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Research highlights: • We challenge the construct of Travel Intention that was critically complicated by the context of COVID-19 ; • We highlight the relevance of cognitive-emotional travel constructs amid Covid-19 ; • We empirically validate Travel Intention, Desire (Craving) and Vaccine Confidence ; • Travel Intention, unlike Travel Craving, has no relationship with Vaccine Confidence ; • We discuss implications for theory and marketing and communication strategies.
Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights 3 (2022) 100051
2666-9579/© 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Travel desire over intention in pandemic times
Giancarlo Fedeli
, Thi Hong Hai Nguyen
, Nigel L. Williams
, Giacomo Del Chiappa
Philipp Wassler
Department of Business; Institute of Tourism, Wine Business and Marketing. IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, A-3500 Krems an der Donau, Austria
Department of Marketing, Events and Tourism, Business School University of Greenwich Old Royal Naval College, Park Row, London SE10 9LS, UK
Operations and Systems Management, University of Portsmouth, Richmond Building, Portland Street, PO1 3DE, UK
Department of Economics and Business, University of Sassari, Via Muroni, 25 07100 Sassari (SS), Italy
Department of Management, University of Bergamo, Italy
Travel intention
Travel desire
Travel craving
COVID-19 vaccine condence
1. Introduction
Travel intention refers to the likelihood and commitment towards
the idea to travel, and it is inuenced by attitudinal as well as practical
factors (e.g., budget limits, time availability, etc.) (S¨
onmez & Graefe,
1998). Discerning motivation and intention is vital to understanding the
consumer decisions in the context of tourism where emotions lie at the
core of the consumer decision-making process (Walters & Li, 2018).
Research into the motivations of travel decisions dates back several
decades with Crompton (1979) emphasizing socio-psychological needs.
However, in the specic context of the COVID-19 pandemic, structural
constraints in the form of travel restrictions act as non-negotiable bar-
riers to tourism that cannot be adjusted despite interest or commitment.
Due to the nature of tourism, there are many inherent risks and un-
certainties since experiences are intangible co-created outcomes with a
number of tacit elements that can result in concerns about communi-
cation, accessibility and physical risks (Khan, Chelliah, Khan, & Amin,
2019). A subset of the latter, health risks has received signicantly more
attention in the current COVID-19 pandemic (Isaac & Keijzer, 2021).
Following the outbreak of the pandemic, several studies have considered
travel risk perception affecting intentions of travelers (e.g., Neuburger &
Egger, 2021), highlighting not only differences and behavioural patterns
across regions and at different points in time, but also suggesting ways to
mitigate the effects of perceived risk (Matiza, 2020). (See Table 1.)
At the early stage of the pandemic in particular, potential travelers
were not able to dene travel goals due to, in addition to the health risks,
travel disruption caused by the differing responses of countries to their
levels of infections and mortality. As the pandemic continued, its severe
toll at destinations worldwide may have shaped future behavioural in-
tentions, with some tourists indenitely postponing travel (Matiza &
Kruger, 2021). For others, researchers have theorized that lockdown
restrictions and travel constraints may result in compensatory con-
sumption behaviour, including loss of autonomy and health risks that
may encourage the willingness to engage in social and hedonic behav-
iour (Zhang, Lingyi, Peixue, Lu, & Zhang, 2021). This is in line with
previous research suggesting that although epidemics tend to result in
intense periods of privation that hinder many people from travelling,
their impact is rather transitory as a strong, concomitant stimulus to
travel is noted within the rst two years since the end of the event
(McKercher, 2021). However, COVID-19 represents quite a unique
context given the scale of its aftermath.
