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Analysis of nature based flood management in the Tisza River Valley, Hungary



The floodplains of the Tisza River, stretching across the eastern part of Hungary, are often affected by riverine and inland excess water flooding and draught. This paper investigates a possible solution to this problem utilizing the water retention capabilities of old floodplains. In this study, the effect of the position of the inlet structures of a floodplain, near Csongrád town, was examined with HEC-RAS 1D-2D coupled model. Based on the results, the rules of the deep floodplain selection were determined. On the extended model, the possibilities of a deep floodplain storage area chain have been explored. According to the estimate, more than 2.36 km ³ potential storage capacity is available along the Hungarian section of the Tisza River.
Analysis of nature based ood management in
the Tisza River Valley, Hungary
Gábor Murányipand László Koncsos
Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Budapest
University of Technology and Economics, Műegyetem rkp. 3., H-1111 Budapest, Hungary
Received: June 3, 2021 Revised manuscript received: February 18, 2022 Accepted: March 11, 2022
The floodplains of the Tisza River, stretching across the eastern part of Hungary, are often affected by
riverine and inland excess water flooding and draught. This paper investigates a possible solution to this
problem utilizing the water retention capabilities of old floodplains. In this study, the effect of the
position of the inlet structures of a floodplain, near Csongrád town, was examined with HEC-RAS
1D-2D coupled model. Based on the results, the rules of the deep floodplain selection were determined.
On the extended model, the possibilities of a deep floodplain storage area chain have been explored.
According to the estimate, more than 2.36 km
potential storage capacity is available along the Hun-
garian section of the Tisza River.
deep floodplain, HEC-RAS code, 1D-2D coupled model, flood, water retention, nature-based solution
The effects of climate change can be already observed on the Great Hungarian Plain.
Groundwater table have been dropped by several meters in the last decades at certain zones
[1]. Although the total volume of annual precipitation has not been changed signicantly, it
has been becoming more variable in space and time. It is well known that the uncertainty of
the prognosis generated by climate change forecast models is high. Nevertheless, the forecasts
show that the evaporation, the possibility of the ash oods and the droughts will increase
and the decreasing recharge of groundwater is foreseeable [2]. The changing climate, making
extreme meteorological phenomenon more likely, will most likely strengthen the adverse
effects of these phenomena. It is therefore becomes necessary to save available water re-
sources. To achieve this, as a prerequisite, the review of the existing approaches of water
management is needed.
The flood waves between 1998 and 2001 generated the highest water levels from year to
year without significant growth in measured discharges. A series of flood waves between 1998
and 2001 resulted in increasing flood levels year by year. The ever heightening of the levees
crests is not a sustainable solution. Due to the vast sediment deposition across the ood
channels, the further rise of the ood levels is expected. The sedimentation ratio in the
Middle-Tisza Section is about 1.1 cm year
, and in the Lower-Tisza section 0.8 cm year
The solution from the official Hungarian water management was the Further Develop-
ment of Vásárhelyis Plan(FDVP) [5]. Pál Vásárhelyi was the designer of the Tisza River
regulation. The concept of the FDVP was to build storage areas on the selected deep
oodplains and launch a new, integrated water management [5]. Till today not all the
planned storage areas have been built, and existing ones are only be used in critical cases to
reduce ood peak.
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The aim of the present study was to investigate the op-
portunities of a nature-based flood management solution in
the Tisza River Valley, Hungary. Based on previous in-
vestigations, many deep floodplain areas have been identi-
fied along the Tisza River. These areas were formerly
integrated parts of the Tisza Riversoodplain. Since the
river regulation works and levee constructions of the 19th
century, the deep oodplains have been cut from the river by
the ood levees and the direct hydraulic contact with the
river has been lost. It seems to be logical that recovered and
reattached deep oodplains can be used as storage areas [68].
To reach this, there is no need for the destruction of the dikes.
The construction of sluice gates could provide the connection
between the storage area and the river. The inow and the
outow can be securely managed. The formerly approximated
total capacity of the storage areas is 2.5 cubic kilometer [9].
