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Abstract and Figures

In Karydis et al. (2021) we have introduced the method of shape continuation in order to obtain periodic orbits in the complex gravitational field of an irregularly-shaped asteroid starting from a symmetric simple model. What’s more, we map the families of periodic orbits of the simple model to families of the real asteroid model. The introduction of asymmetries in a gravitational potential may significantly affect the dynamical properties of the families. In this paper, we discuss the effect of the asymmetries in the neighborhood of vertically critical orbits, where, in the symmetric model, bifurcations of 3D periodic orbit families occur. When asymmetries are introduced, we demonstrate that two possible continuation schemes can take place in general. Numerical simulations, using an ellipsoid and a mascon model of 433-Eros, verify the existence of these schemes.
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Multi-scale (time and mass) dynamics of space objects
Proceedings IAU Sy mpo si um No . 364, 2022
A.Celletti,C.Gale¸s, C. Beaug´e, A. Lemaitre, eds.
Families of periodic orbits around asteroids:
From shape symmetry to asymmetry
G. Voyatzis ,D.KarydisandK.Tsiganis
Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics, Dept. of Physics,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
GR 54124, Thessaloniki, Greece
Abstract. In Karydis et al. (2021) we have introduced the method of shape continuation in order
to obtain periodic orbits in the complex gravitational field of an irregularly-shaped asteroid
starting from a symmetric simple model. What’s more, we map the families of periodic orbits
of the simple model to families of the real asteroid model. The introduction of asymmetries in
a gravitational potential may significantly affect the dynamical properties of the families. In
this paper, we discuss the effect of the asymmetries in the neighborhood of vertically critical
orbits, where, in the symmetric model, bifurcations of 3D periodic orbit families occur. When
asymmetries are introduced, we demonstrate that two possible continuation schemes can take
place in general. Numerical simulations, using an ellipsoid and a mascon model of 433-Eros,
verify the existence of these schemes.
Keywords. Asteroids, Orbital mechanics, Periodic orbits
1. Introduction
Many space missions to small NEA have taken place recently or are planned in the
coming years. Close proximity operations around such small bodies, which have irregu-
lar shape in general, demand sufficient knowledge of their gravitational field and their
dynamics. In orbital mechanics, periodic orbits play an important role in understanding
the dynamics and have been studied widely in celestial mechanics and especially in the
three body problem. In addition, they can find direct applications in astrodynamics as
parking orbits for a spacecraft or the unstable ones may be used for computing landing
or escape paths (Scheeres (2012)). In such complex gravitational fields, which can be suf-
ficiently modeled e.g. by polyhedrals or mascons (see Scheeres (2012)), the computation
of periodic orbits is a challenge. The grid search method introduced by Yu & Baoy i n
(2012) has been proved very efficient and applied for various asteroids (e.g. Jiang et al.
In Karydis et al. (2021), which will be referred in the following as ‘Paper I’, we approach
the potential of an irregular body by starting from the symmetric potential of a simplified
model (an ellipsoid), where the families of periodic orbits can be easily computed and
show particular structures and types. Then, asymmetric terms are gradually introduced
in the potential and periodic orbits are continued along this procedure, which is called
shape continuation and ends when the ‘real’ potential of the target asteroid is adequately
approximated. In this way, we assign families of the simplified model to families of the
‘real’ model and we can study the effect of the symmetric perturbations in the character-
istic curves of the families and their stability. In the present study, we use a theoretical
©The Author(s), 2022. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of International Astronomical
Union. This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
licence (, which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Published online by Cambridge University Press
Periodic orbits around irregular-shaped asteroids 247
analysis and numerical simulations in order to show how families are affected by asym-
metric forces when they are close to vertically critical orbits, where planar and 3D orbit
families intersect in the symmetric model.
2. Description of the orbital mechanics
We consider the motion of a mass-less body in the gravitational field of an irregularly
shaped asteroid which rotates with angular velocity ω. If the center of mass of the asteroid
is considered as the origin point of a reference frame which rotates with the asteroid (i.e.
it is a body-fixed frame), and r=(x, y, z) is the position vector of the mass-less body, its
motion is described by the Hamiltonian
where the generalized momenta are given by p=˙r +ω×rand Uis the gravitational
potential of the asteroid. If ωis constant, which is the case considered in this study, then
His also constant (Hbeing the Jacobi integral or, simply, the energy).
