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Aquaculture, which is the breeding of fishes in artificial ponds, seems to be gaining popularity among urban and sub-urban dwellers in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Tenant aquaculture enables individuals irrespective of their profession to grow fishes locally in a little space. However, there are challenges facing aquaculture such as the availability of water, how to monitor and manage water quality, and more seriously, the problem of absence of dataset with which the farmer can use as a guide for fish breeding. Aquaponics is a system that combines conventional aquaculture with hydroponics (the method of growing plants in water i.e. soilless farming of crops). It uses these two technologies in a symbiotic combination in which the plant uses the waste from the fish as food while at the same time filtering the water for immediate re-use by the fish. This helps to solve the problem of frequent change of water. An Internet of Things (IoT) system consisting of an ESP-32 microcontroller which controls water quality sensors in aquaponics fish ponds was designed and developed for automatic data collection. The sensors include temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, ammonia and nitrate sensors. The IoT system reads water quality data and uploads the same to the cloud in real time. The dataset is visualized in the cloud and downloaded for the purposes of data analytics and decision-making. We present the dataset in this paper. The dataset will be very useful to the agriculture, aquaculture, data science and machine learning communities. The insights such dataset will provide when subjected to machine learning and data analytics will be very useful to fish farmers, informing them when to change the pond water, what stocking density to apply, provide knowledge about feed conversion ratios, and in predict the growth rate and patterns of their fishes.
Data in Brief 43 (2022) 108400
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Data Article
An internet of things lab elle d dataset for
aquaponics fish pond water quality
monitoring system
C.N. Udanor
a , , N.I. Ossai
, E.O. Nweke
, B.O. Ogbuokiri
A.H. Eneh
, C.H. Ugwuishiwu
, S.O. Aneke
, A.O. Ezuwgu
P.O. Ugwoke
, Arua Christiana
Department of Computer Science, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nigeria
Department of Environmental Biology and Zoology, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nigeria
ICT Unit, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nigeria
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 20 December 2021
Revised 12 June 2022
Accepted 16 June 2022
Available online 20 June 2022
Keywo rds:
a b s t r a c t
Aquaculture, which is the breeding of fishes in artificial
ponds, seems to be gaining popularity among urban and sub-
urban dwellers in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Tenant aqua-
culture enables individuals irrespective of their profession to
grow fishes locally in a little space. However, there are chal-
lenges facing aquaculture such as the availability of water,
how to monitor and manage water quality, and more se-
riously, the problem of absence of dataset with which the
farmer can use as a guide for fish breeding. Aquaponics is a
system that combines conventional aquaculture with hydro-
ponics (the method of growing plants in water i.e. soilless
farming of crops). It uses these two technologies in a symbi-
otic combination in which the plant uses the waste from the
fish as food while at the same time filtering the water for im-
mediate re-use by the fish. This helps to solve the problem of
frequent change of water. An Internet of Things (IoT) system
consisting of an ESP-32 microcontroller which controls water
quality sensors in aquaponics fish ponds was designed and
developed for automatic data collection. The sensors include
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C.N. Udanor).
2352-3409/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
( )
2 C.N. Udanor, N.I. Ossai and E.O. Nweke et al. / Data in Brief 43 (2022) 108 40 0
temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, ammonia and
nitrate sensors. The IoT system reads water quality data and
uploads the same to the cloud in real time. The dataset is
visualized in the cloud and downloaded for the purposes of
data analytics and decision-making. We present the dataset
in this paper. The dataset will be very useful to the agricul-
ture, aquaculture, data science and machine learning com-
munities. The insights such dataset will provide when sub-
jected to machine learning and data analytics will be very
useful to fish farmers, informing them when to change the
pond water, what stocking density to apply, provide knowl-
edge about feed conversion ratios, and in predict the growth
rate and patterns of their fishes.
©2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license
( )
Specifications Tabl e
Subject Aquaculture
Specific subject area Aquaponics –Aquaculture (fish breeding) and Plant breeding (hydroponics)
Type of data Tabl e,
How the data were acquired The datasets were acquired using water quality sensors such as submersible
temperature sensor, dissolved oxygen , turbidity, pH, ammonia, and nitrate
sensors connected to ESP 32 [4] , a 32-bit microcontroller. The microcontroller
has an in-built WiFi module which enables the sensors’ data to be
automatically uploaded to a cloud computing platform, known as Thingspeak
IoT cloud, through an Internet of Things (IoT) network. C programming
language was used to code the software program written to control the
with the Arduino 1.8 . 4 integrated development environment (IDE)
known as sketch. The code was embedded in the microcontroller.
