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The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted as reference and universal guidepost for transitioning to Sustainable Development by the United Nations in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, are intended to be used as a set of interconnected goals and global targets for ‘Transforming our world’, as the 2030 Agenda is titled. This is a far more challenging task than business as usual; it requires systems thinking for understanding the conditions that generate and propagate sustainability challenges, moving away from the reductionist and anthropocentric thinking that created them in the first place. Taking a systems approach to addressing these challenges has been gaining currency with academics and policymakers alike, and here we make the case for holistic, integrated, and interdisciplinary thinking that challenges assumptions and worldviews, crucially based on public participation and engagement, to create the enabling conditions for sustainability to emerge. System transformations require interconnected changes to technologies, social practices, business models, regulations and societal norms, an intentional process designed to fundamentally alter the components and structures that cause the system to behave in its current unsustainable ways, a paradigm shift enabling the transition to sustainability.
Global Environmental Change 75 (2022) 102544
Available online 31 May 2022
0959-3780/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Systems thinking as a paradigm shift for sustainability transformation
N. Voulvoulis
, T. Giakoumis, C. Hunt, V. Kioupi, N. Petrou, I. Souliotis, C. Vaghela,
WIH. binti Wan Rosely
Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted as reference and universal guidepost for transitioning to
Sustainable Development by the United Nations in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Develop-
ment, are intended to be used as a set of interconnected goals and global targets for ‘Transforming our world, as
the 2030 Agenda is titled. This is a far more challenging task than business as usual; it requires systems thinking
for understanding the conditions that generate and propagate sustainability challenges, moving away from the
reductionist and anthropocentric thinking that created them in the rst place. Taking a systems approach to
addressing these challenges has been gaining currency with academics and policymakers alike, and here we
make the case for holistic, integrated, and interdisciplinary thinking that challenges assumptions and world-
views, crucially based on public participation and engagement, to create the enabling conditions for sustain-
ability to emerge. System transformations require interconnected changes to technologies, social practices,
business models, regulations and societal norms, an intentional process designed to fundamentally alter the
components and structures that cause the system to behave in its current unsustainable ways, a paradigm shift
enabling the transition to sustainability.
1. Introduction
Sustainability challenges are immensely complex (EEA, 2019),
complicated and intricate problems, interlinked in processes of rapid,
dynamic change, creating unprecedented challenges that are funda-
mentally systemic (Ramos & Hynes, 2019). The 17 Sustainable Devel-
opment Goals (SDGs) introduced in 2015 as part of the UN 2030 Agenda
provide a useful normative framework to understand sustainability,
encompassing the vision of a Sustainable Society which is inclusive and
takes into account social, environmental and economic capital and has
the potential to attract public attention and inuence public sentiment
ak et al., 2018). The SDGs are integrated and indivisible, global in
nature and universally applicable. They call for deep transformations in
every country and yet there is a lack of shared understanding of how the
goals can be operationalized (Sachs et al., 2019). In this context, our
societies and economies need to transform from the current unsustain-
able state onto a sustainable and resilient path (Fig. 1), through an
integrative approach that addresses all 17 SDGs, building on their syn-
ergies and benets while alleviating their trade-offs (IIASA, 2018).
The continuous development and evolution of systems thinking in
the eld of policy and management (Funke, 2010) has seen
environmental policies across the world evolving from narrow, sectoral,
and little coordinated, or even overlapping and conicting, towards
more integrated decision-making (Fiksel et al., 2009; Bone et al, 2011;
Giakoumis & Voulvoulis, 2018a), with the idea of taking a systems
approach to addressing sustainability challenges gaining currency with
academics and policymakers alike (Mansoor and Williams, 2018;
Voulvoulis, 2012; Voulvoulis et al., 2017).
However, despite a prolic growth in environmental laws and
agencies worldwide over the last four decades - a 38-fold increase since
1972 - adverse environmental changes are continuing (Yadvinder et al.
2020), with the opportunity to avoid catastrophic outcomes in societies
around the world ‘rapidly closing. In the rst ever global assessment of
environmental rule of law (UNEP, 2019), failure to fully implement and
enforce these laws was shown to be one of the greatest challenges to
mitigating climate change, reducing pollution and preventing wide-
spread species and habitat loss. A few months earlier, the UNsInter-
governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) had urged rapid action to
transform the global economy at a speed and scale that has ‘no docu-
mented historic precedent(IPCC, 2018).
When governments do take action, the complexity of sustainability
challenges makes it impossible to predict how all actors and
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (N. Voulvoulis).
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Received 9 August 2021; Received in revised form 5 May 2022; Accepted 19 May 2022
Global Environmental Change 75 (2022) 102544
stakeholders will react, with even relatively simple regulatory in-
terventions often having unintended consequences. Severnini (2019),
for example, demonstrated how in the United States from 1998 to 2014,
restrictions on the development of hydroelectric projects aimed at pre-
serving ecosystems led to an increase in annual carbon dioxide emissions
of about 1,400 tons for each megawatt of fossil fuel power-generating
capacity replacing hydropower, which is a renewable, relatively low-
emitting source of energy. The opposite effect was seen when the
increasing inuence of climate change objectives led UK government
policy in 2001 to create incentives for people to switch to diesel cars,
based on the CO
advantage of diesel vehicles compared to petrol,
resulting in unintended and unlawful levels of air pollution (nitrogen
oxides and particulate matter emissions) in urban areas (ˇ
ski, 2017).
With several policies evaluating progress based on outcome in-
dicators, another limitation is captured by what has become known as
Goodharts law, when interventions are selected based on their antici-
pated effects on targets and not on delivering the benets they were
introduced for. For example, weight-based recycling targets in the UK,
have seen local authorities improving their performance by offering
mixed recycling collections to maximise the amount of waste collected
for recycling, but reducing the quality and value of materials recovered
due to contamination, -with whole loads being rejected at reprocessing
or sorting centres (Waste & Resources Action Programme, 2017), to the
detriment of material made available to producers for use into new
products; the main benet of recycling waste (Isenhour, 2010; Depart-
ment for Environment, 2019).