Let X=(x, y, z, ˙x, ˙y, ˙z) denote a phase space point and X=X(t;X0) a trajectory
with initial conditions X0. The system is autonomous and the condition X(T;X0)=X0
implies a periodic orbit of period T. Supposing that the orbit intersects a Poincar´e
section, say x=0with ˙x>0 and energy h, the orbits can be defined explicitly by a point
in the 4Dspace of section, called Π4, which is defined by vector Y=(y, z, ˙y, ˙z). Thus,
the periodicity conditions are reduced to
where tis the time of the mth intersection of the orbit, with a section that satisfies (2.2)
for the first time. In this case, tand period Tcoincide and mdenotes the multiplicity
of the section.
In general, in space Π4, periodic orbits are isolated and analytically continued with
respect to h, forming mono-parametric families (Meyer et al. (2009), Scheeres (2012)). In
computations, we may consider a continuation with respect to any variable but it is more
convenient to continue the families by using an extrapolation procedure and considering
as parameter the length sof the characteristic curve of the family in Π4(see Paper I). In
this way, the numerical continuation is still successful at energy extrema that may exist
along the family.
Let ξdenote a variation vector that satisfies the system of linear variational equations
of system (2.1), namely
Matrix Ais computed along a periodic orbit and thus, it is also periodic. Φ(t)isthe
fundamental matrix of solutions and the constant matrix M=Φ(T) is the monodromy
matrix, which is symplectic. Therefore, two eigenvalues are equal to unit and the rest
four form reciprocal pairs. If we remove the rows and columns that correspond to the
variables which define the Poincar´e section (e.g. xand ˙x)fromM, then we obtain
the reduced monodromy matrix Mof size 4 ×4 and the unit eigevalues are removed.
The periodic orbit is stable if the two reciprocal pairs of eigenvalues of Mlie on the
complex unit circle. In computations, we use the Broucke’s stability indicies b1and b2,
which are computed from the elements of Mand their stability implies that they are
real and |bi|<2(Broucke (1969)).
When Mis computed for a planar orbit, then it is decomposed in two 2 ×2 sub-
matrices, Mhand Mvthat refer to horizontal stability (index b1) and vertical stability
(index b2), respectively. If b2= 2 then, the planar orbit is called vertically critical orbit Published online by Cambridge University Press
248 G. Voyatzis, D. Karydis & K. Tsiganis
Figure 1. Distribution of eigenvalues for a v.c.o. of the symmetric model (center) and their
displacement after introduction of asymmetry (scheme I in the left panel and scheme II in the
right panel).
(v.c.o.) and signifies a bifurcation for another family of 3D periodic orbits (enon (1973)).
We note that b2may also take the value of two when the planar orbit needs mtimes to
complete a period (multiplicity). Then, if Tis the period of the v.c.o., the 3D bifurcating
orbit close to the v.c.o. will be of period mT .
3. Continuation near a v.c.o. : from a symmetric to an asymmetric
Suppose that Uast is a potential model of the asteroid provided by a ‘real’ model (e.g.
by mascons or a polyhedral model). Let us define a mono-parametric set of potentials
where U0is the symmetric potential of the ellipsoid that approximates the potential of
the asteroid and U1includes the asymmetric part of the potential such that U(ε0)=Uast
with e0being sufficiently small.
Let Fpbe a symmetric planar family of periodic orbits with a potential of U0and Oa
v.c.o. of Fp. We suppose that in the neighborhood of Othe planar orbits of Fpare of the
same horizontal stability type. In the present study, we consider that they are stable so,
the eigenvalues of Mhare of the form λ1,λ2=e±,φ(δ, π δ), δ>0. The eigenvalues
of Mvare critical for O, i.e. λ3,4= 1 when the appropriate multiplicity mis taken into
account. The distribution of λion the unit circle is shown in the middle panel of Fig. 1.
Suppose we perform an analytic continuation of the v.c.o. Owith respect to parameter
ε.Asεincreases smoothly towards value ε0, the eigenvalues λ1,2should move smoothly
on the unit circle due to the analyticity (see Meyer et al. (2009)) and if δis sufficiently
large, the eigenvalues do not reach the critical values ±1asεε0. On the other hand,
the critical eigenvalues λ3,4,asεvaries, may move either on the unit circle or on the real
axis. These cases are called scheme I and scheme II, respectively, and are presented in
Fig. 1. Which one of the two schemes will take place, depends on the term U1,which
represents the asymmetric part of the asteroid’s potential.
