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The Role of Workers in the Agricultural Sector in Protecting Natural Resources towards Sustainable Development



The natural resources are the elements created by God Almighty, on this planet to facilitate human life, such as vegetation, water, oil, and its derivatives. This study aims to achieve the obstacles to the extension work and maintain the conservation of natural resources also to know the impact of personal characteristics on the conservation of natural resources. The study includes the collection of data using a questionnaire form that will be distributed to agricultural extension workers in the Anbar and Baghdad provinces, both from the agricultural departments and the agricultural division. Data were obtained from 130 extension personnel. It was analyzed using descriptive and inferential techniques and used program SPSS to identify the correlation between the independent variables and the dependent variable in the study. The results of the study indicate that the age, gender, experience, education level, specialization, work location, training, sources of agricultural information, knowledge, and skill in animal husbandry of the respondents its effects on the management of the natural sources. In addition, a significant relationship between the conservation of natural resources and knowledge and skills in animal husbandry, soil, plant technical, and personal characteristics at level 0.05 and sources of agricultural information at level 0.01.
ISSN 2664-4010 (Print) & ISSN 2664-6730 (Online)
South Asian Research Journal of Agriculture and Fisheries
Abbreviated Key Title: South Asian Res J Agri Fish
| Volume-4 | Issue-2 | Mar-Apr -2022 | DOI: 10.36346/sarjaf.2022.v04i02.002
Copyright © 2022 The Author(s): This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
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commercial use provided the original author and source are credited.
Citation: Jasim Mohammed Saleh (2022). The Role of Workers in the Agricultural Sector in Protecting Natural Resources
towards Sustainable Development. South Asian Res J Agri Fish, 4(2), 23-33.
Original Research Article
The Role of Workers in the Agricultural Sector in Protecting Natural
Resources towards Sustainable Development
Jasim Mohammed Saleh1*
1Environmental Biotechnology Department, Biotechnology and Environmental Center, University of Fallujah, Iraq
*Corresponding Author: Jasim Mohammed Saleh
Environmental Biotechnology Department, Biotechnology and Environmental Center, University of Fallujah, Iraq
Article History
Received: 25.02.2022
Accepted: 04.04.2022
Published: 13.04.2022
Abstract: The natural resources are the elements created by God Almighty, on this planet to facilitate human life,
such as vegetation, water, oil, and its derivatives. This study aims to achieve the obstacles to the extension work and
maintain the conservation of natural resources also to know the impact of personal characteristics on the conservation of
natural resources. The study includes the collection of data using a questionnaire form that will be distributed to
agricultural extension workers in the Anbar and Baghdad provinces, both from the agricultural departments and the
agricultural division. Data were obtained from 130 extension personnel. It was analyzed using descriptive and inferential
techniques and used program SPSS to identify the correlation between the independent variables and the dependent
variable in the study. The results of the study indicate that the age, gender, experience, education level, specialization,
work location, training, sources of agricultural information, knowledge, and skill in animal husbandry of the respondents
its effects on the management of the natural sources. In addition, a significant relationship between the conservation of
natural resources and knowledge and skills in animal husbandry, soil, plant technical, and personal characteristics at level
0.05 and sources of agricultural information at level 0.01.
Keywords: Agricultural Sector, Climate change, Water, Sustainable Development, Conservation, Natural
The preservation of natural sources means preserving future generations from poverty, hunger and providing
better opportunities for human life in general. All materials, which man obtains from the environment to satisfy his needs
are known as resources. People may obtain satisfaction for their needs from the local environment in which they live or
obtain it from other parts of the country or other countries of the world (William et al., 2011). Demand for natural
resources has increased as a result of the increasing growth of the world's population and the high standard of living in
many countries. While demand for resources has increased, the supply has not been met. The result was that some
resources ran out quickly. Between 1650 and 1850, the world population doubled. Since 1850 it has quadrupled (Khan et
al., 2011). Climate change refers to a change in the state of the climate that can be identified (e.g. Using statistical tests)
changes in the mean and/or the variability of its properties, and that persists for an extended period, typically decades or
longer. It refers to any change in climate over time, whether due to natural variability or as a result of human activity
(Panjshiri, et al., 2018). This usage differs from that in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC), where climate change refers to a change of climate that is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity
that alters the composition of the global atmosphere, and that is in addition to natural climate variability observed over
comparable periods (Anonymous. 2007).
However, the continued need to provide a resource causes the difficulty of maintaining another resource. The
land needed for food, wood, or fuel production is often valuable for wildlife, leisure opportunities or natural beauty. For
example, dam construction may provide water to irrigate farmland, or to generate electricity, but it may damage scenic
lands and wildlife habitats, which means changing nature (Umar et al., 2018). To date, water managers have typically
Jasim Mohammed Saleh; South Asian Res J Agri Fish; Vol-4, Iss-2 (Mar-Apr, 2022): 23-33
© South Asian Research Publication, Bangladesh Journal Homepage: 24
assumed that the natural resource base is reasonably constant over the medium term and, therefore, that past hydrological
experience provides an excellent guide to future conditions. The climate change challenges these conventional
assumptions and may alter the reliability of water management systems. Thus, a planned adaptation to water management
systems is required (Sharma et al., 2018).
The population of Iraq classified under the poverty line in 2003 exceeded 12 million, out of the 26 million
population (Ministry of Planning Statistics 2009), of whom at least 1 million are in the most severe poverty cases, and
receive only one meal a day. The remaining ration card is their only source of food. Although government statements and
reports indicate that this number has fallen in 2007 to 7 million. That the proportion of food security for citizens in the
country has increased by 75 percent than in 2005, but that remains illogical and doubtful and is not identical to the reality
of the Iraqi people (Al-Alak et al., 2013). The high standard of living in many countries strongly supports the growth of
the industry. The industry uses huge amounts of fuel and other sources. It depends on the continuous supply of these
resources. In any event, unless we practice maintenance, the shortage of some resources will appear over the next 100
Agriculture has become known as a knowledge-intensive industry if the tremendous scientific and technological
progress of recent decades has led to the creation of many agricultural innovations in the form of better methods,
practices, methods, and tools for managing the production and marketing of crops and different agricultural commodities
or better means of managing agricultural resources. These methods have many comparative advantages and lead to their
application in the technical, economic and social aspects (Saleh, 2017). Panjshiri, and other (2018) states that the concept
of rational agricultural lies in the organized and continuous activity, the technicians with specific terms of reference, the
participation of farmers, and the understanding and correct application of agricultural techniques. The activity in the
countryside, linkage with scientific research, would provide some benefits such as increasing agricultural production and
improving the standard of living of rural people. In addition, choosing the appropriate tools and, methods for an
extension in every farm and rural areas by helping appropriate education the farmer to understand and apply agricultural
technologies and innovations. The commonly used term “guidance” during the second half of the nineteenth century is
used to describe the adult education program in England, where they have helped to expand the business, and provide
educational advantages of universities by extending outside the campus to reach the nearby communities and those
surrounding the University (Khin, and Hermann, 2003). Robert (2013) mentioned that developing and evolving
agricultural extension organizations have no efficiency to identify with precision the degree of effectiveness, and their
ability to achieve the objectives.
