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Application of Visual Sensing Techniques in Computational Intelligence for Risk Assessment of Sports Injuries in Colleges


Abstract and Figures

Injury prediction is one of the most challenging issues in sports and is a key component of injury prevention, since successful injury prediction forms the basis for effective preventive measures. In this study, an analysis was made on the risk of physical injuries to college students to guarantee the physical safety of students in sports and improve the quality of physical education. Then, a study was carried out on the occurrences of physical injury risks through visual sensing techniques, and an investigation was conducted into the characteristics of physical injury risks in colleges. Next, the student's body shape and physical characteristics are computed using visual sensing techniques, and the risk of sports injuries is evaluated. The results show that the proposed image recognition and computation methods can accurately identify the sports injuries of college students. Furthermore, it can effectively analyze the factors affecting the risk of sports injuries, and the error of the proposed technique remains between -3 and 2. In addition, it can accurately locate the occurrence of sports injury risks and reduce the impact of those risks in time. This work provides technical support for the reduction of sports injury risks and contributes to the improvement of physical education teaching quality in colleges.
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Research Article
Application of Visual Sensing Techniques in Computational
Intelligence for Risk Assessment of Sports Injuries in Colleges
Yan Sun,
Yang Zheng,
Le He,
Liang Guo,
and Xiao Geng
Department of Physical Education, Chang’an University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710064, China
School of Humanity, Chang’an University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710064, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Xiao Geng;
Received 29 December 2021; Revised 20 January 2022; Accepted 26 January 2022; Published 22 April 2022
Academic Editor: Rahim Khan
Copyright ©2022 Yan Sun et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Injury prediction is one of the most challenging issues in sports and is a key component of injury prevention, since successful
injury prediction forms the basis for effective preventive measures. In this study, an analysis was made on the risk of physical
injuries to college students to guarantee the physical safety of students in sports and improve the quality of physical education.
en, a study was carried out on the occurrences of physical injury risks through visual sensing techniques, and an investigation
was conducted into the characteristics of physical injury risks in colleges. Next, the student’s body shape and physical char-
acteristics are computed using visual sensing techniques, and the risk of sports injuries is evaluated. e results show that the
proposed image recognition and computation methods can accurately identify the sports injuries of college students. Fur-
thermore, it can effectively analyze the factors affecting the risk of sports injuries, and the error of the proposed technique remains
between 3 and 2. In addition, it can accurately locate the occurrence of sports injury risks and reduce the impact of those risks in
time. is work provides technical support for the reduction of sports injury risks and contributes to the improvement of physical
education teaching quality in colleges.
1. Introduction
Physical education in college has positive effects on health
during adolescence. In addition to physical health benefits,
physically-active students tend to have better psychological
health than their classmates, reporting fewer symptoms of
depression, more confidence, self-emotional control, greater
social well-being, and higher levels of life satisfaction.
Participation in sports also contributes to character devel-
opment, reducing risk behaviors, improving school per-
formance, and promoting public engagement [1]. Long-term
benefits of PE may continue into adulthood, as students who
are involved in sports activities may be more likely than their
peers to be physically active. However, sports participation
may also increase the risk of injuries that cause short-term or
long-term disability. Sports injuries are common in younger
students. More than 3.4 million teenagers are injured as part
of organized sports each year. One-third of all injuries in
children are related to sports, too. e most common sports
injuries in children are strains and sprains. Contact sports,
such as football and basketball, account for more injuries
than noncontact sports, such as running and swimming [2].
To reduce the risk of injuries, the development of college
PE is an important link in the development of sports.
Presently, college PE is of great significance in enhancing
students’ physical and psychological health. College PE de-
velops students’ confidence and competence to participate in
several physical activities that become a dominant part of their
lives, both in and out of school [3]. A high-quality PE cur-
riculum enables students to develop different skills and the
ability to use strategies and compositional ideas to perform
successfully. As a result, they develop the confidence to
participate in different physical activities and studies about
the value of healthy, active lifestyles. However, because the PE
teaching model is different from the traditional teaching
methods, there are still many problems in college PE teaching,
especially the physical safety of college students in physical
education, which needs to be improved [4].
