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Background and Objectives: In recent years, singing bowl sound interventions have been progres-sively implemented in the fields of well-being, therapy and education; however, the effective-ness has only scarcely been investigated. Therefore, this study was aimed at determining neu-rophysiological effects of a singing bowl massage. Materials and Methods: In this prospective co-hort study 64-channel EEG, ECG and respiration was recorded from 34 participants (mean age 36.03 ± 13.43 years, 24 females/10 males) before, during and after a professional singing bowl massage. Further, subjective changes in well-being were assessed. EEG data were analyzed by determining the effect sizes of distinct frequency bands. Significant differences were calculated by a two-tailed t-test corrected for multiple comparisons. Heart rate variability metrics, heart rate and respiration rate were estimated and compared. Results: Overall EEG power decreased during the sound condition compared to a task-free resting state (d = −0.30, p = 0.002). After the intervention, global EEG power was further reduced (d = −0.46, p < 0.001), revealing a decrease in the beta 2 (d = −0.15, p = 0.002) and the gamma frequency band (d = −0.21, p = 0.004). The mean heart rate was significantly lower after the intervention (75.5 ± 19.8 vs. 71.5 ± 17.9, p < 0.001) and the respiration rate higher (13.5 ± 5.3 vs. 15.2 ± 6.3, p = 0.018). 91.2% of the participants felt more integrated, 97.1% more balanced and 76.5% more vitalized. Conclusions: The neurophysiological effects of a singing bowl sound massage may be interpreted as a shift towards a more mindful, meditative state of consciousness. The intervention was perceived as beneficial for the wellbe-ing.
Citation: Walter, N.; Hinterberger, T.
Neurophysiological Effects of a
Singing Bowl Massage. Medicina
2022,58, 594.
Academic Editor: Martin Schäfer
Received: 19 February 2022
Accepted: 21 April 2022
Published: 26 April 2022
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Neurophysiological Effects of a Singing Bowl Massage
Nike Walter * and Thilo Hinterberger *
Section of Applied Consciousness Sciences, Department for Psychosomatic Medicine, University Hospital Regensburg,
93053 Regensburg, Germany
*Correspondence: (N.W.); (T.H.)
Background and Objectives: In recent years, singing bowl sound interventions have been
progressively implemented in the fields of well-being, therapy and education; however, the ef-
fectiveness has only scarcely been investigated. Therefore, this study was aimed at determining
neurophysiological effects of a singing bowl massage. Materials and Methods: In this prospective
cohort study
EEG, ECG and respiration was recorded from 34 participants (mean age
36.03 ±13.43 years,
24 females/10 males) before, during and after a professional singing bowl mas-
sage. Further, subjective changes in well-being were assessed. EEG data were analyzed by deter-
mining the effect sizes of distinct frequency bands. Significant differences were calculated by a
two-tailed t-test corrected for multiple comparisons. Heart rate variability metrics, heart rate and
respiration rate were estimated and compared. Results: Overall EEG power decreased during the
sound condition compared to a task-free resting state (d =
0.30, p= 0.002). After the intervention,
global EEG power was further reduced (d =
0.46, p< 0.001), revealing a decrease in the beta 2
d = 0.15,
p= 0.002) and the gamma frequency band (d =
0.21, p= 0.004). The mean heart rate was
significantly lower after the intervention (75.5
19.8 vs. 71.5
17.9, p< 0.001) and the respiration
rate higher (
13.5 ±5.3 vs. 15.2 ±6.3
,p= 0.018). 91.2% of the participants felt more integrated, 97.1%
more balanced and 76.5% more vitalized. Conclusions: The neurophysiological effects of a singing
bowl sound massage may be interpreted as a shift towards a more mindful, meditative state of
consciousness. The intervention was perceived as beneficial for the wellbeing.
Keywords: mind–body intervention; complementary therapy; singing bowl; EEG; HRV
1. Introduction
Since centuries ago, the concept of sound healing has been utilized by various cultures
all over the world. During the last few years, music-based interventions have been pro-
gressively implemented in western health care [
]. Such nonpharmacological therapy has
been shown to alleviate a variety of symptoms including pain, anxiety and stress, as well
as to improve quality of life in pediatrics [
]. In addition, for adults, beneficial outcomes
of music therapy were reported, amongst others, in the context of depression [
] and
neurological disorders [
]. With increasing evidence for the therapeutical effects of the
mindfulness concept [
], traditional techniques using acoustic stimuli for the induction
of meditative states, such as singing bowl sound, were further investigated [
]. Thus, some
studies provided first insights into the physiological and psychological effects of singing
bowl sound, comparing pre- and posttreatment parameters by analysis of variance [
However, whereas existing studies applied heart rate variability (HRV) measures and
psychometric data, neurophysiological effects of singing bowl applications are unknown.
Further, most of the studies chose a study design using listening to the sound of singing
bowls as an intervention. In the meantime, the application of directly placing singing bowls
on the patient’s body, termed sound massage, has found its way in various applications in
the fields of well-being, therapy and education [
]. Therefore, this present study aimed to
investigate, for the first time, neurophysiological effects of a singing bowl sound massage.
For this purpose, electrophysiological correlates were identified during the intervention
Medicina 2022,58, 594.
