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The DAO to DeSci: AI for Free, Fair, and Responsibility Sensitive Sciences


Abstract and Figures

This article discusses the impact and significance of the autonomous science movement and the role and potential uses of intelligent technology in DAO-based decentralized science (DeSci) organizations and operations. What is DeSci? How does it relate the science of team science? What are its potential contributions to multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and/or transdisciplinary studies? Does it have any correspondence to the social movement organizations in traditional social sciences or the cyber movement organizations in the new digital age? Particularly, issues on DeSci to current professional communities, such as IEEE and its societies, conferences, and publications, are addressed, and the effort for the framework and process of DAO-based DeSci for free, fair, and responsibility sensitive sciences is reviewed.
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EDITOR: Fei-Yue Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
The DAO to DeSci: AI for Free, Fair, and
Responsibility Sensitive Sciences
Fei-Yue Wang , Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China
Wenwen Ding, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macao, 999078, China
Xiao Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 266109, China
Jon Garibaldi, University of Nottingham, NG7 2RD, Nottingham, U.K.
Siyu Teng, Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, 999077, Hong Kong
Rudas Imre, University Research and Innovation Center (EKIK)
Obuda University, 1034 Budapest, Hungary
Cristina Olaverri-Monreal, Johannes Kepler University, 4040, Linz, Austria
This article discusses the impact and signicance of the autonomous science
movement and the role and potential uses of intelligent technology in DAO-based
decentralized science (DeSci) organizations and operations. What is DeSci? How
does it relate the science of team science? What are its potential contributions to
multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and/or transdisciplinary studies? Does it have
any correspondence to the social movement organizations in traditional social
sciences or the cyber movement organizations in the new digital age? Particularly,
issues on DeSci to current professional communities, such as IEEE and its societies,
conferences, and publications, are addressed, and the effort for the framework and
process of DAO-based DeSci for free, fair, and responsibility sensitive sciences is
The autonomous science, particularly decentral-
ized autonomous organizations (DAO)-based
decentralized science (DeSci), is emerging as an
important movement in research and development in
recent years.
To investigate its potential signicance,
on March 21 and 30, 2022, our AI Expert of the IEEE Inte-
lligent Systems hasheldtwodecentralizedhybridwork-
shops (DHWs) to address various issues of DeSci and
its impact on the existing ecology and future evolution
of scientic activities and operations. Specically, what
is DeSci? What is its relationship to the science of team
science (SciTS), social movement organizations, cyber
movement organizations, and multi/inter/transdisciplin-
ary studies? Impact and signicance by examples?
Immediate and potential impacts to organizations and
operations of traditional professional communities, such
as IEEE? What is the role of AI in DeSci? And nally, what
should we do next? This article summarizes briey our
discussion in the DHWs and the correspondence among
some of the participants of the Free, Fair, and Responsi-
bility Sensitive Sciences (F2rS2) project. A decentralized
hybrid symposium on DeSci will be scheduled late this
year and an in-depth report will be published accordingly.
It is hard to specify precisely a rapidly evolving eld and
its corresponding movement, but DeScis two dening
features are self-evident: 1) crowdsourcing and cyber-
based decentralized organizations for its activities, and
2) blockchain and web3 (or Web 3.0) supported opera-
tions for its management.
Its obvious motivation
and objective are the creation of new mechanisms
and processes for raising and distributing funds for
1541-1672 ß2022 IEEE
Digital Object Identier 10.1109/MIS.2022.3167070
Date of current version 20 May 2022.
IEEE Intelligent Systems Published by the IEEE Computer Society March/April 202216
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scientic endeavors and generating and disseminating
knowledge for common goods, particularly, shifting
ownership and value away from industrial intermediar-
iesand removing research pain points, silos, and bot-
However, this movement is fundamentally
a natural consequence of the need for multi/inter/
transdisciplinary studies, the emergence of past social
movement organizations and recent cyber movement
organizations, the call for the SciTS, and the conver-
gence of open science and AI-oriented open-source
Its recent fast development and deploy-
ment are mainly driven by the success and publicity of
web3, crypto technology, and blockchain intelligence,
especially smart contracts, and decentralized autono-
mous organizations and operations.
