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The Use of Psychedelics in the Treatment of Medical Conditions: An Analysis of Currently Registered Psychedelics Studies in Clinical


Abstract and Figures

Background/Aims: Although early therapeutic research on psychedelics dates back to the 1940's, this field of investigation was met with many cultural and legal challenges in the 1970's. Over the past two decades, clinical trials using psychedelics have resumed. Therefore, the goal of this study was to 1) better characterize the recent uptrend in psychedelics in clinical trials and 2) identify areas where potentially new clinical trials could be initiated to help in the treatment of widely prevalent medical disorders. Methods: A systematic search was conducted on the database for all registered clinical trials examining the use of psychedelic drugs and was both qualitatively and quantitatively assessed. Analysis of uptrending recent studies registered in was performed with Pearson correlation coefficient testing. Statistical analysis and visualization was performed with R software. Results: In totality, 105 clinical trials met this study's inclusion criteria. Recent uptrend in registered clinical trials of psychedelics (p = 0.002) was similar to the uprend in total registered clinical trials in the registry (p < 0.001). All trials took place from 2007 to 2020, with 77.1% studies starting in 2017 or later. A majority of clinical trials were in Phase 1 (53.3%) or 2 (25.7%). Common disorders treated include substance addiction, post-traumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder. Potential research gaps include studying psychedelics as a potential option for symptomatic treatment during opiod tapering. Conclusions: There appears to be a recent uptrend in registered clinical trials for psychedelics, which is similar to the recent increased in overall trials registered. Potentially more studies could be performed to evaluate the potential of psychedelics for symptomatic treatment during opiod tapering and depression refractory to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Review began 08/12/2022
Review ended 09/13/2022
Published 09/14/2022
© Copyright 2022
Kurtz et al. This is an open access article
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The Use of Psychedelics in the Treatment of
Medical Conditions: An Analysis of Currently
Registered Psychedelics Studies in the American
Drug Trial Registry
Joshua S. Kurtz , Neal A. Patel , Julian L. Gendreau , Chenyi Yang , Nolan Brown , Nick Bui , Bryce
Picton , Mark Harris , Matthew Hatter , Ryan Beyer , Ronald Sahyouni , Luis Daniel Diaz-Aguilar ,
Joel Castellano , Nathaniel Schuster , Mickey E. Abraham
1. Neurological Surgery, University of California Irvine, Irvine, USA 2. Neurological Surgery, Mercer University School
of Medicine, Savannah, USA 3. Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA 4. Neurological
Surgery, Loma Linda School of Medicine, Loma Linda, USA 5. Neurological Surgery, University of California Irvine (UCI)
School of Medicine, Irvine, USA 6. Neurological Surgery, UCI, School of Medicine,, Irvine, USA 7. Neurological Surgery,
University of California San Diego, San Diego, USA 8. Anesthesiology and Reanimation, University of California San
Diego, San Diego, USA 9. Center for Pain Medicine, University of California San Diego, San Diego, USA
Corresponding author: Julian L. Gendreau,
Although early therapeutic research on psychedelics dates back to the 1940s, this field of investigation was
met with many cultural and legal challenges in the 1970s. Over the past two decades, clinical trials using
psychedelics have resumed. Therefore, the goal of this study was to (1) better characterize the recent
uptrend in psychedelics in clinical trials and (2) identify areas where potentially new clinical trials could be
initiated to help in the treatment of widely prevalent medical disorders. A systematic search was conducted
on the database for all registered clinical trials examining the use of psychedelic drugs and
was both qualitatively and quantitatively assessed. Analysis of recent studies registered in
was performed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient testing. Statistical analysis and visualization were
performed using R software. In totality, 105 clinical trials met this study’s inclusion criteria. The recent
uptrend in registered clinical trials studying psychedelics (p = 0.002) was similar to the uptrend in total
registered clinical trials in the registry (p < 0.001). All trials took place from 2007 to 2020, with 77.1% of
studies starting in 2017 or later. A majority of clinical trials were in phase 1 (53.3%) or phase 2 (25.7%).
Common disorders treated include substance addiction, post-traumatic stress disorder, and major
depressive disorder. Potential research gaps include studying psychedelics as a potential option for
symptomatic treatment during opioid tapering. There appears to be a recent uptrend in registered clinical
trials studying psychedelics, which is similar to the recent increase in overall trials registered. Potentially,
more studies could be performed to evaluate the potential of psychedelics for symptomatic treatment during
opioid tapering and depression refractory to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
Categories: Psychiatry, Neurosurgery, Substance Use and Addiction
Keywords: psilocybin, post traumatic stress disorder, mdma, major depressive disorder, clinical trials
Introduction And Background
Although hallucinogens have been used as spiritual tools for millennia in non-Western cultures [1,2], they
were not introduced into the Western scientific community until 1896 when Arthur Heffter, a German
pharmacologist, isolated mescaline from peyote [3]. After this period in time, the study of psychedelics
became much more robust throughout the mid-1900s with the work of Albert Hofmann who studied the
psychoactive properties of LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) and psilocybin [4,5]. Researchers began to study
the potential therapeutic uses of psychedelics for depression, alcoholism, and palliative care. LSD became a
model psychedelic for these therapeutic developments [6,7]. Ultimately, tens of thousands of patients were
treated in the 1950s and 1960s, predominantly in the psychotherapy setting [8,9]. Despite minimal adverse
events [10], most psychedelics were later criminalized and deemed schedule 1 drugs by the United Nations
Convention on Psychotropic Substances in 1971 due to their hypothesized close association with cultural
turmoil and anti-Vietnam war politics of this period. These stringent regulations stigmatized psychedelic
research, leaving investigators discouraged in the wake of these rapid changes [11]. Additionally, some
authors argue that the decline of research into psychedelics was more a result of the difficulty to establish
efficacy of the psychedelics given their mechanism of action and its clash with controlled trial
methodologies at the time [12].
In the last two decades, there has been a resurgence of psychedelics research that has broadly encompassed
the fields of neuroimaging [13-21], psychopharmacology [18,22-24], and psychology [25-31]. Focused mostly
on psilocybin and MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine), researchers are now considering the
potential of these drugs being used to treat a variety of different psychiatric and neurological conditions
1 2 3 1 1 4
5 6 5 5 7 7
8 9 7
Open Access Review
Article DOI: 10.7759/cureus.29167
How to cite this article
Kurtz J S, Patel N A, Gendreau J L, et al. (September 14, 2022) The Use of Psychedelics in the Treatment of Medical Conditions: An Analysis of
Currently Registered Psychedelics Studies in the American Drug Trial Registry. C ureus 14(9): e29167. DOI 10.7759/cureus.29167
such as addiction, pain, depression, end-of-life anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For
example, one study published in 2016 by Roland Griffiths and his team at Johns Hopkins was a randomized,
double-blind, crossover trial. This study gave cancer patients with poor prognoses and associated
anxiety/depression either a high dose of psilocybin or a low dose, functioning as a placebo [32]. Results
showed decreases in both clinician- and self-rated measures of depressed mood and anxiety among the
participants in the high-dose group, along with a general increase in quality of life.
Cannabis, and specifically tetrahydracannibidinol (THC), also plays a major role in this field of research. A
recent report published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine provided a
comprehensive review of over 20 years of cannabis research, considering more than 10,000 scientific
abstracts [33]. In this report, a committee discussed the health impacts of cannabis and cannabis-derived
products, ranging from therapeutic properties to increased risks for causing cancers, respiratory diseases,
and psychological disorders.
Despite the promising results that these investigations have yielded, there are still many barriers to
advancing psychedelics research. Stigma, legality, and cultural interest all influence the amount of research
that can be conducted in any field, but is especially prominent in the area of psychedelics. Ultimately, the
history of psychedelics all but requires promising results to be accepted with cautious optimism, leaving
researchers, clinicians, and the general public alike urging for a greater body of research into the therapy
and safety of these drugs. The purpose of this study is to review the current scope/character of current
psychedelic drug clinical trials, identify current cultural/legal challenges hindering progress in this field, and
discuss potential avenues for future investigation.
