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Open Data Product Specification
Jarkko Moilanen1[0000−0003−3470−2660]
University of Jyv¨askyl¨a, Finland
Abstract. Data is increasingly also becoming an article of trade or
commerce and approached with a product mindset. The process and
tools to create and publish data commodities in data marketplaces are
based on scattered and provider-specific metadata models. Data con-
sumers also find it hard to compare data products and reusable develop-
ment of dataops software solutions is cumbersome. Hence, we propose an
Open Data Product Specification which is a vendor-neutral, open-source
machine-readable data product metadata model, which enables interop-
erability between organizations, data platforms, marketplaces, and tools.
The specification is built on experiences gained from over 30 data prod-
uct cases. Our artifact can be used by practitioners to increase the speed
of designing, testing, implementation, and deployment of data products,
and to speed up emerging data markets development.
Keywords: standard ·data product ·data economy.
1 Design of the artifact
Data-driven digitalization is proven to be profitable since according to a sur-
vey conducted by McKinsey Global Institute 2013 data-driven organizations are
over 20 times more likely to acquire customers, half a dozen times as likely to
retain their customers, and 19 times as likely to be profitable [1]. The digital
transformation leads to major changes in established value creation structures
and traditional business models of companies [7, 6]. Data are increasingly used
beyond the improvement of internal processes by serving as a strategic resource
for the development of data-driven innovations and business models [8, 9].
This data-driven innovation and creation of economic value is less and less
created by a single organization or in traditional value chains but instead takes
place in cross-industry, socio-technical networks – so-called data ecosystems [4,
5, 7]. Since data has to be used outside own organization, the reusability of it
has to be increased to the next level. The era of data is about the process of
data commoditization, where data is becoming an independently valuable asset
that is freely available on the market. Given the nature of data ecosystems
requiring border crossing activities in value creation, data used in the process
must be packaged into products and services for more efficient reuse and sales.
One holistic approach to increase the reusability and tradeability of data is
to design and implement data products and services. It is suggested that this
process of data commoditization is managed and led by data product managers.
In short, data should be approached with product mindset [2].
2 Moilanen
The data products and data-driven service solutions are spread around an in-
creasing amount of data marketplaces and described with a plethora of metadata
models. This increases the amount of work done by data product managers since
they need to handle multiple data product metadata models. One data source
can be refined into multiple data products and services as described in the figure
1. The resulting data commodities are datasets, dashboards, API-driven data
streams, and algorithms to mention a few. Often the targeted customers are in
various marketplaces and to maximize the value derived from your data requires
presence in multiple data marketplaces (see Figure 1). Without a common de
facto standard on how to define data products, this work becomes very resource-
consuming and error-prone.
Fig. 1. Open Data Product Specification (ODPS) simplifies the process of creating
multiple data products from one source and publishing data products in multiple data
marketplaces, data platforms, and as mockups for market testing.
In addition, the tool stack for the data product design (basic tools for data
product owners), development, and management is a wild west, consumers have
a hard time knowing what they are purchasing or how to compare data prod-
ucts to find the best possible fit in their situation. This emerging data market
mechanism is immature and scattered, which results in the cumbersome devel-
opment of data-driven goods and services. In short, the data economy lacks a
data product standard that would act as a baseline in the development, sharing,
and comparison of data products.
The specification has four build-in aspects The Open Data Product Spec-
ification1is a vendor-neutral, open-source machine-readable data product meta-
data model. It defines the objects and attributes as well as the structure of
digital data products. The work is based on existing standards (for example, best practices, and emerging concepts like Data Mesh[3], and over
30 data productizement cases in 13 companies over the past 2 years. In the name,
the focus is on the latter words, and the prefix open refers to the openness of the
standard. Any kind of connotations to open data are not intentional, intended,
1Open Data Product Specification version 1.0
Open Data Product Specification 3
or desirable. The specification aims to be a holistic approach to describe data
products and other data commodities instead of limiting the approach to tech-
nical features only (see figure 2.). The word product is used in the name because
in common business talk everything seems to be categorized as products even
though some data commodities have more service features. This is expected to
increase the familiarity and fit of the specification name is currently used rhetoric
in business.
