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The Malay Archipelago. The Land of the Orang-Utan and the Bird of Paradise. A Narrative of travel with studies of man and nature

138 Bibliografia
a~ in1p]icações simbólicas do último tipo, n1uitas vezes acompanhado de palavras ou
cant o~, representando freqüentemente pessoas, incidentes ou objetos relacionados con1
religiã o, mitologia e magia. "These facts are interesting and suggest that we havc here
to do ,vith some syn1bolism tl1at has in course of time become obscureci. On the other
hand, it may merely· be a pastin1e, and the figt1res and designs may be nothing more than
cast iaJ illustrations of mythology, as they are of innumerable natural objects''.
A autora apresenta 97 exemplos de "cat's-cradles", ilustra com desenhos claros e bem
rcpre sentati, ,os os v·ários movin1entos necessários para a obtenção da figura final, regis-
tra11do ainda a procedência e denominação nativ·a das figuras e, sempre que possível, o
nor ne e signific,1do dos movimentos. As dificuldades de coleta do material provà, ,elmente
não J.1'ermitiran1 estabelecer as ocasiõ es em que tais "jogos '' são realizados, o que seria
de gr~ nd e int csse . O trabalho é farta1nente docun1entado do ponto de vista bibliográfico
e oferece bons subsídios para estudos do simbolismo entre sociedades tribais.
T hekla H a.rt111,a1i1i
.-\.LF'RE D RUSSEL v\l.i\.LLACE: 1'he M alay 1trcJ1.ipelago. T !te La, z(l of llr.e Ora 1ig-
U ta1i anel t}ze Bird of Paradise. A Narrative oj Travel ivit }z St1tdies of .A,fan
and Nat11re. XVII+ 515 págs., 51 ilustr., 10 mapas. Dover Publicati<)ns,
Inc. Nova Iorque, 1962. (Preço: US$ 2.00).
As excursões de vVallace pelo Arquipélago Malaio e11tre 1854 e 18ó2 inscrev·em-se
entr e 2s n1ais notáveis emprêsas das ciências naturais no século passado. O sábio regr es-
sou à pát ria com uma coleção de 125. 660 espécimes de animais, mormente ins etos, muito5
dos qliais até en tão desconhecidos. Dezenas de trabalhos sôbre êsse material aparecer:tm
cm rev istas espec ializada s . ,1\. ma gnífica descrição da viagem, entremeada de observações
científicas e destinada a um público m e11os restrito, foi rec ebida com vivo i11terêssc,
alcança ndo sucessivas edições, ql1e se esgotavan1 em pouco tempo. A viagen1 coi11cidiu
com a éJJoca em qu e o autor conceb eu a teoria da seleção 11atural , que indl1ziu Dar\vin
a ciar a co11hecer a sua grande obra sôb re a origem das espécies, baseada 11a rnesma
idéia fLrndamental. Para o leitor de nossos dias int eressado na história do pensan1ento
cient ífico, o fa1noso livro de Wallace assume significação especial na medida e111 qu e a
a1-1rcscntaçã <J dos dados ultrapas sa o nív el si1nplesn1ente descritivo, sugeri11do, en1bora
períu ntor ia111ente , o alcanc e teórico entr ev isto pelo autor. O a11tropólogo encontr a aí
r)ág inas brilh a11tes, ricas em observaçõ es concretas sôb re o asp ecto físico, a cL1ltt1ra 1na-
tcria 1, 3. \1ida eco11ôm ica e os costumes de uma rie de tribos nativas de tôda a ár ea.
H:á, 1;1clusi\1e, considerações de filosofia social e cultural. U1n caJJÍtulo final sôbre as
raç as do arq uipéla go malaio traz co1no remat e acerbas notas críticas sôbre a civiliz arão
eur oJia, idéias que contrast am com a euforia geral reinante no sécu lo dezeno, .re face às
con ouistas técnica s e int elect uais da época.