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
Volume 2022, Article ID 9080661, 9 pages
Many scholars have conducted comprehensive research
on the assessment of injuries in college physical education.
Zhou [5] pointed out that the college PE curriculum plays a
very important role in college education, and PE teaching
evaluation is the decisive factor for the improvement of
physical education. erefore, to reduce physical injuries
and enhance the effects of PE, an important way is to im-
prove the teaching evaluation of college PE. Zadeh et al. [6]
predicted that the PE teaching model in the 21st century was
still a pattern of coexistence of multiple modes. is di-
versified pattern was conducive to giving full play to stu-
dents’ subjective initiative, enhancing students’ sports
awareness, and cultivating students’ interest in physical
education. Moreover, it will become the main mode of
college physical education in China in the 21st century. Zhou
[7] revealed that given the problems of physical injuries in
the existing college PE program, the way of reform is to
change the traditional teaching methods and to realize the
sports effect from students’ awareness of their physical
characteristics. Hulme and Finch [8] found that a combi-
nation of high body mass index (BMI) and high mechanical
loads could result in injury. erefore, in creating a physical
exercise program, it is essential to incrementally increase
mechanical load through the practice season as athletes
become conditioned. Rao [9] proposed a dynamic, recursive
model for risk assessment and causes of sports injuries and
proposed that the injury has a nonlinear behavior. is
model is helpful in the understanding of sports injury eti-
ology because it proposes that there may be recurrent
changes in susceptibility to injury along with the partici-
pation in sports, and the primary risk factors’ exposure can
produce adaptations and continuously change the risk.
Eetvelde [10] has proposed a paradigm shift in sports injuries
and emphasized that the literature is limited to consistently
identifying predictive factors because current research
methods based on unidirectional and logical approaches
ignore the factors and complex conditions for sports injury
emergence. To reduce sports injuries, Yi and Fang [11]
presented a method based on functional motion biological
image data and summarized the mistakes and deficits of
common movement patterns of athletes and proposed
various intervention procedures to improve the effect of
sports injury assessment. Jinhai [12] proposed that the
machine learning method in combination with image
processing can be used to identify athletes at high injury risk
during sports participation and to identify risk factors.
However, most of the earliest studies did not apply machine
learning methods accurately to predict injuries, and the
methodological study quality was moderate to very low.
In this study, a deep perception is implemented on the
current situation of college PE. An analysis was made on the
risks of sports injuries. en the potential sports injuries of
college students are pointed out to verify the impact of sports
injury risks. Furthermore, the college students’ body shapes
and characteristics of sports injury risks are identified and
computed using visual sensing techniques. In addition, an
analysis is made on the influencing factors of sports injury risks
in colleges, as well as a comprehensive evaluation and technical
support is provided for the reforms of college sports education.
e rest of the manuscript is organized as follows: in
Section 2, an overview of sports injuries is provided and the
proposed visual sensing technique is presented. Section 3 is
about the analysis of the visual sensing techniques. e
results are illustrated in Sections 4, and Section 5 is about the
2. Methods
2.1. Sports Injuries in Physical Education. Injuries are
common in college sports and have significant physical,
psychosocial, and economic consequences. Exploring the
injury risk factors and their relationship is thus a crucial
component of preventing future injuries in sports [13].
Sports injuries are the results of complex interactions of
various risk factors and provoking events making a com-
prehensive model necessary. Owing to the interactions
between extrinsic and intrinsic risk factors as well as their
unpredictable nature, the ability to predict the occurrence of
an injury event is highly challenging. One of the ultimate
tasks in college PE is to prevent the risks that high-intensity
physical education will cause to students. ese risks refer to
the physical and psychological injuries that students may
suffer in the process of physical education [14]. is study
evaluates the risk of sports injury in colleges through
computational intelligence and visual sensing techniques,
and reduces the risk through evaluation, to ensure the long-
term development of PE in colleges.
