Conference PaperPDF Available

Prevention and response in the case of CBRN incidents



The dispersal of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) materials due to natural, accidental or intentional (terrorist or war) events are considered to be the most critical risks to human and environmental security and safety. Therefore, the prevention of CBRN incidents requires a pre-prepared plan of measures and actions that need to be taken to ensure an effective response to the numerous destructive and complex impacts that such risks entail. In the case of a CBRN incident first responders have a very demanding task that requires effective resolution of the incident and prevention of its transition into a disaster. In order to raise the level of resilience of disaster risk reduction and emergency management systems, training through certain simulations and exercises should be aimed at raising the level of knowledge and improving the skills of members of first response services. The secure management of CBRN agents, in particular the safety and security of their locations, production, storage, and transport control, is key to achieving an adequate level of security to prevent unwanted and unauthorized use, inadequate use, or exposure to natural hazards. The services in charge of responding to CBRN incidents (fire and rescue services, emergency medical services, police, army, environmental services, public health experts, scientists of various disciplines, etc.) should approach the new situation in a way that implies an efficient and fast response, coordinated, adequately trained, and equipped risk-prepared units.
Naučno-stručno društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije ECOLOGICA
11000 BEOGRAD, Kneza Miloša 7a, Telefon/Fax: (011) 32 44 248
Za izdavača:
Emeritus prof. dr Larisa Jovanović,
Predsednik Upravnog odbora Društva ECOLOGICA
Emeritus prof. dr Larisa Jovanović
Prof. dr Vadim Ermakov
Pokrovitelji Konferencije:
Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije, i
Ministarstvo zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije
Akademska izdanja, Zemun
Godina izdavanja 2022.
Tiraž 300
ISBN 978-86-89061-16-1
Posebnu zahvalnost Upravni odbor Naučno-stručnog društva za zaštitu
životne sredine Srbije Ecologica izražava Savezu inženjera i tehničara
Srbije, rukovodstvu i stručnoj službi za pomoć u pripremi i organizaciji
Scientific and Professional Society for Environmental Protection of Serbia
ECOLOGICA; ALFA BK University, Belgrade; Union of Engineers and
Technicians of Serbia; Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, Belgrade;
Institute of General and Physical Chemistry, Belgrade; Bulgarian National
Union of Scientists - Ruse, Bulgaria; University of Ruse Angel Kanchev,
Bulgaria; Bulgarian National Society of Agricultural Engineers; Balkan
Environmental Association (B.EN.A.)
Under the patronage of
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and
Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia
Belgrade, 19-21 April 2022
Naučno-stručno Društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije ECOLOGICA,
11000 Beograd, Kneza Miloša 7a
Za izdavača:
emeritus prof. dr Larisa Jovanović, Predsednik UO Društva ECOLOGICA
emeritus prof. dr Larisa Jovanović
prof. dr Vadim Ermakov
Štampa: Akademska izdanja, Zemun, 2022.
Tiraž: 300
CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији
Народна библиотека Србије, Београд
MEĐUNARODNA naučna konferencija Održivi razvoj i zelena ekonomija (2022 ;
Book of Abstracts / International Scientific Conference Sustainable Development
and Green Economy = Knjiga apstrakata / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Održivi
razvoj i zelena ekonomija, Belgrade, 19-21 April 2022 ; [urednici Larisa Jovanović,
Vadim Ermakov]. - Beograd : Naučno-stručno društvo za zaštitu životne sredine
Srbije Ecologica, 2022 (Zemun : Akademska izdanja). - 281 str. ; 25 cm
Uporedo tekst na engl i srp. ili engl. i rus. jeziku. - Na vrhu nasl str.: Scientific and
Professional Society for Environmental Protection of Serbia ECOLOGICA ... - Tiraž
300. - Foreword: str. 5-6. - "... konferencija planirana je u hibridnom (face to face i on-
line) režimu uz korišćenje platforme Google meet." --> Predgovor.