Figure 1 illustrates the essential characteristics
and indicators of DeSci. To a large extent, the current
DeSci is just a set of mechanisms and supporting
infrastructures for bottom-up individual sensemaking
through the use of blockchain and web3 technologies.
Its main driving force is generated by web3 collectives
and blockchain-based DAOs. Specically, DeSci can
be considered as the use of smart contracts and
tokens (fungible and nonfungible) to open up markets
through the deployment of open-source nance tools,
especially decentralized nances (DeFi).
DeSci is part of a bigger movement using recent digi-
tal tools for funding, organizing, training, planning, coordi-
nating, dispatching, collecting, distributing of supply-
demand activities, and resources in cyberspace-based
From a narrow perspective, DeSci is
the capacity of individual agents or specialized commu-
nities to make sense of the world autonomously, by
dening their own problems, tasks, languages, imagina-
tions, philosophies, and methodologies. From a broader
perspective, DeSci is the emergence of collective desires
FIGURE 1. Basic characteristics and indicators of DeSci.
March/April 2022 IEEE Intelligent Systems 17
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to improve the research and development establish-
ments, which are expected to be transformed by intelli-
gent technologies into more effective and efcient
organizations with increased ability for sciences to fulll
their mandates and align with human values.
In traditional centralized science (CeSci), centralized
agents, such as government institutions, philanthropic
foundations, private businesses, or universities, have been
organized and operated for pragmatic rather than purely
epistemic purposes, where techno-scientic institutions
have a core mandate of helping outside institutions in
their pragmatic endeavors with an overarching goal of
accumulating epistemic value along this direction. Figure 2
presents the framework for a DeSci model derived from
the initial idea in Wangswork.
Clearly, DeSci differs from
CeSci in terms of its tools, structure, governance, incen-
tives, organization, operations, and norms, or more gener-
ally, in terms of its research and development ecology for
knowledge discovery and utilization.
Molecule is a decentralized underlying infrastructure
and marketplace for the biomedical eld. Early stage
FIGURE 2. Reference model for DeSci.
18 IEEE Intelligent Systems March/April 2022
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biopharmaceutical research is the lifeblood of advanc-
ing medicine. However, many areas of biopharmaceuti-
cals typically face three problems: chronic underfunding
or challenges of commercialization, legal complexity, illi-
quidity of intellectual property assets, and lack of con-
nection to relevant investors.
To solve the abovementioned problems, Molecule
builds an open market and underlying infrastructure
by applying web3-related technologies, making new
research and IP discoverable, generally available, and
assigning ownership to participants. As shown in
Figure 3, the Molecule protocol consists of three parts
in the following.
IP-NFT: A new type of asset class, namely virtual
asset IP. It virtualizes and modularizes IP by combining
legal and technical frameworks with NFT technology.
Due to the complexity of IP in the medical eld, IP-
NFTs need to satisfy these characteristics: privacy, per-
manence, accessibility, and veriability. The implemen-
tation of the abovementioned features of IP-NFT is
based on Ethereum to ensure the ownership of assets,
the metadata storage layer is based on Arweave to
ensure that data are permanently available, and the
data storage layer is based on the Nevermined plat-
form to ensure the accessibility and veriability of
data. In addition, to achieve the tradability of IP-NFT
and accelerate its liquidity, unique digital asset identi-
ersNFT, new automatic exchange infrastructure
automatic market maker, and governance structure
DAOs to reshape intellectual property ownership,
nancing, and entity creation.
Molecule discovery: It is a platform for intellectual
property and data interaction. Researchers can make
their biopharmaceutical assets (data and preapplied
patents) visible to everyone, receive feedback, and
interact with potential funders. When potential invest-
ors decide to invest in the IP, the IP will be transferred
in the form of NFT. The mission of molecule discovery
is to accelerate the discovery of promising early-stage
treatments and bridge the valley of deathin
Molecule nance: IP-NFTs need a high liquidity pool
to function. Molecule nance enables modular drug
development by creating a virtual funding and collabo-
rative environment. NFTs can be transferred to auto-
mated market makers to raise capital or inserted into
DAOs managed as portfolios for specic therapeutic
verticals. This model reects a virtual biopharmaceuti-
cal startup with global stakeholders, funders, and
researchers, but assigns governance rights entirely to
the community.