Sports injuries occur during exercise or while participating
in a sport. Students are particularly at risk for these types of
injuries. Morphological and behavioral characteristics are the
most intuitive external manifestations of human body injuries
and are important indicators for the evaluation of human
health. When predicting human body injuries without contact,
the commonly used method is to obtain the image of the
human body via infrared-based visual sensing equipment in
computational intelligence, and then identify and judge the
surface shape of the human body through computation and
analysis so that physical safety can be guaranteed for college
students in sports. Besides, the risks in the process of PE can be
reduced [15]. Figure 1 demonstrates the prediction process of
risks to college students in PE through visual sensing tech-
niques in computational intelligence.
Figure 1 reveals that, in the process of physical injury risk
assessment for students, what needs to be done initially is to
collect information about the physical body shape of stu-
dents through image acquisition technology. e collected
image information is subsequently sent to a processing
system. en, the collected images are processed using
different image processing techniques. A comprehensive
analysis is conducted on the processed images to evaluate the
analyzed images and obtain the results.
2.2. Computational Intelligent Vision Sensing Algorithm.
When the collected image is input into the computer system, it
needs to be processed using visual sensing techniques. After
processing, the image can be analyzed and evaluated. In the
process of image processing, it is necessary to analyze the gray
2Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
level of image pixels. Because the equipment in the process of
image acquisition has different color recognition mechanisms
from human vision, it is necessary to describe the image in
terms of RGB (red, green, blue) and HIS (hue, intensity,
saturation) color modes in the computer system. e pro-
cessed image can be more consistent with human visual
characteristics. Moreover, the HIS color mode in computer
image processing can greatly reduce the task of image pro-
cessing. e difference between RGB color mode and HIS
color mode only lies in the difference in representation
methods of the same physical quantity, so they need to be
computed and converted. Equations (1)(3) are the calcula-
tions when the light source of the collected image is white [16].
H0.620.170.18 R, (1)
S00.0661.02 G, (2)
I0.310.590.11 B, (3)
where Hrepresents the hue, Srefers to the saturation, and I
stands for the intensity. e terms R, G, and Bindicate the
red, green, and blue, respectively, and ·bespeaks the gradient
transformation. e calculated image is a gray-level image,
which is composed of black and white in human vision. In
image analysis, it is also necessary to smooth the collected
infrared scanning images to eliminate the image noise, keep
the image smooth, reduce the abrupt gradient, and com-
prehensively improve the image quality [17]. It can be
computed as
giMed fiv. . . fi. . . fi+v
 􏼁vm1
where girepresents the filtered value of the image and Med
indicates the ordered median. Equation (5) indicates the
calculation method for smoothing the two-dimensional
gθMed xij
􏼐 􏼑,(5)
where gθrepresents the filtered value of a two-dimensional
image. en, in the process of image acquisition, the hier-
archical scene of the collected image may be reduced or
blurred due to too much brightness or insufficient bright-
ness. erefore, it is necessary to adjust the contrast of an
image to restore the normal visual effect [18], as shown in the
following equation:
After transformation, the contrast of the processed
image can be obtained as
g(x, y) � T[f(x, y)],(7)
where g(x, y)represents the contrast of the processed image
and f(x, y)refers to the contrast of the original image. If the
contrast of the input image is set as f(x, y)and distributed
in [a, b], the contrast of the output image is g(x, y), dis-
tributed in [m, n], and the relationship between them is
linear which can be represented as
g(x, y) �
m, f(x, y)<a,
ba[f(x, y) − a] + m, a f(x, y)b,
n, f(x, y)>b.
e collected image mainly includes the target image of
the background. In the analysis process, the target image
needs to be extracted; that is, the image is separated to identify
Image Processing
Appearance Image Analysis Appearance Image
Infrared Image Analysis Infrared Image
Figure 1: Risk assessment of physical education students by visual sensing techniques.
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 3
the main target image. To achieve this goal, the gray level of
the collected image needs to be defined, and the background
and target image are separated through the difference in gray
value [19], as shown in the following equation:
g(x, y) � 1, f(x, y)T,
0, f(x, y)<T,
where 1 and 0 are the pixel distinction between the back-
ground and the target image and Tϵ[n1, n2]. e basic
principle is to divide the contrast of two images according to
the gray value. Assuming that the gray level of an image is
1N, and the pixel of the picture in the gray level iis m1,
then the total pixels can be expressed as
e probability calculation accords with equation (11)
when the value of gray level is i.