A more precise estimation is given in this paper. This nature-
based solution offers multiple positive effects: on one hand, the
ood risk mitigation, while on the other, it can be an effective
tool to mitigate drought and excess water ood risk. The
feasibility is caused by the peculiarity of the Tisza Valley. As it
is pointed out in the National Water Strategy (JenőKvassay
Plan)[10], while in the upper section of the Tisza Valley,
riverine and excess water ood risk are more common, in the
lower section, all three risk factors occur together. The
essential of the deep oodplain storage method is the calm
water withdrawal. The lling of the reservoirs goes on
simultaneously with the rising water level in the river channel.
level in the reservoir. Thus, water ows do not damage the
vegetation [11].
The previous phase of the research showed that natural
deep floodplains may function properly as a flood risk
mitigation system in a different way than the flood peak
reduction method [12]. The goal in the current phase is to
examine the effect of the position of ood control structures
on the ood levels and identify the possible areas for the
deep oodplain storage system. Utilizing deep oodplain
storage capacity is only the rst step in a new planned, in-
tegrated, nature-based water management strategy subject to
research. The further functions of the reservoirs are reducing
the risk of ooding, act as Managed Aquifer Recharge
(MAR) areas and supply storage water background reser-
voirs far from the river. The precondition of implementation
of aforesaid elements in the current water management is
the changes of the land-use on the affected areas. The pre-
vailing land-use nowadays on these areas are crop elds. As
natural reservoirs, grasslands, wetlands, pastures, and
oodplain forests are the recommended land uses. With this
land-use change, drought and inland excess water risk can
be mitigated. Furthermore, restoring the water-related
ecosystem can increase biodiversity, which has a positive
impact on ecosystem services. As a MAR tool, the trend-like
decline in the groundwater level is expected to slow down,
moreover, the groundwater level is expected to increase.
Approximation of these effects will be the topic of the next
research phase, however, based on previous research, posi-
tive effects are expected [1315].
According to a previous comprehensive analysis [12], ood
risk could be efciently mitigated on deep oodplains, which
was regularly covered by water before the river regulation
works. The aim is to analyze the effect of the position of the
inlet structures and identify further deep oodplain areas
suitable for ood mitigation, preparing the model to the next
research phase.
The following data and information were available for
our investigations:
25 325 m cells Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for
Hungary, Google Maps;
Cross section data of the Tisza River along the Hungarian
longitudinal section;
Time series of the oods between 19982001;
Data about the structure and the operating rules of Tis-
zalök and Kisköre hydropower plants;
Historical map database [16] and historical ethnograph-
ical and land use descriptions [17,18].
As a first step a comprehensive comparative study was
carried out analyzing the possible technical solutions. The
combined 1D/2D model has two parts. The 1D Saint-Venant
equations were used for the Tisza River. The detailed ex-
amination of the inundation process on storage area was
carried out with the 2D solver that gives the Diffusive wave
approximation of the Shallow Water (DSW) equations using
the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equation (RANS).
The connection between these model components were
provided by a sluice gate [19]. For optimization of the
reservoir operation the 2D model was replaced by a
simplied 0D storage model, which results in targeted
operation of the sluices. Based on the DEM an elevation-
volume curve was used to describe the reservoir storage
capacity [20]. In the frame of the rst simulations it was
assumed there will be a two-structure system. An inlet
structure on the upstream site and one outlet structure
nearby the downstream site on a deeper point were assumed.
The operation regime of these structures is equivalent to the
current reservoir operation of that of the FDVP reservoirs.
