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Fontana: Triggering Physical Activity and Social Connectedness through an Interactive Water Installation



Promoting healthy and active lifestyles is an important objective for many governing agencies. The design of active urban environments can be an effective tool to encourage more active behaviors and water features can attract people, improving their experience of the urban space. To explore the potential of these concepts, we designed Fontana; an interactive public installation that aims to stimulate physical activity and social connectedness in the urban outdoor space, using the multidimensional attractiveness of water. We focus on the use of embedded interactive technology to promote physical activity, using water as a linking element between users. Adopting a research-through-design approach, we explored how such installations can nudge people into an active behavior while additionally strengthening social connectedness, using inclusive design principles. We report on insights gathered through this case study and findings of a preliminary user test, discussing the implications of this work for design researchers and practitioners.
Fontana: Triggering Physical Activity and Social Connectedness
through an Interactive Water Installation
Loes van Renswouw Yvonne van Hamersveld Hugo Huibers
Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology,
Eindhoven, the Netherlands Eindhoven, the Netherlands Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Steven Vos
Eindhoven University of Technology;
Fontys University of Applied Sciences,
Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Promoting healthy and active lifestyles is an important objective for
many governing agencies. The design of active urban environments
can be an eective tool to encourage more active behaviors and
water features can attract people, improving their experience of
the urban space. To explore the potential of these concepts, we
designed Fontana; an interactive public installation that aims to
stimulate physical activity and social connectedness in the urban
outdoor space, using the multidimensional attractiveness of water.
We focus on the use of embedded interactive technology to promote
physical activity, using water as a linking element between users.
Adopting a research-through-design approach, we explored how
such installations can nudge people into an active behavior while
additionally strengthening social connectedness, using inclusive
design principles. We report on insights gathered through this
case study and ndings of a preliminary user test, discussing the
implications of this work for design researchers and practitioners.
Human-centered computing
Human computer interac-
tion (HCI); Interaction design;
Human-environment interactions, interActive environments, phys-
ical activity, social interaction, urban design, inclusive design
ACM Reference Format:
Loes van Renswouw, Yvonne van Hamersveld, Hugo Huibers, Steven Vos,
and Carine Lallemand. 2022. Fontana: Triggering Physical Activity and
Social Connectedness through an Interactive Water Installation. In CHI
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI
’22 Extended Abstracts), April 29–May 05, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA. ACM,
New York, NY, USA, 7 pages.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
International 4.0 License.
CHI ’22 Extended Abstracts, April 29–May 05, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA
© 2022 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9156-6/22/04.
Carine Lallemand
Eindhoven University of Technology,
Eindhoven, the Netherlands;
University of Luxembourg,
Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Physical inactivity and associated health concerns are a major soci-
etal challenge in modern western societies [
]. Promoting
and supporting active lifestyles is therefore a timely and popular
topic in multiple research elds and public policies. Through their
design, urban environments can contribute signicantly to stimu-
late people to be more active [
]. We see potential for this in
active environment design [
] and the continuing shift towards
human-environment interaction (HEI) [
], where technology
is increasingly integrated in the environment and is therefore both
more omnipresent and less noticeable.
With their unique motion, plasticity and reections, water fea-
tures are popular elements in landscape design [
]. Water can be
used to attract people of a wide age and background range [
] and
create either a calm or exciting atmosphere [19].
Building on this knowledge, we designed Fontana, an inclusive
interactive water installation that stimulates physical activity in a
fun and social way. We explore and showcase the use of embedded
interactive technology to promote physical activity, using water
as linking element between dierent users. With Fontana, we con-
tribute to research on how human-environment interactions in the
public infrastructure can encourage people to be more physically
active. We focus on the potential of water for designing interActive
environments, and how to strengthen social connectedness while
adopting an inclusive design approach.
2.1 InterActive Environments
Uniting the persuasive powers of urban environment design and
HEI technology, van Renswouw et al. (2021) dened the concept of
interActive environments [
]. These smart environments use the
combined potential of both elds to encourage people to be more
physically active. With their intelligent technology embedded in the
public space, interActive environments can adapt to dierent users
or circumstances. They are accessible to all passers-by without any
prior investment, including those who are not deliberately trying
to change their inactive lifestyle. This makes them more inclusive
than other technologies to increase physical activity [
]. Examples
of such environments aimed at triggering healthy behaviors are
CHI ’22 Extended Abstracts, April 29–May 05, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA Loes van Renswouw et al.