Molecule enables biopharmaceutical research and
related intellectual property to be funded as NFT for
the rst time. It provides a new reference model for
development in the eld of biotechnology. Currently,
the Molecule platform has funded several projects.
For example, VitaDAO focuses on longevity research,
PsyDAO on psychedelic drug research, and the bio-
tech community LabDAO.
In addition to Molecule, the application scenarios of
DeSci are also expanding in two specic directions.
General-purpose issues, such as decentralized fund-
peer review,
access, and scientic development,
and research and development in specicelds, such
as environmental studies.
Clearly, the DeSci move-
ment is moving from theoretical ideas and small-scale
technical experiments to more established players for
funding university research and launching multiple
The case of Molecule as a Biotech DAO in OpenSea has
demonstrated the initial vitality and success of the
DeSci movement.
The original goal and function of its
IPNFT are to use IP legal languages and procedures for
helping NFT creators and collectors protect their rights
more effectively and efciently, but vice versa are also
true, i.e., NFT and other tokens can be use created to
help IP developers and owners better secure and mon-
etize their rights. This would enable a new kind of own-
ership, particularly make communities be the new
shareholders of scientic knowledge, and eventually
build self-sustaining scientic ecosystems where val-
ues generated by knowledge assets can be used to
fund the creation and utilization of new knowledge.
The impact of experimenting new cyber tools and AI
technologies to improve scientic knowledge generation
FIGURE 3. Operational process of Molecule.
March/April 2022 IEEE Intelligent Systems 19
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and distribution, and ultimately move toward knowledge
automation, such as the effort by DeSci, will be signi-
cant but uncertain in its scale and sustainability at this
early stage. A major issue here is that the DeSci move-
ment is happening with none or little input from estab-
lished scientic communities so far. We have to ask
ourselves: Is DeSci a disruptive technology for knowl-
edge industries? Is DeSci movement a revolution for sci-
entic establishments? Specically, what is its impact on
IEEE? Still the worlds largest technical professional orga-
nization for advancing technology for humanity in a pos-
sible age of coming to DeSci?
Figure 4 outlines the IEEE organizational structure
and activities. With a long history starting from the
American Institute of Electrical Engineers in 1884 and
over 400,000 members in 160 countries and regions,
IEEE is well known for its professional societies/coun-
cils, technical conferences, academic publications,
and industrial standards. According to IEEE 2020
Annual Report, it has over ve million documents with
total usage of 192,262,982, including 222,035 new
articles from 1611 IEEE sponsored conferences with
over 465,000 attendees in 96 countries, 86,052 new
journal and magazine papers, and 138 standards
approved for publication, and stands as a nancial
giant among professional communities worldwide
with a total asset over $917 million, revenue over $467
million, and expense over $397 million in 2020.
In the past decade, in addition to other profes-
sional organizations, IEEE is facing serious competi-
tion from commercial publishers and open-source
movements for social inuences, asset accumula-
tions, and nancial benets. The strength and founda-
tion for IEEE growth lie signicantly in its services and
contributions from member volunteers; however, this
might also turn to be IEEEs Achilliesfacing the auton-
omous science movement, since DeSci offers an
attractive alternative and a potential paradigm shift
for volunteer services and contributions.
Therefore, IEEE must investigate, test, and evalu-
ate the potential of DeSci for its organizational and
operational procedures and activities as soon as
possible. For example, DeSci will help IEEE in its collec-
tion, distribution, and even monetization of articles for
both conferences and publications, its event organiza-
tion and coordination, and its nancial inspection and
accountability, as well as its creation of a new and ver-
iable reputation and honor systems for its members.
A list of topics will be addressed and discussed in the
coming IEEE DHS-DeSci.
Figure 5 illustrates the primitive structure of a pro-
posed project for Free, Fair, And Responsibility Sensi-
tive Sciences (F2rS2)with a new kind of ownership
that would be neither public owed nor private owed,
called Responsibility Sensitive Ownership (RSO) using
blockchain intelligence and technology.