In the above equation, Cirepresents the obtained
probability. If the gray value limit of the image is set to k, the
pixels of the image can be divided into two gray levels.
Equations (12) and (13) signify the calculation process.
P01,2,3,..., k
{ },(12)
P1k+1, k +2,. . . , N
{ }.(13)
Moreover, equation (14) denotes the calculation of the
total gray level of the pixels of the image.
Ci·i, (14)
where P0and P1represent the values of gray levels of the
image background and the target image, respectively, and β
is the total values of gray levels of the image. e average gray
level about P0can be computed as
Ci·i. (15)
Equation (16) demonstrates the pixel calculation under
the average gray level.
e average gray level of P1can be computed as
Equation (18) expresses the pixel calculation under the
average gray level.
Equations (19) and (20) compute the ratio between the
background and the target image
e processing on P0and P1can be computed using
equations (21) and (22), respectively.
e computation of the total average value of the pro-
cessed image is as follows:
Equation (24) computes the variance between species P0
and P1.
σ2(k) � ρ0ββ0
 􏼁2+ρ1ββ1
 􏼁2ρ0ρ1β0β1
 􏼁2.(24)
e processed image is the best object for analysis. After
analysis, the risks in the process of college students’
physical education can be evaluated to guarantee their
physical safety [19].
3. Analysis of Factors Causing Sports Injuries
With the increase of people’s exercise in today’s society,
how to exercise scientifically and healthily has attracted
much attention. erefore, sports injury risk assessment
and monitoring systems have attracted more and more
attention in terms of real-time, flexibility, intelligence, and
other aspects. It is indispensable to conduct a risk as-
sessment in the process of implementing high-intensity
physical education in colleges. To explore the sports injury
assessment process, it is essential to identify the factors that
may cause sports injuries to college students during sports
activities [20].
e identification of the causes of injury is an important
step in injury prevention as this can be used to develop active
injury prevention programs. Sports professionals need to
know why some athletes may be at risk of injury risk factors
and how injuries occur to understand the causes of sports
injuries. Sports injuries are rarely due to a single factor, and
can generally be attributed to an association of circum-
stances [21]. ese injury risk factors can be categorized into
extrinsic and intrinsic injury risk. e extrinsic risk factor
mainly includes human factors (e.g. opponents, teammates),
sports factors (e.g. rules, referees, coaching), and environ-
mental factors such as weather, ice conditions, floor and turf
type, and playing surface. e internal risk factors mainly
include age, sex, body composition, skill level, psychological
factors, and physical fitness. Interaction between the ex-
trinsic and intrinsic risk factors may cause a student to be
more or less prone to injury. A combination of external and
internal risk factors acting concurrently puts students at a
4Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
higher risk for injury [22]. Figure 2 lists the factors that may
cause sports injuries to students in the process of obtaining a
college sports education.
is study first recognizes the influencing factors, then
analyzes the injury status of students according to the impact
of different factors based on the occurrence of risk status,
and finally formulates corresponding guidelines for college
sports education according to the results to guarantee stu-
dents’ physical safety in sports [23].
Figure 3 displays the specific process of risk identifica-
tion. is implies that, in the identification of sports injury
risk, first, it is necessary to monitor the physical charac-
teristics of students participating in sports to confirm
whether they have sports injuries. If not, other students need
to be monitored. If yes, the causes of sports injuries in
students are analyzed and certain rules are formulated
according to the causes of injuries to prevent the recurrence
of such sports injuries again [22, 23]. In this study, two
groups of students, 30 in each group, were monitored for
sports injuries through visual sensing techniques, and 30
students with sports injuries were selected to analyze the
factors of injuries. Finally, relevant suggestions were put
forward according to the results.
4. Comprehensive Analysis
4.1. Detection of Students’ Sports Injuries. Sports injuries are a
composite emergent phenomenon. Using visual sensing
techniques, the sports injuries of college students can be
evaluated. It can be used to accurately check whether students
have sports injuries, to effectively guarantee students’ physical
and mental health, and to comprehensively improve the quality
of physical education teaching in colleges. Figure 4 manifests
the proportion of sports injuries suffered by college students.