ISBN 978-86-89061-16-1
а) Економија -- Животна средина -- Апстракти б) Животна средина -- Апстракти
в) Одрживи развој -- Апстракти
COBISS.SR-ID 63313417
Prof. Dr Vadim Ermakov, GEOKHI, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS),
Moscow, Russian Federation
Prof. Dr Viliam Sarian, Academician NAS of Armenia
Prof. Dr Sergei Ostroumov, MSU “Lomonosov”, Russian Federation
Dr Sergey Chalov, GF MSU “Lomonosov”, Russian Federation
Prof. Dr Vyacheslav Zaitsev, Astrakhan State Technical University, RF
Prof. Dr Aleksandr Syso, RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Prof. Dr Јеlena Ponomarenko, Peoples Friendship University, Moscow, RF
Prof. Dr Jaume Bech Borras, University Barcelona, Spain
Prof. Dr Petar Hristov, Free University Varna, Bulgaria
Prof. Dr Anelia Nenova, Free University Varna, Bulgaria
Prof. Dr Velizara Pencheva, University of Ruse, Bulgaria
Prof. Dr Atanas Atanasov, University of Ruse, Bulgaria
Prof. Dr Antoaneta Vassileva, University NWE, Sofia, Bulgaria
Prof. Dr Bekmamat Djenbajev, Inst. Biology & Pedology, Bishkek, Kirgizstan
Dr Vladimir Safonov, Voronezh State Agrarian University, Russian Federation
Dr Vladimir Bashkin, IPBP of Soil Sci., RAS, Moscow Region, RF
Prof. Dr Srđan Redzepagić, University “Sophia Antipolis”, Nice, France
Dr Svetlana Jovanović, Oklahoma State University, Tulsa, USA
Dr Franz Brandstatter, Museum of Natural History, Vienna, Austria
Prof. Dr Neven Duić, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Dr Valentin Vladut, INMA, Bucharest, Romania,
Isabel Airas, Advisor and Project Manager, Chamber of Commerce of Serbia,
Prof. Dr Igor Stubelj, University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia
Prof. Dr Slobodan I. Marković, Scuola Superiore Universitaria, Padova, Italia
Prof. Dr Nataša Markovska, ICEIM-MANU, North Macedonia
Emeritus Prof. Dr Larisa Jovanović, President, Society “ECOLOGICA”, Belgrade
Emeritus Prof. Dr Hasan Hanic, Belgrade Banking Academy, Belgrade
Emeritus Prof. Dr Ilija Ćosić, Engineering Academy of Serbia, Belgrade
Dr Igor Marić, Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, Belgrade
Prof. Dr Marijana Joksimović, ALFA BK University, Belgrade
Prof. Dr Vladimir Džamić, ALFA BK University, Belgrade
Prof. Dr Nemanja Pažin, ALFA BK University, Belgrade
Prof. Dr Bobana Berjan Bačvarević, ALFA BK University, Belgrade
Prof. Dr Dejan Erić, Belgrade Banking Academy, Belgrade
Prof. Dr Vidojko Jović, academician SASA, Belgrade
Prof. Dr Slavko Mentus, academician SASA, Faculty of Physical Chemistry, BU, Belgrade
Prof. Dr Dragan Veselinović, Faculty of Physical Chemistry, BU, Belgrade
Dr Dragica Stanković, Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, Belgrade
Prof. Dr Vladan Joldžić, Institute for Sociological and Criminological Res., Belgrade
Prof. Dr Mario Lukinović, Faculty of Law, Union University, Belgrade
Dr Ozren Uzelac, Faculty of Economics, UNS, Subotica
Prof. Dr Violeta Šiljak, ECPD, UN University for Peace, Belgrade
Prof. Dr Antonije Onjia, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, BU, Belgrade
Prof. Dr Olja Munitlak Ivanović, Faculty of Science, UNS, Novi Sad
Prof. Dr Ana Čučulović, Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy, Belgrade
Prof. Dr Jovan Veselinović, Alfa BK University, Belgrade
Prof. Dr Miloš Pavlović, Faculty of Economics, Priština - Kosovska Mitrovica
Prof. Dr Dejan Filipović, Dean of the Faculty of Geography, BU, Belgrade
Prof. Dr Milan Radosavljevic, University Union - Nikola Tesla, FPSP, Belgrade
Prof. Dr Maja Anđelković, University Union - Nikola Tesla, FSOM, Belgrade
Prof. Dr Vladimir Tomašević, University Union - Nikola Tesla, FIM, Belgrade
Prof. Dr Jasmina Madžgalj, City Administration, Belgrade
Prof. Dr Marko Todorović, Academy of Innovation Sciences, Belgrade
Dr Ivan Pavlović, Scientific Veterinary Institute of Serbia, Belgrade
Mr Milorad Panjević, President, ALFA BK University, Belgrade
Prof. Dr Larisa Jovanović, Vice President, ALFA BK University, Belgrade
Mr Bogdan Vlahović, ALFA BK University, Belgrade
Marina Radunović, ALFA BK University, Belgrade
Olivera Ćosović, Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, Belgrade
Olja Jovičić, Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, Belgrade
Marijana Mihajlović, Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, Belgrade
This year, as in the previous 29, we are celebrating World Earth Day by organizing an intern-
ational scientific conference dedicated to the current topic: Sustainable Development and the
Green Economy. Due to the limitations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference
is planned in a hybrid (face to face and online) mode using the Google meet platform.
In 2022, the International Scientific Conference was prepared in cooperation with the Scientific
and Professional Society ECOLOGICA with ALFA BK University from Belgrade, Union of
Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, Serbian Academy of Engineering, Institute for Multidisc-
iplinary Research, Belgrade Chamber of Commerce, City Secretariat for Environmental Prot-
ection and under the auspices Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
of the Republic of Serbia in Belgrade, in the premises of UETS with the cooperation of
management, professors and administrators.
This year's scientific conference Sustainable Development and Green Economy focuses on
many topics related to economic sustainability and environmental protection, which are divid-
ed into 5 scientific sections:
New aspects in the development of the green economy,
Environmental monitoring,
Sustainable agriculture and forestry,
Legal and financial aspects of the green economy,
Ecotourism and sports.
The Conference was attended by about 180 participants from the country and abroad from
various scientific fields: environmental monitoring and protection, economics, ecology, chem-
istry, biogeochemistry, physical chemistry, biotechnology, agronomy, environmental manag-
ement, information technology, financial management, sociology, law and political science.
Scientific announcements were prepared by teachers and doctoral students of ALFA BK Univ-
ersity, as well as the Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade Banking Academy, and other
educational and research institutions (Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, Institute of Crim-
inological and Sociological Research, Vinca Institute, NIVS, IHTM, Faculties of Geography,
Forestry and Economics from Belgrade and Pristina, as well as the Faculty of Occupational
Safety, University of Nis and many other faculties from state and private universities).
