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eISSN: 2672-7226
© Penerbit UMT
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management
Volume 17 Number 2, February 2022: 255-269
1Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Food Security, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. 2School
of Business and Economics, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. 3Southeast Asia Marine Resources Institute (ISMAT),
Taman Perikanan Chendering, 21080 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia. 4International Institute of Aquaculture
and Aquatic Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. 5School of Business and Economics, Universiti Putra Malaysia,
*Corresponding author:
Submitted nal draft: 9 May 2021 Accepted: 18 June 2021
Sharks and rays are cartilaginous shes that have
gradually evolved for more than 400 million
years. Sharks are known as apex predators,
whose key roles are to maintain a balanced
ecosystem, prevent the spread of diseases,
improve the gene pool and help create a healthy
environment (Camhi et al., 1998; Grifn et
al., 2008; Felipe et al., 2019). Sharks have
been identied as one of the most endangered
species and a priority group for conservation
action (Booth et al., 2018). Their population has
dwindled mainly due to high demand for human
consumption and substantial commercial value
(Lehr, 2015). Approximately 100 million sharks
are killed annually and the total declared value
of shark products traded globally is US$1 billion
(Dent & Clarke, 2015). An estimated 25% of
1,038 sharks, rays and chimaera species that
have been assessed by the International Union
for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)’s Shark
Specialist Group are threatened with extinction,
making them the most threatened vertebrate
group (Bräutigam et al., 2016).
The main factor for this is their vitality,
which is hindered by slow growth, late maturity
and few offspring (Camhi et al., 1998; Susan et
al., 1998; Walker 1998; Cortes, 2000; Frisk et al.,
2001; Fowler et al., 2002; Dent & Clarke, 2015).
In addition, the rapid growth in commercial
sheries targeting high-value species, a lack of
specic management, as well as poor recording
mechanisms of mixed-species sheries make
it difcult to precisely predict shark extinction
Abstract: The objective of this study is to identify barriers in participating in the
collection of traceable catch landing data for shark and ray species among small-scale
shers in Pahang, Malaysia. As one of the major shark catchers in the world, Malaysia
has been recommended to implement a traceability system to manage its supply chain
process, starting from catch landings, to ensure sustainable shing of sharks and rays. The
participation of of small-scale shers in this effort is crucial due to the signicant impact
of shark and ray population to their livelihood, even though they have limited capability to
record catch data due to lack of resources and education. A purposive snowball sampling
was used to identify participants for focus group discussions (FGD). A semi-structured
open-ended proforma was used as a discussion guide. The ndings suggest that there
are ve barriers to participation, namely (i) shark and ray resources; (ii) governance and
management support; (iii) infrastructure and management information system; (iv) shers’
commitment and buy-ins; and, (v) collaboration effort among stakeholders. It is important
for policymakers to consider mandatory registration of shark and ray shers, besides
encouraging them to report their catch up to species level with incentives and training
programs, as well as information technology improvements, to overcome the barriers.
Future studies might expand into quantitative analysis and include other players in the
shark and ray supply chain.
Keywords: Sustainability, traceability, shark, ray, focus group discussion, small-scale sher.
Roba'a Yusof et al.
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 17 Number 2, February 2022: 255-269
(Camhi et al., 1998; Grifn et al., 2008; Field
et al., 2009). Therefore, it is crucial to conserve
shark species to protect the ocean ecosystem,
as well as marine biodiversity at national and
international levels (Otway et al., 2004; Yokoi et
al., 2017) through the strengthening of standard
data recording systems in both sheries and
trade (Camhi et al., 1998; Dent & Clarke, 2015).
Malaysia has been identied as the second
largest importer of shark n from 2000 to 2016,
with an annual average of 2,556 metric tons
(mt). It was also the eight-largest producer
of shark products with an annual capture
production average of 21,459 mt from 2007 to
2017 (Nicola & Sant, 2019). Thus, all signatory
nations in the Convention on International Trade
in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES) need to urgently identify measures to
improve real-time collection of accurate trade
information and implement traceability systems
to prevent overexploitation of their endangered
species (Bräutigam et al., 2016; Nicola & Sant,
2019). Catch or landing data for sharks and rays
have been reported to the Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
since 1950. However, difculties in reporting
shark products still persist in most countries,
thus affecting data quality and reliability on
the trade (Dent & Clarke, 2015). Many have
suggested a standardized traceability system
to efciently manage the overall supply chain
of shark products, beginning from the landing
of catch at shing jetties. This is to ensure that
the traded products are sustainable, transparent,
authentic and compliant with regulations (Lehr,
2015; 2016; Mundy & Sant, 2015; Bräutigam et
al., 2016; Marshall & Barone, 2016; Nicola &
Sant, 2019).
The inclusion of artisanal shers in such
effort will entail socio-economic consequences
and potential issues. Their inclusion in a
traceability system is a main challenge because
of their limited capability, resources and lack
of education (Lehr, 2015; 2016). The barriers
to their participation include lack of incentive,
current system and process integration issues,
administrative burden, technical/logistical
challenges, long-term commitment and buy-ins
from stakeholders. Training for shers is also
needed to promote capability-building, and the
appropriate infrastructure must be provided
before implementing a traceability system for
shark products (Lehr, 2015 & 2016; Mundy &
Sant, 2015; USAID, 2018).
The Malaysian Fisheries Department
(DOF) is fully committed towards sustainable
conservation of shark and ray species. Its
action plans are aimed at preventing the
overexploitation of marine species according
to guidelines of the International Plan of Action
for the Conservation and Management of Sharks
(IPOA-SHARKS) framework. Through its
latest 2014 National Plan of Action (NPOA
Sharks), the department has taken the interest
of all stakeholders into consideration through
a series of discussions to ensure a balanced
need between ecological, social and economic
objectives (DOF, 2014). Many studies on sharks
and rays have been conducted since the 1990s,
but they were mostly focusing on biology,
taxonomy, and marketing and trading. Despite
all the studies, DOF has strongly suggested
a need to close the knowledge gap in supply
chain traceability for shark and ray products
to balance the trilogy of market, resources and
environment in a sustainable manner (Ahmad
et al., 2019b). The cooperation of small-scale
shers is needed for the long-term as they tend
to lose interest when there is a lack of clarity on
the benets or rewards of traceability programs
(USAID, 2018).