It can be seen that, by checking whether 30 people in each
group have sports injuries and checking their body shape and
physical characteristics through visual sensing techniques,
different degrees of sports injuries are found in each sports
event. Among them, the number of sports injuries in ball
games is the largest in terms of the number of the two groups.
A total of 28 students have suffered sports injuries of varying
degrees in ball games. A total of 35 students have suffered
Risk Factors of Sports Injury
in Colleges and Universities
Physical Fitness
Family Attitude
Social Attitude
Mental State
Mental Quality
Figure 2: Factors causing sports injury in colleges.
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 5
sports injuries of varying degrees in the horizontal bar. e
number of sports injuries from the long jump and high jump
is the least, and the total number is 11. It implies that the
evaluation of sports injuries of college students is necessary.
rough an analysis of sports injuries, the problems faced by
most students in sports can be detected. Figure 5 signifies the
comparison between the actual results and the results in the
students’ sports injury detection.
Figure 5 reveals that, in the comparison between the
detected results and the actual results of the two groups, the
error in the detected results of group 1 is about ±2, and the
detected results of two movements are completely consistent
with the actual results. e error in the detected results of
group 2 is about ±3, of which there is one movement, and the
detected results are completely consistent with the actual
results. Hence, by analyzing the images of students’ body
shapes and characteristics through visual sensing tech-
niques, the students’ having sports injuries can be effectively
4.2. Analysis of Factors Involved in Sports Injuries.
Further analysis of the factors of sports injuries reveals that
the detected results are consistent with the actual results,
which can be used to put forward constructive normative
opinions on college students’ sports education, improve
students’ comprehensive quality in sports, and provide
guidelines for the improvement of sports education quality.
Figure 6 manifests the self-factors of sports injuries in the
two groups of students.
Figure 6 reveals that, among the self-factors (intrinsic
factors) S (skill), PF (physical fitness), OI (old injuries), MQ
(mental quality), and MS (mental state) of sports injuries in
students, physical fitness has the greatest impact on sports
injuries. In the test results, the numbers of sports injuries
caused by the poor physical fitness of members were 5 and 6
in the two groups, respectively. e factor with the lowest
comprehensive impact is the mental state of students. In the
test results, the numbers of sports injuries caused by mental
Check the student's body
Whether a sports injury
Has Occurred?
Look for the factors of sports injuries
e intensity of the sports injury
Figure 3: Risk identification of sports injuries.
Group 1
Group 2
Long Jump
Horizontal Bar
Ball Games
Number of People
Figure 4: Sports injury detection of College Students.
6Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
state were 1 and 0 in the two groups, respectively. Physical
quality is very important in sports, and psychological factors
will also have a certain impact. erefore, college physical
education needs to be comprehensively improved. Figure 7
displays the external (extrinsic factors) factors of sports
injury in the two groups of students.
Figure 7 indicates that, among the external factors T
(time), W (weather), S (site), M(management), and A
(attitude) of sports injuries in the two groups, the weather is
the most influential factor. In the test results, the number of
sports injuries caused by weather is 12 and 13 in the two
groups, respectively, and the lowest comprehensive im-
pression factor is the students’ attitude to the outside world.
In the test results, the numbers of sports injuries due to
external attitudes were 4 and 2, respectively in the two
groups. More attention needs to be paid to the weather
conditions in the process of sports so that college physical
education can also be carried out scientifically. In the pre-
diction of the external environment, the image analysis of
students’ body shapes and characteristics is carried out by
using visual sensing techniques, and there are ideal results of
the comparison between the obtained results and the actual
results. Figure 8 displays the errors in sports injuries de-
tection of college students.
Figure 8 indicates that, in the analysis of the error factors in
sports injuries, the detection error of self-factors is about ±2,
e Actual Number
Number of People Tested
Long Jump
Horizontal Bar
Ball Games
Number of People
e Actual Number
Number of People Tested
Long Jump
Horizontal Bar
Ball Games
Number of People
Figure 5: Comparison between actual sports injuries and detected sports injuries: (a) the comparison between actual sports injuries and
detected sports injuries in group 1 and (b) the comparison between actual sports injuries and detected sports injuries in group 2.
