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Abstract and Figures

A thermohygrometer is an instrument that is able to measure relative humidity and air temperature, which are two of the fundamental parameters to estimate human thermal comfort. To date, the market offers small and low-cost solutions for this instrument, providing the opportunity to bring electronics closer to the end-user and contributing to the proliferation of a variety of applications and open-source projects. One of the most critical aspects of using low-cost instruments is their measurement reliability. This study aims to determine the measurement performance of seven low-cost thermohygrometers throughout a 10-fold repeatability test in a climatic chamber with air temperatures ranging from about −10 to +40 °C and relative humidity from approximately 0 to 90%. Compared with reference sensors, their measurements show good linear behavior with some exceptions. A sub-dataset of the data collected is then used to calculate two of the most used indoor (PMV) and outdoor (UTCI) comfort indexes to define discrepancies between the indexes calculated with the data from the reference sensors and the low-cost sensors. The results suggest that although six of the seven low-cost sensors have accuracy that meets the requirements of ISO 7726, in some cases, they do not provide acceptable comfort indicators if the values are taken as they are. The linear regression analysis suggests that it is possible to correct the output to reduce the difference between reference and low-cost sensors, enabling the use of low-cost sensors to assess indoor thermal comfort in terms of PMV and outdoor thermal stress in UTCI and encouraging a more conscious use for environmental and human-centric research.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Citation: Salamone, F.; Chinazzo, G.;
Danza, L.; Miller, C.; Sibilio, S.;
Masullo, M. Low-Cost
Thermohygrometers to Assess
Thermal Comfort in the Built
Environment: A Laboratory
Evaluation of Their Measurement
Performance. Buildings 2022,12, 579.
Academic Editors: Bo Hong,
Yang Geng and Dayi Lai
Received: 17 March 2022
Accepted: 26 April 2022
Published: 29 April 2022
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Low-Cost Thermohygrometers to Assess Thermal Comfort in
the Built Environment: A Laboratory Evaluation of Their
Measurement Performance
Francesco Salamone 1, 2, * , Giorgia Chinazzo 3, Ludovico Danza 1, Clayton Miller 4, Sergio Sibilio 1,2
and Massimiliano Masullo 2
1Construction Technologies Institute, National Research Council of Italy (ITC-CNR),
20098 San Giuliano Milanese, MI, Italy; (L.D.)
Department of Architecture and Industrial Design, Universitàdegli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”,
81031 Aversa, CE, Italy; (M.M.); (S.S.)
3Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA; (G.C.)
Department of the Built Environment, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore 119077, Singapore; (C.M.)
*Correspondence: or (F.S.)
A thermohygrometer is an instrument that is able to measure relative humidity and air
temperature, which are two of the fundamental parameters to estimate human thermal comfort. To
date, the market offers small and low-cost solutions for this instrument, providing the opportunity to
bring electronics closer to the end-user and contributing to the proliferation of a variety of applications
and open-source projects. One of the most critical aspects of using low-cost instruments is their
measurement reliability. This study aims to determine the measurement performance of seven
low-cost thermohygrometers throughout a 10-fold repeatability test in a climatic chamber with
air temperatures ranging from about
10 to +40
C and relative humidity from approximately
0 to 90%
. Compared with reference sensors, their measurements show good linear behavior with
some exceptions. A sub-dataset of the data collected is then used to calculate two of the most used
indoor (PMV) and outdoor (UTCI) comfort indexes to define discrepancies between the indexes
calculated with the data from the reference sensors and the low-cost sensors. The results suggest that
although six of the seven low-cost sensors have accuracy that meets the requirements of ISO 7726, in
some cases, they do not provide acceptable comfort indicators if the values are taken as they are. The
linear regression analysis suggests that it is possible to correct the output to reduce the difference
between reference and low-cost sensors, enabling the use of low-cost sensors to assess indoor thermal
comfort in terms of PMV and outdoor thermal stress in UTCI and encouraging a more conscious use
for environmental and human-centric research.
temperature; relative humidity; indoor environmental quality monitoring; IoT; low-cost
sensing technology; performance evaluation
1. Introduction
Temperature and relative humidity are two of the most important parameters in
physics. Since the introduction of the first thermometer to measure air temperature and
hygrometer to measure humidity in the seventeenth [
] and sixteenth centuries [
], respec-
tively, they have been used for research purposes in various fields. To date, thermohy-
grometers, devices equipped with both a thermometer and a hygrometer, are used not only
for research purposes but also as the core of projects developed by non-experts. In this
context, the users are more and more close to electronics in a simple and fast way due to
the proliferation of several shared projects where they are the end-users and the developers
of both hardware and software [3].
Buildings 2022,12, 579.
Buildings 2022,12, 579 2 of 20
The Do-It-Yourself (DIY) paradigm is increasing, and the reason for which people
make things themselves is well explained in [
], where the authors also present a holistic
view of how DIY creations are often based on the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm, a
web of things that are always connected to a communication-enabled network [
]. In [
the close connection between DIY and IoT is clear. In addition, the increasing number of
shared projects in online community platforms (e.g., OpenMaterials, Instructables, Make
Magazine, Thingiverse) demonstrates how it is easy to share and talk about DIY projects
and IoT applications. People can easily create and show their “smart things” on such
platforms, protecting their knowledge and creativity using Creative Commons licenses [
The open-source approach has a profound impact on modern technology development and
our society as a whole [
]. DIY and IoT gradually increase, becoming the third wave
of the information industry revolution, after computers and the Internet [
]. In addition,
with the increasing number of smart things, we are gradually entering the era of intelligent
IoT [
], where the usual huge amount of data acquired by “smart things” is used to train
machine learning algorithms or, more generally, to develop AI applications. The synergy
between IoT and AI is discussed in [
], demonstrating a great success in complex and
large-scale real-life applications.
1.1. Reliability of Temperature and Relative Humidity Low-Cost Sensors
The reliability of low-cost sensors used to measure air temperature and relative humid-
ity is an issue that has not yet been considered in the development and practical applications
of low-cost sensors, especially when used for wearables applications for thermal comfort
assessment in a human-centered perspective. According to a recent review on wearable de-
vices for environmental monitoring [
], it is possible to see that in most of the cases where
the thermal aspect is considered a key issue (e.g., [
]), no information is provided on
how the data obtained with the developed solutions were compared with reference sensors.
Only in one case [
] a data comparison of the developed solutions with reference sensors
was carried out, which did not yield outstanding results (see Figures 7 and 8 in [17]).
The reliability of low-cost sensors was investigated in [
]. In the first case, machine
learning techniques were used to demonstrate that the reliability of low-cost sensors could
be improved. The second study investigated the reliability and economic feasibility of a
remote sensing system for measuring temperature and relative humidity. Based on these
premises and considering other studies from different fields of building science [
], in
which the data from low-cost sensors are compared with those from professional sensors,
we describe a method by which the performance of seven low-cost thermohygrometers
was compared with that of professional sensors. This method can be applied wherever the
development of low-cost systems for measuring air temperature and relative humidity is
an important issue.