The main purpose of this study is to
determine the barriers faced by small-scale
shers in participating in the collection of catch
landing data for shark and ray species in Pahang,
Malaysia. The ndings will add to the limited
literature on shark and ray traceability studies.
It will also help policymakers to strategize
effective measures and action plans towards
sustainable conservation of shark and ray
species. Furthermore, the stakeholders involved
in the landing data collection will have greater
awareness of their role and contribute to the
relevant supply chain traceability processes.
The methods may also be used to measure
effective traceability implementation for other
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 17 Number 2, February 2022: 255-269
species at other locations. The ndings will
also indirectly benet those who are concerned
with the environmental impact of marine life
Materials and Method
This was an exploratory qualitative case study
that relied more on the views of of participants
to obtain in-depth understanding of the trade
(Creswell, 2014; Creswell & Poth, 2018).
The possible factors of barriers in participating
in the collection of traceable catch landing data
were identied based on recommendations by
Lehr (2015 & 2016), Mundy and Sant (2015),
Khan et al. (2018), USAID (2018) and expert
elicitation from Key Informant Interviews
(KII) with DOF and Malaysian Fisheries
Development Board (LKIM) ofcials, and
NPOA-Sharks committee members in April
2019. There were government and management
support; information technology infrastructure;
communication tools; coordination and
collaboration; training, development and
A semi-structured open-ended discussion
proforma sheet was prepared and divided
into two sections. The rst section aimed to
collect information on the status of shark and
ray resources, and their shing and landing
operations. The second section was to assess
the current phenomena and challenges faced by
small-scale shers. The questions were suitable
for discussing a specic topic, besides trying
to draw out complex individual experiences,
beliefs, perceptions and attitudes (Tobias et al.,
2018). A short and simple language that is easily
understandable by all participants is important
to encourage cooperation and involvement
throughout the study (Chan & Idris, 2017).
The questions were designed to be open-ended
and exploratory as the researchers had to rely
mostly on the participants’ views of the situation
(Creswell, 2018).
Study Area
The study was conducted at selected landing
sites in Kuantan and Pekan in the east coast state
of Pahang in Peninsular Malaysia (Figure 1).
Between 1982 and 2019, the total marine
sh landings in Malaysia had recorded an
annual average of 1,175,067 mt, with shark
landings contributing an average of 6,752 mt
(0.57%) and ray landings at 13,432 mt (1.14%)
(DOF, 1982-2019). There were at least 68 shark
species, 82 ray species, four skates and one
chimaera (including two freshwater species)
inhabiting Malaysian waters (Ahmad et al.,
2014). Alongside Perak, Pahang was one of the
major contributors of shark and ray landings in
Peninsular Malaysia from 1991 to 2019. Pahang
contributed an average of 10% (737 mt) and
had the third highest annual average of the total
shark landings, while for ray landings, it was
recorded at 10% (1,480 mt) as shown in Figure
2. This was the fourth highest ray landings in
Malaysia (DOF, 1982-2019). Pahang’s shark
and ray landings comprised 0.43% and 0.86%,
respectively, of the state’s total marine sh
landings from 1991 to 2019 (DOF, 1991-2019).
Its small-scale shers contributed only 7.7% of
the total marine ish catch in 2019. However,
their input was crucial as the implementation
of effective traceability would improve the
environment and their socio-economic income
(Lehr, 2016; USAID, 2018).
Data Collection
In order to build trust and generate referrals and
secure more interviews (Kirchherr & Charles,
2018), three meetings were conducted with
shery ofcials of Pahang (DOF, state LKIM
and the Fishermen’s Association of Pahang) to
identify participants. Based on the DOF’s 2019
annual shery statistics, there were 551 registered
small-scale shers owning berglass boats with
outboard engines (<40 GRT) who were using gill/
drift nets and hook lines as their shing gear. A
total of 22 landing sites were surveyed in Kuantan
and Pekan, where the former is the state capital,
while the latter is a coastal district (both adjacent
the South China Sea).
Roba'a Yusof et al.
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 17 Number 2, February 2022: 255-269
Figure 2: Total shark and ray landings in Pahang, Malaysia, from 1991 to 2019 (mt)
Source: Department of Fisheries, Annual Fisheries Statistics (1991-2019)
Figure 1: Study locations represented by districts within the state of Pahang, Malaysia
Source: Atroosh et al. (2012)
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 17 Number 2, February 2022: 255-269
A purposive snowball sampling technique,
in which one interviewee would be asked to
provide the name of at least one or more potential
participants, was used to identify the small-scale
shers involved in shark and ray catches with
more than 10 years’experience (Kirchherr &
Charles, 2018). These strict criteria reduced the
size of qualied participants so that accurate
information on shark and ray shing over a long
period could be obtained. This technique was
appropriate when the target participants were
not easily available (Naderifar et al., 2017) with
the aim of obtaining data from selected groups,
rather than referring to a probability of a total
population (Tobias et al., 2018).
The DOF and state LKIM recommended six
study locations based on the landing data volume
for sharks and rays species. Six focus group
discussion (FGD) sessions were conducted with
six participants in each session, including a
researcher as the moderator and a representative
from the authorities, as shown in Table 1. It was
quite a challenge to gather the participantss at
each session due to the nature of their work and
locality. As such, the sessions were conducted
near their landing sites and, at the same time, the
researchers took the opportunity to observe the
nature of their operations and species of sharks
and rays that were caught.
In this setting, the researcher played the role
of a moderator to gain in-depth understanding
of the issues with the exibility to adapt to
the ow of discussion. Discussions were kept
impartial to build rapport and encourage an open
and honest dialogue among diverse individuals
(Tobias et al., 2018). It was a good way to gather
people from similar backgrounds or experiences
to get their insights on certain topics of interest
(Lokanath, 2016).
These FGD sessions were observed, notes
were taken, and discussions were tape-recorded,
transcribed and summarized to categorize the
input to relevant factors. The purpose of the
discourse analysis was to analyze the language
used to describe the subjects’ norms, preferences
and expectations (Kamalu & Osisanwo, 2015).
It channelized interest towards detecting
regularities, through which coherence of
phrases was achieved therein to understand the
interactions in society (Suciu, 2019). The steps
to conduct a discourse analysis are shown in the
Table 2.
Table 2: Discourse analysis components
Steps to Conduct Discourse Analysis
Reading Read through transcripts and listen to interview tape recordings to gain overview of the data.
Coding Select the materials for analysis using research questions as the basis of selection. Develop
coding from reading and re-reading of data.
