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DOI 10.26773/smj.220610
Sport Mont 20 (2022) 2: Ahead of Print 3
The Influence of Maximum Strength Performance
in Seated Calf Raises on Counter Movement Jump
and Squat Jump in Elite Junior Basketball Players
Konstantin Warneke
, Michael Keiner
, Lars H. Lohmann
, Martin Hillebrecht
, Klaus Wirth
, Stephan Schiemann
1Institute for Exercise, Sport and Health, Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany, 2Department of Sport Science, German University of Health & Sport,
Ismaning, Germany, 3Institute of Sports Science, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany, 4University Sports Center, Carl von Ossietzky University
Oldenburg, Germany, 5University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt, Austria
In basketball high intensity jumping and sprinting performance is of high importance. There seems to be a re-
lationship between maximal strength (MSt) and jumping performance in general, but inuence of MSt in the
plantar exors and jumping performance seems not to be investigated very well. Thus, the aim of this study was
to investigate the inuence of MSt in the plantar exors on jumping performance. 37 young elite basketball play-
ers were included (age: 13.9±1.8 years; weight: 66.4±16.8 kg; height: 179.21±13.24 cm) and countermovement
jump (CMJ) and squat jump (SJ) height as well as unilateral and bilateral maximal isometric contraction in the
plantar exors with bended knee joint were assessed. Pearson correlations were calculated for MSt and jumping
performance and Bland-Altman Analysis was performed to determine the level of variance between bilateral
MSt assessment and cumulated MSt value of unilateral measurements. This study shows a moderate inuence
of isometric MSt in the calf muscle on jumping performance, so it seems benecial to include the training of the
plantar exors in the training routine of basketball players. When determining MSt, the bilateral force decit must
be considered, even though there was no inuence on determined correlations.
Keywords: Jumping performance, Athletic training, Plantar exors, Basketball
ere is high relevance of maximal strength in athletic
performance and its inuence on jumping and sprinting per-
formance is widely investigated in many sports (Chen et al.,
2022; Fry & Kreamer, 1991; Lum et al., 2020; Requena et al.,
2014) such as lower-limb joint strength and the ability to rap-
idly generate force, may play an important role in leg-spring
stiness regulation. is study aimed to investigate the rela-
tionship between isokinetic knee and ankle joint peak torque
(PT). Especially maximal strength in lower limb muscle is con-
sidered a fundamental determinant in high-intensity actions
such as linear and change-of-direction (COD) sprint as well
as standing long jump (SLJ) and vertical jump (Keiner et al.,
2020; Möck et al., 2018, 2019). Eects of 10 months of speed,
functional, and traditional strength training on strength, linear
sprint, change of direction, and jump performance in trained
adolescent soccer players. In basketball a high ratio of high
intensity jumping and sprinting is required (Abdelkrim et al.,
2007; Stojanovic et al., 2018). Players spent 8.8% (1%. Within a
single game, basketball players are reported to change activity
up to 3000 times. ese athletes also show the highest frequen-
cy of lateral movements (up to 450 per game) in team sports
(Taylor et al., 2017; Vázquez-Guerrero et al., 2019), while also
performing more than 50 maximal jumps per game (Taylor et
al., 2017). Consequently, vertical jump performance tests such
as countermovement (CMJ) and squat jumps (SJ) are a vital
Konstantin Warneke
Leuphana University, Institute for Exercise, Sport and Health, Universitätsallee 1, Lüneburg
4 Sport Mont 20 (2022) 2
component of most performance diagnostics in basketball
(Delextrat & Cohen, 2008, 2009). On average, players demon-
strating high level vertical jump performance will be picked
earlier in the yearly NBA dra (Cui et al., 2019).
From this, measuring maximal strength plays an important
role in monitoring batteries to investigate performance level. To
investigate an athlete’s performance, maximal strength testing
is commonly used under isometric and dynamic conditions.