Medicina 2022,58, 594 2 of 7
using 64-channel EEG and compared to a task-free resting state. Further, it aimed to de-
termine changes in HRV and respiration rate, as well as subjective changes in wellbeing,
associated with the singing bowl sound massage intervention.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Data Acquisition and Participants
In this prospective cohort study, electrophysiological data were recorded from
34 participants
(mean age 36.03
13.43 years, 24 females/10 males). All participants
gave their informed consent prior to the study. The study was approved by the institutional
ethics committee of the University Clinic Regensburg according to the Helsinki Convention
(file number: 20-1995-101). Data were recorded using a 72-channel QuickAmp amplifier sys-
tem (BrainProducts GmbH, Munich, Germany). EEG was measured with a 64-channel ANT
Waveguard electrode cap (ANT B.V., Enschede, The Netherlands) with active shielding and
Ag/AgCl electrodes, which were arranged according to the international 10/10 system.
In addition, electrocardiograms (ECGs) were measured with two electrodes between the
sternum and the left costal arch. The respiratory signal was recorded from a belt around the
lower part of the chest. The experimental procedure started with an initial 10 min baseline
resting, including 5 min with eyes open and 5 min with eyes closed. Then, a singing bowl
massage was conducted by professionals trained according to the Peter Hess
with a duration of 20 min. Afterwards, 10 min of silence were given to integrate the experi-
ence. Directly after, a second resting state took place, during which participants kept their
eyes closed for 5 min and subsequently opened their eyes for 5 min (Figure 1). During the
whole procedure participants lay comfortably on a massage table. Before the recording, the
Tellegen-Absorption-Scale (TAS) was measured. This questionnaire captures the absorption
capacity (i.e., the individual’s capacity for engaging attentional resources in sensory and
imaginative experiences) containing 34 true/false self-report items [
]. After the recording,
participants ensued the questionnaire CSP-14, which assesses changes in body sensation,
emotional state and mental state. The questionnaire contains 14 items, which are rated on a
scale ranging from 3 to +3 [16].
Medicina 2022, 58, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 7
present study aimed to investigate, for the first time, neurophysiological effects of a sing-
ing bowl sound massage. For this purpose, electrophysiological correlates were identified
during the intervention using 64-channel EEG and compared to a task-free resting state.
Further, it aimed to determine changes in HRV and respiration rate, as well as subjective
changes in wellbeing, associated with the singing bowl sound massage intervention.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Data Acquisition and Participants
In this prospective cohort study, electrophysiological data were recorded from 34
participants (mean age 36.03 ± 13.43 years, 24 females/10 males). All participants gave
their informed consent prior to the study. The study was approved by the institutional
ethics committee of the University Clinic Regensburg according to the Helsinki Conven-
tion (file number: 20-1995-101). Data were recorded using a 72-channel QuickAmp ampli-
fier system (BrainProducts GmbH, Munich, Germany). EEG was measured with a 64-
channel ANT Waveguard electrode cap (ANT B.V., Enschede, The Netherlands) with ac-
tive shielding and Ag/AgCl electrodes, which were arranged according to the interna-
tional 10/10 system. In addition, electrocardiograms (ECGs) were measured with two elec-
trodes between the sternum and the left costal arch. The respiratory signal was recorded
from a belt around the lower part of the chest. The experimental procedure started with
an initial 10 min baseline resting, including 5 min with eyes open and 5 min with eyes
closed. Then, a singing bowl massage was conducted by professionals trained according
to the Peter Hess
-method, with a duration of 20 min. Afterwards, 10 min of silence were
given to integrate the experience. Directly after, a second resting state took place, during
which participants kept their eyes closed for 5 min and subsequently opened their eyes
for 5 min (Figure 1). During the whole procedure participants lay comfortably on a mas-
sage table. Before the recording, the Tellegen-Absorption-Scale (TAS) was measured. This
questionnaire captures the absorption capacity (i.e., the individual’s capacity for engaging
attentional resources in sensory and imaginative experiences) containing 34 true/false self-
report items [15]. After the recording, participants ensued the questionnaire CSP-14,
which assesses changes in body sensation, emotional state and mental state. The question-
naire contains 14 items, which are rated on a scale ranging from 3 to +3 [16].
Figure 1. Schematic overview of the experimental procedure.
Figure 1. Schematic overview of the experimental procedure.
2.2. Data Processing
MATLAB (MathWorks, Natrick, MA, USA) was used for data processing. Data were
sampled at 250 samples/sec in a range from DC to 70 Hz with a notch filter at 50 Hz. After
Medicina 2022,58, 594 3 of 7
detrending the 64 EEG channels, a correction for eye movement was done using a linear
correction algorithm [
]. A power spectrum time series was calculated using the Fast
Fourier Transform (FFT) for the following frequency bands: delta: 1–3.5 Hz, theta:
4–7.5 Hz,
alpha 1: 8–10 Hz, alpha 2: 10.5–12 Hz, beta 1: 12.5–15 Hz, beta 2: 15.5–25 Hz, gamma:
25.5–45 Hz, global: 1–45 Hz. To obtain a measure of the power spectral density (PSD) FFT
values were squared and all FFT bins within a frequency band range were averaged. EEG
PSD was calculated for each participant, task, electrode, and frequency band.
To determine the effects of the singing bowl massage, the following three phases of
the experimental course were compared:
1. sound vs. resting (eyes closed)
2. postresting (eyes closed) vs. sound
3. postresting (eyes closed) vs. resting (eyes closed)
The respiration signal was detrended, downsampled to 25 samples/s and filtered
using a third-order Butterworth bandpass filter in the range between 0.002 and 1 Hz. The
heart rate (interbeat interval) was calculated by analyzing the R-peaks of the ECG signal.
Time domain indices of heart rate variability (HRV), such as standard deviation of NN
intervals (SDNN) and root mean square of successive RR interval difference (RMSSD), as
well as frequency domain indices of HRV, such as low frequency power (0.04–0.15 Hz) and
high frequency power (0.15–0.4 Hz), were quantified.
