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With Industry 4.0 the immense progression of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has introduced new challenges for engineers to effectively design human-automation interaction in autonomous systems that are mission critical. Although various autonomous systems are currently being utilized in mission critical environments, there is limited literature and research on which factors affect the acceptance and adoption of said systems. Understanding which factors are most critical for the human-automation interaction could lead to seamless acceptance and adoption and more effective and less expensive missions. Findings of 47 semi-structured interviews revealed ease of use and system reliability to be significant factors for the acceptance and adoption of autonomous systems independent of the level of automation. Through our findings we expand on the current technology acceptance models by including mission critical factors. Emphasis is given to the discussion and consideration of the human factors and engineering approaches associated with the design of autonomous systems for mission critical environments that are needed to empower tomorrow’s users with effective AI systems technology.
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International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction
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Insight into User Acceptance and Adoption
of Autonomous Systems in Mission Critical
Kristin Weger, Lisa Matsuyama, Rileigh Zimmermann, Bryan Mesmer,
Douglas Van Bossuyt, Robert Semmens & Casey Eaton
To cite this article: Kristin Weger, Lisa Matsuyama, Rileigh Zimmermann, Bryan Mesmer,
Douglas Van Bossuyt, Robert Semmens & Casey Eaton (2022): Insight into User Acceptance
and Adoption of Autonomous Systems in Mission Critical Environments, International Journal of
Human–Computer Interaction, DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2022.2086033
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Published online: 20 Jun 2022.
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Insight into User Acceptance and Adoption of Autonomous Systems in Mission
Critical Environments
Kristin Weger
, Lisa Matsuyama
, Rileigh Zimmermann
, Bryan Mesmer
, Douglas Van Bossuyt
Robert Semmens
, and Casey Eaton
Psychology, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, USA;
Industrial and Systems Engineering and Engineering
Management, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, USA;
Systems Engineering, The Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey,
With Industry 4.0 the immense progression of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has introduced
new challenges for engineers to effectively design human-automation interaction in autonomous
systems that are mission critical. Although various autonomous systems are currently being uti-
lized in mission critical environments, there is limited literature and research on which factors
affect the acceptance and adoption of said systems. Understanding which factors are most critical
for the human-automation interaction could lead to seamless acceptance and adoption and more
effective and less expensive missions. Findings of 47 semi-structured interviews revealed ease of
use and system reliability to be significant factors for the acceptance and adoption of autonomous
systems independent of the level of automation. Through our findings we expand on the current
technology acceptance models by including mission critical factors. Emphasis is given to the dis-
cussion and consideration of the human factors and engineering approaches associated with the
design of autonomous systems for mission critical environments that are needed to empower
tomorrows users with effective AI systems technology.
1. Introduction
Many agree that a good use of a robot is for tasks that are
dirty, dangerous, or dull, and war has plenty of these tasks.
As such, the military has a very strong interest in system
autonomy and human-autonomy teaming, especially in mis-
sion critical environments (Barrett-Pink et al., 2019).
Current and future mission environments are dynamic and
opaque wherein interactions and their related consequences
become increasingly more complex to isolate and compre-
hend. With the growing capacity and ubiquity of autono-
mous systems, the human-automation interaction has
become the center of attention for disciplines such as
human factors psychology, computer science, and systems
engineering to develop systems that ensure human-
automation viability (Ghazizadeh et al., 2012). Yet, systems
intended for use in mission critical environments, such as
for military operations, have often been built without engi-
neers being aware of users preferences, values and conse-
quences for the human-automation interaction when
defining system requirements.
As autonomous system performance becomes progres-
sively more dependent on the integrity of the relationship
between the human and the autonomous system, the human
factors associated with autonomous systems use becomes
critical. For example, an users role may change as they
adopt a new autonomous system versus an older system that
was only partially autonomous or required full manual user
input to function (e.g., calculating and entering parameters).
Instead of remaining in complete decision-making control
of the operation, an autonomous system may require users
to allocate control of the mission operation to the system
itself (e.g., Shneiderman, 2020). Because of the dependability
in the human-automation interaction with users being con-
tingent on systems with various levels of autonomy, accept-
ance and adoption of such systems by users is critical to
mission success and the viability of future systems
(Hutchins & Hook, 2017).
The aim of this research is to present unique insight into
currently serving military personnels views on the existing
and future state of automated systems and factors surround-
ing their acceptance and adoption. Identifying factors by
military end-user that attribute to the acceptance and adop-
tion of these systems informs current technology acceptance
models, and future system design requirements and proc-
esses. Moreover, the generated understanding may have a
substantial impact on the fields understanding of system
use and design for military applications.
CONTACT Kristin Weger Psychology, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, 1310 Ben Graves Drive, Morton Hall, Room 208,
Huntsville, AL 35899, USA
ß2022 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
1.1. Mission critical autonomous systems
In civilian applications, a mission critical system can refer to
a system that is essential to the survival of an organization
and will adversely affect society when it fails (Hinchey &
Coyle, 2010). Within the U.S. military, mission critical refers
to any job functions that are identified as critical to the per-
formance of the agency (Meyer, 2020). An example of a
mission critical system in a military context is the naviga-
tional system for a spacecraft. If the navigational system
were to fail, the spacecraft would either have degraded per-
formance or could be lost entirely. Many mission critical
systems can have major adverse impacts with the possibil-
ities of loss of life, serious injury and/or financial loss if they
fail especially in unanticipated ways. Within systems, specific
components or subsystems can be mission critical where a
failure of the component or subsystem causes the system to
no longer function as anticipated which can cause hardware
failure, software failure, or a loss of trust in the system by
the user. Hence, the acceptance and adoption of mission
critical autonomous systems is essential to improve military
efficiency and safety because of an increase in system and
mission complexity as well as a decrease in overall man-
power in the military (Barrett-Pink et al., 2019; Benaskeur
et al., 2011).
Within mission critical environments, definitions of an
autonomous system are not congruous which leaves much
room for interpretation. Hence, this study uses the defin-
ition provided by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO; Taddeo & Blanchard, 2021) to describe autono-
mous systems. According to NATO, an autonomous system
within the military can be defined as a system that decides
and acts to accomplish desired goals, within defined param-
eters, based on acquired knowledge and an evolving situ-
ational awareness, following an optimal but potentially
unpredictable course of action,(Taddeo & Blanchard,
2021). These systems can range from simple autonomous
systems such as a handheld Global Positioning System
(GPS) device to complex autonomous systems such as
drones for which the human-automation interaction can
vary in complexity. Based on the U.S. Department of
Defense Task Force Report (2012) the overall goal for the
use of autonomous systems is to extend and improve human
capability while the human remains in the decision-making
loop or the Observe-Orient-Decide-Act (OODA) Loop
(Maccuish, 2012; Ryan & Mittal, 2019).
Current design and development of autonomous systems
for military use have shown limited system adaptability to
usersexpertise and roles that run the risk of interfering or
diminishing the users capability (Militello & Klein, 2013), in
the form of diminished manual skills (Cunningham &
Regan, 2015) or loss of situation awareness (i.e., human out
of the loop phenomenon; Endsley & Kiris, 1995). Moreover,
automated systems designed for mission critical environ-
ments have been found to provide more capabilities than
users can comprehend or use (Strauch, 2017) that may result
in increased user workload or automation surprisesif the
automated system performs unexpectedly (Kaber et al., 2006;
Sarter et al., 1997). Therefore, the system design has a direct
influence on userswillingness to accept and adopt it, and as
such, understanding the various factors that affect accept-
ance and adoption is essential for advancing autonomous
system design.
1.2. Acceptance of autonomous systems
For many years, researchers have applied theories of human
behavior, like trust in automation, to study technology
acceptance and adoption (Hoff & Bashir, 2015). While cur-
rent literature is convoluted with an interchangeable use of
both terms, it is important to draw on theory to understand
the differences between the term acceptance and adoption of
autonomous systems.