While some authors point out a higher transferability of 1RM
testing to the sport specic tasks such as jumping and sprinting,
there are also several advantages listed for maximal isometric
strength tests e.g. standardization of testing conditions (Lum et
al., 2020; Lynch et al., 2021), minimizing risk of injuries (Lynch
et al., 2021) and time economics (Mcguigan et al., 2010). While
the inuence of maximal isometric strength in the squat and
isometric mid-thigh pull is well investigated, the literature
search did not yield studies investigating maximal isometric
strength in the plantar exors on jumping height. Because there
is a correlation of r=0.35 between 1RM testing in standing calf
raise and jumping performance as well as correlations of r=-
0.23-0.52 in standing calf raise and sprinting performance with
distances covered up to 30m (Möck et al., 2019), inclusion of
plantar exors in sport specic tasks in basketball can be as-
sumed. Keiner et al. (2021) as well as Möck et al., (2019) inves-
tigated the inuence of calf muscle strength on jumping and
sprinting performance with extended knee joint. Arampatzis
et al. (2006) and Signorile et al. (2002) point out dierences in
involved muscle in plantar exion dependent on knee joint an-
gle, but, to the best of the authors knowledge, no studies could
be found investigating the inuence of maximal strength of the
plantar exors in bended knee joint on jumping performance.
Bilateral as well as unilateral muscle contractions can be
assumed in basketball. Since task familiarity plays a crucial
role in the extent of the bilateral force decit and no studies
could also be determined investigating the bilateral force de-
cit in basketball players, present study will examine level of
variance between bilateral strength measurement and cumu-
lated values of unilateral strength measurement (Skarabot et
al., 2016). Van Dieën et al. (2003) determined an overall decit
of the bilateral knee extension of about 7%.
Jumping ability is of high relevance in basketball but there
is lacking evidence regarding maximal strength measured un-
der isometric conditions in the plantar exors. erefore, the
aim of this study was to investigate correlations between max-
imal isometric strength in the plantar exors with a bended
knee joint on jumping performance, which is tested with the
CMJ and SJ. Furthermore, since Skarabot et al. (2016) point
out a potential inuence of the bilateral force decit on ath-
letic performance, the presence as well as the inuence of the
bilateral force decit in the plantar exors on jumping perfor-
mance is examined. Based on the literature, it can be hypoth-
esized that there are moderate correlations between maximal
strength in the calf muscle and jumping performance and,
based on familiarity of basketball players with bilateral and
unilateral contractions, little inuence of bilateral force decit.
e aim of this investigation was to examine the correla-
tion between maximum isometric strength of the calf muscle
and jumping performance measured via CMJ and SJ in elite
youth basketball players. One week before testing, a familiar-
ization session was performed to minimize learning eects.
For the study 37 male high-level youth basketball play-
ers (age: 13.9±1.8 years with a range of 13-16 years; weight:
66.4±16.8 kg; height: 179.21±13.24 cm) were recruited from
a German rst league basketball club being part of U16
rst national league or U14 league. All athletes have been
involved in organized basketball training and competition
since childhood and perform athletic and team training at
least three times per week and were familiar with testing
conditions. Also, all players did not conduct any physical-
ly demanding activities within the 48 hours before testing
and were injury free for at least six months. Each participant
and his parents were informed about the experimental risks
involved with the research. All participants and their par-
ents provided written informed consent to participate in the
present study. Furthermore, this study was approved by the
institutional review board (Carl von Ossietzky University
Oldenburg, No. Drs.EK/2022/026-01). e study was per-
formed with human participants in accordance with the
Helsinki Declaration.
Testing procedure
Before testing started, the subjects performed a standard-
ized warm up routine containing six linear runs of 15 meters
each with progressive increased intensity. During the last
three sideline-to-sideline runs, subjects performed ten repe-
titions of deep bodyweight squats when reaching the sideline.
Subsequently, participants performed three sets of three squat
jumps. e testing procedure contained CMJ, SJ and isometric
maximal strength in seated calf raise with bended knees (90°)
for both unilateral and bilateral testing. All participants had
prior experience with performance diagnostics and the exer-
cises as well as the measuring devices used.
Countermovement Jump
e force plate used to measure vertical jumping perfor-
mance in this study had a surface area of 50x60 cm. e force
transducer (company AST, Leipzig, model KAC) measures the
vertical reaction forces. e strain gauges cover a measure-
ment range of ± 5000N. e analog signals are amplied and
subsequently converted by a 13-bit A-D converter. e spe-
cialized soware (Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg,
Germany) displays the force-time curves.
