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Communication Design in the Indonesian Archipelago: The Microwave Link between Manado-Sangihe

  • National University
  • Universitas Nasional, Indonesia, Jakarta


Indonesia, which has a geographical area consisting of islands, uses microwave communication as the backbone. One of the islands in Indonesia is Sangihe Island. Construction of a communication network between Manado-Sangihe which crosses several islands using a microwave radio communication system with SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) technology. The choice of communication with microwave radio on this link is due to the current use of VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) technology in Sangihe with limited capacity. Microwave systems propagate in Loss of Sight or free space, so there is no need for a physical channel in the form of cables to cross the sea. The LOS condition is the main requirement that must be met in building microwave radio communications. We did the planning using Pathloss software and the trajectory was from Manado City, Biaro Island, Siau Island, and Sangihe Island. The result of our design is to get an Availability value of 99.67%. This result is very close to the margin limit required by the ITU-T G.821 standard, which is 99.95%. To solve this problem, we use the diversity technique, and its Availability increases to 99,99%.
Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2022
Impact Factor: 8.118
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET)
| e-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2320-6710| | Impact Factor: 8.118|
||Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2022||
| DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2022.1106003|
IJIRSET © 2022 | An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | 6971
Communication Design in the Indonesian
Archipelago: The Microwave Link between
Endang Retno Nugroho1, Ruliyanta1, Rianto Nugroho1,2, R.A. Suwodjo Kusumoputro1,
Anisa Prakastia3
Lecturers, Department of Engineering and Science, National University, Jakarta, Indonesia1
CEO of Nesindo Integration, NEC Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia2
U.G. Student, Department of Engineering and Science, National University, Jakarta, Indonesia3
ABSTRACT: Indonesia, which has a geographical area consisting of islands, uses microwave communication as the
backbone. One of the islands in Indonesia is Sangihe Island. Construction of a communication network between
Manado-Sangihe which crosses several islands using a microwave radio communication system with SDH
(Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) technology. The choice of communication with microwave radio on this link is due to
the current use of VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) technology in Sangihe with limited capacity. Microwave
systems propagate in Loss of Sight or free space, so there is no need for a physical channel in the form of cables to
cross the sea. The LOS condition is the main requirement that must be met in building microwave radio
communications. We did the planning using Pathloss software and the trajectory was from Manado City, Biaro Island,
Siau Island, and Sangihe Island. The result of our design is to get an Availability value of 99.67%. This result is very
close to the margin limit required by the ITU-T G.821 standard, which is 99.95%. To solve this problem, we use the
diversity technique, and its Availability increases to 99,99%.
KEYWORDS: Microwave, Synchronous Digital Hierarchy, Pathloss, Fading Margin.
According to Cisco 2016, Indonesia has the highest internet growth in the world. With Indonesia's geography, which
consists of thousands of islands, to support this growth, good and sufficient infrastructure is needed[1]. Sangihe Islands
Regency is a regency located in North Sulawesi Province. Sangihe Islands Regency is located between Sulawesi Island
and Mindanao Island (Philippines) and is located on the lips of the Pacific Ocean. This island is located far from the
center of the capital city of North Sulawesi Province, namely Manado, so that it becomes one of the obstacles in the
communication process for the existing community.
For communication facilities in the Sangihe Islands Regency, cellular operators are currently still using satellite
communication technology[2][5]. With the limited capacity of the channel, it is necessary to have an alternative
communication system[3], [5].
There are several alternative communication systems that can be used Fiber Optic [6], and Microwave Radio[4], [5],
[7]. Communication systems using copper and fiber optic cables will require high costs, in addition to building an
underwater network, it will take quite a long time. Meanwhile, to build a microwave communication system the
construction and maintenance costs are cheaper and do not require a long time[8].
The objection of this research is to design a microwave radio communication system between Manado City and
Sangihe Island. In this design used SDH technology with STM-1 capacity. For the implementation process, there are 3
hops, namely the Sangihe Islands, Siau Island, Biaro Island, and Manado (North Sulawesi Island). The novelty in this
research is the availability of microwave link designs in the Indonesian archipelago.
Microwave radio transmission system is a transmission system that uses radio waves to transmit data or information
from the sender (Tx) to the receiver (Rx) with a frequency above 1GHz. Microwave transmission waves are transversal
with a super high frequency (SHF, Super High Frequency) with a wavelength ranging from 0.3 to 300 cm. We did the
planning using Pathloss software.