This analysis of clinical trials studying psychedelic drugs was conducted using the
database, a database that is supported by the National Library of Medicine through the National Institutes of
Health (Bethesda, Maryland, USA). This database contains more than 380,000 research studies conducted
throughout the United States and in 220 countries. This database can be accessed at Information about trials is submitted by the sponsor or lead investigator for the
purposes of research integrity by establishing prespecified primary outcomes. In addition, this registration
of clinical trials also ensures publication of negative or null findings in addition to positive findings. This
database is continually updated as the study progresses while updating the number of participants and
preliminary results.
The authors queried the database using the input “psychedelic” in the “other terms” parameter. The search
was made on May 1, 2021. Of the studies identified, those that had been suspended, terminated, withdrawn,
or otherwise unknown statuses were excluded. For the studies that met the inclusion criteria, the following
data were extracted: identifier number, title, recruitment status, condition or disease, study type,
intervention, primary purpose, clinical phase, estimated number of participants, year of study initiation,
country of origin, and sponsoring institution. Studies including cannabidiol (CBD) and kratom were excluded
from the study.
Descriptive statistics were used for the initial summary of the retrieved data. Statistical analysis was
performed with R software (R Core Team, Vienna, Austria) using the Pearson’s correlation test to discover if
there were any uptrends in clinical trials with each successive year included in the study. This was
performed for both the total number of clinical trials established on the website and to the
clinical trials of psychedelics retrieved from the search. A p-value of 0.05 was used for establishing
statistical significance, in addition to 95% confidence intervals. When analyzing for increasing trends in
clinical trials, the year 2020 was omitted due to the reduced amount of medical research as a result of the
COVID-19 pandemic. Visualization was performed using R software.
The search results included 105 studies that met this study’s inclusion criteria (Appendix A). A flowsheet of
the inclusion/exclusion criteria is depicted in Figure 1. In total, 103 studies (98.1%) were interventional and
two (1.9%) were observational, including one (1%) cross-sectional study and one (1%) prospective study. All
trials took place from 2007 to 2020, with 81 (77.1%) studies starting in 2017 or later. Sixty-one trials had an
enrollment between 0 and 50 participants (57%), 24 had a sample size between 51 and 100 participants
(22.4%), 19 had a sample size between 101 and 500 participants (17.8%), and one had a sample size of >501
participants (0.9%). The mean number of study participants was 117 in all trials. No trials were completed.
However, 19 (18.1%) were active, 63 (60%) were recruiting, one (1%) was enrolling through invitation, and
22 (21%) were not yet recruiting.
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FIGURE 1: Results of the clinical trials search strategy. Flowchart
depicts the search and screening process used to identify relevant
clinical trials.
PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder
Country of Origin and Sponsoring Institutions
The United States of America has the most clinical trials, 74 (70.5%), with the rest originating in Switzerland
(9.5%), Canada (4.8%), and several other countries (Table 1; Figure 2A). These studies were largely
sponsored by Yale University (21.9%, n = 23), followed by Johns Hopkins University (10.5%, n = 11) and the
Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) (8.6%, n = 9).
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Characteristic Number of trials Percentage of all trials
Primary purpose
Treatment 53 50.50%
Basic science 40 38.10%
Other 5 4.80%
Supportive care 3 2.90%
Health services research 2 1.90%
Diagnostic 1 1.00%
1 56 53.30%
2 27 25.70%
3 7 6.70%
4 5 4.80%
Other 10 9.50%
N/A 9 8.60%
1 and 2 1 1.00%
Country of origin
United States 74 70.50%
Switzerland 10 9.50%
Canada 5 4.80%
Germany 3 2.90%
United Kingdom 3 2.90%
Austria 2 1.90%
Israel 2 1.90%
Brazil 1 1.00%
Denmark 1 1.00%
Finland 1 1.00%
The Netherlands 1 1.00%
Spain 1 1.00%
West Indies 1 1.00%
TABLE 1: Characteristics of clinical trials included in this analysis
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FIGURE 2: Characteristics of included clinical trials. (A) Clinical trials by
nationality. Other includes clinical trials in the countries of Brazil,
Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Spain, and the West Indies. (B)
Psychedelic drugs under analysis in each clinical trial. (C) Type of
clinical trial. (D) Stage of currently reported clinical trials underway.
1 and 2 refer to trials including patients in both phase 1 and phase 2, respectively. N/A refers to trials with no listed
phase. Other refers to exploratory trials before phase 1.
Types of Psychedelics
The most commonly studies psychedelics were cannabinoids (47.62%, n = 50), and psilocybin (24.76%, n =
26). MDMA was also used (13.33%, n = 14). Other less common psychedelics were also studied including LSD,
ibogaine hydrochloride, and salvinorin A (Figure 2B).
Purpose of Included Clinical Trials
The primary purposes of these trials were based on the following: treatment (50.5%, n = 53), basic science
(38.1%, n = 40), other/unspecified (4.8%, n = 5), supportive care (2.9%, n = 3), health services research (1.9%,
n = 2), and diagnostic (1.0%, n = 1) (Figure 2C).
Phases of Included Clinical Trials
The majority of the clinical trials are in phase 1 (53.3%, n = 56) or phase 2 (25.7%, n = 27). In addition, three
studies are in phase 3 (2.9%) and five (4.8%) studies are in phase 4. An overview of study characteristics is
depicted in Figure 2D.
Statistical Analysis
Both the number of clinical trials specifically measuring psychedelics and the number of trials in the overall
registry were found to be increasing over time (Figures 3A, 3B). Pearson’s correlation testing revealed an
uptrend with an increasing number of psychedelic clinical trials occurring each year from 2007 to 2019 (r =
0.784 [95% CI: 0.411-0.932], p = 0.002). The resulting t-test statistic value was 4.192. In addition, there was
also an increase in the total number of registered clinical trials each year as an entirety (r = 0.98 [95% CI:
0.919-0.993], p < 0.01). The resulting t-test statistic value was 14.832 (Figure 3C).
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FIGURE 3: Amount of both psychedelic clinical trials and total clinical
trials in the registry have increased over time. (A) Bar
plot depicting the number of newly registered psychedelic-specific
studies each year. (B) Bar plot depicting the number of newly registered
studies in the database overall each year. (C) Pearson
correlation analysis finding statistically significant association of
increasing psychedelic studies per year in addition to overall registered
trials in the registry.
Condition or Disease
Healthy participants made up the largest group, who were studied in 35 (33.3%) trials, with 30 of them being
phase 1 trials (Table 2). The most commonly studied disorders were substance use disorders, with 14 studies
(13.3%). More specifically, there were five alcohol, four marijuana/cannabis, three opioids, one cocaine, and
one nicotine clinical trial regarding substance use. PTSD and depression were the next most frequently
studied disorders, having nine (8.6%) and eight (7.6%) clinical trials, respectively. Eight clinical trials were
conducted regarding pain, with chronic pain as the most studied (2.9%, n = 3). Studies regarding
cancer/cancer-related symptoms accounted for five of the results. Degenerative disorders, consisting of
multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and mild cognitive impairment had a total of
four (3.7%) clinical trials. Headache disorders had a total of four (3.7%) clinical trials included as well. Three
(2.8%) studies were included about psychosis/schizophrenia. There were also four trials where multiple
conditions or diseases were studied, most commonly with depression and related disorders (Figures 4A, 4B).