Acceptance has been defined as an attitude towards an
autonomous system, and is influenced by various factors,
such as perceived usefulness, ease of use, level of automa-
tion, perceived user control, and prior automation exposure
(Bekier et al., 2012; Davis, 1985). Indeed, a user who has a
new automated system available for use, has not yet adopted
it because there are additional stages beyond the availability
of a system where acceptance plays an important role. For
instance, experienced warfighters, military personnel, may
believe that in combat, the less-capable system that works
100% of the time is preferred over the new, but unreliable
autonomous system. Thus, even if a user has a new autono-
mous system available to them but does not accept it, adop-
tion is unlikely to occur (Renaud & Van Biljon, 2008).
Hence, the acceptance of a technology can begin long before
the user has first contact with the system (Ekman
et al., 2018).
Literature on determinants that affect early acceptance
show that the acceptance of a system is affected by the level
of automation and the control the user has. For instance, air
traffic controllersacceptance of automated decision-making
systems decreases as the level of automation increases with
complete rejection of such a system when decision-making
is completely removed from the user (Bekier et al., 2012).
On the other hand, research suggests that automation that
takes over mundane tasks to be more accepted by users as it
allows users to stay cognitively engaged in other more chal-
lenging tasks (Bekier et al., 2012). Prior exposure to automa-
tion seems to alter user acceptance, particularly then when
system automation conforms to the way the user thinks,
ultimately leading to increased acceptance (Hilburn et al.,
2014). Therefore, acceptance of technology has been found
to be an essential step along the way for adoption to occur
(Matsuyama et al., 2021).
1.3. Adoption of autonomous systems
Adoption is a process that starts with the user becoming
aware of the technology and ending with the user embracing
the autonomous system by making full use of it (Davis,
1985). Autonomous systems can be adopted or rejected by
either individual users or by the entire social system, which
is dependent on the level of decision power given to the
user for adopting an autonomous system. Adoption is
influenced by factors such as word by mouth, reviews, and
actions by others (Hinz et al., 2014), with negative reviews
leading to late adoption (Jahanmir & Cavadas, 2018).
Moreover, research indicates beliefs of increased control and
flexibility (i.e., optimism), confidence or proficiency in tech-
nology, dependency and feeling of vulnerability during the
interaction with the system (Ratchford & Barnhart, 2012),
and trust (Choi & Ji, 2015; Kaur & Rampersad, 2018)tobe
essential for adoption to occur.
Research on determinants that affect early adoption
shows that adoption is affected by attitude towards that sys-
tem, tendency to adopt technology early, and benefit from
solving user needs (Jahanmir & Cavadas, 2018). Technology
adoption has been referenced to a life cycle, which suggests
that every new technology innovation is accepted by individ-
uals at different rates (Moore, 2002; Rogers, 2003).
Individuals have been defined as being either innovators,
early adopters, early majority, later majority, or laggards.
For instance, innovators are eager to adopt innovations even
if it means that they must work hard to make these innova-
tions work for them. On the other hand, the early adopters,
who comprise one third of the market are strongly driven
by practicality with well-established references that the tech-
nology is stable; while the late majority, also one third of
the market prefer to wait until the product is an established
standard with significant support. Thus, it is suggested that
adoption of an autonomous system can only occur once a
user is completely invested in the system and begins to
make full use of its capabilities (Matsuyama et al., 2021).
1.4. Technology acceptance models
The use of models to estimate technology acceptance and
adoption is not novel and past models have presented an
effective way to investigate use cases and nuisance criteria
for system development purposes (Hutchins & Hook, 2017).
One widely used model for technology acceptance is the
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM; Davis 1989). TAM
was developed on the concept that individuals accept or
reject technology based on the perceived usefulness and per-
ceived ease of use of that technology. The goal of TAM is to
provide an explanation of the determinants of computer
acceptance that is general, capable of explaining user behav-
ior across a broad range of end user computing technologies
and user populations, while at the same time being both
parsimonious and theoretically justified.
Besides TAM, more complex models of acceptance such
as Technology Acceptance Model 2 (TAM2), the Unified
Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT),
and the Safety-Critical Technology Acceptance Model
(SCTAM) have been released with the intent of improving
the models used in gaining more accurate information on
acceptance of technology across disciplines (Hutchins &
Hook, 2017). For instance, the UTAUT suggests differently
than the TAM, that variables such as effort expectancy, per-
formance expectancy, and social influence by user influence
their intention of accepting a system (Taiwo & Downe,
2013). However, the major limitation of current models is
the basis of design with current technology acceptance mod-
els being based on user-focused technology (e.g., informa-
tion systems or computers). These types of systems are
inherently safer than the autonomous systems used in mili-
tary missions like an autonomous weapon system. Thus, the
technology acceptance models may not encompass the con-
text of technology use in complex and mission critical envi-
ronments, such as the use in battlefields. This poses the
opportunity to evaluate possible mission critical determi-
nants and extend the model with such attributes.
While extensive literature and research supports the theo-
ries surrounding the acceptance and adoption of commercial
systems, the literature surrounding mission critical autono-
mous systems, such as military systems, is rather limited.
Thus, in order to advance system requirements and system
design of mission critical systems it is of importance to better
understand the various factors surrounding system acceptance
and adoption. Thus, this paper presents unique insights from
current serving military personnel through exploring factors
related to the acceptance and adoption of current autono-
mous system and future autonomous system developments to
progress. Further, findings of this research aim to inform
existing technology acceptance models in literature (Davis,
1989) to better capture autonomous systems operationally
used in mission critical environments. Therefore, this research
addresses three main research questions:
Research Question 1: What is the view on the current and
future role of autonomous systems in mission critical
Research Question 2: How does personnel view the acceptance
and adoption of current autonomous systems in mission critical
Research Question 3: What factors should system designers
consider during the development of new autonomous systems to
improve user acceptance and adoption?
It remains imperative to answer these questions, given
the increased role of AI in the human-automation inter-
action and the impact that interaction has on mission cap-
ability, survivability, and operations success.
2. Method
To investigate the factors that users find essential toward the
acceptance and adoption of autonomous systems, a semi-
structured interview was conducted. Users were the target
participants to elicit domain knowledge as subject matter
experts (SMEs) in the field of mission critical autonomous
systems. In addition, participants were asked which factors
would change their trust, result in complete rejection of
autonomous systems and which factors need to be consid-
ered in future system design.
2.1. Participants
Forty-seven active-duty military officers and students
enrolled in the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) partici-
pated in this study. Of the 47 participants (n¼43 males), 23
were from the United States Marine Corps, 12 from the
Navy, 7 from the Army, 5 from the Air Force and
Coast Guard.
Number of years of service ranged from 4 years to
17 years, on average SMEs had 11 years of Experience and
were considered mid-career officers. All participants were
older than 18 years of age. Table 1 presents a selection of
the area of the SMEs roles and systems used in daily oper-
ation. Due to the complex nature of the environment, mili-
tary officers have experienced a rise in the use of automated
and semi-automated systems to support their day-to-
day working.
In regards to the operational use of various levels of auto-
mation of a system, respondents indicated the level of auto-
mation of the systems they used. To the vast majority,
participants (n ¼23) indicated to use partially autonomous
systems, that still needed human interaction, but minimal to
none (i.e., input parameters). Multi-level autonomous sys-
tems were used by 12 participants which had various levels
of autonomy per system with varying amounts of human
interaction. Ten participants indicated to use complete
autonomous systems that did not need human assistance.
Two respondents indicated to use decision- making support
systems that made decisions on their own. A full breakdown
of time in position, all the previous and current job roles,
systems used in daily operations is not provided due to the
number, sensitivity, and specificity of answers.
2.2. Materials and procedure
Data were collected through interviews with participants.
The interview was semi-structed and consisted of 19 open-
ended questions that asked about participants experience
with an autonomous system, as well as factors surrounding
the nature of acceptance and adoption of the system.
Questions and response examples are provided in Table 2.
