
Jean-Pierre Laude, "Hypothetical photo-nuclear effects, dating and imaging on the Shroud of Turin," Proc. SPIE 12136, Unconventional Optical Imaging III, 121360Z (20 May 2022); doi: 10.1117/12.2620953 Event: SPIE Photonics Europe, 2022, Strasbourg, France

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Turin Shroud: neutrons and protons produced by interaction of γ photons with the buried body, i.e. reaction16O(γ, n)15O in giant dipole resonance, followed by 14N(n, p)14C, could have biased radio-dating, and formed the image Keywords: Turin-Shroud, Gamma-rays, radio-dating, RREA, GDR, lightnings, bremsstrahlung, (γ, n), (n, p) T. Phillips, J. B. Rinaudo and subsequently many others, hypothesized that neutrons and ultrashort duration protons bombardment had biased the radio-dating and contributed to the formation of the image. Rinaudo considered that nucleons were issued of deuterium D atoms breaking (binding energy 2224,573 ± 0,002 keV)4 in the body buried in the Shroud. Weshow that nucleons could have been produced much more efficiently by action of γ photons on oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, calcium, …

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Lightning and thundercloud are the most dramatic natural particle accelerators on the Earth. Relativistic electrons accelerated by electric fields therein emit bremsstrahlung gamma rays, which have been detected at ground observations, by airborne detectors, and as terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) from space. The energy of the gamma rays is sufficiently high to potentially invoke atmospheric photonuclear reactions 14N(gamma, n)13N, which would produce neutrons and eventually positrons via beta-plus decay of generated unstable radioactive isotopes, especially 13N. However, no clear observational evidence for the reaction has been reported to date. Here we report the first detection of neutron and positron signals from lightning with a ground observation. During a thunderstorm on 6 February 2017 in Japan, a TGF-like intense flash (within 1 ms) was detected at our monitoring sites 0.5-1.7 km away from the lightning. The subsequent initial burst quickly subsided with an exponential decay constant of 40-60 ms, followed by a prolonged line emission at about 0.511 megaelectronvolt (MeV), lasting for a minute. The observed decay timescale and spectral cutoff at about 10 MeV of the initial emission are well explained with de-excitation gamma rays from the nuclei excited by neutron capture. The centre energy of the prolonged line emission corresponds to the electron-positron annihilation, and hence is the conclusive indication of positrons produced after the lightning. Our detection of neutrons and positrons is unequivocal evidence that natural lightning triggers photonuclear reactions. No other natural event on the Earth is known to trigger photonuclear reactions. This discovery places lightning as only the second known natural channel on the Earth after the atmospheric cosmic-ray interaction, in which isotopes, such as 13C, 14C, and 15N, are produced.
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The effect of gamma-radiations on bilirubin, in vitro, has been studied. It was found that gamma-radiation causes oxidation of bilirubin to biliverdine as one of the products. The likely implication of this effect in transformation of bilirubin to excretable products, in vivo, in case of jaundice is discussed.
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The "superficiality" of the Turin Shroud body image is a characteristic frequently described in scientific papers but too often in vague terms. Originating from a discussion among the members of the Shroud Science Group*, this paper was compiled thoroughly describing the unique characteristics of the body image superficiality. This concept of superficiality is here described at the fabric, thread and fiber levels. At the fabric level, we show the importance of the geometry of the fabric. At the thread level, the very specific distribution of the color is emphasized. Finally, at the fiber level, we confirm that the color is a chemically altered layer about 200 nm thick found at the surface of the colored fibers (the inner part remains uncolored). We suggest that the chemical alteration that produced the discoloration is related to the primary cell wall of the linen fiber. The description of image superficiality here reported will be useful for the formulation of future hypotheses about the body image formation process.