The current policy paradigm is also considered inadequate to address
global crises such as climate change, biodiversity depletion, land
degradation, deforestation and so forth (Biermann, 2021). Despite
substantial focus on sustainability issues in both science and politics,
humanity remains on largely unsustainable development trajectories
(Global Sustainable Development Report, 2019). Partly, this is due to the
failure of sustainability science to engage with the root causes of
unsustainability (Abson et al., 2017), and its reliance on an unrealistic
model for nature, where nature is perceived too simply, as a closely
integrated, self-regulating, complex system that works best when left
alone by humans (Laitos & Wolongevicz, 2014), a view not consistent
with its complex adaptive systems nature.
Most policies have been anthropocentric (Biermann, 2021),
-including those on environmental protection- in that their ultimate goal
is to protect and benet humans, considered more valuable than all
other organisms -as opposed to Ecocentrism which nds intrinsic value
in all of nature (Kopnina et al., 2018). Such a worldview of human
exceptionalism and superiority to nature is the basis of the notion that
humans are separate from nature, and ultimately not limited by plane-
tary boundaries (Laitos & Wolongevicz, 2014), which underpins the
optimism of those today who believe that human ingenuity and tech-
nology will ‘come to our rescue(Hickman & Banister, 2009). For
Techno-optimists, systems thinking could be just another ‘technology,
invention, a new approach to adopt, to deal with these challenges. But
how realistic is it to come up and implement these seemingly wondrous
inventions, and how easy is adopting systems thinking to change the
way we do things?
2. The challenge of putting systems thinking into practice
Competence in systems thinking is implicitly assumed among the
population of engineers, policy makers and managers and in fact, most
technical people will self-identify as systems thinkers. But systems
thinking competencies are not as prevalent as these assertions might
lead one to assume(Valerdi and Rouse, 2010). Research reveals that,
currently, education does not adequately develop systems thinking
competence in learners (Palmberg et al., 2017). According to Sterman
and Sweeney (2007), even well-educated people with strong back-
grounds in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
do not understand the basic elements of complex dynamic systems,
including feedback, stocks and ows, time delays, and nonlinearities.
Plous (1993) showed that simple, linear cause and effect relationships
were used by people to explain phenomena and often when participants
found an obvious cause they stopped the inquiry process. Time delays in
systems are also misunderstood and this can lead to the justication of
‘wait and seeattitudes that can exacerbate problems (Sterman, 2000;
Buehler et al., 2002; Faro et al., 2010). Systems thinking performance,
even among highly educated people, can be poor (Valerdi & Rouse,
2010). This has led some to refer to a ‘learning crisis(Ndaruhutse et al.,
2019), with several factors converging to challenge education policy-
makers to think in new ways about education provision, with systems
thinking competences higher up their agenda (Education Commission,
2016; World Bank; 2018; Lannon, 2018). While several authors suggest
that incorporating systems thinking in education can benet students to
acquire a more holistic view of sustainability challenges (Hofman-Ber-
gholm, 2018; ˇ
e & Pereira, 2021), in programmes where systems
thinking competences have been targeted, available evidence as to their
effectiveness is varied (Verhoeff et al., 2018; Evagorou et al., 2009).
This means that policy makers, not necessarily trained to look at
sustainability challenges holistically or from a systems perspective, may
perceive them through their own disciplinary lens, consequently
employing strategies that are isolated and narrowly focused. This
Fig. 1. The transformational process for the transition to a sustainable world through the achievement of the SDGs (adapted from IIASA, 2018).
N. Voulvoulis et al.
Global Environmental Change 75 (2022) 102544
hypothesis aligns with the current ‘environmental policyparadigm with
its inherent focus on narrow problem-solving that seems to deemphasise
questions of planetary justice and global democracy (Biermann, 2021),
and to favour instead sectoral solutions, often developed in silos, that
tend to maintain the status quo, missing opportunities for wide systemic
changes (Ramos and Hynes, 2019). Even well-intentioned legislation
aimed at prevention has been careless of potential alternative impacts
(Hunt et al., 2021).
Systems thinking does not exist as an off-the-shelf tool that can be
employed every time we face a complex sustainability challenge.
Instead, understanding how things truly work requires critical and
interdisciplinary thinking, the ability to consider multiple disciplinary
perspectives, analyse the strengths and weaknesses of those perspec-
tives, and integrate their insights to produce a new, more comprehensive
understanding of sustainability. By challenging existing assumptions
and potentially altering boundaries of or between elds, new ways of
thinking about complex challenges can be introduced (Mathews et al.,
2008; Montana-Hoyos & Lemaitre, 2011). Systems thinking supports
interdisciplinarity as a common denominator of generalizable knowl-
edge useful to build a shared thinking space that cross-cuts the bound-
aries of various disciplines (Barile & Saviano, 2021). It also relies on
public engagement with science through intentional, meaningful in-
teractions that provide opportunities for mutual learning between sci-
entists and members of the public (Stave, 2002). Mutual learning refers
not just to the acquisition of knowledge, but also to increased familiarity
with a breadth of perspectives, frames, and worldviews(American
Association for the Advancement of Science, n.d.]. Getting the public,
policy makers, industry and scientists to come to a consensus in terms of
the complex nature of sustainability challenges in order to bring about
the necessary system changes is a process that requires effort and time,
particularly as it is increasingly recognised that a ‘change of mindis
required, ‘a profound shift of awareness, with the changes needed of the
transformational level of a paradigm shift (Laininen, 2019).
3. Systems thinking for sustainability transformations as a
paradigm shift
The term ‘paradigm shift was coined by Kuhn (1962), referring to
the shift in science from Newtonian to Einsteinian physics. Kuhns work
has since been extensively used to capture system transitions, with Hall
(1993), for example, using the concept to explore the transition from a
Keynesian economic paradigm to a monetarist one. Paradigm shift, ac-
cording to both Kuhn and Hall, happens when the anomalies and
shortcomings of the current paradigm are repeatedly pointed out; pro-
ponents of the new paradigm speak loudly and with assurance about it
and are placed into positions of visibility and power; and energy is
focused on converting those people who are likely to be open-minded to
the change (Ramos and Hynes, 2019).