1.2. Thermal Comfort in a Human-Centered Perspective
The measurement of relative humidity and air temperature is an important issue that
is applied to thermal comfort assessment, which is an issue already considered relevant
in recent studies [
]. The main research is directed to reducing a building’s energy
consumption while increasing occupant satisfaction and productivity [
]. Over the years,
various aspects of the problem have been analyzed, and several solutions have been
proposed. A recent study shows how IoT approaches are applied to physical environments
to improve user satisfaction [
]. Another study described in [
] reports the results of an
application in real working conditions of a framework for the assessment of thermal comfort
as perceived by users. The framework considers psychophysical conditions, user’s feedback
and environmental data collected by an IoT-based solution. It also enables the analysis of
all data using parametric models and Machine Learning (ML) techniques. In this way, it
is possible to overcome the limitations of physically based models by considering several
factors related to human sensation and the complex state of mind involved in thermal
comfort perception [
]. Thermohygrometers are alsocombined with other sensors to assess
Buildings 2022,12, 579 3 of 20
the indoor thermal comfort of users affected by health diseases [
]. A comprehensive
list of studies investigating thermal effects through wearables can be found in [
] and in
Section 3 of [
], where the results of 46 dynamic thermal comfort experiments have been
analyzed, reporting how cyclical changes in metabolic rate and thermal conditions can
have a major impact on thermal perception.
In the outdoor built environment, thermohygrometers have been used to collect data
from the pedestrian perspective using, for example, a bike helmet [
] a backpack [
], a
smart band [
], or clips attached to workers’ shoes [
], to monitor urban microclimatic
conditions, e.g., to study how different urban configurations and architectural design can
affect the urban microclimate, or to understand the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effects on
human thermal perception in the hottest seasons.
It can be seen from these studies that assessing human responses to indoor and outdoor
environmental stimuli using a human-centered approach is becoming increasingly popular
in the scientific community. The trend is due to three main reasons:
1. Each user has their perception when exposed to certain environmental stimuli;
Each user has their own behavioral, physiological, and psychological responses to
environmental stimuli;
Each user has an environmental quality preference, which depends not only
on the environmental stimuli but also on other external factors (e.g., gender, age,
culture, expectations).
The use of thermohygrometers in a human-centered perspective still encounters some
limitations. The main aspects being considered are power consumption and the influence
of human breathing or sweating humidity, which could have a negative impact on the
measurement of air temperature and relative humidity as well as on the general assessment
of thermal comfort. The discussion section considers these aspects and defines some future
directions for research in this area. Some other aspects not considered in this research
but that are also of increasing interest due to the introduction of the EU’s General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) [
] are privacy and data security concerns related to the
use of human-centered environmental monitoring systems [33,34].
1.3. Thermal Comfort in a Multi-Domain Perspective
In addition, other factors are contributing to the increasing number of human-centered
experiments in real settings (e.g., field studies or living labs). First is the possibility of
measuring multiple simultaneous stimuli. The environment to which people are exposed
presents multiple and interactive factors that make it even more challenging to understand
the cause and effect between environmental exposures and human responses [
In multi-domain studies, it is challenging to conduct laboratory experiments due to time-
consuming experimental design and expensive hardware [
]. In contrast, human-centered
experiments conducted in fields or in living labs could offer the possibility to measure
multiple and co-existing stimuli simultaneously. Second, there is the possibility of mea-
suring the environment and human responses for an extended time. The consideration of
cyclic changes in human metabolic rate and thermal perception when considering users in
their daily real environment is gaining attention for thermal comfort assessment [
These changes in metabolic rate make it possible to understand the effect of core body
temperature variations on thermal perception [
]. As a consequence, extended environ-
mental and human response measurements would allow understanding the principle of
thermal alliesthesia, which has been identified as the ability of a stimulus to be perceived
as pleasant or unpleasant depending on the subject’s internal state [
]. Finally, the spatial
context of a building where the user is immersed can be considered for improving the
accuracy of the model used for occupants’ indoor thermal preferences prediction [3840].
The multi-domain, high spatial and temporal resolution measurements of environ-
mental stimuli can then feed human-centric and automated control measures to improve
thermal comfort. As highlighted in [
], the need for such measurements requires the
use of low-cost, IoT-based environmental sensors. In turn, their use can help establish
Buildings 2022,12, 579 4 of 20
educational, residential and commercial buildings as living laboratories for the integration
of innovative sensing, data analytics and automated control methods [39].
In the age of ubiquitous and connected technologies, there is perhaps a largely over-
looked opportunity to acquire and use responses in real-world settings where people reside
and go about their daily lives without confining studies to a specific time and laboratory
location. It could have a positive impact on thermal [
] and indoor air quality [
] research.
In this context, it is evident that there is a need to consider accurate and low-cost
solutions for monitoring environmental variables that can be used as an alternative to
expensive hardware to understand how environmental variables, such as the air temper-
ature and relative humidity, could have a dominant influence on the changes in comfort
perception of different categories of users during their daily lives. The goal of this paper
is to help the development of such environmental monitoring solutions throughout the
evaluation of the performance of commercial low-cost thermohygrometers. To this end,
we have developed a system capable of recording data from seven thermohygrometers
and defined a procedure to evaluate their performance compared to a reference device
in a controlled environment. The ultimate goal is to evaluate the overall performance of
the low-cost sensors and the difference of indexes for the evaluation of indoor (PMV) and
outdoor thermal comfort (UTCI) calculated with low-cost and reference sensors.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Hardware and Software Configuration
The low-cost hardware (Figure 1) consists of the following main components:
1. Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3;
2. Arduino Wireless SD shield;
3. RTC module based on DS1307 chip;
4. DHT22 air temperature and relative humidity sensor;
5. DHT11 air temperature and relative humidity sensor;
6. DHT20 air temperature and relative humidity sensor;
7. SHT85 air temperature and relative humidity sensor;
8. SHTC3 air temperature and relative humidity sensor;
9. SCD30 sensor for CO2concentration, air temperature and relative humidity;
BME680 sensor for pressure, air temperature and relative humidity.
The Arduino MEGA PCB is based on the ATmega2560 microcontroller. The board has
54 inputs/outputs (14 of which can be used as Pulse-Width Modulation—PWM outputs),
16 analogue inputs, 4 Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (UART), a 16 MHz
quartz, a USB connection, a power supply socket, an In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP)
port and a reset button [44].
The Wireless SD shield allows data to be stored on the Micro SD card located in the
on-board slot. It also enables wireless communication [
]. The Real-Time Clock (RTC)
module was developed based on the DS1307 Integrated Circuit (IC) from Maxim. The
DS1307 IC is a low consumption Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD) clock with 56 bytes of RAM,
which is powered by a buffer battery. Addresses and data are transmitted serially via the
bidirectional I2C bus. The clock/calendar provides information about seconds, minutes,
hour, day, month and year. The end of the month is automatically adjusted for months with
less than 31 days, including correction for leap years. The clock can operate in 24 h and
12 h format with AM/PM display. The DS1307 has a built-in power sensor that detects a
power failure and automatically activates the power supply via the backup battery [46].
Table 1reports the technical characteristics of all sensors used in the research.
Buildings 2022,12, 579 5 of 20
Figure 1.
The hardware setup consists of an Arduino Mega with a wireless SD shield and RTC
module on the left, which allows the system to be equipped with data logging functions, and all
seven sensors considered in the middle and right part of the figure.
Table 1. Reports the technical characteristics of all sensors used in the research.