There are two types of microwave transmission systems, namely analog microwave transmission systems and digital
microwave transmission systems [5]. A radio transmission system can be a hop with a maximum distance of 50km or a
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET)
| e-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2320-6710| | Impact Factor: 8.118|
||Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2022||
| DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2022.1106003|
IJIRSET © 2022 | An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | 6972
backbone consisting of multiple hops with hundreds to thousands of km. The purpose of a microwave radio
communication system is to transmit information from one place to another without interference [4], [5], [7], [9].
A. Wave Propagation
Wave propagation is the propagation of waves in the propagation medium. The propagation media can be in the form
of physical media such as copper media, conductors, while for non-physical media it can be in the form of radio waves
B. Fresnel Zone
The Fresnel zone or Fresnel zone is the locus of indirect signal points in the form of an ellipse on the radio path, where
the wave is limited by indirect waves which have a different length path with the direct signal, which can be calculated
using Equation 1 [11].
3.17 21
C. Altitude Correction
Altitude correction is needed because in the process of describing the condition of the spherical earth, this influences
the height of the obstacle along the trajectory as in the Equation 2[12].
hk = height correction (m) to sea level
K =curvature factor of the earth (constant)
d1&d2 = distance (Km) from the terminal to the obstacle course.
D. High Clearance
High Clearance is the distance between the main axis of the radio wave trajectory and the peak of the obstacle. For the
Line of Sight (LOS) requirements to be met, the magnitude of the obstacle height must be calculated at the point where
the highest obstacle is located, as given in Equation 3[12].
hc = obstacle height (m) above sea level
h1 = height of the 1st antenna (m) above sea level
h2 = height of the 2nd antenna (m) above sea level
hk = height correction (m) to sea level
hs: obstacle height (m) above sea level
d1&d2: distance (Km) from terminal to obstacle course
E. Link Budget
The nominal receiving signal level is used to indicate how much power the receiving antenna can receive. The link
budget calculation is given in Equation 4.
onTransmiss iTotaltSL LGPR
RSL = received power level (dBm)
Pt = transmission power (dBm)
GTotal= the total gain of the antenna Rx and Tx (dB)
LTransmission = transmission attenuation (dB)
F. Free Space Loss
Free space loss is the attenuation of the signal resulting from the LOS (Line of Sight) path that passes through free
space (air) without any obstacles that cause reflection or diffraction. Free space loss propagation is used to predict the
received signal level when Tx and Rx have a direct path so that the attenuation characteristics along the path are
obtained without any barrier data, this is given in Equation 5.
DfFSL log20log2044.32
FSL = free space attenuation (dB)
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET)
| e-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2320-6710| | Impact Factor: 8.118|
||Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2022||
| DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2022.1106003|
IJIRSET © 2022 | An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | 6973
D = track distance (Km)
f = frequency (MHz)
G. Transmission Attenuation
The propagation of the signal will experience degradation caused by atmospheric conditions, the earth's surface, and
attenuation in the transmission line. To calculate the transmission attenuation, Equation 6.
oat mrainfbonTr ansm issi LLLLLFSLL
FSL = free space loss (dB) attenuation
Lb = attenuation at the transmitter and receiver branching line (dB)
Lf = attenuation of transmitter and receiver feeders (dB)
Lrain = rain attenuation (dB)
Latm = the propagation atmospheric attenuation (dB).
H. Atmospheric Attenuation
Based on the recommendation of ITU-R P.676.3 the atmospheric attenuation can be calculated by Equation 7.
Iα = 0.0524 dB/Km
d = track distance (Km)
I. Rain Attenuation
Based on the recommendation of ITU-R P.837-2, the rainfall condition in Indonesia is 145 mm/hour, then the rain
attenuation can be calculated by Equation 8.
effrain IRxdL
IR =K x Rα
deff = d.r
r =
α = 1.322
do = 7.810
K = Climate Factor
R = Rainfall
J. Fading Margin
Fading Margin is the difference between the nominal received signal level and the minimum received signal level
(threshold), which corresponds to the desired Bit Error Rate (BER). Flat Fading Margin (FFM) is calculated to
overcome errors caused by thermal noise.
By definition, a flat fading margin is the same as fading margin, namely the ratio of the level between the nominal
received signal and the minimum signal level. Calculated by Equation 9.
)(Treshol dx
FFM = Flat Fading Margin
RSL = received power level (dBm)
Rx(threshold)= threshold level of the receiver's thermal noise (dBm)
K. Outage Probability for Systems without Using Diversity Techniques
Based on the recommendation of ITU-R P.530-8 to calculate the total system outage probability, Equation 10 is used.