In practice, the many interlinkages within and between the complex,
multi-functional systems behind sustainability challenges mean that
there are often strong economic, social and psychological incentives that
lock society into its current unsustainable ways (Partid´
ario et al., 2010).
There is therefore an opportunity to inuence the evolution of various
macro-systems in a way that it will change actorsbehaviour favourably
(Nemecskeri et al., 2008). For example, to effectively mitigate the
adverse impacts of current transportation systems, strategies can be
devised to manage demand for passengers and freight through various
interrelated ways (Noussan et al., 2020).
Several authors have explained how mundane patterns of everyday
activities routinely lock people into unsustainable practices, that are
difcult to change, even when proven harmful from a planetary and
sustainability point of view (Henwood, 2019). There is widespread
acceptance that the challenges of transforming inconspicuous habitual
ways of everyday activities need to reect the ways in which people
make their daily lives meaningful, and take into consideration lived
experiences and everyday practices and the ways in which they are
socially organised and culturally patterned (Henwood et al., 2016).
There are also limits to how much a person can deviate from dominant
consumerist norms no matter how reective and concerned they are
(Isenhour, 2010). Much individual behaviour is pre-congured by
existing institutions and socio-material arrangements, which are struc-
tural and must be dealt with collectively (Klintman and Bostr¨
om, 2015).
According to Bostr¨
om (2020), the mechanisms at the level of social life
that serve to reproduce mass and excess consumption must be under-
stood before attempts to change them to build bottom-up the trans-
formative learning capacity needed to achieve and legitimize top-down
reformation or transformation of institutions.
There is clearly a need for the development of policies that promote
large-scale social, political and institutional change, generating options
for deliberate transformations that address societal ills such as
consumerism, and deliver social, technical and policy innovations that
can overcome lock-ins and create incentives towards visions of pros-
perity beyond material sustenance (Bostr¨
om et al., 2019). The potential
of such policies to facilitate new management paradigms that aim to
radically transform production and consumption processes has been
recognised (Bengtsson et al., 2018). Helping people to move away from
consumerism and refocus on ‘experiences, identities, relationships and
values that matter to peoplecan be a policy objective for change, one
that facilitates a paradigm shift, ultimately resulting in sustainability. At
the same time policies need to incorporate a mechanism of ‘supportive
governance on top of specic policy interventions to ease the devel-
opment of social resilience as well (Parkhill et al., 2015).
4. Reframing sustainability challenges for reaching the SDGs
Sustainability challenges can be conceptualised as the gap between
the current situation (unsustainable state A), and the desired state
(sustainable state D) (Fig. 2), to be better understood from a whole
systems perspective (Voulvoulis & Burgman, 2019). Transformation is
the process of transition from the current unsustainable state (A) to the
desired state (D) as collectively envisioned future state of the system
becoming sustainable (Kioupi & Voulvoulis, 2019). There can be several
means to close the gap or pathways to reach the desired state, but social
difculties arise where such means are not obvious, are not immediately
available, or when there is disagreement over the preferred solutions.
There is a need to ‘take plural pathways seriously,as no matter how
specic the context, there is never only one relevant, viable path
(Scoones et al., 2020). Smith & Humphries (2004) emphasise the need
for improved inclusivity and multi-actor participation to provide a
greater understanding of the plurality of perspectives when dening the
gap and evaluating alternative paths, and Funtowicz and Ravetz (1994)
propose extending the peer community to include scientists together
with industry, government, citizen groups and environmental
Understanding the complexity of sustainability challenges therefore
requires a shift in problem structuring, transforming the way problems
are dened into a more collaborative process that rst denes the vision
(desired state) (Giakoumis & Voulvoulis 2018b), and then selects the
most appropriate pathway for ‘getting there, using collective knowl-
edge and skills traversing all disciplines and scales of assessment.
Vision without action is useless. But action without vision does not
know where to go or why to go there. Vision is absolutely necessary to
guide and motivate action. More than that, vision, when widely shared
and rmly kept in sight, brings into being new systems, according to
Donella Meadows (19412001), a pioneer in systems thinking and
practice (Meadows et al., 1972). A clear, widely shared vision attracts
partners and resources, and aligns action (Zurcher et al., 2018).
Sustainability transition is the pathway, the radical transformation
towards a sustainable society (Grin et al., 2010). This is the trans-
formation required for the vision to realise, the subject of a whole eld
of research that has emerged in the past few decades in the context of a
growing scientic and public interest in large-scale societal
N. Voulvoulis et al.
Global Environmental Change 75 (2022) 102544
transformations toward sustainability (Loorbach et al., 2017). There are
several analytical frameworks for analysing socio-technical transitions
to sustainability such as ‘Multi-Level Perspectives(Geels et al., 2008;
Kern, 2012; Papachristos et al., 2013; Wu et al., 2021), transition
management (Berkhout et al., 2004, K¨
ohler et al., 2019), niche experi-
ments (Sengers et al., 2019; Reda et al., 2021), technological innovation
systems (Markard et al., 2015) and several tools for the development of
pathways, such as backasting (Bibri, 2018; Giessecke et al., 2012;
Mendoza et al., 2017), a participatory process for dening a desired
future (vision) and then looking back to assess what would be required
to make that vision realise (Holmberg and Larsson, 2018).