Questions were based on extensive literature research and
expanded prior research of the British Royal Navy (Barrett-
Pink et al., 2019). The questions were reviewed by SMEs
from the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and the interview
process was pilot tested to ensure understandability and
Table 1. Examples of SME area of operation, job roles and systems used in daily operation.
Example areas of operation Example job roles Example systems used in daily operation
Cyber operations/information systems
Specialized combat forces
Combat engineer
Communications officer
Cyber-operations officer
Field artillery officer
Infantry soldier
Infantry officer
Logistic officer
Special operations forces
Simulation operation officer
Submarine officer
Warfare officer
Radar/Infrared/Alert systems
Software programs for mission-, safety-, cyber-critical applications
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Tactical systems
Weapons systems
Note. SME: subject matter expert.
Table 2. Qualitative interview questions and word count breakdown of question responses provided by participants.
# Example question Word count mean Word count range
1 What was your background before coming to NPS? 43 6132
3 What is an autonomous system to you? 77 71190
4 In your opinion, what is the level of automation of the system that you used in
your military career?
39 1344
5 What were the autonomous systems that you used and how did they aid in
your operations?
126 61070
8 Describe your level of acceptance for that system 82 1651
9 What might lead to change in your trust in that system? 101 9372
10 What might lead to complete rejection of the system that you work with? 58 3279
11 What was good about the system that you used that made it easy to accept
and adopt?
77 13201
12 What challenges did you encounter with the autonomous system that could lead
future users to not accept or adopt the system?
118 11721
13 What factors for the use of autonomous systems are essential for you to want to
accept and adopt an autonomous system?
106 3475
14 In your opinion, do you see autonomous systems having a role in future
military operations?
21 1195
15 Where do you see such systems having the most benefit and why? 152 37815
16 What do you think needs to be addressed in future design and development of
autonomous systems for users to accept and adopt them more readily?
139 8654
17 How would you change the training on future autonomous systems for users to
accept and adopt them?
139 9530
18 Have you ever been consulted in the development of new autonomous systems
prior to their release and operational use?
21 1195
19 What are your views on the consultation of current and future personnel during
the design and development phase of new autonomous systems?
173 41839
reliability. The questions were developed to capture what
factors are essential for the acceptance and adoption to
effectively operate in the relationship between users and the
autonomous system. Participants took between 30 and
40 min to complete the interview.
After responding to an invitation to participate in the
study, participants were emailed a consent form and date
and time for their Zoom interview session. With the start of
the interview, participants were asked if they agreed with
the consent form, and if they consented to being audio
recorded for transcription purposes. Participants then indi-
cated their background and experience with the autonomous
system before being asked about factors regarding the
acceptance and adoption and finished with their views on
the consultation of current and future personnel during the
design and development phase of new autonomous systems.
Following the completion of the interview, participants were
debriefed and thanked. The study was approved by the
University Institutional Review Board (IRB) and in compli-
ance with applicable Department of Defense and
Department of the Navy human research protection policy.
Chi-square analyses were run with SPSS.
2.3. Interview coding analysis
Interviews were recorded as audio files; therefore, the first
stage of analysis was to transcribe the audio file into Word
documents. Dragon software (Baker, 1975), which is a com-
monly used speech recognition technology that converts
spoken word into written text, was utilized to facilitate the
transcription process. Given the data sensitive nature, the
dragon software was licensed to an independent computer
station and data was saved to the local hard drive for further
For analyzing the structure interview questions inductive
content analysis, a qualitative method of content analysis,
was utilized to identify themes in the transcribed data (Elo
& Kyng
as, 2008; Kyng
as et al., 2020; Schamber, 2000).
Inductive content analysis is an approach which utilizes an
inductive starting point where data collection is open and
follows loosely defined themes (Kyng
as et al., 2020). If rigor-
ously applied, this analysis technique can provide an insight-
ful method of analysis for research questions as themes and
ideas emerge inductively from the data. Inductive content
analysis was chosen over other qualitative methods (e.g.,
thematic analysis) and methodologies (e.g., grounded theory)
as it is a structured analysis method that has been found to
be useful for producing analyses suited to informing conclu-
sions. Inductive content analysis was used as a research
method to make replicable and valid inferences from the
data, with the purpose of providing information, new
insights, and a practical guide to action.
A crucial consideration for conducting inductive content
analysis is the transparency of the approach taken, which
can affect upon the validity of the findings. Guidelines pro-
duced by Kyng
as and colleagues were followed to ensure a
robust approach to thematic analysis occurred. With induct-
ive content analysis, codes are built and developed by
initially reviewing data points and then grouping recurring
statements, conversation topics, and expression of feelings
or opinions into categories based on notes taken on the
data. Once data is reviewed and notes are evaluated, a set of
codes, or a coding scheme, is determined to be used to cat-
egorize data points. This process is differentiated from
deductive content analysis, where a predetermined set of
categories is used to group data points into like categories.
When reviewing these inductively derived codes alone, the
context may seem meaningless; however, when these codes
are combined within a coding scheme, it is possible to view
a comprehensive picture of the area under exploration.
Following the initial generation of content categories, the
data were reread to review each category against the coded
items and the entire data set, making the analysis iterative
in nature. Once the categories for the codes were generated
from the data and reviewed, existing literature and docu-
mentation available to the author were interwoven into the
findings to facilitate comprehension of the results. In gen-
eral, a five-step procedure was used to (1) identify data, (2)
determining coding categories, (3) code the content, (4)
check validity and reliability, and (5) analyze the results.
This allowed for a holistic overview of the collective experi-
ence of autonomous systems by participants and the promo-
tion of ecological validity of our research results.
3. Results
The interview data of 47 participants were used for qualita-
tive analyses. Two coders separately reviewed a total of
73,378 words with an average response length of 79 words
that were generated by participants for all questions during
the interview. Refer to Table 2 to review word count break-
down per question. Coders identified codes for common fac-
tors participants expressed across the different questions.
After the initial coding, coders consolidated and simplified
the codes through code validation. The raters then formu-
lated a general description of each code as seen in Table 3.
Quotes presented throughout the result section are taken
directly from SME responses to allow the reader to judge
the veracity of the underlying themes that emerged. Where
text was intentionally removed, []will symbolize the
omitted words.
3.1. Interrater reliability
Interrater reliability (IRR) was calculated by the number of
agreed upon codes for all questions. Cohens Kappa was
used as the analysis of IRR because it determines the level
of agreement between primary and secondary coders. It is
commonly cited that kappa statistics of 0.000.20 to indicate
slight agreement, 0.210.40 to indicate fair agreement,
0.410.60 to indicate moderate agreement, 0.610.80 to indi-
cate substantial agreement, and 0.811.00 to indicate almost
perfect agreement (Landis & Koch, 1977). IRR was com-
puted for how the raters agreed on coding. Raters coded
data points with both primary and secondary codes, with
primary codes being considered the more prominent code
of the two. Interrater reliability was calculated for both pri-
mary codes and secondary codes and an overall kappa rating
for each main coding theme was determined by averaging
both kappa ratings. Interrater reliability, significance levels,
and confidence intervals for each main coding theme are
provided within Table 3.
There was substantial agreement between the two raters
(j¼.895, p<0.0005, with 95% confidence intervals [.87,
.92]). After IRR was determined, in a final step, coders dis-
cussed any responses for which there was disagreement on
their codes.
3.2. Use of autonomous systems in mission critical
A total of 4,120 words emerged from the data when
exploring Research Questions 1. In order to ground our
results in the understanding by the SMEs of what an
autonomous system is, respondentsdefinitions were com-
pared for similarity. Our results identified the perception
of what an autonomous systemis to be to 95.74% con-
sistent among SMEs(N¼47); see Table 4. SMEs
described an autonomous system as a system that is
designed to carry out decisions and processes with min-
imal input or oversight from an actual user. Respondents
also stated that they not only use one definition for
autonomous systems instead specifically define the level of
automation when referencing a certain system. In add-
ition, more than half of respondents defined autonomous
systems by stating that human operators must have the
ability to intervene in system control loops and to assume
manual control when needed (i.e., human-in-the-loop).