Pns = the probability of outage due to non-selective fading
PS = the probability of outage is due to selective fading
Pxp = probability of outage due to xp degradation
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET)
| e-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2320-6710| | Impact Factor: 8.118|
||Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2022||
| DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2022.1106003|
IJIRSET © 2022 | An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | 6974
L. Non-Selective Outage Probability
The probability of outage due to non-selective fading components can be calculated by Equation 11 based on the
recommendation of ITU-R P.530-8.
Pw = percentage of time where the flat fading margin corresponds to the BER that exceeds the average value for the
worst month
M. Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
In the ITU-R recommendation G.708, SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) transmission is defined as a technology
that has a hierarchical transport structure and is designed to transport information (payload) that is appropriately
adjusted in a transmission network. SDH transmission is a digital transport network that transmits information signals
from one place to another with high flexibility and can transmit SDH signals. In addition, SDH transmission has a very
large transmission capacity. The standard table of SDH hierarchical levels is given in Table 1.
Level Hierarki
Bit Rates
155,52 Mbps
622,08 Mbps
2,5 Gbps
10 Gbps
N. Location Determination
The location determination in this plan has gone through several trials by considering road access and geography. Table
2 is a list of routes that you want to design. The purpose of determining the radio link route is to obtain data such as
distance, azimuth, contours, and high points of obstacles along the path. Table 3 is a list of planned radio links. The
design map is given in Figure 1. Image captured from Google Maps
Fig. 1Radio Link Design Map
124 59 55.35 E
01 34 36.28 N
458 m
125 20 35.98 E
02 05 07.92 N
125 m
125 22 07.32 E
02 43 09.57 N
125 28 29.16 E
03 36 56.42 N
44.7 m
99.81 Km
70.14 Km
68.08 Km
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET)
| e-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2320-6710| | Impact Factor: 8.118|
||Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2022||
| DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2022.1106003|
IJIRSET © 2022 | An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | 6975
To perform the calculations, some data and radio link parameters are needed which will be calculated based on the
quantities as shown in Table 4.
Site 1
Site 2
Site name
Antenna High
Antenna diameter
Antenna gain
Trafix Capacity
Power transmits (PTx)
Threshold (10-6)
A. Manado-Biaro Link Budget Calculation
The path profile for the Manado-Biaro site is shown in Figure 2. In Figure 2(a), the Manado-Biaro line uses a frequency
of 6,7 GHz with a Manado antenna height of 31.5 m and a Biaro antenna of 25 m. The transmission line looks LOS
because it is not blocked by the contours of the earth or the structure of the trees and according to available data, the
Manado-Biaro line is suitable for microwave radio transmission lines.
(a) (b)
Fig. 2 Path Profile and Multipath (a) Path Profile Manado-Biaro (b) Multipath Manado-Biaro
In Figure 2 (b) the path of the transmission signal from the transmitter (Tx) to the receiver (Rx) does not show any
multipath. Multipath is a form of interference or interference that occurs when a signal has more than one path at the
time of transmission. Propagation of multipath will cause the received information to be flawed.
After going through the calculations, we get the results of the Manado Biaro link design as shown in Table 5. Our first
design uses a system without diversity. to improve design performance, we use diversity.
B. Bio-Siau Link Budget Calculation
The path profile on the Biaro-Siau site can be described as shown in Figure 3(a). Figure 3(a) the Biaro-Siau line uses a
frequency of 6.7 GHz with a Biaro antenna height of 27 m and a Siau antenna of 25 m.The transmission line looks LOS
because it is not blocked by the contours of the earth or the structure of the trees and according to the available data, the
Biaro-Siau line is suitable for microwave radio transmission lines. Figure 3(b) is the Biaro-Siau multipath.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET)
| e-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2320-6710| | Impact Factor: 8.118|
||Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2022||
| DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2022.1106003|
IJIRSET © 2022 | An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | 6976
12,17816 m
12,17816 m
Altitude correction
13,329 m
13,329 m
Fresnel Zone
928,71 m
928,71 m
155,04 dB
155,04 dB
Gain antenna
45,176 dBi
45,17 dBi
Receiving Signal Level (RSL)
-31,68 dBm
-31,68 dBm
Flat Fading Margin (FFM)
42,91408 dB
42,91408 dB
Geoclimatic Factor
4.37 10-4
4.37 10-4
Trajectory Slope Magnitude
4,986 mrad
4,986 mrad
Probabilitas Outage Non-Selective
3,9279 x 10-4
4,07798 × 10-6
Multipath Occurance
Multipath Activity
3,50899 ns
Mean Time Delay
1,239056 ns
1,045 ns
Probabilitas Outage Selective
3,58952× 10-3
2,55327 × 10-3
Probabilitas Outage Total
3,98231 × 10-3
7,55803 × 10-5
(a) (b)
Fig. 3Path Profile and Multipath (a) Path Profile link Biaro-Siau(b) Multipath Biaro-Siau
The results of the design calculations are given in Table 6 below.