Analysis Read through the coded data. Focus on the functional aspects of the discourse or text.
Writing Write the analysis to present results and ndings.
Source: Ussher and Perz (2014).
Table 1: Focus group discussion sessions by location
No. Date Location No. of Participants
(including moderator and authority)
1. 5 July 2019 Pantai Balok, Kuantan 6
2. 5 July 2019 Pasar Beserah, Kuantan 6
3. 8 July 2019 Pantai Sepat, Kuantan 6
4. 8 July 2019 Pantai Chempaka, Kuantan 6
5. 9 July 2019 Kuala Pahang, Pekan 6
6 10 July 2019 Nenasi, Pekan 6
Roba'a Yusof et al.
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 17 Number 2, February 2022: 255-269
Results and Discussion
Through the discourse analysis, the ve main
factors perceived to be barriers in participating
in the collection of traceable catch landing data
for sharks and rays have been identied. They
are (i) shark and ray resources and operations;
(ii) governance and management support;
(iii) infrastructure and information system
management; (iv) shers’ commitment and buy-
ins; and, (v) collaborative effort by stakeholders.
Shark and Ray Resources and Operations
All groups were represented by small-scale
shers with more than 10 years’ experience.
Small-scale shers were dened as having a
valid license to operate a vessel with outboard
engine (<40 GRT) using either drift nets or/
and longlines within shing Zone A (0-5nm).
Upon registration and licensing approval, they
and their vessel would be assigned a unique
Shark and ray shing and landing operations
are summarised in Table 3. Fishers would land
their catches at registered landing sites either at
a jetty, complex or beach, and they could report
their catch to the nearest declaration centers,
namely Pantai Beserah, Pantai Cempaka,
LKIM Kuantan Complex, LKIM Kuala Pahang
Complex or LKIM Nenasi Complex. These
landing and declaration sites were registered and
monitored by the state LKIM. Fishers could sell
their catch directly to consumers, wholesalers
and/or at sh markets.
Table 4 shows that all participants agreed
the demand for sharks and rays was high, and
supply was not enough. The demand for rays
would spike during Ramadan, when it would
be cooked as a popular grilled dish for breaking
fast. Although sharks and rays were by-catch
products, there were occasions when shers
specically caught rays for a season, usually
from February to June. However, this season
was not consistent every year.
Participants mentioned that sharks and
rays comprised at least 10% of their total catch
and income. For targeted ray shers in Nenasi,
Pekan, the catch could sometimes comprise
between 50% and 90% of the shers’ income,
as the sh there was larger. When participants
were asked for the average catch on a daily or
monthly basis, the information could not be
provided as they did not keep track of such data.
The most commonly caught sharks
were bamboosharks (Chiloscyllium indicum,
Chiloscyllium plagiosum, Chiloscyllium
hasseltii, Chiloscyllium punctatum), blackspot
sharks (Carchahinus sealei), common blacktip
sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus) and the
spottail shark (Carcharhinus sorrah). The price
depended on the species and size. The wholesale
shark price ranged from RM3 to RM4 per
kilogram. The most expensive and rare catch
was the Zebra shark (Stegostoma fasciatum),
which could fetch up to RM60 per kg.
The most popular ray species was the
whitespotted whipray (Maculabatis gerrardi),
with a wholesale price of between RM12
and RM16 per kg. During the FGD session
at Pantai Sepat sh market, the retail price
for this species was at RM27 per kg. Other
commonly caught species were the bottlenose
wedgesh (Rhynchobatus australiae), pale-
edged sharpnose ray (Telatrygon zugei), coach
whipray (Himantura uarnak), banded and
spotted eagle ray (Aetomylaeus nichoi and
Table 3: Shark and ray shing and landing operations in Kuantan and Pekan, Pahang
Fishing and Landing Operations
1. All : Zone A vessel (outboard engine) using drift net and longlines.
2. All : More than 10 years shing experience.
3. All : Have a valid shing license with unique ID and registered vessel with unique ID.
4. All : Land catches at LKIM registered landing sites.
5. All : Report their catches at nearest declaration center.
6. All : Sell catches to the consumers/wholesalers at nearest landing site or/and sh market
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 17 Number 2, February 2022: 255-269
Aetomylaeus ocellatus), narrow and roughnose
cowtail ray (Pastinachus gracillicaudus and
Pastinachus solocirostris), Japanese and long-
tail buttery ray (Gymnura japonica and
Gymnura poecilura) and the Javan cownose ray
(Rhinoptera javanica). All species were caught
throughout the year.
The pricing was determined by local
wholesalers on a daily basis. Fishers had their
own preferred wholesalers based on the highest
price offered and good relationship. The
wholesalers would collect and distribute the
catch to local and external markets. Transactions
were conducted in cash and recorded in sales
The commonly caught species mentioned
by the small-scale shers in FGDs are shown in
Table 5 and Table 6. They were identied using
a reference book by Ahmad et al. (2017).
In summary, sharks and rays were caught in
small quantities, but ray species could contribute
more to the small-scale shers’ income due
to high demand. From the list and evidence at
landing sites, no endangered species were found
among the shers’catch.
Table 4: Demand for shark and ray resources
Shark and Ray Resources
1. All: High demand and not enough supply. Rays highly in demand during Ramadan.
2. All: Sharks and rays are by-catch products, but are sometimes targeted during season.
3. All: Peak season is usually from February to June.
4. Almost all : Catch >10% and during peak season, may go up to 50% (according to ray shers in Nenasi).
5. All: Agreed the catch could provide good income (>10%) and may go up to 90% in peak season
(according to ray shers in Nenasi)
6. All: Wholesale shark (yu) price RM3 to RM4 for yu cicak and yu bodoh. Most expensive is the zebra
shark (Stegostoma fasciatum).
7. Popular species: Maculabatis gerrardi sold between RM12 and RM16; Retail is RM27 per kg. Other
common species sold as whole sh and caught throughout the year.
8. All: Price depends on the species and size, and is determined by wholesalers. Fishers have their own
preferred wholesalers (1 or 2). The wholesalers collect, distribute and record the catch. Transactions
carried out in cash.