In the second case, based on the descriptions of the historical
land use, just one multifunctional structure was used nearby
the oodplain embankment on the deepest point. This
alternative was used to provide a simulation of the ancient
traditional oodplain management methodology. The
essential of this approach is lling up the oodplain from the
deepest point because it results a moderate inundation ve-
locity and the sedimentation will happen on the deepest
point. Meanwhile the drainage of the storage the outow will
work against the sedimentation. With the help of this
approach the decrease of the maintenance work was targeted
In the first phase, the 1D Tisza River model was applied
between Kisköre hydropower plant the river mouth at the
Danube, south of Titel. For the calibration procedure the
river discharge/stage data of year 1999 was used, while river
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data of 2000 have been used for validation purpose. After the
hydrodynamic simulations, the model was extended for the
whole country. That means, the models new upstream
boundary is at Tiszabecs, where the Tisza River enters
Hungary. With using the US Army Corps of Engineers
Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis Systems
(HEC-RAS) mapper module, the morphological model of
the riverbed was exported using linear interpolation. The
Tisza Rivers bed data were integrated into the DEM using a
separate Geographic Information System (GIS) software.
The DEM covers the area of Hungary, therefore where the
Tisza River separates Hungary from the neighboring coun-
tries, the river bed data was missing. Based on the Google
maps, the satellite pictures, and the original cross section
data the missing parts were replaced with a synthesized
triangulated network. Thereafter the 1D schematic for the
extended Tisza model was drawn. The cross sections with
the new composite terrain data was inspected and over-
written. Based on the new model layout, potential deep
oodplain reservoirs have been explored. Existing FDVP
storages were also taken into consideration. The Bodrogzug
area act like a reservoir, therefore it has been built into the
model as a storage area, with open connection to the river. It
is an important part of the Tisza River Valley, but it is not a
part of the deep oodplain reservoir system, because the
inows and outows are uncontrolled.
The rules for selecting the floodplains were the following:
The permissible normal water level by operation can
cause 1.52 m deep average inundation;
By this average depth, the storage capacity must be
greater than 20 million m
The boundary edge of the reservoir follows the alignment
of the existing infrastructures, estate borders or the high
If the reservoir area overlaps with villages or bigger farm
complexes, the affected area will be protected with ring
levee where it is necessary;
The multifunctional structure can be used.
3.1. The effects of the structure position
The study area is located on the right side of the Tisza River,
south of Csongrád, east of Felgyő. The elevation versus
volume relationship gives the storage capacity curve shown
in Fig. 1. Based on the selection rules of the deep oodplains,
the allowable normal water level is 81 Meters Above Sea
Level (MASL). For that level, the capacity of the reservoir is
51.43 million m
The structure for the outflow control in both cases was a
2310 m wide sluice gate, with the bottom sill on 78.1
MASL. The operation inundation level was at 81 MASL. For
the 2D inundation mapping, the sluice gate opening time
series for the calibration flood of year 2000 were used. The
different approach of the 0D and 2D simulation can cause
differences in the emerging water levels. First, the inunda-
tion spreads from the northeasterly part of the deep flood-
plain. The maximal water surface was 80.90 MASL in this
case. The arrival time in the upper quarter of the storage
area was under 12 h. The inundation propagation is strongly
influenced by the existing drainage or irrigation canals. After
24 h approximately the half of the studied area was flooded.
It took a little over 96 h to reach the allowable water level,
but after 48 h the whole area is under water-cover. The re-
sults can be studied in Fig. 2. The maximal discharge of the
sluice gate was 198.95 m
. At the water gauge near
Szeged town, the maximal mitigation of the ood level was
12 cm peaking on 03/17/2000.
In the second case, a multifunctional structure was
examined, positioned to the deepest point nearby the
floodplain dike. The reached maximal water level was 80.95
MASL. In the first 24 h the deeper trenches were inundated,
Fig. 1. Reservoir capacity curve
Fig. 2. Arrival time with two structure system, inow from the
northeasterly part
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then in the next 24 h the upper trenches. After filling the
canals and the nearby deeper plains, it took more than 180 h
to flood the entire storage area (see Fig. 3). This means 3.5
days more charging time than the rst version. The maximal
measurable effect on the Szeged water gauge was 13 cm on
03/17/2000. The maximal discharge on the sluice gate was
153.30 m
Although the charging time is almost double of the two-
structure system, from the viewpoint of the eco-friendly
inundation the one multifunctional structure system is
preferable. The highest velocity occurs in the existing canals.