System transitions can take several decades, as they involve inter-
connected changes to technologies, social practices, business models,
regulations and societal norms and inevitably involve struggles over the
direction and pace of change (Meadowcroft, 2011; Rosenbloom et al.,
2018). Understanding the many factors that cause the system to function
the way it does and having a clear vision and commitment to the di-
rection and pace of change required, is a prerequisite for sustainability
transformation (Sanwal, 2015). The process can be accelerated through
leverage points (places where change needs to occur) and an enabling
environment supportive of change (Meadows, 1999). This includes ac-
tions and strategies to trigger such transformative processes, from co-
ordinated action by governments to innovation in the private sector,
experimentation, and pressure from civil society (Romero-Lankao et al.,
2018). Openness and transparency and diversity and equity for example,
have the potential to transform Government and businesses, strengthen
peoples trust in institutions and encourage greater public participation
in decision-making, and are considered enabling factors for sustain-
ability transformations (CDP, 2020). Social equity, justice and equality
also play a key role in providing a just operating space for humanity, and
can facilitate transformations in that direction (Kioupi & Voulvoulis,
Governments, politics, and policy are central to sustainability
transformations (Patterson et al., 2017). With positive feedback loops
kicking in as consumers become increasingly familiar with the new
paradigm, green infrastructure built, complementary innovations com-
ing to market, and more favourable policy and regulatory frameworks
put in place, change eventually starts impacting the overall congura-
tion of the system (Fig. 1). Effective leverage occurs where the mecha-
nisms for change are feasible and, when enacted, will shift the system in
a desirable direction - one in which a target outcome is achieved while
minimizing other non-target effects (Kennedy et al., 2018). Systems
thinking helps people see the bigger picture and envision a sustainable
human society, enabling interventions beyond ‘end of pipesolutions
and towards addressing the deeper structures and mental models at the
root of unsustainability, creating the enabling conditions for sustain-
ability to emerge.
5. Discussion
Environmental sustainability problems have been at the centre of
policy debates and public concern since the 1970s, and while there have
been some successes, most have not been addressed (Wiedmann et al.,
2020). While systems thinking as a concept has seen its popularity in-
crease over the years, interventions have not been truly systemic, in
some cases due to an overemphasis on systems engineering and
computational efforts focusing more on infrastructure than people
(UNESCO, 2005). Indeed, most interventions to date, classied accord-
ing to their potential for system wide change and sustainability trans-
formation, have been shown to be partially driven by research methods
and problem framings, with ‘deep leverage points related to changing
the systems rules, values and paradigms rarely addressed (Riechers
et al., 2020). A potential reason for this is that most interventions do not
target root causes but tend to deal with symptoms, or target ‘low
hanging fruitwhen new more complex, path-dependent capabilities
need to be developed instead (For´
es, 2019).
Systems thinking means understanding the web of interrelations that
create complex problems, a different way of thinking about our rela-
tionship with the world (Allen et al., 2019), and about how change
happens. It is about understanding what causes the problems we face,
the conditions that support unsustainable behaviour, the root causes of
unsustainability. This goes beyond cause and effect relationships, or
simply applying root cause analysis as a tool. By implyingeven inad-
vertentlythat a single root cause (or a small number of causes) can be
found, the term ‘root cause analysispromotes a awed reductionist
view, with the risk of simple linear narratives displacing more complex,
and potentially fruitful, accounts of multiple and interacting elements
(Peerally et al., 2017).
Sustainability, for example, is often treated as something to be
attained simply by quantitative assessments, technological improve-
ments, plus whatever behavioural adjustments are needed to ‘bring us
back to sustainability’”, stopping our current ‘misbehaviour (Clark,
1994). Modern H. sapiens is unsustainable by natureunsustainability
is an inevitable emergent property of the systemic interaction between
contemporary techno-industrial society and the ecosphere, according
to Rees (2010), explaining that what is blocking sustainability is ‘human
nature, cognition, and denial. This narrative places too great an
emphasis on our misbehaviour and results in interventions directed at
changing it, while ignoring the reasons behind it. In fact, we seldom ask
why we do what we do, what causes the maladaptive social behaviours
that lead to environmental destruction. If we want indeed to establish
what sorts of behavioural adjustments will ‘work, we need to rst un-
derstand what drives our current behaviour. On the one side, unless the
biopsychic needs of humans (the ‘needsour genes prescribe for us) are
met, humans will misbehave in ways detrimental to their own ultimate
survival (Williams et al., 2021). On the other, such behaviours are
embedded in complex socioeconomic systems outside the inuence or
control of individuals (Ewert, 2020). Individual and collective behav-
iours exist in complex systems, and system structures are often the
biggest barriers to behavioural change (Amel et al., 2017). While science
helps unravel these complexities, we are just starting to realise that we
need to get better at turning behavioural science insights into real
change for sustainability (Reddy et al., 2017). This is not about targeted
campaigns, the use of nudging techniques or other behavioural
Fig. 2. Sustainability transformation as the transition from the current unsustainable state to societys desired state, using the SDGs as end points (Voulvoulis &
Burgman, 2019; Kioupi & Voulvoulis, 2019).
N. Voulvoulis et al.
Global Environmental Change 75 (2022) 102544
interventions (Linder et al., 2018; Ewert, 2020), that often make people
feel guilty (Genevsky et al., 2013) and can have the opposite or unin-
tended effects on how they behave (Lertzman and Baragona, 2016). It is
about increasing our understanding of human behaviours, why people
do what they do, the role of circumstances and the mental models
behind their actions. Using systems thinking to understand and enlarge
citizensmental models can improve public policy and market-based
incentives to promote global sustainability (Garrity, 2018).