Table 5: List of caught sharks species in Pahang, Malaysia
No. Scientic Name Common Name Local Name
1. Carcharhinus limbatus Common blacktip shark Yu sirip hitam
2. Carcharhinus sealei Blackspot shark Yu pasir
3. Carcharhinus sorrah Spottail shark Yu sorah
4. Chiloscyllium hasseltii Brownbanded bambooshark Yu cicak
5. Chiloscyllium indicum Slender bambooshark Yu bodoh
6. Chiloscyllium plagiosum Whitespotted bambooshark Yu bodoh
7. Chiloscyllium punctatum Indonesian bambooshark Yu cicak
8. Galeocerdo cuvier Tiger shark Yu tenggiri
9. Hemigaleus microstoma Weasel shark Yu bintik putih
10. Rhizoprionodon acutus Milk shark Yu pasir
11. Rhizoprionodon oligolinx Grey sharpnose Yu minyak
12. Scoliodon macrorhynchos Pacic spadenose shark Yu padi
13. Stegostoma fasciatum Zebra shark Yu bintik kuning
Roba'a Yusof et al.
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 17 Number 2, February 2022: 255-269
In terms of data traceability, the current
registration and licensing process for vessels
and shers were already established to support
traceable catch landing data, as they met the
basic Key Data Elements (KDE) of a unique
identication as recommended by Lehr (2015
& 2016) and USAID (2018). Currently, the
catch reporting only required shers to state the
species name, which was “shark” or “ray”. The
authorities might consider assigning a unique
code for each species in the catch landing data
system since there were only 13 commonly
caught species.
Governance and Management Support
All participating groups reported that public
awareness programs on the plight of endangered
sharks and rays were limited among the shing
community in Kuantan or Pekan, except Nenasi.
However, the shers were very much aware on
turtle conservation as awareness programs were
frequently carried out among them.
In terms of legislation, participants were
aware that the use of pukat pari or gill net with
mesh size exceeding 25.4 cm had been banned
to protect large-sized marine species like turtles
from being caught. However, they did not know
of any endangered shark or ray species that could
not be caught. When shown some examples,
the shers said they used to spot whale sharks
(Rhinchodon typus), but the species could no
longer be seen today.
The shers were worried as they were not
sure what to do if they caught an endangered
species, especially when the sh was only
identied upon landing. They feared that they
would be penalized by the authorities if they
reported their catch. They also did not agree to
ban the catching of all sharks and rays because
they could signiantly contribute to their
The shers in Nenasi acknowledged the ban
on shark “nning” as mentioned in their vessel
license book. The shers were also fully aware
of LKIM’s Fish Landing Control Regulation
that required them to report their catch to claim
cash incentives and fuel subsidies; though
they stated that there was no verication done
on their reports. They perceived that rule
enforcement at landing sites was not practical
as it was quite challenging for the authorities to
deploy sufcient personnel to check all the catch
landings. The summary of the discussion on
governance and management support is shown
in Table 7.
In summary, awareness programs and the
enforcement of regulations are lacking. As
such, all participants agreed that there was an
Table 6: List of caught ray species in Pahang, Malaysia
No. Scientic Name Common Name Local Name
1. Aetomylaeus nichoi Banded eagle ray Pari helang
2. Aetomylaeus ocellatus Spotted eagle ray Pari helang
3. Gymnura japonica Japanese buttery Pari kelawar/
Pari tembaga
4. Gymnura poecilura Longtail buttery ray
5. Himantura uarnak Coach whipray Pari harimau/lalat
6. Maculabatis gerrardi Whitespotted whipray Pari pasir/bunga
7. Neotrygon orientalis Oriental blue spotted mask ray Pari bintik biru
8. Pastinachus gracillicaudus Narrow cowtail ray Pari daun
9. Pastinachus solocirostris Roughnose cowtail ray Pari daun
10. Rhinoptera javanica Javan cownose ray Pari susun
11. Rhynchobatus australiae Bottlenose wedgesh Yu kemejan
12. Taeniura lymma Bluespotted fantail ray Pari batu
13. Telatrygon zugei Pale-edge sharpnose ray Pari ketuka
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 17 Number 2, February 2022: 255-269
urgent need to conduct awareness programs
on the importance of shark and ray species to
the marine ecosystem and biodiversity. Posters
of endangered shark and ray species could
be distributed at landing sites, sh markets
and on social media. This program should be
conducted with a long-term plan to inculcate
awareness in the younger generation at schools
and universities. This could be a starting point
to get buy-ins from small-scale shers and other
stakeholders to understand the importance of
these species in terms of social, ecological and
sustainable shery management in Pahang.
The authorities should register all shark
and ray shers since their role and input were
signicant in the sustainable management of
the species. The current cash incentives and
diesel subsidy of RM1.65 at rate could be
considered successful in encouraging the shers
to participate in the voluntary declaration of
their catch landings. These incentives could
be extended to other stakeholders to promote
accurate traceable data recording and reporting
of shark and ray landings.
Infrastructure and Management Information
All participants agreed that jetties managed by
LKIM were adequate in providing basic needs
for landing activities. The declaration centers
and sh markets also had adequate facilities for
shers to declare and market their catch. There
were 10 LKIM-registered landing jetties and
12 beach landing sites for small-scale shers
in Kuantan and Pekan as described in Table 8.
The landing sites were accessible to all small-
scale shers regardless of their license validity.
On top of that, there were also several jetties
managed by private companies. No landing site
was dedicated for shark and ray species.
The summary of the current infrastructure
and data information system for landing
activities are shown in Table 9. The wholesalers
would arrange transport to collect and distribute
the catch. Fishers and wholesalers used
handphones to communicate and do business.
Almost all participants owned handphones
with basic features. it was interesting to note
that some shers were using old models when
they went out to sea as they thought the battery
could last longer. Every transaction from a
shing trip would be recorded by the wholesaler
on a hardcopy receipt. The shers used these
hardcopy receipts as their declaration to claim
cash incentives and fuel subsidy from LKIM.
LKIM, in turn, used these receipts to record
the monthly catch at landing sites through its
e-pengisytiharan system. The information
included volume, price and identied species,
These information were compiled together with
other unique identications required by the
traceable catch landing data known as Key Data
Elements (KDE), such as vessel identication,
sher’s identication and trip date.
All participants said they had no issues in
declaring their catch, but some admitted that
Table 7: Discussion on governance and management support
Governance and Management Support
1. All groups except Nenasi: No awareness on programs conducted. No posters of endangered species
distributed or seen at landing sites. One awareness program was conduted by UPM in Nenasi in 2018.
Groups have high awareness on turtle conservation efforts.