Discov [
] or Sensation [
]. Discov is a network of interactive
waypoints placed in a public park. By triggering curiosity and
exploration they provide a fun and challenging walking experience
]. Sensation is an interactive path that matches natural sounds
to people’s footsteps to provide a more enjoyable and relaxing
environment [23].
In-context use and eects of such interventions can be studied
using a research-trough-design approach [
], specically the Ex-
periential Design Landscapes method [
]. This design research
method takes the design process into people’s natural, everyday
environment using smart probes to learn about user behavior as
can be seen in the Social Stairs project [
]. This example of an
interActive environment with a strong social component was in-
stalled on a staircase in a public building, persuading people to take
the stairs rather than the elevator. Next to increased stair use, the re-
searchers found a distinct social engagement that encouraged even
more active behavior, such as jumping and dancing, and attracted
more users. A second iteration rewarded social behavior with a
richer, more dynamic sound experience. The social aspect added
to both ‘trigger’ and ‘motivation’, which together with ‘ability’ are
the main factors needed for behavior change to occur [7].
2.2 Designing with Water
From village wells to impressive statements of vision, power and
identity, water features have combined and provided spaces for
social interaction and sense of belonging throughout urban history,
‘sustaining’ communities [
]. Water is also rich in symbolic and
religious values [
]. This explains the attraction of water features
over dierent cultures and the varying social activities taking place
around them. They are therefore eective design ‘tools’ when cre-
ating collective social space [
]. Next to their visual and social
appeal, water features also provide a multisensorial experience and
increase the pleasantness of an environment. Water plays with light
and shows wind or vibrations on its surface [
]. Its distinct sound-
scape can mask unpleasant noise such as trac [
], and running
water causes a cooling feel while helping to accelerate ventilation
and remove trac fumes, providing a fresh smell [34].
Designing with water requires dealing with its dynamic nature,
multisensoriality and the special relation people have with this
element [
]. Attraction parks often include water games or wa-
ter shows as their most popular family activities. But even rather
simple interactions can evoke surprisingly engaging experiences
]. Think about the playfulness of walking in the rain, jumping
in puddles or splashing in water. Many art installations also play
with the fascination created by water. In the Rain Room by Random
International (2012) visitors are simultaneously exposed to and pro-
tected from the water falling all around with a rain eect. Through
the use of 3D tracking cameras, visitors experience the sight, sound
and smell of rain as they navigate the space, while still remaining
dry [22].
We reviewed several publications describing the design process
of interactive water installations, which use water as an organic or
embodied interface [
]. Authors report playfulness as a
core element of the user experience [
], with water interfaces
reminding people of both the risk and thrill of children’s water
games [
]. At the same time, water can be used to emphasize asso-
ciation with nature and create holistic and multimodal experiences
]. Nasar and Lin (2003) measured human responses to dierent
types of water features. Although both still and moving water fea-
tures are perceived as pleasant, there is a preference for jets and
combined features, which are also regarded as most exciting [19].
Curiosity can be an important motivator for interaction [
as can be seen in the public installations City Mouse, placed on a
public square in Oulu city, Finland [
] and Water Games, featured
at the Universal Forum of Cultures event in Barcelona [
]. For both
designs, participants were exploring options and interactions, desir-
ing to gure out the dierent interaction opportunities. Supporting
this exploration and discovery can further amplify the curiosity of
participants and so keep them engaged longer [
]. The City
Mouse and Water Games installations each allowed multiple users
to interact simultaneously and even to work together to reach
a common goal. This shows the potential of water installations
to eectively facilitate social interaction. Both installations also
demonstrate the attraction of such water features; Water Games
had a high number of users per hour compared to other interactive
installations mentioned in their paper and City Mouse engaged and
attracted users from all age groups, though more children actually
interacted with the installation.