For researchers seeking to examine travel behaviour in an evolving
crisis scenario, these multiple perspectives pose a dilemma. Due to the
unstable environment with new COVID-19 variants resulting in new
structural constraints and misinformation threats posed by the blurring
of a multitude of sources (Fedeli, 2020), individuals may not be able to
clearly convey a denitive intention to undertake travelling. A study by
Li, Nguyen, and Coca-Stefaniak (2021) revealed the gap between travel
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (G. Fedeli), (T.H.H. Nguyen), (N.L. Williams), (G. Del Chiappa), (P. Wassler).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
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Received 20 October 2021; Received in revised form 8 May 2022; Accepted 10 May 2022
Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights 3 (2022) 100051
intention and actual travel behaviour in the context of China, indicating
intention may not lead to actual travel, especially in the uncertainty of
the pandemic. Motivated by extant research introducing the concept of
travel craving (Mitev & Irimi´
as, 2020) dened as “… a cognitive-
emotional event with aversive or incentive properties to engage in
travelling activities in a context of suppressed desire for reasons beyond
one's control, we argue that the traveler's craving may represent a valid
theoretical construct as a critical component of the behavioural inten-
tion process in light of the current health crisis. Further, given the latent
relevance of COVID-19 vaccination towards the intention to travel as
highlighted in a number of studies (Ekinci, Gursoy, Can, & Williams,
2022; Williams, Nguyen, Del Chiappa, Fedeli, & Wassler, 2021) and the
argument that travelers may have distinct attitudes towards vaccination
from ordinary people (Adongo, Amenumey, Kumi-Kyereme, & Dub´
2021), this research seeks to contribute to the rapidly growing body of
knowledge on health and tourism by comparing the associations; travel
intention and travel craving, with perceptions of COVID-19 vaccination.
2. Method and study results
In order to test the predictive power of Travel Intention and Travel
Craving, the two constructs were included in a structural model to
predict their degree of inuence on individuals' condence in the ef-
cacy of the COVID-19 vaccine. We adopted this approach since vacci-
nation adoption by potential travelers is an important tool to support the
restarting of the tourism industry (Gursoy, Selcuk Can, Williams, &
Ekinci, 2021). For tourists and travelers in general, the adoption of
voluntary health behaviour (vaccination) can reduce COVID-19 health
risks and enable travel. It has been advanced that individuals interested
in travel have a positive perception of COVID-19 vaccination (Gursoy,
Ekinci, Can, & Murray, 2022). We, therefore, theorized that there would
be signicant associations between Travel Intention and Vaccine Con-
dence, and Travel Craving and Vaccine Condence. Travel Intention
was measured by both intention to travel domestically and abroad.
Accordingly, Travel Intention was considered as a formative higher-
order construct, comprising of two reective components of ‘Travel
Intention Abroadand ‘Travel Intention Domestic, each measured by
3 items. The scale of Travel Craving proposed by Mitev and Irimi´
(2020) was adapted, including 5 measurement items. The measurement
of COVID-19 Vaccine Condence was adapted from Shapiro et al.'s
(2018), comprising of 8 items. A survey containing these measurement
scales was carried out in January and February 2021 in Italy, with
convenience and snowball sampling techniques employed. A total of
3893 usable responses were obtained. The structural model suggests the
associations between Travel Intention, Travel Craving and Vaccine
Condence were analysed using SmartPLS 3.0.
The measurements of all reective constructs were rst validated.
One item of Vaccine Condence was eliminated due to factor loading of
less than 0.5. The results of the remained reective measurement model,
as presented in Appendices A and B, showed the satisfactory values of
factor loadings, Cronbach's alpha, Composite Reliability, Average Vari-
ance Extracted, the Fornell-Larcker criterion, indicating the
achievement of validity and reliability (Hair, Hult, Ringle, & Sarstedt,
2017). The formative higher-order measurement model (see Appendix
C) was also found to be valid with the signicant weights of the two
lower-order components, and VIF values of less than 3 (Hair et al.,
2017). The structural model, presenting the associations between Travel
Intention, Travel Craving and Vaccine Condence, was then estimated.
The results revealed a non-signicant relationship between Travel
Intention and Vaccine Condence (β =0.002, t =0.096). Meanwhile,
the relationship between Travel Craving and Vaccine Condence was
statistically signicant (β =0.269, t =17.186). The construct cross-
validated redundancy Q
value of 0.039 indicated the predictive rele-
vance of this model (Hair et al., 2017). However, R
coefcient of
determination value of 0.073 demonstrated that only 7.3% of the vari-
ability of Vaccine Condence was explained by Travel Craving. Also, the
effect size f
of 0.076 indicated a rather small effect of Travel Craving on
Vaccine Condence. This seems plausible as Vaccine Condence is
believed to be inuenced by a variety of factors such as trust in a vac-
cine, vaccine concerns, vaccine history, etc.