The best works of our and foreign scientists will be included in the International thematic mon-
ograph Green economy and environmental sustainability.
Quality analysis of the impact of technogenesis on the state of the environment and the sust-
ainability of various spheres of industry, transport, ecotourism based on valid data and inform-
ation, as well as the application of systems thinking and innovative technologies are of great
High level to decision makers in the field of environmental protection. Special attention should
be paid to the planning of future joint scientific research and the exchange of information in
the field of environmental protection in order to develop scientific research. About 40 foreign
scientists from 10 countries submitted scientific papers. Participation of foreign scientists in
the International Scientific Conference serves the exchange of information and development
of important directions in the field of environmental protection, and thus can accelerate the
improvement of successful cooperation between Russian, Belarusian, Moldovan, Chinese,
Macedonian, Slovak, Slovenian, Turkish, Armenian, Libyan and Serbian scientists in new int-
ernational projects.
Ove godine, kao i prethodnih 29, slavimo Svetski Dan Planete Zemlje organizovanjem
međunarodnog naučnog skupa posvećenog aktuelnoj temi: Održivi razvoj i zelena ekono-
mija. Zbog ograničenja uslovljenih pandemijom COVID-19 konferencija planirana je u
hibridnom (face to face i on-line) režimu uz korišćenje platforme Google meet.
Godine 2022 Međunarodna naučna Konferencija pripremljena je u saradnji Naučno struč-
nog društva ECOLOGICA sa ALFA BK Univerzitetom, Beograd, Savezom inženjera i
tehničara Srbije, Inženjerskom Akademijom Srbije, Institutom za multidisciplinarna istraži-
vanja, Privrednom komorom Beograda, Gradskim Sekretarijatom za zaštitu životne sredine
i pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije
u Beogradu, u prostorijama SITS uz saradnju rukovodstva, nastavnika i administratora.
Ovogodišnja naučna konferencija Održivi razvoj i zelena ekonomija usredsređena je na
mnoge teme povezane s održivošću ekonomije i zaštitom životne sredine, koje su raspo-
ređene u 5 naučnih sekcija:
Novi aspekti u razvoju zelene ekonomije,
Monitoring životne sredine,
Održiva poljoprivreda i šumarstvo,
Pravno-finansijski aspekti zelene ekonomije,
Ekoturizam i sport.
U radu Konferencije učestvovalo je oko 180 učesnika iz zemlje i inostranstva iz različitih
naučnih oblasti: monitoringa i zaštite životne sredine, ekonomije, ekologije, hemije, bio-
geohemije, fizičke hemije, biotehnologije, agronomije, ekološkog menadžmenta, primene
informacionih tehnologija, finansijskog menadžmenta, sociologije, prava i političkih nauka.
Naučna saopštenja pripremili su nastavnici i doktorandi ALFA BK Univerziteta, a takođe
Instituta ekonomskih nauka, Beogradske bankarske akademije, i drugih obrazovnih i istraži-
vačkih institucija (Instituta za muldisciplinarna istraživanja, Instituta kriminoloških i socio-
loških istraživanja, Instituta Vinča, NIVS, IHTM, Geografskog, Šumarskog i Ekonomskog
fakulteta iz Beograda i Prištine, a takođe Fakulteta zaštite na radu Univerziteta u Nišu i
mnogih drugih fakulteta sa državnih i privatnih Univerziteta).
Najbolji radovi naših i stranih naučnika biće uključeni u Međunarodnu tematsku monografiju
Green economy and environment sustainability.
Donosiocima odluka u oblasti zaštite životne sredine od velikog značaja su kvalitetne ana-
lize uticaja tehnogeneza na stanje životne sredine i na održivost različnih sfera industrije,
transporta, ekoturizma koje se zasnivaju na validnim podacima i informacijama, a takođe
primeni sistemskog mišljenja i inovativnih tehnologija. Posebnu pažnju treba posvetiti plani-
ranju budućih zajedničkih naučnih istraživanja i razmeni informacija iz oblasti zaštite životne
sredine u cilju razvoja naučno-istraživačkog rada.
Oko 40 stranih naučnika iz 10 zemalja, poslali su naučne radove. Učešće inostranih nauč-
nika u Međunarodnoj naučnoj Konferenciji služi razmeni informacija i razvoju bitnih pravaca
u oblasti zaštite životne sredine, i na taj način može pospešiti unapređenje uspešne sarad-
nje ruskih, beloruskih, moldavskih, kineskih, makedonskih, slovačkih, slovenačkih, turskih,
jermenskih, libijskih i srpskih naučnika u novim međunarodnim projektima.