2.3 Inclusive Design
Public spaces and services benet greatly from inclusive design
principles, because they are meant to be used by anyone [
]. For
this work, we therefore aim to adopt a user-aware design approach;
pushing the boundaries of ‘mainstream’ to include as many as pos-
sible, regarding users with divergent requirements as ‘normal but
dierent’ [
]. Eliminating barriers enables inclusive use, while
at the same time displaying progress towards social justice [
Designers therefore need to understand desires of a wide range of
user groups and respond to this diversity [
]. For older people, for
instance, good designs can help to maintain or improve physical
independence, yet factors as reduced sensitivity, hearing and vi-
sion need to be acknowledged. Messages and interactions should
therefore not rely on one sense, but rather a combination of modal-
ities, such as audio and visual signals [
]. As emphasized in the
Microsoft Inclusive Toolkit [
], “disability happens at the points
of interaction between a person and society. Physical, cognitive,
and social exclusion is the result of mismatched interactions. As
designers, it’s our responsibility to know how our designs aect
these interactions and create mismatches. Inclusive design is key to
address permanent disabilities but also temporary and situational
limitations (e.g., a parent holding a baby, thus not having their
hands free).
Simultaneously, designers cannot create without barriers, be-
cause they are inherently part of the physical –and virtual– envi-
ronment. Creatively approaching these existing barriers to realize
enabling environments is thus an important goal in inclusive design
practice [
]. By removing barriers and including dierent user
groups, inclusively designed interactive installations also provide
the opportunity to increase social connections and to support col-
laboration between these groups. A social component can create
a richer, more fun (interactive) experience. Working together will
enhance the sense of inclusivity while increasing understanding
and empathy between dierent user groups.
Fontana: an Interactive Water Installation CHI ’22 Extended Abstracts, April 29–May 05, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA
Figure 1: Examples of sketches using water as an interaction modality triggering social connectedness
Combined with our literature study, we reviewed engaging public
installations as source of inspiration [
]. Analyzing their design
principles, we found that social interaction and collaboration are
important elements in the success of these types of installations. As
many existing interactive public installations are targeting children,
there is an opportunity to expand their reach by designing for a
wider age range [
]. We also observed that installations mostly
focused on able-bodied people, excluding those with special needs.
We decided to focus our design process on inclusivity, aiming to
prototype an engaging and playful installation which could be used
by a variety of users.
3.1 First Explorations
We explored the solution space through sketching potential solu-
tions, some of them revolving around the interaction with water
(Figure 1). Inspired by the concept of public installations triggering
social interactions, we included playful collaboration features.
To increase our understanding of inclusive design, and empathy
for potential target users, we placed feedback requests in ve Face-
book groups, including three groups for people with disabilities
and/or elderly people and caregivers, a group for designers and a
general audience group. Based on a short description and visual
impression, we invited people to comment on what an interactive
public water installation to trigger physical activity would ideally
look like, and what to consider for their specic needs as a poten-
tial user. This included the overall concept, types of interactions
they would prefer, issues they predict, specic needs or design
requirements and additional open feedback.
Key takeaways included the importance of safety, such as using
anti-slip materials where necessary and providing clear distinc-
tions between wet and ‘safe’ areas to prevent unwanted stimuli
or panic, but also adding calm spots to enjoy the spectacle. In line
with literature, respondents also suggested to increase clarity and
accessibility by using multiple types of in- and outputs; triggering
multiple senses by including sound, light, color and varying tex-
tures; and dierent kinds of fountains to attract a broader audience.
We created a small-scale prototype to get familiar with technical
aspects, interaction and output of such an interactive water de-
sign. Too small to conduct a representative user test, this prototype
along with a rendered video impression of the concept was pre-
sented to 10 design experts with backgrounds in HCI- and industrial
design to gather feedback. Important insights were a high prefer-
ence for more diverse and complex interactions, and exploring
and implementing eective, engaging ways to create an inclusive
experience, specically compared to regular fountains or splash
parks for children. This also resonated with the conclusion of our
initial benchmark exploration, which showed limited examples of
interactive environments for target users of all ages. Experts also
stressed the importance of considering that the degree to which
people actually want to get wet when interacting with a water
installation varies a lot for dierent user groups or use contexts.
For instance, it might be acceptable during a summer day at an
attraction park, yet less so when commuting to work in the morn-
ing or when weather conditions are not adequate. In line with the
inputs we gathered from the online groups, this can be addressed in
the design in several ways: giving the impression of water without
the risk of getting wet (as in the Rain Room described in Section
2.2 [
]), playing with aspects of water that do not involve wetness
(reection games, skimming stones), including a sort of progression
in how “splashy” parts of the installation are, or simply by clearly
indicating dry and wet areas.