Com a reedi ção de ssa clássica narrativa de viagen1, num voli1n1e bem irnpres so e
ba rat, ., a Dov er Publication s prestou apreciável serviço aos est udioso s, especialmente à
ju ventude u11iversitária. Esta precisa ter acesso mais fácil aos textos representati vos do
pcrÍ<)do em c1ue se lançara.m os f undan1entos da ciê11cia 1noderr1a.
l/go1-1 . Schaden
... Walau bagaimanapun, ungkapan ini adalah merujuk pulau Jawa (Batavia, Ternate dan Surabaya), India, Jepun, Rangoon (Myanmar), Siam dan tempat-tempat lain, bukannya Malaysia. Misalnya, pada pertengahan abad ke-19 Wallace (1902) mencatatkan kekagumannya terhadap Batavia: "I went by coach to Buitenzorg, forty miles inland and about a thousand feet above the sea, celebrated for its delicious climate and its Botanical Gardens. The walks were all of loose pebbles, making any lengthened wanderings about them very tiring and painful under a tropical sun. ...
... The walks were all of loose pebbles, making any lengthened wanderings about them very tiring and painful under a tropical sun. The gardens are no doubt wonderfully rich in tropical and especially in Malayan plants" (Wallace, 1902). ...
... Sebaliknya, di Jawa sejak pertengahan abad ke-19 lagi sudah terdapat hotel di bahagian pedalamannya yang dibuka semata-mata kerana adanya daya tarikan. Misalnya, Wallace (1902)-tokoh yang sangat masyhur kerana dikatakan individu yang mengungkapkan istilah "Kepulauan Melayu" (the Malay Archipelago) dan tersohor sebagai pengutip bahan-bahan untuk membantu Charles Darwin membina "Teori Evolusi" yang tersohor itu-dengan lunak menginap di beberapa buah hotel di Jawa dan Singapura. ...
Pelancongan-budaya di Malaysia boleh dikategorikan kepada dua iaitu penawaran dan permintaan. Dalam penawaran, ianya boleh didefinisikan sebagai pelancongan yang dicirikan oleh penawaran restoran atau kedai makan, pusat-pusat tarikan pelancong dan institusi budaya, dan pembuatan dan penjualan cenderamata. Manakala permintaan pula, ianya dapat didefinisikan sebagai pelancongan yang dicirikan oleh kecenderungan untuk “keseronokan, kebudayaan, agama, melawat kawan atau saudara-mara, pengajian atau penyelidikan, dan apa-apa maksud lain yang tidak berhubungan dengan suatu pekerjaan yang mendapat saraan daripada tempat dilawati itu.” Kajian ini mengupas lebih terperinci dan mendalam tentang pelancongan budaya yang amat menitik-beratkan tentang kraf, batik, makanan, seni persembahan, seni bina, dan pesta, yang juga menjadi penting dalam penjanaan ekonomi kepada negara.
... Bab 2 ("Adakah Bahasa Menentukan Fikiran Manusia?", Bab 3 ("Metafora Melayu sebagai Cerminan Akal Melayu", dan Bab 4 ("Epistemologi Melayu") benar-benar berjerait/berameng dengan makalah ini dan akan diperkatakan lagi kemudian, khas apabila dibicarakan beberapa perkara hubungan bahasa dengan ilmu yang dipetik dalam buku penulis ini yang rujukan spesifiknya akan dinayatakan pada tempat-tempat yang berkenaan nanti. Wallace (1869), bersama pembantu penyelidik yang disanjunginya, Burhan Ali (dikenali sebagai Ali dan Ali Wallace sempena nama sarjana Inggeris Wallace yang menjadi tuannya itu), yang dikatakan berjaya memungut lebih drp 120 ribu spesimen flora dan fauna. Wallace-lah yang memperkenalkan istilahnya yang terkenal, Malay Archipelago (kemudian diterjemah kepada Kepualauan Melayu itu) menerusi judul buku laris jualannya hingga kini yang berupa rakaman umum kajiannya dengan judul penuhnya The Malay Archipelago: The land of the orang-utan, and the bird of paradise. ...
