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Does accountability audit of natural resource promote corporate environmental performance? An external supervision perspective

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Abstract and Figures

By taking the pilot policy of Accountability Audit of Natural Resource (AANR) as a quasi-natural experiment, this paper examines the impacts of AANR on corporate environmental performance (CEP). The moderating effects of media supervision and the rule of law are also examined from an external supervision perspective. The results indicate that AANR significantly promotes CEP. Media supervision significantly weakens the promotion effects of AANR on CEP, and a higher level of rule of law significantly enhances the promotion effects of AANR on CEP. On further analysis, the impacts of AANR on CEP are found significant in coastal regions and in heavily polluting enterprises.
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Environment, Development and Sustainability (2023) 25:9417–9438
1 3
Does accountability audit ofnatural resource promote
corporate environmental performance? Anexternal
supervision perspective
CailouJiang1,2· RongLiu1· JieHan1
Received: 15 March 2022 / Accepted: 8 May 2022 / Published online: 4 June 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2022
By taking the pilot policy of Accountability Audit of Natural Resource (AANR) as a quasi-
natural experiment, this paper examines the impacts of AANR on corporate environmental
performance (CEP). The moderating effects of media supervision and the rule of law are
also examined from an external supervision perspective. The results indicate that AANR
significantly promotes CEP. Media supervision significantly weakens the promotion effects
of AANR on CEP, and a higher level of rule of law significantly enhances the promotion
effects of AANR on CEP. On further analysis, the impacts of AANR on CEP are found
significant in coastal regions and in heavily polluting enterprises.
Keywords Accountability audit of natural resources· Corporate environmental
performance· Media supervision· Rule of law
1 Introduction
The reform and opening up of China’s economy has made remarkable achievements, but
the subsequent rapid growth model has caused serious environmental problems. How to
marry the targets of economic growth and environment protection has been a key issue
during China’s economic transformation. Local officials in China play a key role in this
economic growth through the allocation of large quantities of resources. Since GDP has
been used as a key indicator for developmental achievements (Li & Zhou, 2003), local
officials have paid more attention to economic growth than environmental protection, often
resulting in both excessive consumption of natural resources and high pollutant emis-
sions of enterprises. Additionally, due to the frequent asymmetric information structures
between government agencies, local officials may conceal fake environmental pollution
data to avoid accountability (Chao & Ma, 2020). This may indulge those enterprises that
* Cailou Jiang
1 Business School, Nanjing University ofInformation Science andTechnology, Nanjing210044,
2 Research Institute forEnvironment andHealth, Nanjing University ofInformation Science
andTechnology, Nanjing210044, China
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... Similarly, the penalties imposed by the securities regulatory authorities increase the cost of violations by listed companies, effectively curbing violations, especially in the context of state-owned property rights, a high degree of marketization, and a weak legal environment [8]. However, simply improving the internal systems and strengthening the external legal regulations is not completely effective, and the incidence of corporate violations continues to grow [9]. Therefore, improving the governance of listed companies and constraining corporate violations have become urgent issues in promoting capital market reform. ...
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This study investigates the impact of the “Officials’ Off-office Audit Based on Natural Resource Assets” (OABNRA) policy of China on the urban innovation level. While previous studies have found evidence of the “Porter effect” of targeting firms’ environmental regulation, the impact of targeting local officials’ environmental regulation on innovation remains unclear. Using Chinese city panel data from 2012 to 2019, we found that OABNRA significantly promotes the urban innovation level, and the promotion strengthens over time. In addition, air pollution governance is the channel of the impact of OABNRA on the urban innovation level. The industrial structure serves as a moderating the innovation effect of OABNRA. The innovation effect of OABNRA is heterogeneous in resource abundance, marketization, city tier, and off-office official type. Our findings provide important insights for policymakers on achieving economic development and environmental protection by targeting local officials’ environmental regulations.
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Comprehensive behavioral research on environmental regulation is scarcer and critical in the presence of uncontrolled environmental degradation. Thus, this paper establishes a three-party evolution game from the perspective of enterprise’s dynamic cost, which is used to explore the environmental regulation behaviors among local government, enterprises, and consumers. Then we explain how the new model differs from the traditional model. Subsequently, the stability of equilibrium points is analyzed based on the Lyapunov stability theory. Taking snowflake brewery in China as a simulation case, the evolutionary behaviors are simulated and analyzed under different constraints. The results reveal that the local government plays an indispensable role in environmental regulation. Moreover, when the local government implements the environmental regulation policy with a certain probability, the behavioral strategy of game players in the dynamic system still cannot reach a stable state. Finally, we find that reasonable behavioral incentives for local governments help to build an effective mechanism that the ideal stable strategy can be achieved.
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As a key economic resource, energy plays an important and strategic role in the national economy. Conserving energy and improving energy efficiency are of great significance to the sustainable economic development of a country. Based on provincial panel data from 2006 to 2017 in the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB), this article set up two econometric models and applied the panel regression analysis techniques to examine the impact of environmental investment and resource endowment on energy efficiency, and the combined impact of environmental investment and resource endowment on energy efficiency, and tested fixed effects and random effects to obtain detailed and specific results. The results of the study are as follows: (1) resource endowment is significantly and negatively correlated with energy efficiency, and there exists a resource curse in terms of energy efficiency in YREB. (2) Current environmental investment has a catalytic effect on energy efficiency, and lagged environmental investment has a greater effect on energy efficiency improvement than current environmental investment. (3) Environmental investment can effectively reduce the negative impact of resource endowment on energy efficiency. The results of the study will help improve YREB’s energy efficiency and promote the coordinated development of economic development and resource conservation and environmental protection.
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Environmental research and development (R&D) is an effective means to coordinate firms’ sustainable development and environmental protection. This study investigates the impact of media coverage on environmental R&D with the Environmental Protection Law’s exogenous shock in 2015 in China. The results show that both media coverage and the Environmental Protection Law significantly promote firms’ environmental R&D. Moreover, the Environmental Protection Law strengthens the positive effect of media coverage on firms’ environmental R&D, and the strengthening effect is more significant for firms with low internal control quality and in high-competition industry. Further researches suggest that environmental R&D fully mediates the relationship between media coverage and environmental technology innovation, while the Environment Protection Law has no significant effect on environmental technology innovation. The results demonstrate external supervision or regulations are conducive to environmental R&D, which conforms to Porter Hypothesis. This study has certain enlightening significance to firms’ environmental R&D, environmental technology innovation, and sustainable development in developing economies.
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The impact of a tradable discharge permit system on pollution reduction, pollution intensity, and innovation depends on market perfection. To verify this assumption, this study matches China’s Industrial Enterprise Database with the Industrial Enterprise Pollution Emissions Database and applies the difference-in-difference-in-difference estimator for empirical analysis. The results show that implementing a tradable discharge permit policy can promote pollution reduction and pollution intensity reduction for pilot regions with a high degree of marketization. However, the implementation of a tradable discharge permit policy did not have a significant impact on innovation. This indicates that the Porter hypothesis was not valid during the sample period from 2000 to 2012 in China. Enterprises tend to achieve pollution abatement through end-of-pipe control or reduced output rather than through technological innovation. Moreover, high institutional transaction costs lead to a weak incentive effect of the tradable discharge permit system on promoting enterprise innovation. Furthermore, greater market power is conducive to corporate innovation in regions with a high degree of marketization. The results of a heterogeneity analysis show that the impact of a tradable discharge permit system differs by enterprise ownership and region. The findings have clear policy implications: the Chinese government should consider applying the hybrid approach by combining a tradable discharge permit system with a given emission standard and foster competition.
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Central environmental protection inspections have completed their goal of full coverage of 31 provinces in China, and more than 17,000 officials have been held accountable. The media has evaluated the effectiveness of central environmental protection inspections using the notions of “instant results” and the “miracle drug of environmental governance.” Can this approach effectively promote local environmental governance? This paper takes the treatment effect of central environmental protection inspections on air pollution as an example. Using the method of regression discontinuity, central environmental protection inspections are found to have a positive effect on the air quality index (AQI), but this effect is only short term and unsustainable. Additionally, there are inter-provincial differences. Judging from the research results on sub-contaminants, the treatment effect of central environmental protection inspections on air pollution is mainly reflected in PM10, PM2.5 and CO. Under the current situation in which PM10 and PM2.5 are the main assessment indexes, this phenomenon indicates that due to the political achievements and promotion of local officials and for reasons of accountability, it is more effective for the central government to conduct specific environmental assessments through local governments than to conduct central environmental protection inspections.
On the role of natural resources, extensive studies are available, especially in a country's financial development. However, earlier studies ignored the role of fiscal decentralization and improvement in financial risk index in interaction with natural resources rent. Therefore, this study attempts to investigate whether fiscal decentralization and improvement in financial risk index curb the resources curse hypothesis for China or not. For this purpose, quarterly data from 2005Q1-2016Q4 is employed using advanced time series econometric approaches that deal with multiple structural breaks. This study uses an updated indicator that covers the efficiency, depth, and accessibility of financial institutions and markets for financial development. The findings confirm China's resource curse hypothesis; however, increasing fiscal decentralization and financial risk index improvement avoid the resource curse hypothesis. Moreover, globalization, gross domestic product, fiscal decentralization, and financial risk index improvement positively affect financial development. The policy implications focus on increasing fiscal decentralization to effectively utilize natural resources and improve the financial risk index to avoid the resource curse hypothesis.
Purpose Due to environmental externalities, micro-enterprises with profit-seeking features do not develop sufficient motivation for environmental governance. In a fiscally decentralized system, local environmental protection authorities perform environmental supervision, and the intensity of the regulations that they implement has an important influence on corporate environmental governance. Based on the promotion tournament framework, this paper aims to discuss the driving mechanism of corporate environmental governance using turnover of environmental protection department directors (EPDDs) as an indicator. Design/methodology/approach Using samples of A-share companies listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges from 2007 to 2014, this paper examines the impact of EPDD turnover on corporate environmental governance and its underlying mechanism. Findings The results show that corporate environmental governance exhibits a political periodicity that changes with the turnover of the EPDD, and the periodicity remains after controlling for the influence of changes in provincial party secretary and governor. Internal mechanisms analysis indicates that, without financial independence, local environmental protection departments rely on increasing sewage charges, not environmental protection subsidies, to promote corporate environmental governance. Further, considering heterogeneity among officials, it finds that the younger a new EPDD is, the more pronounced the periodicity of corporate environmental governance. However, there is no significant difference between in-system and out-system turnover. Originality/value In general, this paper describes the mechanisms of corporate environmental governance from the perspective of political economics, and the results have implications for the potential improvement of the government’s environmental supervision functions and the development of ecological civilization in China.
Policy implementation is essential to the effectiveness of environmental governance. Focusing on two types of policies in China, law derived environmental policies and plan derived environmental policies; this research analyzed the impact of the central government's rules, regulations, and mechanism for rewards/penalties on local governments’ policy implementation. The results indicate that local governments selectively implement environmental policies. This selective implementation effort is primarily determined by the authoritarian environmentalism and the target responsibility system imposed by the central government. Local governments focus their attention on the attitude of the central government toward that policy because the scope of its reward/penalty system provides a signaling effect for different policies. The central government's regulatory oversight of policy implementation has also increased the binding power of the incentive mechanism. China's environmental law or policy implementation should make the government work paramountly.