Fontana is a prototype of an interactive public installation that
aims to stimulate physical activity and social connectedness in the
urban outdoor space, using the multidimensional attractiveness
of water. Through dierent interaction possibilities and inclusive
design principles, it targets users with a wide age and diversity
range, encouraging them to work together. Building on the ubiqui-
tous attraction of water features [
], Fontana uses water as a
universal, fun and inspiring design element to connect people and
encourage physical activity.
The design consists of multiple fountains and pressure sensitive
oor tiles on a hard at surface. Users can interact with the fountain
by stepping, jumping or rolling over the tiles around the installation
(Figure 2).
As Fontana is meant to be an interactive environment in the
public space, anyone present should be able to participate, mak-
ing inclusivity an essential design goal. Fontana accommodates
CHI ’22 Extended Abstracts, April 29–May 05, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA Loes van Renswouw et al.
Figure 2: Fontana concept impression render created in Planet Zoo (Frontier Developments 2019)
Figure 3: Pilot test setup: a) rst iteration WoO setup; b) synchronized interaction with second iteration prototype
dierent users by including several interaction modalities. The
pads respond to jumping and stepping as well as strolling over or
tapping on them. The pads are clearly recognizable through their
color, circular shape and waved texture. Additionally, accessibility
is optimized by keeping the installation level with the surrounding
4.1 Pilot Study
To explore how users engage individually and in shared encounters
], we used an iterative prototyping process. As a rst iteration,
a simplied prototype was built using a submerged pump with
a height control valve to generate and control the waterow of
a single, small fountain. We used convenience deployment [
and a Wizard of Oz setup, simulating the interaction by manually
controlling the height and power of the fountain (Figure 3a). Since
this setup only entailed one fountain, the collaborative use was
rewarded by repeatedly turning the fountain on and o several
times. Observations were made and noted using guidelines for live
observations [
]. Afterwards, participants were interviewed to
learn about their experiences and other feedback to improve future
The onboarding interaction was perceived as unclear. Partic-
ipants (N
12) were confused about what to do, some not even
noticing the interaction pads. Only one participant spontaneously
approached the fountain and started interacting, the others rst
came to us for clarication (n
5) or were invited to participate (n
With only a slight dierence between single and collaborative use in
this prototype, groups showed disappointment or confusion when
collaborative synchronous use did not give the expected output.
Overall, the groups interacted longer than individuals, but none
stayed engaged longer than ve minutes due to limited possibilities.
Participants additionally indicated that the interaction pads and
entire setup should stand out and be more inviting, clearly showing
interaction possibilities to engage passersby.
To further explore the user experience, we conducted a pilot
study with an improved prototype with semi-controlled deploy-
ment [
]. All participants were adults (N
19), including 5 older
adults, and representing mixed cultural backgrounds. The main
aim was to evaluate three interactions: onboarding, repeated in-
teraction and synchronized collaborative interaction (Figure 3b).
The new prototype included a much stronger fountain (Figure 4),
which was remotely controlled by pressure sensitive oor tiles.
The fountain was surrounded by three tiles as interaction points.
Again, observations were made and participants were interviewed
For this iteration, onboarding happened spontaneously, with
passersby stopping to try out the prototype and exploring dierent
interactions. Most participants (n
11) showed excitement when the
fountain responded to their inputs. Groups (n
9) naturally started
synchronized use after rst having some individual interaction.
Interestingly, participants were not just interacting with one tile;
they were also frequently changing between tiles. Two groups of
Fontana: an Interactive Water Installation CHI ’22 Extended Abstracts, April 29–May 05, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA
Figure 4: Pilot test setup: full prototype
participants invited friends to join in, but none of the participants
invited strangers to join. Due to the dierent interactions to be
explored, users stayed engaged longer than during the initial test,
with sessions lasting around 10 minutes.
From both the observations and interviews, we see that the foun-
tain sparked exploration and imagination. Participants enjoyed the
freedom and playful exploration to nd out what was happening
and were enthusiastic about the concept and possibilities. Looking
at the dierence between both tests, we expect that using more
fountains or other techniques to show varying outputs for dierent
types of interaction will further stimulate exploration and imagina-
tion of users, lengthen the interaction and encourage collaborative
use. One important comment around the idea of inclusive design
was that the tiles were decorated with footsteps used as nudges
to indicate that the tiles were oering the possibility to step on.
