Conference Paper

Impact of COVID-19 pandemic to EDUCON: a bibliometric analysis

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In recent years, bibliometrics has been widely used as a methodology for the analysis of scientific production, proving to be an excellent instrument for supporting scientific policy decisions. In this paper, we present a bibliometric analysis of the 12 editions of the Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). Several indicators were used, namely number of submitted articles, the rate of accepted submissions, number of article citations, and the number of references per article, among other indicators. We also intend to add the comparison of the results obtained in the ten first editions held in-site and the last two editions, which have the particularity of having been carried out fully online, evaluating, by this way, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis to EDUCON. The results show an increase in the number of papers submitted and published over the years, evidencing a growing notoriety of the conference. The same growth tendency is visible regarding the number of authors involved in the conference. Regarding the impact of the online editions, data from the next edition is still required to establish better comparisons and conclusions.

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This paper addresses online laboratories instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic from a research methodology perspective. In this sense, its purpose is to systematize and describe research approaches and methodologies to investigate about online laboratories instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic through the analysis of an intentional sample of productions on the topic previous to this book. From a summary of the findings, conclusions and recommendations are posed to expand possible methodological strategies, whether used or not in the selected bibliography. Through this objective, this chapter aims to offer a varied and complete ‘menu’ of research approaches and methodologies to investigate the use of online laboratories in complex contexts such as the COVID-19 pandemic, although also useful for post-pandemic times.
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Purpose:The purpose of the study is to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the research articles of SRFLIS Summit-International Conferences held during the years 2014-2019 and investigate the various dimensions of bibliometric study. Method: The paper conducts bibliometric analysis of 220 articles which were published in the form of conference papers during the covered period. The study evaluates the various aspects of published conference articles of SRFLIS Summit. Findings: The study highlights the chronological distribution of papers, authorship pattern, geographical distribution, and affiliation of authors, citation pattern and length of articles. The results explore that the majority of the contributions by two authors. It is observed that a total of 2720 citations counted to the contributions and most cited documents are journal articles. The analysis of countries found that majority of contributions are from India and authors from New Delhi published maximum papers. Conclusion: The study evaluates the publication trends and has important implications for scholars and researchers.
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The study analyzed CALIBER 2009 conference papers using bibliometric approaches like authorship pattern, the degree of collaboration, geographical distribution with regard to state-wise and country-wise, references per article, and forms of documents appeared in references of the conference papers as well as top-cited journals in references. The study covered 73 conference papers and concluded that prevalent single authorship patterns with the good degree of collaboration, Karnataka as the top contributing state in terms of authors and India as the top research contributing country, articles with more than 10 references per article, “Journal papers” are the prevalent form of documents used as references, and “Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology” is the highly cited journal in the study.
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The proceedings of the 17 editions of the conference of the Spanish Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism constitute a valuable archival resource within the research on Spanish tourism. But so far their contents have not been analyzed. The aim of this chapter is to examine the research that has been presented at its conference by means of a bibliometric analysis of the proceedings of 17 editions. The study focuses on the origin of the research (countries, regions, institutions, and authors), as well as its characteristics in terms of themes dealt with, geographical areas researched, methodologies, disciplinary areas, and attitudes toward tourism. Implications for the evolution of the research are discussed in terms of knowledge contributions and the shaping of major tourism research traditions.
Conference Paper
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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the publications reflected in the Library Assessment Conference (LAC) Proceedings from2006 to 2014. Taking data fromthe online Library Assessment Conference Proceedings, we constructed a data set to study various bibliometric dimensions in terms of research topics, growth of literature, authorship distribution, and collaboration pattern. The finding suggest that, the contribution to LAC proceeding has steadily been increased. Some of the authors and organizations have shown their loyalty to the LAC and contributed in every proceeding from2006 to 2014. It shows that 6 organizations have contributed in all the LAC proceedings with “University of Washington, USA tops the list with 32 contributions Similarly, the study of authors loyalty to LAC shows that 6 authors have shown their loyalty by contributing papers in all the LACproceedings. “Martha Kyrillidou” and “Megan J.Oakleaf” tops the list with 12 contributions.
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Can mobile learning disrupt methods and practices in the educational sector? This is the question we want to answer in this special session. Several examples of mobile educational applications are presented that have been carried out within the eMadrid excellence network.
The paper presents a bibliometric study of the “Journal of Informetrics”. It publishes four issues per year. The data were downloaded from the journal’s website. The bibliometric analysis has been conducted with 404 contributions published in the journal selected five years for a period between 2016-2020. The study focuses on necessary bibliometric analysis forms, authorship pattern analysis, year wise distribution of articles, issue wise distribution of articles, single and multi authored papers. Findings of the studies pointed towards the advantages and weakness of the journal which are helpful for its further development. The study revealed that that the maximum number of articles i.e 85 (21.04%) were published in the year 2018. The highest number 339 (83.91%) articles were contributed by joint authors and the rest of 65 (16.09%) articles contributed by single author.
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