By contrast, the focus of authorities and governments on tackling
unsustainability has been mainly on public pro-environmental behav-
iour change (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs,
2008; Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 2011a;
Department for Environment, 2011b; Dobson, 2010), despite the
growing realization that it is our economic system with its mandatory
pursuit of endless industrial growth that is harming the planet, pro-
ducing poverty at a rapid rate, and threatening the basis of our existence,
with the challenge of unsustainable consumption, and by extension
climate change, falling increasingly on the individual as a consumer, a
principal actor and a lever of change (Sheth et al., 2011). Systems
thinking could reveal how distracting such focus is (Shove, 2010), as
well as expose the economic systems role in our unsustainability. An
investigation of major ‘industrial epidemicsthat constitute a very large
share of the current public health burden, offers a valuable insight on the
topic: Tobacco, alcohol misuse and obesity have remained such
intractable problems only because our economic system allows free
ranging corporations to use evocative promotion, ubiquitous distribu-
tion, perpetual new product development, and seductive pricing stra-
tegies to encourage unhealthy consumption, the main cause of the
inevitable escalation of lifestyle illnesses such as cancer, heart disease,
and diabetes(Hastings, 2012). These are maladies that governments try
to prevent by targeting consumers instead, whereas consumption,
although often considered an individual choice, is deeply ingrained in
behaviours, cultures, and institutions, and is driven and supported by
corporate and government practices (ORourke & Lollo, 2015). Con-
sumers have responsibility for the consequences of their consumption
and lifestyles, but it is governments that drive mass shifts in culture and
consumption and production patterns. Both businesses and policy
makers are choice architects, and dominant societal values, practices,
and social norms are shaped by policies through regulations, infra-
structure, pricing mechanisms, and education (Kinzig et al., 2013). With
much of the literature on sustainability transformations implicitly also
assuming that they can and need to be initiated, directed, managed and
governed, this might look contradictory to bottom up systemic trans-
formations that have a greater chance of taking place and being
embraced (Patterson et al., 2017). Indeed, command and controlap-
proaches to systemic solutions fail to recognise transformation as a truly
systemic process that dees the top-down and bottom-up dichotomies
that contribute to controversies and resistance, particularly by those
who are being transformed(Stirling, 2015). But this is where systems
thinking and public participation can play a major role, as an empow-
ering process for people to handle challenges and inuence decisions
that will impact their lives. This leads to joint decision making about
what should be achieved and how, a vision of a sustainable world that
they have co-created, ‘increasing problem ownership and thus the
chances of both proposition acceptance and implementation success
(Kirkman & Voulvoulis, 2017).
Systems thinking is about understanding the underlying drivers, the
interactions and conditions that inuence our decisions, helping us
articulate problems in new and different ways and expand our bound-
aries of time and space to avoid or reduce potential unintended conse-
quences. It is the intentional process of understanding how to alter the
components and structures that cause a system to behave in a certain
way, and identifying places where relatively small actions can lead to
potentially transformative systemic changes. Systems thinking can
empower people to realise the power they have, learn for themselves
how to be self-determined, engaged and informed citizens with a clear
vision of a sustainability future they desire. It helps to gain a deep, ho-
listic understanding of sustainability challenges, to develop multi-
pronged strategies that reinforce one another, are sustained over time,
and reect a comprehensive understanding of the major forces driving
and constraining change. Change takes place in a complex political
system made up of an intricate web of institutions, interest groups, in-
dividual leaders, and citizens all connected in countless ways. There
are no simple answers or silver bullets, so we need to embrace the
complexity of sustainability challenges. In a democratic, dynamic, and
diverse society, solving problems depends heavily on informed, criti-
cally thinking, and active citizens. Each one of us remains individually
responsible: to stay informed, engaged, and to keep politicians and in-
stitutions in check. Governments have unique capacities, resources and
authority to identify and agree society-wide goals and targets, to create
institutions and networks, and to facilitate structural socio-economic
change, both via policy interventions and by creating space for the
emergence of alternative sustainable economies. We should hold them
accountable for how well they perform on this.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
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N. Voulvoulis et al.
... The SDGs form part of orientation knowledge which formulates and justifies the goals and objectives for a social change process [23]. These goals aspire to lead a transformational process which begins with incremental change, moving on to accelerated radical change (increasingly seen as inevitable) and finally leading to a system change as an end transformational state [34]. ...
... The SDGs lay the groundwork for sustainable transformations together with sustainable development. Voulvoulis, et al. [34] advise that systems thinking is needed for sustainability transformations. Fortuitously, the industrial engineering profession prides itself on its systems view and systems thinking approach which complement the execution of SDGs, and so it becomes the industrial engineer who can aid in the roll-out and strategic planning needed for the SDGs to take effect. ...
Conference Paper
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The Industrial Engineering profession is a prevalent multidisciplinary profession capable of yielding operational gains for organisations in almost any sector. However, it is unclear how the characteristics of this profession can be used to meet the sustainable needs and complex problems in South Africa. This research presents an Industrial Engineering lighthouse model for strategic foresight in transdisciplinary problem solving in relation to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This discussion paper reflects on existing literature as a basis for this novel artefact. Using the components that belong to this lighthouse, researchers and practitioners can identify future contributions Industrial Engineers can make in developing countries such as South Africa.
... Such incremental interventions are often insufficient to shift current thinking and acting and hinder the emergence of more sustainable collective futures in the context of complex climate change and ecosystem integrity challenges [26]. There are different understandings of transformations, including deliberate transformations driven by human agency [27] and its relevance in responding to different social challenges, including multiple sustainability challenges [84]. Increasingly an overlap is recognised between studies that focus on the transitions concept [44] with the concept of transformations [23], both of which recognise change as a non-linear process with the need to anticipate and proactively seize opportunities and tackle underlying patterns that hinder the emergence of more sustainable pathways [14,19,49]. ...
... Future orientation starts by building shared visions that focus on key features of the future. This can draw on existing shared objectives, for example the UN Sustainable Development Goals [84], and/ or draw on exploratory and other approaches such as scenario planning ([60], e.g. [77]). ...
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As the integrity and extent of many natural ecosystems continues to decline, the concept of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) is gaining traction as a means to reverse such trends. However, uptake of an NbS approach across society is often piecemeal or partial. This paper argues that a deeper connection with the literature on transformations will help realise the full potential of NbS for enabling sustainable futures. Whilst others have already noted the concept of transformations to be relevant to NbS, many insights from the sustainability transformations literature remain underutilised by those working with NbS. In this paper, we provide a conceptual framework to enable more ambitious and widespread uptake of NbS. We do this by identifying and drawing on key conceptual perspectives and frameworks from the sustainability transformations literature. This framework identifies key components (current system, future visions, process and an iterative approach) to consider when planning strategic actions. The framework strengthens the links between transformations and NbS concepts for a variety of stakeholders: as well as guiding NbS practitioners, it can also support action-orientated research to help steer NbS to achieve transformational change.