Applying analytic continuation to all orbits of Fpin the neighborhood of O,with respect
to ε, we obtain the set of families F(ε), with F(0) = Fp. All orbits of F(ε)withε=0
are spatial and asymmetric and family Fast =F(ε0) is the family of orbits of the real
asteroid originating from the planar family of the ellipsoid. The initial orbit OFpis
mapped to the orbit OFast .Whenscheme I takes place, Fast should consist of stable
orbits at least near O. Instead, in scheme II the orbit Ois unstable and there should
exist a continuous segment on Fast near Oconsisting of unstable orbits.
Let us consider the family, F3D(0), of three dimensional orbits that bifurcates from O.
Similarly to the planar family, analytic continuation with respect to εcan be also applied
providing the set of families F3D(ε). All orbits should be asymmetric for ε= 0 and family
F3D(ε0) is the asteroid’s family of periodic orbits associated to the family F3D(0) of the Published online by Cambridge University Press
Periodic orbits around irregular-shaped asteroids 249
Figure 2. (left) The characteristic curve of the circular family CRfor the ellipsoid (dashed
curve) and 433-Eros (solid curve) projected on the plane y0z0.ThepointsBmindicate the
y0-position of the v.c.o. with the subscript mbeing the multiplicity. The red segment indicates
the part of the family with unstable orbits. (right) The variation of the stability indices b1and
b2along the CR-family of ellipsoid and Eros.
symmetric ellipsoid model. When scheme I takes place, the families Fand F3D,which
for ε= 0 intersect at O, should be detached for ε>0 since no bifurcation point exists on
F(ε) (whole family near Ois stable). However, in scheme II the edges of the unstable
segment formed on F(ε0) may be bifurcation points for the family F3D(ε0). The above
assumptions are verified by the numerical computations presented in the next section.
4. Numerical computations : The asteroid 433-Eros
In Paper I, we used the symmetric ellipsoid model (with normalized maximum semi-
axis, a= 1, and angular velocity, ω= 1) to initially approximate the potential of asteroid
433-Eros. Then, we applied shape-continuation to identify families of periodic orbits
for the ‘real’ gravitational potential of 433-Eros, implemented with a sufficient number
of mascons (Soldini et al. (2020)). In the ellipsoid model, we consider the family of
planar (z= 0) circular retrograde orbits, CR, which is fully stable. The family is also
vertically stable but there are v.c.o. for higher period multiplicities (m=2,3,4, ..). Their
y0-position (where y0is the approximate radius of the orbit) is shown in the left panel of
Fig. 2. The right panel shows the stability indicies bialong the family (dashed curves).
The CRis continued when asymmetric terms are added in the potential in order to
simulate the potential of the asteroid. The computed family for 433-Eros consists of
orbits which are no longer planar and symmetric but are almost circular. The family is
presented in Fig. 2with solid curves. The major part of CRof Eros consists of stable
orbits and this is also the case close to the radius of the v.c.o. B3and B4. Therefore, such
a situation implies scheme I for the 3D orbits emanating in the symmetric model from
these v.c.o.. However, it is evident that the introduced asymmetries caused an unstable
segment close to B2and this implies scheme II. It should be noted that this instability
has been also mentioned in Ni et al. (2016) who used a polyhedral model for 433-Eros.
Scheme I is shown by considering the 3D family L24 of the ellipsoid, which bifurcates
from the v.c.o. B4. The family near B4is stable but becomes unstable when it becomes
significantly inclined as shown in the left panel of Fig. 3. For the asymmetric potential
of 433-Eros the family is represented by the characteristic curve in the right panel of
Fig. 3. We can see that in the asymmetric asteroid case, family L24 does not intersect
the planar family CRand the two families are now separated. The stability type of orbits
is not affected by the asymmetry for orbits close to the plane z= 0. However, a break
of family L24 arises because of the irregular shape of Eros. After this break, the family
continues with the unstable segment L
24. Such family breaks are discussed also in Paper Published online by Cambridge University Press
250 G. Voyatzis, D. Karydis & K. Tsiganis
Figure 3. (left) The characteristic curves of the planar family CRand the 3D family L24 of the
ellipsoid. Blue (red) color indicates stability (instability). B4is the v.c.o. where the two families
intersect. (right) The characteristic curves for the corresponding families of 433-Eros potential.