The prevailing practice of water management drains out the
deep floodplains on the deepest points to handle the
groundwater flood. The advantage of a system similar to
the traditional one is that, in theory, the existing drainage
channels can be used as multifunctional channels. Further-
more, investment and operating costs can be reduced if only
one structure is built.
The arrival times described above do not include the
time needed to empty the reservoirs and the retention time.
Fig. 3. Arrival time with multifunctional structure system, inow by
the deepest point nearby the embankment
Table 1. Deep oodplain storage areas in the Tisza River Valley
ID Name RKM Area [km
] Max. level [MASL] Volume [10
001 Milota 731þ100 23.05 118.00 61.83
002 Beregi VTT 706þ850 58.63 109.20 32.82
003 Kisar 690þ000 75.95 110.80 65.94
004 Gergelyiugornya 680þ740 39.96 109.40 61.90
005 Cigánd VTT 597þ700 25.28 97.80 57.79
006 Dombrád 569þ000 163.85 95.80 88.79
007 Tiszakarád 566þ400 40.33 96.20 65.30
008 Tiszaladány 512þ000 58.64 94.60 60.95
009 Taktakenéz 503þ500 27.87 93.70 38.54
010 Tiszalúc 493þ500 38.55 94.40 73.76
011 Tiszagyulaháza 488þ000 55.24 92.00 42.07
012 Polgár 468þ400 25.87 91.90 35.09
013 Tiszacsege 457þ000 54.36 90.90 48.59
014 Tiszadorogma 442þ000 203.79 90.50 67.45
015 Tiszafüred 434þ300 71.31 89.15 65.62
016 Sarud 414þ000 26.22 89.50 57.72
017 Tiszaderzs 411þ700 68.28 88.60 138.83
018 Tiszanána 404þ500 66.54 88.65 98.70
019 Nagykunsági VTT 400þ600 40.34 88.00 91.95
020 Tiszaroff sample 391þ000 5.58 86.00 7.31
021 Hanyi-Tiszasülyi VTT 388þ900 55.73 86.00 27.80
022 TiszarofVTT 370þ100 23.37 87.50 45.63
023 Nagykörű354þ300 49.24 85.60 42.16
024 Tiszabő362þ000 31.28 87.50 87.12
025 Tiszapüspöki 351þ400 68.01 87.50 197.76
026 Tószeg 321þ500 44.62 87.70 35.31
027 Tiszaföldvár 294þ500 45.26 83.80 58.46
028 Tiszakécske 275þ500 29.55 83.50 51.26
029 Tiszasas 249þ600 73.64 82.50 126.47
030 Szentes 238þ000 70.39 81.50 62.71
031 Csongrád 228þ800 29.91 81.00 51.43
032 Mindszent 218þ000 57.35 79.70 31.52
033 Ópusztaszer 204þ700 70.90 79.60 85.15
034 Dóc 196þ700 49.07 79.50 71.30
035 Mártély 204þ000 20.30 81.00 31.97
036 Hódmezővásárhely 183þ700 158.30 78.50 93.76
Sum 2,360.75
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The required hydraulic retention time depends on the spe-
cific flood wave and the intended use of the stored water.
Theoretically, implementing reservoir elements of the
complex system, from the deep floodplains the water flows
further away and will be used firstly to aquifer recharge.
From certain storage areas gravity transfer is not possible a
part of the stored water flows back to the river, another part
seeps into the soil and/or evaporates.