... This includes skills such as recognizing interconnections between stock and flow variables, identifying and understanding feedback loops, non-linear relationships, and their influence on system behavior (Arnold and Wade 2015). Systems thinking can help to address the deeper structures and mental models that underlie unsustainability and involves understanding the root causes of the problems we encounter (Voulvoulis et al. 2022). ...
... While ecological patterns refer to the physical rules of a system, politico-economic structures represent the socio-economic context in which our individual behavior is embedded (Ewert 2020;Voulvoulis et al. 2022). The way in which a society is organized and the objectives it pursues affect the ecosystems in which we operate. ...
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Sustainability transformations are characterized by complex system dynamics, including abstraction, non-linearity and uncertainty, which are often challenging to comprehend due to psychological barriers and misconceptions. Serious games offer a promising tool to both explore and communicate such dynamics, as they simplify complex mechanisms and enable more tangible understanding through simulations of real-world problems. This study examines how existing serious games related to sustainability transformations translate politico-economic structures and ecological patterns into game design. Furthermore, we explore how leverage points can be integrated into serious games, drawing on Donella Meadows' systems thinking approach. The review follows the PRISMA framework and encompasses 170 selected papers from Scopus and EBSCO databases. Findings of qualitative analysis reveal how existing serious games related to sustainability transformations mirror ecological, economic and political structures and show possible ways to address leverage points via game design. Subsequently, we discuss how serious games can be used as educational and research tool to both explore and teach the root causes of unsustainability as well as possible interventions. Further research is needed to evaluate how serious games can contribute to enhance understanding of system dynamics and analyze human–system interactions. We outline approaches for future research efforts and discuss questions of validity when using serious games for research purposes.
... An interdisciplinary approach and systems thinking are both approaches to solving problems [67]. Through systems thinking, the interdisciplinary team views the problem or issue at hand as a section of a larger system [24]. ...
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A plethora of sustainability-related challenges plague the modern world, among which is residue management. The significant implications of waste management on local populations and the global climate system have propelled research efforts toward residue management. Improved understanding and predictions in biomass residue management can help identify opportunities to advance residue management to address these complex challenges. In recent years, sustainability science has gained momentum and is viewed as the most effective approach to addressing wicked problems. For instance, the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is a major contributor to climate change. This review examines how a greater knowledge of human–environment interaction and the value of ecological services could facilitate the recycling of agricultural and forestry wastes for their uses in bioenergy production and soil protection. In addition, it highlights the connection between biomass residual management and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, thereby strengthening the circular and ecological economy. Additionally, this review also discusses how interdisciplinary and systems thinking can contribute to the advancement of biomass residue management. This review aims to explore how the principles of sustainability science and systems thinking can help enhance the reutilization of agricultural and forest residues through biomass residue management. It also aims to assess their potential in reducing environmental and social impacts.
... As the economy and society must change from the current unsustainable state to a sustainable and resilient one, through a deliberate process that aims to fundamentally change the elements and structures that cause the system to behave in the current unsustainable way (Voulvoulis et al., 2022), universities have a role to contribute to the change. In this sense, for higher education institutions to become more sustainable and resilient, there is a need for a fundamental change in the culture, purpose, policy, and practice of higher education institutions . ...
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The United Nations’ agenda on sustainable development, since 1972 via the Stockholm Declaration 1972, the 1992 Rio Agenda 21, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, has consistently earmarked academia as an agent of change. Academia, i.e., institutions of higher education are seen as major contributors to help governments contribute to national aspirations for sustainable development, which in turn contributes to global aspirations. Since the adoption of the SDG 2030, universities have begun to incorporate SDGs into their institutional systems and processes. This paper will briefly review related literature pertaining to the role of universities in mainstreaming sustainable development, to help determine the shift needed for universities in Malaysia to embed sustainable development into its governance systems and processes. A list of what is expected of universities, and how such expectations can be accommodated will facilitate determination of key areas to drive change. It will also explore the role of universities as a ‘living lab; medium for influence; connector with civil society; and contributors to the knowledge, and know-how related to sustainable development. Options for consideration related to embedding the sustainable development agenda within the governance framework will be highlighted in the paper.
... Systemic understanding of the watershed problems is a precondition for the stakeholders to proceed to taking actions that contribute to the realization of the WV. Systemic thinking helps the actors to see their own role in the whole and enhances their readiness to solve the problems (Kim, 1999;Arnold and Weid, 2015;LaMere et al., 2020;Voulvoulis et al., 2022). • Implementation conditions of actions and measures. ...
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Collaborative governance is considered effective in environmental problem solving. However, it is not always successful in delivering benefits. In Finland, collaborative 'watershed visions' are gaining popularity as a way to advance holistic water management. Watershed visions bring the public, private, and civil society actors across sectors together to agree on a desired future for a river basin and to plan steps for achieving it. The capability of watershed visions to lead to positive environmental impacts is, however, highly uncertain. We applied a Theory of Change approach to conceptualize an outcome-oriented impact pathway for the watershed visions to enhance the understanding of their possibilities to achieve their desired long-term impacts. Using empirical material, we structured a watershed vision process into an impact pathway of nine phases necessary for achieving the desired future. From each phase, we identified assumptions suggesting why and under what conditions the impact pathway successfully works, risks to its realization, and key uncertainties inherent to the risks. Focusing on the uncertainties, we developed a tool for ex-ante, interim, and ex-post evaluation of the watershed visions. We suggest that a longitudinal Theory of Change is a useful tool for addressing change and managing uncertainty in any collaborative process with long-term aims, and that applying this tool can increase the success of collaborative governance.