Sensor Name
Measurement Resolution Accuracy Response
Temperature Physical Size Approximate
Ta: 40 ÷80 C
RH: 0 ÷100%
Ta: 0.1 C
RH: 0.1%
Ta: ±0.5 C
RH: ±2% - - 15.1 ×25.1 ×7.7 mm 10
Ta: 0÷50 C
RH: 20 ÷90% -Ta: ±2C
RH: ±5% - - 17.78 ×26.67 ×7.7 mm 5
Ta: 40 ÷80 C
RH: 0 ÷100%
Ta: 0.1 C
Ta: ±0.5 C
RH: ±3% <8 s - 12.6 ×16.10 ×5.8 mm 5
Ta: 40 ÷105 C
RH: 0÷100%
Ta: 0.01 C
RH: 0.01%
Ta: ±0.1 C
RH: ±1.5%
Ta: >2 s
RH: 8 s - 4.9 ×17.8 ×2.1 mm 35
Ta: 40 ÷125 C
RH: 0 ÷100%
Ta: 0.01 C
RH: 0.01%
Ta: ±0.2 C
RH: ±2%
Ta: <5 s
RH: 8 s - 25.4 ×25.4 ×5 mm 10
Ta: 40 ÷70 C
RH: 0 ÷100%
Ta: 0.01 C
RH: 0.01%
Ta: ±(0.4 C + 0.023
×(T [C] – 25 C))
RH: ±3%
Ta: >10 s
RH: 8 s 23.4 ×35 ×7 mm 60
Ta: 40 ÷85 C
RH: 0 ÷100%
Ta: 0.01 C
RH: 0.008%
Ta: ±0.5 C
RH: ±3%
Ta: >10 s
RH: 8 s - 25.4 ×25.4 ×5 mm 20
Ta: 40 ÷80 C
RH: 0 ÷100%
Ta: 0.015 C
RH: 0.1%
Ta: ±0.1 a 0 C
RH: ±2%
Ta: <60 s
RH: <100 s Ta: 40 ÷80 C 12 ×73 mm 450
Buildings 2022,12, 579 6 of 20
Except for the DHT11, all sensors were chosen as they have a similar measuring range
and accuracy for air temperature and relative humidity. In particular, for air temperature,
the accuracy and measurement range corresponds to the standard ISO 7726 (measurement
range 10
C, accuracy at least
C), while the standard for air humidity specifies
the measurement range 0.5
3 kPa (water vapor partial pressure) with an accuracy of
0.15 kPa. In terms of relative humidity, this accuracy can be calculated considering a
temperature value of 20 and 35
C and a standard value for pressure (1013.25 hPa) and
6% and
3%, respectively, which is in line with the values of the sensors considered.
It may not be entirely clear to the reader why a DHT11 sensor with low accuracy and
reduced measurement range of Ta (Table 1) was compared with the other sensors. This
sensor was considered mainly because of its popularity with researchers (Figure 2), con-
sidering two sources: Google Scholar and Scopus. In the first case, the commercial name
of the device was linked to the word “sensor” to avoid misunderstandings in the search
(e.g., DHT22 sensor), which was limited to the article type. In the second case, a simple
query was used, searching the commercial name of the device under the title, abstract and
keywords in combination with “AND sensor” (e.g., TITLE-ABS-KEY (DHT22 AND sensor)).
Scopus allows also us to verify how the DHT11 sensor is very popular among researchers,
and it is active mainly in the research areas of computer science and engineering.
Figure 2.
Popularity of sensors considered among researchers in terms of published articles—absolute
value; source: Google Scholar and Scopus (January 2022).
For the proper use of these sensors, some libraries were used to facilitate the definition
of scripts, in particular, the Wire library to consider all the components based on an I2C
communication protocol [
]; the SD library [
] to implement the data logging function; the
RTC library [
] to control date and time; and the DHT libraries to control the DHT11 and
DHT22 [59], DHT20 [60], SHT85 [61], SHTC3 [62], SCD30 [63] and BME680 [64] sensors.
The low-cost hardware was installed in a cardboard box and wired to the Arduino
Mega 2560 rev3 and the RTC module. Four reference sensors were installed around the
low-cost sensors.
In order to evaluate the behavior of the sensors as they are positioned on the surface
of the cardboard box and to detect any systematic instrumental errors under real working
conditions, e.g., due to local temperature increases [
], an analysis was carried out using a
portable infrared camera (Figure 3), the Fluke Ti410 Pro, whose optical system is sensitive
to infrared radiation with a wavelength in the range of 7.5–14
m. This range is where
materials commonly used in electronics radiate energy and thus exhibit their thermal
behavior. The analysis was carried out after 1 h of operation in an environment where the
air temperature was set at 19 C.
Buildings 2022,12, 579 7 of 20
Figure 3.
Fusion of visible and IR images of low-cost sensors and the 4 reference sensors setup with
average values for considered areas.
In all sensors, the area of interest is characterized by the presence of sensitive elements.
In 6 out of 7 sensors, there is no real problem of overheating. In the case of SCD30, which
is used to monitor CO
concentration and Ta/RH, overheating occurs with an average
temperature about 2
C higher than that of the other sensors and those of the surrounding
areas. It is likely that the air temperature data monitored by this instrument are influenced
by a bias. It is possible to check that this local overheating does not spread to the sensitive
area of the other sensors.
The system was set up in a GENVIRO-030 climatic chamber (Figure 4), which al-
lows controlling the temperature and relative humidity in the ranges
40 to 180
C and
10 to 98%, respectively, over the internal volume of 30 L. The temperature profile used for
the test, which lasted about 6 days, is between
10 and 40
C. The relative humidity is
between 0 and 90%. The ranges of air temperature and relative humidity are consistent
with most of the studies described in [
], where an overview of controlled experiments
and facilities (test rooms) is provided to study human comfort in buildings. In this way, it is
possible to compare, in a controlled environment, the environmental data collected by low-
cost sensors with those of a reference device. For this purpose, four thermo-hygrometric
sensors of the same type were used as reference devices, forming a guard ring. When the air
temperature and relative humidity monitored by these four sensors were almost the same,
we considered that the small volume containing the low-cost sensors could guarantee the
same environmental conditions so that an inhomogeneous distribution of air temperature
and relative humidity within the chamber can be ruled out [67].
Each reference sensor consists of an RTD air temperature sensor 1/3DIN Pt100 con-
nected to a four-wire line and a relative humidity sensor consisting of a thin film that
changes its capacitance linearly with relative humidity.
Buildings 2022,12, 579 8 of 20
Figure 4. System positioned in the climatic chamber.
2.2. Data Processing and Analysis
To understand the performance of thermohygrometer sensors, two parameters are
considered. The first is the coefficient of determination, which is known as R2 [
]. It ranges
from 0 to 1, with higher values indicating a good relationship between the two sensors. The
second is the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), which is used to evaluate the error between
the sensors [
]. It always takes non-negative values, with lower RMSE values indicating a
better fit to the data.
All data are collected at a sampling rate of 10 s, and the average value of 1 min
is recorded on a storage medium. The entire measurement period covered just under
6 days. The data from the low-cost sensors and the reference sensors are merged into a
single database. For the analysis described in Section 3, a Python script was used, with
Seaborn [
] and Matplotlib [
] for visualization, SciPy [
], which is usually used in
combination with Numpy [
], a package used in this case to calculate the coefficient of
determination R2 [
] and the Scikit-learn metric to calculate the RMSE [
]. Pandas [
was used to enable the provision data structure, while Pythermalcomfort [
] was used
to calculate PMV [
] and UTCI [
], which are two of the most used indices to determine
the indoor and outdoor Thermal Comfort (TC), respectively. The first index is used to
determine TC in indoor spaces equipped with HVAC systems or naturally ventilated and
depends on the values of air temperature and relative humidity, among other subjective and
objective variables [
]. The second index depends on air temperature, relative humidity
and other environmental variables and predefined subjective parameters and is a thermal
index defined in the framework of the COST—action 730 for evaluating outdoor thermal
stress, which is based on the multi-node thermoregulation model ‘Fiala’ [80,81].
