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  • Amepurva Forum's Nirant Institute of Pharmacy Solapur


Herbal oils are made for giving relief from pain and discomfort by using beneficiary contents of natural herbs available. These herbs give a more patient compliance because many people prefer traditional measures over modern for pain relief. Many ‘Ayurvedic granthas’ explains role of Mahanarayana oil in the development of muscle tone, this oil has to be applied topically and it does not give irritating effect. Soham Ayurved Rasashala also works on the principles paved by ancient granthas. Mahanarayana oil consists of ten different herbs in extracted form with use of sesame oil as base. Key constituent amongst ten herbs ’Shatavari’ (Asperagus racemosus) is the premier. Along with herbs sesame oil has its lone benefit of moisturizing skin therefore together they give synergistic effect on paining area as well as skin nourishment. This article showcases two formulae’s of preparation which includes sesame oil as base.
Paralkar S D and Patil R P. /Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 9(1), 2021, 9-12.
Available online: January – March 9
Research Article ISSN: 2349 – 7106
S. D. Paralkar
and R. P. Patil
Soham Ayurved Rasashala, Solapur, Maharashtra, India.
Ayurveda is the dominating treatment method
widely practiced, used and followed in different
parts of India along with World. Ayurveda has a
rich, concrete history in the world as it has practiced
by different means. Researchers keep on searching
for new dimensions in treatments of variety health
problems and Pain is one amongst them, An
unpleasant sensory and emotional experience
associated with, or resembling that associated with,
actual or potential tissue damage’ pain defined by
International Association for the Study of Pain
Muscle cramps are one of the effect that come with
pain therefore to improve muscle tone is also
becomes a key factor while treating it. Natural
Herbal oils are made for giving relief from pain and discomfort by using beneficiary contents of natural herbs
available. These herbs give a more patient compliance because many people prefer traditional measures over
modern for pain relief. Many ‘Ayurvedic granthas’ explains role of Mahanarayana oil in the development of
muscle tone, this oil has to be applied topically and it does not give irritating effect. Soham Ayurved Rasashala
also works on the principles paved by ancient granthas. Mahanarayana oil consists of ten different herbs in
extracted form with use of sesame oil as base. Key constituent amongst ten herbs ’Shatavari’ (Asperagus
racemosus) is the premier. Along with herbs sesame oil has its lone benefit of moisturizing skin therefore together
they give synergistic effect on paining area as well as skin nourishment. This article showcases two formulae’s of
preparation which includes sesame oil as base.
Mahanarayana oil, Shatavari, Asperagus racemosus, Pain and Muscle tone.
Author for Correspondence:
Paralkar S D,
Soham Ayurved Rasashala,
At Post Sanjwad, Solapur,
Maharashtra, India.
Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Journal home page:
Paralkar S D and Patil R P. /Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 9(1), 2021, 9-12.
Available online: January – March 10
origin alternatives for modern also have a
significant and instant relief in comparison, so that
with scientific data one can elaborate benefits of the
Mahanarayana oil consists of variety of herbs
including Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera),
Jatamansi (Nordostachys jatamansi), Rasna
(Pluchea lanceolata), Karanj (Pongamia pinnata),
Vach (Acorus calamus). Such characteristic herbs
make this formulation a unique. Mahanarayana oil
is used widely and it is the well-known one for its
benefits. Shool nashak literally means Analgesic is
the key property of these phytoconstituents.
Alkaloids, resins are major constituents for the
treatment of pain, essential oils will carry the work
of muscle buildup, when oil is selected as the
dosage form for pain killing action it has a wide
benefit of easy application and more patient
compliance eventually the possibilities of skin
irritation diminishes. Water extract of all
constituents should be mixed and be combined with
sesame oil to make it a ‘Siddha Taila’ literally
means Perfected oil. Herbal drugs mentioned above
are all being used since long ago in India for
different purposes by using it in a mahanarayana oil
is one of effort to showcase their potent behavior.
Soham Ayurved Rasashala has made a tiny effort
from its side to reimburse those showcased effects
by developing our consent of formulae’s
Collection of Herbs
To formulate Mahanarayana oil, herbs were
purchased from authorized vendors from State of
Punjab, India.
Preparation of Oil
All ingredients mentioned in formula taken in
defined quantity. Every herb selected with good
quality by making sure its cleanliness again. Herbs
added in 500ml water by ascending addition and
kept mixture to boil for 2 hrs. Traditional extraction
method has been used with occasional stirring.
After 2 hours of boiling mixture was filtered and
filtrate collected in a neat and clean vessel. Now,
siddhi procedure of oil has to be carried out by
taking 1000ml of sesame oil in another vessel, kept
for heating for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes that
became slight warm so filtrate of herbs was added
in it. This oil boiled for 2 hours to evaporate all
water content in it.
Physical Characteristics
The Colour, Odor, Taste is identified in the physical
characteristics evaluation. These tests give
information about external condition of a material.
Relative Density
The relative density of a substance is the ratio of the
mass of a given volume of the substance to the mass
of an equal volume of water, both weighed at 25
unless otherwise specified.