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Pyrkimykset ratkaista kestävyysongelmia haastavat eri oppiaineiden opetuksen ja ope­tuksen tutkimuksen ottamaan huomioon kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet. Tässä kirjassa käsitellään biologian opetusta. Oleellinen kysymys on selvittää, miltä perustalta nousevat tavoitteet ja sisällöt opetukseen, jonka päämääränä on monipuolinen luonnontieteellinen sivistys ja kestävyyttä edistävä toimintakompetenssi. Kirjassa biologian opetuksen tutkijat tarkastelevat biologian tieteenalan, opetuksen sekä luonnontiedekasvatuksen ja kestävyyskasvatuksen välisiä yhteyksiä. Painopiste on biologian opetuksen ja kestävyyskasvatuksen teoreettisissa kysymyksissä ja empiirisessä tutkimuksessa. Kirjoittajat tarkastelevat myös biologian ja kestävyyden käsitteellistä ymmärtämistä sekä kiistanalaisia ja sensitiivisiä aiheita opetuksessa. Tutkimuksellista lähestymistapaa, ongelmanratkaisutaitoja sekä koulun ulkopuolella toteutettavaa biologian opetusta tarkastellaan luonnontieteellisen sivistyksen ja kestävyysosaamisen vahvistajina.
Tämä biologian didaktiikan, tiedekasvatuksen ja kestävyyskasvatuksen välisiä suhteita käsittelevä käsikirja on tarkoitettu alan tutkijoille, opettajankouluttajille, opettajaopiskelijoille, opettajille ja muille aiheesta kiinnostuneille. Teos rakentuu kolmesta eri pääteemasta. Ensimmäinen pääteema (OSA 1) käsittelee bio- ja ympäristötieteiden tieteenalaa sekä muuttuvaa biologian opetusta. Toisen pääteeman (OSA 2) aiheena ovat uudet lähestymistavat, joita voidaan käyttää biologian käsitteiden opetuksessa. Teoksen kolmas pääteema (OSA 3) käsittelee tutkimuksellisuutta ja kokemuksellisuutta biologian opetuksessa, erityisesti opetusmenetelmien ja -ympäristöjen osalta.
Science is critical for learning and adaptation of policy and governance systems. Increasingly, science is produced in the context of a science enterprise: a complex, polycentric institutional arrangement featuring multiple science forums and actors. The characteristics of these polycentric systems can influence whether and to what extent science supports policy‐relevant learning. Limited research, however, has examined how science enterprises function as polycentric systems and how they can be governed to support learning. Using a survey of actors involved in the science enterprise of the California Delta, we integrate the collective learning framework and ecology of games framework to analyze individual‐ and forum‐level drivers of perceived learning across the adaptive management cycle. The results suggest that social drivers such as leadership, trust, and engagement are most highly correlated with perceived learning. While science enterprise actors often perceive administrative and financial resource limitations, those constraints are less important for learning than social drivers.
This article presents an energy-efficient multiplex housing project proposed in response to a local affordable housing crisis among low-income urban neighborhoods in Chattanooga, TN, in the United States. The project adopted the systems thinking approach, which encouraged design students to think beyond individual components and consider the interconnections of various systems within and around the multiplex housing, including daylight analysis, market analysis, life cycle assessment, and energy performance evaluation. To respond to the local-specific housing market and climate conditions, the students from the multidiscipline collaboratively engaged in the design process to understand the project's environmental, social, and economic contexts and implement the passive design strategies into energy-efficient and affordable multiplex housing design to meet low-income families’ economic and social needs. The project site and design requirements were provided by a local nonprofit housing development organization that was a client of the project. This article highlights the significance of students’ systems thinking exercises in achieving energy-efficient affordable housing solutions in low-income urban neighborhoods through passive design strategies.
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District heating is a major energy infrastructure in many urban settlements in the world, contributing significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Decarbonising district heating is an important step towards the realisation of a carbon-neutral society that entails considerable socio-technical change. Building on sustainability transitions literature that has dealt with socio-technical reconfiguration, this paper investigates the barriers to the implementation of a low-carbon district heating system that is based on biomass incineration minimisation and the total phasing out of fossil fuels. Empirically, the study relies on an extensive stakeholder analysis that involved 44 organisations representing technology providers, energy companies, industry organisations, policymakers, local authorities and researchers. The results show that while several stakeholder groups could converge on key issues such as the need to support certain technological niches and the danger of a biomass lock-in, divergences regarding barriers to be removed existed between policymakers, new entrant firms, and building owners. Cities were considered important actors for the implementation of the proposed low-carbon district heating concept. However, they should encourage building owners' participation in demand response schemes, decentralized renewable energy production, and the re-design of local electricity networks to support district heating electrification.
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The role of a conservation scientist has never been more challenging. Amidst the rapid degradation occurring across Earth's natural ecosystems and the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, conservation scientists must learn new and effective ways to build trust and engage with the wider community. Here, we discuss the potential utility of a particular communication technique, Nonviolent Communication (also known as Compassionate Communication or Collaborative Communication), in conservation science. Nonviolent Communication is a structured form of communication, developed in the 1960s by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, that seeks to foster interpersonal understanding and connection through communication of judgment‐free observations, recognition of people's feelings, needs and values, and requests for specific actions to meet those needs. It has delivered positive outcomes in diverse fields such as prisoner reform, health science, and social work, and holds great promise for conservation applications. While there is no single communication strategy that resonates with all people, we argue that Nonviolent Communication could be used by conservation scientists and practitioners when communicating with colleagues, politicians, and the general public about important and sometimes contentious environmental issues.
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Higher education institutions have an essential role in sustainability. They are key agents in the education of future leaders that will contribute to the successful United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) implementation. The geography of SDG‘s this implementation is very heterogeneous, but it is clear that higher education institutions contribute decisively to creating a mindset that facilitates the dissemination of SDG's principle. This perspective paper analyses the impacts of higher education on sustainability and the challenges and barriers associated with this process. Higher education contributes decisively to the SDGs implementation, but especially to goal 1 (end poverty in all its forms everywhere), goal 3 (ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages), goal 5 (gender equality), goal 8 (decent work and economic growth), goal 12 (responsible consumption and production), goal 13 (climate change) and goal 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions). As a transformational agent, the higher education sector has a tremendous impact on students' habit and contribution to a prosperous society. However, to establish the required change in education, sustainability principles need to be at the heart of higher institutions strategy (e.g., curricula, modus operandi) and is key to be incorporated in the organisational culture. Only by leading by example, the external influence in the society will be possible (e.g., implementing SDG‘s key aspects such as gender quality, reduce waste reduction and energy consumption). For this to be a reality, different communication methods with students are needed (e.g., different student academic levels). Nevertheless, critical challenges need to be tackled in the institutions inside and outside the institution environment, such as incorporating sustainability principles, political environment and stakeholders’ interest.
