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Designing a Model of Competences of Entrepreneurs in Iran’s Sports Industry



The purpose of this study was to design a model of competences of entrepreneurs in the sports industry. Research method was descriptive-survey and the sample consisted of 155 experts and professors in physical education and entrepreneurship fields. The research instrument consisted of a researcher-constructed questionnaire, model-based building block competency with 101 items that evaluated competences of entrepreneurs in the sports industry in 5 dimensions including personal skills, science and academic competences, workplace competences, science and principles of entrepreneurship, and sport industry-wide competences. Data were analyzed by using tests of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, and Pearson's correlation coefficient with SPSS and LISREL softwares. Results showed personal skills, sciences and academic competences, workplace competences, science and principles of entrepreneurship, and sport industry-wide competences make up 5 main levels of the research model, and 24 components explain these dimensions. Finally, 100 indices were identified for competences of entrepreneurs in the sports industry. Also, results indicated that the indices of the model are appropriate and acceptable. The model developed in this study can be used as an instruction for developing the competences of entrepreneurs in students, staff and administrators in universities, sports organizations and other custodians and policymakers in sports.
  
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  
. A.T. Kearney
. Laguador
. Kuratko & Hodgetts
. Foray
    
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       
           
    ""
  
            
. Mak Kland
. Bygrave
. 10D
. Bygrave
. Draganidis & Mentzas
. Hutter, Pijpers & Oudejans
. PEAKS (Personality + Experiment + Attitudes + Knowledge + Skills)
. Morris & Webb
. Tripathi & Agrawal
 
        
         
        
    
    
 
            
        
    
. Hurd
. Building Block Competency Model
. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (DOLETA)
    
           
        
 .
   
       
   
   "     
. Inyang & Enuoh
. Bird
. Man
. Van Dam
 
  
       
 
           
        
     
           
     
  
. Mitchelmore & Rowley
. Baum
. Schlesinger
    
         
         
     
        
      
   
        
         
 
        
          
d 
     
        
          
            
       
  
            
    
           
   α        
   
1. Googledoc
 
  
          
      
   ± 
  
   
 
  
 
)CFI( 
. SPSS 16
. Lisrel
. KolmogorovSmirnov
. Root Mean Square Error of Approximation
. Non-Normed Fit Index
. Comparative Fit Index
    
              
 
 
 
    
 
 
 
    
   
   
  
  
            
        
          
    
 
    
           
    
        
          
         
        
 
       
             
1. Smith & Valerton
 
         
         
           
         
     
         
           
  
     
            
  
         
          
    
 
         
        
          
 
     
           
          
     
 
     
            
     
          
. Anderson
. Mitchelmore & Rowley
 
     
           
 
   
         
          
