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Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 2(2022) 032001
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Quantization, training, parasitic resistance correction,
and programming techniques of memristor-crossbar neural
networks for edge intelligence
Tien Van Nguyen1,JiyongAn
Son Ngoc Truong2and Kyeong-Sik Min1,∗
1School of Electrical Engineering, Kookmin University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
2Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
∗Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
Keywords: memristor crossbars, neural networks, edge intelligence, quantization, training, parasitic resistance correction
In the internet-of-things era, edge intelligence is critical for overcoming the communication and
computing energy crisis, which is unavoidable if cloud computing is used exclusively. Memristor
crossbars with in-memory computing may be suitable for realizing edge intelligence hardware.
They can perform both memory and computing functions, allowing for the development of
low-power computing architectures that go beyond the von Neumann computer. For
implementing edge-intelligence hardware with memristor crossbars, in this paper, we review
various techniques such as quantization, training, parasitic resistance correction, and low-power
crossbar programming, and so on. In particular, memristor crossbars can be considered to realize
quantized neural networks with binary and ternary synapses. For preventing memristor defects
from degrading edge intelligence performance, chip-in-the-loop training can be useful when
training memristor crossbars. Another undesirable effect in memristor crossbars is parasitic
resistances such as source, line, and neuron resistance, which worsens as crossbar size increases.
Various circuit and software techniques can compensate for parasitic resistances like source, line,
and neuron resistance. Finally, we discuss an energy-efficient programming method for updating
synaptic weights in memristor crossbars, which is needed for learning the edge devices.
1. Introduction
Many internet-of-things (IoT) sensors and edge devices have recently been widely used to make human life
more comfortable and safe. To accomplish this, a massive number of IoT sensors and edge devices must con-
tinuously collect massive amounts of unstructured data from nature and human life (Plastiras et al 2018,
Keshavarzi and van den Hoek 2019, Krestinskaya et al 2019,Zhouet al 2019,Denget al 2020,Keshavarziet al
2020,Xueet al 2020,Qinet al 2020a, Amin and Hossain 2021, Ghosh and Grolinger 2021).Oneissuewith
dealing with big data from IoT devices is energy. If all of the collected data is delivered to cloud servers, energy
consumption for not only data communication but also big-data computing will be increased to unacceptable
Figure 1depicts a conceptual block diagram of the computing de vice hierarchy, which includes IoT sensors,
edge devices and cloud servers (Sun and Ansari 2016, Gusev and Dustdar 2018,Premsankaret al 2018,James
2019, Krestinskaya et al 2019,Phamet al 2019a). IoT sensors can detect data from the physical world, such
as nature, human life, and so on. On a higher level, we can think about edge devices like mobile phones,
wearable watches, and so on. Cloud servers are positioned at the top of the hierarchy, where high-performance
computing can be prioritized over energy efficiency. In contrast to cloud servers, edge devices and IoT sensors
should perform computing with high energy efficiency in order to extend battery life.
Figure 2depicts the amount of data created, captured, copied, and consumed globally from 2010 to 2025
(Holst 2021). In 2025, the amount of data is expected to reach 181 zeta bytes. The rate of data volume growth
© 2022 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd
Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 2(2022) 032001 Topical Review
Figure 1. The conceptual block diagram of hierarchy of computing devices such as cloud servers, edge devices, and IoT sensors.
Figure 2. Volume of data/information created, captured, copied, and consumed worldwide from 2010 to 2025 (in zettabytes).
appears to be increasing with time. This rapid increase in figure 2can be attributed to the recent explosion in
the number of IoT sensors and edge devices.
Figure 3(a) depicts a conceptual block diagram of a traditional edge-cloud system for connecting IoT sen-
sors to cloud servers, where the IoT sensors are assumed to lack edge intelligence functions such as neural
networks (Shang et al 2014, Ronao and Cho 2016,Nguyenet al 2021a).Asshowninfigure3(a), IoT sensors
lacking edge intelligence must send all sensed data to cloud servers. As a result, cloud servers should consume
a tremendous amount of energy in both computing and communication.
Let us instead assume that the IoT sensors have some level of edge intelligence, as shown in figure 3(b).
Despite the fact that the amount of data sensed from the physical world in figure 3(b) is the same as in
figure 3(a), IoT sensors with edge intelligence can send much less data to cloud servers. This is due to the
edge intelligence’s ability to extract important features from raw data sensed by IoT sensors. As a result, IoT
Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 2(2022) 032001 Topical Review
Figure 3. (a) The block diagram of edge-cloud systemwithout edge intelligence. (b) The block diagram of edge-cloud system
with edge intelligence. The edge intelligence can reduce amounts of data to be sent to the cloud servers significantly, because the
near-IoT-sensor computing can extract important features from the unstructured raw data collected from IoT sensors. (c) IoT
sensors and memristor crossbar for near-IoT-sensor computing.
sensors can deliver only important features to cloud servers rather than sending all sensed data to the cloud.