3.2. Review of the potential deep floodplain reservoirs
The hydraulic analysis showed that the integrated multi-
functional structure design is a technically appropriate
solution. Keeping in mind the rules of reservoir designa-
tion and striving for a multifunctional structure design, a
total of 36 deep floodplain areas were explored. Six from
that is an existing FDVP reservoir. To keep model uni-
formity, the official data of the FDVP storages were not
used. All the elevation versus volume curves were gener-
ated using the composite DEM data generated for this
study. The selected storage areas meet the requirements,
except the storage area N
020. That is a possible sample
area for the future eld experiments. It is located north of
Tiszaroff town. On the historical land use maps the name
of this area is laposin Hungarian, which means plain
lake or shallow lake. The potential deep oodplain storage
areas of the Tisza Valley are summarized in Table 1.
In Table 1,the reservoirs are listed from upstream to
downstream. The positions of these storage areas are illus-
trated in Fig. 4. The sum of the selected area is 2,046.56 km
The total storage capacity is 2.36 km
. This is 1.48 times
larger than Hungarys largest lake, Lake Balaton (approxi-
mately 1.9 km
The analysis performed in the present study proved that
both examined systems for the deep floodplain storage
method, the separated inlet and outlet structure system and
the multifunctional integrated structure system are suitable
solution for the reservoir operation. The essential of the
method has been validated, ergo the water withdrawal
started in the beginning of the flood. The water level in the
reservoir changed gradually, water fluxes did not exceed
200 m
. Moreover, with the multifunctional structure it
was under 160 m
. The maxima of the ood level miti-
gation at the Szeged water gauge were quasi the same. The
one structure system is also advocated by the presumably
higher cost efciency.
The model of the Tisza River was extended to the up-
stream end of the Hungarian river section at Tiszabecs. For
that the digital elevation model was further developed,
which provided an opportunity to analyze all the possible
locations of deep floodplains. With the use of the selection
rules and results of previous research, 36 potential deep
floodplain storage areas were explored. The sum volume of
these reservoirs is 2.36 km
. It is noteworthy that this ca-
pacity is not an exact number. It depends on the applied
boundaries of the storage areas and the allowable normal
water level. That can be the explanation of the differences in
results between this research and the previous works.
The former work pointed out that the deep floodplain
storage method can be a nature-based alternative solution
for the flood, drought, and inland excess water flood risk
mitigation but only in a storage chain system. This paper
has shown that the necessary storage capacities are
available in the Tisza Valley. The next goal is the opti-
mization of the deep floodplain storage chain operation,
after the calibration and validation of the extended Tisza
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... In earlier studies, several areas were identified along the Tisza River that are suitable for storing and distributing excess floodwater (NWRM + MAR system). Since the water governance system must adhere to natural functioning, in these studies the focus was solely on gravity-based water replenishment (Murányi & Koncsos 2022a, 2022b, 2022c. ...
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The 2022 drought highlighted Hungary's vulnerability to climate change, especially the Great Hungarian Plain. Soil moisture, which is crucial for agriculture, depends on the position of the shallow groundwater table. This study investigated the effects of climate change on groundwater table fluctuations in more than 500 wells on the plain. An integrated vertical hydrological model, assuming negligible horizontal subsurface flows, employed the Dunay–Varga-Haszonits methodology for evaporation and Kovács approach for the water retention curve. Verified with two meteorological databases, the model was accepted for 463 wells based on NSE > 0.4 and RMSE < 0.5 m criteria. The FORESEE HUN v1.0 dataset proved suitable after spatial consistency tests. Examining 28 bias- and discontinuity-corrected climate model projections on these wells revealed a general decline in the groundwater table. Differences between trends to 2050 and 2100 suggested lower groundwater levels by mid-century. This research highlights climate change impacts in a crucial Central-European agricultural region in the Carpathian Basin and emphasizes the importance of modeling climate change-induced changes in shallow groundwater levels in water resources management.
... Finally, in the third scenario (FLOOD), a combined intervention of nature-based floodrisk mitigation and managed aquifer recharge was investigated [40,70,71]. During this, along with the retained inland excess water, an additional~33 million m 3 of water was released into the study area from the flood waves of the Tisza River in Spring 2003. ...