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In the last 3000 yr, one significant and rapid increase in the concentration of 14C in tree rings was observed; it corresponds to a gamma-ray energy input of 7x10^24 erg at Earth within up to one year in AD 774/5 (Miyake et al. 2012). A normal supernova and a solar or stellar flare are unlikely as cause (Miyake et al. 2012), so that the source remained unknown. Here, we show that a short gamma-ray burst (GRB) in our Galaxy is consistent with all observables: Such an event is sufficiently short and provides the necessary energy in the relevant spectral range of γ\gamma-rays. Its spectral hardness is consistent with the differential production rates of 14C and 10Be as observed. The absence of reports about a historic sighting of a supernova in AD 774/5 or a present-day supernova remnant are also consistent with a short GRB. We estimate the distance towards this short GRB to be ~ 1 to 4 kpc - sufficiently far away, so that no extinction event on Earth was triggered. This is the first evidence for a short GRB in our Galaxy.
The Raman spectrum of a microsubstance, smeared on a fiber coming from the Shroud of Turin, was compared with numerous spectra published for old or modern pigment dyes, whole bloods, dried bloods, red blood cells, albumin, very ancient blood stains, and various “degradation” products of heme. Within the wavenumber measure accuracy, it is shown that all Raman lines detected above background could correspond to vibration frequencies found in biliverdin-derived compounds except a weak line that we tentatively attributed to amide I. Biliverdin is known as an oxidative ring cleavage product of the heme of blood. Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis of the sample confirms an elemental composition fully compatible with this hypothesis. Therefore, it is very likely that this microsubstance contains products of heme including heme/biliverdin-derived compounds and protein traces (amide I). Nevertheless, other measures will be necessary to confirm it. This method of identification, adding EDS to Raman spectrometry can be applied to nondestructive testing (NDT) of many other microsamples.
The use of gamma radiations to convert unconjugated bilirubin to the short-wavelength isomer of biliverdin in an aqueous-alkaline system, under selected conditions of oxic and anoxic exposures was investigated. The depletion of the unconjugated bilirubin was investigated using spectrophotometry and the results were treated mathematically to facilitate evaluation of the data. The mechanism of bilirubin phototheraphy treatment involved the isolation of the bilirubin using photoisomerization and conversion to biliverdin. Results show that the presence of molecular oxygen enhance the degradation process in comparison to irradiation to air.
Changes in the intensities of the functional groups within the surface region (upper 500 nm) of cellulose nitrate films, exposed to 0.5 MeV protons and processed chemically to visualize proton tracks, have been determined quantitatively by attenuated total reflectance (ATR) infrared spectrometry. Within the penetration depth of protons resulting from the thermal neutron reaction, 14N(n, p)14C at a neutron fluence of 2×1011, absorption intensities of nitrate (–ONO2) and ether (–C–O–C–) are depleted by up to 37% and 12% at respective characteristic vibrational frequencies. The observed cleavage of the ether linkages (C–O–C at 1060 cm−1) in the main cellulose chain creates lower molecular weight polymer fragments, and also causes depolymerization. Both reactions increase the accessibility of the polymer to chemical attack by the NaOH etchant at the chemically altered sites. The unique track registration of low energy protons (0.5–0.3 MeV) in cellulose nitrate primarily results from selective chemical induced damage from energy deposition interactions at bonded nitrate group sites.
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Fluorescence spectra of UV or proton exposed linens: a tentative to evaluate some hypotheses on the Shroud of Turin image formation
  • J.-P Laude
  • Raman
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Datation et formation de l'image, Travaux du Père Rinaudo
  • P Riedmatten
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« Production of Radiocarbon by Neutron Radiation on Linen
  • A C Lind
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Test the Shroud at the Atomic and Molecular Levels
  • M Antonacci
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Coupling for identification of unknown substances in Archaeology applied to the Turin Shroud», in Frontiers in Optics
  • J P Laude
  • Raman
Laude J. P., «Raman -EDS Coupling for identification of unknown substances in Archaeology applied to the Turin Shroud», in Frontiers in Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) paper JTh2A.84. (2016).