Experiment FindingsPDF Available

Abstract and Figures

When user enters the secured password it checks the average temperature of the user and welcomes, else it would assume as unauthorized access after 3 false attempts
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Southampton Solent University
Bsc (Hons) in Software Engineering
Internet of Things AE2 (BCC611)
Author - Hussain Moulana
Bcas ID - 1020362 Solent ID - 15685012
Lecturer - Anis Saboordeen
IOT - Internet of Things
IDE - Integrated Development Environment
MQTT - Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
Table of Figures
Figures Page
1overview diagram - 4. 10 (Cisco Overview - 9. 19 registry - 14. 28 Serial monitor - 19
2block diagram - 4.11 IOT monitor - 10. 20 backend - 15. 29 garage open - 20
3(Tinkercad detect - 5. 12 Conditions - 10. 21 logins - 15. 30 garage close - 21
4Enter Password - 6. 13 IOT broker -11. 22 run comp - 16. 31 Door lock - 21
5Door unlock - 6. 14 (Pub/Sub Door - 12. 23 run sensors - 16. 32 Door close - 22
6Get in time - 7. 15 garage - 12. 24 blynk)mobile linked - 17. 33 MQTT - 22
7Relocking - 7. 16 lights - 13. 25 test samples - 18. 34 output comp - 23
8Locked - 8. 17 Cisco) Pub/Sub) Siren - 13. 26 temp code - 19. 35 res sensor - 24
9Tinkercad) Intrusion - 8. 18 (Blynk install - 14. 27 ultra-sonic code - 19.
Acronyms & Table of Figures………………………………………………………………..1
1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………….3
2. Key Aspect of the model…………………………………………………………………..3
3. Overview Diagram………………………………………………………………………….4
4. Block Diagram……………………………………………………………………………....4
5. Schematic Diagram and simulation……………………………………………………..5
5.1. TinkerCad Simulation…………………………………………………………………..5
5.2. Cisco Simulation………………………………………………………………………..9
5.3. Blynk Simulation……………………………………………………………………....13
Local Server…………………………………………………………………………..14
Running Blynk……………………………………………......................................15
6. Model Implementation…………………………………………………………………....17
7. IOT Model Evaluation………………………………………………………………….….17
8. Test and Validation………………………………………………………………….…….18
8.1 TinkerCad Test…………………………………………………………………..……..18
8.2 Cisco Packet tracer Test…………………………………………………….………..20
8.3 Blynk Test………………………………………………………..................................23
9. Future Development……………………………………………………………………...24
10. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………..25
11. References………………………………………………………………………………...25
12. Appendix…………………………………………………………………………………..25
1. Introduction
The IOT model that I have designed is the development of a password protected door lock
system. With this enhancement to the user’s door, can ultimately benefit the user being
way ahead of a step in terms of security. The system is basically to input a unique code to
gain access to a door which is known only to the user. In the case of a false attempt, the
sensors used in this model will detect an unauthorized attempt and be notified to the user
In case of having very sensitive or classified files or information, this measure can be
really a choice never to be regretted.
In comparison with the traditional form of the use of keys, in comparison this method can
be in much favoration, since it cannot be lock picked, key cut shaped neither be able to
gain access without the knowledge of the owner.
2. Key aspect of the IOT Model
Sensors used -
PIR Sensor - Detects that the user has been in the location as at the stated time.
Temperature Sensor - Detects the user’s usual temperature and changes to it.
Ultrasonic Sensor - Detects the user’s distance towards the door.
Actuators used -
Buzzer - Used to produce sounds when typing passwords and if it is incorrect.
Transistor - Helps to amplify electronic signals and power.
Resistor - Helps in reducing current flows and adjusting signal levels.
Connectivity of the model uses an Arduino Uno board along with a breadboard to help
connect the elements of the model. Since Arduino doesn’t have built-in wifi, that will also
be used to connect onto the user’s smartphone using the blynk application.
Data Analysis helps discover useful and valid information, in this case we could input the
user’s required information to help store data in order to gain access upon verification. The
door passwords and how many times it is used to access and open and details can be
stored and interpreted as well.
This can help the owner make good decisions that will be for the betterment.
Communication method linked can help make the system more effective.
3. Overview Diagram
Figure 1
4. Block Diagram
Figure 2
5. Schematic Diagram and simulation
.5.1 TinkerCad Simulation
Video Proof - TinkerCad
The door having the simulation consists of the code “4505” to be entered to gain access.