The transition from the ellipsoid (left) to the mascon model of 433-Eros (right) indicates that
scheme I takes place.
Figure 4. (left) The characteristic curves of the planar family CRand the 3D family L02 (and
its equivalent K02) of the ellipsoid. Blue (red) color indicates stability (instability). B2is the
vco where the two families intersect. (right) The characteristic curves for the corresponding
families of 433-Eros potential. L02 and K02 are families of different orbits. The transition from
the ellipsoid (left) to the mascon model of 433-Eros (right) indicates that scheme II takes place.
I. In the same paper, where family L13 is studied, scheme I also holds true, with a change
of stability at z0.
Scheme II holds true for the case of v.c.o. B2of the ellipsoid from which the 3D families
L02 and K02 originate (see Paper I). The two families are equivalent because they consist
of the same doubly symmetric periodic orbits but their characteristic curves are presented
in different spaces of initial conditions. In the left panel of Fig. 4, we present the initial
conditions of the orbits in K02 family. As we have already mentioned, the CRfamily of
433-Eros shows an unstable segment at B2, defined by the points B21 and B22.These Published online by Cambridge University Press
Periodic orbits around irregular-shaped asteroids 251
points should be bifurcation points of other families. By computing the families K02 and
L02 in the asymmetric potential of 433-Eros (see right panel of Fig. 4)weobtainthati)
the two families are separated and they now consist of different asymmetric periodic orbits
ii) the families pass from the points B21 and B22 and, therefore, the continuation scheme
II is valid here. K02 consists of unstable orbits and L02 of stable ones (at least in the
neighborhood of the bifurcation points). However, we cannot claim that the appearance
of a stable and an unstable family is a general property for scheme II.
The authors acknowledge funding support from the European Unions Horizon 2020
research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 870377 (project NEO-
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
We are interested in stable periodic orbits for spacecraft in the gravitational field of minor celestial bodies. The stable periodic orbits around minor celestial bodies are useful not only for the mission design of the deep space exploration, but also for studying the long-time stability of small satellites in the large-size-ratio binary asteroids. The irregular shapes and gravitational fields of the minor celestial bodies are modeled by the polyhedral model. Using the topological classifications of periodic orbits and the grid search method, the stable periodic orbits can be calculated and the topological cases can be determined. Furthermore, we find five different types of stable periodic orbits around minor celestial bodies: (1) stable periodic orbits generated from the stable equilibrium points outside the minor celestial body; (2) stable periodic orbits continued from the unstable periodic orbits around the unstable equilibrium points; (3) retrograde and nearly circular periodic orbits with zero-inclination around minor celestial bodies; (4) resonance periodic orbits; (5) near-surface inclined periodic orbits. We take asteroids 243 Ida, 433 Eros, 6489 Golevka, 101955 Bennu, and the comet 1P/Halley for examples.
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The general three-dimensional periodic orbits around asteroids were investigated to study orbital behaviours in the vicinity of irregular gravitational bodies. The orbital patterns around periodic orbits were determined through decomposition into corresponding local manifolds. In this paper, a topological classification of periodic orbits is presented to discriminate the stability and dynamical behaviours of neighbours. A hierarchical grid searching method was developed for systematically searching three-dimensional periodic orbits around irregular bodies. The method was used to generate 29 basic families around the asteroid 216 Kleopatra as an example. By calculating the characteristic multipliers of periodic orbits, numerical evidence was generated to describe the denseness of periodic orbits around asteroids and to demonstrate the remarkable asymmetry among these orbits. The dependence of the topology of the periodic orbits on the Jacobi integral was examined, revealing the evolutionary features of the stability and orbital patterns nearby. The results can be used to assess the environment around 216 Kleopatra, and this method can be useful in the studies of other asteroids.
An analytic construction of 1:1 resonances around irregular bodies is here investigated. A SPH-Mas based gravity model allows a semi-analytic expression of the linearised equations around the equilibrium points. Depending on the sphere packing distribution, the SPH-Mas model can retrieve the same dynamical objects common to others gravity models (i.e. spherical harmonics and polyhedron) or for non uniform density objects. This model has the advantage to define the same particles mesh distribution for both astrophysical and astrodynamics tools and it is computationally optimised for Matlab. The Hayabusa2’s Small Carry-on Impactor operation is used as a scenario to study the ejecta particle dynamics around an irregular body. The goNEAR tool was used to simulate the impact operation in a non-linear sense when the effect of the solar radiation pressure perturbation is taken into account for particles size of 10 cm, 5 cm, 1 cm and 1 mm in diameter.