Method- Proceed as described under Weight per
rnillilitre. Divide the weight of the substance in the
pycnometer by the weight of water contained, both
determined at 25
C, unless otherwise directed in the
individual monograph
Saponification Value
The saponification value is the number of
milligrams of potassium hydroxide necessary to
neutralize the free acids and to saponify the esters
present in 1g of the substance.
Method- Unless otherwise specified in the
individual monograph, introduce about 2g of the
substance under examination, accurately weighed,
into a 200ml flask of borosilicate glass fitted with a
reflux condenser. Add 25.0ml of 0.5M ethanolic
potassium hydroxide and a little pumice powder and
boil under reflux on a water-bath for 30 minutes.
Add Iml of phenolphthalein solution and titrate
immediately with 0.5M hydrochloric acid (a ml).
Carry out a blank titration omitting the substance
under examination (b ml).
Calculate the saponification value from the
Saponification value = 28.05 (b - a)/w
Where, w = weight, in g, of the substance
Acid Value
The acid value is the number which expresses in
milligrams the amount of potassium hydroxide
necessary to neutralize the free acids present in 1g
of the substance.
Paralkar S D and Patil R P. /Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 9(1), 2021, 9-12.
Available online: January – March 11
Method- Unless otherwise specified in the
individual monograph, dissolve about 10g of the
substance under examination, accurately weighed,
in 50ml of a mixture of equal volumes of ethanol
(95 per cent) and ether, previously neutralized with
0.1M potassium hydroxide to phenolphthalein
solution. If the sample does not dissolve in the cold
solvent, connect the flask with a reflux condenser
and warm slowly, with frequent shaking, until the
sample dissolves. Add 1ml of phenolphthalein
solution and titrate with 0.1M potassium hydroxide
until the solution remains faintly pink after shaking
for 30 seconds.
Calculate the acid value from the expression
Acid value =5.61 n/w
Where, n = the number of ml of 0.1M potassium
hydroxide required;
w = the weight, in g, of the substance
Peroxide Value
The peroxide value is the number of
milliequivalents of active oxygen that expresses the
amount of peroxide contained in 1000g of the
Method- Unless otherwise specified in the
individual monograph, weigh accurately about 5g of
the substance under examination, transfer to a
250ml glass-stoppered conical flask, add 30ml of a
mixture of 3 volumes of glacial acetic acid and 2
volumes of chloroform, swirl until dissolved and
add 0.5ml of saturated potassium iodide solution.
Allow to stand for exactly 1 minute, with occasional
shaking, add 30ml of water and titrate gradually,
with continuous and vigorous shaking, with 0.01M
sodium thiosulphate until the yellow colour almost
disappears. Add 0.5ml of starch solution and
continue the titration, shaking vigorously until the
blue colour just disappears (a ml). Carry out a blank
titration omitting the substance under examination
(b ml). The volume of 0.01M sodium thiosulphate
in the blank determination must not exceed 0.1ml.
Calculate the peroxide value from the expression
Peroxide value = 10 (a - b)/w
Where, w = weight, in g, of the substance
This article is a small effort to showcase analytical
data of Mahanarayana oil formulated by Soham
Ayurved Rasashala. Amongst batches F1 batch
found to be good batch with desired analytical
parameters. F1 was an optimized batch.
Table No.1: Formulation Table
S.No Content F1 F2
1 Shatavari (Asperagusracemosus) 80gm 20gm
2 Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) 10gm 20gm
3 Jatamansi (Nordostachys jatamansi) 10gm 20gm
4 Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata) 10gm 20gm
5 Karanj (Pongamia pinnata) 10gm 20gm
6 Vach (Acorus calamus) 10gm 20gm
7 Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) 10gm 20gm
8 Erandmul (Ricinus communis) 10gm 20gm
9 Devdar (Cedrus deodara) 10gm 20gm
10 Sesame Oil 1000ml 1000ml
11 Water 500ml 500ml
Paralkar S D and Patil R P. /Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 9(1), 2021, 9-12.
Available online: January – March 12
Table No.2: Evaluation Parameters
S.No Parameters Observations
F1 F2
1 Appearance Transparent Transparent
2 Colour Dark Brown Dark Brown
3 Odour Unpleasant Unpleasant
4 pH N.A. N.A.
5 Relative Density 0.9125gm/ml 1.012gm/ml
6 Saponification Value 53mg/gm 53mg/gm
7 Acid Value 0.12mg/gm 0.12mg/gm
8 Peroxide Value 2.92mMol/kg 2.92mMol/kg
Batch F1 has shown the desired effects for the need
of treating pain.
Authors are thankful to Aadhar Life Sciences Pvt.
Ltd. Chincholi MIDC, Dist. Solapur, Maharashtra
for analytical studies of samples.
We declare that we have no conflict of interest.
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2. Satyendra Kumar et al. In-vitro anti-
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4. Indian Pharmacopoeia Saponification Value,
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5. Indian Pharmacopoeia Acid Value, 1, 2010,
6. Indian Pharmacopoeia Peroxide Value, 1,
2010, 92.
Please cite this article in press as:
Paralkar S D and Patil R P. Formulation and evaluation of mahanarayana oil for
pain relief and muscle tone, Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 9(1), 2021, 9-12.
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