2.3. Statistics
For a comparison of the PSD between the first resting, sound application and second
resting, effect sizes of the temporal mean of each frequency band for the respective phase
were calculated, defined as standardized mean differences (Cohen’s d) [
]. Then, effect
sizes of all participants were submitted to a paired two-tailed t-test calculated across
participants and measures. On a level of global field power eight frequency bands and three
comparisons were considered, resulting in 24 variables. These were corrected for multiple
comparison using false discovery rate (FDR) adjustment, which gives the proportion of
false discoveries among all discoveries [
]. FDR was applied on all dimensions across task
conditions, the eight frequency bands and channels. To estimate correlations between the
PSD and the psychometric data, Spearman’s rank correlation was used, after determining
that the distribution was not appropriate for parametric testing by the Shapiro-Wilk test.
For a comparison between HRV metrics and the respiration rate of the first and the second
resting state, a Wilcoxon signed-rank test was applied. Significance was set at p< 0.05.
3. Results
For a detailed comparison between the three phases, effect sizes were estimated for
each condition and frequency band. Significant differences were determined by a two-tailed
t-test corrected for multiple comparisons by the false discovery rate. Comparing the distinct
phases of the course of experimental procedure, there was significantly less overall EEG
power during the sound condition compared to the first resting state (d =
0.30, p= 0.002).
The decrease of EEG activity was specifically significant for the frequency bands alpha 2
d = 0.17,
p= 0.003), beta 1 (d =
0.16, p= 0.002), beta 2 (d =
0.24, p= 0.005), and gamma
(d =
0.35, p= 0.001). The comparison between the second resting state and the sound
condition revealed a decrease in the beta 2 (d =
0.15, p= 0.002) and the gamma frequency
band (d =
0.06, p= 0.004). Further reduction in global EEG power was observed during
the second resting states compared to the first resting state (d =
0.46, p< 0.001), also with
significant effects for alpha 2 (d =
0.21, p= 0.010), beta 1 (d =
0.14, p= 0.006), beta 2
(d = 0.40, p< 0.001) and gamma (d = 0.21 p< 0.001) (Figure 2).
Medicina 2022,58, 594 4 of 7
Medicina 2022, 58, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 7
Figure 2. Color-coded differences of power spectral density shown as effect sizes (Cohen’s d) of the
task comparisons. Fields marked with a black circle were significant on a 0.05 level after FDR ad-
There was no statistically significant change regarding HRV metrics. The mean heart
rate was significantly lower after the intervention (75.5 ± 19.8 vs. 71.5 ± 17.9, p < 0.001) and
the respiration rate was higher (13.5 ± 5.3 vs. 15.2 ± 6.3, p = 0.018) (Table 1).
Table 1. Heart rate variability metrics and respiration rate for each condition.
Parameter Resting [Mean
Sound [Mean
[Mean (SD)]
Comparison (p-
HR [bmp] 75.5 (19.8) 71.3 (17.0) 71.5 (17.9) <0.001 *
SDNN [ms] 68.5 (36.0) 68.3 (34.5) 73.0 (43.3) 0.152
RMSSD [ms] 52.4 (34.6) 54.5 (34.6) 55.7 (38.7) 0.057
LF power [%] 41.6 (19.6) 36.7 (14.1) 39.0 (18.0) 0.203
HF power [%] 21.8 (13.1) 25.0 (14.1) 21.9 (13.2) 0.717
Respiration rate 13.5 (5.3) 14.0 (6.5) 15.2 (6.3) 0.018*
SDNN = Standard deviation of NN intervals, RMSSD = root mean square of successive RR interval
differences, HR = heart rate, LF = low frequency, HF = high frequency. * p < 0.05.
Regarding the subjective effects of the singing bowl massage, 91.2% of the partici-
pants felt more integrated, 97.1% more balanced and 76.5% more vitalized. The bodily
feeling was rated as wider (85.3%), more intense (91.2%), more relaxed (91.2%), more com-
fortable (88.2%) and more powerful (70.6%). The emotional state appeared to be calmer
for 82.4% of the participants. Further, after the singing bowl application, participants re-
ported to be happier (79.4%), satisfied (88.2%), more secure (82.4%) and connected
(88.2%). Mentally, the majority of participants felt clearer (73.5%). Regarding the phenom-
enology of consciousness, participants scored highest in the dimensions of “openness”,
“memory”, “introversion”, “timelessness”, “imagination” and “cognitive clarity”. The
mean TAS score was 69.4 ± 27.5. The total TAS scores did not correlate significantly with
age (Spearman’s ρ = 0.19, p = 0.271) or sex (Spearman’s ρ = 0.144, p = 0.417). The highest
correlation was found between the gamma band power during the first resting state and
the total TAS score, however, it was not statistically significant (Spearman’s ρ = 0.299, p =
0.097). The dimensions of the CSP-14 did not significantly correlate with the PSD in any
frequency band during the three experimental phases, respectively.
4. Discussion
The intervention of a singing bowl massage found its way into various fields of ap-
plication such as prevention, therapy, wellness and education. In this study, neurophysi-
ological effects as well as subjective changes of wellbeing were evaluated. The results
Figure 2.
Color-coded differences of power spectral density shown as effect sizes (Cohen’s d)
of the task comparisons. Fields marked with a black circle were significant on a 0.05 level after
FDR adjustment.
There was no statistically significant change regarding HRV metrics. The mean heart
rate was significantly lower after the intervention (75.5
19.8 vs. 71.5
17.9, p< 0.001)
and the respiration rate was higher (13.5 ±5.3 vs. 15.2 ±6.3, p= 0.018) (Table 1).