This corresponds to the U.S. Department of Defense state-
ment that the overall goal for the use of autonomous sys-
tems is to extend and improve human capability while
the human remains in the decision-making loop
(Maccuish, 2012; Ryan & Mittal, 2019).
SME identified currently used operational systems across
domains covered by RN operations; radar, tactical systems,
unmanned aerial vehicles, etc. Table 1 displays examples of
the systems identified. Further SMEs indicated the level of
automation of the current system used during operation. To
the vast majority, respondents (n¼23) indicated to use par-
tially autonomous systems, that still needed human inter-
action, but minimal to none (i.e., needed input parameters
from the user). Multi-level autonomous systems were used
by 12 personnel which had various levels of autonomy per
system with varying amounts of human interaction. Ten
respondents indicated to use complete autonomous systems
that did not need human assistance. Two respondents indi-
cated to use decision-making support systems that made
decisions on their own.
In line with prior research (Barrett-Pink et al., 2019),
automated systems across military domains were identified
to support tactical decision making by facilitating the fusion
Table 3. Main coding themes, definitions, frequency and IRR.
Themes Description Frequency IRR
Factors Perceived Ease of Use How easy it is to learn to use, and/or use the system 79 j¼.80, p<0.05, 95% CI
[.64, .96]
Reliability Proof that the system works repeatedly, accurately, and
does not need a lot of maintenance/is resilient
78 j¼.86, p<0.05, 95% CI
[.73, .99]
Perceived Usefulness When the new system can offer better capabilities or
replace an old system, better physical and software
attributes- including interoperability
66 j¼.88, p<0.05, 95% CI
[.76, 1]
Human in the Loop A human intervention component, especially in
34 j¼.88, p<0.05, 95% CI
[.74, 1]
Transparency Understanding the intricacies of the system and why
users need the system
31 j¼.72, p<0.05, 95% CI
[.46, .98]
Safety/Security Hardware and software safety (not easy to hack,
physically resilient system)
28 j¼.92, p<0.05, 95% CI
[.80, 1]
System Effectiveness The system saves time, money, manpower 13 j¼1, p<0.05, 95% CI
[1, 1]
Interoperability The system is able to be easily integrated into current
and future systems
13 j¼.88, p<0.05, 95% CI
[.64, 1]
Data Error The system makes mistakes based on sensor, machine
or human input
12 j¼.72, p<0.05, 95% CI
[.32, 1]
Customization The system is better designed than the current system 7 j¼1, p¼.157, 95% CI
[1, 1]
Note. These codes and descriptions represent main factors. CI: confidence interval.
Table 4. A selection of quotes to support the definition of autonomous systems
Example Quote
1 Autonomous system is a system that can act and decide for itself based on the guidance given to it by its paired user.
2 A purely autonomous system [ ] is capable of understanding an environment and defining and developing the best rules to make a plan within
that environment to meet an objective it is preprogrammed to do [ ] the ability to choose between different choices to meet the objective.
3 Is a system that operates with little to no input from a human operator making much of its own decisions.
4 Performing some of the functions that ordinarily require a person to do within certain boundaries on their own. So in varying degrees whether its
entirely without human action or within some set boundaries. So things like human on the loop or in the loop, I still consider autonomous if they
perform some function that I would usually have performed on my own
5 An autonomous system is a system that works on its own based on a certain set of rules, or accomplishes a task that was previously done by people
with some kind of control.
of sensor data and providing the user with direct access to
the information needed to make informed decisions.
Immediately it is tactical systems that can make decisions on
their own. Whether thats drones that have a targeting system
on there, systems that have a battle buddy or a unit on the
battlefield. [ ] long-term, systems that help with decision
making, analyzing all the information thats out there to help
make the best decision.
Besides, respondents identified future autonomous sys-
tems to benefit greatly logistics and supply chain in order to
become more efficient and amplify overall logistical capabil-
ities (n¼16). Oher fields of applications for autonomous
systems mentioned entailed tracking or early warning sys-
tems (n¼19), drones and unmanned aircrafts (n¼14),
cyber areas (n¼4), dangerous situations (n¼3) and
finance/business (n¼2), see Table 5.
Moreover, future automated systems were identified to
reduce mental workload, particularly for staff functions
who are responsible for the administrative, operational,
and logistical needs of a unit. Respondents specifically noted
future autonomous systems to increase efficiency and cap-
ability across the military by automating mundane tasks
(N¼23) such as data processing or physical logistic trans-
port. For example, Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications
were identified as a promising tool to improve data process-
ing of tracking/early warning systems or drones and
unmanned systems to support decision making:
This unstructured big data needs to be somehow categorized,
processed and some analytics needs to be done to them in order
for us to be able to figure out what were looking at and
following decisions.
Analyzing all the information thats out there to help make the
best decision.
Personnel highlighted that decision making by an autono-
mous system leaves still many unanswered questions when
it comes to the decision-making matrix as it pertains to the
rules of engagement. Rules of engagement constitute the
legal framework that governs how military personnel can
use force. Questions centered around rules of engagement
that need to be answered include When does a human get
involved?”“Does a human need to be involved?”“Whats
the risk of innocent deaths that were willing to accept vs
appropriate kills?. There is a growing body of literature
exploring the ethical considerations of the use of automated
systems in mission critical environments to direct policy
development (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts,
Manufactures and Commerce [RSA], 2018). The awareness
of the ethical questions of using automated systems is
reflected by the respondents remaining reticent to hand over
complete control of decision making to an auto-
mated system.
3.3. Acceptance and adoption of current autonomous
systems in mission critical environments
A total of 436 words emerged from the data when exploring
Research Questions 2. From the questions discussing the
factors associated with the acceptance and adoption of the
operational use of current autonomous systems, ten over-
arching themes emerged. Table 6 provides example quotes
for each identified theme.
To get an understanding of whether SMEs accepted the
current autonomous system used during operation, respond-
ents were asked to rate their level of acceptance. Participants
indicated somewhat to accept the system (n¼17), almost
complete acceptance of the system (n¼14), complete
acceptance of the system (n¼11), and low acceptance of the
system (n¼4). Respondents attributed complete accept-
anceof the system to factors such as perceived usefulness,
perceived ease of use, reliability, human in the loop, and
Specific to autonomous systems used within mission crit-
ical environments is that respondents would use a system
with low capability in place of no system. Such responses
demonstrate the circumstances personnel use autonomous
systems and the dependability on these systems for decision
making during life-or-death scenarios.
[] my stance is always, and always will be, use everything
that you have until it becomes compromised.
[]sowere like well, its a program from 1985, but it
works, so I guess its fine.
Beyond, respondents mentioned that supply chain issues
associated with the difficulty of getting supply parts quickly
when a part of the system breaks is a factor playing into the
level of acceptance of the autonomous system by the
From the question discussing challenges encountered
with the autonomous systems six themes emerged, perceived
Table 5. Future area of application and description for autonomous systems in military environments.
Areas Description
Application Mundane tasks The system greatly increases the efficiency of doing everyday tasks or the system handles
these tasks themselves automatically which allows human users to focus elsewhere on
more significant decisions
Big data analytics The process of uncovering trends, patterns, and correlations in large amounts of raw data to
help make data-informed decisions.
Tracking/early warning systems The system is used to track targetslocations, advances, aggressions, etc. (and potentially
allow us to counter those threats, such as early warning systems, missile tracking, etc.)
Logistics The system will benefit logistics of materials, people, or machinery
Drones/unmanned aircraft Autonomous systems are best utilized through drones or other unmanned aircraft
Cyber areas The system helps combat cyber/computer-related areas (such as hacking and cyber-attacks)
Dangerous situations The system replaces manpower in potentially dangerous/lethal situations
Finance/business The autonomous system is used to handle calculating finances/business processes
ease of use (30%, 15 cited by SMEs), interoperability (20%,
10 cited by SMEs), resource constraint (20%, 10 cited by
SMEs), reliability (14%, 7 cited by SMEs), mental workload
(4%, 8 cited by SMEs), or data error (4%, 8 cited by SMEs).