To understand the effects of air temperature and relative humidity monitored by the
different devices considered, two scenarios were defined:
Scenario 1: air-conditioned indoor spaces in winter and PMV calculation;
Scenario 2: outdoor climate in summer and UTCI calculation.
3. Results
3.1. Air Temperature and Relative Humidity of the Four Reference Sensors
The results show that the relative humidity (RH) and the air temperature (Ta) in
the volume where the low-cost sensors are installed are almost constant by looking at
the values monitored by the four reference sensors. Figure 5shows the boxplot of the
Buildings 2022,12, 579 9 of 20
absolute difference between the value measured by each of the four sensors and the average
reference value as well as the histplot of Ta and RH recorded with the reference sensors.
Figure 5.
Boxplot of the absolute difference between values recorded by each low-cost sensor and
Ta_ref, the average values (where the white dot indicates the mean value and the black line indicates the
median) and histplot of the four reference sensors: (
) Air temperature (Ta); (
) Relative humidity (RH).
From Figure 5, it is possible to verify that the values of Ta and RH measured by the four
reference sensors are almost the same. For this reason, in the next sections, we refer to the av-
erage value of air temperature (Ta_ref) and the average of relative humidity (RH_ref), which
were determined from the monitoring data of the four reference instruments,
as a reference.
3.2. Results of Test Lab of Air Temperature from Low-Cost Sensors
Figure 6shows the profiles of Ta_ref and that provided by the low-cost thermohy-
grometers. We chose to show the pairwise profiles of the reference sensor with each of the
low-cost sensors to avoid not understanding the behavior of each sensor due to the overlap
of the lines, which would inevitably reduce the ability to read the graphs.
The sensors were exposed to temperatures between
10 and 40
C. The air temperature
profiles of all low-cost sensors match those of Ta_ref, except for Figure 6b, where the
DHT11 could not record the negative values of air temperature. In the first cycle of
Figure 6e, the SHTC3 sensor records an anomaly. The same is true for the first two cycles of
the BME680 sensor in Figure 6g. We do not understand the reason for this anomaly, but
for a better understanding of the overall behavior of the BME680, we decided to exclude
the first two cycles when determining the correlation between the reference instrument
and this sensor (BME680_red). As expected in the analysis of IR, the SCD30 sensor records
higher air temperature data than the reference values. Other than these anomalies, all
sensors appear to follow the reference profile correctly without recording any deviation,
even at the end of the tenth cycle.
Figure 7shows the pairwise comparison of air temperature between the reference and
the values recorded by the low-cost sensors.
Buildings 2022,12, 579 10 of 20
Figure 6.
Pairwise comparison of air temperature profiles between reference sensor and: (
) DHT22,
) DHT11, (
) DHT20, (
) SHT85, (
) SHTC3, (
) SCD30, (
) BME680. Differences in line plots between
tested and reference sensors are highlighted in each subplot with a semi-transparent red ellipsoid.
Buildings 2022,12, 579 11 of 20
Figure 7.
Pairwise comparison of air temperature values between reference sensor and: (
) DHT22,
(b) DHT11, (c) DHT20, (d) SHT85, (e) SHTC3, (f) SCD30, (g) BME680, (h) BME680_red.
The low-cost sensors were compared using the methods described previously in Section 2.2.
The results show a good linear relationship between the low-cost sensors and the reference
value, except in Figure 7g, where the low R2 values and high RMSE are due to the anomalies
in the first two cycles (Figure 6g). The statistics in Figure 7, expressed as R2 and RMSE, show
Buildings 2022,12, 579 12 of 20
that DHT20 (Figure 7e) achieves the best results
(R2 = 0.9999, RMSE = 0.1836)
and slightly
outperforms DHT22 (R2 = 0.9999, RMSE = 0.2127), SHTC3
(R2 = 0.9998, RMSE = 0.2137)
BME680_red (R2 = 0.9994, RMSE = 0.3004), SHT85 (R2 = 0.9995, RMSE = 0.4941), and
SCD30 (R2 = 0.9988, RMSE = 0.7743). The DHT11 recorded the worst results with the lowest
R2 (0.9839) and the highest RMSE (1.8981).
3.3. Results of Test Lab of Relative Humidity from Low-Cost Sensors
The same approach was used for relative humidity measurements. Figure 8shows
RH_ref compared with the relative humidity values monitored by the seven low-cost
Figure 8.
Pairwise comparison of relative humidity profiles between reference sensor and: (
) DHT22,
) DHT11, (
) DHT20, (
) SHT85, (
) SHTC3, (
) SCD30, (
) BME680. Differences in line plots between
tested and reference sensors are highlighted in each subplot with a semi-transparent red ellipsoid.
Buildings 2022,12, 579 13 of 20
The sensors were exposed to relative humidity ranging from nearly 0% to nearly 100%.
The relative humidity profiles of the low-cost sensors are consistent with those monitored
by RH_ref, except for Figure 8b, where the DHT11 records a range of deviations. The same
is true for the DHT20 (Figure 8c), which does not seem to be able to follow both the lowest
and highest values from RH_ref. All other sensors follow the reference profile correctly
without recording any deviation, even at the end of the tenth cycle.
Figure 9shows the pairwise comparison of relative humidity values monitored by the
reference instrument and the seven low-cost sensors.
Figure 9.
Pairwise comparison of relative humidity values between reference sensor and: (
) DHT22,
(b) DHT11, (c) DHT20, (d) SHT85, (e) SHTC3, (f) SCD30, (g) BME680.
Buildings 2022,12, 579 14 of 20
In this case, each sensor’s low-cost values show lower alignment than the air temper-
ature values (Figure 7). In this case, DHT22 achieves the best results with the highest R2
(0.9970) and lowest RMSE (1.7396). It is followed by SHTC3
(R2 = 0.9968, RMSE = 2.0304)
SHT85 (R2 = 0.9961, RMSE = 1.9492), BME680 (R2 = 0.9947, RMSE = 2.2615), SCD30
(R2 = 0.9942, RMSE = 2.8180)
, DHT20 (R2 = 0.9951, RMSE = 2.7351)
and DHT11 (R2 = 0.8687,
RMSE = 17.7272). The poor performance of the DHT11 is influenced by the measurement
range of relative humidity, which is between 20 and 90%, and also by the accuracy of 5%.
3.4. Thermal Comfort Index Comparison
To calculate PMV and UTCI, two different partial data sets derived from the previous
data set were considered for the performance evaluation. Table 2shows the data considered
for the different scenarios. Scenario 1 refers to the most common indoor air temperature and
relative humidity data during winter. Scenario 2 refers to typical summer conditions that
are most relevant for developing adaptation strategies [
] in urban areas, also considering
the increase in global average temperature that could have significant impacts on human
health during the summer season [8386].
Table 2. Scenario and related variables considered.