The F2rS2
was initially launched in 2016 by the Qingdao Academy
of Intelligent Industries with the support of the UNDP
FIGURE 4. IEEE structure and activities.
FIGURE 5. F2rS2 elements and structure: Open societies and
20 IEEE Intelligent Systems March/April 2022
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in Thailand and the help of the Chinese Association of
Automation (CAA), International Federation of Auto-
matic Control (IFAC) Technical Committee on Social
and Economic Systems, as well as the Beijing Chap-
ters of International Council on Systems Engineering,
Association for Computing Machinery, and Associa-
tion for Advancement of Articial Intelligence. The
motivation was to establish a new research and devel-
opment ecosystem with new digital and smart tools in
cyber-physical-social spaces (CPSS), an end-to-end
whole chain, and seamless organizational and opera-
tional support for professional communities from
open societies, academic associations, research insti-
tutes, startups, capital funds, to new ownership, RSO.
As a pilot project, the Association of Intelligent Sci-
ence and Technology and the Association for Advance-
ment of Intelligent Industries were registered at Denver,
CO, USA, in 2016 under the leadership of Fei-Yue Wang
and Nils Nilsson, which were merged into a single entity,
the Association for Global Intelligent Science and Tech-
nology (AGIST) after the death of Nilsson. A workshop
called Blockchain and Knowledge Automation has been
launched in 2017 at Denver University and became a con-
ference in 2018 under the support and sponsorship of
IEEE, IFAC, and CAA. In 2019, Chinese Journal of Intelli-
gent Science and Technology was launched, after the
failure of establishing it as an IEEE/CAA joint publication,
andin2021,CAArestartedInternational Journal for Intel-
ligent Control and Systems (established in 1996) and
AGIST launched International Conference of Cyber-phys-
ical and Social Intelligence with IEEE. Those associations,
publications, and conferences have been designed and
would be deployed for DAO-based mosaic organiza-
tionswith mosaic operationsfor mosaic eventsin
building the F2rS2 project.
The goal of F2rS2 is to establish an open-source plat-
form to support professional communities with a new
kind of ownership for responsibility sensitive scientic
activities of association, publication, and conference
using new digital tools and smart methods in AI and
intelligent technology, in an attempt to facilitate the
development of self-sustaining scienticecosystems.
Since 2016, it has been supported entirely by individual
volunteers and NGOs and has attracted the funds from
capitals for AI as well as projects from traditional indus-
tries, such as mining, manufacturing, semiconductors,
power and energy, and robotics and automation.
IEEE IS AI Expert will organize a Decentralized Hybrid
Symposium on DeSci (DHS-DeSci) starting from June
to August this year. DHS-DeSci will focus on the
1) The State and Trend of DeSci.
2) Open Science, SciTS, CMO, DAO, Metaverse,
Web 3.0, CPSS.
3) DeSci and DAO for Professional Communities
and Associations.
4) DeSci and DAO for Academic Journals and
5) DeSci and DAO for Conferences and Academic
6) New IT and Open Infrastructure for F2rS2 Proj-
ect, etc.
A series of decentralized hybrid workshops on differ-
ent topics will be held during DHS-DeSci in Asia, Europe,
and North America, respectively. Our discussions will be
summarized and reported at AI Expert. A position paper
on DeSci is expected in the end of DHS-DeSci.
Looking forward to having you in DHS-DeSci.
This work was supported in part by the Science and
Technology Development Fund, Macau SAR under
Grant 0050/2020/A1.
1. F.-Y. Wang, Blockchain intelligence and technology for
true and smart professional communities: New
associations, new conferences, and new publications,
QAII, Qingdao, Shandong, China, Tech. Rep., QAII-
TR#08-06-2016, 2016.
2. S. Hamburg, Call to join the decentralized science
movement,Nature, vol. 600, Dec. 2021, Art. no. 221.
3. S. Hamburg, A guide to DeSci, the latest Web3
movement.Accessed: Feb. 9, 2022. [Online]. Available:
4. W. Ding, S. Wang, J. Li,Y. Yuan, L. Ouyang, and F.-Y. Wang,
Decentralized autonomous organizations: The state of
the art, analysis framework and future trends,Chin. J.