Marijana Joksimović
The impact of green bonds on the development
of the global and national market ........................................................................ 21
Antoaneta Vassileva
The role of the green bonds in public-private partnerships
as a sustainable investment opportunity ........................................................... 23
Villiam Sarian, Artak Mkrtchyan
The experience of using the object (lake Sevan in RA)
as highly sensitive IoT sensor in a hybrid wide area
network earthquake monitoring .......................................................................... 25
Marina Kapitalchuk, Ivan Kapitalchuk
The perspective of use of sediments for recovery of
eroded soils in Moldova ....................................................................................... 26
Vadim Ermakov, Larisa Jovanović
Biogeochemistry of selenium and its ecological significance ......................... 27
Vyacheslav Zaitsev, Tatiana Ershova, Wladimir Chaplygin
Migration of chemical elements in the food chains of
hydrobionts of the Caspian Sea .......................................................................... 29
Ul’yana Gulyaeva, Sergey Tyutikov, Vadim Ermakov
Development of the methodology of biogeochemical indication .................... 31
S.V. Kotelevtsev, S.A. Ostroumov, X. Cai
Biomembranes and environmental monitoring: molecular
and ecological toxicology in Covid-19 pandemic .............................................. 33
V.Y. Berezkin, E.M. Korobova, N.A. Alaverdyan, V.S. Baranchukov, S.L. Romanov
Iodine in soils and vegetation of pastures in the eastern
part of the Bryansk region as a risk factor causing
Iodine deficiency in the local diets ...................................................................... 34
V.N. Bashkin, R.A. Galiulina
Biogeochemical technologies for the reclamation of poluted
and disturbed soils in gas-oil industry impacted areas .................................... 35
Margarita Samburova, Vladimir Safonov
Content of mineral elements in the soil and tissues of small mammals
that inhabit the tailing dump of the Novotroitsk deposit .................................. 36
Jelena Urošević, Goran Trivan
Determining the caloric potential of wooden plant species
with the goal to protect and improve the environment ..................................... 37
Vesna Nikolić Jokanović, Dušan Jokanović
The influence of forest ecosystems on water runoff and retention ................. 39
Mario Lukinović, Larisa Jovanović
Green economy and circular economy: competitiveness
tool in times of energy security challenges ....................................................... 41
Sergey Tyutikov, Tatiana Trifonova, A.G. Stoletov, N.G. Stoletov
Rare earth elements and fullerens in Karelian shungite
and its use in biotechnology ............................................................................... 43
Jozefina Beke-Trivunac
Climate and environmental risks disclosures in banking ................................. 44
E.A. Kriksunov, S.A. Ostroumov
Theory of biosphere which was created by V.I. Vernadsky,
academician of Russian Academy of Sciences and professor
of Moscow University: scientific basis of biotechnological
engineering and environmental protection ........................................................ 46
G.G. Matishov, S.A. Ostroumov
The development of environmental sciences and the works of
academician, professor of Moscow University V.I. Vernadsky ........................ 47
Bekmamat Djenbaev, Bakyt Kaldybaev
Green economy: a new vector for sustainable development in Kyrgyzstan ... 51
Dejan Riznić, Adrijana Jevtić, Aleksandra Vuković
Management aspects of green economy and green growth ............................. 52
Mina Seović, Dubravka Milovanović, Gvozden Tasić, Nikola Zdolšek,
Stefan Mitrović, Snežana Brković, Ivana Perović
On the green path of innovation: from fundamental to management .............. 54
Bojan Stoiljković, Marijana Joksimović, Larisa Jovanović
Descriptive statistical analysis of business profitability enterprises under
the influence of the circular economy model in the Republic of Serbia ......... 56
Radomir Stojković, Danijel Vasiljević
Practical aspects of green economy ................................................................... 58
Miloš Tošović
Preliminary consideration of the general importance of environmental
security for the functioning of the green economy ........................................... 60
Olja Munitlak Ivanović, Marko Vujić
Linear versus circular economy .......................................................................... 62
Leonid Perelomov, Olga Sizova, Vladimir Kochetkov, Yury Atroshchenko
Isolation and identification of bacteria resistant to heavy metals
from wastewater of municipal treatment facilities ............................................. 64
Nadezhda Kozlova, Villiam Sarian
Unused resources of the “green” economy ....................................................... 65
Darko Radosavljević, Milica Stojaković, Sonja Josipović,
Ana Slavković, Ana Popović, Maja Đolić
Social, economic and ecological aspects of the transition of
linear to circular economy on the example of food waste ................................ 66
Dragan Živković, Pero Petrović, Marina Protić
Food waste management as a part of circular economy:
impact on restaurant and hotel industry ............................................................ 68
Miloš Ilić, Nenad Gligorić, Vladimir Mikić
Guidelines and technical solutions for the recycling of electrical
and electronic waste for the purpose of environmental
preservation in the Republic of Serbia ............................................................... 70
Danijela M. Jašin, Ljubica Lazić Vulićević, Milana Drašković
Innovative composite plastic recycling technology .......................................... 71
Azemina Mashovic, Jelena Ignjatovic, Jovana Kisin
Circular economy as an imperative of sustainable
development in North Macedonia and Serbia ..................................................... 72
Ljiljana Arsić, Ivana Vučinić
Renewable energy sources: potentials and trends in the
countries of the European Union and the Western Balkans ............................... 74
Nikola Bošković, Danijela Despotović, Lela Ristić
The contribution of renewable energy sources to the development