Subjects positioned themselves on the force-measuring
plate with feet shoulder width apart with hands placed on
the hips and an upright body meaning knee and hips fully
extended. Participants were instructed to quickly descend to
a self-selected depth and initiate the concentric phase with
maximal-explosive eort to reach maximal height. During the
ight and landing phase subjects had to keep their knees and
hips fully extended, hands on their hips as well as toes ele-
vated. CMJ height was determined via ight time. All partici-
pants had three attempts to reach maximal CMJ height with a
break of one minute in between attempts.
Squat Jump
Subjects had to start from 90° knee joint angle and jump
as high as possible without a countermovement. Subjects were
instructed to remain motionless in this position until the start-
ing signal was given. Equal to the CMJ, participants had to
keep their knees and hips fully extended during the ight and
landing phases as well as their hands on hips and toes elevat-
Sport Mont 20 (2022) 2 5
ed. For both jumps, height was determined via ight time us-
ing the force plate. All participants had three attempts with
one-minute breaks in-between.
Maximal isometric strength in seated calf raise
To determine the isometric maximum strength in the
seated calf raise, a standard seated calf raise machine was
modied with small force plates on each of the footrests.
Another soware was used to display the force-time curves
and calculate the MSt values. Subjects were placed on the
seated calf raise machine with their knees and ankles in 90°
positions and forefoot placed on the force plates. Subjects’
knees were tightly xed in place without any play by clamping
a pad on top of their lower thighs. Participants were instruct-
ed to perform a maximal plantar exion against the padding
on top of their lower thighs aer receiving an acoustic signal.
Maximal isometric strength was held for three seconds. In-
between attempts subjects rested for one minute. Each sub-
ject was tested until no further increases could be obtained.
erefore, maximal isometric strength in the plantar exion
was assessed in bilateral and unilateral plantarexion with
bended knee joint. All participants conducted at least ve
Statistical analysis
e data were analyzed using SPSS 28.0. (IBM, IBM Corp.,
Armonk, New York, USA). e signicance level for all sta-
tistical tests was set at <0.05. e descriptive statistics for all
measures are presented as the mean (M) ± standard deviation
(SD) with 95% CI. Reliability analyses were performed for
test bests and the tests second best value using the Intraclass
Correlation Coecient (ICC) with 95% condence inter-
val (CI), the correlation coecient (r) and the coecient of
variance (CV). Furthermore, a bivariate one-tailed Pearson
correlation analysis was used to assess the relationship be-
tween maximal strength in the plantar exors with 90° knee
joint angle and CMJ and SJ height. To determine signicant
dierences in the correlation coecients between subgroups
(dierent ages), the data were z’-transformed according to the
Fisher method. e signicant dierence was calculated by the
dierence of the two transformed values aer standardization
(). Benjamini and Hochberg’s method was used to
control the study wise false discovery rate to be 0.05 (Ferreira
& Zwinderman, 2006)
To investigate the bilateral strength decit, the maximal
isometric strength measured in unilateral testing was cu-
mulated and compared with the bilateral maximal strength
test values. Comparison was performed by Bland-Altman
Analysis and shown in a Plot, which is illustrated with “R”.
Furthermore, we performed Bland Altman analysis to show
level of variance between SJ and CMJ. Correlations were an-
alyzed via SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics Version 28, IBM Corp.,
Armonk, New York, USA). Level of signicance for all tests
was set to p<0.005. Relationships were classied as follows: 0
= no correlation, 0<r<0.2 = very low correlation, 0.4<r<0.6=-
moderate correlation, 0.6<0.8=high correlation, 0.8<r<1 =
very high correlation (Cohen, 1988).Variance Exploration (r²)
was determined to clarify the inuence of maximal strength
in the plantar exors on jumping performance. To examine
the bilateral force decit, variances between bilateral measure-
ment and cumulated strength maximum for both unilateral
measurements were compared with Bland-Altman-Analysis
to show deviations between methods and to investigate
agreement between both methods (Bland & Altmann, 1986).