The sensors used include:
1. DF Rob ot pH sensor probe for Arduino version 2.0
2. DF Robot Dissolved Oxygen sensor probe for Arduino
3. DF Robot DC 5V TS-300B Turbidity Sensor Module Mixed Water
Detection Module Water Quality Tes t Turbidity Transducer For Arduino
4. Dallas DS18B20 temperature sensor.
5. Ammonia detection sensor NH
gas sensor module MQ137
6. Nitrate detection sensor NO
gas sensor module MQ135
The dataset were cleaned, annotated and uploaded to the Kaggle Data
Repository [13] for machine learning, which is licensed and free to download.
Data format Raw (in .csv format)
Description of data collection The IoT system was programmed to automatically read six water quality
parameters for
each of the 12 fish ponds and transmit them to the cloud storage
hosted by Thingspeak ( 62/ ) every 5 s .
Besides the data collected by the IoT system, measurements were made
fourth-nightly of the fish’s weight and length by random sampling. About 10 to 15
samples were taken.
Data source location Institution: Universit y of Nigeria Nsukka
City/Town/Region: Nsukka/Nsukka/Enugu State
Country: Nigeria
Latitude and longitude (and GPS coordinates, if possible) for collected
samples/data: Latitude: 6.85813, Longitude: 7.3968
Data accessibility Repository name: Kaggle
Direct link to the dataset:
e81da8b7666dc7af41cdc3aa5ef96c5547e4f412598a030f40d4 4 4550965e34f
Data identification number (DOI):
No access control is required to view or download the datasets.
C.N. Udanor, N.I. Ossai and E.O. Nweke et al. / Data in Brief 43 (2022) 108 40 0 3
Value of the Data
The sensor parameter readings from the fish pond gives realtime situation report on the
condition of the water in the fish pond.
Agricultural consultants, policy makers, and government agencies such as the ministry of
agriculture will need the dataset to advise farmers and governments both for planning and
predicting the performance of the fish.
With the dataset being publicly available researchers, lecturers, and the machine learning
community can use it to develop models that predict the growth rate of the fish, feed in-
take and feed conversion rates.
1. Data Description
The data files are 12 comma separated values (.csv) format files, each representing an
aquaponics fish pond as shown in Table 1 . The files are named serially as in IoT_pond1.csv to
The table contains the date and time the data were collected, the entry id of each data from 1
to n. Then the next six columns contain the IoT water quality parameters. The last two columns
were manually measured values as described above.
Fig. 1 shows a screen capture of the dataset on Kaggle website. Kaggle provides a graphical
view of each of the dataset. The figure shows a section of the dataset as displayed on the Kaggle
data repository. The columns in the figure represent the sensors such as the temperature, tur-
bidity, dissolved oxygen, etc. The respective values of the sensors are also plotted in the figure
using histograms.
Tabl e 1
Dataset table.
created_at entry_id Temperature
pH Ammonia
Weig ht
Fig. 1. Screenshot of the pond1 aquaponics IoT datasets.
4 C.N. Udanor, N.I. Ossai and E.O. Nweke et al. / Data in Brief 43 (2022) 108 40 0
2. Experimental Design, Materials and Methods
Wate r quality impacts on fish growth rate, feed consumption, and their general wellbeing
[1 , 2] . Farmers ignorance of how to manage pond water has resulted to the death of fishes [3] .
Six water quality sensors were used during the experiment for the data collection. These
included temperature, turbidity, pH, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, and nitrate sensors. Each of
the sensors was first of all calibrated according to industry and manufacturers’ specifications
before being programmed and tested. The process of calibration involved using some calibration
solutions, in some cases (such as sodium hydroxyl), as in the cases of the pH and dissolved
oxygen sensors. The gas sensors were also calibrated with the relevant gases, after which the
calibration codes were run. At the end of the modular programming, all the codes for the six
sensors were integrated and the system was tested until the output was satisfactory.
The IoT system was programmed to automatically read the six water quality parameters for
each of the 12 aquaponics fish ponds and transmit them to the cloud storage hosted by Things-
peak ( ) every 5 s. Besides the data collected by the
IoT system, measurements were made fourth-nightly of the fish’s weight and length by random
sampling. About 10 to 15 samples were taken from each pond, weighed on an electronic scale
and measured with a measuring tape. The length and weight of the fish were then added as the
7th and 8th columns, respectively to the downloaded IoT water parameters tables for each of
the 12 ponds. Thus, a complete dataset table was built having the IoT-generated water quality
parameters and the manually measured length and weight parameters. IoT terminals may be in-
corporated with intelligence to take decisions, invoke actions and provide amazing services and
improve quality of life [5 , 6] .