Condition or disease Number of trials Percentage of all trials
Healthy 35 33.3%
Substance use disorder 14 13.3%
Alcohol 5 4.8%
Marijuana/cannabis 4 3.8%
Opioids 3 2.9%
Cocaine 1 1.0%
Nicotine 1 1.0%
PTSD 9 8.6%
Depression 8 7.6%
Pain 8 7.6%
Chronic pain 3 2.9%
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Post-operative pain 1 1.0%
Post-traumatic pain 1 1.0%
Neuropathic low back pain 1 1.0%
Inflammatory bowel disease 1 1.0%
Sickle cell disease 1 1.0%
Cancer 5 4.8%
Degenerative diseases 4 3.8%
Multiple sclerosis 2 1.9%
Alzheimer's disease 1 1.0%
Parkinson's disease 1 1.0%
Headache disorders 4 3.8%
Cluster headache 2 1.9%
Migraine 1 1.0%
Post-traumatic headache 1 1.0%
Multiple conditions or diseases 4 3.8%
Depression, Anxiety, PTSD 1 1.0%
Depression, depressive symptoms, Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment 1 1.0%
Distress/grief, depression 1 1.0%
Tourette syndrome, tic disorder 1 1.0%
Psychosis/schizophrenia 3 2.9%
OCD 2 1.9%
Anorexia nervosa 1 1.0%
Anxiety disorders 1 1.0%
Autism spectrum disorder 1 1.0%
Bipolar disorder 1 1.0%
Hepatic impairment 1 1.0%
HIV 1 1.0%
Obstructive sleep apnea 1 1.0%
Tourette syndrome 1 1.0%
Trichotillomania 1 1.0%
TABLE 2: Number of clinical trials by condition or disease.
PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder; OC D, obsessive-compulsive disorder; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus
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FIGURE 4: Number of psychedelic clinical trials per treating condition.
(A) Line plot depicting cumulative number of clinical trials over time
stratified by medical disorders. (B) Pie charts depicting percentage of
psychedelic studies in the treatment of substance abuse disorder,
headaches, pain, and neurodegenerative disorders.
Study Interventions
Nearly half of all clinical trials were conducted with cannabis/cannabinoids as the study intervention (47.6%,
n = 50) (Table 3). Dronabinol, a synthetic substance containing compounds from the cannabis plant, was
used in 23 of those studies. The interventions consisted of psilocybin, MDMA, and LSD in 26 (24.8%), 14
(13.3%), and four (3.8%) studies, respectively. There were seven clinical trials that investigated all or a
combination of psychedelic substances, and in these psilocybin was most commonly administered alongside
other drugs (n = 3).
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Study intervention Number of trials Percentage of trials
Cannabis/cannabinoids 50 47.6%
Dronabinol 23 21.9%
THC 12 11.4%
Dronabinol/CBD 3 2.9%
THC/CBD 3 2.9%
Nabilone 2 1.9%
Nabiximols 2 1.9%
THC/terpenes (alpha-pinene, limonene) 2 1.9%
THX-110 (dronabinol + PEA) 2 1.9%
Inje cocktail, THC cannabis extract, THC/CBD cannabis extract 1 1.0%
Psilocybin 26 24.8%
MDMA 14 13.3%
Multiple interventions 7 6.7%
All psychedelics 1 1.0%
MDMA, methamphetamine 1 1.0%
Psilocybin, ketamine 1 1.0%
Psilocybin, LSD 1 1.0%
Psilocybin, SSRI (escitalopram) 1 1.0%
THC, ketamine 1 1.0%
Dronabinol, ethanol 1 1.0%
LSD 4 3.8%
Ibogaine hydrochloride 2 1.9%
Salvinorin A 2 1.9%
TABLE 3: Number of clinical trials by intervention.
THC, tetrahydracannibidinol; CBD, cannabidiol; THC, tetrahydracannibidinol; PEA, palmitoylethanolamide; MDMA, methylenedioxymethamphetamine;
LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
The sheer number of recently established current clinical trials reveals that research is increasing in this
area, especially since 2017 [34]. Statistical analysis of all trials registered into the database, however,
suggests an increasing amount of studies in all fields. Thus, the increasing trend in psychedelic intervention
studies could represent just improved registration of clinical trials overall by all medical researchers.
Furthermore, it is evident that many of these studies are still in their infancy. Many researchers are still
facing the challenge of first establishing the safety of hallucinogenic drugs. Thus, the fact that more than
50% of the current trials are phase 1 is not surprising. This is especially imperative as the schedule 1 status of
many psychedelic substances requires researchers to firmly establish the safety of the drugs on healthy
subjects before moving on to their potential therapeutic impacts.
Conditions or Diseases
With the exceptionally heavy burden of addiction and overdose rates in the United States [34], and in the
wake of the current opioid epidemic, it was fitting that substance use disorders overall were the most
commonly studied conditions in current psychedelic clinical trials. However, only three trials focused
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specifically on opioid substance use disorder. Two of the studies are testing psychedelics as maintenance
therapy along with buprenorphine/naloxone, while one clinical trial is testing psychedelics as an adjunct
with methadone withdrawal. This is a large gap in this field of research as approximately 70,000 Americans
suffered from overdoses causing fatalities in 2018, and two-thirds of those were from opioids [35,36]. Thus,
successful treatments in this realm of psychedelic research could elicit a substantial impact on a psychiatric
disorder with rapidly increasing prevalence and rates of mortality. Ibogaine, a naturally occurring alkaloid
for which there are two clinical trials underway, has shown promise in reducing alcohol and opioid cravings
and withdrawals; however, its application is limited by its hallucinogenic and arrhythmogenic adverse
effects [37]. Cameron et al. recently formulated an analog, tabernanthalog (TBG), that addresses both issues,
which sets it apart as a candidate for substance use disorder clinical trials [3].
The next most studied disorders are PTSD and major depressive disorder, as both have nine and eight studies
currently underway, respectively. There is already early evidence that psychedelic treatment could be
successful in treating these disorders [36-39]. It is important to consider that the term “post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD)” was also not a term before its first appearance in 1980, when it was initially described in
the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Therefore, this could
potentially have affected our search, thus not identifying a significant number of trials before the term
became incorporated into mainstream use and study. However, trauma-based research could potentially
have still been studied and registered using different terminologies and descriptions. The present study's
results on MDD trial prevalence align with Carhart-Harris and Goodwin, who, in a review outlining the
therapeutic potential of psychedelics, accept that treatment-resistant depression is the most logical place to
focus inquiry given the uncertainty in the treatment plan after SSRI failure [6]. The future should ideally
focus on creating innovative therapies for patients with SSRI refractory disease. There are also non-
psychiatric disorders that are currently being studied. Four studies used psychedelics to treat
neurodegenerative disorders and eight studies evaluated treatment options for different forms of pain
(chronic, post-operative, post-traumatic). Twelve studies were also found measuring psychedelic use for
treating pain and headache disorders, while eight studies specifically evaluated psychedelic use for pain
(chronic, postoperative, post-traumatic) and four studies evaluated treatment of headache disorders.
The most common substances used in interventional studies were cannabis/cannabinoids. A large number of
drugs (dronabinol, nabilone, nabiximols, THX-110) fell under this category as there are multiple synthetic
cannabinoids currently under development or already brought to market. The fact that most studies use
dronabinol is understandable seeing as it is already FDA-approved for appetite stimulation and as an
antiemetic to combat chemo-induced nausea and vomiting, while nabilone is FDA-approved for nausea and
vomiting refractory to conventional medical management [40-41]. With that in mind, current trials are
studying broader uses of these drugs as treatments for chronic pain, Alzheimer’s, sleep apnea, and PTSD.
The next most researched drug is psilocybin, with 26 studies underway. This is the most popular drug of the
“classical psychedelics” in clinical trials. This is due to the promising research that has already been
performed with psilocybin and, historically, with a drug that has similar subjective effects, LSD (which is
itself currently being researched in four different studies). Furthermore, there is an expert consensus that
these two drugs cause less harm to society and individuals alike as compared to alcohol, tobacco, and other
recreational drugs [42-45]. The success of previous studies is clear from the exciting FDA breakthrough
therapy designation that it received in both 2018 and 2019, a promising pattern in the context of being a
schedule I drug with "no currently accepted medical use" [46]. Current studies are focused on psychiatric
issues such as depression, OCD, and alcohol-use disorder, but they are also studying potential uses in
treating headaches and anorexia. The sheer number of studies is a promising sign that the preliminary
success of prior studies is being taken seriously and being further advanced.