3. Discussion
This research identies an important theoretical contribution
applicable in the context of the current health crisis, i.e., the limitations
presented by the traditional theoretical construct of Travel Intention to
explain attitude towards a health intervention (COVID-19 vaccination)
that can enable future travel. The risk factors and structural constraints
posed by the pandemic are assumed to lessen the inuence of Travel
Intention on Vaccine Condence, while the cognitive-emotional
construct of Travel Craving is likely to have stronger predictive power.
The empirical results of our investigation support the argument that
Travel Intention does not represent a valuable predictor of Vaccination
Condence in the COVID-19 health crisis. Our contribution is important
as it extends the emerging academic discussion on travel and vaccina-
tion intentions and supports the introduction of the Travel Craving
construct proposed by Mitev and Irimi´
as (2021). Previous factors
deemed relevant for the understanding of travel decision making may
therefore ascertain their limitations of predictability amidst the COVID-
19 and future analogous scenarios. In particular, elements of the
emotional sphere as well as safety perception may prove particularly
relevant. The latter element, for instance, may be altered by further
extrinsic forces like the promotion of specic destinations (eg. safe
bubbles and covid-free islands), therefore presenting signicant impli-
cations for travel and tourism organizations and their marketing
Given the higher relevance of Travel Craving vs. Intention found in
this study, further practical considerations are identied. For instance,
impulsive buying type of behaviour may prove particularly relevant
under certain circumstances (e.g., travelers with higher safety percep-
tion), while more practical constraints acting as barriers of intention
may, on the other hand, also play a signicant role. Conversely, some
real life cases have also shown that not everyone who craves for travel or
even needs to travel is willing to uptake vaccinations. Cases in which
travel craving is not enough to stimulate vaccine uptake should thus be
further investigated. Furthermore, other relationships could be tested,
such as vaccine condence inducing the desire or craving for travel
through an inverse relationship and the relationship between Travel
Craving and Intention.
This is deemed critical to better understand travel decision dynamics
in challenging times such as those associated with the COVID-19 health
crisis. Finally, our ndings offer relevant implications for health regu-
lators, policymakers and destination marketers that may consider mar-
keting and communication strategies by embedding high-emotional
elements that aim at shaping the desire/craving to travel, as a way to
increase vaccine condence.
Table 1
The associations between Travel Intention, Travel Craving and Vaccine
Weights T
95% BCa
Travel Intention-
0.002 0.096 0.0320.036 1.028 0.000
Travel Craving -
0.269 17.186 0.2390.300 1.028 0.076
=0.073 Q
G. Fedeli et al.
Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights 3 (2022) 100051
Appendix A. The reective measurement model analysis
Mean Factor loading Cronbach's alpha CR AVE
Vaccine Condence 0.858 0.892 0.551
CovVac1 4.531 0.880
CovVac2 4.677 0.870
CovVac3 3.584 0.640
CovVac4_rev* 3.978 0.524
CovVac5 3.354 0.669
CovVac6 4.426 0.892
CovVac8_rev* 3.719 0.632
Travel craving 0.941 0.955 0.809
TraCrav1 3.086 0.839
TraCrav2 3.174 0.917
TraCrav3 3.116 0.929
TraCrav4 3.084 0.893
TraCrav5 3.216 0.918
Travel Intention - Abroad 0.906 0.941 0.842
TraInt_ab1 3.386 0.922
TraInt_ab2 3.307 0.943
TraInt_ab3 2.884 0.887
Travel Intention - Domestic 0.852 0.911 0.774
TraInt_it1 4.157 0.896
TraInt_it2 4.108 0.916
TraInt_it3 3.508 0.824
Reverse coded.
Appendix B. Discriminant validity - the Fornell-Larcker criterion
Travel Intention - Domestic Travel Intention - Abroad Travel craving Vaccine condence
Travel Intention - Domestic 0.880
Travel Intention - Abroad 0.456 0.918
Travel Craving 0.175 0.111 0.9
Vaccine Condence 0.083 0.002 0.27 0.742
Appendix C. The formative higher-order measurement model analysis.
Weights T Statistics 95% BCa condence intervals VIF
Travel Intention - Domestic 0.547 130.799 0.5390.556 1.262
Travel Intention - Abroad 0.624 114.596 0.6130.635 1.262
Appendix D. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
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Giancarlo Fedeli (PhD) is a Professor (FH) of Tourism Management at IMC University of
Applied Sciences Krems. His research lies in the areas of digital marketing, mis-
information in tourism, and visitor attractions and technology adoption. He has led over
60 research and consultancy assignments internationally, including several major EU-
funded projects.