Variable (U.M.) Description Scenario 1: Indoors Scenario 2: Outdoors
- Selection criteria 19 C < Ta_ref < 21 C
35% < RH_ref < 55% Ta_ref > 35 C
Ta, dry bulb air temperature (C)
Count 565 691
Mean 20.43 40.03
Dev. st. 0.22 1.59
RH, relative humidity (%)
Count 565 691
Mean 42.11 3.30
Dev. st. 5.15 3.64
V, air velocity (m/s) - 0.1 1
Tr, mean radiant temperature (
- 21 35
Iclo, clothing insulation (clo) - 1 Default as defined by UTCI
clothing model
Met, metabolic rate (met) - 1 Fixed value as defined by
UTCI model: 2.32
Figure 10 shows the boxplot of PMV or UTCI, depending on the scenario, calculated
based on different values defined considering the data given in the previous Table 2.
Figure 10 shows that the seven low-cost sensors do not seem reliable enough in these
scenarios except for DHT22, BME680 and SHTC3. The pairwise comparison between the
average values derived from the reference sensors and the seven low-cost sensors yielded a
linear relationship. For this reason, it might be useful to correct the values of air temperature
and relative humidity to better fit the reference values with a simple linear regression and
then recalculate PMV and UTCI. Figure 11 shows the correct values, calculated from the
raw values of the low-cost sensors to follow the trend of the reference sensor. The new pair
list of values, verified considering the criteria of the two scenarios described in Table 2, are
then considered to recalculate the new boxplots.
Buildings 2022,12, 579 15 of 20
Figure 10.
Boxplot with raw data: (
) Scenario 1; (
) Scenario 2. The red dot represents the mean
value while the orange line represents the median.
Figure 11.
Boxplot with derived values from the adoption of linear regression: (
) Scenario 1;
(b) Scenario 2. The red dot represents the mean value while the orange line represents the median.
Buildings 2022,12, 579 16 of 20
The most important results of this study can be summarized according to the
following points:
The main steps of a procedure for evaluating low-cost sensors in a controlled envi-
ronment by direct comparison with reference sensors were described; they can be
summarized as follows:
A guard ring of reference sensors must be considered around the sensors to be
analyzed to eliminate possible spatial differences in the measured variables. The
desired accuracy for these sensors could be at least
C for air temperatures
and at least ±3% for relative humidity for thermal comfort assessment.
The plane on which the different sensors are placed should be as small as
possible to avoid spatial differences in the measured variables.
Consider possible hot spots as well, the presence of which should be checked
with a thermographic camera when the sensors are working, and determine the
position of the reference sensors to avoid overheating effects.
Determine the ranges of air temperature and relative humidity that are consis-
tent with the scope of the research.
Define the number of cycles in the climatic chamber in accordance with the
scope of the research. If is not possible to carry out the analysis for longer
periods, it would be useful to repeat the test for a shorter period before and
after the research study.
Compare the performance of the low-cost sensors with the average values
recorded by the reference sensors, and possibly apply a simple regression
analysis to better match the raw data from low-cost sensors with that of
reference sensors.
Low-cost sensors are not necessarily less accurate than professional sensors, but they
need more attention and initial calibration;
Except for DHT11, low-cost sensors have an extremely linear behavior compared to
professional sensors, and if you determine the regression equation, the derived results
in terms of PMV and UTCI can be very satisfactory for all the sensors considered.
4. Discussion
This study focuses on the calibration procedure performed for the seven low-cost
thermohygrometers. However, there are other aspects to consider when defining a wearable
based on these types of sensors. For example, the power consumption of the different
sensors is a limiting factor that could affect the battery life when using this instrument.
Table 3shows the values from the datasheet.
Table 3. Power consumption.
Max Supply
Max Power
DHT22 5 1.5 7.5
DHT11 5 2.5 12.5
DHT20 5 0.98 4.9
SHT85 5 1.5 7.5
SHTC3 3.3 0.9 2.9
SCD30 3.3 75 247.5
BME680 3.3 12 39.6
The SHTC3 sensor outperforms the other sensors in terms of the lowest power con-
sumption. On the other hand, the SCD30 and BME680 sensors have the highest power
consumption because they can also measure some parameters related to air quality.
Regarding connectivity and data accessibility, the sensors selected above can only mon-
itor environmental parameters. The high potential is related to the extensive possibilities
Buildings 2022,12, 579 17 of 20
of connecting to a microprocessor or microcontroller that can be equipped with all kinds
of connectivity (e.g., Bluetooth, WiFi, LoRa, etc.). Another aspect we have not considered
is the influence of human breathing or sweating humidity, which could interfere with the
measurement of humidity, depending on the position of the sensor near the human body.
These three aspects can be considered in more detail in future development.
The main limitations of this study are: since the test was conducted in a single
climate chamber and with a single set of reference sensors, we decided not to test several
sensors of the same type, also considering similar approaches from other fields of building
science [
]. Consequently, it was not possible to consider systematic errors that could
occur. Secondly, the type of sensors we considered in the analysis does not include all
commercially available sensors. However, the proposed procedure could be reproduced, for
example, in a round-robin test, overcoming these limitations. As for the measurement cycles
of about 6 days, it would be possible to extend this period to consider a longer measurement
period, depending on the extent of the research. It would be better to repeat the comparison
of the selected low-cost sensor according to the proposed procedure before and after the
research study to check and correct any possible deviation in the recorded values.
As previously reported, the standard ISO 7726 defines the metrological characteristics
of the sensors used to assess the ergonomics of the thermal environment. It is therefore not
necessary to introduce new permissible errors. In the study carried out, it was found that
six of the seven low-cost sensors, although having an accuracy that meets the requirements
of ISO 7726, do not provide acceptable comfort indicators in some cases, as shown in
Figure 10. For this reason, the use of such a procedure (which, as previous studies have
shown, is not used at all) is recommended in order to always check and, if necessary, correct
the behavior of low-cost sensors or exclude unreliable sensors in order to obtain reliable
measurements, as shown in Figure 11.
5. Conclusions
The research study focused on testing and evaluating the performance of seven low-
cost thermohygrometers in a controlled environment, defining a method that can be easily
replicated. The sensors used for the test were chosen because they are low-cost, have similar
technical characteristics, except for the DHT11, and were very popular among researchers.
They were exposed to air temperatures ranging from about
10 to +40
C and relative
humidity from approximately 0 to 90%. The results show a good linear relationship between
the low-cost sensors and the reference values, and the linear slope is equal to 1 in most cases.
Compared to PMV and UTCI values calculated with reference sensors, the best sensor was
the DHT22. However, the difference with the other is minimal, except for the DHT11 sensor,
which had some limitations in terms of accuracy in monitoring air temperature and relative
humidity, which was already indicated in the technical characteristics. For this reason, while
considering the high popularity of this sensor among researchers, we do not recommend
its use in assessing the environmental quality of the built environment.
We can conclude that apart from the use of such low-cost sensors for the “classical”
characterization of comfort, the relatively low cost, the practicality and the very high
linear behavior allow a massive use in new devices (e.g., wearables, if aspects of power
consumption and the influence of human breath or sweat moisture could be considered in
future development, or nearables [
], if these issues were neglected) to define new models
of comfort that consider the subjective perception of the users and the environmental
conditions near the users themselves.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, F.S., M.M. and S.S.; methodology, F.S. and M.M.; data
acquisition and analysis, F.S.; writing—original draft preparation, F.S.; writing—review and editing,
F.S., M.M., S.S., L.D., G.C. and C.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Buildings 2022,12, 579 18 of 20
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Most recent papers of the sample dealt with the development and testing of low-cost microprocessors in various field experiments (Salamone et al. 2022;Garcés et al. 2022;Vengala et al. 2022). The low-cost aspect of the alternative sensors is of paramount importance in those studies and requires consistent testing against commercial equipment. ...