This data compression due to edge intelligence can significantly reduce the computation and communication
burden for cloud servers.
Another point to consider is computing architecture. The traditional von Neumann architecture that has
been used thus far is becoming increasingly inadequate and inefficient, especially for edge-intelligence hard-
ware. This is due to the memory access bottleneck in the von Neumann architecture, which separates a memory
block from a computing block. To process the large amounts of unstructured data generated by IoT sensors,
the computing block should frequently access the memory block in order to move large amounts of data back
and forth between the two blocks. If the two blocks are separated, frequent and mass memory access can
significantly increase power consumption.
To overcome the von Neumann bottleneck, a new computing architecture based on brain-inspired architec-
ture, analog arithmetic, processing-in-memory, parallel computing, new emerging memories, and so on can be
considered (Linn et al 2012,Wrightet al 2013,BohrandYoung2017, Sebastian et al 2019). This brings us closer
to energy-efficient computing hardware, which is required for implementing hardware of edge intelligence
such as IoT sensors.
A memristor crossbar in figure 3(c) can be one promising candidate for implementing energy-efficient
and low-precision AI hardware including edge-intelligence (Keshavarzi and van den Hoek 2019, Krestinskaya
et al 2019,Zhouet al 2019,Denget al 2020,Keshavarziet al 2020,Ranet al 2020,Xueet al 2020,Qinet al
2020a,Singhet al 2021). In-memory computing with the memristor crossbar in figure 3(c) can be used to
overcome the von Neumann machine’s memory access bottleneck mentioned earlier. Memristors are non-
volatile memories that allow for fast and energy-efficient read and write operations and they can be stacked
layer by layer for forming 3D structure (Strukov et al 2008,Joet al 2010,Truonget al 2014,Huet al 2014,
2018,Adamet al 2016,Bhatet al 2017, Chakrabarti et al 2017,Liet al 2018b,LiandBelkin2018,Liet al 2018a,
Jeong and Shi 2018,Shenget al 2019,James2019, Amirsoleimani et al 2020, Lin et al 2020,Wanget al 2020).
Memristor fabrication can be combined with conventional CMOS processing technology, where memristor
crossbars can be integrated with CMOS devices.
Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 2(2022) 032001 Topical Review
Furthermore, the current–voltage relationship of memristors make it possible physical vector-matrix mul-
tiplication performed in crossbars (Hu et al 2018, Amirsoleimani et al 2020). By doing so, memristor crossbars
can be used for in-memory computing. In-memory computing with memristor crossbars, in particular, can be
useful for implementing edge intelligence near IoT sensors, where computing should be very energy-efficient.
IoT sensors and a memristor crossbar are shown in figure 3(c) for near-IoT sensor computing.
In this paper, we discuss many technical issues of memristor crossbars for implementing hardware of edge-
intelligence. In next section 2, we try to use memristor crossbars to realize quantized neural networks having
binary and ternary synapses for simple but robust operation of in-memory computing with memristors. In
section 3, we discuss the chip-in-the-loop training of memristor crossbars for not allowing memristor defects
to degrade performance of edge intelligence. One more non-ideal effect in memristor crossbars is parasitic
resistances such as source, line, and neurons resistance, which become more severe as the crossbar size is big-
ger. In section 4, we discuss various techniques to compensate the parasitic resistances such as source, line,
and neuron resistance. In section 5, we explain energy-efficient programming method for updating synaptic
weights in memristor crossbars, which is required for low-power learning of edge devices. Finally, in section 6,
we summarize this paper.
2. Binary and ternary neural networks with memristor crossbars
Quantized neural networks such as binary neural network (BNN) and ternary neural network (TNN) have
been studied extensively for many years to alleviate the hardware burden of high-precision computation (Alem-
dar et al 2017,Qinet al 2020b). Only binary synaptic weights of −1and+1 are used in BNN. TNN makes use
of three synaptic weights: −1, 0 and +1. BNN and TNN are particularly well suited for memristor crossbars,
where the binary and ternary weights can be represented by some combinations of high resistance state (HRS)
and low resistance state (LRS) (Truong et al 2014,Phamet al 2018,2019a,Kimet al 2019,Chenet al 2021).
Figure 4(a) depicts a conceptual block diagram of an artificial neural network (ANN),whichcanberealized
with memristor crossbars with binary and ternary weights (Pham and Min 2019,Phamet al 2019a,Phamet al
2019c). The ANN is made up of synaptic weights, input, hidden, and output neurons, as shown in figure 4(a).
In this case, X1,X
2, and so on are input neurons. Y1,Y
2, and so on represent hidden neurons. Z1,Z
on are output neurons. The numbers m,n,andkrepresent the number of input, hidden, and output neurons,
respectively, in figure 4(a).