The initiative of the owners and workers is governed by their professional ethics and behaviors as determined by
the success of entrepreneurs based on their competitiveness. The improvement of training programs can only be achieved
through the possession of efficiency and effectiveness (Saleh and Man, 2017). The basic competencies such as skills,
attitudes, knowledge and observable behaviors can lead to excellence in the workplace. Competency-based models can
be used to create an infrastructure that promotes innovation and continuous learning in every dimension of an extension
organization. Besides, competency helps in the completion of a task with good performance. Competency models are
designed around the skills of the individuals and groups for them to be effective now and in the future (Panjshiri et al.,
Sustainable development is a call to all countries, rich and poor and middle-income countries to work to
promote prosperity, taking into consideration the protection of planet Earth. These objectives are aware that the
eradication of poverty must go hand in hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social
needs, including education, health, social protection, and employment opportunities with addressing climate change,
protection of the environment. In 2015, countries have adopted a sustainable development plan for 2030 and the
objectives of sustainable development 17. In 2016, the income of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change entered into
force to meet the need to reduce the high temperature in the world. Read more about what the companies, governments,
and individuals achieve these goals. On 1 January 2016, work began on the implementation of the sustainable
development objectives of the 17 Sustainable Development Plan 2030 adopted by world leaders in September 2015 in the
historic summit of the United Nations. Countries will work together during the next 15 years, bearing in mind these new
goals, which are universally applicable to everyone, the mobilization of efforts to eliminate all forms of poverty and the
fight against inequality and addressing climate change, with ensuring not to abandon one (Bashir et al., 2018). The goals
of sustainable development are based on the success of the millennium development goals and aim to move forward the
eradication of poverty in all its forms. The new objectives are unique in that it invites all countries, rich and poor and
middle-income countries to take the necessary measures to promote prosperity, and at the same time to protect the earth.
These objectives are aware that the eradication of poverty must go hand in hand with (William et al., 2011).
Jasim Mohammed Saleh; South Asian Res J Agri Fish; Vol-4, Iss-2 (Mar-Apr, 2022): 23-33
© South Asian Research Publication, Bangladesh Journal Homepage: 25
Many people care about the conservation of natural resources and the need for proper management for many
different reasons. Farmers may maintain maintenance to prevent erosion and to maintain soil quality. But maintenance is
generally important for two main reasons: to meet demands on natural resources and to maintain the quality of life. This
study aims to achieve the following objectives:
1. To Know the personal characteristics of agricultural workers.
2. To know the impact of personal characteristics on the conservation of natural resources.
3. To Know the knowledge and information of respondents toward preserving the natural sources.
4. Identify the knowledge and skills for the management of the natural sources of the respondents.
5. To Know the obstacles to the agricultural work and maintain the conservation of natural resources.
Anbar Province is an Iraqi province located in the west of Iraq. One of the largest provinces of Iraq, an area
where are the equivalent of one-third (1/3) of the area of Iraq. With an area of 138,500 square kilometers, with a total
population of 1 million and 600 thousand inhabitants (12 January 2014). Historically known as the preservation of the
Al-Dalim brigade before 1961. From the north, Salahuddin and Nineveh, the Syrian Arab Republic to the north-west.
Jordan from the West. The governorate of Baghdad from the east. From the south of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and
the Southeastern provinces of Karbala and Najaf. Baghdad Province is the capital governorate of Iraq. It includes the
capital Baghdad as well as the surrounding metropolitan area. The governorate is the smallest of the 18 provinces of Iraq,
but the most populous. Baghdad has at least 12 bridges spanning the Tigris river-joining the east and west of the city. The
governors northeast includes multiple Mesopotamian Marshes (Saleh, 2017).
Fig-1: Reletionship between Dependent and Independent Variables
The study includes the collection of data using a questionnaire form that will be distributed to agricultural
extension workers in Anbar and Baghdad provinces, from the agricultural departments and the agricultural divisions
affiliated with them or working in the extension centers of the extension and agricultural training department as well as
the veterinary department of livestock. The questionnaire was presented to specialists in psychology and sociology as
well as specialists in the field of agriculture to know the veracity of the questionnaire in terms of achieving the research
objectives, as well as the validity of this form in terms of their scientific content. Thereafter, a pilot study was conducted
on 20 non-finalists. The questionnaire consists of four parts for all workers in agricultural extension as well as the
departments of agriculture and departments of the Veterinary Department, in the provinces of Baghdad and Anbar
regardless of their administrative or functional positions. That the data to be received in 2018 exclusively. The resolution
included five parts, where the first part represents the personal characteristics of the total sample, the second part was
about to participate in training courses. The third part was about the skills, knowledge, and experience in the plant,
technical, irrigation and drainage, soil conservation, and take care of animal husbandry, part four was about the sources
of agricultural information, and the last part five-section on the problem and constraints.
The data will be analyzed using frequency, percentages, and arithmetic averages and used program SPSS to
identify the correlation between the independent variables in the study and the dependent variable (conservation of
natural resources) (Mohammad, 1989). A random sampling technique was used to select working with the ministry of
agriculture for data collected in each of the areas. A Likert scale was used to measure the level of knowledge and skills
that respondents perceived to possess about the topics in the questionnaire. A five-point Likert scale was used. A scale of
1 represented I have no skill at all, and the extreme scale of 5 represented I have a very high skill. The same Likert scale
measure was used to represent the perceived level of skill and knowledge. The perceived knowledge and skills are
competencies that are inculcated through the teaching and learning process. Training is a product of teaching and
learning and follows the three domains of learning which are cognitive, psychomotor, and attitude. Figure 1 shows the
relationships between the dependent and independent variables in this study.
Hypotheses of the study
First: There is no correlation between the sources of agricultural information and the conservation of natural
Jasim Mohammed Saleh; South Asian Res J Agri Fish; Vol-4, Iss-2 (Mar-Apr, 2022): 23-33
© South Asian Research Publication, Bangladesh Journal Homepage: 26
Second: There are no significant differences for the respondents according to the variables of the governorate,
location of work, gender, education level, scientific specialization, and experience in agricultural extension.
Third; there is no significant effect between the following independent variables, knowledge, skills in animal
husbandry, plant, technical and soil conservation, and information for the respondents and the dependent variable in this
study natural.
1- Demographic Characteristics
Table 1 discusses the demographic characteristics of respondents. The majority of respondents were male
(65.6%) compared to females who were at 33.4%. Regarding their educational level; 5.1% had attained secondary school
level education; 5.1% had gone through secondary school and 22.9% had gone as far as for institute level, and the
majority of the employees had bachelor degrees with 65.4%, and Master degree with 1.5% also diploma degree with
9.2%. In addition, the majority of the employees from the department of agriculture with 67.2 %, specific in agricultural
extension just 13.7% and from non-agriculture had 18.3% this will give less competency at the work in agricultural
extension> therefore, should be a focus when employment a new employee at this department (Saleh et al, 2016). The
majority of the employees attend training with 86.3% and other employees do not attend training with 13.4% therefore,
need more training on the conservation of natural resources to give employees more information on sustainable
development (Saleh and Man, 2017). The results of the study show that the high percentage of the respondents in marital
status with married, 70.2 %, and employees were single 26.7% and divorce with 2.3%. For the experiences the high
percentage in this area at category from 6 to 10 years with 35.9%, the second category from 11 to 15 years with 20.6%
the third categories at 1 year to 5 years with 19.8%, and the fourth categories at the last categories 16 to 20 years and
more than 21 years with 11.5%.