7,077 m
7,077 m
Altitude correction
4,638 m
4,638 m
Fresnel Zone
17,729 m
17,729 m
145,880 dB
145,880 dB
Gain antenna
45,176 dBi
45,176 dBi
Receiving Signal Level (RSL)
-31,409 dBm
-31,409 dBm
Flat Fading Margin (FFM)
43,191 dB
43,191 dB
Geoclimatic Factor
4.37 10-4
 
Trajectory Slope Magnitude
4,063 mrad
Probabilitas Outage Non-Selective
5,1867 × 10-4
4,07798 × 10-6
Multipath Occurance
Multipath Activity
0,692 ns
Mean Time Delay
1,276 s
1,086 ns
Probabilitas Outage Selective
4,60208 × 10-3
5,438 × 10-4
Probabilitas Outage Total
5,12075 × 10-3
3,926 × 10-5
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET)
| e-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2320-6710| | Impact Factor: 8.118|
||Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2022||
| DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2022.1106003|
IJIRSET © 2022 | An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | 6977
C. Siau-Sangihe Link Budget Calculation
Like the previous design, Figure 4 (a) is the Siau-Sangihe Path Profile Link, and Figure 4 (b) is the Siau-Sangihe
Multipath link. Furthermore, with the same method in the previous section, we obtained the simulation results with the
results in Table 7 below.
(a) (b)
Fig. 4 Path Profile and Multipath (a) Path Profile Link Siau-Sangihe)b) Multipath link Siau-Sangihe
4,71414 m
4,71414 m
Altitude correction
2,928 m
2,928 m
Fresnel Zone
12,021 m
12,021 m
160,291 dB
160,291 dB
Gain antenna
45,17698 dBi
45,17698 dBi
Receiving Signal Level (RSL)
-36,93701 dBm
-36,93701 dBm
Flat Fading Margin (FFM)
37,66299 dB
37,66299 dB
Geoclimatic Factor
4.37 10-4
4.37 10-4
Trajectory Slope Magnitude
3,7604 mrad
3,7604 mrad
0,71898 dB
Probabilitas Outage Non-Selective
Multipath Occurance
Multipath Activity
9,965744 ns
Mean Time Delay
1,816 s
1,7193 ns
Probabilitas Outage Selective
Probabilitas Outage Total
3,8254 × 10-4
In planning the communication system between Manado City and Sangihe Island using Microwave Radio, 3 hops are
needed. With SDH technology currently having a standard of 8 x STM-1, the bandwidth that can be provided is 1,224
Gbps. This SDH technology adopts the 2048 QAM modulation technique[13].
The amount of availability can be increased in various ways, either by diversity, increasing the height of the antenna, or
increasing the transmitter power. In this research, to increase the level of availability, then the space diversity technique
is used in planning. This technique has succeeded in providing outage and availability
Based on the results of the design and calculation of the link budget between Manado-Sangihe using microwave radio
using 3 hops, namely Manado-Biaro, Biaro-Siau, and Siau-Sangihe. To increase the availability of the designed link,
diversity techniques are used. With the implementation of the SDH system, the bandwidth that can be used is 8 x STM-
1, or the equivalent of 1.244 Gbps.