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Climate change and water scarcity increase the vulnerability of crop production and other ecosystem services (ES) in flood-protected lowlands under a continental climate. Restoration of wetlands leads to a higher water-buffering capacity of the landscape, strengthening various ecosystem services, and fostering adaptation to climatic, ecological, and agricultural challenges. Such restoration efforts require extensive land-use change, leading to trade-offs in provisioning and regulating ES. However, knowledge is limited about these situations, especially in the case of lowland areas. Here, we introduce a hydrological analysis in a 243 km2 flood-protected catchment in the Great Hungarian Plain, mapping the potential hydrological effects of water-retention scenarios on groundwater levels. We point out how the simulated groundwater levels will be used for estimating the changes in crop yields and tree growth (provisioning services). The introduced hydrological analysis and preliminary results for crop-yield estimates suggest a significant and scalable capacity for a nature-based hydrological adaptation: the extent of inundated areas could be increased stepwise and water retention could locally compensate dry periods due to the buffering effect of inundated meanders.
Design flood hydrographs are often used to project safe and cost-effective hydraulic structures. This study proposes a system based on a combination of empirical and statistical approaches for constructing synthetic design flood hydrographs, that practitioners can easily apply. The system uses scaled observed seasonal flood hydrographs and respects the dependence structure among the flood peaks, volumes, and durations deduced from the set of seasonal flood hydrographs observed. The method was developed and tested based on data from the Horné Orešany reservoir in Slovakia.
Conference Paper
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A klímaváltozás egyre nagyobb kihívás elé állítja Magyarország meglévő vízügyi rendszerét és annak infrastruk-túráját. A dolgozatban ismertetésre kerül egy új, átfogó vízgazdálkodási terv koncepciója, mely a várakozások szerint alkalmas lehet az aszály-és a belvíz kockázata mellett az árvíz kockázatának csökkentésére is. A vizsgálatok mintaterülete az Alföld, ahol az említett problémák halmozottan jelen vannak. Korábbi kutatások igazolták, hogy a Tisza mentén több, mint 2 km 3 víz tározására van lehetőség mélyártéri területeken. Jelen dolgozat bemutatja a tározási célokra is alkalmas mélyártéri területek elönthetőségének hidrológiai statisztikai vizsgálatát. Az elem-zés alapján javaslatot teszünk a tározórendszer elemeinek kiválasztására. Kulcsszavak Mélyártér, vízvisszatartás, hidrológiai statisztika, természet-alapú megoldás * * * Climate change poses an increasing challenge to Hungary's existing water management system and its infrastructure. This paper describes the concept of a new, comprehensive water management plan, which is expected to be suitable not only for the risk of drought and inland excess water but also for reducing the risk of flooding. The study area of the investigations is the Great Hungarian Plain, where the mentioned problems are present in cumulative form. Previous research has shown that it is possible to store more than 2 km 3 of water along the Tisza River in deep floodplain areas. Based on the measured water levels a statistical analyzis of the possible inundation frequency has been examined. The historical time series provides a statical approach. As a first step before the hidrodynamical modeling it grants enouh proof to consider the appropriate bottom levels of the inlet structures sill. This paper presents a system of deep floodplain storage areas which are frequent inundable not only in cases of record-high flood events. Keywords Deep floodplain, water retention, hydrologic statics, nature-based solution Citation: Murányi G., Koncsos L. (2023) Statistical analysis of inundation opportunities in the deep floodplains of the Tisza River (in Hungarian). In: Somlyódy B. and Váradi J. (ed.) Magyar Hidrológiai Társaság által rendezett XL. Országos Vándorgyűlés dolgozatai. ISBN 978-963-8172-45-7. 17 pages.