Table-1: Demographic Characteristics of Respondents
Frequency (N)
Less than 30 years
From 31 to 40 years
From 41 to 50 years
From 51 to 60 years
More than 61 years
From 1 to 5 years
From 6 to 10 years
From 11 to 15 years
From 16 to 20 years
More than 21 years
Marital status
Education level
Secondary school
Agricultural Extension
Location of work
Agricultural directorate
Agricultural training and extension office
Agricultural extension center
The veterinary department in the province
Extension Farms
Agricultural division
Attend training
Not attend training
Jasim Mohammed Saleh; South Asian Res J Agri Fish; Vol-4, Iss-2 (Mar-Apr, 2022): 23-33
© South Asian Research Publication, Bangladesh Journal Homepage: 27
The results at the location of work the high percentage in the department of agricultural training extension office
with 24.7%, the second percentage in the department of extension farms with 19.1%, the third percentage in the
department of agricultural directorate with 13.0%, for the department, agricultural extension center and the veterinary
department in the province it came in the fourth position with frequency 13 and 9,9%, the last categories in the
department s extension farm with 4.6%. The results of the study indicate that the social demographics of the respondents
its effects on the management of the natural sources. The findings were an indication that the respondents had the
technical expertise required to handle the tasks and responsibilities assigned to them, also gender, education level, these
variables were not significant. Findings from the study would be beneficial to academia as students and scholars in
similar and related research fields could find the study as part of relevant literature.. This is in line with Tavakoli and
Lawton, (2005), findings that attributed the highest staff retention rate to job security guaranteed in the public sector.
However, one study indicated a significant relationship of social demography with training (Bashir et al., 2018). Another
study shows that there is no significant relationship with training needs, when looking the significant variables in this
study, it was found that (attended training, and the number of training courses) are significant, that means that these
variables affect training needs because if employees attended training, they will get experience, skills, and knowledge
(Panjshiri et al., 2018). Furthermore, policymakers would find the study relevant as it points out the shortfalls and
pressing needs in extension capacity as well as suggests possible remedies. Ways of improving effective advisory
services via enhanced job performance were highlighted (Umar et al., 2018).
Table 2: Relationship Between Conservation of Natural Resources, with Socio Demographic and Variables using
Personal Characteristics
χ2 value
Marital Status
Education Level
Work Location
Note: *. The Relation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). * = significance
Table 2 shows that the factors of training significantly influenced the current level of existence skills among the
staff. These factors of the training include whether they attended the training and the number of training courses that they
attended. In both cases, the p-value is smaller than 0.05. It was found that by attending more training, it helps in
enhancing the level of existence skills among the staff. Based on statistical analysis on these variables, the following null
hypothesis can be rejected: There is a relationship between respondents on the conservation of natural resources and
attended training, age, gender, experience, education level, specialization, and work location in this study. That's means
also these variables were important to affect the conservation of natural resources. The table shows that the conservation
of natural resources does not depend on the Province; in other words, the province is not a factor that influences the skills
p-value > 0.05. It was found that the majority of staff in all provinces have a moderate level of skills. Therefore, when
Chi-Square analysis is used, it is found a significant relationship between age, gender, experience, education level,
specialization, experience, and work location, with conservation of natural resources Alnidawy (2015). From this study,
extension workers with higher core and adaptation-specific competencies; more work experience, and younger are
predicted to be more effective in facilitating climate change adaptation among clients.
Whatever, the socio-demographic variables to be of interest in the conservation of natural resources to perform
better away from all demographic variables. In a study by Panjshiri et al., (2018) the findings of years worked in the
organization suggested that there was a high level of staff retention.
2- Knowledge and Skills in Animal Husbandry
Table 3 presents results regarding the perceived level of knowledge and skill related to animal breeding. Results
show that respondents are knowledgeable in three areas. From the results shown in Table 3, it was found that the highest
needed skills were in the type of fodder during growth stages and pregnancy stages of big animals with an average mean
score of 3.46. This training is needed because knowledge of fodder during growth stages provides employees with
information and skills to properly treat animals. The moderately needed skills and Knowledge were in the knowledge of
proteins, energy, and carbohydrates in animal food with an average mean score of 3.33. While the least needed skills and
Knowledge were in the skill in preparing a suitable environment for animal growth, as well as considering the relation to
animal feed with an average mean score of 3.24. The results showed a higher need for skills and Knowledge with an
average mean of 3.35, while skill at an average of 3.27.
Jasim Mohammed Saleh; South Asian Res J Agri Fish; Vol-4, Iss-2 (Mar-Apr, 2022): 23-33
© South Asian Research Publication, Bangladesh Journal Homepage: 28
The results of the study showed that the highest information needs in the field of animal production, paragraph
(I have knowledge of environmental conditions and impact and relationship to animal feed), with an average mean score
of 3.26 came in the second paragraph (I have knowledge of animal health status and mating and production growth) with
an average of 3.25. While the third came in paragraph (I know the type of nutrition for animals before and after
pollination) with an average mean score of 3.24. In addition, an indication of the results of the study that The following
paragraphs in order consecutively (11, 13, 12, 6, 4, 9, 5, 1), and came the last rank in need of paragraph (I have
knowledge of animal health status and mating and production growth), with an average mean score 2.82.. Based on
statistical analysis of these variables, the following null hypothesis can be rejected: There is a relationship between
respondents on the conservation of natural resources and knowledge and skill in animal husbandry.
Table 3: Distribution of Respondents According to Knowledge and Skills in Animal Husbandry
Knowledge and Skill in Animal Husbandry
I know that there is a correlation between feeding animals and type, sex and age
I have knowledge of animal health status and mating and production growth
I have knowledge of environmental conditions and impact and relationship to animal feed
I have knowledge of carbohydrates, protein and energy in animal food
I know by coarse fodder nutrition and forage feed pellets concentration
I have knowledge of the wall feed types used in feeding animals/dry Green
I know the types of fodder during the growth stages and the stages of pregnancy for large animals
I know the type of nutrition for animals before and after pollination
I know the layout for the benefits of milk production and its relationship to feed for animals.
I have knowledge of diseases and parasites that infect animals.
I know the ways of prevention and treatment of diseases and epidemics affecting animals
I have experience with wild animals and how to maintain them.
I have knowledge of appropriate grazing and how maintaining vegetation.
Correlation-r 0.516**
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).** (P<0.01)
3- Correlation Between Conservation of Natural Resources, and Sources of Agricultural Information
The results outlined in Table 4 shows that the degree of conservation of natural resource requirement and its
relationship with training courses is above average with a correlation r-value of 0.437. The relationship is significant
with the conservation of natural resources at the level of 0.01. The results of the study showed that the staff of the
agriculture in the area of agricultural information, that the highest percentage of the need for agricultural information
came first is (Watching TV, CD and radio programs), with an average mean score of 3.90. Thus, there is the need to
provide free internet access in all departments; as well as websites with in-depth knowledge, information, and accurate
scientific data to help the staff develop their scientific skills. In addition, a positive comparison was found between the
training needs of employees in agricultural extension and the independent variables that include experiences and
information, capabilities, and tasks required.
This suggests that the use of the internet is very important and affects their job performance, to get new
information, is the last paragraph (Using the internet at work to get new information) with an average mean score of 3.83.
In addition, the results of the study to shows following paragraphs replaced alternately (5, 7, 6, 8, 10, 8), but the
following two paragraphs that the last rank two (Through using a computer at the works, and attend the special training
courses) with an average mean score of 3.53. The respondents agreed that extension agents need training in all aspects of
their job in all possible forms. Hence, there is a need to boost the use of these valuable sources of agricultural
information by developing a favorable attitude through educational effort (Panjshiri et al., 2018).