Thi Hong Hai Nguyen is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Greenwich. Her current
research focuses on heritage tourism, special events and festivals, and destination
Nigel L Williams, PMP is the Reader in Project Management and Research Lead in the
Organizations and Systems Management Subject Group at the University of Portsmouth.
He is also the co founder of Responsible Project Management (
His current research examines stakeholder interactions in networked environments.
Giacomo Del Chiappa (PhD) is Associate Professor of Marketing at the Department of
Economics and Business, University of Sassari (Italy). Further, he is Senior Research
Fellow, School of Tourism & Hospitality, University of Johannesburg (South Africa). His
research is related to destination governance and branding, consumer behaviour, services
marketing and digital marketing.
Philipp Wassler (PhD) is Assistant Professor at the Department of Management at the
University of Bergamo. He works in both, the Management and Foreign Languages, Lit-
eratures and Cultures departments. His primary research interest is in the area of tourism
management with a particular focus on sociological perspectives. He has also worked on
other tourism-related subjects, among which tourism marketing, human geography, and
sustainable development.
G. Fedeli et al.
... This result indicates that tourists with a high level of desire are likely to travel to the destination, in line with past studies (Das & Tiwari, 2021;ekinci et al., 2022;Kement et al., 2022;Perugini & Bagozzi, 2001). Fedeli et al. (2022) found the high relevance of the desire to travel and intention to travel to a destination during the coViD-19 pandemic. Das and Tiwari (2021) revealed a close link between the desire and intention to travel abroad. ...
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This study investigated, using structural equation modelling, the causal relationships between tourists’ perceived COVID-19 measures/situations, desire to travel, travel intention to destination, and willingness to fly. The moderating role of travel anxiety was also examined. Data were collected from 655 Thai tourists who had experienced air travel amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand. The results showed the direct effects of perceived COVID-19 measures/situations on desire and travel intention but not on willingness to fly. Desire to travel mediated the relationships between perceived COVID-19 measures/situations and travel intention and between such perceptions and willingness to fly. Results also revealed the direct effect of travel intention on the willingness to fly. The moderating role of travel anxiety was identified in determining the relationship between perceived COVID-19 measures/situations and desire to travel. The study offers insights into restoring tourists’ confidence to travel during and after the pandemic and mitigating the negative impacts of an identical situation in the future.
... Therefore, tourism can be a compensatory activity in which individuals regain their freedom and physical and mental health. In addition, research shows that the loss of autonomy caused by lockdown restrictions and travel constraints can strengthen compensatory and hedonic consumption behaviors such as travel intention in consumers (Fedeli, Nguyen, Williams, Del Chiappa, & Wassler, 2022;Zhang, Lingyi, et al., 2021). On the other hand, there is limited empirical knowledge in the tourism literature on the concept of meaning in life, which is generally considered in eudaimonic well-being. ...
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Sustainable consumption has been a popular topic in tourism research and ecotourism has been identified as a form of sustainable consumption. Yet, recent literature emphasizes that there is an ambiguity on ecotourism consumption as actual pro-environmental behaviors deviate from the intentions. Further, it is identified that ecotourism offerings are higher in price and discourage ecotourism consumption. Hence, this study offers a conceptual look at further examining ecotourism consumer behaviors focusing on motivation, ecotourism intention, and the actual behavior. Among the consumer behavioral theories, self-determination theory was identified as a prominent theory to discuss motivation on ecotourism consumption intention. However, it fails to discuss the actual behavior. To address this theoretical gap, the proposed framework further explains self-determination theory; intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on ecotourism intention and thereby willingness to pay premium. The current study contributes to the existing literature on ecotourism consumption by incorporating ecotourism intention as a mediating variable on the relationship between intrinsic, extrinsic motivation and willingness to pay premium. Further, significant practical implications are provided for ecotourism providers, marketers, policymakers, and other decision-makers for planning and developing ecotourism offerings to encourage and ensure sustainable tourism consumption.