of a green economy in the Republic of Serbia ................................................... 76
Radule Tošović
Implications of military-strategic events on geoecological
aspects of the use of energy mineral raw materials ............................................ 78
Olja Munitlak Ivanović, Marko Vujić
The impact of the use of oil on the green economy ............................................ 80
Radule Tošović
The influence of current economic problems on the mineral
economy and implications on the green economy ............................................. 82
Aleksandar Savić, Milan Mihajlović, Radan Kostić
The influence of marketing mix practices on sustainable development ........... 84
Vesna Milanović, Andrea Bučalina Matić, Ana Jurčić
Green marketing and green marketing orientation
from the marketing and management perspectives ............................................ 85
Tatjana Davidov, Saša Virijević Jovanović, Ilija Subotić,
Maja Vojinović, Jelena Zdravković
Information and communication technologies and e-marketing on the
big data database in the function of sustainable development strategy ........... 87
Nina Mitić, Srđan Žikić, Dragana Trifunović
Integral personnel planning in the field of sustainable development ................ 89
Bojana Ostojić, Miodrag Vuković, Miodrag Bogdanović
Concept of smart cities development strategy in the Western Balkans ............ 91
Aida Hanić, Petar Mitić, Milena Kojić
The role of electric and hybrid cars in the decarbonization
process: a focus on the Western Balkans ........................................................... 93
Darko Radosavljević, Milica Stojković, Sonja Josipović,
Ana Slavković, Maja Đolić, Ana Popović
A holistic approach in establishing a model of a sustainable
economy: national and the european perspective .............................................. 95
Mario Lukinović, Lucia Škvareninová, Larisa Jovanov
Results of 26th United Nations climate change
conference (COP26) held in Glasgow .................................................................. 96
Marko M. Vujić, Olja Munitlak Ivanović, Darko P. Nad
The role and significance of decentralization of
environmental policy in the Republic of Serbia ................................................... 98
Darko Nadić, Zoran Čupić
Political science approach to the study of the role of “green
economy” in contemporary environmental policy. Analysis
of performance in Serbia and the European Union ........................................... 100
Ivana Petkovski
Discussing demographic and economic implications of electricity
use in european countries with diverse climatic zone ...................................... 101
Ljubica Kovačević, Branko Slavković
Consumer attitudes towards energy efficient
behavior and renewable energy sources ........................................................... 103
Andrija Blanuša, dr Slobodan Petrović
Peace, justice and strong institutions as one of the sustainable
development goals: aspects and practice In the Republic of Serbia ............... 105
Milan Beslać, Dragan Janjušić, Vladan Cogoljević, Milomir Gačević
Consequences of the pandemic caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus
on the real sector and economic growth: the case of Serbia ........................... 107
Tatjana Brankov
Covid-19: economic and environmental challenges ......................................... 109
Antoaneta Vassileva, Milica Simić
Covid-19 pandemic as a challenge and opportunity
for reaching the sustainable development goals .............................................. 110
Milan Brkljač, Bobana Berjan Bačvarević, Vladimir Džamić
Digitalization, innovations and corporate social responsibility ....................... 112
Goran Dašić, Ana Anufrijev
Green economy through the prism of digital transformation ........................... 114
Miloš M. Zečević, Marijana Joksimović, Suzana Balaban
The economic importance of digital business transformation ......................... 116
Adriana Jović Bogdanović, Nikolaj Ivannikov, Milan Janković, Vladan Stanković
The importance of digitalization for the sustainability
of different sectors of the economy ................................................................... 118
Ivana Bešlić Rupić, Dragana Bešlić Obradović, Bojan Rupić
The importance of digitalization for the sustainability of accounting .............. 120
Boban Dašić, Lidija Madžar, David Daš
Digitаlization in the function of the green economy ......................................... 121
Ana Dukić, Dejan Riznić, Milan Ilić
Digitalization in the management of the supply chain of the
navаl technical support of the serbian army river flotilla ................................. 123
Leposava Jovanović, Biljana Ilić, Radica Pavlović
Poverty and indicators of poverty in the Republic of Serbia ............................ 124
Leposava Jovanović, Biljana Ilić, Mladen Jovanović
Eradicating poverty as a strategic priority for the Republic of Serbia ............. 126
X. Cai, G.G. Matishov, S.A. Ostroumov
Urgent issues of water resources improvement:
research at China and Moscow University ........................................................ 131
Ivan Kapitalchuk, Marina Kapitalchuk
Features of the content of trace elements in
spoils and soil-forming rocks of Moldova ......................................................... 132
Fedor Golubev
Significance different ecological organisms groups in the
biogeochemical monitoring of the Unal tailing dump ....................................... 133
Fedor Golubev, Alexander Degtyarev
Peculiarities microelement composition and vegetation cover of
the Unal depression in the connection with antropogenic loading ................. 135
T.V. Voronkova, V.V. Kondrat'eva, L.S. Olekhnovich,
M.V. Semenova, O.B. Tkachenko
Resistance of horse chestnut (aesculus) species
to the invader
Cameraria ohridella
..................................................................... 137
Xiang Cai, Sergei A. Ostroumov
Lens culinaris vs. Vigna radiata used as model species in the
quantitative biotests for the phytotoxicity of a hand detergent ....................... 138
Vadim Ermakov
Ecological assessment of natural and man-made complexes ......................... 139
Valentina Danilova, Vadim Ermakov