Table-4: Correlation between Information and Conservation of Natural Resources
Sources of Agricultural Information
Through using the computer at the works
Attend the special training courses
Through reading agricultural books and bulletin
Watching TV, CD and radio programs
Discussing with colleagues of experienced agricultural workers
Information from agricultural colleges
Through agricultural research centers and investigation results and journal
I have the ability to apply scientific recommendations for agricultural crops and the possibility
of delivering instructions to these crops to farmers
I have information to evaluate and analyze the programmes and the data
Information from Department of agricultural extension and training
Using the internet at work to get new information
0.437 **
Note: Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).** (P<0.01)
Jasim Mohammed Saleh; South Asian Res J Agri Fish; Vol-4, Iss-2 (Mar-Apr, 2022): 23-33
© South Asian Research Publication, Bangladesh Journal Homepage: 29
A study by Davis and Yi (2004) and Alnidawy (2015) established a significant relationship between agricultural
information resources and conservation of natural resources, which was attributed to the available sources of agricultural
information, and diverse exposures that provide the opportunity to learn novel ideas and garner modern experience and
skills. Therefore, need to add teaching materials in agricultural colleges about the management of sustainable
development and conservation of natural resources, and sustainability for safekeeping for generations following him with
a parallel line with sustainable development, there must be increased in educating farmers to use modern technologies in
irrigation to reduce the demand for water. To increase the knowledge base and expertise of extension officers, thereby
decreasing the degree of training needs. Thus, these results went contrary to the earlier hypothesis that there is a
significant correlation between respondents’ need for training and sources of agricultural information and knowledge.
The earlier hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted.
4- Knowledge and Skills in Plant Technical
The determination of the degree of training needs is based on the Likert scale format, which originally consists
of 5 rating positions Khan and Hermann (2003). The categories outlined in Table 4 are used to interpret the degree of
training needed for each skill based on the main differences. Training needs with mean scores above 3 indicate they are
strongly needed. The high degree of training need also signifies that there is an apparent inconsistency in performance.
This implies the agricultural extension officers should be provided more training. Also, critical need suggests that the
agricultural extension officers have low or no training in the specified skill. lants recognized as a vital element of
biodiversity workers the world and supplier are essential to our planet. Many are one thousand wild plants of economic
and cultural significance.
The results of agenda No. 4 in the area of vegetation that skills and knowledge plant technical) I have skill in
how to use pesticides, diseases and thickets of crops), with an average mean score of 3.40, came first in need of
conservation and development of natural sources for workers in the ministry of agriculture. Methods are important to
obtain a maximum crop yield, while a better schedule would help. Establishing the precise time of fertilization since each
fertilizer and its method has its life cycle with a mean score of 3.44. Further skills and knowledge plant technical were
calculated on a Likert scale from never needed to very strongly needed as can be seen in Table 5 with details. While
came the second paragraph (Advertises the blooming season and stages of maturity of crops) with an average mean score
of 3.34, and paragraph (Post-Harvest Losses and Maturity) came third with an average of (3.30) was replaced by the
following paragraphs in order (6, 12, 1, 4, 2, 3, 9, 13). In addition, the study showed that paragraph (I determine the herbs
and how to remove the harmful herbs) with an average mean score of 3.07 Recent came in need of information in this
area. which knowledge will lead to obtaining the skill, skill getting the invader without knowledge; knowledge is an
important step toward skills..
Table -5: Distribution of Respondents According to Knowledge and Skills in Plant Technical
Skills and Knowledge in Plant Technical
I have skill in the timetable of crops and agricultural activities
I have skill in crop management
Advertises the skill in crop resistance to insect
I know the diseases and pests affecting crops.
I have skill in how to use pesticides, diseases and thickets of crops
Knowledge in crop rotation
Advertises the blooming season and stages of maturity of crops
I determine the herbs and how to remove the harmful herbs
Integrated Crop management
Post-Harvest Losses and Maturity
The identification of the arable land appropriate soils for each crop.
To the knowledge of the storage of seeds. Moisture content requirements and the
requirement of storing
I can tables, advanced agricultural methods and crop Fertilization
Correlation-r 0.462**
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).** (P<0.01)
Moreover, it must be reminded that the explanations of the degree of training needs are explained in terms of the
importance and the attainment quadrant as mentioned below. The relevant degree of training needs implies that there is a
fair need for training. The relevant degree of skills and Knowledge indicates a more weight stage compared to the
medium need for training. In this case, there is a need for training, although the need might not be urgent. Based on
Jasim Mohammed Saleh; South Asian Res J Agri Fish; Vol-4, Iss-2 (Mar-Apr, 2022): 23-33
© South Asian Research Publication, Bangladesh Journal Homepage: 30
statistical analysis on these variables, the following null hypothesis can be rejected: There is a relationship between
respondents on the conservation of natural resources and plant technical skills.
5- Knowledge and Skills in Irrigation and Drainage
Table 6 shows that the highest training need is in irrigation and drainage skills with an average mean score of
3.30 were 10.84. That indicating when employees know how to design, irrigation systems, they become better informed
and knowledgeable in agricultural data dissemination. The moderately needed training was in “I am skilled at
maintaining irrigation system” and “I have knowledge on the amount of water consumption by plant and soil” with an
average mean of 3.22 was 10.62. While the lowest needed training was in water conservation with an average mean score
of 3.07 is 9.43. Training in water conservation is the least needed because it is not important as the other skills, very easy
to learn and all employees are well informed in the field.
Table-6: Distribution of Respondents According to Knowledge and Skills in Irrigation and Drainage
Skills and Knowledge in Irrigation and Drainage
I can identify sources of irrigation and drainage,
I can choose the appropriate water for irrigation and the selection of appropriate irrigation systems
To the knowledge of the design and maintenance of modern irrigation systems.
I can to schedule irrigation knowledge/ skill to choose the appropriate time for irrigation
To the knowledge of the maintenance of the irrigation systems
To the knowledge of the appropriate assessment of irrigation and drainage system
I have the knowledge of the selection and measurement of soil and plant water consumption
The knowledge in water conservation
I can selecting plants according to their need for water availability in the region
I know how to choose appropriate water for irrigation from wells or drainage when not abundance
of potable water.
I can describe the recommendations with regard to the proper use of agricultural water
I can describe the agricultural recommendations with regard to fruit crops and Aquarium
I can describe the agricultural recommendations with respect to the cultivation of ornamental
plants and Aquarium
To the knowledge of codifying the use of water according to the need of the plant
Total average
The results of the study showed in Table 6 in the field of maintaining the irrigation and drainage, natural sources
that (The knowledge in water conservation) with an average mean score of 3.30 came first in need of information in this
area, this indicates the skill needs are high, due to the large water shortage in Iraq. While the replaced paragraph (I can
choose the appropriate water for irrigation and the selection of appropriate irrigation systems I know the design and
maintenance of modern irrigation systems.) with an average mean score of 3.26 came in the second, paragraph (I know
how to choose appropriate water for irrigation from wells or drainage when not an abundance of potable water.) thirdly
with an average mean score of (3.20). In addition, the following paragraphs in order (10, 7, 9, 4, 1, 12, 6, 11) while
paragraph (To the knowledge of the maintenance of the irrigation systems) with an average mean score of 2.93. Recent
rank the needs of information in this area are important in agriculture. The results of the study indicate that there is a
greater need for skill and knowledge in this area. Further skills and knowledge irrigation and drainage were calculated on
a Likert scale from never needed to very strongly needed as can be seen in Table 6. In addition, the high proportion of
desertification, due to lack of rainwaters during the last years (Panjshiri, et al, 2018). The great water shortage in Iraq
during recent years due to the legalization of the use of water added to the limited water quotas because of the drought.
Also, all kinds of training needs were above the value of 3, meaning that all of them were strongly needed. According to
Aschalew and Wubishet, (2016) agricultural extension officer (AEAs) in-service programs should focus on agricultural
waste management extension, participatory technology development, and water conservation methods.
6- Knowledge and Skill in Maintaining Soil
The soil is fundamental to crop production. Without soil, no food could be produced on a large scale, nor would
livestock be fed. Because it is finite and fragile, the soil is a precious resource that requires special care from its users.