Experimental Setup : The experiment was carried out in mobile aquaponics tarpaulin ponds
measuring 2 ×1 ×1 m
. The ponds were used in an indoor production system. The volume of
water was 1 ×2 ×0.9(m
). The ponds were filled at 0.9 m
3 level of water and covered with a
mosquito net. Seed beds of a chosen leguminous plant (amarantus spp.), the African spinach
(Amaranthus hybridus), were constructed and fixed on top of the pond cover of the mobile
tarpaulin pond. Each pond was connected to a 0.5 horsepower water pump for recirculation.
Sensors of the different parameters were submerged into pond water following the methods of
the pond controller system design described in sections above.
Physico-chemical parameters remain key factors in sustainable aquaculture production. These
parameters include: Temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, turbidity, nitrate, and nitrite
among others.
i. Temperature : The Dallas DS18B20 waterproof temperature sensor was submerged in each of
the 12 aquaponics ponds, being connected to the ESP 32 microcontroller. It senses the water
temperature in degrees Celsius and returns the value in realtime to the microcontroller which
in turns uploads the values to the cloud repository in the appropriate data table as shown in
Table 1 . The values were monitored to ensure they do not exceed the acceptable temperature
for aquaculture species ranges between 25.5 °C and 30.5 °C.
ii. pH : DF Robot pH sensor probe for Arduino version 2.0 was used to measure the degree of
acidity or alkalinity in fish ponds to see if the values lie within the acceptable range of pH
for tropical aquaculture is 6.5–8.2.
iii. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) : DO has relatively lower solubility and availability in aquatic life than
in terrestrial environments [7 , 8] . It is also required for several processes in the aquatic envi-
ronment such as; oxidation, nitrification, and decomposition [9] . DF Robot Dissolved Oxygen
sensor probe for Arduino is the sensor interfaced with the ESP 32 microcontroller for col-
lecting the dissolved oxygen in the fish pond. The amount of dissolved oxygen in water is
measured in milligrams per litre (mg/l).
iv. Ammonia : Ammonia accumulates in fish ponds due to the breakdown of the protein rich
fish feeds [10] . Ammonia detection sensor NH
gas sensor module MQ137 was interfaced
with the ESP 32 microcontroller. The Ammonia sensor was suspended above the pond water
C.N. Udanor, N.I. Ossai and E.O. Nweke et al. / Data in Brief 43 (2022) 108 40 0 5
and senses the concentration and toxicity in ponds in realtime. The amount of ammonia is
measured in milligrams per litre (mg/l).
v. Turbidity : Turbidity measures the clarity or otherwise of a water sample. The turbidity unit is
measured in NTU “Nephelometric Turbidity Units”. Turbidity sensors measure reflected (IR)
light at 90 degrees to the source. The infrared phototransistor [11] will have a change in
resistance itself and the change of voltage sensor will be obtained. This enables the DF Robot
DC 5V TS-300B Turbidity Sensor Module Mixed Water Detection Module Water Quality Tes t
Turbidity Transducer For Arduino connected to the ESP 32 microcontroller to measure the
pond water turbidity.
vi. Nitrate : is a by-product of nitrite oxidation during the latter stages of the nitrogen cycle and
is present to some degree in all fish ponds [12] . Nitrate detection sensor NO
gas sensor
module MQ135 interfaced with the ESP 32 microcontroller was suspended above the pond
water to measure the nitrate concentration in milligrams per litre (mg/l).
Experimental Animals : 10 0 0 numbers of five (5) week old fingerlings (mean initial weight: 2
±1.1 g) of the African catfish ( Clariasgariepinus ) were procured from a reputable hatchery and
acclimatized for two weeks. During the acclimatization, the fish were fed with diets containing
42% crude protein at the rate of 7% of their body weights in divided rations of morning (8:00 h)
and evening (4:00 h).
Ethics Statements
The experiment complied with the ARRIVE guidelines and were carried out according to the
UK Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act, 1986 and associated guidelines; EU Directive 2010/63/EU
for animal experiments.
This work was supported by the Meridian Institute under the Lacuna Fund for Agricultural
Dataset 2020 [Grant No.: 0326-S-001, 2020 ], at 105 Village Place, Dillon, Colorado 80435, United
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal rela-
tionships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be
considered as potential competing interests:
Data Availability
Sensor Based Aquaponics Fish Pond Datasets (Original data) (Kaggle).