New biogeochemical indicators of the ecological state of territories .............. 141
Ana A. Čučulović, Jelena N. Stanojković, Rodoljub D. Čučulović,
Saša M. Nestorović, Nenad Z. Radaković
Mass concentration of potassium, thorium and uranium in the
soil of the region Dobra (NP Đerdap) in period 2018-2020 ................................ 143
Maria Nikishina, Leonid Perelomov, Yury Atroshchenko
Interaction of fulvic acids and clay minerals in the
presence of heavy metals ................................................................................... 145
Vlado Radić, Nikola Radić
Application of unmanned aerial vehicles in environmental monitoring .......... 146
Vladimir Safonov, Vadim Ermakov
Cadmium in plant feeds of industrial zones and
its detoxification in the body of animals ............................................................ 148
N.Z. Bashun, N.V. Sychevskaya
Modern methods of non-invasive assessment of
the state of provision of particular nutrients ..................................................... 150
Jelena Lukić, Sara Rvović, Tatjana Đurkić, Antonije Onjia
Environmental risk assessment due to the presence
of organic UV filters in water and sediments ..................................................... 152
Mirjana Ćujić, Maja Đolić, Dragana Živojinović,
Mirjana Ristić, Aleksandra Perić Grujić
Stable lead isotope compositions in coal,
coal ash and coal fly ash from Serbia ................................................................ 153
S.A. Ostroumov, E.A. Kriksunov, X. Cai
Use of innovative theory of water self-purification:
toward low-carbon green economy .................................................................... 155
Luka Latinović
Potential of using domestic zeolite in water treatment systems in Serbia ...... 156
Lidija Stamenković, Stefana Todorović, Gordana Bogdanović,
Jelena Marković, Tijana Milanović
Prediction of air quality parameters on the territory of the city
of Vranje using vnm and economic and industrial indicators .......................... 157
Jelena Marković, Gordana Bogdanović
Pollution of surface and groundwater on the territory of the city of Nis
and measures to improve the ecological status of the river Nisava ................ 158
Zoranka Malešević, Milica Đeković-Šević, Jelena Lazarević, Mirjana Jovović
Influence of physical and chemical characteristics of coal
basin “Kolubara” on soil degradation and environment .................................. 159
Aleksandar Gošić, Siniša Sremac, Dragan Smiljanić
Electronic prevention system for loading/unloading fuel ................................. 161
Natallia Sycheuskaya, Natallia Bashun, Evgeny Olizarovich, Pavial Kalinin
Mobile application development for phenylketonuria and celiac patients ...... 163
Marina Dabetić, Živanka Miladinović Bogavac
Application of theory of planned behavior in the test of citizens'
preparedness for natural disasters caused by earthquakes ............................ 165
Marina Dabetić
Prevention and response in the case of CBRN incidents ................................. 167
Vladimir Baranchukov, Elena Korobova, Sergey Romanov,
Alexander Silenok, Irina Kurnosova
Cartographic assessment of the contribution of the natural iodine
supply and technogenic pollution to the occurrence of thyroid
cancer among the rural population of the Bryansk region ............................... 169
Anastasia Moldovan, Victor Kharchenko, Nadezhda Golubkina
Effect of foliar biofortification of selenium on the element
composition of mitsuba and chervil ................................................................... 171
Natalia Kuramshina, Elena Salnikova, Nikolay Kutlin, Alevtina Matveeva
Associations of heavy metals in the development of environmentally
dependent diseases of the population of Bashkortostan ................................. 173
A.V. Sindireva, O.A. Zayko
Assessment of the effect of lead on the chemical composition
of soil, plants and metabolic changes in animal organs ................................... 174
Aleksandra Tasić, Ivan Pavlović, Marija Pavlov
Importance and development of method for pesticide
control in milk from organic production ............................................................ 177
Martina Bavec, Martina Robačer, Marion Champailler, Franc Bavec
High level of gastronomy based on organic agriculture: why and how? ...... 179
Martina Bavec, Martina Robačer, Marion Champailler, Franc Bavec
Importance of registration and certification of organic seed materials ........ 181
Milan Janković, Adriana Jović Bogdanović,
Aleksandra Gajdobranski, Ljubomir Miljković
Organic agriculture and climate change .......................................................... 183
Andrija Blanuša, Slobodan Petrović, Mirjana Stevanović
The place and importance of agriculture in the economic
system of the Republic of Serbia from 2000 to 2021 ....................................... 184
Slavka Mitrović, Aleksandra Mitrović, Ljubomir Mitrović
Importance of food sovereignty and agroecology
for sustainable rural development of Serbia .................................................... 185
Katarina Đurić, Dragan Ivanišević, Miralem Jahić, Radivoj Prodanović
Agricultural policy measures in function of sustainable
rural development of the Republic of Serbia .................................................... 187
Vlado Radić, Nikola Radić, Marija Marković-Blagojević
Challenges of internet of things application in agriculture ............................ 189
Natalia Kuramshina, Elvira Nafikova, Kamilla Chuvashaeva, Dmitriy Alexandrov
Development of scientific and methodological recommendations
for the recultivation of oil-contaminated lands at hydrocarbon
transportation facilities ...................................................................................... 190
Olivera Jovanović, Nikola Čitlučanin
Bioremediation of soil ........................................................................................ 191
Radovan Damnjanović, dr Radan Kostić, Miloš Miljković, Aleksandar Rajković
Analysis of the impact of budget financing of agriculture
on sustainable environmental development .................................................... 193
Katarina Đurić, Veljko Vukoje, Aleksandar Miljatović
Diversification of economic activities as a factor
of sustainable rural development ...................................................................... 194