Post-COVID-19 domestic travel, a valuable component of tourism recovery, has been initiated. However, verified and detailed knowledge regarding epidemic-induced travel behaviour changes from an emic perspective is lacking. Focusing on actual behaviour based on a field investigation of Chinese domestic travellers, this study provides detailed knowledge of the travel constraint-negotiation interaction process between travellers and the epidemic. The findings suggest that the effects of COVID-19 involve various constraints including intrapersonal, interpersonal and structural factors at both the context and system levels. Both cognitive and behavioural strategies are synergistically used in an interlinking manner and depend not only on individual preference and self-efficacy but also, more importantly, on the temporality and socioculture of COVID-19 created by anti-epidemic practices.
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Since the economic recovery heavily depends on the population attaining herd immunity against the virus through the vaccination programme, understanding the factors that improve people’s intentions to get vaccinated against COVID-19 is critically important for the hospitality and tourism industry. This research investigates whether travel desire can moderate the relationship between attitude toward COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19 vaccination intentions. The proposed model was tested utilizing two sets of data collected from a total of 1,341 adults. The results of the study show that subjective norms and perceived risk are strong predictors of attitude toward COVID-19 vaccines. The effects of subjective norms and perceived vaccination risk on COVID-19 vaccination intentions are partially mediated by attitude toward COVID-19 vaccines. The findings show that the higher the travel desire individuals have, the stronger the effects of their attitude toward COVID-19 vaccines on COVID-19 vaccination intentions are.
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This study provides a prompt understanding of actual travel behaviours during and after a real time pandemic building on an earlier published study of intended behaviours. Quantitative online survey data gathered during China’s first national multi-day holiday - Golden Week (October, 2020) - since the lifting of the country's stringent travel restrictions triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic has allowed for actual post-pandemic travel behaviours to be investigated. The survey carried out for this purpose included decisions in favour or against travel, motivations, means of travel, as well as changes in terms of travel duration, travel distance and spending. A taxonomy is developed for actual tourist behaviours within a post-pandemic domestic tourism context to understand factors influencing these behaviours, including perceived risk, anxiety, trust and financial constraints.
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Restarting the mass tourism industry relies on the success of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign which requires individuals' voluntary participation to reduce health risks to hosts and visitors. This study identifies segments of Italian residents based on vaccine confidence at the early stage of a voluntary mass vaccination program. Using a survey held with 3,893 Italian residents, two COVID-19 vaccine confidence clusters were identified. These clusters were compared and revealed significant differences in response and self-efficacy, vaccine adoption, travel behaviour and involvement in the tourism industry.
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Tourists have not been able to travel during the lockdowns imposed to contain the spread of COVID-19. This unprecedented confinement has put travel in a new perspective, representing, for some at least, an intense desire which cannot be fulfilled. It seems that the effects of travel deprivation can be likened to the cognitive and emotional states experienced by behaviour addicts undergoing conditioned withdrawal (Savci & Griffiths, 2019). Travel is not an addiction, although expectations of travel and people's desire to modify current cognitive experiences make the concept of travel craving useful to understand individuals' subjective states. It is important to investigate the phenomenon of travel craving because the construct can potentially be applied in tourism studies to explore any situation in which travel is impossible. Pearce and Packer (2013) called for the study of the psychological, cognitive and mental processes that underlie tourists' motivations and travel intentions. Sporadic attempts have been made to investigate some travel-related addictive behaviour, specifically excessive flying (Cohen et al., 2011), but the application of the behavioural addiction framework has been criticized by Young et al. (2014), and Griffiths (2017). The contribution of this research note is to conceptualise the travel craving phenomenon, to advocate the concept as a measurable construct in tourism, and to assess its relevance in an empirical cross-cultural study.
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide insight into the on-going COVID-19 pandemic and its potential influence on tourist behaviour in the short- to medium-term. While the influence of the pandemic on tourist’s perceived risk and its impact on their future travel behaviour is understandably yet to be established, the present paper discusses the potential nexus. Additionally, this paper provides tourism practitioners with some recommendations for mitigating the effect of potential heightened perceived risk on travel and tourism decision-making post the COVID-19 crisis. Design/methodology/approach – The present paper synthesises contemporary academic literature on perceived risk and post-crisis tourism with emerging information associated with the unfolding COVID-19 crisis. Findings – This paper draws empirical evidence from studies related to previous health crises and their impact on tourism, as well as tourist behaviour. By discussing previous studies within the context of the on-going COVID-19, it is possible to anticipate the influence that perceived risk associated with the pandemic may have on the post-crisis behaviour of tourists. Also, short-term measures to mitigate the effects of risk on tourism are posited to guide practitioners in the future recovery of the sector. Research limitations/implications – The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented and on-going crisis for the global tourism industry. Hence, the present paper serves as a primer to a broader discussion within the tourism discourse and provides theoretical direction for future tourism research. Practical implications – Key to the recovery of the global tourism industry will be encouraging both domestic and international tourism activity. However, while the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on tourist behaviour is yet to be substantiated, previous research predicts a situation of heightened perceived risk and the potential cognitive dissonance that may negatively influence tourist decision-making. To mitigate this potential effect, governance, augmented immigration policy, destination media profiling, recovery marketing and domestic tourism will be critical interventions. Originality/value – This paper is one of the first to discuss the potential influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the post-crisis decision-making process of tourists and their conative behaviour. As a primer to further empirical research, this paper sets a pertinent research agenda for academic inquiry within an evolving and increasingly uncertain global tourism market.