Intell. Sci. Technol., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 202213, 2019.
5. X. Zheng, D. Zeng, H. Li, and F.-Y. Wang, Analyzing open-
source software systems as complex networks,Physica
A: Stat. Mech. Appl., v ol. 387, no. 24, pp. 61906200, 2008.
6. P. Kohlhaas, An open bazaar for drug development:
Molecule protocol.Accessed: Jun. 11, 2021. [Online].
March/April 2022 IEEE Intelligent Systems 21
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7. Scinece Fund. [Online]. Available: https://www.
8. A. Tenorio-Fornes et al.,Decentralizing science:
Towards an interoperable open peer review
ecosystem using blockchain,Inf. Process. Manage.,
vol. 58, no. 6, Nov. 2021, Art. no. 102724.
9. Research Hub. [Online]. Available: https://www.
10. KlimaDAO. [Online]. Available: https://www.klimadao.
FEI-YUE WANG is chief scientist and the founding director of
the SKL-MCCS, CAS, Beijing, 100045, China, since 2011, and
also with the Macau University of Science and Technology,
Macao, China. His research interests include parallel intelli-
gence, social computing, knowledge automation, blockchain
and DAO, complex systems and complexity, and robotics and
automation. Contact him at
WENWEN DING is a research assistant and Ph.D. candidate with
the Faculty of Innovation Engineering, Macau University of Sci-
ence and Technology, Macau, 999078, China. Her research inter-
estsinclude parallel intelligence, parallel governance, blockchain,
and DAO. Contact her at
XIAO WANG is a research scientist and the president of QAII,
also an associate professor at the Institute of Automation,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100045, China and
also Qingdao Academy of Intelligent Industries, Qingdao,
China. Her research interests include social computing,
knowledge automation, parallel intelligence, autonomous
driving and ITS, SciTS, and DAO-based computational social
systems. She is a member of BoG of IEEE ITSS. Contact her
JON GARIBALDI is head of the School of Computer Science,
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, U.K. His
research interests include data analysis, fuzzy sets and sys-
tems, decision support systems, and medical applications.
Contact him at
SIYU TENG is a Ph.D. student at Hong Kong Baptist University,
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong. His research interests include paral-
lel planning, end-to-end autonomous driving, and interpretable
deep learning. Contacthim at
RUDAS IMRE has been the president of the Central European Liv-
ing Lab for Intelligent Robotics, since 2014. His research interests
are computational cybernetics, robotics, and cloud robotics,
Internet of anything, soft computing, fuzzy control, and fuzzy sets.
Contact him at
CRISTINA OLAVERRI-MONREAL is holding the BMK endowed
professorship and chair for sustainable transport logistics 4.0 at
Johannes Kepler University, Linz, 4040, Austria. Her research
interests include automated driving, advanced driving assis-
tance systems, human-factors and humanmachine interaction,
sustainable transport, and simulation tools. Contact her at
22 IEEE Intelligent Systems March/April 2022
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... This section examines the role of blockchain as a foundational element of the Web3 infrastructure, catalyzing transformative changes across diverse fields. Notably, it impacts areas such as gaming finance (GameFi) [79] and decentralized science (DeSci) [14,80,81], enhancing human-AI interactions and facilitating a seamless transition from Web2 to Web3 paradigms. This exploration underscores blockchain's potential to revolutionize the landscape of research and development across multiple scientific and economic sectors as illustrated in Figure 9. ...
... In response to these challenges, we advocate for the integration of GameFi with decentralized science (DeSci) [14,80,81]. This proposal aims to transform GameFi platforms into experimental laboratories where economic behaviors can be meticulously studied within gamified environments. ...
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This chapter presents a research perspective that explores the transformative impact of blockchain technology on Behavioral and Experimental Economics. It addresses critical digital challenges such as subject identity verification and privacy, trust in researchers, and the design of experimental incentives. By advocating for a blockchain-integrated framework, the chapter aims to enhance data authenticity, privacy, and incentivization through decentralized mechanisms and smart contracts, thereby ensuring research that is transparent, tamper-proof, and practical. Additionally, the chapter proposes a paradigm shift toward a “play to learn” model, which bridges decentralized science with the realm of gaming finance to advance research and development. This integration signals a new era of interdisciplinary research, offering profound insights into human behavior within the digital economy and illuminating new research pathways that connect Web2 to Web3 environments.