2. All: Many not aware of shark and ray regulations, but are fully aware on the protection of turtles and ban
on the use of gill nets (pukat pari) with mesh size exceeding 25.4 cm (10 inches).
3. All: Do not agree on total ban as the sh are good sources of income.
4. All: Confused with the current regulations on endangered species.
5. Nenasi: Aware about nning ban
6. All: Catch declaration to state LKIM to claim cash incentives and fuel subsidy.
7. All: No verication on the accuracy of data reported to LKIM.
8. All: Enforcement of regulations at landing sites is challenging.
Roba'a Yusof et al.
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 17 Number 2, February 2022: 255-269
the data provided in their receipts were not
fully accurate because they were meant to claim
incentives, and there was no verication being
done. However, they believed that the LKIM
could detect discrepanies in the data provided if
they skewed too much from their normal claims.
In terms of transparency in information sharing,
all participants agreed that they had no issues for
their catch landing data to be shared with other
During the FGDs, the LKIM
e-pengisytiharan system ofcer highlighted that
the number of unlicensed shers was almost
double than those with license. For example, in
Pantai Balok, approximately 70 were unlicensed
compared with 50 of their peers. The situation
was the same in Nenasi, where approximately
120 were licensed compared to almost 200
unlicensed ones. These unlicensed shers did
not report any catch information. The unreported
catch might have big impact on the landing data
Table 8: LKIM registered landing sites for berglass boats in Kuantan and Pekan, Pahang
Kuantan/Pekan Jetty/Base Jetty/Beach
Kuantan LKIM Complex Kuantan (Declaration center) LKIM Jetty
Kuantan Pantai Cempaka (Declaration center) Beach
Kuantan Ceruk Paloh/Penor, Balok, Tanjung Api LKIM Jetty
Kuantan Pantai Kempadang, Pantai Beserah, Pantai Sepat Beach
Kuantan Sungai Ular, Pantai Chendor, Tanjong Lumpur Beach
Kuantan Cherating (Declaration center) Beach
Pekan LKIM Complex Kuala Pahang (Declaration center) LKIM Jetty
Pekan Tanjung Selangor Beach
Pekan Pasir Panjang/Sekukuh (Declaration center) LKIM Jetty
Pekan Tanjong Agas LKIM Jetty
Pekan Sungai Miang, Tanjung Batu, Merchong Beach
Pekan Kampung Marhum, Pengkalan Badong LKIM Jetty
Pekan LKIM Complex Nenasi (Declaration center) LKIM Jetty
Source: LKIM Pahang (2021)
Table 9: Infrastructure and management information system
Infrastructure and Management Information System
1. All: Adequate basic infrastructure and facilities provided by LKIM. Registered landing sites, declaration
centers and sh markets.
2. Two types of jetties: LKIM and private jetties. All landing sites are accessible to all berglass boats.
3. No dedicated landing site for shark and ray species.
4. The wholesalers collect the catches at landing sites using their own transport.
5. Everybody uses handphones to do business.
6. All declared catch landing data for each trip are recorded in LKIM’s e-pengisytiharan system.
7. All: Declared using a hardcopy sales receipt provided by wholesalers. The details may include species
type i.e “ Shark” or “Ray”, volume and price.
8. Fishers have no issues in declaring their catch using the current LKIM system to claim cash incentives
and fuel subsidy.
9. All agree to share information with other stakeholders.
10. Data accuracy is affected by undeclared catch of unregistered and unlicensed shers.
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 17 Number 2, February 2022: 255-269
as the ofcer believed what LKIM had was only
around 40% to 50% accurate.
In summary, current infrastructure and
management information system for catch
data landing provided by the authorities were
accessible and adequate, but needed a few
improvements. This nding supported the
recommendation by USAID (2018) for LKIM to
review the management of sh landing sites to
improve the efciency of its traceability system.
Most importantly, there was a need for the
state authorities to record shark and ray catch up
to the species level as being done in other states
like Perak and Sabah (Ahmad et al., 2019b).
Fishers’ Commitment and Buy-ins
The participants said they were hesitant in
reporting their catch up to the spesies level. They
said their nature of work did not permit them
to record all those details as it was tedious and
time-consuming, and they had to deliver their
sh as fast and fresh as possible. They claimed
that the wet and smelly conditions of their
working environment made it difcult to record
the data on paper or handphone. They also had
other priorities to attend to, such as maintaining
their shing gear and boats. Reporting their
catch species also required effort and time.
Furthermore, their catch were large in quantity
and did not omprise sharks and rays only.
Most participants could identify sharks
and rays only by their local names. They also
mentioned that the names might differ in other
locations. They faced difculty in matching the
local names with scientic ones when shown a
reference book by Ahmad et al. (2017). To them,
some species looked similar to each other. Most
of them were not concerned about the species
they caught and not willing to learn unless there
was an incentive.
In terms of training and awareness programs,
the shers would consider attending them if an
allowance was provided to compensate their
daily income. This attitude was also enountered
by USAID in 2018 while studying social
acceptance issues among small-scale shers in
Tok Bali, Kelantan. The Kuantan and Pekan
shers also suggested that the new system must
be user friendly, easy to use and robust enough
to cater to any new requirements in future;
they saw this new system application was only
relevant to the younger generation of shers, as
the older generation was not keen to participate.
Two groups strongly disagreed on participating
in training and awareness programs as they did
not see the importance of recording the data of
sharks and rays to their livelihood. The summary
of the discussions is shown in Table 10.
Table 10: Discussions on shers’ commitment and buy-ins
Fishers Commitment and Buy-ins
1. Fishing is tiring and landings need to be fast to maintain freshness.
2. Recording and reporting catch data not a priority and are troublesome.
3. Focus more on shing operations and maintenance of their shing gear and boats.
4. More time and effort needed for recording, especially by species on daily basis.
5. Difculty in mathing local species with their scientic names.
6. Will consider reporting up to species level if more incentives are given.
7. Fishers not willing to produce written reports and some are illiterate.
8. Training: Most willing to attend if given large allowance.
9. Training to use new technologies is only for the younger generation.
10. Do not keep any catch data except to full the e-pengisytiharan system requirement.
11. New system must be easy and user-friendly for shers to participate in.
12. Two groups strongly disagree to participate as they don’t see the importance of species traceability.
13. Mostly all groups mentioned that the older generation is not willing to learn new things.
14. Most agree that business transactions are totally based on trust.
Roba'a Yusof et al.
