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Techniques in Coloproctology (2022) 26:767
Correction to: Anevaluation ofthelong‑term effectiveness
ofGatekeeper™ intersphincteric implants forpassive faecal
S.A.A.Jabbar1· J.Camilleri‑Brennan1,2
Published online: 22 June 2022
© The Author(s) 2022
Correction to:
Techniques in Coloproctology (2022) 26:537–543
https:// doi. org/ 10. 1007/ s10151- 022- 02630-z
The article An evaluation of the long‑term effectiveness of
Gatekeeper™ intersphincteric implants for passive faecal
incontinence, written by S. A. A. Jabbar, J. Camilleri‑Bren‑
nan, was originally published Online First without Open
Access. After publication in volume 26, issue 7, pages
537–543 the author decided to opt for Open Choice and to
make the article an Open Access publication. Therefore,
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The original article has been corrected.
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The original article can be found online at https:// doi. org/ 10. 1007/
s10151‑ 022‑ 02630‑z.
* J. Camilleri‑Brennan
1 Department ofColorectal Surgery, Forth Valley Royal
Hospital, Larbert, Stirlingshire, Scotland,UK
2 Department ofSurgery, University ofGlasgow, Glasgow,