... The employment of generative AI in social research not only opens up new ways of understanding and addressing social challenges (see Wang et al., 2022) but unveils new ethical concerns (Graziani et al., 2023) and implications for decision-making processes, educational frameworks, and interdisciplinary cooperation. In research practices, generative AI leads to merging data, algorithms, and social practices, giving life to new and unexpected cultural phenomena and dynamics (de Seta et al., 2023). ...
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This essay accounts for a novel way to explore generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) applications for digital methods research, based on the AI Methodology Map. The map is a pedagogical resource and a theoretical framework designed to structure, visually represent, and explore GenAI web-based applications. As an external object, the map functions as a valuable teaching material and interactive toolkit. As a theoretical framework, it is embodied in a static representation that provides principles for engaging with GenAI. Aligned with digital methods’ practical, technical, and theoretical foundations, the map facilitates explorations and critical examinations of GenAI and is supported by visual thinking and data practice documentation. The essay then outlines the map principles, its system of methods, educational entry points, and applications. The organization is as follows: First, we review GenAI methods, discussing how to access them, and their current uses in social research and the classroom context. Second, we define the AI Methodology Map and unpack the theory it embodies by navigating through the three interconnected methods constituting it: making room for, repurposing and designing digital methods-oriented projects with GenAI. Third, we discuss how the map bridges GenAI concepts, technicity, applications and the practice of digital methods, exposing its potential and reproducibility in educational settings. Finally, we demonstrate the AI Methodology Map’s application, employing a digital methodology to analyze algorithmic race stereotypes in image collections generated by nine prominent GenAI apps. In conclusion, the essay unveils methodological challenges, presenting provocations and critiques on repurposing GenAI for social research. By encompassing practice, materiality and theoretical perspective, we argued that the AI Methodology Map bridges theoretical and empirical engagement with GenAI, serving them together or separately, thus framing the essay’s main contribution. We expect that the AI Methodology Map’s reproducibility will likely lead to further discussions, expanding those we present here.
... • Unlimited development of decentralized science (DeSci): Blockchain technology has enabled excellent collaboration for research teams in secure data sharing and fairness salary [112,113]. In this regard, DeSci, as a newlyemerged concept, provides many achievements and improves background issues of science-based projects such as financial calculation, fairness, complete removal of conflict of interests, and fair payment to all participants of projects [114]. Unlimited collaboration in science and development of the DeSci concept is one of the most important achievements of L3 proceeding in education in which the FunDe-Sci 43 (NFT-based fundraising for decentralized science) is known as a success platform that launches projects as NFTs for universal funding and assigns shares to all funders. ...
Undoubtedly, blockchain technology has emerged as one of the most fascinating advancements in recent decades. Its rapid development has attracted a diverse range of experts from various fields. Over the past five years, numerous blockchains have been launched, hosting a multitude of applications with varying objectives. However, a key limitation of blockchain-based services and applications is their isolation within their respective host blockchains, preventing them from recording or accessing data from other blockchains. This limitation has spurred developers to explore solutions for connecting different blockchains without relying on centralized intermediaries. This new wave of projects, officially called Layer 3 projects (L3) initiatives, has introduced innovative concepts like cross-chain transactions, multi-chain frameworks, hyper-chains, and more. This study provides an overview of these significant concepts and L3 projects while categorizing them into interoperability and scalability solutions. We then discuss opportunities, challenges, and future horizons of L3 solutions and present a SWOT (Strengths - Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threats) analysis of the two groups of L3 solutions and all other proposals. As an important part, we introduce the concept of Universal decentralized finance (DeFi) as one the most exciting applications of L3s which decreases transaction costs, enhances the security of crowdfunding, and provides many improvements in distributed lending-borrowing processes. The final part of this study maps the blockchain’s triangle problem on L3s and identifies current challenges from the L3’s perspective. Ultimately, the future directions of L3 for both academic and industry sectors are discussed.