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 17 Number 2, February 2022: 255-269
Collaboration Effort by all Stakeholders
At present, small-scale shers and wholesalers
said they faced no issues in doing business even
without legal instruments such as contracts.
Fishers ould approach any wholesaler who
offered a higher price. Most transactions were
simple and arried out in cash. Wholesalers
were also very accommodating in producing
receipts required by LKIM for data landing
records. As for the relationship with government
agencies, the shers urged the authorities to be
fair when enforcing regulations between them
and trawler owners as the latter’s shark and ray
catch were much larger. They also highlighted
that the authorities should show commitment in
implementing long-term initiatives that did not
solely focus on the protection of endangered
species, but also consider their economic
interest. The summary of the discussion is
shown in Table 11.
Above all, participants agreed that
collaboration among stakeholders was the
most important factor and each party could not
work in their own silos to ensure the effective
implementation of traceable catch landing data
for shark and ray species.
This study found that shark and ray landings
could signicantly contribute to the income of
small-scale shers in Pahang due to their high
demand. There were 13 species each of shark and
rays that were commonly caught by small-scale
shers. The catch were usually mixed in small
quantities and not involve endangered species.
The current infrastructure and data system
were accessible and adequate to implement
traceable catch landing data collection for shark
and ray species, with a few opportunities for
improvement. In order to achieve an effective
implementation, policymakers might have to
consider mandatory registration of shers,
vessels, jetties and other industry players
involved in the shark and ray supply chain.
As such, the policymakers might consider
providing appropriate incentives, subsidy,
awareness and training programs to encourage
small-scale shers’ commitment and buy-ins
to report accurate traceable catch landing data
up to the species level. Small-scale shers’
involvement and roles were essential towards
sustainable conservation management for shark
and ray species. However, they needed support
from other industry players and government
authorities. A collaboration effort among all
stakeholders would be crucial to ensure the
effective implementation of traceable catch
landing data for shark and ray species.
Future studies on species traceability should
be extended to other locations and stakeholders,
which included government agencies,
commercial vessel shers, wholesalers, retailers,
jetty owners, processors, transporters, exporters,
importers, agents and consumers throughout the
supply chain of shark and ray products. Future
studies might use quantitative or mixed research
approach to support this nding.
Table 11: Collaboration effort by all stakeholders
Collaboration Effort by all Stakeholders
1. The business relationship among industry players is good.
2. All: Legal instruments like ontrats are not used in business.
3. Majority deals in cash and a few only will take credits.
4. Authorities must show commitment in long-term initiatives.
5. Fair enforcement among all shing categories.
6. Enforcement is very challenging. Need to focus more on trawlers.
7. Currently shers already receive subsidies and incentives. To encourage shers to record their shark and
ray landings, support is needed from all industry players.
8. The collaboration effort is important, especially during implementation and enforcement.
9. Cannot work in silos, government agenies and industry players must work together.
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 17 Number 2, February 2022: 255-269
The authors wish to thank the Pahang Fisheries
Department, Pahang LKIM, Pahang Fishermen’s
Association and all FGD participants for their
kind cooperation and support.
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... Moreover, very limited research has been conducted in Pahang, with previous studies primarily focusing on biology, taxonomy, and marketing in Kuantan rather than covering all fishing districts within Pahang. These limitations carry significant implications for the sustainability of the industry and the conservation of these important marine species (Ahmad et al., 2004;Abdul Haris et al., 2017;Ahmad et al., 2019a;Roba'a et al., 2022a;2022b;LKIM, 2023;DOF,2023). Therefore, this study aims to identify the indicators for implementing a traceability system for shark and ray products among intermediaries in Pahang. ...
... At the same time, there is a lack of research specifically focused on the traceability of shark and ray products in Malaysia (DOF, 2018;Roba'a et al., 2022a;2022b). Research on sharks and rays has been conducted in Malaysia since the 1970s but limited research has been conducted in the state of Pahang. ...
... The information was collected by face-to-face interviews with intermediaries using a semistructured questionnaire sheet. The possible indicators were identified based on studies conducted by Duan et al. (2017), Khan et al. (2018) and Roba'a et al. (2022a;2022b). The pre-defined indicators were shark and ray resources, regulatory compliance and collaboration effort, commitment and skills, and information technology infrastructure. ...
Traceability system implementation has been suggested to improve data collection in shark and ray product supply chains, thereby supporting their sustainable utilisation and trade. By providing sufficient supply chain information, this system can help to prevent illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and the extinction of these important species. This study aimed to identify the indicators for implementing a traceability system for shark and ray products among intermediaries in Pahang. The study employed a descriptive analysis utilising a reliability test, Exploratory Factor Analysis, and frequency analysis. Individual interviews were conducted using semi-structured questionnaires. The study identified 21 indicators categorised from four dimensions: Shark and ray resources, regulatory compliance and collaboration effort, commitment and skills, and information technology infrastructure. The government is recommended to enforce mandatory registration of intermediaries, require species-specific reporting, invest in management and financial support, increase awareness and training, improve current information system infrastructure, and maintain good collaboration with all stakeholders. Future studies should include consumers and the community to raise awareness about shark and ray products and promote their sustainable utilisation and trade.
... According to the respondents for trawler, that was the price range of the species before they entered common market. The price varied according to the species and size (Yusof et al., 2022). Besides, the trash fish is the fishes of bycatch. ...
... Industry is explained based on the accounting profit analysis with the total revenue and total cost. The prices of different fish species are controlled by local wholesalers on a daily basis (Yusof et al., 2022), and fishers have their own favorite wholesalers based on the best pricing and a positive relationship. To calculate the total profit more precisely, total revenue subtracted by total cost includes total fixed cost (TFC), total variable cost (TVC), and cost of each unit plays huge role to measure the economic performance of each type of gears. ...
... The number of trawlers is huge than purse seine. Trawlers are the destroyers of marine seabed (Sin et al., 2019;Yusof et al., 2022). Technically, the statement has proved that trawlers are marine resources destroyers. ...