Many of today's soil and crop management systems are unsustainable; overuse of fertilizer has led, in the European
Union, to nitrogen deposition that threatens the sustainability of an estimated 70 percent of nature1. On the other side, in
most parts of sub-Saharan Africa, the under-use of fertilizer means that soil nutrients are exported with crops, leading to
soil degradation and declining yields (Chaudhry et al., 2016). Results showed in table 7 the agenda (I have knowledge
and skill in the soil, water needs according to its kind) with an average mean score of 3.15, in the area of soil
conservation came first in need of agricultural information in this area is important. While the (I can the estimated on the
appropriate use of fertilizers and reduce the use) with an average mean score of 3.11, while came in the third categories (I
Jasim Mohammed Saleh; South Asian Res J Agri Fish; Vol-4, Iss-2 (Mar-Apr, 2022): 23-33
© South Asian Research Publication, Bangladesh Journal Homepage: 31
have knowledge of the types of soils), with an average mean score of 3.10. In addition, the following paragraphs
consecutively (8, 3, 4, 6) and paragraph (I have knowledge of the needs of the plants and crops species-appropriate soils)
with an average mean score of 2.62. Recent rank in need of vital information in this area.
A study by Bationo, (2009) shows that capacity building. Soil health management is knowledge-intensive and
its wide adoption will require capacity building through training programs for extension workers and farmers. It will also
upgrade the skills of researchers on both the national and international levels, to provide the enhanced knowledge
necessary to support soil management under SCPI. Policymakers should explore new approaches, such as support groups
for cooperation in air-conditioned research. Provide technical support and on-the-job training for national research
institutions and translate research results into practical guidelines for small farmers. We must strengthen national
capacity to undertake on-farm research, and focused on addressing spatial and temporal variability through, for example,
better use of ecosystem modeling (FAO, 2008). Based on statistical analysis on these variables, the following null
hypothesis can be rejected: There is a relationship between respondents on the conservation of natural resources and
skills in soil conservation.
Table-7: Distribution of Respondents According to Knowledge and Skills in soil
Skill and Knowledge in Soil
I have knowledge of the types of soils
I can the estimated on the appropriate use of fertilizers and reduce the use
I have knowledge in the perpetuation and preservation of soil from erosion and DRIFTS
I have knowledge of the use of fertilizers and organic vital useful flora and fauna does not
perpetuate the necessary elements in the soil
I have knowledge of the needs of the plants and crops species appropriate soils
I have knowledge in the use of fertilizers with modern techniques, spraying sprinkling systems
I have knowledge and skill in the soil, water needs according to its kind
I have knowledge and skill in the crop rotation to maintain soil fertility
Correlation-r 0.375**
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).** (P<0.01)
7- Problems and Constraints Facing in the Job
The problems and constraints of extension work were arranged according to their importance from the point of
view of agricultural workers. The finding of the survey is summarized in Table 8. The table shows that the level of the
agricultural extension officers for all the problems and constraints for the future was the highest percent was 68.9% in the
statement, “It’s a weak linkage between extension universities and research”, because the second problem was “the less
effective in managing the agricultural sector” with % 45.5, which causes the weak linkage between agricultural extension
and research centers. Also, there is no good policy to be related to the university to improve this sector.
Furthermore, the causes of these differences are the vertical and horizontal lines of communication in
organizations, cooperation, and coordination which in turn impede appropriate communications managers that meet the
organization's interest and the scattering of pending efforts, to reach appropriate solutions to problems (Saleh et al.,
2015). These results were achieved for the extension service for describing the problems associated with training needs in
the training courses of respondents. In addition, using this field in the study of understanding which high effect on
extension services and the environment around the organization will be the effect on the need training for improving and
develop the performance workers (FAO, 2008). Therefore, after the last situation in Iraq, there is not enough experience
in this sector and no specialization in agricultural extension. This can be explained partly by the weak interest of directors
guiding organizations, administrative behavior in every level of the organization, followed by the management of the
organization that would develop, as well as the dependency of organizations found more than one leading labor
disruption, confusion, poor performance, practice behaviors and actions for the implementation of appropriate
organization, by managers to achieve the objectives (Khan et al., 2011).
Jasim Mohammed Saleh; South Asian Res J Agri Fish; Vol-4, Iss-2 (Mar-Apr, 2022): 23-33
© South Asian Research Publication, Bangladesh Journal Homepage: 32
Table-8: Distribution of Respondents According to the Problems and Constraints in the Job
Problems and Constraints
Percentage (%)
Weak linkage between extension Universities and research
Limited time to run a project
Monitoring and evaluation of program or activities
Remote area coverage
Farmer to extension ratio
Incentives/Rewards Awards
Less (Limited) training Programmers
Less developed physical infrastructure
Weak training content and trainers
One way flow of technology transfer
Finance /Budgeting
Non-participation of a trainee in choosing training required
Less or lack of cooperation between public and private sector
Risk and uncertainties
Less use of modern media (ICTs)
Weak training courses and preparation plans
Gender discrimination
Dependent on monocarp (Income Generating Activity) (IGA)
Less efficiently managed sector
Lack of appropriate inputs (Seed, Fertilizer, and Pesticides)
Also, that will give a clear picture of this sector to know where the problems in the work to can mention and
give the recommendation to reduce and remove these problems. The middle rank of problems was 31.1%, on the
statement “Risk and uncertainties”, because when the manager is changed, that will be change follow the projects in this
sector, also have no evaluation, follow-up, and planning for this project. Further, this issue is very important in this
sector, due to many projects in agriculture needs a long time to complete, not one growing season or two some projects
need less than five years.
The lowest percentage of problem 19.5% was a “Transportation/Fuel”, that also means weak manage this sector.
Further, problems and constraints in the Job were calculated on the number and percentage with the rank of respondents
as can be seen in Table 8. With details on all items in these problems. Furthermore, because of the lack of employment in
this sector. In addition, this gives a clear picture of this sector for a relationship with other sectors. It is very important for
attention to this problem. This table can show a third problem which is the problem’s monitoring, and evaluation also
because of the weakness of the managed sector. This study agrees with the study by Al-Hamdani (2013), about weak
departments of the agricultural extension because of lack of proper professional specialization.
Preserving natural resources in light of climate change is an important role in sustainable development and
overcoming food shortages as well as maintaining a healthy natural environment free from any contaminants of nature.
Through the results of the study, there was a clear defect in preserving natural resources, as the study showed a lack of
information and knowledge in the field of preserving and regulating water use. In addition, in the field of fauna and flora,
scientific recommendations must be used for the sustainable development of future generations of the reserves' natural
wealth. Likewise, in the curricula, a serious focus must be placed on preserving the natural, animal, and plant sources,
and other resources such as water and nature, including oil and gas, and no prejudice to the resources for future
In the light of climate change and increasing population must focus on the conservation and development of
natural sources of water, vegetation, and livestock. Through the results of the study indicate an increase in water
consumption through an increase in vegetation, as well as an increase in animal wealth, with the weakness of the use of
modern technologies in irrigation, there must be an increase in educating farms and farmers to use modern technologies
in irrigation to reduce the water demand. The need to intensify the extension courses and seminars on climate change and
the need to transform sustainable development and the preservation of the natural resources of all.
Jasim Mohammed Saleh; South Asian Res J Agri Fish; Vol-4, Iss-2 (Mar-Apr, 2022): 23-33
© South Asian Research Publication, Bangladesh Journal Homepage: 33
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... Accordingly, these projects are. If it continues and is provided with direct support, it will contribute to preparing an agricultural generation of rural women who possess sufficient experience and skills and use advanced technologies in farm management (Saleh et al., 2022). ...
... degrees. They have the skill in diagnosing and discovering the problems of the agricultural project, and they rely on their personal experiences in facing work problems, and they avoid falling into problems, and they also have, to a moderate degree, the ability to predict work problems before they occur (Saleh et al., 2022). ...