Fig. 2. Open Data Product Specification structure and in parenthesis amount of ele-
ments or attributes in each main objects.
The specification has been designed with four major aspects of the data
product in mind: 1) technical (infrastructure & access), 2) business (pricing &
plans), 3) legal (licensing & IPR), and 4) ethical (privacy & mydata). The four
aspects are described in 5 elements, which contain attributes and other elements.
Some of the attributes are mandatory while others are voluntary.
At the document level, the specification defines common product attributes
such as name, product id, status, tags, value proposition, and visibility. In total
document level has 5 mandatory attributes and 7 optional attributes. With help
of the document level attributes data product designer can describe the data
product basic information and status.
Next, we’ll discuss the five main elements of the specification. The technical
part of the data product is gathered inside dataPipeline element. Data Pipeline
is a process whereby a data product pipeline deployment method is defined.
Usually, the deployment script contains the logic of the individual steps as well as
the code chaining the steps together. Data Pipeline object’s purpose is enabling
the building, deploying, and running the data product’s code, and storing and
giving access to data and metadata. This building principle has been adopted
from the Data Mesh[3].
The business model of the data product is defined in pricing element. Pricing
is the element whereby a business sets the price and conditions at which it
will sell its products and services. The pricing object consists of mandatory
and optional attributes. This element contains pricing plans related data to
be used for example in displaying the items in a marketplace. If needed the
standard metadata is converted to marketplace internal format. The pricing
4 Moilanen
plans are standardized and include the most common options: recurring time
period based, one-time payments, pay-as-you-go, revenue sharing, data volume,
dynamic pricing (high/low values), and pay what you want.
Data product SLA element contains attributes that define the desired and
promised quality of the data product. This section of the specification describes
the support functions, update frequency, service hours and methods, data prod-
uct uptime and response times, monitoring services available for the consumer,
and links to documentation and guides on how to utilize the commodity.
The Data Licensing element contains needed information to construct an
agreement on the product usage. This section contains limitations of use includ-
ing geographical limitation, reselling and modification rights, cancellation and
continuity of the license, the URL of the Data Processing Agreement (DPA),
and applicable laws. This part of the ODPS is the least standardized content-
wise and consists of free text formatted fields. In the long run, the aim is to go
towards the model used in Creative Commons.
The Data Holder section contains fields to describe the entity legally allowed
to create, develop and publish data products. Data Holder concept has been
adopted from Data Governance Act2in which it is defined as a legal person,
public body, international organization, or a natural person who is not a data
subject concerning the specific data in question, which, under applicable Union
or national law, has the right to grant access to or to share certain personal data
or non-personal data.
While the Open Data Product Specification tries to accommodate most use
cases, additional data can be added to extend the specification at certain points.
The extension properties are implemented as patterned fields that are always
prefixed by ”x-”. The extensions may or may not be supported by the available
tooling, but those may be extended as well to add requested support.
2 Significance to research
So far the discussions of data products and other data commodities have focused
on rather technical aspects of data-driven value creation. The innovations have
happened in technical solutions such as big data management, data lakes, and
warehouses. Much of the innovations are focused on data reuse instead of mone-
tization via marketplaces which requires crossing the company border. As far as
the author knows, this kind of more holistic attempt to describe data products
has not been done before in machine-readable format.
The model creates the first concise model for describing data products in a
machine-readable format so that it includes business model information, legal
conditions, quality, and SLA details as well as technical data pipeline details.
It is the first attempt to standardize data commodity, metadata model. ODPS
creates a shared understanding of what elements and concepts data product
consists of and offers one approach to it.
Open Data Product Specification 5
3 Significance to practice
The ODPS aims for the same impact in the Data Economy as what OpenAPI
specification3did for the API Economy. In the API economy, OpenAPI speci-
fication standardized how REST APIs are described in a machine-readable for-
mat. It enabled faster and distributed tools development in API design, testing,
and implementation, increased the discoverability of APIs, fast and automated
mocking of API products for customer testing, and API documentation software
The ODPS has multiple benefits. Firstly, at a high level, the specification
enables interoperability between organizations, data platforms, marketplaces,
and tools. It creates the foundation for joint development and service pipelines
as well as management solutions at the ecosystem level. ODPS is intended to
be a de facto standard like OpenAPI. International standards are a vital tool
in ensuring products and services are interchangeable and compatible across
borders, removing trade barriers, reducing production and supply chain costs
and building confidence in business services, and protecting consumers.