Themes were divided by level of automation for qualitative
analysis. Table 6 provides example quotes for each identified
theme and Figure 1 provides an overview of themes based
on the level of automation.
Interestingly, an additional theme of resource constraint
emerged during a secondary qualitative analysis of the
responses. Personnel using partially autonomous systems
identified the challenges with the current system to be
related to resource constraint. A common issue faced by
branches is to operate with a decreased budget and number
of personnel. Respondents stated the impact it has on
employing automated systems in order to maintain oper-
ational capability such as no proper training, slow response
related to troubleshooting or maintenance of the autono-
mous system. Beyond perceived ease of useof the autono-
mous system was identified as a challenge for personnel
using partially autonomous system.
Personnel using both multi-level and complete autono-
mous systems stated the system to be challenging because
the user interface was not intuitive or user-friendly, with a
need for intensive training to understand the complexity of
the system (perceived ease of use). In addition, challenges
exist in that these systems are not interoperable with other
(newer) systems. While there is the existence of individual
autonomous systems, to be effective in mission critical envi-
ronments these systems need to be engineered to work as
part of the larger systems of systems they will support once
deployed. Hence, with most military missions depending on
sets of systems to be effective, unit capability is greatly
reduced if an autonomous system is unable to interoperate
with other systems in use (Table 7).
From the question discussing changes in trust and com-
plete rejection in an autonomous system eight themes
emerged. SMEs identified factors of reliability (42,2%, 19
cited by SMEs), perceived usefulness (15.6%, 7 cited by
SMEs), safety/security (8.9%, 4 cited by SMEs), human in
the loop (8.9%, 4 cited by SMEs), perceived ease of use
(6.7%, 3 cited by SMEs), transparency (6.7%, 3 cited by
SMEs), data error (6.7%, 3 cited by SMEs), and interoper-
ability (4.4%, 2 cited by SMEs) to change trust in an autono-
mous system. Note that participants responded to change in
trust in form of decline in trust by the user in the autono-
mous system. Similarly, SMEs identified complete rejection
of an autonomous system to be attributed to reliability
Table 6. Themes and example responses regarding operational use of autonomous systems.
Themes Examples
Ease of Use How the end user uses it, the ease in which they use it, builds immediate confidence in its ability to perform its function.
Reliability [] if it was throwing up some false positives then theres an issue because it could lead to complacency in users and they just
assume everything is okay and wont do the check. So that could be dangerous.
Perceived Usefulness It freed up a lot of bandwidth for me and allowed me to focus on other things that were equally or more important than
micromanaging whatever the system was.
Human in the Loop Ive seen a few times where the autopilot does something incredibly wonky or fails to disengage, which isnt normal and most of
the time we can override it without much of a problem. But the thing is, even a system that we rely on very heavily, almost
like another member of the crew, George, George still makes mistakes. The problem is when George is given that level of
authority over the aircraft and our lives, those mistakes can be costly, and if you have no way of correcting George then thats
a big problem.
Transparency I also mean by that the transparency of [ ] especially when it gets into those complex and very complex systems [ ].
Safety/Security If an autonomous system overrode my inputs in an unsafe manner. That would be it./I think if it was shown to have been
compromised then that would be a huge reset in not just the implementation of that system [ ]
System Effectiveness To reduce the workload in the time and human hours that are invested into the same thing or significantly reduce risk.
Interoperability If it was able to communicate to other autonomous systems a little better.
Data Error If you put left instead of right [ ], the autonomous output of the solution to avoid the danger would be wrong.
Customization It was tailored to our [ ] work. [ ] it was built off of like a foundation that had been around for awhile …”
Figure 1. Level of automation by the frequency of encountered challenges on the x-axis.
(27,7%, 13 cited by SMEs), perceived usefulness (25.5%, 12
cited by SMEs), safety/security (14.9%, 7 cited by SMEs),
human in the loop (14.9%, 7 cited by SMEs), perceived ease
of use (2.1%, 1 cited by SMEs), transparency (2.1%, 1 cited
by SMEs), data error (2.1%, 1 cited by SMEs), and no rejec-
tion (10.6%, 5 cited by SMEs). See Table 8 for representative
responses regarding factors affecting change in trust in a
system by military personnel.
Respondents identified system reliability followed by per-
ceived usefulness, safety/security, and human in the loop to
be leading factors for changing users trust that could result
in complete rejection of the autonomous system for users
operating in mission critical environments. Shneiderman
(2020) describes a reliable system to support human responsi-
bility and explainability. Respondents highlight the import-
ance of reliability of autonomous systems to ensure
appropriate use and in order to facilitate user trust (see also
Hoff & Bashir, 2015). Respondents further noted that if infor-
mation as to why the system error occurred was missing,
trust in the reliability of the system declined. To note is that
a lack of reliability may lead to complete rejection of the sys-
tem, while for change in trust, a surplus of reliability may
lead to more trust in the system. Additionally, a lack of per-
ceived usefulness, safety/security, and a lack of the option of
having a human in the loop were also critical factors that
would lead participants to completely reject the system. One
interesting result is the response no rejection.As the SMEs
were all active-duty military, the no rejectionresponse may
indicate that in addition to the contractual duty these users
hold, any autonomous system is better than no system in a
mission critical environment.
3.4. Factors system designers should consider during the
development of new autonomous systems to improve
user acceptance and adoption
A total of 578 words emerged from the data when exploring
Research Questions 3. From the questions discussing the
Table 7. Example responses from SMEs related to current autonomous system challenges.
Theme Quote
Perceived Ease of Use Its not very user friendly, somebody has to really know what they are doing to operate it or its very easy to get either an
incorrect result or no result at all [ ] So for example, it gave the user the opportunity to enter data into fields where it didnt
apply at all.
Interoperability The operation procedures we received from the manufacturer [ ] did not match the version of our system, system of systems
we had on board.
Resource Constraints So one of the big problems is funding and manning, getting [ ] [users] actually trained on the system,”“the support that
comes with [ ] the contract side in terms of managing the system.
Reliability We had some connectivity issues with one of them and at one point,”“The reliability of the communications network.
Data Error if you have bad data that youre trying to look for, obviously youre not going to find what youre trying to get. So, really, a lot
of it depends on what youre given by someone else to try and track down.
Mental Workload As that one user has so much going on, he gets tunnel visioned into whats going on in the [ ] [system], he doesnt even see
whats going on around him.
Table 8. Example responses from SMEs related to changes in trust and complete rejection of autonomous system.
Theme Quote
Perceived Ease of Use It turns out its really hard to initialize it properly, put in the right parameters from the beginning. Not user friendly.
[Change in Trust]
If there is no user interface to it, so like if there is no way to control or if they are just staring at lines of code …”
[Complete Rejection]
Reliability If it was throwing up some false positives then theres an issue because it could lead to complacency in users and they just
assume everything is okay and not do the check.[Change in Trust]
If the batch updates quit going through [ ], or if the system just totally got fried.[Complete Rejection]
Perceived Usefulness If it doesnt perform up to whatever my personal or institutions expectations are.[Change in Trust]
If it continues to adapt to support the helicopter or people that use it, if it doesnt do that I think it would be easily
rejected.[Complete Rejection]
Transparency Its the instances when Im like I dont know how this thing is actually able to function that I am less trusting of it. So,
having the background and knowing what the system is doing makes me trust it.[Change in Trust]
Autonomous systems, by design, are hard to understand. The harder they are to understand, the fewer people that will
understand them and the more people that dont understand them, its really easy to see a critical tipping point where
you get that critical mass of mistrust.[Complete Rejection]
Security/Safety If it becomes more frequent or noticeable that any of these systems are easily broken into.[Change in Trust]
If it was shown to have been compromised then that would be a huge reset in not just the implementation of that
system[Complete Rejection]
Human in the Loop As long as theres not a mechanism where it locks us out and we cant do anything unless it detects a problem.[Change
in Trust]
Systems [ ] under that category of having life or death consequences. So, in that case, [ ], not having a human at
least in the loop to give the go ahead, give the thumbs up, would probably be a no-go for me.[Complete Rejection]
Data Error Thats probably my biggest fear with [ ] all autonomous systems - if it doesnt have good data inputs you cant really
trust whats going on.[Change in Trust]
[For] complex and very complex [systems] I would image integrity-based errors meaning that its not actually telling us
the truth is a pretty significant reason to abandon that system. [Complete Rejection]
Interoperability If it was able to communicate to other autonomous systems a little better,”“If it isnt able to adapt to future applications.