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Natural flood plains are among the most biologically productive and diverse ecosystems on earth. Globally, riverine flood plains cover > 2 × 106 km2, however, they are among the most threatened ecosystems. Floodplain degradation is closely linked to the rapid decline in freshwater biodiversity; the main reasons for the latter being habitat alteration, flow and flood control, species invasion and pollution. In Europe and North America, up to 90% of flood plains are already ‘cultivated’ and therefore functionally extinct. In the developing world, the remaining natural flood plains are disappearing at an accelerating rate, primarily as a result of changing hydrology. Up to the 2025 time horizon, the future increase of human population will lead to further degradation of riparian areas, intensification of the hydrological cycle, increase in the discharge of pollutants, and further proliferation of species invasions. In the near future, the most threatened flood plains will be those in south-east Asia, Sahelian Africa and North America. There is an urgent need to preserve existing, intact flood plain rivers as strategic global resources and to begin to restore hydrologic dynamics, sediment transport and riparian vegetation to those rivers that retain some level of ecological integrity. Otherwise, dramatic extinctions of aquatic and riparian species and of ecosystem services are faced within the next few decades.
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Natural flood plains are among the most biologically productive and diverse ecosystems on earth. Globally, riverine flood plains cover > 2 × 106 km2, however, they are among the most threatened ecosystems. Floodplain degradation is closely linked to the rapid decline in freshwater biodiversity; the main reasons for the latter being habitat alteration, flow and flood control, species invasion and pollution. In Europe and North America, up to 90% of flood plains are already ‘cultivated’ and therefore functionally extinct. In the developing world, the remaining natural flood plains are disappearing at an accelerating rate, primarily as a result of changing hydrology. Up to the 2025 time horizon, the future increase of human population will lead to further degradation of riparian areas, intensification of the hydrological cycle, increase in the discharge of pollutants, and further proliferation of species invasions. In the near future, the most threatened flood plains will be those in south-east Asia, Sahelian Africa and North America. There is an urgent need to preserve existing, intact flood plain rivers as strategic global resources and to begin to restore hydrologic dynamics, sediment transport and riparian vegetation to those rivers that retain some level of ecological integrity. Otherwise, dramatic extinctions of aquatic and riparian species and of ecosystem services are faced within the next few decades.
The Great Hungarian Plain is the largest macro-region in the Carpathian Basin. In the chapter, the evolutionary models of the region will be described, and also a general picture will be drawn on the evolution of its lithology, morphology, hydrology, climate and vegetation. In a meso-scale, the general descriptions of landscape parameters will be given, typifying the landscapes into two groups: meso-regions formed on alluvial fans and meso-regions formed on floodplains and floodplain levels. Quite detailed analysis is on the most important environmental values and risks of the Great Hungarian Plain. In a separate subchapter, the changes in human impact on the macro-region during the last millennia will be introduced. Detailed studies discuss the descending level of groundwaters, the different ways of mitigating flood hazard and risk, and in connection with these topics, the ways of possible solutions, their weak points and probable consequences will be presented. The river channel regulation and flood protection works in the Tisza River’s system are analysed in detail, and also the environmental consequences of these works are presented, as these works caused the greatest environmental change in the Great Hungarian Plain.
Climate change is characterized by the following main processes: population growth, urbanization, industrialization, intensification of agriculture, deforestation, desertification, degradation of natural resources (water, soil, biosphere, air) and global warming. In order to develop a sufficient understanding of these complex interrelations and make predictions of future trends, global and regional models are being developed and increasingly applied. Selected results for important quantities of the hydrological cycle which are obtained from such models are presented and discussed.
Investigations in the Szolnok section of the Tisza River provided substantial evidence about point bar and natural levee formation having continued after flood control measures and adding ca 10 cm thickness increment to sediments during each great flood over the past years (1998-2001). Point bars and natural levees increase the size of mean-stage channel as well as its water transport capacity and the water and sediment accommodation capability of the food bed. In the first wave of the flood a considerable amount of sediment is mobilised from the main channel even before the water reaches the flood bed. With the increasing discharge and velocity, the shift of meanders generates a considerable increment of load. Along the middle stretches of the river the sediment yield changes, independent from the load provided by the increased runoff all over the basin. Measurements and analyses persistently show discontinuous character and time shift, there have been differences of the methods and tools of investigations carried out in the middle and lower parts of the Hungarian section of Tisza River. That is why it is extremely difficult to draw unambiguous conclusions with regard to the place and rate of sedimentation or to quantify the phenomenon. When considering the rise of the highest high water stages along the middle and lower sections of the river over the past years, the authors attach major importance to point bars, natural levees, and sedimentation taking place on the flood bed and to the vegetation growth on the latter. These factors have a greater role in changes - including stages rising higher with no significant changes of discharge during floods - than man-made impacts all over the river basin.