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Bahasa sudah lama dibuktikan juga sebagai pembawa nilai, gagasan dan konsep bahkan pencetus ilmu yang bitara bagi sesuatu bangsa seperti yang tersirat dalam teori bahasa oleh von Hamboldt (1835), Whorf (1940) dan Sapir (1949) dalam kemanusiaan dan dibuktikan berlakunya dalam sains oleh Cisserer (1942). Namun, sehingga kini pun bahasa masih terkenal dan dipercayai, terutamanya rata-rata oleh bangsa-bangsa yang terpasung seperti bangsa berbahasa Melayu, sebagai hanya wahana pasif maklumat atau pengetahuan sahaja. Sebahagian daripada puncanya begini jadinya adalah kerana adanya ilmu asli dalam bahasa Melayu, terutamanya sains dan matematik belum diketahui umum walaupun Hassan (2003, 2016) cuba menunjukkan hal kejadian itu sebaliknya berlaku dalam bahasa melayu klasik dalam bidang sastera tetapi kurang meyakinkan dan shaharir (2014a) ada memberi contoh-contoh adanya sains dan matematik dalam bahasa melayu lama dan baharu tetapi tiada juga cukupnya penonjolan kebitaraannya sains dan matematik itu berbanding dengan dalam bahasa Inggeris umpamnya. Di sini hal keaslian dan kebitaraan ilmu khasnya sains matematik dalam bahasa Melayu ditonjolkan sehingga kini diharapkan bolehlah dikatakan bahasa Melayu juga sumber ilmu yang bitara.
... Le rôle de l'archipel indoné sien ( Fig. 1) dans la connaissance de l'histoire ancienne de l'humanité a é té reconnu dè s l'é mergence des recherches sur l'é volution et la biogé ographie. Les travaux fondateurs de Darwin (1859) et Wallace (1869) ont notamment é té à l'origine des recherches que mena E. Dubois à Sumatra et à Java, qui devaient permettre la dé couverte du premier fossile d'Homo erectus (Dubois, 1894). ...
... Despite the good reasons for being cautious about applying the theory of island biogeography to human beings, the basic principles are validated in terms of the large-scale biogeographic zones of plants and animals in the Pacific (Figure 1.2). Approximately during the same time when Charles Darwin found the Galapagos Islands useful as places to observe the speciation of finches (Darwin 1839(Darwin , 1845(Darwin , 1859, Alfred Russell Wallace made similar observations about the geographic distributions of animals in the islands of the Indo-Malay Archipelago (Wallace 1869(Wallace , 1870. Today, the "Wallace Line" or "Wallace's Line" marks the divide between two general biogeographic regions, noting animals of Asian origin to the northwest versus others of Australian origin to the southeast. ...
... Island systems have long fascinated scientists: Research on island diversity has advanced our understanding of key evolutionary and ecological processes (Darwin, 1859;Wallace, 1869;Warren et al., 2015). The seminal theory of island biogeography explained island species diversity as a dynamic balance between immigration and extinction processes (MacArthur & Wilson, 1967). ...