Number of People
Number of People
Figure 6: Self-factors of sports injury in colleges: (a) the self-factors of group 1 and (b) the self-factors of group 2.
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 7
while the detection error of external factors is between 3 and
2. It is close to the results of the sports injuries obtained by
analyzing the characteristics of students’ body shapes through
the visual sensing technique and the actual sports injuries.
e study analyzed the body shape and characteristics of
college students using visual sensing, image recognition, and
image processing techniques. e purpose is to detect college
students’ sports injuries and analyze the influencing factors.
It comprehensively evaluates the risk of college sports in-
juries through detection and analysis. It is found that sports
injuries in colleges occur in various sports events. It is es-
sential to improve the existing sports teaching mode, reduce
the risk of sports injuries in sports education, and guarantee
students with safety in sports education. Among students’
self-factors, colleges should focus on basic physical
education, enhance students’ physical fitness and sports
skills training, and also provide psychological counseling
and education for students. en, college administration
should also cooperate with parents to vigorously support
students’ sports training, build good sports venues, manage
students’ sports education, and provide proper time for
sports. ese aspects can provide a basic guarantee for
preventing sports injuries in college sports education.
5. Conclusion
Injuries are common in college sports and can have sig-
nificant physical, psychosocial, and financial consequences.
Identification of sports injury risk factors and their rela-
tionship is, therefore, a key component in reducing future
Number of People
Number of People
Figure 7: External factors of sports injury in colleges: (a) group 1 and (b) group 2.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 1
Group 2
Figure 8: e number of error factors in sports injuries of college students: (a) self-factors and (b) external factors.
8Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
injuries in sports. In this study, an analysis was made on the
risk of physical injuries to college students to guarantee the
physical safety of students in sports and improve the quality
of physical education. en, a study is carried out on the
occurrence of physical injury risk through visual sensing
techniques, and an investigation is made into the charac-
teristics of physical injury risk in colleges. It is found that
among the intrinsic sports risk factors, physical fitness has
the greatest impact on sports injuries, whereas in the case of
extrinsic factors, unfavorable weather is the main cause of
sports injuries. Finally, by comparing the detected results
with the actual results, it is concluded that the image rec-
ognition and processing techniques can accurately identify
the occurrence of sports injuries in college students and can
effectively identify the factors that cause sports injuries. e
present work provides technical support for the detection of
sports injuries in colleges and contributes to the improve-
ment of sports education quality in colleges.
Data Availability
e data used to support the findings of this study are
available from the corresponding author upon request.
Conflicts of Interest
e authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
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Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 9
... Tis article has been retracted by Hindawi following an investigation undertaken by the publisher [1]. Tis investigation has uncovered evidence of one or more of the following indicators of systematic manipulation of the publication process: ...
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In order to better reduce sports injury, a method based on functional motion biological image data is proposed. Through performing functional motion screening test on wushu athletes, including 7 items of test, each athlete is given a score according to the test standard. This paper summarizes the mistakes and deficiencies of common movement patterns of athletes and makes different intervention plans to improve the effect of sports injury screening. The results show that, at P>0.001, there was a significant difference, and the experimental group FMS total score (15.02 ± 3.7) was lower than the control group FMS total score (18.51 ± 1.45). The recognition rate of the system is higher than that of the system based on single feature, and the recognition performance is better than that of the standard SVM and KNN recognition methods. It is proved that the design of the system is feasible, reliable, and effective.
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With the rapid iteration of computer information technology and the application of CAI in college physical education teaching, the physical education teaching mode has developed from the empirical and theoretical teaching mode to the scientific and digital direction, and the physical education teaching has played a significant function in stimulating students’ learning initiative and promoting the promotion of students’ subjective status, so it has important research value. Based on this, this paper first analyses the necessity of CAI application in college physical education teaching, then studies the application function and status quo of CAI in college physical education teaching, and finally puts forward suggestions and Countermeasures for the application of CAI in college physical education.