The result of our design is to get an Availability value of 99.67%. This result is very close to the margin limit required
by the ITU-T G.821 standard, which is 99.95%. To solve this problem, we use the diversity technique, and its
Availability increases to 99,99%.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET)
| e-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2320-6710| | Impact Factor: 8.118|
||Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2022||
| DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2022.1106003|
IJIRSET © 2022 | An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | 6978
We would like to thank the National University, Indonesia, which has provided support and funding in carrying out this
research. We also thank the Head of the Telecommunications Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering and
Science, National University, Indonesia, who has provided research facilities. We also thank NEC Indonesia for their
support so that this research is completed
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This letter presents a novel hybrid design approach for the Fresnel zone lenses (FZL). The method combines the two conventional design approaches: grooved and perforated methods. Perforated lenses minimize the shadow blockage that grooved lenses suffer from, and therefore provide improved antenna gain. However, the fabrication of the low refractive index regions in the perforated lenses is challenging due to the limited manufacturing resolution, which means low refractive index dielectrics cannot be realized. The proposed hybrid FZL design utilizes the perforated method for the inner regions and applies the grooved method for the outer regions. This paper describes the equations used to optimize the design and gives the general design guidelines. A hybrid FZL antenna that operates at the center frequency of 33 GHz is presented. Measurement results show that the hybrid FZL improved the realized gain by up to 3.2 dB and the -3 dB gain bandwidth by up to 2 GHz when compared with the equivalent grooved FZL.
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The penetration of telecommunication infrastructure in Indonesia is growing significantly every year. However, this growth is not comparable to the technology distribution in remote areas, especially areas with mountainous contours. So it takes a proper backhaul network design to deploy telecommunication services in remote areas. Microwave transmission technology is widely used as a backhaul network in mountainous areas. However, multipath fading becomes a problem in microwave communication, so we use the diversity configuration approach to solve it. Space diversity configurations are the system most often used, but in more extreme conditions it can use a hybrid diversity configuration, a combination of space and frequency diversity. In this study, we design and compare the performance of two types of diversity configurations, namely space and hybrid diversity in cross-mountainous areas using simulation software Pathloss 5.0. Before comparison, these paths are tested with a point-to-point configuration to assess the communication performance using a microwave link. Based on the simulation, the resulting cross-mountain microwave communication performance using point-to-point configuration results in 99.98179% availability and 5742.79 seconds unavailability in one year. These values are still far from the ITU-T G.821 standard, namely 99.99% availability. In the configuration using Space Diversity, the quality has increased. Still, it cannot meet ITU standards because it can only produce 99.98333% to 99.98943% availability or comparable to un-availability for 5255.53 to 3332.48 seconds/year. Meanwhile, the hybrid diversity configuration can produce a performance that meets ITU standards with availability of 99.99122% or equivalent to un-availability for 2769.79 seconds per year.
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The need for internet connectivity has become an important requirement in the last decade, considering that data communication (internet) is needed in almost every aspect of life today. Indonesia is inseparable from this, as happened in the Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra. However, some areas on the island are not perfectly connected, and services are not yet optimal. This problem can be overcome by using optical fiber as the backbone of the network. The design of fiber optic networks in the Mentawai Islands Regency is carried out in this study to support telecommunications facilities, support the local education sector, special economic zones and integrated marine centers. A total of 9 routes connecting the sub-district offices in the Mentawai Islands Regency were proposed, using Power Link Budget and Rise Time analysis. The results showed that the Power Loss on the proposed system did not exceed the predetermined standards, respectively 28 dB and 52 dB (using an amplifier), and the Rise Time on the system was 259 ps and 1238 ps (using DCM). Therefore, the meaning of this design is following established standards and is feasible to implement.
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Microwave line-of-sight radio relay (RR) systems are a constitutive part of a telecom operator transport network, as an alternative to optical transmission systems when the latter are not technically possible or rational to implement. Nowadays, RR links are quite often used in the access network for connecting mobile radio base stations, thus also enabling traffic aggregation, and so on. In this paper, we focus on a practical, real-life, five-section heterogeneous RR network, comprising classic synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) and SDH new generation network (NGN) architecture, hybrid parallel and mutually independent transmission of native Ethernet and TDM services, and all-IP network parts. Specifically, the main task of this work is to answer whether such a diverse RR system could satisfy the quality norms for Ethernet-based services, meaning whether a tolerable RR unavailability will necessarily imply the according Ethernet quality of service (QoS) degradation. This question is addressed by the comprehensive in-service and out-of-service testing of an operational hybrid RR transmission system. After extensive practical testing and appropriate analysis of the achieved results, it came out that the impact of RR-level impairments that determine the performance prediction affected the Ethernet QoS to the extent that BER values increased to the acceptability threshold values. We believe that the preliminary results reported here could serve as a hint and a framework for a more comprehensive cross-layer test strategy in terms of both test diversity and repeating rate, which contemporary network operators need to implement in order to enable the appropriate quality of experience for users of their services.