However, these footsteps might for instance not look inviting or
inclusive to wheelchair users or a parent with a stroller. A reection
on how to represent inclusivity in our nudge is needed: what we
aim for is that people understand intuitively that tiles would react
to stepping, jumping, or rolling on them.
4.2 Interaction Scenarios
Based on the pilot studies and design explorations conducted, we de-
ned several interaction scenarios for the next prototype of Fontana.
Several layers of interaction accommodate dierent types of users
and stimulate both individual use and collaboration (Figure 5). The
varying feedback and increasing diculty of collaboration can also
help to engage users for a longer time [3].
InterActive environments can play an important role in encour-
aging physical activity through their design and ability to adapt
to dierent users or circumstances [
]. Since they are also
more accessible than other available solutions [25], these environ-
ments provide a good base for inclusive design solutions. In this
research we therefore focus on the use of embedded interactive
technology to promote physical activity, combined with inclusive
design practice.
While existing interActive environments often target a specic
user type, such as children or sporters [
], we focus on including
users of a wide age and diversity range by using inclusive design
principles. We designed Fontana, an interactive public installation
that uses the attractiveness of water and playful elements to encour-
age physical activity and social connectedness in the urban outdoor
space. Through Fontana, we research the potential of using such a
physical, environmentally embedded installation when designing
for behavior change, and specically the use of water in this context.
With this design we aim to encourage playful interactions, and so
help people to embed enough physical activity into their daily lives.
Next to physical activity, the installation also stimulates collabo-
ration, which potentially enhances the interaction, lengthens the
engagement, and most importantly brings together dierent user
groups. This in turn strengthens social structures and inclusivity.
From our explorations we saw that small adjustments –such as
indicating ‘safe’ and wet areas– can strongly impact the inclusivity
of the design. This shows that empathy for and involving people
with dierent needs in the process is essential when designing
inclusive environments. While aiming for universal inclusivity,
awareness of the existing barriers that inherently come with each
CHI ’22 Extended Abstracts, April 29–May 05, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA Loes van Renswouw et al.
Figure 5: Fontana interaction scenarios
design is also an important mindset [
]. For Fontana, while already
including users with a wide age and mobility range, limitations still
exist for people struggling with social situations or strong stimuli.
In our future work, we will continue involving people with varying
needs to further increase the inclusivity.
For the next stage, we aim to use the Experiential Design Land-
scapes method [
] to explore the behavioral eects of Fontana on
social connectedness and physical activity through in the wild de-
ployment [
], collecting additional data from the pressure sensors.
This allows unobtrusive study of spontaneous user and passerby
behavior in a real-life setting which is essential to research our
assumptions about user engagement and social impact. It will also
help to include a broader audience, with participants of dierent
ages and degrees of disabilities. This is important to test and im-
prove the designed inclusivity features. Though short-term collab-
oration with strangers is a rst and easily observable step towards
social connectedness, long-term implementation and observation
would be needed to indicate actual increased social coherence as
well as possible novelty eect.
We will further iterate on input and output modalities, ensuring
an inclusive character of the design and exploring eects of dier-
ent types of fountains or other water features as well as dierent
types of nudging to embed the notion of inclusiveness. Reviewing
both permanent and situational limitations systematically using the
Microsoft Inclusive Activities toolkit [
] will further contribute to
our investigation and the quality of the nal design.
This research is part of the Vitality Living Lab project, nanced by
Operational Program South Netherlands ERDF 2014- 2020.
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... Due to human perception, the role of urban visions and artificial landscapes, such as the quality of walls, urban facades, skylines, and natural visions and landscapes, in enhancing physical activities was remarkable (Fathi et al. 2020). Based on the persuasive power of the environment, researchers in HCI investigated the impact of interactive environments embedding intelligent technology in the public space to facilitate physical activity among the public through inclusive interactivity (van Renswouw et al. 2022). It provides a unique perspective to solving the complex public health issue by combining potentials of both fields. ...