CRediT Author Statement
C.N. Udanor: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Supervision, Writing original draft;
N.I. Ossai: Methodology, Data curation; E.O. Nweke: Data curation, Writing –review & editing;
B.O. Ogbuokiri: Software, Validation, Visualization, Data curation; A.H. Eneh: Software, Valida-
tion, Visualization, Data curation; C.H. Ugwuishiwu: Data curation; S.O. Aneke: Data curation;
A.O. Ezuwgu: Data curation; P.O . Ugwoke: Data curation; Arua Christiana: Data curation.
6 C.N. Udanor, N.I. Ossai and E.O. Nweke et al. / Data in Brief 43 (2022) 108 40 0
We acknowledge the support of the Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology, Uni-
versity of Nigeria in providing the enabling ground for this research work.
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... The empirical foundation of this study lies in the rich data sets obtained from freshwater aquaponic catfish ponds, a dynamic and ecologically complex environment [55]. We meticulously generated these data sets at rapid 5-second intervals, capturing the real-time evolution of water quality parameters and the living conditions of the resident fish population. ...
... An ESP 32 microcontroller orchestrated an array of state-of-the-art sensors, including the Dallas Instrument Temperature Sensor (DS18B20), DF Robot Turbidity Sensor, DF Robot Dissolved Oxygen Sensor, Sensor DF Robot pH Sensor V2.2, MQ-137 Ammonia Sensor, and MQ-135 Nitrate Sensor, to drive automated data collection. Such a sensor set offers unprecedented precision and completeness in the data collection process [55]. In our focused analysis, we considered the following features: temperature ( • C), turbidity (NTU), dissolved oxygen (g/mml), pH, ammonia (g/mml) nitrate (g/ml), and the population of fish in the pond. ...
... The dataset used in the study can be found in the reference [51,55] ...
This study presents an innovative approach to aquaponics by integrating artificial intelligence (AI). The system addresses sustainability challenges by utilizing a novel approach to machine learning to create a fully sustainable system that improves nutrition and fish growth in aqua-ponics. The study focuses on predicting the length and weight of fish species by analyzing different environmental parameters, including pH, ammonia, and nitrate levels. Data pre-processing integrates nearest-neighbor interpolation and feature standardization to ensure quality and consistency. The light gradient-boosting machine (LightGBM) machine learning model, optimized by five-fold cross-validation, emerges as the superior predictor. Moreover, a novel aspect of the study is the integration of local interpretable model-agnostic explanations (LIME) for enhanced model transparency. The outcome helps to understand the impacts of individual characteristics on the predictions. External validation using different data reaffirms the models' generalizability. Hence, the integration of renewable energy, artificial intelligence, and rigorous analysis shows the potential to improve sustainable agriculture, paving the way for efficient and environmentally conscious indoor farming practices. However, the main framework of this study has the advantage of replicating other fish species using a new set of parameters.
... The emergence of technology helps farmers to increase their profit by minimizing operational costs and increasing production efficiency. These technologies include Artificial Intelligence (AI) [3], [4], Internet of Things (IoT) [5], and automation [6]- [8]. Nevertheless, there hardly are any explorations around the use of multiple kinds of data in a single machine learning model. ...
... The work [41] presents some of the explored methods for aiding the aquaculture industry, especially to support the fish hunger quantization issue. The fish appetite can be assessed using image and video observations [18], [29], [37], [39] (camera, IR sensors), acoustic technologies [27], [29] (sonar, acoustic tag, hydrophone), movement detection [16], [26] (accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope), environmental conditions [6], [20], [42] (dissolved oxygen, temperature, and other sensors), or even biological indicators [43]- [45] (EMG). These methods highly rely on data processing approaches. ...
... Using these technologies, crucial aquaculture real-time applications, such as fish monitoring systems, and environment parameter control, can be carried out better than before, namely by reducing the computation latency and increasing the overall computational speed. In aquaculture systems, where immediate response to changes in fish behavior or environmental conditions is critical, ensuring real-time processing is essential [6], [51]- [53]. ...
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Fish is one of the most demanding protein sources in the food industry. However, the increasing demand must be followed by increasing production efficiency. One of the problems in fish production efficiency is an ineffective feeding method. In this paper, we address the problem of fish feeders using artificial intelligence in an aquarium. We propose fish appetite detection using multi-modal sensors resulting in the data for our AI system. Our AI system consists of R(2+1)D convolutional layers and dense networks to process video and accelerometer data. The video data is split into 20 frames and processed by an R(2+1)D convolutional neural network. The accelerometer data is used to train several networks such as 1-dimensional CNN, GRU, and dense (ANN). The system is implemented in an aquarium with two sensors i.e., a webcam camera and an accelerometer and a main board processing using Raspberry-Pi 4. Experimental results show that the proposed system outperforms other methods with validation accuracy up to 99.09% for the Zeromean dense model and up to 99.39% for the Filtered dense model. The work is useful for automation and efficiency in aquaculture.