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Purpose Injuries are common in sports and can have significant physical, psychological and financial consequences. Machine learning (ML) methods could be used to improve injury prediction and allow proper approaches to injury prevention. The aim of our study was therefore to perform a systematic review of ML methods in sport injury prediction and prevention. Methods A search of the PubMed database was performed on March 24th 2020. Eligible articles included original studies investigating the role of ML for sport injury prediction and prevention. Two independent reviewers screened articles, assessed eligibility, risk of bias and extracted data. Methodological quality and risk of bias were determined by the Newcastle–Ottawa Scale. Study quality was evaluated using the GRADE working group methodology. Results Eleven out of 249 studies met inclusion/exclusion criteria. Different ML methods were used (tree-based ensemble methods ( n = 9), Support Vector Machines ( n = 4), Artificial Neural Networks ( n = 2)). The classification methods were facilitated by preprocessing steps ( n = 5) and optimized using over- and undersampling methods ( n = 6), hyperparameter tuning ( n = 4), feature selection ( n = 3) and dimensionality reduction ( n = 1). Injury predictive performance ranged from poor (Accuracy = 52%, AUC = 0.52) to strong (AUC = 0.87, f1-score = 85%). Conclusions Current ML methods can be used to identify athletes at high injury risk and be helpful to detect the most important injury risk factors. Methodological quality of the analyses was sufficient in general, but could be further improved. More effort should be put in the interpretation of the ML models.
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With the development of educational informationization in Colleges and universities, cloud computing technology has become the main means of educational informationization in Colleges and universities. The application of educational information technology in college physical education promotes the integration with physical education. It realizes the transformation of physical education teaching mode and physical learning mode in Colleges and universities, gives full play to the greatest advantage of information technology, and provides students with a good education environment and a scientific and effective learning tool. This paper studies the application of physical education in the cloud computing environment. This paper investigates the current situation of College Physical Education in the cloud computing environment, analyzes and summarizes the problems in the process of college physical education teaching, and gives the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. It can provide theoretical basis and reference for the future application of cloud computing in college physical education. From the point of view of physical education, this paper studies the relationship between education informatization and physical education, explores new physical education teaching mode, improves the use of school physical education informatization, creates a good teaching atmosphere, and promotes the improvement of teaching quality.
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Virtual reality technology is an emerging discipline in computer simulation, and it has been successfully applied in all fields. There is no doubt that the use of this advanced computer virtual technology in university sports will undoubtedly bring huge changes to classroom teaching. This article mainly uses 3D image modeling technology, model drive technology, visual tracking and viewpoint sensing technology and the construction of stereo synthesis technology used on the basis of the new model of physical education teaching of virtual reality technology, so as to supply a secure basis for the improvement of the quality of physical education. Virtual reality technology as a new field of science and technology is the intersection and penetration of many disciplines, set computer graphics, mechanical mechanics, materials, sensing and many other disciplines as a whole, while virtual reality technology has a powerful ability to influence the education model of colleges and universities, it can be said that it has become the most applicable and future hot technology. The model of physical education is very important in college physical education. The traditional teaching model has seriously hindered the progress of college physical education. It is very necessary to find a new model of physical education to solve the disadvantages of the early teaching model, and focus on solving the key and hard question in training.
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Hand gestures are a form of nonverbal communication that can be used in several fields such as communication between deaf-mute people, robot control, human-computer interaction (HCI), home automation and medical applications. Research papers based on hand gestures have adopted many different techniques, including those based on instrumented sensor technology and computer vision. In other words, the hand sign can be classified under many headings, such as posture and gesture, as well as dynamic and static, or a hybrid of the two. This paper focuses on a review of the literature on hand gesture techniques and introduces their merits and limitations under different circumstances. In addition, it tabulates the performance of these methods, focusing on computer vision techniques that deal with the similarity and difference points, technique of hand segmentation used, classification algorithms and drawbacks, number and types of gestures, dataset used, detection range (distance) and type of camera used. This paper is a thorough general overview of hand gesture methods with a brief discussion of some possible applications.