Andrija Blanuša, Slobodan Petrović, Srđan Žikić, Dragana Trifunović
The influence of local self-government on sustainable
development of agricultural potential ............................................................... 196
Vuk Vujasinović, Zorana Srećkov, Zorica Mrkonjić, Mirjana Bojović,
Anđelko Mišković, Olivera Ilić, Gordana Racić
The influence of mulching on morphological traits of early potato ............... 197
Nevena Čule, Tanja Vujanov, Zorica Sredojević, Mirjana Bojović,
Marija Nešić, Suzana Mitrović, Ljiljana Brašanac-Bosanac
Selection of a strategy for the implementation of floating
islands in practice ............................................................................................... 199
Milica Pavlica, Sreten Jelić
Sales of food from small producers in the period Covid-19 ........................... 201
Anton Zhumbei, Olga Bezuglova, Yurii Litvinov, Mahmoud Mazarji
The GIS analysis of the vegetation cover in the Tsymlyanskiy
state reserve ........................................................................................................ 203
Vladimir Vasić, Gordana Jančić, Bratislav Kisin
Forestry and use of renewable energy sources
on the example of SE Srbijašume” ................................................................... 204
Ljiljana Keča, Ilijana Blanuša, Milica Marčeta, Sreten Jelić
Application of certain marketing instruments in forestry: case study .......... 205
Miljan Marković, Milan Gorgievski, Nada Štrbac, Kristina Božinović,
Vesna Grekulović, Aleksandra Mitovski, Milica Zdravković
Adsorption kinetics for copper ions biosorption onto wallnut shells ........... 207
Drinka Peković
Macroeconomic effects of environmental taxes in European Union ............. 211
Miroslav Perić, Milica Kaličanin, Zoran Kaličanin
The impact of information technology development
on improving the work of audit ......................................................................... 213
Ana Anufrijev
Green finance and accounting approach support in the
function of sustainable economic development .............................................. 215
Vesna Aleksić
Influence of fiscal policy on the possibility of
developing a green economy in Serbia ............................................................ 217
Bojan Savić
The environmental accounting as a factor in supporting
the development of the green economy ............................................................ 219
Boban Dašić, Radmila Trklja, Blagoje Pušonja
Foreign direct investments and environmental protection ............................ 220
Branko Slavković, Budimir Sudimac, Ljubica Kovačević
Brownfield investments in Serbia with the aim of reducing CO2
emissions and preserving the environment: a case study ............................. 222
Jelena Krpić
Disclosure of climate risk information in companies’ reports ....................... 224
Stanimir Đukić
Economic instruments, management and
environment protection financing ..................................................................... 225
Kristijan Ristić
Global and regional regulatory frameworks of digital and green banking ...... 227
Vladimir Pavićević
Impact of blockchain technology on the realization
of the sustainable development goals .............................................................. 228
Dejana Zlatanović, Violeta Domanović, Marko Slavković
Impact of ecological aspects of corporate social
responsibility on organizational performance ................................................. 229
Ivan Milojević, Miloš Miljković, Nemanja Pantić, Milovan Rosić
The influence of fiscal policy on sustainable ecological
development in the conditions of economic crisis ......................................... 231
Vladan Joldžić
The way of considering the legal aspects of the green economy, starting
with considering the topic of important basic concepts, through pointing
out the hierarchically highest - the constitutional basis ................................. 232
Jozefina Beke-Trivunac, Jelena Krpić
Banking approach to natural capital risk ........................................................... 234
Miloš Petković
US biggest banks disclosure of information on green
intellectual capital during the Covid-19 pandemic .......................................... 235
Milovan Vuković, Njegoš Dragović, Nada Štrbac, Danijela Voza, Snežana Urošević
Willingness of citizens to implement measures dealing
with energy efficiency ........................................................................................ 236
Aleksandra Radić, Danijela Voza, Milovan Vuković, Nada Štrbac
Evaluation of the environmental sustainability of the Balkan
countries by analysing the environmental performance index ........................ 238
Slavica Stevanović, Jelena Minović, Grozdana Marinković
Eco-efficiency of medium-sized enterprises in Serbia
based on the sulfur oxides emission ................................................................ 240
Krsto Jakšić, Adrijana Vuković, Lazar Cvijić
Enterpеneural aspects of the concept “polluter pays” ................................... 242
Lidija Madžar, Jelena Petrović
Energy efficiency in the hotel industry ............................................................. 243
Violeta Jovanović, Marija Nikolić Tošović
Enterprise management in the age of pandemic Covid-19:
challenges for entrepreneurs, small and medium enterprises ......................... 244
Nemanja Radovanović, Nikola Živić
Sustainable development and Covid-19:
state measures and funding problems ............................................................. 246
Dragoljub Todić
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and
the right to a (healthy) environment .................................................................. 248
Ivana Luknar, Ilija Životić
Green economy framework ................................................................................ 250
Biljana Pejović, Slobodan Petrović
Financing sustainable development under the legislation of the
Republic of Serbia: deficiencies and proposals for improvement ................... 251
Vladimir Crnjanski
Preventive environmental litigation as a special
procedure of civil environmental protection .................................................... 253