Figure 4(b) depicts a neural network realized using a memristor crossbar. Like figure 4(a), X1and X2apply
input voltages to the crossbar, with open and solid circles representing HRS and LRS, respectively. The plus and
minus column currents are represented by I1+and I1−, respectively. I1+and I1−are transferred to Y1neuron,
which is hidden. I2+and I2−are similarly transferred to Y2, which is hidden neuron, too. The hidden and
output neurons can be binary or multi-bit precision. If we assume binary neuron in figure 4(b), the neuron
can be implemented simply with a comparator circuit. In figure 4(b), I1+and I1−are compared to each other
in the binary neuron. If I1+exceeds I1−,Y
1becomes +1. On the other hand, if I1+is less than I1−,Y
−1. C1represents the comparator circuit for I1+and I1−in this case.
Figure 4(c) depicts a detailed schematic of a memristor crossbar in figure 4(b), with each memristor acces-
sible via a metal oxide field effect transistor. The sneak leakage problem can be mitigated in this 1T– 1M
architecture, because the memristors can be electrically isolated column by column by turning off the access
The memristor crossbars shown in figures 4(b) and (c) were trained and tested for the CIFAR-10 data
set. Convolutional neural network (CNN) is the neural network architecture used in training and testing the
crossbars for CIFAR-10 data set (Duan et al 2015,Yakopcicet al 2016,Krizhevskyet al 2018,Yaoet al 2020).
The simulated architecture is made up of four convolution layers and two fully connected layers. The CIFAR-10
data set contains 50 000 training images and 10 000 testing images divided into 10 categories. The input image
of CIFAR-10 data set has a resolution of 32 ×32 ×3 (RGB). PyTorch is used in the simulation of CNN with
memristor crossbars. The quantization-aware training method is used to calculate binary and ternary synaptic
weights when training the memristor-crossbar CNN (Bengio et al 2013,Courbariauxet al 2016).
The CIFAR-10 recognition rate for the simulated memristor crossbar with different neuron and synapse
typesisshowninfigure5(a). Here FW-FN denotes the floating-point synapse and floating-point neuron
in figure 5(a). BW-BN is an abbreviation for binary synapse and binary neuron. TW-BN stands for ternary
synapse and binary neuron. As previously stated, the binary synapse can only have weight =+1andweight=
−1. Synaptic weight =+1, synaptic weight =0, and synaptic weight =−1 are the values of the ternary synapse.
Wei g ht =+1 is realized in the memristor crossbar by LRS on the plus column and HRS on the minus one.
Similarly, weight =−1 denotes HRS on the plus side and LRS on the minus side. Weight =0 indicates that
HRS cells are present on both the plus and minus columns.
Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 2(2022) 032001 Topical Review
Figure 4. (a) The block diagram of two-layer artificial neural networks with input, hidden, and output neurons. (b) The
memristor crossbars for implementing two-layer artificial neural networks. (c) The detailed schematic of the memristor crossbar
with 1Transistor–1Memristor cell.
Figure 5. (a) Simulation of CIFAR-10 recognition rate of three cases of synapses and neurons (FW-FN, BW-BN, and TW-BN).
(b) The percentages of weight =+1andweight=−1 of BW-BN. (c) The percentages of weight =+1, weight =0, and weight =
−1 of TW-BN. (d) The numbers of LRS cells in the memristor crossbars for BW-BN and TW-BN.
According to figure 5(a), FW-FN has a CIFAR-10 recognition rate of up to 74.5 percent. In comparison to
FW-FN, BW-BN and TW-BN are only 70.4 and 70.8 percent, respectively. In figure 5(a), the difference between
BW-BN and TW-BN is insignificant (Nguyen et al 2021a).
Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 2(2022) 032001 Topical Review
Figure 6. (a) The double-column memristor crossbar with binary synapse. (b) The single-column memristor crossbar with
binary synapse. (c) MNIST recognition rate versus percentage of memristance variation (0%– 30%).
Figure 5(b) depicts the percentages of synaptic weight =+1 and synaptic weight =−1ofBW-BNafter
the quantization-aware training. Figure 5(c) depicts the percentages of active bits of synapses of TW-BN.
Figure 5(d) compares the number of LRS cells in the BW-BN and TW-BN memristor crossbars.
Because LRS cells are much more conductive than HRS cells, the power consumption of the memristor
crossbar is proportional to the number of LRS cells. The HRS-LRS ratio is assumed to be 100 in this case.
This means that the LRS cell is 100 times more conductive than the HRS cell. As a result, the column current
increases significantly in proportion to the number of LRS cells in the corresponding column. In figure 5(d),
the number of LRS cells in TW-BN is 42.9 percent lower than in BW-BN. This is due to the fact that synaptic
weight =0 in TW-BN can be implemented with two HRS on both the plus and minus columns. HRS consumes
much less current than LRS.
The number of LRS cells can be reduced further by increasing the percentage of inactive bits in synapses
in the crossbar. The lower the number of LRS cells, the lower the power consumption in the memristor cross-
bar. This means that ternary synapse can thus be more energy-efficient than binary synapse. Furthermore, if
possible, a smaller number of LRS cells can significantly reduce the crossbar’s power consumption more. This
low power consumption of TNN memristor crossbars with as many zeros as possible can be useful in realizing
low-power edge hardware.
One thing to comment here is the CIFAR-10 recognition rate shown in figure 5can be improved better if
we use a deeper neural network such as RESNET (He et al 2016). As the numbers of convolution layers and
fully-connected layers in the tested neural networks are increased, the neural network’s simulation can show
better recognition rate.
As mentioned earlier, two columns are required in memristor crossbars to represent both positive and
negative binary synaptic weights, as shown in figure 6(a).Thecurrentdifferencebetweenthe(+)and(−)
columns in figure 6(a) enters the activation function circuit in the double-column crossbar. To reduce the
number of memristor cells more, an alternative approach to the double-column crossbar in figure 6(a) can
be considered. Figure 6(b) shows a single-column crossbar can represent both positive and negative binary
weights. G0,0 denotes a binary synaptic connection between x0and y0in figure 6(b). In Figure 6(b), gbis used
to generate the current Ibin order to calculate both positive and negative values using the single-memristor
Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 2(2022) 032001 Topical Review
column. When compared to the double-column crossbar in figure 6(a), the single-column memristor crossbar
in figure 6(b) can cut crossbar size in half. Furthermore, the energy consumption in the single-column can be
reduced by half, which can be useful for implementing hardware of edge-intelligence (Pham et al 2018).
The Ibcopy current circuit in figure 6(b) can be implemented by a simple OP amp circuit, as explained in
the reference (Pham et al 2018). The delay time of the Ibcurrent copy circuit is about 20 ns, when the circuit
is simulated with SAMSUNG 0.13 μm CMOS technology (Pham et al 2018). The VDD used in the circuit
simulation was 1.3 V and HRS/LRS ratio of memristors was 100. Here, the circuit simulation was performed
by CADENCE SPECTRE. The delay time of the Ibcurrent copy circuit is comparable to the delay time of the
activation function circuit, f,infigure6(b), which is also implemented with the OP amp circuit. Thus, the
delay time of Ibcurrent copy circuit can be hidden in the delay time caused from the activation circuit, f,in
figure 6(b).
In addition to the computing latency due to the activation function circuit, if parasitic capacitance in the
memristor crossbar is combined with parasitic line resistance, this resistance-capacitance delay time can make
the computing latency worse when performing the vector-matrix multiplication performed in the memristor
crossbar (Sah et al 2015).
One more thing to discuss here is memristance variation that may degrade the neural network’s perfor-
mance (Pham et al 2018). For considering memristance variation in the neural network’s simulation, Monte
Carlo method can be used with MATLAB. Figure 6(c) compares 5 cases of neural networks. The base line (box
symbol) is analog neural network (ANN), where the synaptic weights are real numbers. For the ANN (box
symbol) in figure 6(c), no memristance variation is assumed. The 6 bit and 4 bit memristor neural networks
(NNs) mean the synaptic weight’s precision is 6 bit and 4 bit, respectively. The 6 bit and 4 bit NNs are rep-
resented with circle and up-triangle symbols, respectively. The binary neural networks (BNNs) in figure 6(c)
means the synaptic weights are binary. Here the BNNs can be implemented with the double-column crossbar
in figure 6(a) and the single-column one in figure 6(b). The double-columnand single-column are represented
with down-triangle and diamond, respectively, in figure 6(c). The memristance variation is varied from 0% to
30%, in the simulation. The memristance variation is not considered in the ANN (box symbol). The recogni-
tion rate of ANN can be as high as 98.3%. The 6 bit NN and 4 bit NN show 97.7% and 97.3% for the mem-
ristance variation =0%. Both the double-column and single-column BNNs show 96.1% for the variation =
0%. As the memristance variation is increased to 30%, the neural network’s accuracy becomes degraded. Com-
paring the multi-bit NNs and the BNNs, the BNNs show better recognition rate than the 6 bit and 4 bit NNs.
This is because the binary weights are more robust to the memristance variation than the weights with 6 bit
and 4 bit precision. Figure 6(c) indicates the double-column and single-column BNNs are able to work well
until the memristance variation becomes as large as 20%. However, when the percentage variation exceeds
20%, the recognition rate seems to fall very sharply. For the variation =30%, the single-column BNN has the
rate as high as 53.9%, whereas the 6 bit NN’s accuracy is as low as 39.7%.
3. Crossbar-in-the-loop training for defect-tolerant neural networks
Unfortunately, most of fabricated memristor crossbars suffer the non-ideal effects such stuck-at-fault defects
and process variations (Tunali and Altun 2017,Chakrabortyet al 2018). Figure 7(a) depicts a conceptual
schematic of memristor crossbar containing defects. In the crossbar, the solid and open circles represent LRS
and HRS, respectively. Here, memristor defects are represented by red star symbols. In this section, we will look
at two types of memristor defects. They are stuck-at-LRS defect and stuck-at-HRS one, respectively. Figure 7(b)
depicts a random-defect map for a 400 ×256 memristor crossbar, with the percentage of memristor defects
as large as 10% (Nguyen et al 2019), (Pham et al 2019b). The percentage of random defects as large as 10% in
figure 7(b) was obtained from the memristor crossbars fabricated (Yeo et al 2019).