Table 1. Heart rate variability metrics and respiration rate for each condition.
Parameter Resting
[Mean (SD)]
[Mean (SD)]
[Mean (SD)]
HR [bmp] 75.5 (19.8) 71.3 (17.0) 71.5 (17.9) <0.001 *
SDNN [ms] 68.5 (36.0) 68.3 (34.5) 73.0 (43.3) 0.152
RMSSD [ms] 52.4 (34.6) 54.5 (34.6) 55.7 (38.7) 0.057
LF power [%] 41.6 (19.6) 36.7 (14.1) 39.0 (18.0) 0.203
HF power [%] 21.8 (13.1) 25.0 (14.1) 21.9 (13.2) 0.717
Respiration rate 13.5 (5.3) 14.0 (6.5) 15.2 (6.3) 0.018 *
SDNN = Standard deviation of NN intervals, RMSSD = root mean square of successive RR interval differences,
HR = heart rate, LF = low frequency, HF = high frequency. * p< 0.05.
Regarding the subjective effects of the singing bowl massage, 91.2% of the participants
felt more integrated, 97.1% more balanced and 76.5% more vitalized. The bodily feeling
was rated as wider (85.3%), more intense (91.2%), more relaxed (91.2%), more comfortable
(88.2%) and more powerful (70.6%). The emotional state appeared to be calmer for 82.4%
of the participants. Further, after the singing bowl application, participants reported to
be happier (79.4%), satisfied (88.2%), more secure (82.4%) and connected (88.2%). Men-
tally, the majority of participants felt clearer (73.5%). Regarding the phenomenology of
consciousness, participants scored highest in the dimensions of “openness”, “memory”,
“introversion”, “timelessness”, “imagination” and “cognitive clarity”. The mean TAS score
was 69.4
27.5. The total TAS scores did not correlate significantly with age (Spearman’s
= 0.19, p = 0.271) or sex (Spearman’s
0.144, p = 0.417). The highest correlation was
found between the gamma band power during the first resting state and the total TAS score,
however, it was not statistically significant (Spearman’s
= 0.299, p = 0.097). The dimensions
of the CSP-14 did not significantly correlate with the PSD in any frequency band during
the three experimental phases, respectively.
4. Discussion
The intervention of a singing bowl massage found its way into various fields of applica-
tion such as prevention, therapy, wellness and education. In this study, neurophysiological
effects as well as subjective changes of wellbeing were evaluated. The results showed an
overall decrease of EEG power during the singing bowl massage, as well as afterwards.
The effects were most pronounced in the beta 2 and gamma frequency band.
Medicina 2022,58, 594 5 of 7
The neurophysiological changes may be interpreted as a refrain from specific cognitive
processing such as mental conceptualization, which would be commensurate with the
essential aspect of mindfulness, namely non-judgmental awareness of the moment-to-
moment-experience [
]. This would be in line with another study by Hinterberger and
colleagues, reporting global decreased EEG activity as well as decreases in the frontal beta
and the central and parietal gamma band, when highly experienced meditators entered
a state of thoughtless emptiness [
]. Further, a decrease in power over all frequency
bands was detected during a meditation characterized as “sacred, unified, egoless, and
blessed” [
]. In addition, Dor-Ziderman et al. distinguished between a state of “narrative”
self-awareness and “minimal” self-awareness in a MEG neurophenomenological study. The
authors reported that the first involved frontal and medial prefrontal gamma band power
decrease, while the latter was related to a beta band power decrease in a network, including
ventral medial prefrontal, medial posterior and lateral parietal regions. Furthermore, the
authors linked an attenuation of beta band activity in the right inferior parietal lobule
to a state of selflessness [
]. The reported positive psychological effects are in line with
other findings in the literature. For instance, Goldsby et al. reported less tension, anger,
fatigue, and depressed mood (p<0.001) after a meditation with Tibetan singing bowl in
healthy participants, and the feeling of spiritual well-being was significantly higher [
]. In
addition, an improvement in positive affect and a reduction in negative affect, as captured
by the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) questionnaire [
], was reported
after a 40-min-long sound meditation with singing bowls [
]. In the presented study,
participants also reported to feel more vitalized, which is in accordance with another study
determining that subjective sleepiness was lower after a 20 min relaxation session with
singing bowl sound compared to a silent relaxation (p= 0.041) [
]. Further, listening
to singing bowl sound was shown to be a useful strategy to reduce anxiety in patients
waiting for urologic surgery [
], which is consistent with high percentages of participants
reporting to be more relaxed, calm and balanced in this study.
In line with the findings of a significantly decreased heart rate, Landry compared the
effects of a directed relaxation session with and without the use of Himalayan singing
bowl sound in a randomized controlled trial, reporting a decline in systolic blood pressure
(p= 0.044) and heart rate (p= 0.003) in the first group [
]. Whereas here no significant
changes were found in HRV metrics, a significant increase in heart rate variability was
observed when applying singing bowl sound during a relaxation session compared to
silent relaxation [28].
Here, no statistically significant correlation between the TAS scores and the frequency
band power was found. However, other findings suggested that absorption, as a personality
characteristic may be a predictor of outcomes in mind–body interventions [
]. For instance,
fibromyalgia patients with high levels of absorption reported more clinically relevant
improvements after a guided imagery intervention in a randomized, controlled trial [30].