[Change in Trust]
No Rejection Its a program of records[Complete Rejection]
development of new autonomous systems to improve
acceptance and adoption for systems used in mission critical
environment, eight overarching themes emerged (see
Table 9).
Respondents identified factors of perceived ease of use
(42.5%, 20 cited by SMEs), system reliability (23.4%, 11 cited
by SMEs), perceived usefulness (17%, 8 cited by SMEs), sys-
tem transparency (12.8%, 6 cited by SMEs) and security/
safety (4.3%, 2 cited by SMEs) to be essential factors for
increasing the acceptance and adoption of future autono-
mous systems.
The user interface needs to be such that its easy to operate. It
needs to have reliability and some means of being able to
troubleshoot any errors that come up. Certain levels of
consistency and dependability.
Respondents identified perceived ease of use followed by
system reliability, and perceived usefulness to be leading fac-
tors for essential factors that need to be addressed in future
autonomous system design. Personnel did not mention in
detail what perceived ease of use meant in regards to the
use of the autonomous system they had experience with.
However, personnel highlighted the interface design for
autonomous system to be intuitive and to design the inter-
action in a way the user is already familiar with. For
instance, to integrate the use of virtual reality systems from
the commercial sector to increase the users ability to
employ the system instantaneously and without the necessity
for intensive training.
In addition, human-centered design aspects that need to
be addressed in future autonomous systems included human
in the loop and interoperability. During military operations,
the human will always remain in the decision-making loop.
Therefore, system design needs to be able to adapt to their
users to become increasingly sophisticated sys-
tems. Moreover,
Respondent highlighted future systems to be designed
with the capability to integrate with other systems more
readily, so that users do not have to operate systems inde-
pendently from each other.
Beyond the different fields of application of future
autonomous system and AI technology, participants indi-
cated that training for these systems is still considered cru-
cial. Participants indicated training of future autonomous
systems to entail system specific training for users (n¼12)
with an early introduction to the system in order to build
experience (N¼8) and through hands on training on the
system (n¼7). Additionally, participants indicated a need to
increase training in form of occurrence and hours (n¼8)
and to provide generalized training to higher command
(n¼5). Overall, ease of training (n¼3) with the use of
diverse training methods (n¼2) is preferred. Further, a
preference was shown for industry experts or SMEs to con-
duct portions of the systems-centered training (n¼2).
Representative responses from participants can be
found below.
I think education, and by education, I mean training. And more
hands-on use of the specific systems, techniques, tactics, and
procedures that the systems will use, for the end user, will
greatly increase it, and specifically there needs to be more
education and instruction and information to the decision
makers. Its great that all the [ ] [users] know how to use this
[] automated system [ ]. If the commander whos making
the tactical decisions [ ] is not educated on the proper use
and implementation of those systems because he lacks the first-
hand knowledge, and this will go up as decision makers are
higher up the chain of command, then [ ] [the autonomous
system] wont be properly employed and used, and thats where
I think we run the risk of potential damages to ourselves [ ].
Training, the fact that our [ ] [users] were trained well on
that system is important, because if theyre not, A you lose the
appreciation of what that system is doing for you and B you
lose your understanding of what its doing for you, so if you
have to go fix the system or troubleshoot the system at all and
you dont know what its doing youre not gonna be able to do
it. So you have to be able to understand what its doing.
It has been argued that to design automated systems that
individuals understand and, therefore, use effectively, it is
important to include as many as possible in the design pro-
cess. However, results on consultation showed, that only
29% of the 47 total participants interviewed had been con-
sulted during the research and development phase of
Table 9. Example responses from SMEs related to essential factors in future design of autonomous system.
Theme Quote
Perceived Ease of Use Easy enough to use that I would spend less time doing that then actually doing the task itself
ease of troubleshoot and ease of user interface
its got to be pretty straightforward [ ]. The user interface of heres all the data, not just say, Oh push the button, were good.
When the UAS picks up the heat signature of four vehicles, it zooms in and compares them, and shows everything that the AI
is doing. Then bringing up its samples and everything it says, Yes, with 98% accuracy these are these vehicles and heres why.
Reliability A verification validation process, knowing the system will behave the way we expect it to behave and that the information we
put into it will make it respond in the manners we expect it to.
Perceived Usefulness Is it relevant, does it support or add to what our mission is.
make the process of accomplishing whatever our objective is, or whatever the objective of the machine is, a significantly faster or
more efficient pace.
Transparency Knowing whats going on with the system,“… the workflow, ease of the workflow, being able to follow my inputs to outputs.
the ability to remove the black box of autonomy to understand why its doing what its doing
Security/Safety Is it going to be safe for me to use this and not be detected by somebody else
Its got to be easily usable but its also got to be secure. So if its capable of being hacked and turned to either one process bad
or put bad outputs out [ ] thats a big concern.
Training you gotta train people on it, what its doing and why its doing it.
theres [currently] no field implementation where they come out and show you how to use it in a field environment.
autonomous systems that were made for military use.
Further, 93% of the 43 participants hold a positive view a
on consultation of end users, and feel it is necessary to cre-
ate useful, and easy to use systems to foster effective human-
autonomy teaming in mission critical environments.
Emerging from the data is a clear desire from current per-
sonnel to be consulted in the design and development stages
of new automated systems.
4. Discussion
Users are having to interact effectively with autonomous sys-
tems in mission critical environments to increase mission
capability, survivability, and mission success. As these sys-
tems start to evolve and become more complex in nature, it
is imperative the field understands what impacts the
human-automation interaction. While, previous research has
reviewed aspects concerning the acceptance of autonomous
systems used in the commercial field (Ghazizadeh et al.,
2012; Levy & Green, 2009; Matsuyama et al., 2021), a clear
understanding of these surrounding factors for mission crit-
ical systems is missing that would guide engineers in devel-
oping more impactful autonomous systems for end-users.
Given the significance to practitioners, the aim of the
current study was to explore the factors affecting the accept-
ance and adoption of autonomous systems in mission crit-
ical environments according to active-duty military
personnel. Specifically, we explored factors regarding the
acceptance and adoption of current autonomous systems
that held various levels of automation, what factors would
lead to change in user trust or complete rejection of a sys-
tem, and what factors should be considered in future system
design. Interview data were collected on participantssub-
jective experience, beliefs, and preferences regarding their
use with partial, multi-level or complete autonomous sys-
tems or decision-making systems through a series of open-
ended questions.
There was no clear consensus among respondents regard-
ing oneessential factor for autonomous system acceptance
and adoption, which displays the complexity of autonomous
system design for human-autonomy teaming in mission crit-
ical environments. Instead, respondents displayed a prefer-
ence for several factors with the most essential being
perceived ease of use in the human-automation interaction,
reliability of the system, itsperceived usefulness for the task
at hand, transparency of what the system is doing and how
its behaving, as well as the security/safety of the autonomous
system against internal or external-attacks. These findings
were not associated with the level of autonomy, suggesting
that these factors apply to all levels of autonomy from par-
tial to complete autonomous systems in mission critical
Respondents also identified factors that would lead to
change in trust or complete rejection of the autonomous
system during critical operations. Both questions resulted in
similar findings with reliability and perceived usefulness
being of greatest concern for a change in user trust and
were the leading factors for a complete rejection of the
autonomous system. These findings postulate that the level
of reliability or perceived usefulness of an autonomous sys-
tem influences the amount of trust a user has for that sys-
tem. For example, a user interacting with an autonomous
system that presents erroneous information or failures (i.e.,
reduced system reliability) leads to lower levels of user trust
towards the automation; yet the user may continue to rely
on the automation to complete the missions objective
(Chavaillaz et al., 2016). Moreover, our findings propose
that if the user reaches the tipping point where he/she
defines automation not to be reliable nor useful, then the
user will reject further use of that system (Bekier et al.,
2012). A distinct difference between these responses to pos-
sible civilian responses should be noted, as some officers did
state nothing would cause them to completely reject a sys-
tem if it was assigned to them. Within mission critical envi-
ronments and life-dependent scenarios, personnel would
rather use a system with low capabilities rather than having
no system. Other factors that were identified by respondents
to change user trust and to lead to complete system rejec-
tion were safety/security,human in the loop,perceived ease
of use or data error among others.