MDMA is the next most studied substance, with 14 studies ongoing. This reflects previous success in studies
researching MDMA-assisted psychotherapy as a treatment for PTSD. The first controlled clinical trial of
MDMA-assisted psychotherapy was published in 2011 [47] and produced promising results as 83% of the
experimental group no longer met criteria for PTSD at 2- and 12-month follow-ups. There have subsequently
been further promising studies in this area of research, and MDMA-assisted psychotherapy was even granted
a breakthrough therapy designation from the FDA in 2017. It is important to continue to push for more
robust clinical trials with high-quality randomized design and appropriate blinding. Additionally,
researchers should aim for large enough sample sizes to ensure adequate power of detecting treatment
effects that are not due to chance alone.
Primary Purpose and Phases
Although there has been a renewed and inspired interest in psychedelic therapies, the use of psychedelics
overall is ultimately still in a nascent stage. This is reflected in the fact that only 53 out of 105 studies are
studying the substances as treatments (rather than, for example, basic science research) and that 84/92
studies that are subject to classical study phases are in either phase 1 or phase 2 trials with only three trials
in phase 3 and five in phase 4. Of the classical psychedelics (MDMA, LSD, psilocybin, ibogaine) there are
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only two current trials in phase 3 and they are both studying MDMA treatments for PTSD. This is also limited
by financial constraints as both phase 3 and phase 4 clinical trials require more financial backing and are
generally funded by industry. Potentially, when more studies progress, there will be an exponential increase
in both the volume and speed of the research.
The United States of America has the most clinical trials out of any country, with 74 studies currently
underway. This is despite strict government regulations regarding schedule 1 drugs and is a promising sign
that regulations may loosen in the coming years.
The country with the most studies on a per-capital basis, however, is Switzerland, with 10. This may be
reflective of the power of stigma and culture in facilitating research. Switzerland has a long history of being
more accepting of psychedelic use, even legalizing LSD and MDMA therapies from 1988 to 1993 [48] and
granting individual allowances for the therapeutic use of LSD and MDMA since 2014 [49]. It is no surprise
that the country that celebrates “bicycle day” is also the country with the highest rate of research on the
topic [50]. This holiday became commemorated after Albert Hofmann first synthesized and intentionally
self-ingested LSD. Thus, he experienced the effects of the substance while also riding on a bicycle. This was
one of the first well-known events where the hallucinogenic properties of LSD were identified, and thus
Switzerland is now regarded largely as the birthplace of LSD.
It is also important to consider that several other clinical trial databases exist such as the European clinical
trials registry at https://www.clinical In addition, an Australian registry can be found at This study only analyzed registered characteristics of each trial
found on the website, which most likely created a bias toward being predominantly U.S.
clinical trials compared to the other data from the other databases.
Types of Clinical Trials
When reviewing the clinical trial questions and their hypotheses over time, it appears that the questions
asked by researchers have become more robust after each consecutive year. The few initial trials before 2010
mainly consisted of using psychedelics for the treatment of mood symptoms such as after cancer treatment
(NCT00957359), during smoking cessation (NCT01943994), and for psychological therapy (NCT01404754).
These studies had the primary goal of improving the mood of patients that underwent separate treatments
for their medical diseases. Now recently, psychedelics are being used to actually treat many diseases as the
sole drug of choice including many psychiatric diseases. Additionally, many studies have now also been
added to achieve even basic scientific pursuits. Randomization with quadruple masking of the participant,
care provider, investigator, and outcomes assessor appeared largely throughout all the years of clinical trials
for psychedelics.
Current Challenges
While adverse psychotic reactions could theoretically be adverse events of psychedelic treatments, there has
so far been an absence of any such reaction in recent studies [8,50,51]. Indeed, researchers now consider
hallucinogens as one of the classes of drugs with the least amount of adverse side-effects [43,52-55]. Most
countries have scheduled psychedelic drugs, increasing the standards of research design needed to approve
and conduct research with them [40].However, there remain many factors that limit the potential
application of psychedelics in a clinical setting. These barriers, compounded with a lack of acceptance from
mainstream medicine and weariness from the general public, urge psychedelic researchers to adopt a
measured approach if progress is to be achieved [56,57]. As a result, many current trials are small-scale, early
phase studies to observe the safety and tolerability of this class of drugs [58]. Ultimately, if there is to be
progress, it will likely be slow, which is not unwelcome by the psychedelic community. However, overcoming
this image will not just depend upon sound research, as there are early data that suggest the therapeutic
effects of psychedelics are correlated with the degree of the subjective opinion on the efficacy of the drugs.
Thus, the progression of the field with research studies may potentially be hindered once again due to
stigma. Ultimately, a proactive approach to performing rigorous research is needed for future innovation in
the field. This could be potentially performed by obtaining a better basic science understanding of the drugs
on a molecular level and educating the public. In addition, educating the public on the safety profile of these
drugs is paramount.
This study has several limitations. Only one United States sponsored database was searched. The opinions of
the patients in these trials could also not be evaluated, and future studies should examine patient attitudes
toward these particular drugs as treatment options for their medical disorders.
2022 Kurtz et al. Cureus 14(9): e29167. DOI 10.7759/cureus.29167 11 of 20
In the past two decades, there has been a recent uptrend in clinical trials of psychedelic drugs. Psychedelic
therapies potentially hold much promise for the treatment of psychiatric disorders, but their current legal
status and social stigmatization will likely continue to be a barrier to their progression to becoming a widely
used treatment option for patients. However, the progress that has occurred over the years is encouraging
and shows that the field is trending positively. More studies could be performed to evaluate the potential of
psychedelics for symptomatic treatment during opioid tapering and depression refractory to selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Ultimately, a proactive approach to educating the scientific and general
community alike is warranted.