... Therefore, several approaches have been implemented for monitoring and assessing water quality worldwide including multivariate statistical methods, fuzzy inference and Water Quality Index (WQI)-based methods 13 . Many water quality variables are observed for assessing the water quality as per the procedures portrayed in the appropriate standards, where the selection of parameters plays a significant role 14 . In recent days, researchers implemented machine learningbased approaches for monitoring the aquaponic system, which has the ability to analyze a huge volume of data and capture information regarding water nutrients and it is helpful for addressing the complex and large-scale water quality assessment necessities 15 . ...
... For each input vector, the probabilistic value is assigned based on EN (r, h, φ) in the network. The conditional probability distribution is given in Eq. (14). ...
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The Internet of Things (IoT)-based smart solutions have been developed to predict water quality and they are becoming an increasingly important means of providing efficient solutions through communication technologies. IoT systems are used for enabling connection between various devices based on the ability to gather and collect information. Furthermore, IoT systems are designed to address the environment and the automation industry. The threats associated with aquaponics farming are managed through an IoT-based smart water monitoring framework, which has become increasingly relevant in recent days. Therefore, this approach is crucial for achieving a remarkable improvement in order to increase the productivity rate and yield. The quality of water directly affects the rate of growth, efficiency of feed, and the overall health rate of the fish, plants, and bacteria. Insufficient knowledge about species selection poses a significant challenge in aquaponics farming, as it heavily relies on the water quality parameters. To address the challenges of conventional models, we have developed an effective IoT-based water quality prediction model, more specifically designed for aquaponic fish ponds. The data needed to perform the developed water quality prediction model will be acquired from “a simple dataset of aquaponic fish pond IoT” database. After that, these data are forwarded to the feature extraction phase. The weighted features, DBN (Deep Belief Network) features, and the original features are achieved in the feature extraction stage. The weighted features are obtained using the Revamped Fitness-based Mother Optimization Algorithm (RF-MOA). Subsequently, these extracted features are fed into the Multi-Scale feature fusion-based Convolutional Autoencoder with a Gated Recurrent Unit (MS-CAGRU) network for predicting the water quality. Thus, the water quality predicted data is obtained. The proposed model integrates GRU networks with a convolutional autoencoder to improve water quality prediction by capturing trends and managing temporal dependencies. It enhances accuracy by analysing key parameters and employing techniques to reduce overfitting. The effectiveness of the proposed system is evaluated in comparison to the traditional models using some evaluation measures.
... Meanwhile, if the water temperature is above 28℃. the fish will breathe faster, so the oxygen needed increases and causes the amount of oxygen in the aquarium to decrease [3]. Apart from that, water pH is also an aspect that must be handled carefully. ...
... This system is a pH monitoring system, temperature automation and fish feed in the aquarium. Based on the Internet of Things, the implementation of this system can be controlled and monitored remotely via the website [3]. To monitor water pH, a pH-4502C sensor is used which is connected to Node MCU and DS18B20 sensor for water temperature control [7]. ...
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Clown fish are marine ornamental fish that are in great demand because they have unique beauty and economical prices. Aquariums are used as a medium for keeping clown fish. However, clown fish are difficult so find on the market because clown fish care must pay attention to all aspects, including the condition of the fish. Fish food, water pH and water temperature. Overcoming this problem is by creating a pH monitoring system, temperature automation and fish feed in aquariums based on the Internet of Things (IoT). Implementation of this system can be controlled and monitored remotely via the website. Monitoring water pH uses a pH- 4502C sensor connected to the Node MCU and DS18B20 sensor to control water temperature. Water temperature automation uses the fuzzy logic method. When the water temperature is below 25℃ the heater will turn on to increase the water temperature to normal and after the temperature becomes normal the heater will turn off, while at temperatures above 28℃ the fan cooler will turn on and after the temperature becomes normal the fan cooler will turn off. Black box testing is used to test the monitoring system that has been designed and the test results show that this system has worked well, and usability testing has been carried out by 18 respondents, 87% agree with the system.
... Clear water allows Sunlight to penetrate deeper into the water, which is essential for the growth of aquatic plants. It also allows predators to see their prey more easily, affecting predator-prey relationships in the ecosystem (Austin et al., 2017;Udanor et al., 2022). ...