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Aim Artificial island habitats such as human‐made wetlands are emerging novel ecosystems. Understanding the drivers of diversity in such artificial systems is essential for balancing the goals of biodiversity conservation and human socio‐economic needs. Location Telangana state, India. Methods We surveyed water birds in a network of 57 artificial wetlands and assessed four macroecological biodiversity patterns: spatial betadiversity, temporal betadiversity, species‐abundance distributions (SADs), and the species–area relationship (SAR). We employed a mix of phenomenological and mechanistic models to examine the four macroecological patterns. We hypothesized that the wetland bird communities are primarily structured by immigration–extinction dynamics and thus that spatial and temporal betadiversity would be high, the within‐wetland SADs would exhibit a large number of rare species and a monotonically declining overall shape, and that the SAR across wetlands would be strongly increasing. Results Spatial and temporal betadiversity were both high and mostly attributable to turnover rather than nestedness. While the pooled SAD exhibited an interior mode, the SAD for individual wetlands was generally log‐series distributed, consistent with a model in which immigration among wetlands is high. The SAR exhibited an increasing trend, with the ‘small‐island effect’, which reflects constraints on immigration and is often observed for true island archipelagos, being absent. Main Conclusions We tentatively conclude that bird diversity in this network of artificial wetlands is mainly structured by immigration–extinction dynamics, although we acknowledge that some of the patterns are also consistent with niche dynamics and future research should measure relevant biotic and abiotic variables in these wetlands. We encourage future work in which our rich dataset is used to fit dynamic models that permit more‐detailed quantitative inferences about mechanisms structuring diversity in this novel ecosystem, which can ultimately also inform conservation management.
... Sexual selection is responsible for producing some of the most spectacular traits in the animal world [1,2]. Iconic examples include the elaborate dance behaviour that birds of paradise use to court mates [3], or the flashy red dewlaps that Anolis lizards extend to fight off rival males during territorial interactions [4]. Yet, sexual selection for these traits seldom proceeds unencumbered. ...
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Sexual selection drives the evolution of many spectacular animal displays that we see in nature. Yet, how selection combines and elaborates different signal traits remains unclear. Here, we investigate this issue by testing for correlated evolution between head plumage colour and drumming behaviour in woodpeckers. These signals function in the context of mate choice and male–male competition, and they may appear to a receiver as a single multimodal display. We test for such correlations in males of 132 species using phylogenetic linear models, while considering the effect of habitat. We find that the plumage chromatic contrast is positively correlated with the speed of the drum, supporting the idea that species evolving more conspicuous plumage on their head also evolve faster drum displays. By contrast, we do not find evidence of correlated evolution between drum speed and head colour diversity, size of the head's red patch, or extent of the plumage achromatic contrast. Drum length was not correlated with any of the plumage coloration metrics. Lastly, we find no evidence that habitat acts as a strong selective force driving the evolution of head coloration or drumming elaboration. Coevolution between different signal modalities is therefore complex, and probably depends on the display components in question.
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Pada 2016 Presiden Joko Widodo meminta Menteri Pariwisata Arief Yahya mempercepat pertumbuhan sektor wisata dengan mengoptimalkan sepuluh destinasi pariwisata prioritas sebagai ‘Bali baru’ ( diakses 19 Januari 2023). Dari sepuluh destinasi prioritas tersebut, tujuh di antaranya adalah kawasan yang memiliki potensi wisata bahari. Kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia terhadap destinasi pariwisata berubah pada November 2017. Percepatan pengembangan difokuskan pada empat destinasi dari sepuluh destinasi ‘Bali baru’. Mandalika dan Wakatobi masih masuk di antara empat destinasi (bersama Borobudur dan Danau Toba) yang menjadi prioritas ( diakses 19 Januari 2023). Hal ini memperlihatkan bahwa meskipun ada perubahan fokus destinasi prioritas, wisata bahari tetap diperhitungkan. Mengingat praktik pariwisata modern (baca: diatur) di Indonesia muncul pada masa Hindia-Belanda, ketika dibentuk Vereeniging Toeristenverkeer (VTV)- perhimpunan turisme pada 1908 di Batavia (Sunjayadi, 2019), bagaimana dengan wisata bahari Indonesia pada masa itu? apakah pada masa itu sudah ada ‘wisata bahari’? Artikel ini menelusuri jejak praktik awal ‘wisata bahari’, terutama jenis ‘wisata bahari’ pada masa Hindia-Belanda sebelum kegiatan pariwisata diatur pemerintah.