... They see in lending and financing many determinants and obstacles, foremost of which are complex routine procedures for obtaining loans, government neglect of the lending policy for agricultural projects, and the weakness of the role of non-governmental organizations and companies in supporting these projects. Rural women showed the existence of administrative problems represented in the high wages of the labor force, weak governmental and media support in encouraging projects, complex administrative procedures to obtain project financing, and high wages for production requirements (Saleh, 2022). ...
... To work and produce by satisfying their needs, desires, and motivations, because achieving job satisfaction for workers affects the quality of their performance, and then achieves positive results that serve all poles of the educational process, and achieve the goals of the institution efficiently. The subject of job satisfaction has received great care from management and human behavior scholars, because they believe that there is a relationship between workers' satisfaction with their work and their productivity [5]. ...
... This study was conducted in Anbar Governorate (Iraq), and this governorate is considered the largest area in Iraq, as it represents 1/3 of the total area of Iraq, with an area of 138,500 square kilometers, and the people are more than two million people [5]. It is located in western Iraq, and its climate is semidesert. ...
... Information sources have an important impact on providing service to clients, whether farmers or investors in the agricultural field. Studies have indicated that the employee's use of reliable sources has an effective impact in providing the service and thus developing the desired performance [5]. The results of Table 2 indicated that the average information sources were within the middle category, with an average rate of 2.03, and this is a good indicator due to the diversity of information sources available to the employee. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Functional performance is an important factor for providing service to farmers, and thus increasing the efficiency of agricultural production, leading to self-sufficiency of agricultural products. The study aimed to identify the performance of employees of agriculture and related departments in Anbar Governorate, as well as to identify the extent of their job satisfaction and its impact on their job performance, as well as to evaluate the performance of agricultural departments to provide the required service to farmers. The questionnaire was prepared to achieve the objectives of the study with a number of (196) employees and researchers. The SPSS program was used in analyzing the data. The results of the study indicated an average rate of 2.03 for each of the sources of information, also an average satisfaction rate of 2.04, and an attitude towards training at a rate above average of 2.49, as well as performance at a rate of high above the average of 3.49. The results indicated that most of the employees' ages are young and with little service, and in the sources it was found that the source of friends and neighbors is the best. services to customers. The results indicated that there is a positive relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable, when using Pearson's correlation coefficient at a significant level of 0.01. The need for the training to be related to the course of the job in which the employee is currently working, to raise his job efficiency.
... To work and produce by satisfying their needs, desires, and motivations, because achieving job satisfaction for workers affects the quality of their performance, and then achieves positive results that serve all poles of the educational process, and achieve the goals of the institution efficiently. The subject of job satisfaction has received great care from management and human behavior scholars, because they believe that there is a relationship between workers' satisfaction with their work and their productivity [5]. ...
... This study was conducted in Anbar Governorate (Iraq), and this governorate is considered the largest area in Iraq, as it represents 1/3 of the total area of Iraq, with an area of 138,500 square kilometers, and the people are more than two million people [5]. It is located in western Iraq, and its climate is semidesert. ...
... Information sources have an important impact on providing service to clients, whether farmers or investors in the agricultural field. Studies have indicated that the employee's use of reliable sources has an effective impact in providing the service and thus developing the desired performance [5]. The results of Table 2 indicated that the average information sources were within the middle category, with an average rate of 2.03, and this is a good indicator due to the diversity of information sources available to the employee. ...
Full-text available
Functional performance is an important factor for providing service to farmers, and thus increasing the efficiency of agricultural production, leading to self-sufficiency of agricultural products. The study aimed to identify the performance of employees of agriculture and related departments in Anbar Governorate, as well as to identify the extent of their job satisfaction and its impact on their job performance, as well as to evaluate the performance of agricultural departments to provide the required service to farmers. The questionnaire was prepared to achieve the objectives of the study with a number of (196) employees and researchers. The SPSS program was used in analyzing the data. The results of the study indicated an average rate of 2.03 for each of the sources of information, also an average satisfaction rate of 2.04, and an attitude towards training at a rate above average of 2.49, as well as performance at a rate of high above the average of 3.49. The results indicated that most of the employees’ ages are young and with little service, and in the sources it was found that the source of friends and neighbors is the best. services to customers. The results indicated that there is a positive relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable, when using Pearson’s correlation coefficient at a significant level of 0.01. The need for the training to be related to the course of the job in which the employee is currently working, to raise his job efficiency.
... About 1 million tons of imported wheat are added to be mixed in quality with local wheat, which is not available for gluten, according to the Iraqi Ministry of Commerce [4]. The Ministry of Agriculture organized through the Anbar Agriculture Directorate a seminar on the importance of optimal use of irrigation systems in irrigation and fertilizing wheat crops in the province [5]. The presence of a number of farmers, farmers, experts and agricultural specialists. ...
... During the symposium, a scientific lecture was given on the subject, in which a number of topics were discussed, including the importance of the use of modern irrigation systems in the agricultural process. The types of irrigation systems, the advantages of axial and fixed spraying systems, the importance of their use in water-scarce areas, the proper irrigation and fertilization of wheat crops [5]. The implementation of the periodic control of insects and agricultural pests of various agricultural crop fields, as well as the organization of field viewing in which practical application was carried out on how to irrigate and fertilize wheat and maintain various irrigation systems. ...
... Regarding the age groups of farmers, they were limited to three categories, for each category of ten years, it started from the age of (brother) one year upwards, which is the age at which most farmers are able to marry, become independent in their own home, and practice their agricultural work appropriately. This is consistent with the study [5], whose study referred to the effect of the age of the farmer on the capabilities and abilities of the farmers. (1) indicated that the largest percentage was for the middle age groups (from 35 years to 45 years), and this category helps the labor force well, as the results showed that their percentage was 42.1%, and secondly came the age groups between (25 to 35 years) with a percentage College 28.1%, and this is also an indication that the ages are young. ...
Full-text available
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on agricultural production. One of the most important strategic crops for agricultural production is wheat, which is of great importance to food security in general and is even included in the foreign policies of countries. Iraq seeks to increase the productivity of wheat crops by spreading the awareness program that supports the wheat crop. The study was conducted in the villages of (Kusaiba and Abu Flies) with a total number of (55 farmers), in Anbar province. Used the SPSS program to analyze the data. The results of the study showed that the majority of farmers under 45 years of age were 70.2%. As for educational attainment, most farmers had only or less primary education at a rate of 61.4%, and the majority of farmers were married, 84.2%. In addition, most farmers have had their lands for decades and renters 83%, . In the field of agricultural sources, their sources came from the Internet by 54.4%, and in the field of agricultural problems and obstacles, the problem of the delay in receiving the marketing amount, as to the effects of Covid 19, the most agreeable was the distance of the health centers from the villages. The relationship was significant with age, marital status, educational attainment, and land ownership at a significant level of 0.05. The researcher recommends that farmers should be encouraged to educate, also the necessity of providing support for agricultural requirements and providing a suitable environment for the agricultural market.
... About 1 million tons of imported wheat are added to be mixed in quality with local wheat, which is not available for gluten, according to the Iraqi Ministry of Commerce [4]. The Ministry of Agriculture organized through the Anbar Agriculture Directorate a seminar on the importance of optimal use of irrigation systems in irrigation and fertilizing wheat crops in the province [5]. The presence of a number of farmers, farmers, experts and agricultural specialists. ...
... During the symposium, a scientific lecture was given on the subject, in which a number of topics were discussed, including the importance of the use of modern irrigation systems in the agricultural process. The types of irrigation systems, the advantages of axial and fixed spraying systems, the importance of their use in water-scarce areas, the proper irrigation and fertilization of wheat crops [5]. The implementation of the periodic control of insects and agricultural pests of various agricultural crop fields, as well as the organization of field viewing in which practical application was carried out on how to irrigate and fertilize wheat and maintain various irrigation systems. ...