Mean absolute error (MAE) as well as Mean absolute per-
centage error (MAPE) are calculated with and
Testing for normal distribution using Shapiro-Wilk test
shows that requirements for Pearson’s product-moment cor-
relation are fullled. ICC with 95% CIs, CV and correlations
for the performance tests are listed in table 1.
Table 1: Reliability of used test items
ICC (95%-CI) CV
MSt 0.997 (0.995-0.998) 1.0±0.6% (0.8-1.18)
CMJ 0.988 (0.97-0.995) 1.6±0.9% (1.24-1.99)
SJ 0.967 (0.92-0.987) 1.9±1.5% (1.32-2.63)
With ICCs between 0.967 and 0.997 a good reliability can
be assumed for maximal isometric strength measurements
(Shrout & Fleiss, 1979). Table 2 shows descriptive statistics of
measured values. Since the correlation coecients age sub-
groups did not dier signicantly, the correlations coecients
presented correspond to the entire group.
Table 2: Descriptive data for CMJ, SJ and SCR
M±SD (95%CI) Minimum Maximum
MSt (in N) 2231.97±650.94 (2048.85-2456.38) 979 3649
MStR (in N) 1096.88±303.86 (997.38-1192.27) 509.77 1672.66
MStL (in N) 1049.56±300.12 (948.74-1144.3 458.13 1656.33
MStLR (in N) 2146.44±599.24 (1947.79-2333.15) 991.77 3312.98
CMJ (in cm) 34.88±6.89 (32.84-37.26) 22.7 50.00
SJ (in cm) 31.32 ±5.3 (29.67-33.34) 23.3 45.0
MSt-maximal isometric strength in bilateral measurement; MStRL-maximal isometric strength, cumulated value from right and left
leg; MStR-maximal isometric strength in the right leg; MStL-maximal isometric strength in the left leg; CMJ-jumping height in counter
movement jump; SJ-jumping height with the squat jump.
6 Sport Mont 20 (2022) 2
ere are correlation coecients between maximal iso-
metric strength in the plantar exors in bended knee joint
and CMJ with r=0.52 (0.23-0.72) and r²=27.04%, and SJ with
r= 0.54 (0.26-0.73) and r²=29.16%. Figure 1 and 2 showing
correlations between bilateral MST and cumulated unliateral
strength measurement and jumping performance to compare
results and illustrate the bilateral strength decit. erefore,
in Figure 3 results of Bland Altman Analysis are plotted to de-
termine level of variance with 95%CI of about -200N to 400N.
Bland Altman analysis shows a dierence between both meth-
ods (Mean Error (ME)) of 85.53N corresponds to 4.45% and
MAE=142.73, and a MAPE=6.33 %.
FIGURE 1: Scatterplot with linear trend line of countermovement jump with maximal strength measured bilateral (r= 0.52 [CI95%: 0.23-0.72]) and
maximal strength measured with cumulated unilateral measurements (r=0.54 [CI95%:0.26-0.73])
Note MSt= maximal isometric strength in bilateral measurement, MStRL=maximal isometric strength, cumulated value from right and left leg,
CMJ= jumping height with the counter movement jump.
