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Automatic recognition of congestive heart failure signs in heart rate variability data

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... The accuracy of the data used to build any model in the medical area directly affects the building of dependable models. We must examine the numerous circumstances for upcoming performances [12]. ...
... The presentation, etiology and pathogenesis of this disease were studied. We have reviewed the available programs of physical rehabilitation for hypertensive heart disease (Shalimova, 2022;Pulavskyi et al., 2022;Gevorkyan, Ippolitov, Bocharova 2022). As a result of the analysis of literary sources, the purpose and objectives of the study were formulated and specified, the main approaches to the physical rehabilitation of patients with hypertension were determined. ...
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Background. Hypertensive heart disease (HD) is a chronic abnormality that affects various systems of the body and is especially unfavorable for women of reproductive age. The purpose of the study was to develop a comprehensive program of physical rehabilitation for young women suffering with stage I hypertensive heart disease at the outpatient stage of rehabilitation and evaluate its effectiveness. Materials and methods. 42 young women with a diagnosis of HD were randomly divided into two groups: one performing traditional physical rehabilitation (control group) and the other following a method based on the Pilates system. Questionnaire, Martinet-Kushelevsky test, modified Romberg test, and Deshin test were performed. Results. Questionnaire and examination for determination of therapeutic tasks in the application of physical rehabilitation show improvement due to the use of the suggested methodology. Indicators of Martinet-Kushelevsky test improved from 2.46 points to 5.48 points (p<0.01) which is better (p<0.05) than in the case of the traditional methodology where they changed from 2.44 to 4.61 (p<0.01). Kotov-Deshin test results show improvement in both groups evenly but the test results of the women of the main group improved from “unsatisfactory” to “good”, and those of the women of the control group improved from “unsatisfactory” to “satisfactory” with significantly better results in the main group (p<0.05). Distribution of the Romberg test results show improvement of vestibular stability in all participants of the main group. Conclusions. The proposed program of complex physical rehabilitation of patients with stage I hypertensive heart disease using the Pilates method proved to be effective. Due to this program, there was a significant decrease in heart rate, systolic and diastolic pressure, an improvement in the response of the cardiovascular system to the Martinet-Kushelevsky functional test as well as in the state of the respiratory and nervous systems, as evidenced primarily by the indicators of hypoxic tests, spirometry, clino- and orthostatic tests, with the Romberg and Deshin methods.
... The presentation, etiology and pathogenesis of this disease were studied. We have reviewed the available programs of physical rehabilitation for hypertensive heart disease (Shalimova, 2022;Pulavskyi et al., 2022;Gevorkyan, Ippolitov, Bocharova 2022). As a result of the analysis of literary sources, the purpose and objectives of the study were formulated and specified, the main approaches to the physical rehabilitation of patients with hypertension were determined. ...
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Study purpose. The study aimed to investigate the social, physical, and mental well-being of people of all ages in Buriram province and developed physical activities that apply to local people of all ages. Materials and methods. To develop social cohesion in Sai To 5 Tai, Chanthopphet district, Buriram province, the study recruited 120 participants of all ages divided into 2 groups of 60 people each: 1) an experimental group was given a training program for training in Wai Kru Muay Thai 12 positions, 15 sequences 3 days/week, 30 minutes/day for 10 weeks; and 2) a control group performed their normal routine. The participants were assessed for their well-being in all ages using a questionnaire and for their physical fitness using field tests in pre-training and after training for 5 and 10 weeks. Research data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, normal distribution test, parametric and non-parametric statistic test. Results. The results showed that after 10 weeks, the experimental group had social, physical, and mental well-being in all ages as well as physical fitness that developed in cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscle strength and endurance better than in the control group at a significance level of 0.05. Conclusions. The training program for training in Wai Kru Muay Thai 12 positions, 15 sequences can improve the well-being and physical fitness of people of all ages.
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The course of menopause transition (MT) is associated with peculiarities of alterations occurring in a woman’s body, in particular, in the structure of bone tissue. Considering that bones of the paranasal sinuses (BPNSs) play a natural defense role against the spread of dental infection, their structure is important in dentistry. However, no information was found pertaining to changes of BPNSs during MT – a time when dental maladies increase in many women. The aim of our study was to collate density of BPNSs with status of adrenal steroids in women during MT, since the pattern of their changes determines the course of MT. Cross-sectional associations were examined between bone density of PNSs assessed by Spiral Computed Tomography and Serum content of testosterone (T), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), free androgen index (FAI), insulin, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), Adione, and Adiol in 113 women of perimenopausal age (age range from 45 to 55 years) who had already experienced premenopausal menstrual decline (amenorrhea less than 2 years). Strong positive (r = 0.73) correlation between minimal bone density of maxillary sinus in women with level of DHEAS was detected. It is important to note, that the correlation between minimal density of the lower wall of frontal sinus is a weak positive (0.3). Therefore, it can be suggested that bone tissue of the maxillary sinus is more sensitive to changes in DHEAS. The study showed that the level of male steroids, in particular DHEAS, affected the state of bone tissue in participants older than 50 years of age.
