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Nichos de inovação de base no Brasil: transições tecnológicas, sociais e culturais na esfera da sociedade civil



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Community-supported Agriculture (CSA) is an innovative social technology in the relationships established between rural food producers and the urban consumers of their products. The process seeks to consolidate short circuits of food supply in the market, as well as the reestablishment and strengthening of collective practices of cooperation and political action favorable to the defense of endogenous socioeconomic development, to the revaluation of the identitary and territorial food cultures, to fair trade and to defense. In this context, the purpose of this article is to fill a gap in national knowledge production on CSA, revealing its importance for sustainable agricultural development, as a new perspective for the productive organization of the food chain, especially those that are organic. Methodologically, this study is composed of bibliographical and documentary research as a procedure to present the state of the art on the subject in Brazil and a survey answered by 32 CSAs from all over the country, which corresponded to 64% of the total of existing experiences. The results show that, besides the tangible economic and financial advantages, the community organization of producers and consumers through the CSAs, has important cultural and political dimensions, contributing to the promotion, defense and development of place, as well as stimulating critical and participatory postures of organized communities.Keywords: Community-supported agriculture; direct sales; social technology; food territoriality; short food supply chain.JUNQUEIRA, Antonio Hélio; MORETTI, Sérgio Luiz do Amaral. Comunidade que Sustenta a Agricultura (CSA): tecnologia social de venda direta de alimentos e de revalorização das identidades alimentares territoriais. Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura, v. 26, n. 3, p. 517-538, out. 2018.Submitted in may 2018.Accepted in september 2018.
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El movimiento social campesino transnacional. La Vía Campesina ha sido sostenido y moldeado por un diálogo de saberes entre distintos conocimientos y maneras de conocer que tiene lugar entre las distintas culturas e identidades rurales de sus miembros, en el contexto de una confrontación cada vez más politizada con la realidad neoliberal y el agronegocio (re)capitalizado en la fase más reciente de la economía capitalista. Este diálogo entre las voces ausentes, hasta ahora marginadas, ha suscitado importantes " emergencias " que abarcan desde los marcos interpretativos movilizadores de la acción colectiva –como el concepto de soberanía alimentaria— hasta las metodologías sociales que promueven la difusión de la agroecología entre las familias campesinas.
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Some recent transformations in the Brazilian agriculture are analyzed and related to public and/or social politics. The intention is to show that efficient public politics refute compensatory social politics. They analyze the familiar agriculture in historical formation, its competition and professional qualification required for the sustainable development. The land reform also is discussed through a prism of social public politics.
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No contexto da nova relação do rural e urbano, a agricultura urbana ganha importância em função de aspectos a ela ligados, tais como a crescente urbanização, a pobreza, problemas de abastecimento e valores fora de mercado. Todavia, os estudos existentes no Brasil sobre a temática ainda são escassos. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é apresentar os resultados de uma investigação sobre a contribuição da agricultura urbana na melhoria da renda e da alimentação de famílias pobres. Para tal, foram entrevistadas, inicialmente, 38 e, posteriormente, 20 famílias, em cinco bairros do município de Santa Maria- RS. Os resultados revelam que a atividade não cumpre necessariamente o papel de provedora de renda adicional, mas conduz a uma economia expressiva, pois certos alimentos deixam de ser comprados. A produção obtida oferece nutrientes importantes, ficando ausentes os alimentos mais ricos em minerais, os quais não são produzidos pelas famílias. A atividade pode ser considerada um modo de produção fora de mercado ou uma economia de subsistência e cumpre papel relevante na complementação da alimentação, fornecendo produtos frescos e relativamente livres de contaminantes industriais, o que contribui para a segurança alimentar e nutricional das famílias. Palavras-chave: agricultura urbana, pobreza e segurança alimentar.
Research in social epidemiology suggests that the absence of positive social relationships is a significant risk factor for broad-based morbidity and mortality. The nature of these social relationships and the mechanisms underlying this association are of increasing interest as the population gets older and the health care costs associated with chronic disease escalate in industrialized countries. We review selected evidence on the nature of social relationships and focus on one particular facet of the connection continuum – the extent to which an individual feels isolated (i.e., feels lonely) in a social world. Evidence indicates that loneliness heightens sensitivity to social threats and motivates the renewal of social connections, but it can also impair executive functioning, sleep, and mental and physical well-being. Together, these effects contribute to higher rates of morbidity and mortality in lonely older adults.
What if being lonely were a bigger problem than we ever suspected? Based on John T. Cacioppo's pioneering research, Loneliness explores the effects of this all-too-human experience, providing a fundamentally new view of the importance of social connection and how it can rescue us from painful isolation. His sophisticated studies relying on brain imaging, analysis of blood pressure, immune response, stress hormones, behavior, and even gene expression show that human beings are simply far more intertwined and interdependent—physiologically as well as psychologically—than our cultural assumptions have ever allowed us to acknowledge. Bringing urgency to the message, Cacioppo's findings also show that prolonged loneliness can be as harmful to your health as smoking or obesity. On the flip side, they demonstrate the therapeutic power of social connection and point the way toward making that healing balm available to everyone. Cacioppo has worked with science writer William Patrick to trace the evolution of these tandem forces, showing how, for our primitive ancestors, survival depended not on greater brawn but on greater commitments to and from one another. Serving as a prompt to repair frayed social bonds, the pain of loneliness engendered a fear response so powerfully disruptive that even now, millions of years later, a persistent sense of rejection or isolation can impair DNA transcription in our immune cells. This disruption also impairs thinking, will power, and perseverance, as well as our ability to read social signals and exercise social skills. It also limits our ability to internally regulate our emotions—all of which can combine to trap us in self-defeating behaviors that reinforce the very isolation and rejection that we dread. Loneliness shows each of us how to overcome this feedback loop of defensive behaviors to achieve better health and greater happiness. For society, the potential payoff is the greater prosperity and social cohesion that follows from increased social trust. Ultimately, Loneliness demonstrates the irrationality of our culture's intense focus on competition and individualism at the expense of family and community. It makes the case that the unit of one is actually an inadequate measure, even when it comes to the health and well-being of the individual. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Mudanças dos Hábitos Alimentares Provocados pela Industrialização e o Impacto sobre a Saúde do Brasileiro
  • F C O França
  • A C R Mendes
  • I S Andrade
  • G Ribeiro
  • I B Pinheiro
FRANÇA, F.C.O.; MENDES, A.C.R. ; ANDRADE, I.S.; RIBEIRO, G.S; PINHEIRO, I.B. Mudanças dos Hábitos Alimentares Provocados pela Industrialização e o Impacto sobre a Saúde do Brasileiro. In: Anais do I Seminário Alimentação e Cultura na Bahia. Centro de Estudos do Recôncavo, UEFS, p 1-7, 2014.
Infraestrutura verde: sustentabilidade e resiliência para a paisagem urbana
  • C P Herzog
  • L Z Rosa
HERZOG, C. P.; ROSA, L. Z. Infraestrutura verde: sustentabilidade e resiliência para a paisagem urbana. Revista LabVerde, n.1, out. 2010, p.91-115. DOI: 10.11606/ issn.2179-2275.v0i1p92-115