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Studying the seasonal variations of the physicochemical and biological components of water bodies is essential to understand the confounding factors of the abiotic factors and the relationship among them. This study aimed to assess the impact of seasonal variations on the water quality and zooplankton diversity of ponds in Haryana, India. For the present investigation, water samples were collected from ponds in the four different villages of district Sonipat, i.e., Rohat, Baiyanpur, Lehrara, and Jatwara. Water samples were collected monthly from January to December, and the physicochemical parameters were measured. The physicochemical characterization and minerals profiling of pond water in different seasons (summer, monsoon, and winter) were investigated to determine the seasonal variation in water quality parameters and mineral composition of ponds in the study area. Water samples were collected from four different ponds during the summer, monsoon, and winter seasons and analyzed for various physicochemical parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), dissolved oxygen (DO), and minerals composition such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. The seasonal variation of minerals level in available zooplankton in ponds was investigated to determine the relationship between mineral levels and the abundance and diversity of zooplankton during different seasons (summer, monsoon, and winter). Water samples and zooplankton were collected from four different ponds during the three seasons, and the mineral level in the zooplankton samples were measured using standard techniques. The results showed significant seasonal variations in the physicochemical and mineral parameters of the pond water. The pH of the pond water was found to be alkaline in all seasons, with the highest value recorded in the summer. The EC, TDS, and DO levels were higher in the monsoon season, indicating increased mineral and organic matter content in the pond water during this season. The mineral composition analysis showed that calcium and magnesium were the most abundant minerals in all seasons, with the highest concentration in winter. Potassium and sodium levels were found to be relatively low in all seasons. The findings of this study suggest that seasonal variations in water quality parameters and mineral composition should be considered when managing ponds for different purposes. The results showed significant seasonal variations in the physicochemical and mineral parameters of the pond water. The pH of the pond water was found to be alkaline in all seasons, with the highest value recorded in the summer. The study found that the composition and abundance of zooplankton communities varied significantly among seasons. The highest diversity of zooplanktons was observed in the monsoon season, with the highest number of taxa identified. In contrast, the lowest diversity was observed in the winter season, with the least number of taxa identified. The most common zooplankton groups identified across all seasons were rotifers, copepods, and cladocera, with rotifers dominating the communities in the summer and winter seasons and copepods and cladocera dominating in the monsoon season. The study found significant seasonal variations in pond productivity, with the highest rates of Net Primary Productivity and Gross Primary Productivity observed during the monsoon season and the lowest rates observed during the winter. The respiration rates were also highest during the monsoon season, indicating higher metabolic activity in the pond ecosystem during this season. The diversity of zooplankton communities was positively correlated with pond productivity, with the highest diversity observed during the monsoon season when pond productivity was highest. The study found significant seasonal variations in the mineral levels in available zooplankton, with higher levels observed during the monsoon season and lower levels observed during the summer and winter seasons. The minerals most commonly found in the zooplankton samples were calcium, magnesium, and potassium, with calcium being the most abundant mineral in all seasons. The diversity and abundance of zooplankton communities were positively correlated with the mineral levels in the samples, with higher mineral levels supporting higher zooplankton diversity and abundance. Zooplankton diversity was also recorded. The results showed that the water quality parameters such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and total dissolved solids varied significantly among the seasons. The highest temperature and total dissolved solids values were recorded during the summer, while the lowest values were recorded during the winter. The pH and dissolved oxygen values were highest during the monsoon season and lowest during summer. Zooplankton diversity also showed significant variations among the seasons, with the highest diversity recorded during winter and the lowest during summer. The dominant species were Rotifera and Cladocera, followed by Copepoda and Ostracoda. The study also revealed a positive correlation between zooplankton diversity and some water quality parameters, including pH and dissolved oxygen. Seasonal variations in water quality parameters and mineral composition should be considered when managing ponds for different purposes. Nutrient management strategies and habitat management practices should be developed to support optimal water quality and mineral uptake by aquatic organisms in different seasons. Further research is needed to understand the effect of other environmental factors, such as temperature, light, and nutrients, on pond water quality and mineral composition. Seasonal variations in environmental conditions, such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, and nutrient availability, can significantly impact the composition and diversity of zooplankton communities in ponds. Management strategies should be developed to support optimal water quality conditions for zooplankton communities, particularly during the monsoon season when the diversity of these communities are highest. Further research is needed to understand the effects of other environmental factors, such as pH and mineral composition, on zooplankton communities in ponds. Seasonal variations in pond productivity significantly impact zooplankton diversity, with higher productivity supporting higher zooplankton diversity. Management strategies should be developed to support optimal pond productivity conditions during the monsoon season to support the diversity and abundance of zooplankton communities. Further research is needed to understand the effects of other environmental factors, such as nutrient availability, on pond productivity and its relationship with zooplankton diversity. However, the findings of this study suggest that seasonal variations in mineral levels in available zooplankton significantly impact zooplankton communities in ponds. Management strategies should be developed to maintain optimal mineral levels in pond water during the monsoon season to support the diversity and abundance of zooplankton communities. Further research is needed to understand the effects of other environmental factors, such as temperature and nutrient availability, on mineral levels in available zooplankton and their relationship with zooplankton diversity and abundance. In conclusion, seasonal variations significantly impacted the water quality and zooplankton diversity of the pond in Haryana, India. This study highlights the need for regular monitoring of water quality and zooplankton diversity in the region to understand the dynamics of pond ecosystems and to develop effective management strategies to conserve the area's aquatic biodiversity.