While characterized by numerous environmental risks directly or indirectly caused by anthropogenic interventions, the Tisza Valley has an important potential to get its natural capital enriched through landscape scale adaptive management. In this paper, the current and potential ecosystem services are identified for the deep floodplains of the Tisza Valley by means of hydrodynamic modeling results and a detailed land cover analysis. Meanwhile, the agricultural suitability and environmental sensitivity of the study areas are analyzed, and the results of this phase of the research will provide a background for the quantification of the natural capital of the study areas.
This work reports the results of an investigation of reservoirs that were selected in Hungary in the framework of a new flood control strategy for the River Tisza, the largest tributary of the River Danube. Through a comprehensive analysis the optimal operation mode was identified, which would need to be applied to achieve the maximum decreasing effect on peak water lev-els. The flood waves were simulated using a 1D hydrodynami-cal model, which is based on the Saint-Venant equations. Both measured and synthetic discharge data were used as boundary conditions. The time lead as compared to the flood peak was determined for the reservoir system. On the Upper-Tisza the fig-ures exceed the order of magnitude of the possible time lead of the realistic forecast, meaning that further research of the re-conditioned discharge forecast is necessary. The investigation results of the interaction of two reservoirs showed that the sum of the decreasing effects on water levels when separated reser-voirs work independently approaches the decreasing effect of the jointly operating reservoirs reasonably well. Therefore the joint impacts can be estimated using quick linear programming methods. Keywords flood control · reservoir systems · 1D hydrodynamic model Acknowledgement This work is connected to the scientific program of the "De-velopment of quality-oriented and harmonized R+D+I strategy and functional model at BME" project.
Welcome to the Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System (HEC-RAS). This software allows you to perform one-dimensional steady flow, unsteady flow, and sediment transport calculations. The current version of HEC-RAS only supports one-dimensional, steady flow, water surface profile calculations. This manual specifically documents the hydraulic capabilities of the Steady flow portion of HEC-RAS. Documentation for unsteady flow and sediment transport calculations will be made available as these features are added to the HEC-RAS. This chapter discusses the general philosophy of HEC-RAS and gives you a brief overview of the hydraulic capabilities of the modeling system. Documentation for HEC-RAS is discussed, as well as an overview of this manual.
An Erratum has been published for this article in Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 17 (6) 2001, 311–323. Running water ecology is a young science, the conceptual foundations of which were derived largely from research conducted in Europe and North America. However, virtually all European river corridors were substantially regulated well before the science of river ecology developed. While regulation of North American river systems occurred later than in European systems, river ecology also developed later. Therefore, there is a general impression of rivers as being much less heterogeneous and much more stable than they actually are in the natural state. The thesis of this paper is that established research and management concepts may fail to fully recognize the crucial roles of habitat heterogeneity and fluvial dynamics owing to a lack of fundamental knowledge of the structural and functional features of morphologically intact river corridors. Until quite recently, most concepts in river ecology were based on the implicit assumption that rivers are stable, single-thread channels isolated from adjacent floodplains. Unfortunately, many rivers are in just such a state, but it should be recognized that this is not the natural condition. This incomplete understanding constrains scientific advances in river ecology and renders management and restoration initiatives less effective. Examples are given of the high level of spatio-temporal heterogeneity that may be attained in rivers where natural processes still operate on a large scale. The objective of this paper is to promulgate a broader and more integrative understanding of natural processes in river corridors as a necessary prelude to effective river conservation and management. Copyright