Aside from memristor defects, there is also the issue of memristor’s conductance variation. Figures 7(c)
and (d) depict the statistical distributions of LRS and HRS,respectively, from the measurement and simulation
(Pham et al 2019a). In figures 7(c) and (d), the percentage of variation in memristor conductance is as large
as 30%.
The non-ideal effects such as stuck-at-fault defects and memristance variation can affect the neural
network’s performance significantly, as explained in the reference (Pham et al 2019b). When the percentage
of defects =10% and memristance variation =5%, the MNIST recognition rate becomes degraded as low as
78.4%. Though the non-ideal effects such as memristor defects and process variations can degrade the neural
network’s performance severely, the defect-tolerant re-training scheme can minimize the recognition rate loss
(Pham et al 2019b). From the MATALB simulation, it was observed that the chip-in-the-loop learning scheme
considering the memristor defects during the training could improve the recognition rate very obviously. The
rate loss was reduced from 16.9% to 0.2%, when the defect-aware training was used (Pham et al 2019b).
Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 2(2022) 032001 Topical Review
Figure 7. (a) The real memristor crossbar with defects. (b) The defect map of 400 ×256 memristor crossbar with the percentage
of random defects =10%. (c) The statistical distribution of HRS with the percentage σvariation =30%. (d) The statistical
distribution of LRS with the percentage σvariation =30%.
Figure 8. (a) The chip-in-the-loop training. The training loop is composed of three steps: the weight calculation, the crossbar
programming, and the crossbar execution of inference. (b) The memristor crossbar with the VDD/2writeschemeandthepulse
modulation of the crossbar programming like the incremental step pulse programming ISPP.
As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the chip-in-the-loop training should be used to compensate
for memristor defects such as stuck-at-faults and process variations when training memristor crossbars, as
shown in figure 8(a) (Klein et al 1995,Phamet al 2019d). The training-loop incorporating memristor defects
is required because the recognition rate will be greatly reduced if the memristor defects are not considered
during the training of the memristor neural networks. As illustrated in figure 8(a), the training loop consists
of three phases: weight calculation, crossbar programming, and crossbar’s execution of inference. Among the
three steps, the crossbar programming necessitates a lengthy programming time and a significant amount of
crossbar programming energy. This is due to the fact that the crossbarshould be programmed cell by cell using
a flash memory programming method such as incremental step pulse programming (ISPP) (Suh et al 1995).
Figure 8(b) depicts the memristor crossbar with the VDD /2 write scheme and the pulse amplitude modulation
for programming the crossbar (Pham et al 2019a).
As another learning method for making the crossbar tolerant against the non-ideal effects, the offline learn-
ing method can be applied to the memristor crossbar-based neural networks (Zhang et al 2021). Here, the
pre-trained network is mapped to the memristor crossbar. In this learning method, the memristor crossbar
Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 2(2022) 032001 Topical Review
Figure 9. (a) The ideal memristor crossbar without parasitic resistances. (b) The non-ideal memristor with parasitic resistances
such as source, neuron, and line resistance.
only performs the inference operation. The non-ideality of weight updates can be concealed by iterative pro-
gramming with a write-verify technique, reading the conductance and rewriting it iteratively for achieving
better accuracy.
The online learning or in situ learning can allow the weight updating process to take into account the
hardware imperfections. The in situ learning helps the crossbar adapt itself to the hardware non-ideal effects
such as process variations, cell defects, and non-linearity problems (Li and Belkin 2018). The hybrid learn-
ing scheme has demonstrated to be effective for training the memristor-based neural networks. It combines
the offline learning and online learning for training the memristor neural networks to achieve better neural
network’s performance (Li and Belkin 2018). The pre-trained neural network is mapped to the memristor
crossbar and the adaptation process is performed on the crossbar for adapting the network’s parameters to the
target synaptic weights.
4. Parasitic resistance correction techniques
4.1. Correction technique of inference error due to parasitic source and neuron resistance in memristor
Figure 9(a) depicts an ideal memristor crossbar with HRS and LRS memristor cells. White and grey boxes
represent HRS and LRS, respectively. The input voltages VIN,1,VIN,2 ,andVIN,m are applied to row #1, row #2,
and row #m, respectively. I1,I2,andInare the column currents for columns #1, #2, and #n, respectively. The
numbers ‘m’and‘n’ in this figure represent the number of rows and columns in the crossbar, respectively. In
figure 9(a), parasitic crossbar resistances such as line resistance, neuron resistance, and source resistance are
assumed to be zero in the ideal crossbar.
