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Elevating Social Presence in Multi-User VR by Increasing Behavioral Realism



Due to profound changes in our social structure, the exchange of social interaction via technology-mediated communication channels is on the rise. In this regard, we argue that by creating an increased social presence using multiuser VR applications, social connectedness among individuals can be elevated. Although several factors influencing social presence positively were already identified, the impact of behavioral realism increased by employing facial tracking technologies is yet unexplored. We hypothesize that social presence can be further elevated by utilizing this new technology and propose a study design to evaluate this hypothesis.
Elevating Social Presence in Multi-User VR by Increasing Behavioral Realism
Simon Kimmel and Wilko Heuten
OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology, Oldenburg, Germany
Due to profound changes in our social structure, the exchange of social interaction via technology-mediated
communication channels is on the rise. In this regard, we argue that by creating an increased social presence
using multi-user VR applications, social connectedness among individuals can be elevated. Although several
factors influencing social presence positively were already identified, the impact of behavioral realism increased
by employing facial tracking technologies is yet unexplored. We hypothesize that social presence can be further
elevated by utilizing this new technology and propose a study design to evaluate this hypothesis.
Keywords— Social Presence, Social VR, Behavioral Realism, Facial Tracking
1 Motivation
Today’s society is facing tremendous changes. Receiving
education, studying, and working in a more and more glob-
alized world increases the demand for mobility to a never-
seen extent [10]. In terms of its ecological and economic
consequences, travel cannot remain a long-term solution to
the resulting separation of families and friends [12]. This
also became visible within the COVID-19 pandemic, during
which this decrease in social connectedness was further exac-
erbated by enforced social distancing measures. As a means
to counteract these developments, the digitization of social
exchanges has accelerated during the pandemic, particularly
by the increased usage of videoconferencing platforms [5, 6].
While this emerging trend provides several potential ben-
efits that go beyond the reduced risk of infection such as
increased time and resource efficiency, negative effects of
digital communication at a distance are also emerging simul-
taneously. Among others, videoconferencing is perceived as
fatiguing and often elicits low levels of perceived social con-
nectedness and proximity among users for instance due to
usage eliciting elevated cognitive load levels [7, 11]. Due to
these negative effects of videoconferencing usage, the recent
emergence of multi-user Virtual Reality (in the following
referred to as Social VR) applications constitutes a promis-
ing alternative for technology-mediated communication over
distance. Among other things, this is due to the fact that in
comparison to other communication technologies, Social VR
applications oftentimes elicit increased levels of social pres-
ence in their users [22]. Social presence can be defined as the
perceived ”sense of being with another” [8] and is a predict-
ing factor for a variety of positive communication outcomes
including trust, enjoyment, and attractiveness [22]. Con-
sequently, elevating perceived social presence to the largest
extent possible ought to be a major focus when aiming to
improve technology-mediated social experiences.
Even though social presence levels in Social VR applica-
tions are often already considered elevated, a variety of po-
tentially influencing factors has not yet been adequately ex-
amined within the existing research in the field [22]. Among
these is the rendering of facial expressions tracked in real-
time onto the communication partners avatar within Social
VR applications. We hypothesize that employing recently
developed facial tracking technology to render users’ facial
expressions onto avatars in Social VR can increase elicited
social presence levels.
2 Factors Influencing Social Presence
A range of research initiatives has already successfully iden-
tified a variety of factors that can impact the level of per-
ceived social presence when using communication technolo-
gies [22, 31]. These include, among others, demographic
and personality-related characteristics. It was thus deter-
mined, for instance, that women and people with a greater
desire for social interaction generally perceive stronger so-
cial presence (see e.g. [13, 19, 20]). Beyond these psy-
chological aspects, various technological characteristics have
been identified that can exert a demonstrable influence on
the users’ perceived social presence with a social VR ap-
plication [22, 31]. Thus, the type of activity (e.g. inde-
pendent vs. interdependent; collaborative vs. competitive)
that users jointly engage in a virtual environment can exert
an effect on perceived social presence levels [22, 31]. Fur-
thermore, while only little research has been conducted in
the field, several research contributions suggest that social
presence levels can be impacted by the multi-modality of a
Social VR application. For instance, research conducted by
Hoppe et al. exploring haptically enriched interactions with
agents within VR environments indicates that haptic feed-
back can elevate users’ perceived social presence significantly
[18]. One of the most discussed aspects potentially influenc-
ing social presence in the context of social VR, however, is
the visualization of users both in terms of self-embodiment
and embodiment of the communication partner. In this re-
gard, research has suggested that an embodiment reinforces
the perception of social presence [27]. However, the results
are not as unambiguous regarding the way this representa-
tion should appear in order to ideally increase social pres-
ence. For instance, research conducted in the field shows
no conclusive trend for photographically realistic avatars to
increase perceived social presence levels [22, 31]. This re-
sult is among other things often attributed to the Uncanny
Valley effect [21]. However, it could also be due to the fact
that users’ ideally preferred avatar representations might be
highly dependent on the communicators’ relationships to-
wards one another [26].