Full-text available
Highlight Research Economic performance of commercial fishing industry in Pahang State, East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Comparison of accounting profit between the two prominent fishing gear types: trawlers and purse seine in Pahang State Comparison of accounting profit between the different zones of fishing operations by the trawlers and purse seine Research findings showed that trawlers give more profit than purse seine vessels in Pahang State and overcapacity and over exploitation is distinctly found in Pahang State commercial fishing industry. This study suggested that other analysis such as biological performance by this study area should be done in future coupled with the analysis of impact of management policies on the sustainability of the fishery. Abstract Marine capture fisheries in Malaysia plays prominent role in economic growth and commercial fisheries makes great contribution to country’s economy. The commercial fishing industry in East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia are mainly operated by trawlers and purse seines which rises a major concern in managing and achieving the goal of sustainable fishery. This study aimed to account the differences of accounting profit level in commercial fishing industry in Pahang State, East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. In this study, comparison of accounting profits using revenue and profit approach among trawl and purse seine fishery in two different zones: Zone C (offshore) and Zone C2 (deep sea) was carried out based on the intensive survey on fishing capacity and other economic factors. The survey was carried out with the commercial fishermen and total respondents of 156 fishers at landing port. The result showed that trawlers incurred low cost yet provided higher profit than doses by purse seine. Moreover, there are more trawlers vessels operating in the Pahang state fishing ground and the open access nature of the fishery like larger profit invites more effort to use in the fishery which is leading to the over exploitation of fishery resources and threatening the sustainable condition of the fishery. The findings of the research inform the possible impact of fishing profit to overcapacity in sustainable fishery management in Pahang State fishery.
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Sharks and rays are increasingly recognized as a priority species group for conservation action. They play critical roles in maintaining functional and productive ecosystems, and contribute directly to human well- being through the fishing industry, tourism industry and role in coastal livelihoods and food security. Sharks are also one of the most threatened species groups in the world, with several species experiencing drastic population declines across much of their range, and an estimated one in four species now threatened with extinction. The long-term maintenance of healthy shark populations is critical for people and the planet. Indonesia is a global priority for shark and ray conservation and management, as it’s both a hotspot of diversity and a hotspot of pressures. Implementing effective conservation for sharks and rays in Indonesia is challenging for a number of practical, epistemological and socioeconomic reasons, including: species diversity, complex spatial and population dynamics, prevalence of incidental and non-selective fishing, indistinguishable products in trade, indiscriminate consumer preferences, and diverse and conflicting human uses and values. What is more, Indonesia is a large country, with a considerable coastline and ocean area, and limited resources for conservation and fisheries management. Despite these challenges, there is huge momentum and opportunity the improve the status of sharks and rays in Indonesia over the next five years. This document summarizes available information on the status of shark and ray species, sites and utilisation in Indonesia. It highlights some of the ecological and socioeconomic complexities surrounding shark conservation and management, and outlines five overarching strategic priorities and five key approaches for improving the status of sharks and rays in Indonesia over the next five years. Implementing this strategy requires the development of nuanced interventions that are specific to the ecological and socioeconomic characteristics of certain species, geographies and people, and a concerted effort from a wide range of stakeholders.
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Background and Objectives Snowball sampling is applied when samples with the target characteristics are not easily accessible. This research describes snowball sampling as a purposeful method of data collection in qualitative research. Methods This paper is a descriptive review of previous research papers. Data were gathered using English keywords, including “review,” “declaration,” “snowball,” and “chain referral,” as well as Persian keywords that are equivalents of the following: “purposeful sampling,” “snowball,” “qualitative research,” and “descriptive review.” The databases included Google Scholar, Scopus, Irandoc, ProQuest, Science Direct, SID, MagIran, Medline, and Cochrane. The search was limited to Persian and English articles written between 2005 and 2013. Results The preliminary search yielded 433 articles from PubMed, 88 articles from Scopus, 1 article from SID, and 18 articles from MagIran. Among 125 articles, methodological and non-research articles were omitted. Finally, 11 relevant articles, which met the criteria, were selected for review. Conclusions Different methods of snowball sampling can be applied to facilitate scientific research, provide community-based data, and hold health educational programs. Snowball sampling can be effectively used to analyze vulnerable groups or individuals under special care. In fact, it allows researchers to access susceptible populations. Thus, it is suggested to consider snowball sampling strategies while working with the attendees of educational programs or samples of research studies.
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Traceability plays a vital role in the success of Halal Supply Chain (HSC). HSC revolve around the essential dimension of Halal Integrity (HI), whereas traceability is seemed to be medium to assure integrity. Thus, a need is felt to identify the factors which are critical to the successful implementation of traceability in Halal Supply Chain Management (HSCM). Identified Twelve Critical Success Factors (CSFs) through an extensive review of literature and opinion of experts. Further, a contextual relationship among the CSFs is developed using Total Interpretive Structure Modelling (TISM) approach and derived a model. The structural model is analyzed using Fuzzy MICMAC (Matrice d’Impacts Croises-Multipication Applique and Classment-cross-impact matrix multiplication applied to classification) approach to identify the importance of CSFs by driving and dependence power. The primary result indicates towards; that improving the HSCM with the higher level of Halal awareness. Assuring HI will enhance the consumer satisfaction which leads to a competitive advantage for the organization. Academic researchers, industrial practitioners and Supply Chain executives can understand the complex interrelationship of CSFs by visualizing the TISM. It can help the management, lobbies and government to develop the policies regarding the implementation.
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Focus group discussion is frequently used as a qualitative approach to gain an in‐depth understanding of social issues. The method aims to obtain data from a purposely selected group of individuals rather than from a statistically representative sample of a broader population. Even though the application of this method in conservation research has been extensive, there are no critical assessment of the application of the technique. In addition, there are no readily available guidelines for conservation researchers. Here, we reviewed the applications of focus group discussion within biodiversity and conservation research between 1996 and April 2017. We begin with a brief explanation of the technique for first‐time users. We then discuss in detail the empirical applications of this technique in conservation based on a structured literature review (using Scopus). The screening process resulted in 170 articles, the majority of which (67%, n = 114,) were published between 2011 and 2017. Rarely was the method used as a stand‐alone technique. The number of participants per focus group (where reported) ranged from 3 to 21 participants with a median of 10 participants. There were seven (median) focus group meetings per study. Focus group discussion sessions lasted for 90 (median) minutes. Four main themes emerged from the review: understanding of people's perspectives regarding conservation (32%), followed by the assessment of conservation and livelihoods practices (21%), examination of challenges and impacts of resource management interventions (19%) and documenting the value of indigenous knowledge systems (16%). Most of the studies were in Africa ( n = 76), followed by Asia ( n = 44), and Europe ( n = 30). We noted serious gaps in the reporting of the methodological details in the reviewed papers. More than half of the studies ( n = 101) did not report the sample size and group size ( n = 93), whereas 54 studies did not mention the number of focus group discussion sessions while reporting results. Rarely have the studies provided any information on the rationale for choosing the technique. We have provided guidelines to improve the standard of reporting and future application of the technique for conservation.