... The low-cost aspect of the alternative sensors is of paramount importance in those studies and requires consistent testing against commercial equipment. This precision testing is addressed by Salamone et al. (2022), aimed at the use of such devices to assess thermal comfort indices like the indoor PMV (predicted mean vote) and the outdoor UTCI (universal thermal climate index). In their study, six out of seven low-cost sensors tested showed accuracy that meets the requirements of ISO 7726 (International Organization for Standardization 1998). ...
... Both systems allowed real-time access to relevant performance data of the evaluated experiments. Salamone et al. (2022) compared the performance of Raspberry Pi3 sensors against reference, commercial sensors. Rationale for their study is based on the recognition that the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) paradigm associated to the IoT paradigm is increasing and irreversible. ...
Full-text available
Urban development creates several inadvertent impacts related to urban climate and human biometeorology. Monitoring systems based on microcontrollers are slowly emerging as an alternative to conventional devices for monitoring outdoor thermal comfort (OTC), thus overcoming limitations imposed by the high costs of commercially available equipment. This review was conducted using the Scopus database, searching for articles and conference papers according to a pre-defined search string, which included the terms "microcontrollers" and "human thermal comfort" up to 2022. From a total sample of 113 articles, 52 papers met the desired criteria (written in English, published in peer-reviewed journals, and within the given time frame). Results show a growing, yet timid trend of published material on low-cost, open-source technologies for diverse applications in human biometeorology.
... To improve the possibility of using low-cost devices in living lab studies focusing on humans, a previous study [35] has defined a procedure to evaluate the performance of seven different low-cost thermohygrometers in a controlled environment in order to understand the differences in determining classical indices of indoor/outdoor thermal comfort and in assessing thermal stress, showing good behavior. Following the conclusions of the previously mentioned work [35], in this article, we want to analyze how Spatial Proximity (SP), i.e., the impact or influence area of an object [36,37], or the human body in this specific case, could affect the monitoring of air temperature and relative humidity under the effect of the HTP. ...
... To improve the possibility of using low-cost devices in living lab studies focusing on humans, a previous study [35] has defined a procedure to evaluate the performance of seven different low-cost thermohygrometers in a controlled environment in order to understand the differences in determining classical indices of indoor/outdoor thermal comfort and in assessing thermal stress, showing good behavior. Following the conclusions of the previously mentioned work [35], in this article, we want to analyze how Spatial Proximity (SP), i.e., the impact or influence area of an object [36,37], or the human body in this specific case, could affect the monitoring of air temperature and relative humidity under the effect of the HTP. To this end, we developed a DIY solution based on 3D-printed parts and a carbon rod used to position 10 different iButtons DS1923 [19], an instrument for controlling temperature and relative humidity, whose performance and deviations from each other were also characterized in a test in a climatic chamber. ...
... The T and RH ranges were consistent with most previously conducted studies [40]. The volume containing the ten iButtons was small enough (LxWxH = 75 mm × 55 mm × 5.89 mm) to avoid inhomogeneous distribution of air temperature and relative humidity in the chamber, as practically demonstrated in previous experiences [35]. ...
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Wearable devices have been introduced for research purposes and especially for environmental monitoring, with the aim of collecting large amounts of data. In a previous study, we addressed the measurement reliability of low-cost thermohygrometers. In this study, we aim to find out how human thermal plume could affect the measurement performance of thermohygrometers. For this purpose, we used a Do-It-Yourself device that can be easily replicated. It consists of 10 iButtons with 3D-printed brackets to position them at different distances from the body. The device was attached to the user's belt in a seated position. We considered two scenarios: a summer scenario with an air temperature of 28 °C and a clothing thermal resistance of 0.5 clo and an autumn scenario with an air temperature of 21 °C and a clothing thermal resistance of 1.0 clo. The results show that the proximity of the measurement station to the body significantly affects the accuracy of the measurements and should be considered when developing new wearable devices to assess thermal comfort. Therefore, we recommend that at least two thermohygrometers be considered in the development of a new wearable device if it is to be worn on a belt, with one positioned as close to the body as possible and the other at least 8 cm away, to determine if and how the standard thermal comfort assessment differs from the user's personal perception and whether spatial proximity might also play a role.
... For additional parameters, the BME680 multigas sensor was considered a cost-effective and reliable multisensor capable of detecting temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, and VOCs as a direct indicator of IAQ (Jose and Sasipraba 2019;Folea and Moiş 2020;Peladarinos et al. 2021;Salamone et al. 2022). This sensor employs Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) and UART ports as distinct communication protocols, ensuring compatibility with various systems. ...
... In the wearable part at the waist level, the following are monitored: air temperature and relative humidity. In this case, in accordance with the results of this study [32], we chose the DHT22 thermohygrometer [33] and, in agreement with the results of [34], we considered two measurement points, at different distances from the human body, one sensor close to the body and the other at least 8 cm away, to determine if and how the standard thermal comfort assessment differs from the user's personal perception and whether spatial proximity might also play a role. In our view, this is an important development because none of the studies that have used thermohygrometers in the development of wearables, as shown in [24], have considered the distance to the human body and whether/how much the human thermal plume might affect the measurement of environmental variables (air temperature and relative humidity). ...
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This study presents the results of the practical application of the first prototype of WEMoS, the Wearable Environmental Monitoring System, in a real case study in Singapore, along with two other wearables, a smart wristband to monitor physiological data and a smartwatch with an application (Cozie) used to acquire users’ feedback. The main objective of this study is to present a new procedure to assess users’ perceptions of the environmental quality by taking into account a multi-domain approach, considering all four environmental domains (thermal, visual, acoustic, and air quality) through a complete wearable system when users are immersed in their familiar environment. This enables an alternative to laboratory tests where the participants are in unfamiliar spaces. We analysed seven-day data in Singapore using a descriptive and predictive approach. We have found that it is possible to use a complete wearable system and apply it in real-world contexts. The WEMoS data, combined with physiology and user feedback, identify the key comfort features. The transition from short-term laboratory analysis to long-term real-world context using wearables enables the prediction of overall comfort perception in a new way that considers all potentially influential factors of the environment in which the user is immersed. This system could help us understand the effects of exposure to different environmental stimuli thus allowing us to consider the complex interaction of multi-domains on the user’s perception and find out how various spaces, both indoor and outdoor, can affect our perception of IEQ.
... The caveat to consider when using the WBGT is that the instruments used for operational meteorological measurement are expensive, and WBGT is often not observed (Brimicombe et al. 2023;Kong and Huber 2022). There is research on ways to resolve this (Krüger et al. 2023;Morawska et al. 2018;Salamone et al. 2022). However, the WBGT is the metric of metrics, and many approximations and ways to calculate the WBGT have emerged. ...
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Exposure time to heat is increasing with climate change. Heat exposure thresholds are important to inform heat early warning systems, and legislation and guidance for safety in the workplace. It has already been stated that thresholds can be lower for vulnerable groups, including the elderly, pregnant women, children, and those with pre-existing medical conditions due to their reduced ability to thermoregulate their temperature or apply cooling strategies. However, the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) proposed by the international standard organisation (ISO 7243:2017), only takes into account thresholds based on acclimatization status. Therefore in this study we carried out a PRISMA systematic keyword search of “Wet Bulb Globe Temperature” of the Scopus abstract and citation database in August 2023 and a meta-analysis of text extracted from the identified 913 international studies published between December 1957 and July 2023, to investigate heat stress thresholds for different population groups. We find that different thresholds are considered as an indication of heat stress for different population groups. However, critical gaps were identified for the most vulnerable populations, and there are lower numbers of studies on women. Most studies researched adult populations between the ages of 18 and 55 ( n = 491), failing to include the youngest and oldest members of society. Based on these findings, we call for targeted investigations to inform effective heat action policies and set early warning thresholds to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the entire population.