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The ability to manipulate objects with limbs has evolved repeatedly among land tetrapods. Several selective forces have been proposed to explain the emergence of forelimb manipulation, however, work has been largely restricted to mammals, which prevents the testing of evolutionary hypotheses in a comprehensive evolutionary framework. In birds, forelimbs have gained the exclusive function of flight, with grasping transferred predominantly to the beak. In some birds, the feet are also used in manipulative tasks and appear to share some features with manual grasping and prehension in mammals, but this has not been systematically investigated. Here we use large online repositories of photographs and videos to quantify foot manipulative skills across a large sample of bird species (>1000 species). Our results show that a complex interaction between niche, diet, and phylogeny drives the evolution of manipulative skills with the feet in birds. Furthermore, we strongly support the proposition that an arboreal niche is a key element in the evolution of manipulation in land vertebrates. Our systematic comparison of foot use in birds provides a solid base for understanding morphological and neural adaptations for foot use in birds and for studying the convergent evolution of manipulative skills in birds and mammals.
Five-hundred years ago, Europeans finally “discovered” Malay, the undisputed language of Southeast Asian commerce and diplomacy of that time. In this chapter, we look into the role of Malay in the early modern era so we can understand the processes that have contributed to its continued diffusion and diversification in this century. We look at the spread of Malay, not by mass migration, but through language convergence and language shift. Malay, whether a national language (named Malay and Indonesian) or a local dialect spoken by a small ethnic minority, is one of the world’s major languages. Its geographic and demographic expansion can be linked to numerous factors, among them: language shift as a component of broader cultural change; consolidation of diverse ethnicities; immigrant accommodation to the majority population; and early use in national educational systems. But the underlying basis and strength of Malay is its centuries old geographic and societal diffusion. On the one hand, its national-language status has triggered the significant growth we are witnessing now. On the other hand, the creativity of its speakers using diverse social and regional dialects sustains that growth, reflected in its large profile in today’s electronic media, such as Facebook.
Les nouvelles coloniales de Kipling et de Maugham mettent en scène, respectivement, la société anglo-indienne à l’époque du Raj et la vie dans les colonies anglaise et hollandaise des îles d’Asie du sud-est durant l’entre-deux-guerres. Malgré ces spécificités contextuelles et l’écart temporel entre les époques auxquelles les deux auteurs écrivent leurs nouvelles, ces dernières sont invariablement traversées par le motif d’une colonisation pensée comme crise. Or le genre de la nouvelle porte formellement l’idée de crise. En utilisant le rapprochement opéré par les études postcoloniales entre modernité et colonisation comme paradigme de lecture, cette thèse montre comment la nouvelle peut opérer une prise spécifique sur ce rapport et se révéler lieu de trouble. Dans le cadre de cette réflexion sur la propension de ce genre à déstabiliser la modernité politico-philosophique et les idéologies qu’elle charrie – la promotion de la raison, du savoir, du progrès – il apparaît que les nouvelles de Kipling et de Maugham opèrent selon des modalités différentes. Celles de Kipling interrogent poétiquement le politique et la modernité tels qu’ils apparaissent dans leur spécificité coloniale par le biais d’une écriture qui opère depuis les marges, ce par un double décalage par rapport au roman domestique. Le fait même de prendre pour objet la société coloniale, elle-même située sur les marges de la société métropolitaine anglaise, s’inscrit en effet dans une écriture du décentrement. Les nouvelles de Maugham s’énoncent elles aussi depuis certaines marges mais s’inscrivent davantage dans un constat général du déclin de la civilisation européenne durant l’entre-deux-guerres et dans une réflexion sur la situation de l’écrivain face à divers centres, sources d’autorité et de savoir. Le trouble que produit la nouvelle est donc certes lié au statut de « voix solitaire » de cette dernière mais surtout à sa position de marginalité.
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