... Notably, the Fish4Knowledge Dataset offers annotated underwater video footage featuring fish in diverse habitats, including ponds, facilitating tasks such as species classification and tracking. The AquaCrop Pond Fish Dataset specifically caters to pond fish detection, incorporating images from aquaculture settings along with annotations conducive to object detection [28]. Similarly, the FishNet Dataset contributes to fish species classification and detection research, able it not exclusively focuses on ponds.The Underwater Fish Detection Dataset (UW-FDD) encompasses annotated underwater images adaptable for pond fish detection tasks, despite its broader scope [29]. ...
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This article summarizes the Detection of Pond Fish Challenge (DePondfi’23 Challenge), held during the National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG 2023). The main goal of the challenge was to find the most effective methods for detecting pond fish in underwater images, overcoming obstacles such as poor visibility, variations in turbidity, and environmental shifts. Sixty participants registered, with 15 teams submitting results for phase 1. The challenge concluded with four teams earning top honors based on mAP (mean Average Precision) score and time complexity. The mAP scores achieved by toppers are as follows: DETECTRON - 38.93%, DMACS SAI - 36.65%, PondVision - 31.63%, and Sahajeevis - 29.06%. This article describes the toppers method and discusses the detection results. Our challenge event is in line with Sustainable Development Goal 14, which focuses on the conservation and sustainable utilization of ponds and marine resources for sustainable development.
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Smart aquaponics systems are gaining popularity as they contribute immensely to sustainable food production. These systems enhance traditional farming with advanced technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), solar energy, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for increased proficiency and productivity. However, assessing the performance and effectiveness of these systems is challenging. A systematic literature review (SLR) was conducted to examine the applications, technologies, and evaluation methods used in smart aquaponics. The study sourced peer-reviewed publications from IEEE Xplore, Scopus, SpringerLink and Science Direct. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 105 primary studies were selected for the SLR. The findings show that aquaponics predictions (27%) have been under-explored compared to applications that involved monitoring or monitoring and controlling aquaponics (73%). IoT technologies have been used to create prototype aquaponic systems and collect data, while machine learning/deep learning (predictive analytics) are used for prediction, abnormality detection, and intelligent decision-making. So far, predictive analytics solutions for aquaponics yield prediction, return-on-investment (ROI) estimates, resource optimisation, product marketing, security of aquaponics systems, and sustainability assessment have received very little attention. Also, few studies (37.7%) incorporated any form of evaluation of the proposed solutions, while expert feedback and usability evaluation, which involved stakeholders and end-users of aquaponics solutions, have been rarely used for their assessment. In addition, existing smart aquaponics studies have limitations in terms of their short-term focus (monitoring and controlling of aquaponics not undertaken over a long time to assess performance and sustainability), being conducted mostly in controlled settings (which limits applicability to diverse conditions), and being focused on specific geographical contexts(which limits their generalizability). These limitations provide opportunities for future research. Generally, this study provides new insights and expands discussion on the topic of smart aquaponics.
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Dissolved oxygen is an important parameter in L. vannamei culture. The aim of this research is to determine of the oxygen levels produced by the paddle aerator in L. vannamei ponds. The research method used is a descriptive method by collecting research data using the causal expose-facto design which is analyzed by a dynamic modeling system. The results showed that water quality parameters were relatively stable during the shrimp culture periods. Based on dynamic modeling studies, the effectiveness of using the paddle aerator will decrease in the third week. According to modeling estimates of 1 HP paddle aerators produce dissolved oxygen levels was 0.5-8.0 mg/L. The oxygen solubility level from using the paddle aerator was lowest when the shrimp culture period reached 50 days and the highest solubility was 7.5 mg/L. The oxygen solubility rate in shrimp pond waters is also influenced by the temperature stability and other abiotic factors. Finally, the oxygen production rate in the paddle aerator oscillates dynamically throughout the shrimp culture cycle with estimated oxygen production rates ranging from 0.5-8 mg/L.