Clinical trials
Condition or disease Study type Intervention
Country Sponsor
Efficacy and Safety of Dronabinol in
the Improvement of Chemotherapy-
induced and Tumor-related
Symptoms in Advanced Pancreatic
Recruiting Cancer Interventional
– dronabinol
Treatment 3 140 2019 Austria
Austrian Group
Medical Tumor
Preliminary Efficacy and Safety of
Ibogaine in the Treatment of
Methadone Detoxification
Not yet
Substance use disorder –
Interventional Ibogaine hydrochloride Treatment 2 20 2019 Spain Barcelona
BX-1 in Spasticity Due to Multiple
Degenerative diseases –
multiple sclerosis
– dronabinol
Treatment 3 384 2019 Germany Bionorica SE
Cannabis For Cancer-Related
Symptoms (CAFCARS)
Not yet
Cancer Interventional
Treatment 2 150 2019 Canada
British Columbia
Cancer Agency
Marijuana's Impact on Alcohol
Motivation and Consumption
substance use disorder –
– dronabinol
2 173 2017 USA Brown
Influence of the COMT Genotype on
the Effects of Different Cannabinoids
- a PET Study
Not yet
Healthy Interventional
– dronabinol, CBD
1 60 2020 Germany
Central Institute
of Mental Health,
Combined Alcohol and Cannabis
Effects on Skills of Young Drivers
Recruiting Healthy Interventional
Other 1 70 2017 Canada
Centre for
Addiction and
Mental Health
Evaluation of Dronabinol For Acute
Pain Following Traumatic Injury
Not yet
Pain – post-traumatic pain Interventional
– dronabinol
2 216 2019 USA Centura Health
Investigating the Effect of Dronabinol
on Post-surgical Pain
Recruiting Pain – post-operative pain Interventional
– dronabinol
Treatment 1 80 2019 USA
Columbia - New
York Psychiatric
The Safety and Efficacy of Psilocybin
in Participants With Treatment
Resistant Depression (P-TRD)
Recruiting Depression Interventional Psilocybin Treatment 2 216 2019 UK
Dronabinol Opioid Sparing Evaluation
(DOSE) Trial
Recruiting Pain – chronic pain Interventional
– dronabinol
Treatment 2 280 2018 USA
Daisy Pharma
Opioid Venture
Cannabis, Schizophrenia and
Reward: Self-Medication and Agonist
Recruiting Psychosis/schizophrenia Interventional
– dronabinol
1 240 2014 USA
Safety and Effectiveness of
Nabiximols Oromucosal Spray as
Add-on Therapy in Participants With
Spasticity Due to Multiple Sclerosis
Not yet
degenerative diseases –
multiple sclerosis
– nabiximols
Treatment 3 446 2020 USA
CANNAbinoids in the Treatment of
Multiple – Tourette
syndrome, tic disorder
– nabiximols
Treatment 3 96 2018 Germany
Medical School
NCT03380442 Psilocybin and Depression (Psilo101)
Not yet
Depression Interventional
Multiple – psilocybin,
2 60 2018 Finland
2022 Kurtz et al. Cureus 14(9): e29167. DOI 10.7759/cureus.29167 12 of 20
Psilocybin vs Escitalopram for Major
Depressive Disorder: Comparative
Mechanisms (Psilodep-RCT)
Recruiting Depression Interventional Psilocybin Treatment 2 50 2019 UK
Imperial College
Bristol Imperial MDMA in Alcoholism
Study (BIMA)
Active, not
Substance use disorder –
Interventional MDMA Treatment 1 20 2018 UK
Imperial College
Trial of Dronabinol Adjunctive
Treatment of Agitation in Alzheimer's
Disease (AD) (THC-AD)
Degenerative diseases –
Alzheimer's disease
– dronabinol
Treatment 2 160 2017 USA
Johns Hopkins
Effects of Psilocybin on Behavior,
Psychology and Brain Function in
Long-term Meditators
Active, not
Healthy Interventional Psilocybin
1 100 2014 USA
Johns Hopkins
Effects of Psilocybin-facilitated
Experience on the Psychology and
Effectiveness of Professional Leaders
in Religion
Recruiting Healthy Interventional Psilocybin
1 12 2015 USA
Johns Hopkins
Behavioral Pharmacology of THC
and D-limonene
Recruiting Healthy Interventional
– THC, limonene
1 20 2019 USA
Johns Hopkins
Effects of Psilocybin in Major
Depressive Disorder
Active, not
Depression Interv entional Psilocybin Treatment 2 24 2017 USA
Johns Hopkins
Effects of Psilocybin in Anorexia
Recruiting Anorexia nervosa Interventional Psilocybin Treatment 1 18 2019 USA
Johns Hopkins
Psilocybin for Depression in People
With Mild Cognitive Impairment or
Early Alzheimer's Disease
Multiple – depression,
depressive symptoms,
Alzheimers disease, mild
cognitive impairment
Interventional Psilocybin Treatment 1 20 2019 USA
Johns Hopkins
Interactions Between Cannabinoids
and Cytochrome P450-Metabolized
Not yet
Healthy Interventional
– inje cocktail, THC
Cannabis extract,
THC/CBD cannabis
1 25 2020 USA
Johns Hopkins
Behavioral Pharmacology of THC
and Alpha-pinene
Not yet
Healthy Interventional
– THC, alpha-pinene
1 32 2020 USA
Johns Hopkins
Psilocybin-facilitated Smoking
Cessation Treatment: A Pilot Study
Substance use disorder –
Interventional Psilocybin Treatment NA 95 2008 USA
Johns Hopkins
Effects of Salvinorin A on Brain
Active, not
Healthy Interventional Salvinorin A Other
1 and
20 2017 USA
Johns Hopkins
Effects of THC and Alcohol on
Driving Performance
Not yet
Healthy Interventional
4 135 2020 Canada
Using Imaging to Assess Effects of
THC on Brain Activity (fNIRS)
Substance use disorder –
Multiple – dronabinol,
Diagnostic 4 50 2018 USA
General Hospital
Cannabinoids in PLWHIV on
Effective ART
Not yet
HIV Interventional
Treatment 2 26 2018 Canada McGill University
Nabilone for Non-motor Symptoms in
Parkinson's Disease (NMS-Nab2)
Degenerative diseases –
Parkinson's disease
– nabilone
Treatment 3 48 2018 Austria
University of
Nutrition and Pharmacological
Algorithm for Oncology Patients
Not yet
Cancer Interventional
– dronabinol
4 30 2019 USA
Medical Center
Nabilone Use For Acute Pain in
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients
Not yet
Pain – inflammatory
bowel disease
– nabilone
NA 80 2019 USA
Mount Sinai
Health System
2022 Kurtz et al. Cureus 14(9): e29167. DOI 10.7759/cureus.29167 13 of 20
Psychological Effects of
(MDMA) When Administered to
Healthy Volunteers (MT-1)
Enrolling by
Healthy Interventional MDMA
1 100 2011 USA
Association for
Studies (MAPS)
Evaluation of MDMA on Startle
Recruiting Healthy Interventional MDMA
1 30 2017 USA
Association for
Studies (MAPS)
A Multi-Site Phase 3 Study of
MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy for
Not yet
PTSD Interventional MDMA Treatment 3 100 2020 USA
Association for
Studies (MAPS)
A Multi-Site Phase 3 Study of
MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy for
Recruiting PTSD Interventional MDMA Treatment 3 100 2018 USA
Association for
Studies (MAPS)
Study of Safety and Effects of
MDMA-assisted Psychotherapy for
Treatment of PTSD
Active, not
PTSD Interventional MDMA Treatment 2 5 2018 USA
Association for
Studies (MAPS)
Open Label Multi-Site Study of Safety
and Effects of MDMA-assisted
Psychotherapy for Treatment of
Active, not
PTSD Interventional MDMA Treatment 2 38 2017 USA
Association for
Studies (MAPS)
Psychological Effects of
(MDMA) When Administered to
Healthy Volunteers (MT-2)
Not yet
Healthy Interventional MDMA
1 150 2020 USA
Association for
Studies (MAPS)
MDMA in Subjects With Moderate
Hepatic Impairment and Subjects
With Normal Hepatic Function
Not yet
Hepatic impairment Interventional MDMA
1 16 2020 USA
Association for
Studies (MAPS)
Open Label Multi-Site Study of Safety
and Effects of MDMA-assisted
Psychotherapy for Treatment of
PTSD With Optional fMRI Sub-Study
Not yet
PTSD Interventional MDMA Treatment 2 40 2019 Netherlands
Association for
Studies (MAPS) -
NCT00957359 Psilocybin Cancer Anxiety Study
Active, not
Cancer Interv entional Psilocybin Treatment 1 29 2009 USA
New York
The Effects of Psilocybin-Facilitated
Experience on the Psychology and
Effectiveness of Religious
Recruiting Healthy Interventional Psilocybin
1 12 2015 USA
New York
A Double-Blind Trial of Psilocybin-
Assisted Treatment of Alcohol
Substance use disorder –
Interventional Psilocybin Treatment 2 180 2014 USA
New York
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and
Recruiting Healthy Interventional
– dronabinol
1 14 2018 USA
Oregon Health
and Science
The Neurobiological Effect of 5-
HT2AR Modulation
Recruiting Healthy Interventional Psilocybin
1 45 2019 Denmark Rigshospitalet
Safety and Efficacy of Medical
Cannabis Oil in the Treatment of
Patients With Chronic Pain
Recruiting Pain – chronic pain Interventional
Treatment 4 160 2018 Canada Sante Cannabis
Stanford Reward Circuits of the Brain
Not yet
Healthy Observational MDMA NA NA 40 2020 USA
2022 Kurtz et al. Cureus 14(9): e29167. DOI 10.7759/cureus.29167 14 of 20
A Study to Examine the Efficacy of a
Therapeutic THX-110 for Obstructive
Sleep Apnea
Recruiting Obstructive sleep apnea Interventional
– THX-110 (dronabinol
+ PEA)
Treatment 2 30 2018 Israel
Biosciences Ltd.