Challenges users acknowledged that may affect novice
users to accept or adopt current autonomous system
included perceived ease of use,interoperability,resource con-
straints,reliability,mental workload,ordata error. For all
levels of automation, perceived ease of use of the current sys-
tems was identified to be the greatest challenge. Yet, our
analysis of the automation level revealed, that users current
challenge with partial-autonomous systems includes resource
constraints (i.e., limited funding, manning, training, system
managing support from contract side etc.) and with multi-
and complete autonomous systems includes interoperability
and adaptability issues with other systems. These factors
were believed to affect novice users acceptance and adop-
tion of these autonomous systems, which paves the road for
lessons learnedto design more impactful autonomous sys-
tems. Indeed, perceived ease of use,reliability, transparency,
interoperability, and human in the loop were identified as
human-centered design aspects that based on the respond-
ents need to be addressed in future autonomous systems for
mission critical environments.
Our studys findings therefore extend the widely used
TAM model to capture the factors associated for autono-
mous systems used in mission critical autonomous systems.
For instance, the TAM identifies Perceived Usefulness and
Perceived Ease of Use as impacting the attitude towards use
and the intention to use (acceptance), which in turn impact
the actual usage (adoption) of the system (Davis, 1989). Our
proposed model confirms these and several other attributes
from the SCTAM model (Davis, 1989; Hutchins & Hook,
2017). Together with the results from the interview data,
this blend of information was applied to propose a technol-
ogy acceptance model for mission critical environments.
This allowed to take in to account the Perceived Ease of Us
and Perceived Usefulness of the original model modified by
the general beliefs which influence them from the other
variations of TAM such as the SCTAM from the interview
information, see Figure 2.
The value of Reliability (R) is defined as the view by
adopters of the current state of the autonomous system that
incorporates data error, failure rates, perceived failure rate.
Trust (T) is described as the trustworthiness of the autono-
mous system and affected by reliability, safety and security of
the system and related to the influences of social norm and
authority. Transparency (Tr) is the knowledge of how the
autonomous system works, knowing how the system makes
its decision and through its feedback greatly impacts the
adopters decision-making. Authority (A) represents a deter-
minant to Safety Expectancy (SE). In mission critical context,
Authority is the autonomous system having the approval of
the governing body over the operational use, in this case the
rules of engagement and command and control (this is the
exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated
commander over assigned forces in the accomplishment of
the mission), which is a binary input but has an impact on
how adopters view autonomous systems. In addition,
Interoperability (I) and Resource Constraints (RC) were iden-
tified as determinants of Perceived Usefulness. Human in the
Loop (HIP), Mental Workload (WK), and Training (Ta) were
identified as determinants of Perceived Ease of Use.
These findings paint a picture of the complexity sur-
rounding the factors that affect the acceptance and adoption
of autonomous systems in mission critical environments.
While users seem to show consensus towards a greater
emphasis on human-centered design (i.e., ease of use, trans-
parency, etc.) among all levels of automation, system reli-
ability seems to be one of the most imperative factors given
its direct impact on users trust and reliance during human-
automation interaction in mission critical environments.
The studys findings can be leveraged to develop autono-
mous systems that operate more effectively in the
relationship between users and autonomous systems
(Barrett-Pink et al., 2019), inform engineering disciplines
and design principles (e.g., design specific incentive struc-
tures (Flynn et al., 2021)).
5. Implications of findings
Although the autonomous systems were utilized in the mili-
tary, implications can be transferred to the civilian world.
For example, DOD contractors and military organizations
are integrating commercial off the shelf (COTS) products in
the design of autonomous system. Also, several participants
mentioned that perceived ease of use was important in the
sense where someone more familiar with a system (like an
XBOX controller) would learn on that system much more
quickly than if they were given a completely new controller
or system that they are not familiar with (see, Hall 2012).
First, while the voice of the users is usually considered in
requirements generation and management in system design
processes, these percentages show a disconnect between cur-
rent officers at NPS and the designers of systems they have
used in their military career. Several potential sources for
this disconnect may factor in; however, data was not col-
lected on why the disconnect is perceived to exist in the
respondent population. For instance, maybe these users had
not been consulted but others had been. The top essential
factors found to have the most impact on the acceptance
and adoption of autonomous systems for users could also
guide engineers and designers in the development and pres-
entation of current and future autonomous systems for mis-
sion critical environments. Another potential take-away
from this research is the need for users to feel like they have
buy-in on autonomous system development processes, so
they are more accepting of autonomous systems in general.
It may also help to improve requirements generation and
Figure 2. Mission critical technology acceptance model (MCTAM).
requirements fulfillment throughout the system design pro-
cess to have significantly more users (e.g., war-
fighters) involved.
Second, the results of this work align with ongoing work
around zero-trust systems engineering for autonomous sys-
tems (Hale et al., 2021; Papakonstantinou et al., 2019,2020,
2021; Van Bossuyt et al., in press). A significant issue facing
mission critical autonomous systems is the potential for
threats from personnel both internal and external to the sys-
tem lifecycle from the very earliest parts of system architec-
ture and requirements generation through to design,
manufacture, operation, upgrade and maintenance, and
eventual disposal. This research has shown that trust in
autonomous systems and autonomous systems that are reli-
able are both very important to users, particularly to war-
fighters operating in mission critical environments. The
zero-trust paradigm in systems engineering aims to produce
more reliable and more trustworthy systems through not
trusting anyone or anything involved with the system. This
often means increased redundancy and diversity in all
aspects of the system. Information from this article can be
used to further guide zero-trust systems engineering to
increase the likelihood that new autonomous systems will be
adopted more readily by users operating in mission critical
Third, findings in this article can be used to buy down
risk of autonomous system adoption failure by focusing on
the system design process. In our professional experience,
many autonomous systems are relegated to dusty ware-
houses or are discarded at forward operating bases because
the warfighters do not trust the systems or do not find the
systems to be useful. By using the information in this article
to inform system requirements development and manage-
ment, engineers may be able to reduce such issues thus
reducing overall cost to the taxpayer. Designing and manu-
facturing autonomous systems that the user trusts and finds
useful reduces the costs associated with scrapped systems or
major system upgrades required to convince users to trust
and adopt autonomous systems.
From a model-based systems engineering (MBSE) perspec-
tive and digital twin (DT), the results of this study can be
used to improve the models that represent autonomous sys-
tem end-users. The factors identified in the study are essen-
tially attributes of the autonomous systems in end-user
decision models. The attributes are characteristics of the sys-
tem that impact the end-users behaviors. Knowing what
attributes are important and a general understanding of how
the attributes are weightedcompared to each other is a crit-
ical step in end-user decision modelling. The end-user models
directly impact the system value model that the designer or
engineer uses to assess design decisions. The value model is
used by the systems engineer to find the right balance
between performance, business concerns, risk, etc. Rigorous
identification of model attributes using meaningful human
studies is a critical need in systems engineering models of
many kinds, including end-user models and system value
models. This study identifies attributes and their relative
importance from end-users which is immediately applicable
to autonomous system MBSE representations.