Secondly, it reduces data product metadata conversions and errors between
systems and organizations. Currently, data marketplaces have their metadata
models, which often overlap with each other only for a few attributes. In some
cases, the metadata model is not even publicly available. This in turn makes
each marketplace unique and the differences of metadata models between var-
ious participants in the data value chain lead to multiple conversions between
the formats. In addition, the conversion rules and solutions must be developed,
tested, and maintained. All that causes more costs and increases the risk of errors
in the process. The mentioned limitations for data markets to blossom would be
reduced significantly given that ODPS would be widely accepted and used.
Thirdly, ODPS can increase the speed of designing, testing, implementation,
and deployment of data products. If the data product design is machine-readable
then it can be used in an automatic generation on software tests, mock the data
products in marketplaces, and create data pipeline automation (eg DataOps) as
part of data product deployment.
Fourthly, ODPS can speed up tools development around data product design,
development, and management. In the API Economy, the tool stack for API
design, testing, and documentation exploded after the introduction and adoption
of Swagger. Since ODPS is shared with an open license (Creative Commons
BY-SA 4.0) it encourages the adoption and free use of it as part of tools and
interoperability development.
4 Evaluation of the artifact
The specification has been developed based on experiences gained from 31 data
product cases during 2020-2021. The author has been involved in most of those
6 Moilanen
and documented the findings on the fly. At the end of 2021, it was decided that
enough cases has been done since no more new issues emerged. Version 1.0 of
the Open Data Product Specification was written during Dec 2021 - Jan 2022.
Before publishing the production version, a release candidate was pushed to 8
data economy professionals for review. The feedback was inspiring and positive.
One of the reviewers was a technical lead of data platforms and according to him:
”Standardization of commonly needed parts. There is a clear need for this kind of
standardization.” A principal software developer emphasized the comprehensive
nature of the specification: ”great way to keep everything together and inform
about the data product and licensing model with it.”
To get a better understanding of the specification in practical terms, a com-
plete hello world type of example with the majority of the attributes used is
available on the specification homepage.4Two organizations are known to do
the first implementations of data pipeline solutions which will utilize the ODPS,
but results from those cases are not yet available.
1. Bokman, A., Fiedler, L., Perrey, J., Pickersgill, A.: Five facts: How
customer analytics boosts corporate performance |McKinsey (2021),
2. Davis, J., Nussbaum, D., Troyanos, K.: Approach Your Data with a Product Mind-
set. Harvard Business Review (2020),
3. Dehghani, Z.: Data Mesh: Delivering Data-Driven Value at Scale. O’Reilly Media,
Inc., Farnham (2022)
4. Hein, A., Weking, J., Schreieck, M., Wiesche, M., B¨ohm, M., Krcmar, H.: Value co-
creation practices in business-to-business platform ecosystems. Electronic Markets
29(3), 503–518 (2019), publisher: Springer
5. Oliveira, M.I.S., L´oscio, B.F.: What is a data ecosystem? In: Proceedings of the 19th
Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Governance in
the Data Age. pp. 1–9 (2018)
6. Weill, P., Woerner, S.L.: Thriving in an increasingly digital ecosystem. MIT Sloan
Management Review 56(4), 27 (2015), publisher: Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology, Cambridge, MA
7. Yoo, Y., Henfridsson, O., Lyytinen, K.: Research commentary—the new organizing
logic of digital innovation: an agenda for information systems research. Information
systems research 21(4), 724–735 (2010), publisher: INFORMS
8. Zakari, I.S.: Promoting Statistics in the Era of Data Science and Data-Driven In-
novations. Statistics Education Research Journal 19(1) (2020)
9. Zolnowski, A., Christiansen, T., Gudat, J.: Business model transformation patterns
of data-driven innovations (2016)