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Turbidity has an indication that the liquid has been contaminated. In the testing process, turbidity in water can only be measured by sampling. To be able to maintain the quality of water, required a tool that can monitor and measure the level of turbidity of water in real time. water turbidity sensor SEN0189 is a sensor that works by measuring the amount of light from infrared led into the phototransistor that will produce the output voltage on the sensor. The study was conducted to be able to characterize the ability of sensors in detecting water turbidity. The method used is to test the sensors using sediment soil that has been filtered with a diameter of <60μm to be added into the pond containing 1 liter of water. The results show that the greater the concentration of sediment dissolved in the water pool the sensor output voltage will be smaller. The sensor has a sensitivity of -0.0008 and the output voltage when the sensor detects 0 NTU is 3.9994 volts with 5V operating voltage and the sensor can detect water turbidity linearly within the test range 1.873 NTU to 1011.93 NTU.
Conference Paper
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The Internet is continuously changing and evolving. The main communication form of present Internet is human-human. The Internet of Things (IoT) can be considered as the future evaluation of the Internet that realizes machine-to-machine (M2M) learning. Thus, IoT provides connectivity for everyone and everything. The IoT embeds some intelligence in Internet-connected objects to communicate, exchange information, take decisions, invoke actions and provide amazing services. This paper addresses the existing development trends, the generic architecture of IoT, its distinguishing features and possible future applications. This paper also forecast the key challenges associated with the development of IoT. The IoT is getting increasing popularity for academia, industry as well as government that has the potential to bring significant personal, professional and economic benefits.
Fish production has significant impacts to several factors in many countries for example it affects the economic especially countries that include seas and rivers and in influence the individual health as it is one of the high nutrients food. In addition to, increasing fish production may participate in overcoming the poverty issue in the world. This paper proposed smart system to monitor and control fish pond by using six different sensors to monitor the dissolved oxygen in water, water temperature, pH, turbidity, TDS and water level sensor. The Arduino platform is used and the two Arduino Uno devises is employed as microcontrollers. Further, the proposal employed servo motor in order to regularly feed the fish. The system has the ability of collecting the sensors reading regularly to perform the proper task. In addition to, sending alert SMS to the fish farmer when critical situations occur by using GSM model. The results were promising because maintaining the fish environment in healthy conditions will affect positively in fish production in terms of number and size.
A computerized data acquisition system (DAS) was deployed in marine fish ponds at Elat, Israel. The DAS recorded dissolved oxygen, pH and temperature in two ponds and in the water inlet to ponds. Wind velocity and solar irradiation were also recorded. During phytoplankton bloom conditions, wide daily variations were observed in dissolved oxygen (between 3 and 16 mg O2l−1) and in pH (between 8.2 and 8.8). During phytoplankton crash conditions, the amplitude of these variations decreased and the ponds approached anoxic conditions (∼2 mg O2l−1). Operation of a mechanical paddle wheel during crash conditions overrode the metabolically induced fluctuations and brought the oxygen levels close to saturation with the atmosphere. Using the rate of oxygen decrease during the night, community respiration and oxygen exchange rate with the atmosphere were calculated. Respiration at the beginning of the night was higher by a factor of 4 compared to respiration at the end of the night. Primary productivity for the entire pond community was calculated based on the oxygen rate of change during the day, and compared to standard BOD incubations. This comparison suggests that 65% of the primary productivity was by the phytoplankton and 35% by the benthonic algae and the macroalgae. Based on this study we compare the difference between seawater and freshwater pond systems and consider the implications for aquaculture of phytoplankton dynamics, benthonic algae and macroalgae, paddle wheel operation, and computerized data acquisition.
How to lower nitrate in the aquarium
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An application domain-based taxonomy for IoT sensors
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A Pilot Implementation of a Remote IoT Sensors for Aquaponics System Datasets Acquisition
  • C N Udanor
  • N I Ossai
  • B O Ogbuokiri
  • O E Nweke
  • P O Ugwoke
  • U K Ome
C.N. Udanor, N.I. Ossai, B.O. Ogbuokiri, O.E. Nweke, P.O. Ugwoke, U.K. Ome, A Pilot Implementation of a Remote IoT Sensors for Aquaponics System Datasets Acquisition, Springer Nature, 2021 In Press.
An application domain-based taxonomy for IoT sensors
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  • M Denisczwicz
  • M Dutra
  • P Ghodous
  • C F Silva
  • N Moayeri
  • F Biennier
  • N Figay
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  • G Delince
G. Delince, in: The Ecology of the Fish Pond Ecosystem with Special Reference to Africa, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1992, p. 230pp.