... Compared to other low-cost temperature and humidity sensors, the DHT22 poses high durability and accuracy in various conditions [30]. It comprises two sensing components, including a capacitive sensor and a thermistor. ...
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This study presents a production and development process of an IoT-based weather monitoring and emergency notification system for confined-space environments. The system comprises four working hardware stations cooperating through a data transfer command, an open-source data management system, and a cloud database. The system was preliminarily tested in a relevant confined-space area known as the Muang-On Cave, located in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The system was used to monitor weather conditions and detect emergency signals at all stations for seventeen days during the wet to dry transitional season. The data, including temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide, total volatile organic compounds, and emergency codes, were displayed on the web server every 80 to 110 s. However, the extremely humid conditions in the cave actively affected the erroneous readings of gas-detecting sensors that should be accounted for further improvement. Since the system was devised from low-cost electrical and non-electrical materials and open-source software, the total capital cost of the system production indicates a relatively low cost estimated at nearly USD 200. Testing the studied system in other natural caves elsewhere is highly recommended for system stability assessment.
... The DHT22 sensor uses capacitors and thermistors to measure ambient air and send signals to the data pins [37]. The DHT22 claims to have good read quality, judging by its quick response to data collection and its minimalist size, as well as its relatively low price compared to thermometers [38]. ...
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The idea of the Internet of Things (IoT) is utilized to increase the advantages of internet connectivity. As long as the electrical device is still connected to the internet, IoT can be utilized to operate it. This study applies the concept of IoT as a fan control and monitoring of the humidity and room temperature through a mobile-based application, so that the room can be controlled remotely using a smartphone before use. It is necessary to always keep the room comfortable to use, so that users can increase productivity and always avoid potential disease attacks when the temperature is unstable. In addition, the IoT concept also makes it easier to turn off the fan if at any time you forget to turn it off. This fan is integrated with the ESP32 microcontroller which has been equipped with a Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) module to access data changes in the Firebase Realtime Database. Room temperature and humidity are measured with a DHT22 sensor and processed using Tsukomto’s Fuzzy Inference System to produce the appropriate fan speed in the Duty Cycle unit. Tools and applications can work as predicted based on the findings of the research conducted. However, the impact of the fan on a closed room cannot cool the room temperature but the room temperature moves up with a change of 0.3 °C to 0.5 °C within 40-75 minutes. Therefore, in the next study it is recommended to use cooling devices such as Exhaust fans or Air Conditioners.
In this work, a low humidity sensor based on Au-HKUST-1 was proposed by the method of post-synthesis modification. The hydrophilicity and conductivity of sensing film were improved by the catalysis of Au NPs. The Au-HKUST-1 sensor performances high sensitivity in low humidity environments, with the response value of 30.4 within the 10%-16% RH range (1 kHz). Meanwhile, the sensor exhibits short response/recovery time (29 s/39 s) and high resolution (1% RH), as well as good repeatability. Furthermore, the sensing film could be used for humidity monitoring by colorimetric.
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Clinical laboratory units must meet safety requirements such as temperature stability and room humidity because the materials and substances used are sensitive to changes in temperature and environmental conditions, so it is important to carry out routine monitoring. The purpose of this research is to design an internet of things (IoT)-based thermohygrometer that can make it easier for users to monitor temperature and humidity even though the user is outside the laboratory. This tool can also store the results of temperature and humidity measurements making it easier for the user to monitor changes in temperature and humidity that occur. The method used is descriptive exploratory with a prototype system, namely the system development process, users and the required data and results obtained through a tool that has been designed. The results of research conducted using an IoT-based thermohygrometer prototype after statistical testing, there was no significant difference between the reference thermohygrometer and the IoT-based thermohygrometer prototype and the readings from the thinkspeak web. For temperature and humidity measurements that have been carried out at the X clinical laboratory in Denpasar, it still does not meet the standards.
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The rapid urbanization process brings consequences to urban environments, such poor air quality and the urban heat island issues. Due to these effects, environmental monitoring is gaining attention with the aim of identifying local risks and improving cities’ liveability and resilience. However, these environments are very heterogeneous, and high-spatial-resolution data are needed to identify the intra-urban variations of physical parameters. Recently, wearable sensing techniques have been used to perform microscale monitoring, but they usually focus on one environmental physics domain. This paper presents a new wearable system developed to monitor key multidomain parameters related to the air quality, thermal, and visual domains, on a hyperlocal scale from a pedestrian’s perspective. The system consisted of a set of sensors connected to a control unit settled on a backpack and could be connected via Wi-Fi to any portable equipment. The device was prototyped to guarantee the easy sensors maintenance, and a user-friendly dashboard facilitated a real-time monitoring overview. Several tests were conducted to confirm the reliability of the sensors. The new device will allow comprehensive environmental monitoring and multidomain comfort investigations to be carried out, which can support urban planners to face the negative effects of urbanization and to crowd data sourcing in smart cities.
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Maintaining indoor environmental (IEQ) quality is a key priority in educational buildings. However, most studies rely on outdoor measurements or evaluate limited spatial coverage and time periods that focus on standard occupancy and environmental conditions which makes it hard to establish causality and resilience limits. To address this, a fine-grained, low-cost, multi-parameter IOT sensor network was deployed to fully depict the spatial heterogeneity and temporal variability of environmental quality in an educational building in Sydney. The building was particularly selected as it represents a multi-use university facility that relies on passive ventilation strategies, and therefore suitable for establishing a living lab for integrating innovative IoT sensing technologies. IEQ analyses focused on 15 months of measurements, spanning standard occupancy of the building as well as the Black Summer bushfires in 2019, and the COVID-19 lockdown. The role of room characteristics, room use, season, weather extremes, and occupancy levels were disclosed via statistical analysis including mutual information analysis of linear and non-linear correlations and used to generate site-specific re-design guidelines. Overall, we found that 1) passive ventilation systems based on manual interventions are most likely associated with sub-optimum environmental quality and extreme variability linked to occupancy patterns, 2) normally closed environments tend to get very unhealthy under periods of extreme pollution and intermittent/protracted disuse, 3) the elevation and floor level in addition to room use were found to be significant conditional variables in determining heat and pollutants accumulation, presumably due to the synergy between local sources and vertical transport mechanisms. Most IEQ inefficiencies and health threats could be likely mitigated by implementing automated controls and smart logics to maintain adequate cross ventilation, prioritizing building airtightness improvement, and appropriate filtration techniques. This study supports the need for continuous and capillary monitoring of different occupied spaces in educational buildings to compensate for less perceivable threats, identify the room for improvement, and move towards healthy and future-proof learning environments.