... 、无人矿山 [13][14] 、智能制 造优化与决策管理 [15][16][17] 、交通预测与管理 [18][19][20][21][22] 、地 铁 管 理 [23] 、 航 空 飞 行 控 制 [24] 、 核 电 和 电 网 管 理 [25][26][27][28] 、 自 动 驾 驶 [29][30] 、 智 慧 医 疗 [31][32][33] 、 智 能 村 庄 [34] 与智慧农业 [35][36] 、智慧风沙防护 [37] 、企业员工 关系管理 [38] 、生产物流调度优化 [39] 、智慧汽车轮胎 控制 [40] 、艺术创作 [41] 等生产领域以及语言理解 [42] 、 机器学习 [43][44] 、元宇宙建模与感知 [45][46][47] 、社会建模 与智能 [48] 、科学研究范式 [49][50][51] [5] ZHANG M, TAO F, NEE A Y C. Digital twin enhanced dynamic jobshop scheduling [J]. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2021, 58: ...
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Dear Editor, Modeling is the first and essential step for control and automation, and large models, from current ChatGPT or large language models (LLMs) to future large knowledge models of knowledge automation, would be the foundation model and infrastructure intelligence for coming intelligent industries and smart societies.
Psychotropic medications are widely prescribed and are a mainstay treatment for various mental health disorders. A significant portion of patients undergoing surgery or various procedures take these medications. With the rising prevalence of mental health conditions, anesthesiologists increasingly find themselves encountering patients who depend on these medications, making the understanding of potential interactions with anesthetic agents crucial during the perioperative period. Appreciating the adverse-effect profiles and familiarity with the clinically relevant drug interactions that may occur in the perioperative setting are imperative to ensure the best possible outcome in delivering patient care. This review focuses on various classes of psychotropic agents, including antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, and anxiolytics. It covers the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of these medication classes and their interactions with agents commonly used in anesthesia.
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Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) has emerged as a pivotal force in the Industrial Revolution – 4.0, significantly enhancing productivity and innovation across diverse sectors. This literature review investigates the economic impact of GAI from both macro and micro perspectives, focusing on its influence on productivity, creativity, and technological advancement in various industries. Through bibliometric analysis from the Web of Science database, this study identifies key trends, geographic distribution, and research hotspots in this field. Content analysis finds that GAI technologies substantially boost efficiency and economic output while posing challenges related to ethical considerations and societal risks. This review attempts to bridge the research gap by providing a systematic review and induction of influencing factors in this field and highlights the transformative potential of GAI. Future research directions are proposed to address gaps in understanding the comprehensive economic impact of GAI, aiming to guide enterprises in leveraging these technologies for competitive advantage.
The preceding chapters give an overview on the advancements of AI in fields such as mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, materials science, medicine, and astronomy. While these selected works represent only a portion of the progress made in AI for Sciences (AI4S) in recent years, these breakthroughs are truly thrilling. On the other hand, as a rapidly evolving field, AI4S encounters numerous challenges. Hence, the establishment of a robust and sustainable ecosystem is paramount. Despite its significance, the AI4S ecosystem often remains overlooked. This chapter delves into AI ecology and sustainable development issues, examining them through the lenses of Decentralized Science (DeSci), Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), Blockchain Technology, and Foundational Intelligence.
AI for Sciences (AI4S) has made significant achievements in recent years. To tackle challenges and advance future research, this chapter introduces the Parallel Intelligence perspectives for analyzing, comparing, and developing AI4S within a unified framework called HANOI-AI4S. First, a systematic introduction to Parallel Intelligence is provided, followed by the perspectives of Parallel Science, characterized by “three worlds, three ITs, three scientists, and three modes.” The challenges of AI4S and benefits of a unified AI4S framework are then analyzed. Finally, the details of HANOI-AI4S are described, with an emphasis on human roles, organizations, and AI methods.