FIGURE 2: Scatterplot with linear trend line of squat jump with maximal strength measured bilateral (r= 0.54 [CI95%: 0.26-0.74]) and maximal
strength measured with cumulated unilateral measurements (r=0.52 [CI95%:23-0.72])
Note MSt= maximal isometric strength in bilateral measurement, MStRL=maximal isometric strength, cumulated value from right and left leg,
CMJ= jumping height with the squat jump
FIGURE 3: Bland Altman Plot for bilateral maximal strength measurement in the plantar
exion and cumulated unilateral maximal strength measurement
Sport Mont 20 (2022) 2 7
e aim of the present study was to investigate the inu-
ence of maximal isometric strength in the plantar exors with
bended knee joint angle on jumping performance in CMJ and
SJ in youth elite basketball players. Bland Altman Plot shows
a variance with 95%CI of about -200 to +400N around the
mean value with a mean dierence between both methods of
about 100N corresponding to 4.45% and MAE=142.73, and a
MAPE=6.325 %
While the inuence of multi joint exercises such as the
squat on jumping performance is investigated in many sports,
only few studies examined the inuence of maximal strength
in the calf muscle on jumping (Keiner et al., 2021) or sprint-
ing performance (Möck et al., 2019). However, these studies
investigated the inuence of 1RM in standing calf raise. Since
Arampatzis et al. (2006) and Signorile et al. (2002) showed dif-
ference between focusing muscle groups in the triceps surae
while performing a plantar exion dependent on knee joint
angle, investigating the inuence of calf muscle strength in
dierent knee joint angles is relevant. It can be assumed that
there is higher impact of the gastrocnemius to the power out-
put when performing plantar exion with extended knee joint,
while there is more inuence of the soleus in bended knee joint
position. is is the rst investigation pointing out the inu-
ence of isometric maximal strength with bended knee joint on
jumping performance. us, it seems there is an inuence of
the triceps surae on sprinting (Möck et al., 2019) as well as on
jumping performance (Keiner et al., 2021), independently of
the knee angle. Since in SJ and CMJ a high inuence of the
quadriceps on strength production can be assumed, it is not
surprising that correlations between maximal strength mea-
sured in the squat with r= 0.78 (Wislø et al., 2004) and r=0.76
(Comfort et al., 2014) are higher than determined correlation
in the present study, but there is still a moderate inuence of
the calf muscle in jumping and sprinting movements.
When performing bilateral movements, dependent on
trainings status and commonly used training method, a bilat-
eral force decit can be assumed (Jakobi & Chilibeck, 2001;
Skarabot et al., 2016). In basketball, both unilateral as well as
bilateral jumping movements are commonly implemented
in conditioning training (Arede et al., 2019), e.g. using bar-
bell squats and unilateral strength exercises. erefore, Bland
Altman plot as well as Pearson correlations were performed
for the bilateral measurement as well as the cumulated uni-
lateral strength measurement. With r=0.52-0.54 and variance
plotted in the Bland Altman plot in Figure 3 it can be hypoth-
esized that the bilateral force decit is not consistent in the
measured population but comparable with previous studies
determining bilateral force decit in dierent muscle groups
(Van Dieën et al., 2003). e present results show only little
inuence of bilateral force decit in plantar exors on jumping
performance in basketball players.
e study is limited as Murphy & Wilson (1996) elec-
tro-myography data were collected from the triceps brachii
and pectoralis major muscles to compare underlying neural
characteristics between the isometric tests and dynamic move-
ment. A group of 24 healthy male subjects performed two iso-
metric tests in a bench press position, at elbow angles of 90-
120%. From these data, the maximal force and rate of force
development were determined. In addition, each subject per-
formed a seated medicine ball throw as a measure of dynamic
upper body performance. Correlations showed that isometric
measurements of force (r =0.47-0.55 point out poor correla-
tions between isometric and dynamic maximal strength test-
ing. us, there may be some limitations in comparability
between maximal isometric strength measured in the present
study and maximal dynamic strength, e.g. evaluated by Möck
et al. (2019) and Keiner et al. (2021). Assuming that there is
higher transfer of 1RM testing because of higher agreement in
central nervous aspects with athletic performance as jumping
and sprinting, the correlations of this study may be underesti-
mated. Another limitation is the age range, although the sub-
group analysis makes it possible to consider the entire group.
Analyzed data show an inuence of maximal strength of
the plantar exors on jumping performance with r²=29.16%
for the SJ and 27.04% for the CMJ in male high-level youth bas-
ketball players. From this, longitudinal studies to investigate
the eects of isolated calf muscle strength training on jumping
performance are requested to investigate whether an isolated
strength training for the plantar exors should be implement-
ed in athletic training in basketball. Furthermore, attention
should be paid to testing design (unilateral vs bilateral testing
conditions) when the aim of the study is to examine maximum
strength. Especially when monitoring performance in diagnos-
tic in competitive sports, there is a need for valid, reliable and
especially precise assessments, where ME between both meth-
ods of 100N corresponding to 4.45% and MAE=142.73, and a
MAPE=6.33% with expected spread of the values between -200
to +400N in between of 95%CI seems not to be useful. From
this, bilateral force decit must be considered.
There are no acknowledgments.
Conict of Interest
The author declares that there is no conict of interest.
Received: 26 April 2022 | Accepted: 27 May 2022 | Published: 01 June 2022
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