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Climatic chambers are highly important in research and industrial applications and are used to examine manufactured samples, specimens, or components in controlled environment conditions. Despite the growing industrial demand for climatic chambers, only a few published studies have specifically concentrated on performance analysis and functional improvements through numerical and experimental studies. In this study, a 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of a climatic chamber was developed using Ansys Fluent to simulate the fluid flow, heat, and mass transfer to obtain the velocity, temperature, and relative humidity fields in the interior box of a 1200 L climatic chamber. The results were then validated with experimental data from a prototype. Finally, the heat losses of the surrounding components of the chamber were calculated, and the relationship between the inside temperature and the overall thermal loss was modelled. This validated numerical model provides the possibility of optimising the performance of climate chambers by reducing the thermal loss from the walls and modifying the airflow pattern inside the chamber.
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Conventional thermal preference prediction in buildings has limitations due to the difficulty in capturing all environmental and personal factors. New model features can improve the ability of a machine learning model to classify a person’s thermal preference. The spatial context of a building can provide information to models about the windows, walls, heating and cooling sources, air diffusers, and other factors that create micro-environments that influence thermal comfort. Due to spatial heterogeneity, it is impractical to position sensors at a high enough resolution to capture all conditions. This research aims to build upon an existing vector-based spatial model, called Build2Vec, for predicting spatial–temporal occupants’ indoor environmental preferences. Build2Vec utilizes the spatial data from the Building Information Model (BIM) and indoor localization in a real-world setting. This framework uses longitudinal intensive thermal comfort subjective feedback from smart watch-based ecological momentary assessments (EMA). The aggregation of these data is combined into a graph network structure (i.e., objects and relations) and used as input for a classification model to predict occupant thermal preference. The results of a test implementation show 14%–28% accuracy improvement over a set of baselines that use conventional thermal preference prediction input variables.
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The circadian clock regulates diurnal variations in autonomic thermoregulatory processes such as core body temperature in humans. Thus, we might expect that similar daily fluctuations also characterize human thermal perception, the ultimate role of which is to drive thermoregulatory behaviors. In this paper, we explore this question by reviewing experimental and observational thermal comfort investigations which include the “time of day” variable. We found only 21 studies considering this factor, and not always as their primary analysis. Due to the paucity of studies and the lack of a specific focus on time-of-day effects, the results are difficult to compare and appear on the whole contradictory. However, we observe a tendency for individuals to prefer higher ambient temperatures in the early evening as compared to the rest of the day, a result in line with the physiological decrease of the core body temperature over the evening. By drawing from literature on the physiology of thermoregulation and circadian rhythms, we outline some potential explanations for the inconsistencies observed in the findings, including a potential major bias due to the intensity and spectrum of the selected light conditions, and provide recommendations for conducting future target studies in highly-controlled laboratory conditions. Such studies are strongly encouraged as confirmed variations of human thermal perceptions over the day would have enormous impact on building operations, thus on energy consumption and occupant comfort. List of abbreviations: TSV: Thermal Sensation Vote; TCV: Thermal Comfort Vote; Tpref: Preferred Temperature; TA: Indoor Air Temperature; RH: Indoor Relative Humidity; Tskin: Skin Temperature; Tty: Tympanic Temperature; Tre: Rectal Temperature; Toral: Oral Temperature
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Buildings could actively participate in the emerging smart electrical grid if they were able to incorporate dynamic modulations of indoor temperature set-points. But the mechanisms of dynamic thermal perception remain relatively poorly understood and we are still far from being able to design and control temperature fluctuations that would be comfortable for occupants. In this paper, we review the current state of knowledge on thermal comfort during non-steady state conditions. We especially focus on the psycho-physiological phenomena of thermal alliesthesia and thermal habituation, both of which are known to affect the dynamic thermal perception but have received scant attention in previous reviews and are yet to be fully characterized. By drawing from experimental literature (1960 through 2021) on thermal comfort under transient conditions and from recent neurophysiological evidence, we identify major knowledge gaps in the domain of dynamic thermal perception and set future research needs required to fill these gaps.
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The so-called Internet of Things (IoT), which is rapidly increasing the number of network-connected and interconnected objects, could have a far-reaching impact in identifying the link between human health, well-being, and environmental concerns. In line with the IoT concept, many commercial wearables have been introduced in recent years, which differ from the usual devices in that they use the term "smart" alongside the terms "watches", "glasses", and "jewellery". Commercially available wearables aim to enhance smartphone functionality by enabling payment for commercial items or monitoring physical activity. However, what is the trend of scientific production about the concept of wearables regarding environmental monitoring issues? What are the main areas of interest covered by scientific production? What are the main findings and limitations of the developed solution in this field? The methodology used to answer the above questions is based on a systematic review. The data were acquired following a reproducible methodology. The main result is that, among the thermal, visual, acoustic, and air quality environmental factors, the last one is the most considered when using wearables even though in combination with some others. Another relevant finding is that of the acquired studies; in only one, the authors shared their wearables as an open-source device, and it will probably be necessary to encourage researchers to consider open-source as a means to promote scalability and proliferation of new wearables customized to cover different domains.
Current evidence and recent publications have led to the recognition that aerosol-borne transmission of COVID-19 is possible in indoor areas such as educational centers. A crucial measure to reduce the risk of infection in high occupancy indoors is ventilation. In this global pandemic context of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection, a study has been carried out with the main objective of analysing the effects of natural ventilation conditions through windows on indoor air quality and thermal comfort during on-site examinations in higher education centers during the winter season, as this implies situations of unusual occupation and the impossibility in many cases of taking breaks or leaving classrooms, as well as the existence of unfavourable outdoor weather conditions in terms of low temperatures. For this purpose, in situ measurements of the environmental variables were taken during different evaluation tests. As main results of the study, ventilation conditions were generally adequate in all the tests carried out, regardless of the ventilation strategy used, with average CO2 concentration levels of between 450 and 670 ppm. The maximum CO2 concentration value recorded in one of the tests was 808 ppm. On this basis, the limit for category IDA 2 buildings, corresponding to educational establishments, was not exceeded in any case. However, these measures affected the thermal comfort of the occupants, especially when the outside temperature was below 6 °C, with a dissatisfaction rate of between 25 and 72%. Examinations carried out with outside temperatures above 12 °C were conducted in acceptable comfort conditions regardless of outside air supply and classroom occupancy. In these cases, the dissatisfaction rate was less than 10%. The results obtained have made it possible to establish strategies for ventilation in the implementation of future exams, depending on the climatic conditions outside.
Occupants’ comfort perception affects building energy consumptions. To improve the understanding of human comfort, which is crucial to reduce energy demand, laboratory experiments with humans in controlled environments (test rooms) are fundamental, but their potential also depends on the characteristic of each research facility. Nowadays, there is no common understanding for definitions, concepts, and procedures related to human comfort studies performed in test rooms. Identifying common features would allow standardising test procedures, reproducing the same experiments in different contexts, and sharing knowledge and test possibilities. This review identifies 187 existing test rooms worldwide: 396 papers were systematically selected, thoroughly reviewed, and analysed in terms of performed experiments and related test room details. The review highlights a rising interest in the topic during the last years, since 46% of related papers has been published between 2016 and 2020. A growing interest in non-thermal sensory domains (such as visual and air quality) and multi-domain studies about occupant's whole comfort emerged from the results. These research trends have entailed a change in the way test rooms are designed, equipped and controlled, progressively becoming more realistic inhabitable environments. Nevertheless, some lacks in comfort investigation are highlighted: some continents (like Africa and South America) and climate zones are found to be underrepresented, while involved subjects are mainly students performing office tasks. This review aspires to guide scientists and professionals toward the improved design or the audit of test room experimental facilities, especially in countries and climate zones where human comfort indoors is under-studied.