Objective: In this study, we examined physical activity (PA) engagement outside of college physical education (PE) classes using the Transtheoretical Model (TTM). Methods: Overall, 414 university students enrolled in PE classes voluntarily participated in this study. Participants were asked to complete a survey packet to measure 4 core constructs of TTM and their PA level performed outside of PE classes. Among the participants, 150 randomly selected students were asked to wear a triaxial accelerometer for 7 consecutive days to identify their PA level. Descriptive statistics and multivariate analyses of variance were used to determine the association between stages of motivational readiness and other strategic core constructions. Results: We categorized 77% of respondents into either the "action" stage or the "maintenance" stage for engaging in additional PA outside of the classes. Behavioral processes of change showed a graded and significant association with the stages. Both self-efficacy and decisional balance were significantly higher in students at higher stages. Conclusion: Our findings showed that most students enrolled in college PE classes had additional PA outside of the class participation. In addition, behavioral processes may be effective strategies for this specific target group to promote PA.
The rapid development of the artificial intelligence field has increased the demand for retina-inspired neuromorphic vision sensors with integrated sensing, memory, and processing functions. Here, we present a neuromorphic vision sensor with an optoelectronic transistor structure consisting of monolayer molybdenum disulfide and barium titanate ferroelectric film. Beyond conventional electrical tuning of ferroelectric polarization, the optoelectronic transistor can exhibit a light-dosage tunable synaptic behavior with a high switching ratio and good non-volatility, enabled by photo-induced ferroelectric polarization reversal. The wavelength-dependent optical sensing and multi-level optical memory properties are utilized to achieve the in-sensor neuromorphic visual pre-processing. A simulated artificial neural network built from the proposed vision sensors with neuromorphic pre-processing function demonstrated that the image recognition rate for the Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST) handwritten dataset could be significantly improved by reducing redundant data. The obtained results suggest that 2D semiconductor/ferroelectric optoelectronic transistors can provide a promising hardware implementation towards constructing high-performance neuromorphic visual systems
Computer-assisted method and mobile Internet terminal equipment have driven the advance of the Internet, and mobile terminals are playing an increasingly crucial role in daily lives. The combination of the Internet and mobile terminal equipment not only brings new elements to lives, but also brings new teaching methods to physical education in college. The application of computer-assisted teaching and mobile intelligent terminals in the teaching of physical education in colleges and universities has opened up a new world for teacher education and student learning. With the assistance of mobile smart terminals in college physical education, students and teachers are closely connected to improve the teaching quality of college physical education. The mobile smart terminal is applied to the teaching of physical education in colleges and universities, effectively expanding the space for teaching physical education in colleges and universities, allowing students and teachers to communicate anytime and anywhere, so as to solve the problems encountered by students in time and effectively, in order to improve student learning efficiency and quality provides favorable conditions. Based on this, this study fully considers the use of mobile smart terminals for teaching by physical education teachers and students, and aims to help teachers and students improve their learning abilities together and improve the efficiency of mobile smart terminals assisting physical education. Starting from the characteristics and laws of physical education in colleges and universities, this paper discusses the application of computer-assisted teaching and mobile Internet terminals in higher vocational physical education. It is believed that with the rapid development of information technology, the traditional college physical education model is far from meeting the requirements for cultivating high-quality skilled vocational education talents, college physical education teachers must speed up the transformation of their ideas, and realize the transition from traditional physical education teachers to physical education teachers mastering new teaching methods as soon as possible, in order to keep up with the times in the tide of college reforms trend.
The educational sector faces a new dimension that is dominated by lifelong learning and is affected by the technical, social, and cultural changes. This pattern represents the need to improve the teaching methods for physical education and sports science. The use of computers and other information technology to increase the effectiveness of the teaching process is a modern method. This paper aims to illustrate the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in physical education and sports. In our field, the gradual computerization results can be summed up in the following aspects: education software, design, and planning activities, recording outcomes, motion monitoring, video analysis, comparison of performance and synchronizing, measurements at distance and time and the evaluation of the activity. Although physical education and sports are practical activities, specialists can make use of modern teaching technologies. In this paper, the system of curriculum assessment for physical education has been analyzed and researched in computer assessment. The first section introduced the method of assessment of the physical education program. The second phase of the paper represents a teaching model of the physical education mathematical model utilizing the Comprehensive Adaptive Fuzzy Evaluation Theory has been proposed. A new level is the modernization of physics education with the artificial intelligence computer education system built in this paper. The experimental results have high performance in detecting the physical activity of college students.