A Study to Examine the Efficacy of a
Therapeutic THX-110 for Tourette
Not yet
Tourette syndrome Interventional
– THX-110 (Dronabinol
+ PEA)
Treatment 2 60 2018 Israel
Biosciences Ltd.
Psilocybin-facilitated Treatment for
Cocaine Use
Substance use disorder –
Interventional Psilocybin Treatment 2 40 2015 USA
University of
LSD Treatment in Persons Suffering
From Anxiety Symptoms in Severe
Somatic Diseases or in Psychiatric
Anxiety Disorders (LSD-assist)
Recruiting Anxiety disorders Interventional LSD Treatment 2 40 2017 Switzerland
Hospital, Basel
LSD Therapy for Persons Suffering
From Major Depression (LAD)
Recruiting Depression Interventional LSD Treatment 2 60 2019 Switzerland
Hospital, Basel
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) as
Treatment for Cluster Headache
Headache disorders –
cluster headache
Interventional LSD Treatment 2 30 2019 Switzerland
Hospital, Basel
Effect of
(MDMA) (Serotonin Release) on Fear
Extinction (MFE)
Recruiting Healthy Interventional MDMA
1 30 2019 Switzerland
Hospital, Basel
Direct Comparison of Altered States
of Consciousness Induced by LSD
and Psilocybin (LSD-psilo)
Recruiting Healthy Interventional
Multiple – psilocybin,
1 30 2019 Switzerland
Hospital, Basel
Effects of SERT Inhibition on the
Subjective Response to Psilocybin in
Healthy Subjects
Recruiting Healthy Interventional
Multiple – SSRI
1 24 2019 Switzerland
Hospital, Basel
Pilot, Syndros, Decreasing Use of
Opioids in Breast Cancer Subjects
With Bone Mets
Recruiting Cancer Interventional
– dronabinol
Treatment 1 20 2018 USA
University of
Psilocybin for Treatment of
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Recruiting OCD Interventional Psilocybin Treatment 1 15 2019 USA
University of
Trial of Dronabinol and Vaporized
Cannabis in Neuropathic Low Back
Pain – neuropathic low-
back pain
– dronabinol, cannabis
Treatment 2 120 2016 USA
University of
California, San
Psilocybin-assisted Group Therapy
for Demoralization in Long-term AIDS
Active, not
Multiple – distress/grief,
Interventional Psilocybin Treatment 1 36 2018 USA
University of
California, San
Effect of Stimulant Drugs on Social
Perception (ESP)
Recruiting Healthy Interventional
Multiple – MDMA,
1 40 2016 USA
University of
Dronabinol in Trichotillomania and
Other Body Focused Repetitive
Recruiting Trichotillomania Interventional
– dronabinol
Treatment 2 50 2018 USA
University of
Individual Differences in Drug
Response (IDT)
Recruiting Healthy Interventional
– dronabinol
1 60 2018 USA
University of
NCT03790358 Mood Effects of Serotonin Agonists Recruiting H ealthy Interventional LSD
1 40 2018 USA
University of
Effects of Drugs on Responses to
Brain and Emotional Processes
Recruiting Autism spectrum disorder Interventional MDMA
1 45 2019 USA
University of
Neural Mechanisms of Cannabinoid-
impaired Decision-Making in
Emerging Adults
Substance use disorder –
– dronabinol
1 40 2017 USA
University of
2022 Kurtz et al. Cureus 14(9): e29167. DOI 10.7759/cureus.29167 15 of 20
Ibogaine in the Treatment of
Alcoholism: a Randomized, Double-
blind, Placebo-controlled, Escalating-
dose, Phase 2 Trial
Not yet
Substance use disorder –
Interventional Ibogaine hydrochloride Treatment 2 12 2020 Brazil
University of Sao
Evaluation of the Pharmacokinetics
of Prana P1 Capsules
Active, not
Healthy Interventional
Treatment 1 13 2018 West Indies
University of the
West Indies
Treatment of Chronic Pain With
Cannabidiol (CBD) and Delta-9-
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Recruiting Pain – chronic pain Interventional
– dronabinol, CBD
Treatment 1 75 2018 USA
University of
Adjunctive Effects of Psilocybin and
Not yet
Substance use disorder –
Interventional Psilocybin
1 10 2020 USA
University of
Clinical, Neurocognitive, and
Emotional Effects of Psilocybin in
Depressed Patients - Proof of
Recruiting Depression Interventional Psilocybin Treatment 2 60 2019 Switzerland
University of
Beyond the Self and Back:
Neuropharmacological Mechanisms
Underlying the Dissolution of the Self
Active, not
Healthy Interventional Psilocybin
NA 140 2018 Switz erland
University of
Characterization of Altered Waking
States of Consciousness in Healthy
Recruiting Healthy Interventional Psilocybin
NA 25 2019 Switzerland
University of
Clinical and Mechanistic Effects of
Psilocybin in Alcohol Addicted
Not yet
Substance use disorder –
Interventional Psilocybin Treatment 2 60 2020 Switzerland
University of
A Study of Psilocybin for Major
Depressive Disorder (MDD)
Recruiting Depression Interventional Psilocybin Treatment 2 80 2019 USA Usona Institute
Effects of Delta-9
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on
Retention of Memory for Fear
Extinction Learning in PTSD: R61
Recruiting PTSD Interventional
– dronabinol
4 104 2017 USA
Wayne State
Cannabinoid Control of Fear
Extinction Neural Circuits in Post-
traumatic Stress Disorder
Active, not
PTSD Interventional
– dronabinol
NA 130 2014 USA
Wayne State
Effects of Delta9-
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on
Retention of Memory for Fear
Extinction Learning in PTSD: R33
Not yet
PTSD Interventional
– dronabinol
1 100 2020 USA
Wayne State
Psychedelics and Wellness Study
Multiple – depression,
anxiety, PTSD
Multiple – All
Treatment NA 5000 2019 USA Wild 5 Wellness
Pharmacogenetics of Cannabinoid
Active, not
Healthy Interventional
1 162 2007 USA Yale U niversity
Effects of Delta-9-THC and Iomazenil
in Healthy Humans
Active, not
Psychosis/schizophrenia Interventional
1 60 2009 USA Yale University
Effects of Salvinorin A in Healthy
Active, not
Healthy Interventional Salvinorin A
1 41 2009 USA Yale University
The Effects of Cannabidiol and ∆-9-
THC in Humans
Active, not
Healthy Interventional
– dronabinol, CBD
1 75 2010 USA Yale University
The Effects of ∆-9-THC and Naloxone
in Humans
Active, not
Healthy Interventional
1 56 2011 USA Yale University
N-acetylcysteine Effects on Active, not
Healthy Interventional
Cannabis/cannabinoids Basic
1 36 2014 USA Yale University
2022 Kurtz et al. Cureus 14(9): e29167. DOI 10.7759/cureus.29167 16 of 20
Tetrahydrocannabinol recruiting – THC science
Gender Related Differences in the
Acute Effects of Delta-9-
Tetrahydrocannabinol in Healthy
Humans (THC-Gender)
Recruiting Healthy Interventional
1 100 2015 USA Yale U niversity
Testing the Interactive Effects of
Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and
Pregnenolone: Sub-Study I (THC-
Recruiting Healthy Interventional
– dronabinol
1 19 2016 USA Yale University
Gender Related Differences in the
Acute Effects of Delta-9-
Tetrahydrocannabinol in Healthy
Humans: Sub-Study I (THC-Gender-
Recruiting Healthy Interventional
– dronabinol
1 40 2016 USA Yale University
Psilocybin for the Treatment of
Cluster Headache
Headache disorders –
cluster headache
Interventional Psilocybin Treatment 1 24 2016 USA Yale University
Cognitive and Psychophysiological
Effects of Delta-9-
Tetrahydrocannabinol in Bipolar
Disorder (THC-BD)
Active, not
Bipolar disorder Interventional
Treatment 1 40 2017 USA Yale University
Examine the Feasibility of a
Standardized Field Test for Marijuana
Impairment: Laboratory Evaluations
Substance use disorder –
Other 1 28 2017 USA Yale University
Psilocybin for the Treatment of
Migraine Headache
Headache disorders –
Interventional Psilocybin Treatment 1 24 2017 USA Yale University
Probing the Cannabinoid System in
Individuals With a Family History of
Active, not
Psychosis/schizophrenia Interventional
Other NA 21 2014 USA Yale University
Neuroscience of Marijuana Impaired
Driving (MJDriving)
Substance use disorder –
Other NA 96 2016 USA Yale University
Psilocybin - Induced Neuroplasticity in
the Treatment of Major Depressive
Recruiting Depression Interventional Psilocybin Treatment 1 18 2018 USA Yale University
