). A reverse list is also provided as a reference to plant species-wise plant-butterfly associations.This work highlights the diversity of plant species on which the endemic and other butterfly species of the Western Ghats depend.
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The migratory movements of butterflies are poorly documented in Kerala. It’s for the first time the migratory behaviour of the Dark Cerulean Jamides bochus (Stoll) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) was documented from the Kerala part of Western Ghats. The migratory movement was from high ranges of Eravikulam National Park, Idukki district, Kerala at an elevation of 2085m to the lower elevations in a north-east to south-east direction.
Management Plan of Eravikulam National Park 2012-13 to 2022-23. Kerala Forests and Wildlife Department
  • Anonymous
Anonymous (2012). Management Plan of Eravikulam National Park 2012-13 to 2022-23. Kerala Forests and Wildlife Department, 107 pp.
A List of the Butterflies of the Palni Hills with descriptions of two new species
  • W H Evans
Evans, W.H. (1910). A List of the Butterflies of the Palni Hills with descriptions of two new species. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 20: 380-392.
The Identification of Indian butterflies
  • W H Evans
Evans, W.H. (1927).The Identification of Indian butterflies. Bombay Natural History Society, Madras, xii+302 pp.
A catalogue of the Hesperiidae from Europe, Asia, and Australia in the British Museum (Natural History)
  • W H Evans
Evans, W.H. (1949). A catalogue of the Hesperiidae from Europe, Asia, and Australia in the British Museum (Natural History). British Museum of Natural History, London, 502 pp.
A list of the butterflies of Travancore
  • H S Ferguson
Ferguson, H.S. (1891). A list of the butterflies of Travancore. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 6: 438-448.
Butterflies of the Western Ghats, India (including Sri Lanka: A Biodiversity Assessment of a Threatened Mountain System). Technical report to Centre for Ecological Sciences
  • H Gaonkar
Gaonkar, H. (1996). Butterflies of the Western Ghats, India (including Sri Lanka: A Biodiversity Assessment of a Threatened Mountain System). Technical report to Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 51 pp.