When Someone is in close proximity to the door, the PIR sensor detects it, assuming it is
the user (Hussain in this case, and says to put in the code to enter), until proven otherwise
through incorrect passcode and the siren is activated for an unauthorized access.
Figure 3
The Passcode is being typed by the user, notice that the buzzer is rang in each press of a
key, the user is still being detected under the Motion sensor proximity in front of the door
waiting to be verified.
Figure 4
The code has been correctly put in and verified as “Hussain” and now gained access to
the door successfully. Therefore greets by code as Welcome Back Hussain!” and opens
the door.
Figure 5
Once unlocked, the door is set to close back automatically protected with password. In this
Case within 5 Seconds, and the buzzer is rang for each second alerting the user to quickly
get in. The seconds of the timer also appear on the LCD screen. Notice that the user (Blue
ball) behind the door now and aways from the motion sensor.
Figure 6
Once the timer is out, it gives a warning saying it is to be “relocking”.
Figure 7
The Door is “Locked” once again. And to Gain access the password is to be put in again
for user verification. The user (blue ball) is now much away and in no proximity to the PIR
sensor and has no detection.
Figure 8
Here, while the PIR sensor sensor is being indicated, the person standing in front of the
door attempts to gain access with an incorrect code, therefore the PIR sensor verifies it is
not the user and activates the siren. Hussain’s phone will be alerted immediately warning
him for an intrusion.
Figure 9
5.2 Cisco Simulation
Video Proof - Cisco
The following outlines the home system including my project of automatic door connected
to my smartphone. Through a home gateway router.
Figure 10
The below image shows the configurations that can be done to the home system including
the sensors
Figure 11
The following indicates the conditions or in other words the commands to the systems so
that the IOT devices are shown a scale of artificial intelligence.
Figure 12
Below shows the Subscribers and publishers connected to the IOT broker through MQTT
client with the same subnet mask. Each Publisher consists of two subscribers
Figure 13
After connecting each publisher and subscriber connection is shown in the below
Door - Lock, Unlock
Figure 14
Garage - Open, Close
Figure 15
Lights - On, Dim
Siren - Activate, Deactivate
Figure 17
5.3 Blynk
Video Proof - Blynk
Using Java blynk local is installed.
Figure 18
Local server
This custom server provides user with $100000 credits while the blynk default server only
gives $2000
Figure 19
Back end of the blynk server to keep track of the projects worked
Figure 20
Changed logins from default provided logins
Figure 21
Running blynk
Upon inserting the unique token provided via mail:
The following shows values passed from application to my artifact (write_virtual)
Figure 22
The following shows values passed from my artifact to the application (read_virtual)
Figure 23
The following shows the connectivity to my phone which notifies me when the window is
Figure 24
6. Model Implementation
The above simulation basically explains the process of the user entering the apartment
and is in the process of unlocking the door, meanwhile the motion sensor detecting his
Now instead of the traditional form of using a key lock and opening, he will be
inputting the unique digit code which is only known to him. Upon successful code
verification it would unlock the door and welcome him. After he physically pushes the door
open, it would scan for his usual temperature through sensors.
With a false attempt, the one standing in front of the door will
be proven unauthorized and following the siren ring connected to the motion sensor, the
user’s phone will be alerted that an unauthorized access is attempted at the doorstep.
7. IOT Model Evaluation
A sample of the test report is as follows;
Figure 25
This model eventually helps prove to a great value in terms of security and privacy which
are becoming more and more of a concern in the modern days of technology adaptation.
However installing this system is not an easy task, it is quite expensive to be installed and
maintained well.
Depending on the usage level, the guarantee period might even be a very short time.
This system does help notify users when there is someone else at the doorstep, however
there could be multiple tests that need to be run which might be very costly and time
There could be battery issues in the midway which might not be a definite feature for the
system to run 24/7.
The ethical safety of the measures used in companies can help achieve ISO standards in
privacy of records kept.
This model helps in being one of the improved systems for the developing smart door lock
system since unlike traditional keys this cannot be duplicated or picklocked.
8. Test and Validation
8.1 TinkerCad Simulation - The output of the Serial Monitors of sensor checks
Temperature Sensor
Figure 26
Ultrasonic Sensor
Figure 27
Figure 28
8.2 Cisco Simulation -
Below two images show a sample of the garage system through car emission levels; on
car startup and the gas emission increase will open the garage.
After the decrease of emission levels followed by the car leaving the garage automatically
would close the garage door.