Slobodan Petrović, Zorančo Vasilkov, Aleksandar Damnjanović
The position of sustainable development in the national
legislation of the Republic of Serbia ................................................................. 254
Vladan Joldžić
Biotechnological engineering and environmental
protection: legal approach ................................................................................. 255
Vladan Joldžić
A way to consider the legal aspects of the green economy through
consideration of the essential elements of international public law ............. 257
Vladan Joldžić
Elements of national legislation important for an adequate
ecological approach to the green economy in the era of
the fourth industrial revolution .......................................................................... 258
Violeta Šiljak, Sandra Đurović, Dragana Aleksić, Tatjana Popović Ilić
The influence of economy on the future of sport ............................................ 261
Biljana Ilić, Slavica Anđelić, Miloš Nikolić
Ecotourism and the importance of human resources ..................................... 263
Amina Hamida A. Khoja, Maja Kovačević, Jovana Gardašević, Omer Ali Mohamoud
Sustainable tourism in the function of economic development .................... 265
Anđelka Tripković, Ljiljana Arsić, Jelena Premović
Ecoturism as a development chance of
rural areas in Kosovo and Metohija .................................................................. 267
Dragan Milošević, Željko Praštalo, Svetlana Polavder, Jasmina Nešković
Potential requirements for ecotourism in industrial area of Kostolac ........... 269
Anđelka Račić, Borivoje Baltezarević
Ecotourism: synergy of family and cultural values ......................................... 270
Jasmina Madžgalj, Vladan Ivanović, Biljana Petković, Dalibor Petković
Sustainability as a primary factor of green tourism and green economy ........ 272
Aleksandra Bradić-Martinović, Larisa Kostić, Jelena Banović
Digital skills in the function of sustainable tourism in Serbia ........................ 274
Milan Brkin, Dejan Đurović, Tatjana Popović Ilić, Dragana Aleksić
Modern challenges of athlete health protection .............................................. 276
Zorica Davidović, Vladimir Miletić, Željko Rajković
Environmental safety as a prerequisite for execution
of nautical activities ............................................................................................ 278
Dejana Prnjat
Eco-cultural tourism as the factor in the sustainable
development of natural and cultural heritage .................................................. 280
Note:I The authors bear full responsibility for the originality and content of their
Napomena: Autori radova snose punu odgovornost za originalnost i sadržaj
svojih radova.
Marina Dabetić
University of Belgrade, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia
The dispersal of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) materials due to
natural, accidental or intentional (terrorist or war) events are considered to be the most
critical risks to human and environmental security and safety. Therefore, the prevention
of CBRN incidents requires a pre-prepared plan of measures and actions that need to be
taken to ensure an effective response to the numerous destructive and complex impacts
that such risks entail. In the case of an CBRN incident first responders have a very
demanding task that requires effective resolution of the incident and prevention of its
transition into a disaster. In order to raise the level of resilience of disaster risk reduction
and emergency management systems, training through certain simulations and exerc-
ises should be aimed at raising the level of knowledge and improving the skills of
members of first response services. The secure management of CBRN agents, in partic-
ular the safety and security of their locations, production, storage, and transport control,
is key to achieving an adequate level of security to prevent unwanted and unauthorized
use, inadequate use, or exposure to natural hazards. The services in charge of resp-
onding to CBRN incidents (fire and rescue services, emergency medical services, police,
army, environmental services, public health experts, scientists of various disciplines, etc.)
should approach the new situation in a way that implies efficient and fast response,
coordinated, adequately trained and equipped risk-prepared units.
Keywords: prevention, risks, response, emergencies, CBRN incidents.
Марина Дабетић
Универзитет у Београду, Институт за нуклеарне науке Винча,
Београд, Србијa
Распршивање хемијских, биолошких, радиолошких и нуклеарних (ХБРН) мате-
ријала услед природних, случајних или намерних (терористичких или ратних)
догађаја сматрају се најкритичнијим ризицима по безбедност људи и животне
средине. Стога превенција ХБРН инцидената захтева унапред припремљен план
мера и активности које је неопходно предузети како би се осигурао ефективан
одговор на многобројне деструктивне и сложене утицаје које такви ризици са собом
носе. Особе које прве реагују у случају настанка ХБРН инцидента имају веома
захтеван задатак који изискује ефикасно решавање инцидента и спречавање њи-
ховог прелска у катастрофе. Како би се подигао ниво отпорности система за сма-
њење ризика од катастрофа и управљања ванредним ситуацијама, тренинг кроз
одређене симулације и вежбе треба да буде у циљу подизања нивоа знања и уса-
вршавања вештина код припадника служби задужених за прво реаговање. Безбе-
дно управљање ХБРН агенсима, посебно сигурност њихове локација, производње,
складиштења, као и контрола њиховог транспорта, кључно је питање за постизање
адекватног нивоа безбедности како не би дошло до нежељене и неовлашћене
употребе, неадекватног коришћења или излагања природним опасностима. Служ-
бе задужене за одговор на ХБРН инциденте (ватрогасци-спасиоци, службе хитне
медицинске помоћи, полиција, војска, службе за заштиту животне средине, струч-
њаци за јавно здравље, научници различитих дисциплина итд.) новонасталој ситу-
ацији треба да приступе на начин који подразумева ефикасану и брзу реакцију,
координисаних, адекватно обучених и опремљених јединица припремљених за ре-
аговање на ризике.
Кључне речи: превенција, ризици, реаговање, ванредне ситуације, ХБРН инци-
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