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Pembangunan jaringan telekomunikasi antara Sulawesi Utara (Manado) dan Maluku Utara (Sofifi) menggunakan radio microwave dengan teknologi SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarcy) yang dapat memenuhi kapasitas yang besar dan kehandalan yang cukup tinggi. Pemilihan komunikasi dengan radio microwave pada link ini disebabkan banyaknya kendala pada proses implementasinya, dimana link ini melewati lautan. Oleh sebab itu tidak memungkinkan membangun komunikasi kabel bawah laut (Sub Marine) dalam waktu relatif singkat maka sistem komunikasi radio microwave memberikan suatu solusi. Hasil perencanaan dapat digunakan referensi penentuan penggunaan perangkat yang sesuai dengan spesifikasi dalam pembangunan komunikasi radio microwave dengan rute Sulawesi Utara (Manado) – Maluku Utara (Sofifi) agar mendapatkan hasil yang sesuai dengan standarisasi internsional. Dalam hal standar yang digunakan mengacu pada ITU-R.
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Pembangunan jaringan telekomunikasi antara pulau Maluku – Papua menggunakan radio microwave dengan teknologi SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) yang dapat memenuhi kapasitas yang besar dan kehandalan yang cukup tinggi. Pemilihan komunikasi dengan radio microwave pada link ini disebabkan banyaknya kendala pada proses implementasinya, dimana link ini melewati lautan, oleh sebab itu tidak memungkinkan membangun komunikasi kabel laut dalam waktu relatif singkat. Maka sistem komuikasi radio microwave memberikan suatu solusi. Sistem ini merambat dalam garis pandang (line of sight) atau ruang bebas sehingga tidak diperlukan syarat utama yang harus dipenuhi dalam membangun komunikasi radio microwave. Sebelum membangun sistem komunikasi radio microwave maka dibutuhkan perencanaan agar sistem ini memenuhi kebutuhan suatu sistem komunikasi. Perencanaan dilakukan terdiri atas beberapa tahap seperti penentuan lokasi, penentuan rute radio link, konfigurasi radio link dan path analisys. Tahap-tahap tersebut dilaksanakan agar mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal pada suatu perencanaan. Hasil perencanaan dapat digunakan sebagai referensi penentuan penggunaan perangkat yang sesuai dengan spesifikasi dalam pembangunan komunikasi radio microwave dengan rute pulau Maluku – Papua agar mendapatkan hasil yang sesuai dengan standarisasi internasional. Dalam hal ini standar yang digunakan mengacu pada ITU-R
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Perancangan sistem komunikasi dengan menggunakan satelit di latar belakangi dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi yang demikian pesat dan permintaan akan komunikasi yang tinggi. Frekuensi C-band yang dipakai saat ini, tidak akan mampu menampung kebutuhan informasi user yang terus meningkat. Solusi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan frekuensi Ku-band. Pada perancangan vsat ini menggunakan vsat motorized untuk mempermudah sistem pointing dan dapat dibawa kemana-mana atau mobile. Namun penggunaan frekuensi Ku-band tidak mudah untuk diterapkan, banyak hal yang mempengaruhinya. Dalam perancangan sistem komunikasi ini, dibahas masalah propagasi pada frekuensi Ku-band, dimana masalah utama yang timbul diantaranya propagasi gelombang radio yang mengalami redamannya yang cukup besar. Satelit yang digunakan adalah satelit Palapa yang memiliki jangkauan global yang berada pada orbit GEO.
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The underwater communication cable is an example of an undersea backbone link communication system that connects between islands and between countries. Backbone is the main track or channel in a network with very high speeds. Because the distance to be traveled in the link of this sea cable communication system is very far, it is necessary that devices such as optical amplifier to overcome the lost power when transmitted so that the communication can be delivered to the receiver. Optical amplifier used in the form of EDFA (Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier), EDFA is an optical amplifier used to increase signal level that works on Waves 1530 nm to 1570 nm. This research analyzes the influence of the use of optical amplifier against SKKL network on link java-Bali by using Brancing Unit configuration and without Brancing Unit, Brancing Unit is a device to divide the optical path and connect more than one landing station, and measure the performance based on the performing parameters such as BER (Bit Error Rate), Q-Factor, Power Receive, and SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio). This research successfully simulates the configuration of Brancing Unit and without Brancing Unit. Simulated results by varying the power of 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 dBm, Of the two configurations used have a good performance with the highest value of the BER parameter of 2.83×10-115, Q-Factor of 24.35139, Power Receive of-16.1937 dBm, and Signal to Noise Ratio of 31.1411947 dB power at 8 dBm.