... Regarding the age groups of farmers, they were limited to three categories, for each category of ten years, it started from the age of (brother) one year upwards, which is the age at which most farmers are able to marry, become independent in their own home, and practice their agricultural work appropriately. This is consistent with the study [5], whose study referred to the effect of the age of the farmer on the capabilities and abilities of the farmers. (1) indicated that the largest percentage was for the middle age groups (from 35 years to 45 years), and this category helps the labor force well, as the results showed that their percentage was 42.1%, and secondly came the age groups between (25 to 35 years) with a percentage College 28.1%, and this is also an indication that the ages are young. ...
Full-text available
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on agricultural production. One of the most important strategic crops for agricultural production is wheat, which is of great importance to food security in general and is even included in the foreign policies of countries. Iraq seeks to increase the productivity of wheat crops by spreading the awareness program that supports the wheat crop. The study was conducted in the villages of (Kusaiba and Abu Flies) with a total number of (55 farmers), in Anbar province. Used the SPSS program to analyze the data. The results of the study showed that the majority of farmers under 45 years of age were 70.2%. As for educational attainment, most farmers had only or less primary education at a rate of 61.4%, and the majority of farmers were married, 84.2%. In the field of agricultural sources, their sources came from the Internet by 54.4%, and in the field of agricultural problems and obstacles, the problem of the delay in receiving the marketing amount, as for the effects of Covid 19, the most agreeable was the distance of the health centers from the villages. The relationship was significant with age, marital status, educational attainment, and land ownership at a significant level of 0.05. The researcher recommends that farmers should be encouraged to educate, also the necessity of providing support for agricultural requirements and providing a suitable environment for the agricultural market.
... develop their capabilities and capabilities and provide them with the required experience and skill. Because of the recent events that took place in the western provinces of Iraq through the introduction of terrorism and the destruction of the infrastructure, so many employees lost their skills through cutting off from the outside world, and thus they lost communication from the innovations and developments that took place in their field of work, including the agricultural sector, and after the liberation operations Anbar province from the terrorist ISIS [3]. Many international organizations supporting the agricultural sector entered the province, including organizations (FAO, JIZ, UNDP, Oxfarm, NRC, etc), which provided intensive training in all fields of agriculture, to develop the efficiency of the performance of all agricultural employees and departments, and for the purpose of identifying the most important training gains and what they achieved From acquiring skills on the ground, so this study was carried out throughout Anbar Governorate to find out what it has achieved from the benefits of training, as well as to identify the most important problems and obstacles that impede the development of the performance of agricultural employees, as well as to study the employees' proposals, to develop their job performance with proposals that are discussed with officials, To submit it to the decision-makers to take the necessary action towards it [3]. ...
... Because of the recent events that took place in the western provinces of Iraq through the introduction of terrorism and the destruction of the infrastructure, so many employees lost their skills through cutting off from the outside world, and thus they lost communication from the innovations and developments that took place in their field of work, including the agricultural sector, and after the liberation operations Anbar province from the terrorist ISIS [3]. Many international organizations supporting the agricultural sector entered the province, including organizations (FAO, JIZ, UNDP, Oxfarm, NRC, etc), which provided intensive training in all fields of agriculture, to develop the efficiency of the performance of all agricultural employees and departments, and for the purpose of identifying the most important training gains and what they achieved From acquiring skills on the ground, so this study was carried out throughout Anbar Governorate to find out what it has achieved from the benefits of training, as well as to identify the most important problems and obstacles that impede the development of the performance of agricultural employees, as well as to study the employees' proposals, to develop their job performance with proposals that are discussed with officials, To submit it to the decision-makers to take the necessary action towards it [3]. ...
Full-text available
Training has become a clear feature of developing the performance of institutions, and keeping pace with the rapid developments in all fields. The study aimed to determine the effect of training courses, which were implemented by international organizations, operating in province of Anbar, on the performance of agricultural employees. The study included workers in the agricultural departments in Anbar Governorate, numbering (136 employees). The questionnaire was designed to match the benefits of training and employee performance, and the Spss statistical program was used, with the use of Model: Patrick Kirk for the American expert. The results showed that the best resource for employees was through training courses, with an average score of 2.54, and in the field of orientation for training, use your training results when you return to our departments came first with an average of 2.71, and in terms of performance, decision making with averaged 3.93. The study indicated the positive relationship of performance with the educational level, the number of training courses, and the attitude towards training at a significant level of 0.01. The training depends on determining the training needs of the employee. in addition to the needs of the institution and the department in which he works, the need for the training to be in a timely manner, before the planting season and for the place to be suitable for the trainees, with the selection of the competent trainer with modern and developed information. KATA KUNCI A B S T R A K dituliskan dalam 5 kata yang merupakan subset dari judul makalah, ditulis dengan menggunakan huruf kecil kecuali untuk singkatan, dan dipisahkan dengan tanda baca koma untuk antar kata Pelatihan sudah menjadi ciri nyata dalam mengembangkan kinerja lembaga, dan mengimbangi pesatnya perkembangan di segala bidang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kursus pelatihan yang dilaksanakan oleh organisasi internasional yang beroperasi di provinsi Anbar terhadap kinerja pekerja pertanian. Penelitian ini melibatkan pekerja di departemen pertanian di Kegubernuran Anbar yang berjumlah (136 karyawan). Kuesioner dirancang untuk mencocokkan manfaat pelatihan dan kinerja karyawan, dan digunakan program statistik Spss, dengan menggunakan Model: Patrick Kirk untuk pakar Amerika. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sumber daya terbaik bagi karyawan adalah melalui kursus pelatihan, dengan skor rata-rata 2,54, dan dalam bidang orientasi pelatihan, gunakan hasil pelatihan Anda ketika Anda kembali ke departemen kami menjadi yang pertama dengan rata-rata 2,71, dan di dari segi kinerja, pengambilan keputusan dengan rata-rata 3,93. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif antara kinerja dengan tingkat pendidikan, jumlah kursus pelatihan, dan sikap terhadap pelatihan pada tingkat signifikan 0,01. Pelatihan tergantung pada penentuan kebutuhan pelatihan karyawan. selain kebutuhan lembaga dan departemen tempatnya bekerja, perlunya pelatihan yang tepat waktu, sebelum musim tanam dan tempat yang sesuai bagi peserta pelatihan, dengan pemilihan pelatih yang berkompeten. dengan informasi modern dan maju.
... En primer lugar, el agua es un recurso vital en diversos sectores económicos como la agricultura, la industria y el uso doméstico (Saleh, 2022). ...
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En el mundo del subsuelo, la extracción de recursos naturales se erige como un pilar fundamental en el funcionamiento de nuestra sociedad moderna. Entre estos recursos, el petróleo y el agua ocupan posiciones preeminentes, desempeñando roles importantes como fuente de energía y elemento esencial para la vida. En este contexto, surge la pregunta fundamental: ¿Qué es más importante, un litro de agua o un litro de petróleo? Este artículo compara la relevancia del petróleo desde una perspectiva económica y social, y el agua como un recurso esencial para la vida, resaltando la importancia de estos recursos en nuestra sociedad, junto con su impacto en el desarrollo económico y la subsistencia humana.
... As well as these agrarian ventures have persuaded them to rummage around for agrarian innovation, subsequently, in the event that these ventures proceed and coordinate bolster is given to them, they will contribute to planning a rural era that has adequate encounter and abilities and employment progressed innovations in cultivate administration. The think about by Saleh (2022) shows that the administration of the extend will increment the agrarian data in a huge way, and this makes a difference in the youth with self-reliance, and the suitable choice taken in overseeing the venture. A consider by (David, and Andrews, 2022) appeared that learning and information have a compelling part in creating human capital. ...