The presented findings suggest that the application of a singing bowl massage is
beneficial on a physical and psychological level. Addressing the question whether the
effects are also therapeutical, Wepner and colleagues investigated singing bowl massage
interventions in patients with chronic unspecific pain. In their study, participants were
divided into three groups, either receiving singing bowl therapy, a placebo intervention, or
no treatment; both the placebo and the treatment group showed less pain intensities [
However, in a recent review it was concluded that more evidence is required to recommend
singing bowl therapies as numbers of studies eligible for inclusion were small (n= 4) [11].
This study shows several limitations. First, the sample size may limit the findings in
generalizability. In addition, this study was conducted solely with healthy participants and
for the translation into clinical practice, more evidence based on randomized controlled
trials is required. Further, the measurement and laboratory setting may have influence
subjective changes in wellbeing. In addition, no comparison with other interventions such
as relaxation without sound, or solely listening to singing bowl sound, were made and
thus, blinding of participants was not feasible. However, strengths of the study include the
Medicina 2022,58, 594 6 of 7
novelty of identifying singing bowl massage effects on a psychological, physiological and
neurological level for the first time.
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, neurophysiological correlates of a singing bowl sound massage were
identified. These were characterized by a decrease of overall EEG power most pronounced
in the beta 2 and gamma frequency band, which might reflect a mindful state of conscious-
ness. Subjectively, the intervention was perceived as beneficial for the wellbeing.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, N.W. and T.H.; methodology, T.H.; formal analysis, T.H.
and N.W.; data curation, N.W.; writing—original draft preparation, N.W.; writing—review and
editing, T.H.; visualization, N.W.; supervision, T.H. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement:
The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration
of Helsinki, and approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee the University Clinic Regensburg
(20-1995-101, 20 August 2020).
Informed Consent Statement:
Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement:
The datasets generated and analyzed in the current study are available
from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
The authors would like to thank the European Professional Association for
Sound-Massage-Therapy e.V. for supporting this research.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... In the process of music therapy, the teacher by knocking or rubbing the mantle, can produce empty, distant sound and stable vibration frequency, through muscle conduction, bone conduction, nerve conduction, and other conduction modes in-depth body, adjust the synchronization of the left and right brain balance, acid, numbness, itching, pain, and other physiological phenomena, so that students can feel the mantle and the body after the interaction of the feedback, to experience the message conveyed by the body so that students with perceptual abnormalities to establish a sense of security and emotional stability, and gradually establish a connection with the outside world [9]. So that students with abnormal sensory perception can establish a sense of security, and emotional stability, and gradually establish contact with the outside world. ...
The mental health of students in senior secondary schools has received widespread attention. Under the influence of the college entrance examination system, students’ learning tasks are increasing, with more courses and a corresponding increase in learning pressure. However, the practice methods in high school psychological classrooms are still insufficient. This paper analyzes the practical application of chanting mantle music therapy in high school psychological education, applying the chanting mantle to the practice of music therapy, utilizing its dual role of audio vibration for both the body and the psyche, and exerting the function of music therapy to alleviate the psychological problems of high school students. This paper analyzes and concludes that the application of chanting bowl music therapy in high school mental health education courses is of great significance to the overall promotion of the development of student’s mental health, which can help students better understand themselves, enhance creativity and imagination, and promote harmonious interpersonal relationships.
... Other studies have reported states of deep relaxation after exposure to a 20-minute intervention with singing bowls [94,168], as well as lower subjective (but not objective) sleepiness [61,169]. An exposure duration of 30 minutes up to 1 hour induces a lower level of arousal, and a reduction in anxiety, tension, involuntary mental activity, physical pain and spiritual well-being [27,60,112,170]. In support of our findings, Panchal et al. [27] reported that during 40 minute singing bowls sound interventions, the overall stress level increases in the early part of the meditation and begins to reduce after about 15 minutes and continues the downward trend, consistent with other changes, e.g. an increasing trend in RMSSD, and a decrease of HR every 5-minute interval. ...
Music and sounds activate numerous physiological effects associated with the functioning of the autonomic nervous system and involved in the maintenance of homeostasis. As such, sound interventions can play an important role in supporting human wellbeing. Physiological responses are dependent on the sound type and frequency, as well as the spatial conditions and the presence of the subject in the acoustic environment. To arrive at a more articulate understanding of these dependencies, response of subjects (n=44) to sound reproduction of two different singing bowls with fundamental frequencies at 73 Hz and 110 Hz in spatial projection of nine different geometric shapes were monitored by acoustic and physiological measurement. Contrary to other studies, we find no discrete effects related to the sound type or frequency. Observed effects indicating focused attention, relaxation and improved homeostasis were consistently dependent on the combination of sound frequency and spatial condition. Notably, we observe that the 73 Hz stimulus induced significant changes in the Gamma band of Electroencephalography (EEG) in projection of a Tetrahedron and Cube, while the 110 Hz stimulus induced significant changes in the Theta and Beta bands for the same shapes. Discrete effects of spatial shapes were observed in the Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) of subjects. Arousal was significantly decreased during projection of a Cube, Icosahedron and Dodecahedron and significantly increased during Pyramid, Tetrahedron and Sphere, regardless of the frequency. Discrete effects of stimulus duration were observed in GSR and Electromyography (EMG) of subjects, regardless of the frequency and spatial condition. Arousal and muscle tension were significantly increased during the first 15 minutes and decreased until 40 minutes of exposure. We observe highly significant deviations in projected sound waves in the presence of a subject. The localized amplitude difference of sound waves was highly correlated to localization and power of significant changes in brain activity of subjects, while the phase shift of sound wave frequency was predictive of the frequency of brain activity. Significant expressions of Heart Rate (HR) and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) of subjects were highly correlated to the mean, variability and standard deviation of amplitude difference and phase shift of the fundamental frequency and the average across frequencies. We present a model in the form of a transfer function that accurately predicts various physiological expressions in response to sound stimuli on the basis of observed sound wave deviations. We discuss the benefits of such a model and the future work necessary to develop the model to its full predictive capacity.