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NFTs are non-fungible tokens. Like cryptocurrencies, they appeared as a result of the formation of the blockchain. True, unlike, say, Bitcoin, each NFT is unique and has its own value. If one conventional cryptocurrency unit does not differ in any way from another similar one (for example, one Ethereum does not differ in any way from another and is completely interchangeable without loss of value), then the situation is different with NFT. Tokens are used to secure rights to a unique object, such as a digitized work of art or artifacts in video games. Tokens are stored in the blockchain and contain the address of the object. To store the metadata and media to which the tokens are assigned, the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) file system distributed over many computers is most often used. Farcana has suggested applying the same principle to scientific research. By introducing the MetaDeSci, Farcana has created a space where the gamers, gaming platforms, investors, scientists and universities are capable of using the rNFT to finance research, share data and promote science altogether, maintaining transparency.
Scientific publication and its Peer Review system strongly rely on a few major industry players controlling most journals (e.g. Elsevier), databases (e.g. Scopus) and metrics (e.g. JCR Impact Factor), while keeping most articles behind paywalls. Critics to such system include concerns about fairness, quality, performance, cost, unpaid labor, transparency, and accuracy of the evaluation process. The Open Access movement has tried to provide free access to the published research articles, but most of the aforementioned issues remain. In such context, decentralized technologies such as blockchain offer an opportunity to experiment with new models for scientific production and dissemination relying on a decentralized infrastructure, aiming to tackle multiple of the current system shortcomings. This paper makes a proposal for an interoperable decentralized system for an open peer review ecosystem, relying on emerging distributed technologies such as blockchain and IPFS. Such system, named “Decentralized Science” (DecSci), aims to enable a decentralized reviewer reputation system, which relies on an Open Access by-design infrastructure, together with transparent governance processes. Two prototypes have been implemented: a proof-of-concept prototype to validate DecSci’s technological feasibility, and a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) prototype co-designed with journal editors. In addition, three evaluations have been carried out: an exploratory survey to assess interest on the issues tackled; two sets of interviews to confirm both the main problems for editors and to validate the MVP prototype; and a cost analysis of the main operations, both execution cost and actual price. Additionally, the paper discusses the multiple interoperability challenges such proposal faces, including an architecture to tackle them. This work finishes with a review of some of the open challenges that this ambitious proposal may face.
Software systems represent one of the most complex man-made artifacts. Understanding the structure of software systems can provide useful insights into software engineering efforts and can potentially help the development of complex system models applicable to other domains. In this paper, we analyze one of the most popular open-source Linux meta packages/distributions called the Gentoo Linux. In our analysis, we model software packages as nodes and dependencies among them as edges. Our empirical results show that the resulting Gentoo network cannot be easily explained by existing complex network models. This in turn motivates our research in developing two new network growth models in which a new node is connected to an old node with the probability that depends not only on the degree but also on the “age” of the old node. Through computational and empirical studies, we demonstrate that our models have better explanatory power than the existing ones. In an effort to further explore the properties of these new models, we also present some related analytical results.
Decentralized autonomous organizations: The state of the art, analysis framework and future trends
  • ding
An open bazaar for drug development: Molecule protocol
  • P Kohlhaas
P. Kohlhaas, "An open bazaar for drug development: Molecule protocol." Accessed: Jun. 11, 2021. [Online].
A guide to DeSci, the latest Web3 movement
  • S Hamburg
S. Hamburg, "A guide to DeSci, the latest Web3 movement." Accessed: Feb. 9, 2022. [Online]. Available:
Blockchain intelligence and technology for true and smart professional communities
  • F.-Y. Wang
F.-Y. Wang, "Blockchain intelligence and technology for true and smart professional communities: New associations, new conferences, and new publications," QAII, Qingdao, Shandong, China, Tech. Rep., QAII-TR#08-06-2016, 2016.
Decentralized autonomous organizations: The state of the art, analysis framework and future trends
  • W Ding
  • S Wang
  • J Li
  • Y Yuan
  • L Ouyang
  • F.-Y. Wang
W. Ding, S. Wang, J. Li, Y. Yuan, L. Ouyang, and F.-Y. Wang, "Decentralized autonomous organizations: The state of the art, analysis framework and future trends," Chin. J. Intell. Sci. Technol., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 202-213, 2019.