Figure 9(b) depicts a non-ideal memristor crossbar schematic with parasitic crossbar resistances such as
RS,RW,andRNtaken into account (Chakraborty et al 2018). Source resistance, line resistance, and neuron
resistance are represented by RS,RW,andRN, respectively. HRS and LRS are represented in this diagram by
white and grey boxes, respectively. VIN,1 ,VIN,2 ,andVIN,mare the input row voltages for row #1, row #2, and
row #m, respectively, in figure 9(b). The numbers ‘m’and‘n’representthenumberofrowsandcolumnsin
the crossbar, respectively. The source voltages on the rows are denoted by VS,1,VS,2,andVS,m.BecauseofRS
and RW, the source voltages are degraded. The crossbar currents cause voltage drops on RSand RW,whichcan
degrade the source voltages in proportion to the amounts of current flowing through the resistances. I1,I2,
and Inare the column currents of columns #1, #2, and #n, respectively. Similarly, for column #1, column #2,
and column #n,VN,1 ,VN,2,andVN,nare neuron voltages on the columns, respectively. The neuron voltages
are affected by RNand RW, similarly with the source voltages. M11 and M12 in the crossbar are the transistors
for controlling memristors RM,11 and RM,12.
RM,11 is a memristor cell that is linked to row #1 and column #1. Similarly, RM,12 is a memristor cell that
is linked to row #1 and column #2. When compared to the ideal crossbar in figure 9(a), the source, line, and
neuron resistance in the non-ideal crossbar can change the source voltages and column currents in figure 9(b),
resulting in degrading neural network’s performance.
Figure 10 depicts a schematic of a memristor crossbar with parasitic RSand RNcorrection. The correction
circuit on the left compensates for the loss of source voltage. Figure 10 shows VIN,1 entering row #1 and making
VR1.Then,VR1 is an amplified version of the input voltage with RR,1 and R1.TheamplifierwithRR,1 and R1
Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 2(2022) 032001 Topical Review
Figure 10. The schematic of memristor crossbar with correction of source and neuron resistance. Here the correction circuit in
the left is for compensating the loss of source voltage. The correction circuit added to the bottom is for reducing the loss of
neuron voltage.
can compensate for the source voltage degradation, which is caused primarily by the voltage drop across the
source resistance. The correction circuit added at the bottom is for reducing the neuron voltage loss. The
neuron voltages in figure 10 can be affected by RNand RWalong the crossbar columns in the same way that
the source voltages are degraded. VN,1 is a neuron voltage from column #1 that is amplified with RC,1 and R2
to compensate for the neuron voltage degradation (Nguyen et al 2021b).
Figure 11(a) depicts a memristor crossbar HRS-LRS map with 64 rows and 64 columns. Figure 11(b) shows
the percentage error in source voltage from row #1 to row #64. In this case, RS=2kΩ,RN=2kΩ,andRW=1Ω
per cell. In the red line, the percentage error between the crossbars without and with parasitic resistances. The
correction circuit is not considered in the red line. The correction circuit significantly reduces the percentage
error, as shown by the black line in figure 11(b).
Without the parasitic resistance correction, the average percentage error can reach as high as 36.7 percent.
The percentage error of the source voltagecan be reduced from 36.7 percent to 7.5 percent when the correction
circuit is used in the black line in figure 11(b). Figure 11(c) depicts the neuron voltage percentage error from
column #1 to column #64. Without the correction, the average percentage error is as high as 65.5 percent. The
correction circuit reduces the percentage error from 65.5 to 8.6 percent. If the correction circuit is used, the
percentage error seems decreased to about 1/7.
In figures 11(b) and (c), the line resistance value as small as 1 Ωwas obtained from the experimental mea-
surement, where the 40 nm 128 ×128 RRAM crossbar was fabricated in TSMC foundry with the line resistance
of ∼1.1 Ωper cell (Murali et al 2020). The source and neuron resistance used in this paper were obtained from
the circuit simulation. The maximum limits of parasitic neuron and source resistance can be decided from
the number of LRS cells per column and that per row in the crossbar, respectively. In addition, the LRS con-
ductance value can affect the maximum limits of neuron and source resistance, too. In figure 11(b), if the
parasitic neuron and source resistance become larger than 2 kΩ, the voltage drops on the parasitic resistance
can be comparable to the voltage drops on the memristor cells. If so, the column current can be affected more
by the parasitic resistance than the memristor cells. As the parasitic resistance becomes larger, the read volt-
age becomes smaller, resulting in the read failure. Thus, the parasitic neuron and source resistance should be
limited within the maximum values. In this paper, the maximum neuron and source resistance allowable was
calculated as large as 2 kΩ, considering the read voltage margin.