... Other studies have reported states of deep relaxation after exposure to a 20-minute intervention with singing bowls [94,168], as well as lower subjective (but not objective) sleepiness [61,169]. An exposure duration of 30 minutes up to 1 hour induces a lower level of arousal, and a reduction in anxiety, tension, involuntary mental activity, physical pain and spiritual well-being [27,60,112,170]. In support of our findings, Panchal et al. [27] reported that during 40 minute singing bowls sound interventions, the overall stress level increases in the early part of the meditation and begins to reduce after about 15 minutes and continues the downward trend, consistent with other changes, e.g. an increasing trend in RMSSD, and a decrease of HR every 5-minute interval. ...
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Music and sounds activate numerous physiological effects associated with the functioning of the autonomic nervous system and involved in the maintenance of homeostasis. As such, sound interventions can play an important role in supporting human wellbeing. Physiological responses are dependent on the sound type and frequency, as well as the spatial conditions and the presence of the subject in the acoustic environment. To arrive at a more articulate understanding of these dependencies, response of subjects (n=44) to sound reproduction of two different singing bowls with fundamental frequencies at 73 Hz and 110 Hz in spatial projection of nine different geometric shapes were monitored by acoustic and physiological measurement. Contrary to other studies, we find no discrete effects related to the sound type or frequency. Observed effects indicating focused attention, relaxation and improved homeostasis were consistently dependent on the combination of sound frequency and spatial condition. Notably, we observe that the 73 Hz stimulus induced significant changes in the Gamma band of Electroencephalography (EEG) in projection of a Tetrahedron and Cube, while the 110 Hz stimulus induced significant changes in the Theta and Beta bands for the same shapes. Discrete effects of spatial shapes were observed in the Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) of subjects. Arousal was significantly decreased during projection of a Cube, Icosahedron and Dodecahedron and significantly increased during Pyramid, Tetrahedron and Sphere, regardless of the frequency. Discrete effects of stimulus duration were observed in GSR and Electromyography (EMG) of subjects, regardless of the frequency and spatial condition. Arousal and muscle tension were significantly increased during the first 15 minutes and decreased until 40 minutes of exposure. We observe highly significant deviations in projected sound waves in the presence of a subject. The localized amplitude difference of sound waves was highly correlated to localization and power of significant changes in brain activity of subjects, while the phase shift of sound wave frequency was predictive of the frequency of brain activity. Significant expressions of Heart Rate (HR) and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) of subjects were highly correlated to the mean, variability and standard deviation of amplitude difference and phase shift of the fundamental frequency and the average across frequencies. We present a model in the form of a transfer function that accurately predicts various physiological expressions in response to sound stimuli on the basis of observed sound wave deviations. We discuss the benefits of such a model and the future work necessary to develop the model to its full predictive capacity.
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Music and sounds evoke a wide range of emotions and activate numerous psychological and physiological effects. Since emotions involve the autonomic nervous system (ANS) associated with the maintenance of homeostasis, they play an important role in supporting human wellbeing. The aim of the present study is to further validate the mechanisms underlying the relationship between sound, emotions and homeostasis. To this end, the effects of spatial sound projection of two different singing bowls with fundamental frequencies at 73 Hz and 110 Hz were investigated by monitoring behavioural and emotional response in healthy subjects. Overall, we find that the spatial projection of singing bowl sounds elicits a highly significant increase in positive emotions. Exposure to both frequencies resulted in a significant improvement in emotional wellbeing and a significant reduction in negative emotions. We demonstrate frequency-dependent effects indicating a shift in arousal, where 73 Hz elicits feeling more wide awake while 110 Hz elicits sleepiness. These results indicate that non-invasive interventions, such as sound immersion with singing bowls, are effective means in restoring and maintaining homeostasis and underline the need for further research on the effect of discrete frequencies on human psychology and physiology, opening new perspectives on potential treatment of various disorders and conditions.
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Eastern integrative medicine includes centuries-old practices and treatments which have quite recently garnered significant attention in Western society. Numerous traditional medicine techniques such as yoga, sound healing, Qigong, Tai Chi Chuan, and acupuncture have recently been studied in relation to their potential for reduction of human chronic stress, a widespread societal health problem. These ancient treatments present considerable potential for stress reduction globally. Thus, the present authors recommend that substantial resources be devoted to the study of these practices as potential tools for stress reduction and improvement in public health.
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Background We aimed to determine and compare the effects of music therapy and music medicine on depression, and explore the potential factors associated with the effect. Methods PubMed (MEDLINE), Ovid-Embase, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, EMBASE, Web of Science, and Clinical Evidence were searched to identify studies evaluating the effectiveness of music-based intervention on depression from inception to May 2020. Standardized mean differences (SMDs) were estimated with random-effect model and fixed-effect model. Results A total of 55 RCTs were included in our meta-analysis. Music therapy exhibited a significant reduction in depressive symptom (SMD = −0.66; 95% CI = -0.86 to -0.46; P<0.001) compared with the control group; while, music medicine exhibited a stronger effect in reducing depressive symptom (SMD = −1.33; 95% CI = -1.96 to -0.70; P<0.001). Among the specific music therapy methods, recreative music therapy (SMD = -1.41; 95% CI = -2.63 to -0.20; P<0.001), guided imagery and music (SMD = -1.08; 95% CI = -1.72 to -0.43; P<0.001), music-assisted relaxation (SMD = -0.81; 95% CI = -1.24 to -0.38; P<0.001), music and imagery (SMD = -0.38; 95% CI = -0.81 to 0.06; P = 0.312), improvisational music therapy (SMD = -0.27; 95% CI = -0.49 to -0.05; P = 0.001), music and discuss (SMD = -0.26; 95% CI = -1.12 to 0.60; P = 0.225) exhibited a different effect respectively. Music therapy and music medicine both exhibited a stronger effects of short and medium length compared with long intervention periods. Conclusions A different effect of music therapy and music medicine on depression was observed in our present meta-analysis, and the effect might be affected by the therapy process.