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A noniterative approach to the problem of visually lossless compression of dental images is proposed for an image coder based on the discrete cosine transform (DCT) and partition scheme optimization. This approach considers the following peculiarities of the problem. It is necessary to carry out lossy compression of dental images to achieve large compression ratios (CRs). Since dental images are viewed and analyzed by specialists, it is important to preserve useful diagnostic information preventing appearance of any visible artifacts due to lossy compression. At last, dental images may contain noise having complex statistical and spectral properties. In this paper, we have analyzed and utilized dependences of three quality metrics (Peak signal-to-noise ratio, PSNR; eak Signal-to-Noise Ratio using Human Visual System and Masking (PSNR-HVS-M); and feature similarity, FSIM) on the quantization step (QS), which controls a compression ratio for the so-called advanced DCT coder (ADCTC). The threshold values of distortion visibility for these metrics have been considered. Finally, the recent results on detectable changes in noise intensity have been incorporated in the QS setting. A visual comparison of original and compressed images allows to conclude that the introduced distortions are practically undetectable for the proposed approach; meanwhile, the provided CR lies within the interval.
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Nazaryan R, Kryvenko L, Gargin V. The role of nitric oxide synthase in the modulation of the immune response in atopic disease. The New Armenian Medical Journal. 2017 Vol.11;No 2, p. 52-57
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Sensitivity and specificity analysis is commonly used for screening and diagnostic tests. The main issue researchers face is to determine the sufficient sample sizes that are related with screening and diagnostic studies. Although the formula for sample size calculation is available but concerning majority of the researchers are not mathematicians or statisticians, hence, sample size calculation might not be easy for them. This review paper provides sample size tables with regards to sensitivity and specificity analysis. These tables were derived from formulation of sensitivity and specificity test using Power Analysis and Sample Size (PASS) software based on desired type I error, power and effect size. The approaches on how to use the tables were also discussed.
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The analysis of symbolic dynamics applied to physiological time series is able to retrieve information about dynamical properties of the underlying system that cannot be gained with standard methods like e.g. spectral analysis. Different approaches for the transformation of the original time series to the symbolic time series have been proposed. Yet the differences between the approaches are unknown. In this study three different transformation methods are investigated: (1) symbolization according to the deviation from the average time series, (2) symbolization according to several equidistant levels between the minimum and maximum of the time series, (3) binary symbolization of the first derivative of the time series. Furthermore, permutation entropy was used to quantify the symbolic series. Each method was applied to the cardiac interbeat interval series RR i and its difference ΔRR I of 17 healthy subjects obtained during head-up tilt testing. The symbolic dynamics of each method is analyzed by means of the occurrence of short sequences (“words”) of length 3. The occurrence of words is grouped according to words without variations of the symbols (0V%), words with one variation (1V%), two like variations (2LV%) and two unlike variations (2UV%). Linear regression analysis showed that for method 1 0V%, 1V%, 2LV% and 2UV% changed with increasing tilt angle. For method 2 0V%, 2LV% and 2UV% changed with increasing tilt angle and method 3 showed changes for 0V% and 1V%. Furthermore, also the permutation entropy decreased with increasing tilt angle. In conclusion, all methods are capable of reflecting changes of the cardiac autonomic nervous system during head-up tilt. All methods show that even the analysis of very short symbolic sequences is capable of tracking changes of the cardiac autonomic regulation during head-up tilt testing.
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Nonsymmetric Shapley values for coalitional form games with transferable utility are studied. The nonsymmetries are modeled through nonsymmetric weight systems defined on the players of the games. It is shown axiomatically that two families of solutions of this type are possible. These families are strongly related to each other through the duality relationship on games. While the first family lends itself to applications of nonsymmetric revenue sharing problems the second family is suitable for applications of cost allocation problems. The intersection of these two families consists essentially of the symmetric Shapley value. These families are also characterized by a probabilistic arrival time to the game approach. It is also demonstrated that lack of symmetries may arise naturally when players in a game represent nonequal size constituencies.
