
An effective and secure digital image steganography scheme using two random function and chaotic map

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Among the critical features of actions and strategies in the information and communications technology period is securing information. The reliability of information ought to be the main consideration in the discrete transfer of information between two people. For the security of information, the approaches entail steganography and cryptography. In cryptography, the discrete information is changed into indiscernible information yet still the secret information is recognizable, while steganography is about concealing the secret text to avoid it being discerned. This paper presents a current secure image steganography method called new stego key adaptive LSB (NSKA-LSB). The establishment of the suggested method was built in four stages with an objective of a better data-hiding algorithm in cover image identity using potentiality, image aspects, and reliability. Attaining this involves preserving the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) of the steganography method. The four-stage proceeded with pixel determination assembly stage, then secret information assembly stage, embedding stage and lastly extrication stage. The reliable image steganography method suggested in this paper is established on a novel transformation of least significant bit exchange technique, a fusion of two arbitrary functions, and a chaotic map. The suggested method entails direct or inverse discrete bit positioning of strengthening the invisibility and difficulty of the insertion exercise. The reason for suggesting the hiding algorithm is to tackle statistical and visual types of attacks. The investigations outcomes exhibit that the formula gives the improved quality index, peak signal-to-noise ratio, and payload employed for stego image examination.

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... Abdulwahed [19] presented a proposed hiding system called key adaptive LSB (NSKA-LSB) which consists of four stages pixel identification, secret data collection, embedding, and finally retrieval. The methods used in this system are the integration of random functions with a chaotic map, PSNR= 72.44 . ...
... Year [19] Adaptive LSB PSNR, MSE 2020 [20] DNA with hyperchaotic system PSNR, MSE, and CORRELATION 2020 [21] RLE, LSB, Random Function PSNR 2020 [22] Modified LSB Method with shape Modification PSNR 2021 [23] AES, DWT and Huffman PSNR,MSE and Histogram 2019 [24] MSB and LSB PSNR 2021 [25] PRNG and XOR PSNR 2019 Prposed System Genetic algorithm, Huffman coding and index of pixels as indicator ...
... The carrier object entails embedding information which ought to be text, audio or video. Employing steganography can happen in a wide span of approaches inclusive of reliable conveyance of secret military information and other intelligence organizations, strengthening mobile banking reliability, reliability of online voting, and conceal disclosure between two relaying parties (Abdulwahed, 2020). Steganography can be effectively used in different applications, but using it can be quite risky because attackers can use it to send Trojans and viruses with the aim of compromising sensitive systems. ...
... Security (Suhad, 2016) 0.90 (Abdulraheem, 2014) 0.93 (Abdulwahed, 2020) 0.99 (Mustafa, 2020) 0.997 (Nguyen & Le, 2020) 0.999 Proposed method 1 ...
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Steganography has become an important science in security in recent years, it hides the existence of the secret information in such a way that no one suspects the information exists. In this paper a new steganography method for concealing message in message by using sailfish optimizer (SFO) and transposition method is proposed. In this work, the (SFO) is utilized to enhance the security and reduce the disfigurement to obtain best message quality, where the SFO has advantages in the term of security and text quality. The fitness values of the cover and secret message are calculated by using a new way. The SFO works to determining the matching fitness value between the cover and secret message and generates a key to recapture secret message. Lastly, relying on the matching fitness value, the steganography process is done by replacing (transposition) the secret's letters with cover's letters. The results proved that proposed method is effective, efficient and provided high security, high capacity, not malformed text and resistance against several steganalytic attacks
... The embedding process using the XNOR operation is summarized in Fig. 7. 3) Fibonacci decomposition: Fibonacci numbers are a sequence of numbers that begin with zero or one, and then the next value is the summation of the two previous numbers [35]. In this research, we convert pixel values from binary into Fibonacci representation for the image. ...
... 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,… and so on; such that any numeric value can be represented as binary representation [35]- [37]. Table IV distinguishes It is important to note that the binary representation does not introduce redundancy. ...
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Abstract—Since the number of internet users is increasing and sensitive information is exchanging continuously, data security has become a problem. Image steganography is one of the ways to exchange secret data securely using images. However, several issues need to be mitigated, especially in the imperceptibility (security) aspect, which is the process of embedding secret data in the images that can be vulnerable to attacks. This paper focuses on developing a secure method for hiding secret messages in an image, based on the standard Least Significant Bit (LSB). Before proceeding with the embedding stage, the secret message's size is reduced by compression using the Huffman algorithm, followed by two operations, which are the Boolean operation Exclusive-NOR (XNOR) operation and the Fibonacci algorithm when selecting pixels to embed the secret message. As a result of these processes, a stego-image is created with two secret keys. We obtained promising results against standard images with higher Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) values of 66.6170, 65.8928, and 65.9386 dB for Lena.bmp, Baboon.bmp, and Pepper.bmp, respectively, as compared to other state-of-the-art schemes. The evaluation stage proves the increasing level of security as well as imperceptibility. (PDF) High-Security Image Steganography Technique using XNOR Operation and Fibonacci Algorithm. Available from: [accessed May 26 2021].
From past few years cloud computing has become an IT slang. It is the grassland of computing that is spreading briskly day-by-day in scholastic and business in form to accomplish conditions of final users. Cloud computing in real sense is achieving any duty by building use of assistance that are granted by cloud providers. It empowers an ample dimension of customer to access Shared, Ascendable, and Virtualized resources on top of the World Wide Web. It is a chunk of shared computing. It is currently arriving grassland by dint of its act, towering opportunity, and small price. With the brisk rise of internet computing machinery there is a big requirement for data storage security on cloud. There endure many cloud data storage security techniques now a days. In this paper, we are declaring some of these current techniques, literature review, and comparison between them. From the given comparison table of various current cloud computing data security approaches, it is concluded that the best approach for cloud data storage security must be taken and considered. We believe that there exist many more approaches for cloud data storage security and among them the best approach must be chosen.KeywordsCloud computingEncryptionDecryptionCryptographySteganographyData security
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