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Objectives: There is quite a debate about frequencies around 8 Hz playing a role in the human brain but also in micro-vibrations in muscles of the body. There are also claims about a positive bodily and mental influence of various kinds of vibrating whole-body stimulations. We have studied the effects of such a rhythmic whole-body stimulation on a subjective level. Study Design: We tested the effects of 20 minutes mechanical whole-body stimulation at about 8 Hz on physical and mental wellbeing on 20 healthy participants. An additional control group of 20 participants kept the same body postures in a relaxation session. Outcome Measures. Changes in bodily sensations, emotions and mental experiences as well as the phenomenology of consciousness were assessed by questionnaires. Results: Compared to a control group, vibrational stimulation resulted in a significant more intense and wider body feeling and changes of the body image summarized in a factor called Integration (z=1.94, p<.05). It also provided slightly more experiences of bliss (z=2.1, p<.05). Effect sizes were moderate. Conclusions: Despite rhythmic whole-body stimulation has an overall positive effect on body, mind and wellbeing, when compared to a relaxation exercise, it only offered a slightly more extended body awareness and stronger experiences of bliss.
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Background The aim of this study was to investigate the effects on subjective and objective sleepiness of a stay above a large struck singing bowl compared to a relaxation period in a silent singing bowl. Methods Fifty-eight healthy subjects were recruited for the study, 48 participated on two days, one week apart, during the same timeslot. The Karolinska sleepiness scale was used to evaluate current subjective sleepiness, and the relative pupillary unrest index to assess objective sleepiness. In this randomized cross-over study, the intervention consisted of a 20-minute stay in a hammock while the singing bowl, positioned beneath, was struck seven times. The controlled comparator was a 20-minute stay in the same hammock above the singing bowl, but without being struck. After these two interventions subjective and objective sleepiness were re-evaluated. Results The mean relative pupillary unrest index values after relaxation in the struck and silent singing bowl groups were 0.74 and respectively 0.71 (p = 0.460). The median Karolinska sleepiness scale value after relaxation with the struck singing bowl was 3 compared with 4 (p = 0.041) for the silent singing bowl. Discussion This study evaluated the influence of a struck singing bowl on sleepiness during daytime. Subjective sleepiness was significantly lower after relaxation above a struck singing bowl. After gender stratification, the difference was still significant in women. Objective sleepiness was not different in both groups. Finally, we can only speculate if women may be more susceptible to subjective improvements in case of sleepiness and show another perception of relaxation in a struck singing bowl compared to men.
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Introduction Scientific evidence has demonstrated the psychological and physiological benefits of meditation. Sound vibrations also improve emotional wellbeing while enhancing the physiological parameters. There is an opportunity to explore the psychological and physiological benefits of Himalayan Singing Bowls (HSB) sound bath meditation, i.e. meditation assisted with sound vibrations. Aim of the Study The study explored changes in mood and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) parameters after a HSB Sound Bath Meditation on healthy individuals. The primary objectives of the study were to understand if a 40 minute long seated HSB Sound Bath Meditation results in significant improvement (a) in positive affect and negative affect, as measured by Positive And Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) and (b) in physiological parameters, as measured by Heart Rate Variability. The secondary objective of the study was to understand the impact on various moods as measured by Profile Of Mood States (POMS) Survey. Methods The psychological parameters included changes in Positive and Negative Affect (measured on 77 individuals using PANAS) and changes in specific, positive and negative moods (measured on 17 individuals using POMS) before and after the meditation session. The physiological parameters included HRV parameters such as Heart Rate (HR), Stress Index (SI) and Root Mean Square of Standard Deviation (RMSSD) measuring during the entire session on 15 individuals using the EmWave Pro device. HRV data analysis was conducted with Kubios HRV Premium and all the data was analyzed using paired T-Test. Results All the subjects after meditation showed statistically significant improvement in Positive Affect (mood) and a reduction in Negative Affect (mood). The HRV parameters showed a trend demonstrating overall relaxation with a statistically significant reduction in HR, Stress Index and an increase in RMSSD in the last 5 minutes as compared to the first 5 minutes. Consistent with changes in positive, negative mood and HRV, all the participants showed statistically significant reduction in tension, anger, fatigue, depression and confusion. In terms of positive mood, there was a statistically significant improvement in esteem related affect and an increase (but not statistically significant) in vigor. Conclusion The findings demonstrate that seated HSB Sound Bath Meditation session has a positive impact on the mood related measures. The physiological changes measured during the meditation using HRV parameters indicated a consistent reduction in Heart Rate throughout the meditation and a reduction in overall sympathetic tone and an increase in parasympathetic tone. Thus, HSB can be used to improve both psychological and physiological parameters even after one 40 min session. Future work in this area could explore comparison with a control group and a longer study duration consisting of multiple sessions.