Figure 30
The below images show the conditions applied on the pir sensor. If a person is in proximity
to the main door it detects and automatically the siren is set to activate.
Figure 31
Upon correct password the door is unlocked and the incorrect password will ring the siren
and alert the smartphone connected (as illustrated in 5.1 tinkercad simulation)
Figure 32
MQTT Simulation - Upon connection the below image outlines the Subscribers list at a
Figure 33
8.3 Blynk Simulation -
Output of the simulation on write_virtual using my components from tinkercad including
the door, car and lights.
Figure 34
Output of the Simulation on Read_virtual using my sensors from tinkercad - motion,
Temperature, Ultrasonic distance.
Figure 35
9. Future Development
The current artifact includes only one main door applied to a phone. Hopefully with further
testing and verification with this use along with convincing feedback, several doors are
being planned to be put on with different passwords connected to a single phone of the
This method can be very useful in cases of installing the system to an organization, as the
person trying to gain access has to go through several doors and passwords.
There is also planning on this enhancement where when a false password is attempted
thrice and proven unauthorized, the authorities or police are directly contacted by the
system. This measure can be useful if the user is in a very far distance or even another
country and will not be able to reach the door to investigate in time.
Additionally there are ongoing procedures to implement voice and biometric scanners
along to the keypad so that there’s more enhanced verification for user confirmation.
10. Conclusion
The current concept seems to be in perception of an enhanced system upto the communal
standards preferred which indefinitely would help grow in terms of personal and capitalized
development to the project and the needs of the end user’s requirement and satisfies the
terms in the end.
The current performance in the end is judged by the decision making of the forthcoming
and upgrades persisted to be used and managed, and for how well it can be managed can
enable a well traced employability frequency.
Concluding to this project being an IDE interface helps many consumers in the growing
economy and inflation and to cope up with the level of referencing towards it.
11. References
My AE1 Assignment.pdf
12. Appendix
My TinkerCad model - Hussain Automation Door
My Cisco Packet tracer model - Hussain-Cisco Packet Tracer
TINKERCAD Coding - Tinkercad.cpp
Blynk Coding - Blynk Codes
Testing Report - Test Report
MQTT using Mosquitto Broker
Entrance Garage
Room 1 Room 2 Door Smoke
Light Alarm
Below shows the initial stage of ‘hearing’ on activation to mosquitto broker.
Below shows the publishing of the ‘home’ components with its subscribers including room
1 & 2, along with the sub components of alarm and light. The call out is “ON” , “DIM”,
Below shows another publishing of the ‘garage’ concept with its subscribers that has a
door and smoke detector. Their callout is “OPEN”, “CLOSE” and “HIGH”, “LOW”
Below shows the first and the second publisher on left and right which includes 3 & 2
subscribers respectively.
... Md. Helmi Al Syukran Bin Abdul Malik from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia proposed an automatic door lock system in 2008 [9]. This project was concentrated at the short messaging system (SMS) in order to open the door. ...
Access control is the process of verifying a user's claimed identity and giving or denying the access. The aim of the proposed system is to construct a secure access control system to control the entry of various items through a door or a passage using RFID technology. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems will become pervasive in our daily lives due to their low cost and easy to use characteristics. At the very simplest level, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies allow the transmission of a unique serial number wirelessly, using radio waves. The two key parts of the system that are needed to do this are the RFID 'tag' and the 'Reader'. The proposed system is an automatic identification and authentication system which can be deployed at the doors of the building to authenticate authorized people. The proposed system aims to develop a very low cost authentica-tion system based on the low cost components than those which are already available in the market. This approach not only reduces the cost but also enhances the reliability and ease of maintenance of the authentication system. The flexibility of the proposed access control system makes itself suitable for various applications.
Full-text available
Nowadays, safety is one of the most critical factors in life. Lock control remains an unsatisfactory experience for many people. Despite the fact that keyed locks have been used since the beginning of history, there is a high risk that keys will get lost or in the wrong hands. Therefore, many individuals prefer smart door locks for improving the security of their homes or workplaces over traditional keyed locks. As long as people want security, convenience and control, they will seek solutions beyond conventional approaches, whether physically present or not. The result has been that human has devised a variety of security systems utilizing a variety of technology. These technologies include fingerprint recognition, Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID), Internet of Things (IoT), Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) technology, facial recognition, and Arduino microcontrollers. A review of a few of the more recently developed smart locks that are effective security systems can be found here. Security plays a vital role in almost every aspect of our society, which is why I believe this study is so important.
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