
Packing, Hitting and Coloring Squares

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Given a family of squares in the plane, their packing problempacking \ problem asks for the maximum number, ν\nu, of pairwise disjoint squares among them, while their hitting problemhitting \ problem asks for the minimum number, τ\tau, of points hitting all of them, τν\tau \ge \nu. Both problems are NP-hard even if all the rectangles are unit squares and their sides are parallel to the axes. The main results of this work are providing the first bounds for the τ/ν\tau / \nu ratio on not necessarily axis-parallel squares. We establish an upper bound of 6 for unit squares and 10 for squares of varying sizes. The worst ratios we can provide with examples are 3 and 4, respectively. For comparison, in the axis-parallel case, the supremum of the considered ratio is in the interval [32,2][\frac{3}{2},2] for unit squares and [32,4][\frac{3}{2},4] for arbitrary squares. The new bounds necessitate a mixture of novel and classical techniques of possibly extendable use. Furthermore, we study rectangles with a bounded ``aspect ratio'', where the aspect ratioaspect \ ratio of a rectangle is the larger side of a rectangle divided by its smaller side. We improve on the well-known best τ/ν\tau/\nu bound, which is quadratic in terms of the aspect ratio. We reduce it from quadratic to linear for rectangles, even if they are not axis-parallel, and from linear to logarithmic, for axis-parallel rectangles. Finally, we prove similar bounds for the chromatic numbers of squares and rectangles with a bounded aspect ratio.

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Finding a maximum independent set (MIS) of a given fam- ily of axis-parallel rectangles is a basic problem in computational geom- etry and combinatorics. This problem has attracted signi?cant atten- tion since the sixties, when Wegner conjectured that the corresponding duality gap, i.e., the maximum possible ratio between the maximum independent set and the minimum hitting set (MHS), is bounded by a universal constant. An interesting special case, that may prove use- ful to tackling the general problem, is the diagonal-intersecting case, in which the given family of rectangles is intersected by a diagonal. Indeed, Chepoi and Felsner recently gave a factor 6 approximation algorithm for MHS in this setting, and showed that the duality gap is between 3/2 and 6. In this paper we improve upon these results. First we show that MIS in diagonal-intersecting families is NP-complete, providing one smallest subclass for which MIS is provably hard. Then, we derive an O(n2)O(n^2)-time algorithm for the maximum weight independent set when, in addition the rectangles intersect below the diagonal. This improves and extends a classic result of Lubiw, and amounts to obtain a 2-approximation algo- rithm for the maximum weight independent set of rectangles intersecting a diagonal. Finally, we prove that for diagonal-intersecting families the duality gap is between 2 and 4. The upper bound, which implies an approximation algorithm of the same factor, follows from a simple com- binatorial argument, while the lower bound represents the best known lower bound on the duality gap, even in the general case.
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. In this paper the coloring problem for unit disk (UD) graphs is considered. UD graphs are the intersection graphs of equal-sized disks in the plane. Colorings of UD graphs arise in the study of channel assignment problems in broadcast networks. Improving on a result of Clark et al. [2] it is shown that the coloring problem for UD graphs remains NP-complete for any fixed number of colors k≥ 3 . Furthermore, a new 3-approximation algorithm for the problem is presented which is based on network flow and matching techniques.
We obtain improved upper bounds and new lower bounds on the chromatic number as a linear function of the clique number, for the intersection graphs (and their complements) of finite families of translates and homothets of a convex body in \RR^n. Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures
According to a classical result of Grünbaum, the transversal number τ(F)\tau({\mathcal F}) of any family F{\mathcal F} of pairwise-intersecting translates or homothets of a convex body C in ℝd is bounded by a function of d. Denote by α(C) (resp. β(C)) the supremum of the ratio of the transversal number τ(F)\tau({\mathcal F}) to the packing number ν(F)\nu({\mathcal F}) over all families F{\mathcal F} of translates (resp. homothets) of a convex body C in ℝd . Kim et al. recently showed that α(C) is bounded by a function of d for any convex body C in ℝd , and gave the first bounds on α(C) for convex bodies C in ℝd and on β(C) for convex bodies C in the plane. In this paper, we show that β(C) is also bounded by a function of d for any convex body C in ℝd , and present new or improved bounds on both α(C) and β(C) for various convex bodies C in ℝd for all dimensions d. Our techniques explore interesting inequalities linking the covering and packing densities of a convex body. Our methods for obtaining upper bounds are constructive and lead to efficient constant-factor approximation algorithms for finding a minimum-cardinality point set that pierces a set of translates or homothets of a convex body.
Let F be a family of translates of a fixed convex set M in Rn. Let (F) and (F) denote the transversal number and the independence number of F, respectively. We show that (F)(F) 8(F) − 5 for n = 2 and (F) 2n−1nn(F) for n 3. Furthermore, if M is centrally symmetric convex body in the plane, then (F)(F) 6(F) − 3. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
: A computational method for finding good coverings of a square with equal circles is presented. The algorithm uses a quasi-Newton method with BFGS secant update to minimize the uncovered area by moving the circles. The radius of the circles is further adapted to find locally optimal coverings, and the algorithm is applied repeatedly to random initial configurations. The structures of the coverings are determined and the coordinates of each circle are calculated with high precision using a mathematical model for an idealized physical structure consisting of tensioned bars and frictionless pin joints. Best found coverings of a square with up to 30 circles are displayed, 17 of which are new or improve on earlier published coverings. KEYWORDS: circle covering, equidistant graph, square CONTENTS 1 Introduction 1 2 The Covering Algorithm 1 3 Obtaining Numerical Solutions 4 4 The Results 5 1 INTRODUCTION Packing circles in various shapes in the plane or on a sphere has been a popular res...
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1. The k-colorability of axis-parallel unit squares is NP-complete for any fixed k ∈ N, k ≥ 3, and so is the existence of an independent set of unit squares larger than a given size
  • A Theorem
Theorem A.1. The k-colorability of axis-parallel unit squares is NP-complete for any fixed k ∈ N, k ≥ 3, and so is the existence of an independent set of unit squares larger than a given size.