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In our haste to ban or regulate unsustainable and environmentally damaging materials and chemicals, we may overlook dangers posed by their substitutes. In light of the scientific evidence regarding the fate, persistence and toxicity of microplastics in the marine environment, many countries have banned the sale of rinse-off cosmetics containing plastic microbeads to prevent their release to the environment. However, the wider lifetime environmental impacts of the potential substitutes have not been considered, and care must be taken so that the environmental costs of using them do not potentially outweigh the benefits resulting from the bans. In this study, we use life cycle assessment to compare the environmental performance of a wide range of potential alternatives. The study investigates the quantities of these materials required and the human health and environmental impacts of their manufacture, transport and inclusion in cosmetics. We highlight that the long-term environmental and human health effects of their disposal are unknown and are thus excluded from the life cycle assessment. In support of the responsible replacement of plastic microbeads in cosmetics, we identify several alternatives that will perform better, as well as substitutes that could pose additional risks and have undesirable effects.
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What is the future of 'environmental' policy in times of earth system transformations and the recognition of the 'Anthropocene' as a new epoch in planetary history? I argue that fifty years after the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, we need to revisit the 'environmental policy' paradigm because it falls short on five grounds. The paradigm (a) emphasizes a dichotomy of 'humans' and 'nature' that is no longer defensible; (b) is incompatible with more integrated research concepts that have overcome this human-environment dichotomy; (c) deemphasizes questions of planetary justice and democracy; (d) fails to deal with novel normative challenges of the Anthropocene; and (e) may risk political marginalization of central concerns of human and non-human survival. In the second part I discuss institutional implications, arguing for novel approaches in science collaboration, new institutional arrangements and a more central place for questions of planetary justice and earth-system risks in governance.
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For over half a century, worldwide growth in affluence has continuously increased resource use and pollutant emissions far more rapidly than these have been reduced through better technology. The affluent citizens of the world are responsible for most environmental impacts and are central to any future prospect of retreating to safer environmental conditions. We summarise the evidence and present possible solution approaches. Any transition towards sustainability can only be effective if far-reaching lifestyle changes complement technological advancements. However, existing societies, economies and cultures incite consumption expansion and the structural imperative for growth in competitive market economies inhibits necessary societal change. Current environmental impact mitigation neglects over-consumption from affluent citizens as a primary driver. The authors highlight the role of bottom-up movements to overcome structural economic growth imperatives spurring consumption by changing structures and culture towards safe and just systems.
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Energy systems are rapidly transitioning towards decarbonization, thanks in part to innovative digital technologies and changing mobility demands. This open access book examines the decarbonization and digitalization transformation in the transport sector, with a particular focus on energy consumption. By studying historical trends and outlining future scenarios, the authors illustrate the evolution of energy consumption in the transport sector, compare alternative decarbonization strategies, and analyze digitalization trends and their effects on energy consumption. The book addresses a broad readership of both academics and professionals working in the energy and transport industries, as well as readers interested in the ongoing debate over energy, mobility and climate change.
Global urbanization promises better services, stronger economies, and more connections; it also carries risks and unforeseeable consequences. To deepen our understanding of this complex process and its importance for global sustainability, we need to build interdisciplinary knowledge around a systems approach. Urban Planet takes an integrative look at our urban environment, bringing together scholars from a diverse range of disciplines: from sociology and political science to evolutionary biology, geography, economics and engineering. It includes the perspectives of often neglected voices: architects, journalists, artists and activists. The book provides a much needed cross-scale perspective, connecting challenges and solutions on a local scale with drivers and policy frameworks on a regional and global scale. The authors argue that to overcome the major challenges we are facing, we must embark on a large-scale reinvention of how we live together, grounded in inclusiveness and sustainability. This title is also available Open Access.
In the face of an emerging scenario characterized by multiple overlapping trends that seriously question the future of mankind, this contribution envisions the need for a re-founding of human values in which process scholars are required to play a prominent role. Our focus is on the complexity of interdisciplinary thinking required for the development of a new widely shared paradigm. In particular, we believe that systems thinking can support interdisciplinarity as a common denominator of generalizable knowledge useful to build a shared thinking space that cross-cuts the boundaries of various disciplines. Within this context, the bases are delineated of a potential approach, favouring interdisciplinary convergence toward a shared vision of the future, via general systems thinking models developed within the Viable Systems Approach strand of studies.
The transport sector is a key emitter of greenhouse gasses. We applied socio-technical transition theory and the multi-level perspective (MLP) approach to depict the interplay of three MLP layers (niche, regime, and landscape) and to project future paths for the transition from traditional (fossil fuel) vehicles to new energy vehicles (NEVs) in China. Specifically, the exogenous context nurtures nascent innovations and restrains the development of traditional fuel vehicles; however, the socio-technical system of NEVs is still in the primary stage and cannot meet the needs of consumers. Under double pressures, the socio-technical system of traditional vehicles is generally stable, but there are factors that impinge on this stability. Four phases are identified according to national plans: the initial pre-development phase (2001-2011) protects nascent innovations; core technologies are developed and market share is expanded in the takeoff phase (2012-2020); the acceleration phase (2021-2035) strengthens the trend by encouraging key technological breakthroughs, infrastructure construction, and international cooperation; and the last sprint phase (2036-) further develops the low-carbon transition in China's automobile industry. We also illustrate the essential role of government in the Chinese context. Policy implications related to electric power, technological innovation, and industrial coordination are discussed.