4.2. Correction technique of parasitic line resistance in memristor crossbar programming
In memristor crossbars, parasitic line resistance can exist between two crossing points. An amount of voltage
drop on line resistance can make difference between the calculation and measurement. By doing so, the neural
network’s performance realized with memristor crossbars having par asitic line resistance can be degraded from
the ideal calculation. Moreover, the line resistance problem becomes more significant, as crossbar’s array size
is increased. To mitigate the impact of parasitic line resistance, the device selector circuit or external circuit
Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 2(2022) 032001 Topical Review
Figure 11. (a) The HRS-LRS map of memristor crossbar with 64 rows and 64 columns. Here the white and black pixels represent
LRS and HRS, respectively. (b) The percentage error of source voltage from row #1 to row #64. Here RS=2kΩ,RN=2kΩ,and
RW=1Ω. The percentage error due to parasitic resistances is shown in the red line. The percentage error is shown in the black
line for the correction circuit. (c) The percentage error of neuron voltage from column #1 to column#64.
could be added into the crossbar array (Shin et al 2015, Levisse et al 2017). However, the memristor crossbar
without selection device is more potential for neuromorphic computing systems, and for neural network at
An adaptive programming technique considering parasitic resistance correction was developed, to avoid
to use the additional correction circuit or selecting devices. Figure 12(a) show a conventional programming
method, where each memristive crossing-point is programmed to corresponding memristance value (Truong
2019). In figure 12(a), for the ith column, the jth input produces the column current, Ij,i, represented by the
dashed line. In the ideal case, where parasitic line resistance is omitted, the column line current, Ij,i, depends on
the memristive crossing-point, Mj,i. The equivalent resistance of the memristive crossing-point Mj,iis as high as
Mj,i+iRW+(m−j+1)RW, as the parasitic line resistance is taken into account, as implied from figure 12(a).
To compensate the parasitic line resistance, the memristive crossing-point, Mj,i,shouldbeprogrammedto
a target value that is smaller than the original value presented in figure 12(a). In particular, the memristive
crossing-point of Mj,ishould be programmed to the target value of Mj,i−(iRW+(m−j+1)RW), instead of
Figure 12(b) shows a conceptual diagram of parasitic line resistance-adapted programing approach, where
parasitic line resistance is compensated during the programming phase. The equivalent parasitic line resis-
tance matrix is carried out and the connection matrix is updated by subtracting the equivalent parasitic line
resistance matrix from the original connection matrix.
Figure 13 shows the comparison of recognition rate between the conventional programming method and
the adaptive programming approach when the parasitic line resistance varies from 0.5 Ωto 3 Ω(Truong 2019).
Here, a single-layer network with 26 nodes for character image recognition was implemented on a memristor
crossbar array circuit made up of a single crossbar array circuit and a constant term circuit. The crossbar
circuit composed 26 columns and a constant term circuit was simulated using CADENCE SPECTRE circuit
simulator. The network was trained using MATLAB software and the obtained synaptic weights were mapped
to the memristance values of memristor crossbar array. The memristor crossbar array was then programmed
to the target values using the VDD /3 write scheme.
The improvement of neural network’s performance of the adaptive programming scheme seems obvious
asshowninfigure13. Here the conventional crossbar programming is compared with the adaptive program-
ming. In the adaptive technique, the trained synaptic weights is mapped to the connection matrix, where the
weights are updated using the parasitic line resistance matrix. The updated connection matrix is used for pro-
gramming the crossbar, as explained earlier. The recognition rate of the conventional programming method
Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 2(2022) 032001 Topical Review
Figure 12. (a) The conventional programming method, (b) the parasitic line resistance correction programming method where
the value of connection matrix is updated by subtracting the equivalent line resistance matrix from the original connection matrix.
seems declined dramatically when the line resistance is increased from 0.5 Ωto 3 Ω. In contrast, the memristor
crossbar with the adaptive programming scheme could maintain the recognition rate without loss until the
line resistance =3Ω.
5. Energy-efficient programming of memristor crossbars
LRS cells in memristor crossbars can act as active bits in binary-memristor neural networks. On the contrary,
HRS cells can be considered inactive bits. The active bits affect the crossbar’s column current more significantly
than the inactive ones when calculating vector-matrix multiplication (Pham et al 2019a). As a result, calculat-
ing exactly the crossbar’s column current decided by active bits is critical for achieving the neural network’s
performance better. To do so, a precise programming of LRS cells is needed in transferring the calculated
synaptic weights into the memristor crossbar. The fine programming scheme of memristors in figure 14(a)
can be used to program LRS precisely, where the number of programming pulses should be large because of
the fine modulation of pulse amplitude (Pham et al 2019a). Figure 14(a) indicates that the fine programming
scheme of memristors has as many as 30 programming pulses. By doing so, the modulation of programming
pulse’s amplitude can be controlled little by little for precise tuning of memristor’s conductance.
On the contrary, the coarse scheme can be used for programming the inactive bits. As mentioned earlier,
the inactive bits are HRS cells. The coarse programming scheme, as shown in figure 14(b), uses only three
pulses to program memristors to HRS coarsely. The small number of the programming pulses in figure 14(b)
is extremely beneficial in saving a significant amount of programming energy of memristor crossbars.