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Objective: To investigate the effects of sound-based interventions (SBIs) on biomechanical parameters in stroke patients. Methods: PubMed/Medline, Web of Science, the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), and the Cochrane Library were searched until September 2019. Studies examining the effect of SBIs on kinematic, kinetic, and electromyographic outcome measures were included. Two independent reviewers performed the screening, and data extraction and risk-of-bias assessment were conducted with the PEDro and Newcastle–Ottawa scale. Disagreements were resolved by a third independent reviewer. Results: Of the 858 studies obtained from all databases, 12 studies and 240 participants met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Six studies investigated the effect of SBI on upper limb motor tasks, while six examined walking. Concerning quality assessment (Newcastle–Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale and PEDro), the nine cross-sectional studies had a median score of seven, while the randomized controlled trials had a median score of five (fair to good quality). In relation to upper limb motor tasks, only one study found improvements in cortical reorganization and increased central excitability and motor control during reaching after SBI (results of the other five studies were too diverse and lacked quality to substantiate their findings). In relation to walking, results were clearer: SBI led to improvements in knee flexion and gastrocnemius muscle activity. Conclusion: Despite of the heterogeneity of the included studies, evidence was found demonstrating that SBI can induce biomechanical changes in motor behavior during walking in stroke patients. No conclusions could be formulated regarding reaching tasks. Additionally, directions for future research for understanding the underlying mechanism of the clinical improvements after SBI are: (1) using actual music pieces instead of rhythmic sound sequences and (2) examining sub-acute stroke rather than chronic stroke patients.
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Introduction Sound vibrations have a profound impact on the body and the mind with evidence confirming reduced anxiety and increased wellbeing. The likely reason for driving the benefit is relaxation. The Himalayan Singing Bowls, used for therapeutic intervention to enhance the individual’s emotional & physical wellbeing, may facilitate faster and deeper relaxation as compared to simple, supine relaxation. Aim of the Study The study aimed to validate the hypothesis that short 20 minutes sessions to relax with the help of the Himalayan Singing Bowl (HSB) could provide better depth of relaxation as compared to Supine Silence (SS) based on the objective assessment of physiology parameters i.e. Stress Index & Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Methods Seven metal Himalayan singing bowls were used in a particular sequence learned from an expert teacher for 16 subjects. The SS group consisted of 17 subjects. The HRV data was measured by the Emwave Pro device and analyzed using Kubios HRV Premium software. The analysis compared key HRV parameters within and between the groups. Result Overall, as expected, both groups achieved relaxation as measured by changes in HRV parameters. However, further analysis confirmed a more consistent relaxation, as measured by a statistically significant reduction in stress index and an increase in HRV, for HSB group. The HSB group achieved more consistent depth of relaxation during each subsequent 5 minutes interval throughout the session as compared to SS group. Conclusion The study confirms that singing bowls sessions can be leveraged as a tool for inducing good quality relaxation response (increased parasympathetic tone, reduced stress) to facilitate healing and energy recovery in just 20 minutes and achieve significant health benefits. More comprehensive studies must be conducted to further evaluate the findings with more sample size, different methods of relaxation and varied demographics.
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Background: In pediatric health care, non-pharmacological interventions such as music therapy have promising potential to complement traditional medical treatment options in order to facilitate recovery and well-being. Music therapy and other music-based interventions are increasingly applied in the clinical treatment of children and adolescents in many countries world-wide. The purpose of this overview is to examine the evidence regarding the effectiveness of music therapy and other music-based interventions as applied in pediatric health care. Methods: Surveying recent literature and summarizing findings from systematic reviews, this overview covers selected fields of application in pediatric health care (autism spectrum disorder; disability; epilepsy; mental health; neonatal care; neurorehabilitation; pain, anxiety and stress in medical procedures; pediatric oncology and palliative care) and discusses the effectiveness of music interventions in these areas. Results: Findings show that there is a growing body of evidence regarding the beneficial effects of music therapy, music medicine, and other music-based interventions for children and adolescents, although more rigorous research is still needed. The highest quality of evidence for the positive effects of music therapy is available in the fields of autism spectrum disorder and neonatal care. Conclusions: Music therapy can be considered a safe and generally well-accepted intervention in pediatric health care to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. As an individualized intervention that is typically provided in a person-centered way, music therapy is usually easy to implement into clinical practices. However, it is important to note that to exploit the potential of music therapy in an optimal way, specialized academic and clinical training and careful selection of intervention techniques to fit the needs of the client are essential.
Objective The objective of this study was to determine the human health effects (beneficial or adverse) of any singing bowl therapies. Design A systematic review was conducted. Setting The setting was not specified, so it could include clinical and non-clinical settings. Intervention Studies of any intervention predominantly involving singing bowls (e.g. playing singing bowls, listening to singing bowls) were eligible for inclusion. The comparison interventions were not specified, and studies without comparisons (e.g. pre-post studies) were also considered potentially relevant. Main outcome measures Any human health outcome was investigated. Results The effects of singing bowls on human health were investigated in four peer-reviewed studies, one of which investigated patients with metastatic cancer, and another those with chronic spinal pain. Low-level designs were used in two studies. Improvements in distress, positive and negative affect, anxiety, depression, fatigue, tension, anger, confusion and vigour were reported, as were improvements in blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, peripheral capillary oxygen saturation, cutaneous conductance, and anterior-frontal alpha values. Conclusions Given there were few studies and the potential risk of methodological bias, we cannot recommend singing bowl therapies at this stage. As the evidence suggests positive health effects we recommend that future studies consider the effect of singing bowl therapist using more robust study methods, allowing for evidence-based recommendations to be made to reduce the disease burden.