In contrast to results regarding the photographic realism,
data obtained in studies evaluating the impact of avatars’
behavioral realism, clearly indicate that avatars with in-
creased behavioral realism entail an intensified perception
of the social presence (see e.g. [25, 30, 17, 27, 28]). Most re-
search regarding behavioral realism focuses on rather simple
non-verbal interactions such as eye gaze, nodding, blushing
or body movements. In recent years, novel methods for ren-
dering facial expressions driven by facial motion tracking
data have been developed on basis of advances in depth-
camera technology and machine learning algorithms [32, 9].
However, the impact on social presence of employing these
novel approaches to enrich avatars in Social VR applications
with more behavioral realistic mimics has yet to be evalu-
ated. This is particularly due to the fact, that research con-
tributions evaluating said facial tracking technology up to
this point either focused on social interactions among com-
puter users, or on artificial scenarios in which one VR-HMD
user was communicating with another user that utilized a
computer [24, 23, 16, 15]. Therefore, Yassien et al. conclude
in an extensive review of social presence research that ”the
impact of facial expressions on social presence is an open
research opportunity” [31]. As ”social VR platforms may
benefit from investing in technologies that can capture (or
infer) and map facial expressions within avatar-mediated en-
vironments” [24], we intend to close this research gap by em-
ploying recently commercially released facial tracking hard-
ware in an evaluation study. We hypothesize that employ-
ing facial tracking to render facial expressions can improve
perceived social presence levels, even in comparison to fre-
quently applied facial tracking simulation techniques.
3 Evaluating Impact of Behavioral Realism
By investigating the above-mentioned and thus far mostly
unexplored design element of integrating real-time facial ex-
pression rendering within a Social VR application, we plan
to evaluate whether it is beneficial for a system to employ
said feature to increase avatars’ behavioral realism in order
to convey further elevated social presence over distance. For
said evaluation, we have developed a Social VR application
using the game engine Unity [29], which is visualized to its
users via an Oculus Quest 2 [3]. Within this application, two
users can interact with each other to collaboratively solve a
task, which consists of the users attempting to explain a
fixed set of terms to each other using both verbal and non-
verbal communication. The task is interdependent in that
a solution can only be achieved if both players cooperate.
This task was selected in particular as it obliges users to en-
gage with each other and thereby entails users to pay a high
level of attention to their communication partner. Users
in the applications are visually represented by avatars de-
signed with the character creation tool ReadyPlayerMe [1].
The system can be utilized with three different degrees of
integrated behavioral realism: (1) without the avatars ren-
dering any facial expressions; (2) with the avatars simulating
facial expressions based solely on analyzing the users’ voice
input via Oculus Lipsync [2]; (3) with the avatars render-
ing realistic facial expressions based on both analyzing the
users’ voice input via Oculus Lipsync and by employing the
VIVE Facial Trackers for real-time motion detection [2, 4].
Figure 1: User (left) and its avatar (right) employing our
In order to evaluate the system as well as the impact the
differing degrees of behavioral realism have on perceived so-
cial presence levels, we are currently planning a large-scale
study. For this study, we are intending to employ a within-
subject design. We thereby aim for approximately 50 par-
ticipants (25 dyads) to perform the above-depicted task in
all three behavioral realism conditions. After completion of
the task in each condition, we intend to measure perceived
social presence levels quantitatively by instructing partici-
pants to complete, among other measures, the Networked
Minds Questionnaire [14]. Additionally, we plan to measure
completion times to be able to analyze and compare task
performance. Early results of an initial pilot study (see Fig-
ure 1) with just 6 participants already exhibited tendencies
of the condition (3), which employs motion detected facial
rendering, to yield the highest social presence levels. Fur-
thermore, variation in task performance in dependence of
the employed conditions were also detectable.
