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Poster detailing methodology and phase 1 results of study



Early results and methodology of research project - Examining the impact of prescribing medications on the role identity of physiotherapists
1. Physiotherapists have been able to train as non-medical prescribers since 20061(DoH
2. Since 2013 they have been able to train as Independent Prescribers2(DoH 2013)
3. Despite this only 3% of physiotherapists currently are prescribers3(HCPC 2019) Why?
4. Literature search reveals gap in understanding of role identity for
physiotherapy..................[Research Gap]
To explore the perception of the role of the physiotherapists and to explore the role of non-
medical prescribing in physiotherapy of a group of ‘thought leaders’ and influencers within
the profession
To explore the views of the public about the role of physiotherapists and in particular their
perceptions of them as prescribers,
To build on theories gained from these initial interviews with perceptions among
physiotherapists (prescribers and non-prescribers) to further explore the role identity of
physiotherapists, producing a substantive theory
To administer an online questionnaire to the wider profession to test the developed
substantive theory of the role identity of physiotherapists and of the impact of non-medical
prescribing 7
Phase 1
v. Application of Constructivist Grounded Theory4,5
vSemi structured interviews (Three groups – Members of public,
Thought leaders/Influencers (NMP leads Prescribing course leads,
Dept of Health representatives), physiotherapists.
vPurposive sampling
Phase 2
vDevelopment of Questionnaire
vValidation via expert panel and use of cognitive interviews with 6
physiotherapists (random sample from phase 1)6
Phase 3
vDistribution of questionnaire to wider physiotherapy profession using
professional fora, social media (Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook,
Next steps:
Questionnaire to whole profession to test conceptual model, if you
are a physiotherapist scan the QR code and take part. Alternatively
share this link with physio colleagues:
1.Department of Health (2005) Nurses, Pharmacists, Chiropodists/Podiatrists, Physiotherapists and Radiographers within the NHS in England London: UK
2. Department of Health (2013) The Medicines Act 1968 and the Human Medicines Regulations (Amendment) Order. London: Department of Health
3.Information requests (2019) Email FOI HCPC
4.Charmaz K. (2014). Constructing Grounded Theory 2nd Edn, Sage NY
5.Creswell J. (2014). Research Design Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
6.Peterson C, Peterson A & Powell K (2017) Cognitive Interviewing for Item Development: Validity Evidence Based on Content and Response Processes, Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development,50:4, 217-223
7. Creswell J, Plano Clark V. (2017). Designing and conduction mixed methods research (3rd Edition) Thousand Oak, CA: Sage
Acknowledgements: My supervisory team and research participants
Examining the impact of prescribing medication on the role identity of
physiotherapists a mixed methods study
Colin Waldock Dr Trudy Thomas Dr Julie Macinnes Prof Bijayendra Singh
Medway School of Pharmacy, Universities of Kent and Greenwich, Chatham, Kent ME4 4TB
Role identity
Coping with
Responding to
Imaging identity
Conceptual Framework Results Phase 1
“So that there will be a blurring, but
that blurring might also lead to better
clarity to how to use that
professional in their extended roles”-
Pharmacist NMP course lead
“Well, just talking from personal experience,
I've definitely been liaising more with
pharmacists that have perhaps done.”-
“I guess is forming a future different
professional identity for physiotherapy, and some
people will view that positively and some people
will view that negatively” - Nurse NMP course
“I’ve met some physiotherapists who are
very enthusiastic and who have been
really excited at doing different things, who
are engaging much more widely with the
MDT.” - DoH Representative
“a few of our physios, they then did the
prescribing course and now they work as the
ACP Physio so, they tend to work on ICU and
actually their role isn't as Physio anymore so
they will tend to be just working alongside the
ICU registrars and the anaesthetists”-
“More respect for what physios do, I
think patients think that as well. I think
a lot of people don’t think that
physiotherapy is going to work” -
Member of public
“I don’t think there is enough of
us doing it to have had an effect
on the profession” physiotherapist