Hence, engineers may be able to use the studysinforma-
tion to influence mission engineering analyses which could
lead to identifying new autonomous systems that should be
developed. Specific mission concepts that are challenging to
successfully complete today may indicate that new systems to
foster the human-automation interaction are needed. Using
the knowledge gained from this article, systems engineers can
propose new autonomous systems with specific needed capa-
bilities that user will want to use in mission critical environ-
ments and that will improve the effectiveness of human-
autonomy teaming and the likelihood of mission success.
6. Limitations and future research
The current study did have its limitations. First, semi-struc-
tured interviews were utilized, which limited the sample size
because of the large amount of time and resources
expended. Second, only students at NPS who were military
officers were interviewed, limiting the generalizability of this
study. While responses came from SMEs with a wide range
of experience, some were enlisted before becoming officers,
and some first received their bachelors degrees before con-
tinuing to become military officers. Further, qualitative ana-
lysis can be time consuming as well as require an immense
number of resources (student researchers, software, etc.).
Limitations of the current study could be addressed by
expanding the sample size in multiple ways such as in mili-
tary rank (enlisted, rather than exclusively officers), female
sample size, and the inclusion of civilians. Multiple partici-
pants mentioned that it was important to get the end user
or lower military personnels input because they were the
users ultimately using the product. Thus, future studies want
to include enlisted military personnel that represent the
end-user. Moreover, the inclusion of civilian responses may
be used to compare and validate factors to consider for new
autonomous system development inside and outside the
military context. For instance, future studies could be
designed around targeting top ranked factors such as per-
ceived ease of use, reliability, and perceived usefulness, to
see if these specific factors are considered important among
a more general populous for human-autonomy teaming.
Instead of using interviews, a questionnaire could be
designed to address these specific factors and could be used
to validate the proposed MCTAM model. Moreover, as
ordinal data becomes available in the future, systems engi-
neers will be able to use that information to conduct trade-
off studies during system design using swing weighting or
multi-attribute utility theory methods.
Any opinions or findings of this work are the responsibility of the
authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of
Defense or any other organizations. Approved for Public Release; dis-
tribution is unlimited.
Ethical approval
All research activities were approved by the University of Alabama
Institutional Review Board (IRB), and approved of compliance with
applicable Department of Defense and Department of Navy human
research protection policy.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
This work was sponsored by the Department of the Navy, Office of
Naval Research, Consortium for Robotics Unmanned Systems
Education and Research at the Naval Postgraduate School under Grant
Kristin Weger
Data availability statement
The authors retain copyright of all materials previously published in
conference proceedings. Due to the sensitive nature of this research,
data are available from the authors after review by Department of
Defense/Naval Postgraduate School sponsors.
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About the Authors
Kristin Weger is an Assistant Professor in the Department of
Psychology at The University of Alabama in Huntsville. She completed
her Ph.D. in 2017 at the University of Bamberg in Industrial
Organizational Psychology. Her research has focuses on improving
organizational and management processes by focusing on digital trans-
formation and the socio-technical system.
Lisa Matsuyama is a graduate student in the Psychology Department
at The University of Alabama in Huntsville. Her research focuses on
addressing human factors in system development and the influence of
work climate on employee performance.
Rileigh Zimmerman is an undergraduate student at The University of
Alabama in Huntsville. She assists in research in the Leadership and
Organizational Behavior Lab in the psychology department and her
research focuses on factors related to the acceptance and adoption of
autonomous systems.
Bryan Mesmer is an Associate Professor in the Department of
Industrial and Systems Engineering and Engineering Management at
The University of Alabama in Huntsville. He earned his Ph.D. from
SUNY at Buffalo. His research reimagines systems engineering using
approaches that span traditional areas of decision theory and non-trad-
itional areas.
Douglas Van Bossuyt is a partner at KTM Research, LLC in Tualatin,
Oregon. KTM Research specializes in machine vision for manufactur-
ing systems and vision-guided robotics. His research focuses on the
intersection of design, system modeling, and risk analysis. He received
his PhD from Oregon State University in 2012.
Rob Semmens is an Assistant Professor in the Systems Engineering
Department at the Naval Postgraduate School. He earned his Ph.D.
from Stanford University, in the Graduate School of Educations
Learning Sciences and Technology Design program. His research inter-
ests include discovering how people learn about technology while using
that technology.
Casey Eaton is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Industrial and
Systems Engineering and Engineering Management at the University of
Alabama in Huntsville. She completed her M.S. in Systems Engineering
(2020) at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Her research focuses
on system modeling and technical measurement.
... Among the respondents, there was notable hesitancy about adopting an autonomous or AI approach for sUAS flight authorizations; however, it is common for AI systems to face initial skepticism [35,41]. The complexity of the decision-making process in the context of sUAS flight authorizations, coupled with concerns about the reliability and safety of AI-driven decision systems [63], may impact the broad acceptance of such a system. The survey also revealed concerns about transparency-that the criteria for admitting or denying entry to airspace might be opaque, especially if AI were involved. ...
... Among the respondents, there was notable hesitancy about adopting an autonomous or AI approach for sUAS flight authorizations; however, it is common for AI systems to face initial skepticism [35,41]. The complexity of the decision-making process in the context of sUAS flight authorizations, coupled with concerns about the reliability and safety of AI-driven decision systems [63], may impact the broad acceptance of such a system. The survey also revealed concerns about transparency-that the criteria for admitting or denying entry to airspace might be opaque, especially if AI were involved. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) have gained widespread adoption across a diverse range of applications. This has introduced operational complexities within shared airspaces and an increase in reported incidents, raising safety concerns. In response, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is developing a UAS Traffic Management (UTM) system to control access to airspace based on an sUAS's predicted ability to safely complete its mission. However, a fully automated system capable of swiftly approving or denying flight requests can be prone to bias and must consider safety, transparency, and fairness to diverse stakeholders. In this paper, we present an initial study that explores stakeholders' perspectives on factors that should be considered in an automated system. Results indicate flight characteristics and environmental conditions were perceived as most important but pilot and drone capabilities should also be considered. Further, several respondents indicated an aversion to any AI-supported automation, highlighting the need for full transparency in automated decision-making. Results provide a societal perspective on the challenges of automating UTM flight authorization decisions and help frame the ongoing design of a solution acceptable to the broader sUAS community.
... Therefore, it becomes essential to comprehend an individual's perception of AVs (Farmer et al., 2023;Ng, 2023). However, there is a lack of comprehensive research that thoroughly explores the diverse factors that shape people's acceptance of AVs (Weger et al., 2023). Such factors include demographics, actual interactions with AVs, trust, familiarity with the technology, perceived risks, driving conditions, and market penetration. ...
... One possibility is that humans will be unwilling to adopt a machine teammate. For example, military officers interviewed on the topic of autonomy stated that a human's ability to override an autonomous system would influence their ability to trust in the system [106]. While it may be important to consider the possibility of overriding a system when a machine is a tool, overriding a teammate may have more impactful consequences. ...
Full-text available
Human-autonomy teams will likely first see use within environments with ethical considerations (e.g., military, healthcare). Therefore, we must consider how to best design an ethical autonomous teammate that can promote trust within teams, an antecedent to team effectiveness. In the current study, we conducted 14 semi-structured interviews with US Air Force pilots on the topics of autonomous teammates, trust, and ethics. A thematic analysis revealed that the pilots see themselves serving a parental role alongside a developing machine teammate. As parents, the pilots would feel responsible for their machine teammate’s behavior, and their unethical actions may not lead to a loss of trust. However, once the pilots feel their teammate has matured, their unethical actions would likely lower trust. To repair that trust, the pilots would want to understand their teammate’s processing, yet they are concerned about their ability to understand a machine’s processing. Additionally, the pilots would expect their teammates to indicate that it is improving or plans to improve. The findings from this study highlight the nuanced relationship between trust and ethics, as well as a duality of infantilized teammates that cannot bear moral weight and advanced machines whose decision-making processes may be incomprehensibly complex. Future investigations should further explore this parent–child paradigm and its relation to trust development and maintenance in human-autonomy teams.