By conducting the proposed study, we will contribute to
current trends in the HCI community, as we hope to iden-
tify rendering motion-detected facial expressions as a design
element that developers can draw upon to develop future
Social VR applications. This way, we believe that future so-
cial VR applications will be able to foster the maintenance
and strengthening of social connectedness within families
and groups of friends, despite the changes that are currently
prevalent in our society.
4 Acknowledgments
This project is funded under project number 16SV8712 by
the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research.
We would like to thank Eric Landwehr and Timo von Reeken
for the assistance in creating the prototype and in conduct-
ing the pilot study.
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... Facial and gaze behavior have been extensively investigated regarding their impact on perceived Social Presence in various computer-mediated scenarios [39,84,85], and in social VR applications more specifically [59,60]. The results emphasized that while mapping users' facial behaviors in real-time on their avatars can enhance perceived Social Presence, this effect is highly dependent on the collaboration that users immerse in [60]. ...
... While behavioral realism in spatial and gestural movements can indeed be deemed important for Social Presence, future efforts aiming to enhance emotional understanding and dependency among users should rather shift their focus to other factors. Related work suggests that more significance may be attributable to facial movements, especially in terms of emotional and intentional expression [59,110]. This was also echoed in the interview responses of our requirement analysis, as participants highlighted the crucial role of facial expressions in emotional expression. ...
... Interestingly, our findings suggest that tasks with high spatial demands, such as the one designed by us, may not significantly enhance emotional experiences in VR settings. By comparing our task scores with those reported in related work [59], it appears that tasks requiring more verbal interaction and focus on the partner tend to elicit higher emotional scores. ...
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Conference Paper
Avatars are in use when interacting in virtual environments in different contexts, in collaborative work, as well as in gaming and also in virtual meetings with friends. Therefore it is important to understand how the relationship between user and avatar works. In this study, an online survey is used to determine how the perception of an avatar changes in different contexts by relating it to existing avatar relationship typologies. Additionally, it is determined whether in each context a realistic, abstract or comic-like representation is preferred by the participants. One result was a preference of low poly representations in the work context, which are associated with the perception of the avatar as a tool. In the context of meeting friends, a realistic representation is perceived as more appropriate, which is perceived as an accurate self-representation. In the gaming context, the results are less clear, which can be attributed to different gaming preferences. Here, unlike in the other contexts, a comic-like representation is also perceived as appropriate, which is associated with the perception of the avatar as a friend. A symbiotic user-avatar relationship is not directly related to any form of representation, but always lies in the midfield, which is attributed to the fact that it represents a whole spectrum between other categories.
Collaborative virtual environments (CVEs), wherein people can virtually interact with each other via avatars, are becoming increasingly prominent. However, CVEs differ in type of avatar representation and level of behavioral realism afforded to users. The present investigation compared the effect of behavioral realism on users' nonverbal behavior, self-presence, social presence, and interpersonal attraction during a dyadic interaction. Fifty-one dyads (aged 18 to 26) embodied either a full-bodied avatar with mapped hands and inferred arm movements, an avatar consisting of only a floating head and mapped hands, or a static full-bodied avatar. Planned contrasts compared the effect of behavioral realism against no behavioral realism, and compared the effect of low versus high behavioral realism. Results show that participants who embodied the avatar with only a floating head and hands experienced greater social presence, self-presence, and interpersonal attraction than participants who embodied a full-bodied avatar with mapped hands. In contrast, there were no significant differences on these measures between participants in the two mapped-hands conditions and those who embodied a static avatar. Participants in the static-avatar condition rotated their own physical head and hands significantly less than participants in the other two conditions during the dyadic interaction. Additionally, side-to-side head movements were negatively correlated with interpersonal attraction regardless of condition. We discuss implications of the finding that behavioral realism influences nonverbal behavior and communication outcomes.