... Distinctively from digital interventions, environmental interventions are embedded in public spaces where people are more likely to be immersed in them with intuitive actions. Prior projects have shown that playful interaction in public spaces can increase users' physical activity, engage passersby, and create cooperation and social connectedness since they are more accessible to various user groups thanks to the inclusive nature of the public environment (Grønbaek et al. 2012;van Renswouw et al. 2022). This echoes Sauvé et al.'s (2022) work in the data visualization community, which is a dynamic between users and spectators as two types of audience, in which spectators could be attracted by the interaction and become implicit users. ...
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Representing fitness-related data physically can better help people gain awareness and reflect on their physical activity behavior. However, there has been limited research conducted on the impact of physicalizing personal data in a public context, particularly regarding its effect on motivations for physical activity. Augmenting the physical environment with interactive technology holds great promise in facilitating outdoor physical activity. To explore the design space of data physicalization-based interactive environments, we created TIDAL, a design concept that provides physical rewards in the form of tiles on the road to acknowledge runners’ goal achievements. We created a video prototype as a probe to gather insights through semi-structured interviews with six recreational runners to evaluate TIDAL. The co-constructing stories method, a participatory design technique, was employed during these interviews to facilitate qualitative evaluation. The results of our study showed that TIDAL has the potential to increase runners’ motivation. We reported the key insights derived from participants’ feedback and co-constructed stories and discussed the broader implications of our work.
... For example, an interactive wall inspired by Tai Chi can guide users to engage in upper-body movements indoors [4]. "Fontana" is an interactive public installation designed to stimulate human physical activity in urban outdoor spaces [5]. These projects suggest the possibility of utilizing spatial interactions to keep people physically active. ...
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Background and Objectives Researchers from different fields are increasingly interested in incorporating technology into community-based interventions that promote active ageing. Yet, there lacks a comprehensive understanding of technology roles, posing challenges for designers seeking to maximise the intended impacts of such interventions. This systematic review aims to fill the gap by examining existing community-based interventions that integrate digital technologies to promote active ageing. Research Design and Methods Thirteen studies were screened, with a total of fourteen interventions examined, following the PRISMA Guideline. Results The challenges in designing and operating community-based interventions, the roles of technology in the interventions, and the caveats of utilising technology during the process were identified. The review emphasises the importance of overcoming challenges in community-based interventions and leveraging technology to enhance the intended impacts. Discussion and Implications The findings underscore the need to understand technology's nuanced roles in community-based interventions for active ageing. The article provides a starting point for accumulating knowledge and practice in utilising technology to navigate the challenges and opportunities encountered in such interventions. It also sheds light on a notable gap: the lack of innovative and strategic approaches that harness digital interventions appropriately in community-based interventions. This emphasises a crucial requirement for guidelines to assist designers, policymakers, and community staff in integrating technology appropriately into community-based interventions or implementing interventions that incorporate digital technologies at the community level.
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Promoting healthy lifestyles is an essential endeavor for public health. The design of active urban environments can be an effective medium to nudge people into moving. With technology increasingly integrated into our daily lives, designers have access to more data than ever. In this pictorial, we explore the design space of interActive environments (contraction of ‘interactive’ and ‘active’); places designed to increase the physical activity of users or passers-by through the use of interactive technology. Through sketches, a benchmark of existing concepts and an analysis of designed artefacts, we map the different intervention levels, interaction modalities, behavior change strategies and technological opportunities to design such interActive environments. With this work, we invite the community to consider how digital technology can help understand and shape human behavior in urban environments, and provide inspiration to designers and practitioners.