In figures 14(a) and (b), the open-circle symbols and the red line represent the measured data and the
behavioural model, respectively. The behavioural model equations of memristors used in figure 1(b) were
obtained from the reference (Truong et al 2016). The equations are implemented in VERILOG-A in the
Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 2(2022) 032001 Topical Review
Figure 13. The comparison of recognition rate between the conventional programming method and the adaptive programming
approach when the parasitic line resistance is varied from 0.5 Ωto 3 Ω.
CADENCE SPECTRE. The measured memristor devices in figures 14(a) and (b) are also explained in the
reference (Truong et al 2016).
For analysing various combinations of the fine and coarse amplitude modulation schemes for active LRS
and inactive HRS bits, four cases are compared in figures 15(a) and (b). The four cases are Fine-HRS and
Fine-LRS (F-F), Coarse-HRS and Fine-LRS (C-F), Fine-HRS and Coarse-LRS (F-C), and Coarse-HRS and
Coarse-LRS (F-C) (C-C), respectively. HRS and LRS programmed with the fine scheme are referred to as Fine-
HRS and Fine-LRS, respectively. Coarse-HRS and Coarse-LRS are HRS and LRS that have been programmed
using the coarse scheme, respectively. C-F has the lowest error-energy product among the four cases. As shown
in figure 15(b), C-F reduces the product by nearly 50% more than F-F. Here, the neural network for testing
MNIST data set is implemented by memristor crossbars. The neural network architecture used in the sim-
ulation is composed of 784 input neurons, 100 hidden neurons, and 10 output neurons. In the simulation,
HRS/LRS ratio is assumed 10, as shown in figures 15(a) and (b).
The fine and coarse programming schemes of memristors shown in figures 14(a) and (b) can control the
memristor’s conductance variation within 5% and 30%, respectively. For the fine programming scheme, the
variation of programmed memristor’s conductance as small as 5% can be improved better in the recent mem-
ristor devices based on WOx, where the variation measured was only as small as ∼2% (Choi et al 2021). The
memristor’s conductance variation seems to be controlled by not only the programming method but also the
material property.
The fine and coarse programming schemes can be combined for reducing the number of programming
pulses for multi-state memristor crossbars (Le et al 2021). The range-dependent adaptive resistance tuning
scheme used the coarse programming pulse to reach a target conductance roughly in the starting programming
phase (Le et al 2021). Then, as the target conductance is approached, the fine programming scheme start to
be applied to the memristor to tune the programmed conductance precisely. Combining the coarse and fine
programming schemes can save the programming time and energy.
Finally, it should be noted that the othernon-ideal effects such as retention, endurance, drift, etc may affect
the neural networks implemented with memristor crossbars (Chih et al 2021). The various circuit techniques
were developed to mitigate these reliability problems (Chou et al 2018). The non-ideal effects related to the
reliability issues are very important and should be considered in implementing hardware of edge intelligence,
too, as memristor defects and process variations were considered in realizing the memristor-crossbar neural
6. Summary
In the IoT era, edge intelligence is critical for overcoming the communication and computing energy crisis,
which is unavoidable if cloud computing is used exclusively. Memristor crossbars with in-memory computing
Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 2(2022) 032001 Topical Review
Figure 14. (a) Memristor’s conductance programmed with the fine amplitude-modulation scheme of 30 programming pulses.
(b) Memristor’s conductance programmed with the coarse amplitude modulation scheme of 3 programming pulses.
Figure 15. (a) Recognition errors of (1) Fine-HRS and Fine-LRS (F-F), (2) Coarse-HRS and Fine-LRS (C-F), (3) Fine-HRS and
Coarse-LRS (F-C), and (4) Coarse-HRS and Course-LRS (C-C). (b) Error-programming energy products of the four schemes.
may be suitable for realizing edge intelligence hardware. They can perform both memory and computing func-
tions, allowing for the development of low-power computing architectures that go beyond the von Neumann
This paper discussed various techniques for implementing edge-intelligence hardware with memristor
crossbars, such as quantization, training, parasitic resistance correction, and low-power crossbar program-
ming. In particular, the memristor crossbars were used in section 2to realize quantized neural networks
with binary and ternary synapses for implementing simple but robust operation of in-memory computing
with memristors. In section 3, the chip-in-the-loop training of memristor crossbars was discussed in order to
Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 2(2022) 032001 Topical Review
prevent memristor defects from degrading edge intelligence performance. Another undesirable effect in mem-
ristor crossbars is parasitic resistances such as source, line, and neuron resistance, which worsens as crossbar
size increases. In section 4, we talked about how to compensate for parasitic resistances like source, line, and
neuron resistance. We discussed the energy-efficient programming method for updating synaptic weights in
memristor crossbars in section 5.
The work was financially supported by NRF-2019K1A3A1A25000279, NRF-2021R1A2C1011631, and NRF-
2021M3F3A2A01037972, NRF-2022R1A5A7000765, N62909-20-1-2021-P00001-Memristor-based Neural
Net, and SRFC-TA1903-01. The CAD tools were supported from IC Design Education Center (IDEC), Korea.
Data availability statement
The data that support the findings of this study are available upon reasonable request from the authors.
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