This research examines the effectiveness of message framing, message appeal and information content in changing respondents' COVID-19 vaccination intentions through influencing their vaccine risk perceptions. Furthermore, the moderating effect of travel desire on the relationship between vaccine risk perceptions and changing vaccination intentions is examined. In doing so, two rounds of data that were collected from the same respondents. The first survey recorded respondents' vaccination intentions, travel desire and socio demographics. A follow up survey tested cause-and-effect relationships on the proposed relationships using a 2 (message frame: gain, loss) x 2 (message appeal: rational, emotional) ×2 (information content: subjective, objective) between-subjects online experimental design. Findings suggest that loss-framed messages are more effective than gain-framed and emotional-rational messages in reducing risk perceptions and, thus, changing vaccination intentions. Travel desire is found to moderate the effect of vaccine risk perception on vaccination intentions by weakening the negative effect of vaccine risk perception on vaccination intention. Findings show the importance of travel desire along with message framing and message appeal on changing individuals’ COVID-19 vaccination intentions in public health communications.
This study examines the evolving impacts of COVID-19 vaccination intentions and vaccine hesitancy on travel intentions. The study also examines the sociodemographic factors that can influence willingness to take the vaccine and vaccine hesitancy since achieving herd immunity is critical for social and economic recovery. Data were collected through five surveys from a total of 4,223 individuals in the USA between February 2021 and May of 2021. The findings of the study indicate that over 70 per cent of the respondents are willing to get vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccination intention and hesitancy rates have also been stable over time. Early in the vaccination process, vaccination intentions negatively impacted travel intentions, suggesting that individuals who are willing to get the vaccine postponed their travels in the short term, while individuals who do not plan to get the vaccine may not have changed their travel plans as travel restrictions were eased. However, this negative impact disappeared later as the number of vaccinated individuals significantly increased, closing the gap between the two groups. Findings also suggest that sociodemographic factors such as generational age, gender, marital status, education, region, race, religion, occupation influence the COVID-19 vaccination intention and vaccine hesitancy.
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has had a major impact on global tourism. We adopted social media data to quantify the change in Chinese consumers’ attitudes toward traveling during the pandemic, as no study has explored whether there is compensatory travel intention under the threat of infectious diseases. Using natural language processing technology and geographic information system technology, our analysis shows that Chinese consumers’ interest in tourism increased during the pandemic. Our results show that travel attitudes can be positively affected by compensatory consumption when travel is restricted by infectious diseases and has implications for tourism scholars, marketing managers, and stakeholders.
Research into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourists’ psyche represents a new and growing discourse within contemporary tourism. This study established and segmented post-COVID-19 pandemic tourists based on three psychographic factors of perceived risk. Data were generated from a self-administered online survey of 323 respondents. Exploratory factor analysis identified a triad of perceived risk factors associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Hierarchical cluster analysis supported a three cluster solution to comprise dogmatic, sceptical and apprehensive tourists, respectively. The findings show that there are discernable and statistically significant differences across the tourist typologies concerning the influence of media profile on tourist decision-making, the perceived safety of travel and tourism activities, and tourists’ behaviour (travel intentions) after the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, implying that psychographic profiling will be critical in market segmentation and tourists’ targeting with post-crisis communication and marketing promotion in line with their predilections. As a primer to future COVID-19-related behavioural studies, this explorative research contributes critical data driven behavioural insights to enhance the extent of the tourism literature and support tourism practitioners’ tourism marketing decision-making. Complimentary Paper Access: