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A CPT-based method for estimation of undrained shear strength of sands and transitional soils


Abstract and Figures

This paper presents a practical approach for developing a site-specific CPT-based method for monotonic undrained shear strength (s u) in sands and transitional soils, using results of laboratory undrained tri axial compression (CU) tests on reconstituted and undisturbed specimens as reference. The methodology includes use of net cone resistance values normalised to vertical effective stress, a procedure for pairing of CPT data with CU test results, and definition of a practical failure criterion for deriving s u from CU test data. The presented approach is particularly useful for application in offshore wind, where the economics of wind farm development favour performing only a single cone penetration test (CPT) per wind turbine location. This setting drives develop ment of CPT-based methods for key geotechnical parameters for foundation design.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Cone Penetration Testing 2022 Gottardi & Tonni (eds)
© 2022 Copyright the Author(s), ISBN 978-1-032-31259-0
Open Access:, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license
A CPT-based method for estimation of undrained shear strength of sands
and transitional soils
K. Kaltekis & J. Peuchen
Fugro, Nootdorp, The Netherlands
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a practical approach for developing a site-specic CPT-based method for
monotonic undrained shear strength (s
) in sands and transitional soils, using results of laboratory undrained tri-
axial compression (CU) tests on reconstituted and undisturbed specimens as reference. The methodology includes
use of net cone resistance values normalised to vertical effective stress, a procedure for pairing of CPT data with
CU test results, and denition of a practical failure criterion for deriving s
from CU test data. The presented
approach is particularly useful for application in offshore wind, where the economics of wind farm development
favour performing only a single cone penetration test (CPT) per wind turbine location. This setting drives develop-
ment of CPT-based methods for key geotechnical parameters for foundation design.
The characterisation of undrained behaviour of sands
and transitional soils (e.g. silty sands, low plasticity
silts) is important for large foundations subject to sig-
nicant short-duration loading and cyclic loading.
Therefore, undrained shear strength (su) of sands and
transitional soils is an important geotechnical param-
eter that can be used (i) as direct input in calculation
models for fully undrained modelling, and (ii) for
dening a reference for normalisation of cyclic soil
parameter values.
This study presents a practical framework for
developing a site-specic CPT-based method for s
sands and transitional soils, using results of laboratory
undrained triaxial compression (CU) tests on reconsti-
tuted and undisturbed specimens as reference. The
methodology includes use of (1) net cone resistance
values (qn,dened as qn ¼qc þ ð1 aÞu2 σv,
where qc is cone resistance, α is net area ratio, u2 is
pore pressure at the cylindrical extension above the
base of the cone and σv is vertical total stress) nor-
malised to vertical effective stress (σ0), (2)
a procedure for pairing of CPT data with CU test
results, and (3) denition of a practical failure criter-
ion for deriving su from CU test data.
The approach outlined in this paper is particularly
useful for application in offshore wind, where the
economics of wind farm development can dictate
performing only a single cone penetration test (CPT)
per wind turbine location. This setting drives devel-
opment of CPT-based methods for key geotechnical
parameters for foundation design.
This paper includes an example of the site-
specic approach, using input data taken from two
wind farm sites offshore Netherlands, namely the
Hollandse Kust (west) site and the Hollandse Kust
(noord) site (Figure 1, HKW and HKN respect-
ively). The input data are in the public domain, as
per the European INSPIRE (2018) directive for spa-
tial information.
2.1 Geological setting
The HKW site and the HKN site are located in the
southern North Sea. Water depths are typically
between 15 m and 34 m relative to LAT.
The sites comprise Quaternary deposits with
a predominantly sandy sedimentary prole with
occasional clay layers associated with internal
channelling (RVO, 2019; RVO, 2020). Sands are
mainly ne and medium with occasional coarse size
in some of the soil units. The sites have been sub-
ject to evolution throughout the Pleistocene and the
Holocene. Sediments and processes from these time
periods dominate the geological framework. Geo-
logical formations present at the two sites within
the top 50 m below seaoor include (from older to
younger) Yarmouth Roads, Eem, Naaldwijk and
Southern Bight. These geological formations show
no evidence of cementation. Figure 2 illustrates
a microscopic photograph of a typical sand sample
from the HKW site.
DOI: 10.1201/9781003308829-68
Figure 1. Locations of HKW and HKN sites.
Figure 2. Microscopic photograph of a typical unwashed
sand sample from the HKW site.
2.2 CPT data
The available CPT data were acquired according to
ISO (2014). The data are available in digital tabular
format and include piezocone CPTs and seismic
piezocone CPTs performed in both non-drilling
mode (direct push from seaoor) and drilling mode
(vessel drilling, downhole push) deployment.
2.3 CU data
The database includes results of CU tests performed
according to ISO 17892-9:2018, using reconstituted
specimens, prepared by moist reconstitution, and
undisturbed specimens. Reconstituted specimens
were prepared based on estimated in situ density.
Other specimen density considerations are described
below (section titled data pairing). It is generally
recognised that reconstituted specimens may give
lower shear strength than undisturbed specimens
(Hoeg et al., 2000).
The specimens were recompressed to the esti-
mated in situ stress conditions, using conventional
back pressures for specimen saturation. No pre-
cycling was applied. Recompression conditions were
either isotropic or anisotropic, depending on the esti-
mated in situ stress state (K0 ¼1 for isotropic stress
state and K01 for anisotropic stress state, where K0
is coefcient of earth pressure at rest).
Database screening was applied, considering
soil type and laboratory specimen homogeneity.
Soil type was assessed based on sample descrip-
tion, review of particle size distribution and
Atterberg limits. Particularly for undisturbed test
specimens of transitional soil, specimens contain-
ing interbedded or non-uniform material, distinct
strata/layer changes or gravel were excluded from
further analysis because they can adversely affect
undisturbed sample quality and test processing
results for a premise of a homogeneous labora-
tory test specimen.
The screened database includes laboratory results
from 33 CU tests on reconstituted soil specimens (26
in sand and 7 in transitional soil) and 5 CU tests on
undisturbed soil specimens in transitional soil. The
specimen test depths ranged from 2 m to 38 m below
seaoor. Table 1 presents classication parameters for
the database used. Figure 3 presents results of two typ-
ical triaxial tests from the database, one in sand and
one in transitional soil.
Table 1. Classication parameters.
Parameter Sand Transitional soil
(%) 55-110 35-85
FC (%) 1-8 20-80
CC (%) - 3-24
(-) 1.5-3.8 5.3-80
(mm) 0.17-0.35 0.02-0.15
quartz content 85-100 84-95
particle shape subangular to well subangular to
rounded rounded
Notes: Transitional soil = (very) silty sand, clayey sand,
low plasticity (clayey, sandy) silt; D
= relative density; FC
= nes content; CC = clay content; C
= coefcient of uni-
formity; D
= particle diameter where 50 % of the dry
mass of soil has a smaller particle diameter
It is generally inconsistent and impractical to use
peak deviator stress as a criterion for deriving su for
dense dilative soils such as many of the ones in the
database used for this study. In dilative specimens,
large negative pore pressures develop until the end of
the test (to about 20 % axial strain; see blue line in
bottom plot of Figure 3) or until cavitation occurs.
Figure 3. Example of typical triaxial test results from the
database (applied back pressures: CIUcBE11 Sand: 1291
kPa; CAUcBE09 Transitional soil: 687 kPa).
Cavitation depends on the back pressure applied to the
triaxial test specimen. Sufciently high back pressure
should be applied to test specimens that are expected
to exhibit dilative behaviour while shearing. It should
be noted that large negative pore pressures can be sus-
tained in a laboratory setting with controlled applica-
tion of (high) back pressure, but are typically not
observed during cone penetration. All tests of the data-
base had a back pressure which was at least equal to
the hydrostatic pressure at the depth point of each test
Common criteria were reviewed for deriving su
from the CU data, i.e. peak deviator stress, peak stress
ratio, peak pore pressure, zero excess pore pressure
and limiting strain (refer to Brandon et al. (2006) for
background information on the various criteria for
interpretation of su). Peak stress ratio was selected as
the most practically useful and most consistent criter-
ion across the database. Therefore, this paper denes
su at ,where and are the effective
principal stresses.
2.4 Data pairing
Pairing of CPT data (qn) with CU test results con-
sidered the following:
Laboratory test data were considered as primary,
because of single data points versus CPT proling
Selection of CPT values for comparison with
the laboratory data from reconstituted soil speci-
mens focused on estimation of an equivalent
in situ relative density Dr of the reconstituted
soil specimen based on (1) specimen density
and (2) estimated values for minimum and max-
imum (index) dry densities:
where emax is maximum index void ratio, emin is
minimum index void ratio and e is specimen
void ratio. Selection of values for emin and emax
included assessment of laboratory test results
per soil unit, per soil type and site-wide;
Final selection of Dr involved some engineer-
ing judgement, particularly for transitional soil
specimens, since the estimation of Dr inevit-
ably involves signicant uncertainty, which
increases with increase of percentage nes.
The uncertainty in the selected values for emin
and emax should also be noted, particularly
since there are various test methods commonly
used in the industry that can give signicant
differences, especially for the maximum
(index) dry density (Lunne et al., 2019). The
equivalent value of qn was then back-
calculated based on the following equation by
Kulhawy & Mayne (1990):
where Pa is atmospheric pressure;
Selection of CPT values for comparison with
the laboratory data from undisturbed soil speci-
mens focused on CPT-borehole proximity, use
of CPT data showing the lower qn values and
relatively high values of soil behaviour type
index Ic, thereby accounting for the expected
bias in selection of the laboratory test speci-
mens, and allowance for small (< 1 m) depth
offsets between nearby CPT and sample bore-
hole locations.
The approach to estimate continuous proles of
su involved analysis of the relationship between
derived values of su and qn, normalised to
effective vertical stress . This led to a bi-linear
relationship that is presented in Figure 4 and
Equation 3:
Figure 4. Undrained shear strength derived from in CU
tests on sand and transitional soil as a function of net cone
Comments on Equation 3 are as follows:
A best t relationship based on linear least
squares regression was considered for values of
(n ¼26, R2 = 0.87, S.E. = 0.59);
A constant value of for values of
=σ05124 considering a mean value for
within this range, the wide scatter and the
absence of a signicant trend (R2 = 0.38)
between su and qn in transitional soil;
The method is robust and allows for develop-
ment of continuous proles of su in sand and
transitional soil based solely on input from CPT
data, though it is noted that for transitional soil
engineering judgement has been applied;
CPT parameter uncertainty for strongly layered
soil will be higher than for uniform soil (Peu-
chen and Terwindt, 2015). Note also that CPT
results are inuenced by uncertainty related to
undrained, partially drained or drained condi-
tions during cone penetration, particularly in
transitional soil with drainage conditions inu-
enced by factors such as soil constituents and
(post-)depositional settings. Any of these condi-
tions may apply (DeJong and Randolph, 2012);
The method covers medium dense to very dense
normally consolidated to slightly overconsoli-
dated silty to clean sands and sandy silts;
Derived values of su in sand correspond to values
for cone factor Nkt ranging between 85 and 176
for the range , which represents more
than 95 % of the values in sand across the
wind farm sites;
Derived values of su in transitional soil corres-
pond to values for cone factor Nkt ranging
between 28 and 107 for the range
20 qn
=σ075, which represents more than
95 % of the values in transitional soil
across the wind farm sites;
Derived values of su are in good agreement with
the scatter of derived values presented in
Andersen (2015).
The method, in combination with an equivalent
method for clays, enables derivation of continuous su
proles at any CPT location within a given site. This
is particularly useful for offshore wind farm develop-
ments where one or multiple CPTs are performed per
wind turbine location without availability of location-
specic laboratory data. Soil behaviour type (i.e.
sand, transitional soil or clay behaviour) can be dis-
tinguished directly from CPT with application of gen-
eral or site-specic limits of soil behaviour type
indices such as Ic or IB (Robertson, 2016). Figure 5
presents an example prole from the HKW site.
Equation 3 can be applied with appropriate modi-
cations to produce design proles of characteristic
values of su for use in foundation design calcula-
tions. To this purpose, the modications would need
to consider at least the following (ISSMGE, 2021):
Calculation model and its specied principles;
Limit state and mobilised zone of ground;
Loading regime and eld drainage conditions;
Transformation uncertainty of derived values to
characteristic values;
Statistical evaluation accounting for statistical
tting uncertainties within the given dataset.
For the horizontal portion of the bi-linear relation-
ship (i.e. the cut-off value for qn
=σ05124, see Equa-
tion 3), the following particular considerations also
apply for selection of characteristic values:
A probable low value for should be used
for slightly overconsolidated soil that would be
in the order of magnitude for conventional
Allowance should be made for overestimation of
su derived from undisturbed transitional soil spe-
cimens due to sample disturbance and subsequent
reduction of water content during reconsolidation
that can lead to soil phase transformation from
contractive to dilative (Andersen, 2015).
The method appears robust for two particular sites
at the North Sea. The two sites include multiple geo-
logical units and multiple soil types; further optimisa-
tion should be feasible by differentiation on the basis
of geological unit and soil type. Soil type differenti-
ation can consider CPT-based soil behaviour type indi-
ces, with conrmation by index sample data that can
easily be acquired in an offshore laboratory, such as
particle size distribution and particle shape by image
analysis (ISO, 2006). Further differentiation may also
allow wider application of CPT-based methods.
Figure 5. Example prole of su from the HKW site comprising three soil types (i.e. sand, transitional soil and clay). Sup-
plementary proles of qn,I
c and Nkt are also displayed. Soil type is distinguished based on Ic (Ic52:05: Sand,
2:055Ic52:6: Transitional soil, Ic42:6: Clay). Note that in clay a CPT-based correlation, similar to Equation 3, was used.
Various advanced regression algorithms can be
trialled in order for the optimum results to be
obtained in terms of statistical evaluation of datasets,
including opportunities for potentially making better
use of the data by means of automated advanced
data analytics such as machine learning and big data.
Andersen, K.H. 2015. Cyclic soil parameters for offshore
foundation design. The 3rd McClelland Lecture. Fron-
tiers in Offshore Geotechnics III, ISFOG2015, Meyer
(Ed). Taylor & Francis Group, London. Proc., 582.
Brandon, T.L., Duncan, J.M. & Rose, A.T. 2006. Drained
and undrained strength interpretation for low-plasticity
silts. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering 132(2): 250257.
Hoeg, K., Dyvik, R. & Sandbækken, G. 2000. Strength of
undisturbed versus reconstituted silt and silty sand
specimens. Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmen-
tal Engineering 126 (7): 606617.
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Robertson, P.K. 2016. Cone penetration test (CPT)-based
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14 July 2016.
RVO Netherlands Enterprise Agency. 2019. Report - Geo-
logical Ground Model HKN Fugro. Available at
RVO Netherlands Enterprise Agency. 2020. Report - Geo-
logical Ground Model HKW Fugro. Available at
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Known challenges exist with maximum (γdmax) and minimum (γdmin) dry unit weight measurements; the respective dry unit weight results depend very much on the method or standard used. A laboratory testing programme was completed to systematically determine and compare γdmax and γdmin values derived for six different sand types by using different methods. The tested sands contained a wide variety of mineralogical and fines contents. The γdmax and γdmin determinations were performed according to the following methods: British Standards Institution (BS) standards; American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards; Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) standards; Dansk Geoteknisk Forening (DGF) guidelines; Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), Geolabs, and Fugro proprietary methods. Differences in testing procedures, material requirements for testing, and the effects of soil degradation during testing introduce challenges and large differences in γdmax and γdmin values for each of the six sand types were observed. Therefore, it is concluded that there is a need for the development of new standards for a robust determination of γdmax and γdmin values. Specifically, a standard for determining γdmax is required to consistently obtain results at the upper bound of dry unit weight values for the likely range of sands — without crushing the sand grains.
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A soil classification system is used to group soils according to shared qualities or characteristics based on simple cost-effective tests. The most common soil classification systems used in geotechnical engineering are based on physical (textural) characteristics such as grain size and plasticity. Ideally, geotechnical engineers would also like to classify soils based on behaviour characteristics that have a strong link to fundamental in situ behaviour. However, existing textural-based classification systems have a weak link to in situ behaviour, since they are measured on disturbed and remolded samples. The cone penetration test (CPT) has been gaining in popularity for site investigations due to the cost-effective, rapid, continuous, and reliable measurements. The most common CPT-based classification systems are based on behaviour characteristics and are often referred to as a soil behaviour type (SBT) classification. However, some confusion exists, since most CPT-based SBT classification systems use textural-based descriptions, such as sand and clay. This paper presents an update of popular CPT-based SBT classification systems to use behaviour-based descriptions. The update includes a method to identify the existence of microstructure in soils, and examples are used to illustrate the advantages and limitations of such a system.
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This manual focuses on the needs of engineers involved in the geotechnical design of foundations for transmission line structures. It also will serve as a useful reference for other geotechnical problems. In all foundation design, it is necessary to know the pertinent parameters controlling the soil behavior. When it is not feasible to measure the necessary soil parameters directly, estimates will have to be made from other available data, such as the results of laboratory index tests and in-situ tests. Numerous correlations between these types of tests and the necessary soil parameters exist in the literature, but they have not been synthesized previously into readily form in a collective work. This manual summarizes the most pertinent of these available correlations for estimating soil parameters. In many cases, the existing correlations have been updated with new data, and new correlations have been developed where sufficient data have been available. For each soil parameter, representative correlations commonly are presented in chronological order to illustrate the evolutionary development of the particular correlation. The emphasis is on relatively common laboratory and in-situ tests and correlations, including those tests that are seeing increased use in practice.
The engineering behavior of low-plasticity silts is more difficult to characterize than is the behavior of clay or sand. Due to their tendency to dilate during shear, establishing a consistent and practically useful failure criterion for low-plasticity silts can be very difficult. Consideration of how the undrained shear strength of silt is related to changes in pore pressure provides a more useful and practical framework for understanding the undrained strengths of these materials and for characterizing undrained strengths for practical purposes. Using a value of Skempton's (A) over bar as a failure criterion has been found to result in very reasonable values of undrained strength and to reduce scatter in the results as compared to using other criteria. Using a failure criterion based on an appropriate value of (A) over bar results in consistent values of S-u/p, and tolerably small values of strain at failure. For low-plasticity, dilative silts that pose the greatest problems with respect to definition of "failure," using (A) over bar =0 as a failure criterion is an appropriate and simple choice.
The differences in undrained stress-strain-strength behavior between "undisturbed" and reconstituted silt and silty sand specimens tested at the same void ratio and initial stress state may be dramatic. In all tests reported herein the undisturbed specimens showed dilative and ductile behavior, whereas in all but a very few cases the accompanying reconstituted specimens at the same (or lower) density showed contraction, much lower undrained strength, and brittle behavior. The test series included samples from a natural fluvial silt deposit as well as from silty sand hydraulically placed in a tailings dam. When reconstituting specimens for laboratory testing, it is not sufficient to only satisfy the criteria of correct density and grain size distribution, but somehow the same fabric also must be reproduced. Otherwise, deformation and stability analyses based on the results of reconstituted specimens, or on in situ tests calibrated against such results, may be misleading. Most of the reconstituted specimens tested herein were prepared by moist tamping, but other methods were also used and the results compared. The reconstitution of silty sand specimens by water pluviation seems to be the most promising preparation method.
Cyclic soil parameters for offshore foundation design. The 3rd McClelland Lecture. Fron tiers in Offshore Geotechnics III
  • K H Andersen
Andersen, K.H. 2015. Cyclic soil parameters for offshore foundation design. The 3rd McClelland Lecture. Fron tiers in Offshore Geotechnics III, ISFOG'2015, Meyer (Ed). Taylor & Francis Group, London. Proc., 5-82.
Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries -Specific Requirements for Offshore Structures -Part 8: Marine soil investigations. Geneva: ISO. International Organization for Standardization
International Organization for Standardization. 2014. ISO 19901-8:2014 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries -Specific Requirements for Offshore Structures -Part 8: Marine soil investigations. Geneva: ISO. International Organization for Standardization. 2018. ISO 17892-9:2018 Geotechnical Investigation and Testing Laboratory testing of Soil -Part 9: Consolidated triaxial compression test on water saturated soils. Geneva: ISO.
Measurement uncertainty of offshore cone penetration tests
  • J Peuchen
  • J Terwindt
Peuchen, J. & Terwindt, J. 2015. Measurement uncertainty of offshore cone penetration tests. Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics III, ISFOG'2015, Meyer (Ed). Taylor & Francis Group, London. Proc., 1209-1214.