Efficacy of Psilocybin in OCD: a
Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled
Recruiting OCD Interventional Psilocybin Treatment 1 30 2018 USA Yale University
Dronabinol for Pain and Inflammation
in Adults Living With Sickle Cell
Recruiting Pain – sickle cell disease Interventiona l
– dronabinol
Treatment 1 30 2019 USA Yale University
Effects of Dronabinol in Opioid
Maintained Patients (THC)
Substance use disorder –
– dronabinol
Treatment 1 20 2019 USA Yale University
The Effects of MDMA on Prefrontal
and Amygdala Activation in PTSD
Recruiting PTSD Interventional MDMA Treatment 1 20 2019 USA Yale University
THC and Ketamine Effects in
Humans: Relation to Neural
Oscillations and Psychosis
Recruiting Healthy Interventional
Multiple – THC,
1 21 2019 USA Yale University
Effects of Psilocybin in Post-
Traumatic Headache
Headache disorders –
post-traumatic headache
Interventional Psilocybin Treatment 1 24 2019 USA Yale University
Ethanol and Cannabinoid Effects on
Simulated Driving and Related
Cognition: Substudy III (THC-ETOH-
Recruiting Healthy Interventional
– dronabinol
1 40 2020 USA Yale University
TABLE 4: Supplemental A. Total data of clinical trials in response to the query of
2022 Kurtz et al. Cureus 14(9): e29167. DOI 10.7759/cureus.29167 17 of 20
CBD, cannabidiol; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide; MDMA, methylenedioxymethamphetamine; OCD, obsessive
compulsive disorder; PEA, palmitoylethanolamide; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; THC, tetrahydracannibidinol
Additional Information
Conflicts of interest: In compliance with the ICMJE uniform disclosure form, all authors declare the
following: Payment/services info: All authors have declared that no financial support was received from
any organization for the submitted work. Financial relationships: All authors have declared that they have
no financial relationships at present or within the previous three years with any organizations that might
have an interest in the submitted work. Other relationships: All authors have declared that there are no
other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.
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... A recent review has suggested that psilocybin and 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) may be an effective treatment option for the mental health challenges associated with COVID. 3 Psychedelics have been traditionally used in spiritual and religious practices, but in recent years, there has been a resurgence of research on the therapeutic potential of psychedelics. 4 Psychedelics have shown promise in the treatment of various medical conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction. 4 This case report describes the experience of a 44-year-old female who developed Long-COVID symptoms after contracting COVID-19 and her experience managing her symptoms and using psychedelics as a treatment. ...
... 4 Psychedelics have shown promise in the treatment of various medical conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction. 4 This case report describes the experience of a 44-year-old female who developed Long-COVID symptoms after contracting COVID-19 and her experience managing her symptoms and using psychedelics as a treatment. To our knowledge, this is the first case report describing the potential efficacy of psychedelics for Long-COVID symptoms. ...
... 18 Some of the most commonly known and studied psychedelics are psilocybin mushrooms, 3,4methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), and dimethyltryptamine (DMT). 19 Scientific literature evaluating the mechanisms of action of psychedelic substances in the brains of humans and rodents find activation of the 5-HT2A receptor, a subtype of the serotonin receptor family, to be the main influence causing intense alterations in perception experienced upon consumption. 20 Research continues to develop on how classical psychedelics (classified for their chemically similar activation of receptors, including 5-HT2A), impact additional receptors, including 5-HT1A (serotonin), dopaminergic, and glutamatergic pathways. ...
... According to the Right to Try (RTT) framework, the therapeutic use of psilocybin for patients with life-threatening illnesses or conditions is protected, as psilocybin qualifies as an "eligible investigational drug", having completed Phase I clinical trials while still under investigation [149]. Prior to the implementation of Oregon's Psilocybin Services Act (PSA), terminally ill individuals in Oregon struggling with anxiety and/or depression were legally able to access psilocybin therapy, although supporting data on this pathway are unavailable [150,151]. ...
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Simple Summary Psilocybin therapy shows promise for reducing anxiety and depression and improving psychological well-being in cancer patients nearing the end of life. However, providing this treatment outside of tightly controlled research studies is extremely challenging. In 2020, Oregon became the first U.S. state to legalize psilocybin therapy for depression related to terminal illnesses such as advanced cancer. This review examines the published evidence on psilocybin’s therapeutic potential as well as the multitude of legal, ethical, and logistical hurdles Oregon has faced while attempting to roll out regulated psilocybin services over the past year. The aim is to shed light on the complex issues involved in responsibly implementing psychedelic-assisted therapy for patient populations with serious psychological distress. By proactively identifying and addressing these challenges, appropriate standards of care and equitable access to psilocybin treatment can be ensured as it transitions from research to real-world clinical practice. Insights from Oregon’s experience as the pioneering state can help guide a rigorous, ethical path forward. Abstract Despite the legalization of psilocybin therapy for depression in terminal illnesses such as advanced cancer through Oregon’s Measure 109 in 2020, significant challenges have impeded its implementation. This review synthesizes the empirical data supporting the utilization of psilocybin therapy for addressing cancer-related depression, including an evaluation of its purported benefits and potential adverse effects. It provides a comprehensive examination of therapeutic strategies, dosing regimens, and barriers to ensuring responsible and equitable access. Salient issues explored include the development of ethical protocols, integration within healthcare systems, ensuring statewide availability, resolving legal ambiguities, and defining clinical standards. Oregon’s pioneering role serves as a case study, highlighting the necessity of addressing regulatory, logistical, and ethical obstacles to ensure the establishment of rigorous and equitable psilocybin care models.
... The growing interest of the scientific community regarding psychedelic research (51), the increasing concerns about data quality of the studies (52), as well as the recent first worldwide authorization of psychedelic substances for the treatment of mental diseases from the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) (53) show the high relevance of our findings and highlight the need for further optimization of study designs as also described in the previous literature (54). Controlling for expectation with a 2x2 factorial design which systematically crosses the intervention (psychoactive drug, placebo) with the standardized induced expectation (high or low expectation to receive medication or placebo) (55) would enhance the quality of the results. ...