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ABSTRACT This article aims to investigate the Grand Challenges which arise in the current and emerging landscape of rapid technological evolution towards more intelligent interactive technologies, coupled with increased and widened societal needs, as well as individual and collective expectations that HCI, as a discipline, is called upon to address. A perspective oriented to humane and social values is adopted, formulating the challenges in terms of the impact of emerging intelligent interactive technologies on human life both at the individual and societal levels. Seven Grand Challenges are identified and presented in this article: Human-Technology Symbiosis; Human-Environment Interactions; Ethics, Privacy and Security; Well-being, Health and Eudaimonia; Accessibility and Universal Access; Learning and Creativity; and Social Organization and Democracy. Although not exhaustive, they summarize the views and research priorities of an international interdisciplinary group of experts, reflecting different scientific perspectives, methodological approaches and application domains. Each identified Grand Challenge is analyzed in terms of: concept and problem definition; main research issues involved and state of the art; and associated emerging requirements. BACKGROUND This article presents the results of the collective effort of a group of 32 experts involved in the community of the Human Computer Interaction International (HCII) Conference series. The group’s collaboration started in early 2018 with the collection of opinions from all group members, each asked to independently list and describe five HCI grand challenges. During a one-day meeting held on the 20th July 2018 in the context of the HCI International 2018 Conference in Las Vegas, USA, the identified topics were debated and challenges were formulated in terms of the impact of emerging intelligent interactive technologies on human life both at the individual and societal levels. Further analysis and consolidation led to a set of seven Grand Challenges presented herein. This activity was organized and supported by the HCII Conference series. This is a Public Access article available at:
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Ten years ago, Thaler and Sunstein introduced the notion of nudging to talk about how subtle changes in the ‘choice architecture’ can alter people's behaviors in predictable ways. This idea was eagerly adopted in HCI and applied in multiple contexts, including health, sustainability and privacy. Despite this, we still lack an understanding of how to design effective technology-mediated nudges. In this paper we present a sys- tematic review of the use of nudging in HCI research with the goal of laying out the design space of technology-mediated nudging –the why (i.e., which cognitive biases do nudges combat) and the how (i.e., what exact mechanisms do nudges employ to incur behavior change). All in all, we found 23 distinct mechanisms of nudging, grouped in 6 categories, and leveraging 15 different cognitive biases. We present these as a framework for technology-mediated nudging, and discuss the factors shaping nudges’ effectiveness and their ethical implications.
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Tangible user interfaces provide possibilities for creating aesthetic and experience rich interactions, where the multimodal sensation strengthens the narrative presented through digital media. In our multimedia installation, touching water is used as a tangible user interface to trigger visual changes in images of natural landscapes. The visual transformations illustrate the change of Arctic nature from winter to Spring, the tangible water interface encourages reflection on the role of water in such natural phenomena.
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In times of rapid urbanization, health and well-being of citizens is increasingly recognized as a challenge. A remarkable amount of research on relations between urban environments and health or well-being has been conducted. To get an insight about the existing measurements on both health combined with well-being, a systematic literature search was conducted using the databases PubMed and ScienceDirect including references until July 2017. To classify the references a conceptual model describing interrelationships between factors that may be associated with health-related urban well-being was used. The keywords “urban”, “well-being”, and “health” were applied together with factors described in the model. Twenty-four articles met the inclusion criteria. Of these, most studies focused on associations between urban green, health and well-being showing the great importance of green space usage in urban settings to promote better health and well-being. Health was mostly assessed by the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12); to measure well-being, the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (WEMWBS) was mostly used. There are still only a few studies investigating the great complexity of urban health and well-being. More specifically, there is a lack in interdisciplinary approaches that highlight the complexity of urban structures and dynamics and their possible influence on urban health and well-being.
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Physical activity is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. The quality and equipment of urban public space plays an important role in promoting physical activity among people (residents, tourists). In order for recreation and sports activities to be undertaken willingly, in a safe and comprehensive manner, certain spatial conditions and requirements must be met. The distinctive feature of contemporary large cities is the disappearance of local, neighbourly relations, and the consequent loneliness, alienation, and atomization of the residents. Thus, the design of public spaces should be an expression of the values of social inclusion and integration. A properly designed urban space would encourage people to leave their homes and integrate, also by undertaking different forms of physical activities. This, in turn, can lead to raising the quality of the space, especially in the context of its "familiarization" and "domestication". The aim of the research was to identify the architectural and urban features of the public spaces of contemporary cities that can contribute to the promotion of physical activity. The paper presents the research results and the case studies of such spatial solutions and examples of good practices, which invite residents to undertake different forms of physical activities in public spaces. The issue of the integrating, inclusionary, and social function of physical recreation and sport is discussed as well, and so are the possibilities of translating these values into physical characteristics of an urban space. The main conclusions are that taking into account the diverse needs of different social groups, participation in the design and construction process, aesthetic and interesting design, vicinity of the residence, open access for all age groups and the disabled would be the most important spatial determinants of a properly designed, physically activating public space. Strategies of planning the sports and recreation infrastructure should also make sure of their multifunctionality and variability in time to adjust it to the changing needs of the residents.