Conference Paper

Design Guidelines for a Team Formation and Analytics Software

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... Example criteria include diversifying female students across a male-dominated class, avoiding token visible minorities in a team and clustering students with similar timetables in the same team. Our experience indicates that in most cases, the instructor forms teams once at the beginning of the class and the teams work together on a project or multiple assignments together throughout the course (Hui, 2022). ...
... In previous work, we built team formation and analytics software and evaluated it in various settings including benchmarking simulations and preliminary classroom feasibility studies Bulmer et al., 2020;Bulmer, 2021). We also identified design guidelines for building general-purpose team formation software (Hui, 2022). As part of that work, the Visual Analytics component was identified as the key area for future research because it is the least researched aspect in the team formation process and visual analytics plays a key role in supporting the design criteria including transparency, social relevance and usability. ...
... In previous work, we discussed the design needs for general-purpose team formation software and identified the Visual Analytics component as the main area of focus for future research because it is the least investigated aspect of the team formation process (Hui, 2022). ...
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Purpose The purpose of this work is to illustrate the processes involved in managing teams in order to assist designers and developers to build software that support teamwork. A deeper investigation into the role of team analytics is discussed in this article. Design/methodology/approach Many researchers over the past several decades studied the success factors of a team. Despite many efforts, there is still no consensus on how a team should ideally be formed. Consequently, how one decides to form teams in a class depends on the domain, classroom context and pedagogical objectives. Therefore, software used to support an instructor in forming teams must be flexible enough to accommodate a variety of use cases and support the users throughout the lifecycle of teamwork. In this work, the author proposes a framework for designing general-purpose team management software. The author reviews existing team formation software and focuses specifically on opportunities for advancing research in team analytics. Findings In this context, the author identifies four areas of research opportunities for team analytics. Originality/value Lastly, the author proposes a series of research questions (RQs) and discusses the pedagogical, design, technical and social challenges involved.
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