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The purpose of the study was to identify and prioritize the training needs of agricultural extension agents-Punjab. Pakistan is an agricultural country. However, agricultural production of the country is much lower than that of many other countries. This is an era of information wave, which requires the generation, dissemination, and use of information rapidly. The current technological developments will have a big impact on the future direction of extension and rural development programs realizing the abruptness of the new technologies, Government of Pakistan accorded a very high priority to this sector. For this purpose, they have been asked to under devolution of power plan 2001. That is why the present study has been designed which represents a descriptive survey research. Out of 341 agricultural officers, a random sample of 181 was taken. The panel of experts established face and content validity of research instrument. The Cronbach's alpha calculated for Farm Machinery (0.91). The questionnaire was mailed to the respondents. Data were analyzed by SPSS "Statistical Package for Social Sciences". The discrepancy values based on the mean perceptions of Agriculture officers (AOs) were positive values for all five competencies ranging from lowest value 0.86 to highest value 1.51. It means that AOs needed training in all five competencies of Farm Machinery.
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The objective of this study was to critically analyze the perception and competency MSEs of the Dire Dawa Administration, Ethiopia, towards business, technical, entrepreneurial and interpersonal skills. The study tried to investigate whether there was statistically significant skill difference between successful and unsuccessful enterprises in the administration. The total 171 sample respondents from 306 MSE's included in study using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Descriptive statistics was calculated to determine the perception and competency MSE's of the administration towards set of skill required for success. T-test was also applied to measures whether is significant difference between the mean scores of the two samples (Successful and Unsuccessful MSES of DDA). The finding of descriptive statistics indicates that among the different set of skills, technical skills were perceived as more important for MSE's success followed by interpersonal skills, entrepreneurial and business skills. The finding of T-test revels that there is a significant skill differences between successful and unsuccessful enterprises MSE's in DDA.
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Training is the process of assisting a person for enhancing one’s efficiency and effectiveness at work.. A study was conducted in Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu to ascertain the perceived importance and competency of agriculture extension officials and their training needs. The first six ranked training needs of the respondents in the study area were found to be integrated nutrient management, integrated water management, integrated weed management, agricultural waste management, organic farming and integrated pest management.
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Climate change is being considered as a serious threat to the livelihood of Indian farmers. Depleting groundwater table is one of the consequences of climate change. Practicing water saving technologies at the farm and household level can mitigate the effects of climate change. Thus, to study the gender-based knowledge disparities of the farming community regarding water saving technologies at the farm and household level, the present research was conducted in three villages each from three water zones of Punjab namely north-east, central and south-west zone. A sample of 240 respondents was randomly selected with equal representation from each zone. Pre and post knowledge test was administered to measure the knowledge level of the farming community. The findings revealed that most of the respondents belonged to the general category, were middle-aged, studied till matriculation, had a joint family system and family size in the range of 2-6 members. Furthermore the findings revealed that the knowledge of most of the farmers and farm women regarding water saving technologies was low to medium level, but after intervention, the knowledge level of most of the respondents increased to high to medium level. The study concluded that although the knowledge level of the farming community regarding water saving technology was low to medium yet, it can be increased by imparting knowledge through various communication strategies. Thus the extension workers should make efforts to work on different communication strategies to increase the knowledge level of the farming community so that they can be capacitated to mitigate the effects of climate change.
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Agricultural sector is vital not only to the livelihood of Malaysian farmers but also to Malaysian economy. However, the sector is currently being threatened by environmental phenomenon in form of climate change. Majority of Malaysian farmers are small-holders who rely mostly on extension workers for information and advisory services. Hence, it is the job of these extension workers to facilitate adaptation among their clientele. This study assessed the factors influencing the performance of such job among the extension workers. The study sought to establish the role of relevant factors in effective performance. The factors have been tested separately previously, but this study brought them together to assess their respective contributions. The research design was quantitative cross-sectional survey of public agricultural extension personnel in Peninsular Malaysia. Data was obtained from 328 extension personnel. It was analysed using descriptive and inferential techniques. The results revealed that extension workers with higher core and adaptation-specific competencies; more work experience and younger in age are predicted to be more effective in job performance and facilitating climate change adaptation among clients.
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The training of agricultural extension workers is an integral part of the overall agricultural production process. It is the duty of agricultural extension agents to reach farmers scattered around the country with useful and practical information for increased agricultural production. In-service training of the extension agents is the call of the time. Training needs were assessed using the Borich Needs Assessment Model. This Model is designed around the skills individuals and groups need to be effective in the future and are used for making human resources decisions. Through trained agricultural extension agents new agricultural technology can easily and favorably be transferred to clientele. Training should not be conducted at the time of sowing and harvesting time and lectures should be carried out during the training sessions and choose time suitable for agricultural extension workers. Thus, necessary steps should be taken to identify the unfelt needs of the agricultural extension workers and strengthen their knowledge, skills and attitudes required for performing their job efficiently.
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Previous research on the determinants of effectiveness in knowledge systems seeking to support sustainable development has highlighted the importance of "boundary work" through which research communities organize their relations with new science, other sources of knowledge, and the worlds of action and policymaking. A growing body of scholarship postulates specific attributes of boundary work that promote used and useful research. These propositions, however, are largely based on the experience of a few industrialized countries. We report here on an effort to evaluate their relevance for efforts to harness science in support of sustainability in the developing world. We carried out a multicountry comparative analysis of natural resource management programs conducted under the auspices of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. We discovered six distinctive kinds of boundary work contributing to the successes of those programs-a greater variety than has been documented in previous studies. We argue that these different kinds of boundary work can be understood as a dual response to the different uses for which the results of specific research programs are intended, and the different sources of knowledge drawn on by those programs. We show that these distinctive kinds of boundary work require distinctive strategies to organize them effectively. Especially important are arrangements regarding participation of stakeholders, accountability in governance, and the use of "boundary objects." We conclude that improving the ability of research programs to produce useful knowledge for sustainable development will require both greater and differentiated support for multiple forms of boundary work.
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Effective computer skill training is vital to organizational productivity. Two experiments (N = 288) demonstrated that the behavior modeling approach to computer skill training could be substantially improved by incorporating symbolic mental rehearsal (SMR). SMR is a specific form of mental rehearsal that establishes a cognitive link between visual images and symbolic memory codes. As theorized, the significant effects of SMR on declarative knowledge and task performance were shown to be fully mediated by changes in trainees' knowledge structures. The mediational role of knowledge structures is expected to generalize to other training interventions and cognitive skill domains. Our findings have the immediate implications that practitioners should use SMR for improving the effectiveness of computer skill training.
This article is a conceptual framework and literature review on strategic thinking. It examines some of the more recent definitions and identifies a number of key elements involved. Further analysis determines a number of situations that can improve strategic thinking capability in individuals and considers whether organizations can successfully adopt its conclusions to develop their managers and improve the business. The article briefly discusses the relationship between strategic thinking, strategic planning and emergent strategy and suggests that strategic thinking needs to precede both and is essential in making them more appropriate and effective. The authors believe that the greater the sum total of strategic thinking and thinkers in the organization the more readily and effectively it can respond to and take advantage of the vast array of changes occurring in today’s business environment. However, despite the significant levels of delayering and flattening of structures that has taken place in the last decade or so, some organizational barriers continue to stifle opportunities for strategic thinking by limiting the flow of experiences and insights to relevant corners of the firm. The authors suggest that knowledge management can have a significant role in increasing and improving strategic thinking by drawing such experiences and insights from all parts of the organization and making them available to points of strategic decision and action.