Purpose: Heart rate variability is a commonly used measurement to evaluate functioning of autonomic nervous system, psychophysiological stress, and exercise intensity and recovery. HRV measurements contain artefacts such as extra, missed or misaligned beat detections, which can produce significant distortion on HRV parameters. In this paper, a robust automatic method for artefact detection from HRV time series is proposed. Methods: The proposed detection method is based on time-varying thresholds estimated from distribution of successive RR-interval differences combined with a novel beat classification scheme. The method is validated using simulated extra, missed and misaligned beat detections as well as real artefacts such as atrial and ventricular ectopic beats. Results: The sensitivity of the algorithm to detect simulated missed/extra beats was 100%. The sensitivity to detect real atrial and ventricular ectopic beats was 96.96%, the corresponding specificity being 99.94%. The mean error in HRV parameters after correction was <2% for missed and extra beats as well as for misaligned beats generated with large displacement factors. Misaligned beats with smallest displacement factor were the most difficult to detect and resulted in largest HRV parameter errors after correction, largest errors being <8%. Conclusions: The HRV artefact correction algorithm presented in this study provided comparable specificity and better sensitivity to detect ectopic beats as compared to state-of-the-art algorithms. The proposed algorithm detects abnormal beats with high accuracy, is relatively easy to implement, and secures reliable HRV analysis by reducing the effect of possible artefacts to tolerable level.
Conference Paper
An Information and Communication Technology for caries intensity evaluation for children with allergic diseases is proposed. The method is based on a Pareto chart and a digital convergence prism. The Pareto chart is one of the seven basic tools of quality control. The method has been tested during the clinical examination of 110 children of individuals by using a probe, mirror and cotton rolls, and simply counts the number of decayed, missing (due to caries only) and restored teeth.
A method of the improvement of the accuracy of the existing thermospectroscopic glucometer is presented in the article. The improvement of the accuracy is based on an increase in the measurement time by two times as compared to the existing method and the introduction of the body mass index in the model. Preliminary age-specific clusterization of input data is added. The results of the work of the proposed method, using 36 patients, are given. The clinical acceptability of the result in accordance with Clarke and Parkes Error Grid is shown. The percentage of compliance with the standard ISO 15197:2003 which amounts to 88.9% is reached.
The performance of (bio-)signal classification strongly depends on the choice of suitable features (also called parameters or biomarkers). In this article we evaluate the discriminative power of ordinal pattern statistics and symbolic dynamics in comparison with established heart rate variability parameters applied to beat-to-beat intervals. As an illustrative example we distinguish patients suffering from congestive heart failure from a (healthy) control group using beat-to-beat time series. We assess the discriminative power of individual features as well as pairs of features. These comparisons show that ordinal patterns sampled with an additional time lag are promising features for efficient classification.
The newly inaugurated Research Resource for Complex Physiologic Signals, which was created under the auspices of the National Center for Research Resources of the National Institutes of Health, is intended to stimulate current research and new investigations in the study of cardiovascular and other complex biomedical signals. The resource has 3 interdependent components. PhysioBank is a large and growing archive of well-characterized digital recordings of physiological signals and related data for use by the biomedical research community. It currently includes databases of multiparameter cardiopulmonary, neural, and other biomedical signals from healthy subjects and from patients with a variety of conditions with major public health implications, including life-threatening arrhythmias, congestive heart failure, sleep apnea, neurological disorders, and aging. PhysioToolkit is a library of open-source software for physiological signal processing and analysis, the detection of physiologically significant events using both classic techniques and novel methods based on statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics, the interactive display and characterization of signals, the creation of new databases, the simulation of physiological and other signals, the quantitative evaluation and comparison of analysis methods, and the analysis of nonstationary processes. PhysioNet is an on-line forum for the dissemination and exchange of recorded biomedical signals and open-source software for analyzing them. It provides facilities for the cooperative analysis of data and the evaluation of proposed new algorithms. In addition to providing free electronic access to PhysioBank data and PhysioToolkit software via the World Wide Web (http://www.physionet. org), PhysioNet offers services and training via on-line tutorials to assist users with varying levels of expertise.
We have developed a real-time algorithm for detection of the QRS complexes of ECG signals. It reliably recognizes QRS complexes based upon digital analyses of slope, amplitude, and width. A special digital bandpass filter reduces false detections caused by the various types of interference present in ECG signals. This filtering permits use of low thresholds, thereby increasing detection sensitivity. The algorithm automatically adjusts thresholds and parameters periodically to adapt to such ECG changes as QRS morphology and heart rate. For the standard 24 h MIT/BIH arrhythmia database, this algorithm correctly detects 99.3 percent of the QRS complexes.
Application of estimated oral health indices in adolescents with tobacco addiction
  • R Nazaryan
  • L Kryvenko
  • Y Zakut
  • O Karnaukh
  • V Gargin
R. Nazaryan, L. Kryvenko, Y. Zakut, O. Karnaukh, and V. Gargin, 'Application of estimated oral health indices in adolescents with tobacco addiction', Pol Merkur Lekarski, vol. 48, no. 287, pp. 327-330, Oct. 2020.
Application of estimated oral health indices in adolescents with tobacco addiction
  • nazaryan