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Background Ketamine and esketamine offer a novel approach in the pharmacological treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD). This meta-analysis aimed to investigate the placebo response in double-blind, randomized controlled studies (RCTs) on patients with MDD receiving ketamine or esketamine. Methods For this systematic review and meta-analysis Medline (PubMed), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), PsycInfo and Embase databases were systematically searched for citations published up to March 17, 2023. A total number of 5017 abstracts was identified. Quality of the included trials was assessed with the Cochrane risk-of-bias tool. The meta-analysis was performed using a restricted maximum likelihood model. This study is registered with PROSPERO, number CRD42022377591. Results A total number of 14 studies and 1100 participants (593 in the medication group and 507 in the placebo group) meeting the inclusion criteria were selected. We estimated the pooled effect sizes of the overall placebo (d pl = -1.85 [CI 95%: -2.9 to -0.79] and overall treatment (dtr = -2.57; [CI 95% -3.36 to -1.78]) response. The overall placebo response accounts for up to 72% of the overall treatment response. Furthermore, we performed subgroup analysis of 8 studies for the for the 7 days post-intervention timepoint. Seven days post-intervention the placebo response (d pl 7d = -1.98 [CI 95%: -3.26 to -0.69]) accounts for 66% of the treatment response (d tr 7d = - 3.01 [CI 95%, -4.28 to -1.74]). Conclusion Ketamine and esketamine show large antidepressant effects. However, our findings suggest that the placebo response plays a significant role in the antidepressant response and should be used for the benefit of the patients in clinical practice. Systematic review registration, identifier CRD42022377591.
... 5 With the recent rise in the popularity of use in the treatment of chronic pain conditions, psychedelics have been considered a potential adjuvant oral pain medication or perhaps even a primary treatment for a wide variety of pain conditions given the scarcity of novel chronic pain medications. [6][7][8][9] Despite the stigma and obstacles associated with psychedelics as well as their Schedule 1 drug classification (drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse) by the Controlled Substances Act, preliminary research is beginning to emerge for their use in chronic pain, though to date, there have not been sufficiently powered double-blinded, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trials evaluating their efficacy. [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21] Though the mechanism is not entirely understood, psychedelics, focusing primarily on the classic hallucinogens lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and psilocybin, function by activation of the serotonin-2A (5-HT 2A ) receptor as antagonism of the receptor blocks the psychedelic effects. ...
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Introduction Amid a lack of effective chronic pain treatments, psychedelics have gained attention as a potential solution, although their Schedule 1 classification poses challenges. Psychedelics, such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and psilocybin, have gained popularity as alternatives and adjuncts for chronic pain treatment. Studies suggest that they may modulate pain processing through agonism primarily at the serotonin receptor, 5-HT2A. One of the first of its nature, we present an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered scoping review primarily focusing on evaluating psychedelics for chronic pain conditions such as cluster headache, phantom limb pain, and fibromyalgia. Methods In accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines, we used an AI-powered comprehensive search strategy utilizing the ChatGPT4.0 Bing chat to search Medline, Embase, Cochrane, and Google Scholar for articles addressing chronic pain. The query was performed on June 1, 2023, focusing on psychedelics for chronic, non-cancer pain including headache disorders. Inclusion criteria were English-only, peer-reviewed articles involving human participants >18 years, focusing on chronic pain conditions (eg, phantom limb pain and cluster headache), using LSD, 2.5-dimethoxy-4-bromophenethylamine (2C-B), N, N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT), psilocybin, or mescaline. Exclusion criteria were reviews, editorials, and opinion articles and studies focusing on tetrahydrocannabinol/cannabis and/or ketamine. Results A total of 186 unique database entries were retrieved, of which nine studies were included in the scoping review. These included four case reports/series, an open-label study, a cohort study, two online surveys, and a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. They comprised three studies addressing phantom limb pain, four addressing cluster headaches, and two addressing fibromyalgia, spinal cord injury, complex regional pain syndrome, and lumbar radiculopathy. Conclusion Psychedelics may have potential in alleviating pain symptoms secondary to a multitude of chronic pain conditions. However, further randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials are needed to further explore and evaluate the role of psychedelics in chronic, non-cancer pain.
... Over the last twenty years, there has been a resurgence of clinical research on psychedelic-assisted therapy ) and a growing body of research is now highlighting its possible efficacy in treating a broad range of mental health conditions, such as end-of-life anxiety , depression Davis et al., 2021;Goodwin et al., 2022;Palhano-Fontes et al., 2019;Sloshower et al., 2023;von Rotz et al., 2023), and alcohol use disorder (Bogenschutz et al., 2015;Bogenschutz et al., 2022). Currently, over one hundred clinical trials are exploring psychedelic-assisted therapy for various mental and medical conditions (Kurtz et al., 2022). ...
... Much like with the use of Spravato, the pharmacodynamic effects associated with many of the consciousness-altering molecules currently under development typically require patients to be continuously supervised and monitored for both physiological and psychological changes by one or more individuals while undergoing treatment (22). As several proprietary formulations of these consciousness-altering compounds are progressing through late-stage clinical trials (23), approval by regulatory agencies may be conditional on implementing a REMS program similar to Spravato (24). Although this ensures patient safety while under the effects of drugs that have consciousness-altering properties, the infrastructure needed for this level of monitoring is a potential barrier to their wide-scale adoption and use to improve treatment outcomes in mental health. ...
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Spravato and other drugs with consciousness-altering effects show significant promise for treating various mental health disorders. However, the effects of these treatments necessitate a substantial degree of patient monitoring which can be burdensome to healthcare providers and may make these treatments less accessible for prospective patients. Continuous passive monitoring via digital devices may be useful in reducing this burden. This proof-of-concept study tested the MindMed Session Monitoring System™ (MSMS™), a continuous passive monitoring system intended for use during treatment sessions involving pharmaceutical products with consciousness-altering effects. Participants completed 129 Spravato sessions with MSMS at an outpatient psychiatry clinic specializing in Spravato treatment. Results indicated high rates of data quality and self-reported usability among participants and health care providers (HCPs). These findings demonstrate the potential for systems such as MSMS to be used in consciousness-altering treatment sessions to assist with patient monitoring.
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Contemplative practices and psychedelic experiences have demonstrated significant benefits for psychological health and general human flourishing. Both practices share neuroscientific (i.e., cognitive flexibility), psychological (i.e., insight), and phenomenological (i.e., self-loss) overlap, but the combined effects remain underexplored. This study aimed to address this gap by examining the influence of drug-induced ego-dissolution and dispositional mindfulness on subjective well-being while testing the potential mediating role of compassion, meaning in life, and non-dual awareness (NDA; awareness without the typical subject-object dichotomy). The initial hypothesis posited that selfless experiences and mindfulness cultivate non-dual embodied cognition, leading to increased compassion and meaning and, in turn, individual well-being. A cross-sectional online survey was conducted to collect assessment data from a sample of 303 subjects, predominantly undergraduate psychology students. Assessments included well-validated measures of ego-dissolution, trait mindfulness, NDA, compassion, meaning in life, and subjective well-being. Path analysis assessed the initial model's fit, then a revised model was developed and mediation analysis with bootstrapping was conducted to investigate indirect effects. A revised model demonstrated satisfactory fit, indicating that 1) ego-dissolution predicts well-being through NDA and meaning, 2) mindfulness directly improves well-being, and 3) compassion and meaning partially mediate mindfulness’s effects on well-being. These results indicate that psychedelics and contemplative practices may lead to a lasting change in embodied cognition, enhancing NDA, meaning, and compassion. As such, transient selfless states might develop into permanent traits, potentially reflecting a new form of self-understanding that is reciprocally dependent on the environment rather than felt as a separate and isolated entity.
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Key Clinical Message Long‐COVID syndrome lacks effective holistic treatment options. We present a case of a 41‐year‐old fully vaccinated female with Long‐COVID syndrome who obtained significant symptomatic relief after self‐medicating with psilocybin and MDMA. Abstract Long‐COVID, a syndrome persisting after the acute phase of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19), lacks effective holistic treatment options. We present a case of a 41‐year‐old fully vaccinated female with Long‐COVID syndrome who obtained significant symptomatic relief by self‐prescribing psilocybin and MDMA. Future research is needed to assess safety and efficacy.
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