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Published life-history parameters for sharks, skates, and rays over a wide geographic range were used to develop predictive models to estimate parameters that are difficult to measure or have not been previously estimated in elasmobranch species. We determined empirical relationships between body size (total length) and length at maturity (Lm) and age at maturity (Tm). The data used in determining these empirical relationships, the von Bertalanffy parameters asymptotic length (L∞) and growth rate (k), and natural mortality (M) and maximum age (Tmax) were used to describe the life-history strategies of elasmobranch fishes. M/k and Beverton's growth-maturity-longevity plots were used to make comparisons between teleost fishes, reptiles, and elasmobranchs. We found that the M/k ratio in elasmobranchs is significantly different from those for other fish and reptile taxa. We linked elasmobranch species fecundity (f) and Tm to potential vulnerability to population decline under exploitation. We found that larger species of elasmobranchs have lower growth rates (k) and potential population increases (r ′). Elasmobranchs can be categorized by species maximum length to determine susceptibility of decline under exploitation. Generally, species greater than 100 cm are characterized by life-history and population traits that place them at greater risk of population decline.
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Marine biodiversity worldwide is under increasing threat, primarily as a result of over-harvesting, pollution and climate change. Chondrichthyan fishes (sharks, rays and chimaeras) have a perceived higher intrinsic risk of extinction compared to other fish. Direct fishing mortality has driven many declines, even though some smaller fisheries persist without associated declines. Mixed-species fisheries are of particular concern, as is illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. The lack of specific management and reporting mechanisms for the latter means that many chondrichthyans might already be susceptible to extinction from stochastic processes entirely unrelated to fishing pressure itself. Chondrichthyans might also suffer relatively more than other marine taxa from the effects of fishing and habitat loss and degradation given coastal habitat use for specific life stages. The effects of invasive species and pollution are as yet too poorly understood to predict their long-term role in affecting chondrichthyan population sizes. The spatial distribution of threatened chondrichthyan species under World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List criteria are clustered mainly in (1) south-eastern South America; (2) western Europe and the Mediterranean; (3) western Africa; (4) South China Sea and Southeast Asia and (5) south-eastern Australia. To determine which ecological and life history traits predispose chondrichthyans to being IUCN Red-Listed, and to examine the role of particular human activities in exacerbating threat risk, we correlated extant marine species' Red List categorisation with available ecological (habitat type, temperature preference), life history (body length, range size) and human-relationship (whether commercially or game-fished, considered dangerous to humans) variables. Threat risk correlations were constructed using generalised linear mixed-effect models to account for phylogenetic relatedness. We also contrasted results for chondrichthyans to marine teleosts to test explicitly whether the former group is intrinsically more susceptible to extinction than fishes in general. Around 52% of chondrichthyans have been Red-Listed compared to only 8% of all marine teleosts; however, listed teleosts were in general placed more frequently into the higher-risk categories relative to chondrichthyans. IUCN threat risk in both taxa was positively correlated with body size and negatively correlated albeit weakly, with geographic range size. Even after accounting for the positive influence of size, Red-Listed teleosts were still more likely than chondrichthyans to be classified as threatened. We suggest that while sharks might not have necessarily experienced the same magnitude of deterministic decline as Red-Listed teleosts, their larger size and lower fecundity (not included in the analysis) predispose chondrichthyans to a higher risk of extinction overall. Removal of these large predators can elicit trophic cascades and destabilise the relative abundance of smaller species. Predator depletions can lead to permanent shifts in marine communities and alternate equilibrium states. Climate change might influence the phenology and physiology of some species, with the most probable response being changes in the timing of migrations and shifts in distribution. The synergistic effects among harvesting, habitat changes and climate-induced forcings are greatest for coastal chondrichthyans with specific habitat requirements and these are currently the most likely candidates for extinction. Management of shark populations must take into account the rate at which drivers of decline affect specific species. Only through the detailed collection of data describing demographic rates, habitat affinities, trophic linkages and geographic ranges, and how environmental stressors modify these, can extinction risk be more precisely estimated and reduced. The estimation of minimum viable population sizes, below which rapid extinction is more likely due to stochastic processes, is an important component of this endeavour and should accompany many of the current approaches used in shark management worldwide.
Feeding studies, since traditional stomach content analysis to stable isotopes analyses, provides insights into the trophic relationship among the apex predators and the ecosystems they inhabit. The Pacific Coast of Mexico (PCM) is inhabited by 62 known species (or 12%) of living sharks, which belong to 21 families and 34 genera. We divide the Pacific Coast of Mexico (PCM) into four regions for consideration: (1) the western coast of Baja California (WcBJ), (2) the Gulf of California (GC), (3) the Central Pacific Mexican (CPM), and (4) the Gulf of Tehuantepec (GT). Biodiversity is highest in the GC, with 48 shark species, followed by the WcBJ with 44 species, then the CPM with 28 species and the GT with 26 species. Few large species (>2m in total length) function as top predators in any region, with a greater number of smaller shark species (<1.5m total length). Information about the trophic ecology of different shark species is included to know the ecological role and position of each shark species within a food web to understand the dynamics of marine communities and the impact that each species has on trophic net, which is critical to effective resource conservation and responsible exploitation. The different shark species predate mainly on coastal or oceanic waters. The coastal sharks feed mainly on crustaceans and small fishes; whereas the oceanic species predate mainly on squids and fishes from mesopelagic to epipelagic habits. Also is included a summary of the IUCN Red List category assigned to all shark species from the Mexican Pacific. Thirty-one percent (19 species) of sharks in the Mexican Pacific are considered as threatened (Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable). Of these, 4.9% (3 species) are Endangered and 26.2% (15 species) are Vulnerable. In addition, since 2012 the fishing of shark and rays has been closed between 1 May and 31 July in the Mexican Pacific as a conservative management measure.
Qualitative research is a generic term for investigative methodologies described as ethnographic, naturalistic, anthropological, field, or participant observer research. There are many method of collection of data in the qualitative research method amoungst them FGD is one. Focus Group is a type of in-depth interview accomplished in a group, whose meetings present characteristics defined with respect to the proposal, size, composition, and interview procedures. This paper highlights about the different aspects of FGD