This third edition text provides expanded material on the restricted three body problem and celestial mechanics. With each chapter containing new content, readers are provided with new material on reduction, orbifolds, and the regularization of the Kepler problem, all of which are provided with applications. The previous editions grew out of graduate level courses in mathematics, engineering, and physics given at several different universities. The courses took students who had some background in differential equations and lead them through a systematic grounding in the theory of Hamiltonian mechanics from a dynamical systems point of view. This text provides a mathematical structure of celestial mechanics ideal for beginners, and will be useful to graduate students and researchers alike. Reviews of the second edition: "The primary subject here is the basic theory of Hamiltonian differential equations studied from the perspective of differential dynamical systems. The N-body problem is used as the primary example of a Hamiltonian system, a touchstone for the theory as the authors develop it. This book is intended to support a first course at the graduate level for mathematics and engineering students. … It is a well-organized and accessible introduction to the subject … . This is an attractive book … ." (William J. Satzer, The Mathematical Association of America, March, 2009) “The second edition of this text infuses new mathematical substance and relevance into an already modern classic … and is sure to excite future generations of readers. … This outstanding book can be used not only as an introductory course at the graduate level in mathematics, but also as course material for engineering graduate students. … it is an elegant and invaluable reference for mathematicians and scientists with an interest in classical and celestial mechanics, astrodynamics, physics, biology, and related fields.” (Marian Gidea, Mathematical Reviews, Issue 2010 d)
The proposed book will provide a detailed, technical introduction to the analysis of orbital motion in strongly perturbed environments, focusing on motion about small Solar System bodies, such as comets and asteroids. The author shows why such small bodies are of interest and why they can be used as a motivation for the general analysis of orbital mechanics. He shows how it is possible to model the small body environment, including specialised cases such as those of binary asteroids, comets and ‘rubble piles’, and how the fundamental equations of motion are derived. The properties of the various solutions to the equations of motion are described and the methods of analysis and their application are discussed. Both ballistic motion and powered motion on and about small bodies are considered and case studies for different small body missions are presented. The author concludes his comprehensive treatment with a discussion of the mechanics of multi-body small body systems and a review of advanced topics and future applications.
Small solar system bodies such as asteroids and comets are of significant interest for both scientific and human exploration missions. However, their orbital environments are among the most highly perturbed and extreme environments found in the solar system. Uncontrolled trajectories are highly unstable in general and may either impact or escape in timespans of hours to days. Even with active control, the chaotic nature of motion about these bodies can effectively randomize a trajectory within a few orbits, creating fundamental difficulties for the navigation of spacecraft in these environments. In response to these challenges our research has identified robust and stable orbit solutions and mission designs across the whole range of small body sizes and spin states that are of interest for scientific and human exploration. This talk will describe the challenges of exploring small bodies and present the practical solutions that have been discovered which enable their exploration across the range of small body types and sizes.
A systematic study has been made of periodic orbits in the two-dimensional, elliptic, restricted three-body problem. All ranges of eccentricities, from 0 to 1, and mass-ratios, from 0 to 1/2, have been investigated. Eleven hundred periodic orbits have been obtained. It is concluded that the elliptic problem behaves in a way which is completely different from the circular problem. The main difference is in the stability properties of the periodic orbits. Because of the nonexistence of the Jacobi integral (the elliptic problem is not conservative), the characteristic equation of the monodromy matrix does not have a pair of unit roots, in general. The stability is denned by two real numbers (stability indices) rather than one. Because of that, there are seven general classes of periodic orbits, according to their stability properties. The stability of the periodic orbits has been determined by numerically integrating the variational equations with a recurrent power series method. The results are in contrast with the circular problem, where there are only three classes of orbits (stability, even instability, and odd instability): in the elliptic problem there are one stable class and six unstable classes. The elliptic, restricted three-body problem can be considered as the prototype of all nonintegrable, nonconservative Hamiltonian systems, and in this paper, probably for the first time, a classification of the multipliers is given for these systems. © 1969 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., All rights reserved.
  • M Hénon
Hénon, M. 1973 A&A, 28, 415
  • D Karydis
  • G Voyatzis
  • K Tsiganis
Karydis, D., Voyatzis, G., & Tsiganis, K. 2021 Advances in Space Research (to appear)