           
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Designing a Model of Competences of Entrepreneurs in
Iran’s Sports Industry
M. H. Ghorbani1, M. Vahdani2
1. Assistant Professor of Sport Managment, Sport Sciences Research Institute*
2. Ph.D. Student in Sport Management, University of Tehran
Received: 2016/05/14 Accepted: 2016/09/10
The purpose of this study was to design a model of competences of entrepreneurs in the
sports industry. Research method was descriptive-survey and the sample consisted of
155 experts and professors in physical education and entrepreneurship fields. The
research instrument consisted of a researcher-constructed questionnaire, model-based
building block competency with 101 items that evaluated competences of entrepreneurs
in the sports industry in 5 dimensions including personal skills, science and academic
competences, workplace competences, science and principles of entrepreneurship, and
sport industry-wide competences. Data were analyzed by using tests of descriptive
statistics and inferential statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, and Pearson's correlation
coefficient with SPSS and LISREL softwares. Results showed personal skills, sciences
and academic competences, workplace competences, science and principles of
entrepreneurship, and sport industry-wide competences make up 5 main levels of the
research model, and 24 components explain these dimensions. Finally, 100 indices were
identified for competences of entrepreneurs in the sports industry. Also, results indicated
that the indices of the model are appropriate and acceptable. The model developed in
this study can be used as an instruction for developing the competences of entrepreneurs
in students, staff and administrators in universities, sports organizations and other
custodians and policymakers in sports.
Keywords: Competency, Entrepreneurs, Sports industry, Model
*Corresponding Author Email:
... It is an applied, systematic, and continuous process in the system's scope, striving to create and guide cognitive, cultural, and structural process changes in the organization (university) based on behavioral sciences and utilizing its strategies and techniques. This leads to the organization's (university's) empowerment for effective strategic orientation, creative problem-solving, and effective self-renewal in line with current and future environmental requirements and changes, ensuring and improving organizational university effectiveness (Ghamooshi et al., 2019;Ghorbani & Vahdani, 2016;Tousi, 2023). ...
... The main themes included good governance, value orientation, capacity building, transparency, accountability, emotional closeness, organizational atmosphere, organizational intimacy, nonfinancial performance, financial performance, and organizational development. The results of this research are consistent with the findings of previous studies (Abdollahi et al., 2014;Abolfathi, 2019;Akbari et al., 2020;Anderson, 2019;Azeem & Altalhi, 2015;Becker & Bish, 2017;Burke, 2022;Ehsani et al., 2018;Eivazi et al., 2018;Fanelli et al., 2020;Ghamooshi et al., 2019;Ghorbani & Vahdani, 2016;Grice & Franck, 2017;Griffin et al., 2020;Hassan Beigi et al., 2017;Hillmann & Guenther, 2021;Jaberimanesh et al., 2019;Jacobs, 2018;Jafari Rad et al., 2019;Javdani, 2023;Javdani & Pardakhtchi, 2023;Kamarei et al., 2021;Khoshkalam Soleymandarabi et al., 2023;Kyanfar et al., 2021;Mousavi et al., 2021;Payste et al., 2020;Pohling et al., 2016;Ramezanpanah et al., 2020;Sadeghian gharaghiea et al., 2020;Samimi, 2022;Sharifati et al., 2016;Tafarrojkhah et al., 2022;Taheriattar, 2017;Tayari et al., 2022;Tousi, 2023;Turner, 2020;Venn et al., 2022;Yousefvand et al., 2022;Zarei et al., 2022). ...
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Objective: The present research aimed to qualitatively identify the dimensions and components of good governance in relation to organizational intimacy and organizational development at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. Method: This study, based on its objectives, is an applied-developmental study that utilized qualitative research methods. Additionally, to gather information, library study and semi-structured interviews were employed. Initially, for the theoretical study related to the research objective and to review the literature and background of the topic, information from relevant specialized books and articles addressing the relationship between organizational intimacy and good governance with organizational development was used. Subsequently, to identify the dimensions of the research variables, semi-structured interviews with experts were conducted. Then, the qualitative method of thematic analysis was applied to analyze the data obtained from the interviews. The population of this research included the managers of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences and academic experts (with research and publications in this field) who were selected through purposive sampling and included 10 interviewees determined by theoretical saturation. Findings: A total of 344 primary codes were extracted from the interview texts. Through coding these concepts, 59 sub-themes were identified and by classifying these themes into similar categories, 11 main themes were derived. Conclusion: The main themes included good governance, value-orientation, capacity building, transparency, accountability, emotional closeness, organizational climate, organizational intimacy, non-financial performance, financial performance, and organizational development. In this context, there is a need for access to high-ranking managers and officials, and indeed for servant leadership among university administrators. Also, with the honesty of university managers, objectives related to skill development and knowledge updating can be achieved. In addition to the aforementioned issues, attention to the quantitative and qualitative growth and development of employees is also considered a part of good governance that should be increasingly focused on by relevant managers.
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In today's world, the long-term survival of a business depends on the strength and ability of that company to successfully introduce its new products to the market. The establishment of some companies in the sports industry has made it important to develop new products in this industry as well as create entrepreneurship and employment. Paying attention to the sports industry and the abilities of this industry in developing and expanding entrepreneurship and creating new businesses related to sports in the country has created a suitable field. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of sports knowledge-based companies on entrepreneurship and the development of sports products. Descriptive-analytical research method that was practical in terms of the purpose of the research and was conducted as a survey. The statistical population of the research includes all managers and experts of knowledge-based companies in the field of sports in Tehran, based on the information obtained from the science and technology park of Tehran, their number included 43 people, all of whom were selected as the research sample. The collection tool was a standard questionnaire whose validity was confirmed by management professors and its reliability was checked by Guzelzadeh et al (2018), Hosseini Aghdam (2011) and Mamaghani et al (2011). For analysis, descriptive statistics (prevalence, mean, standard deviation, etc.) and structural equations were using SPSS21 and AMOS23 software. The impact of sports knowledge-based companies on sports entrepreneurship is 0.57, the impact of sports knowledge-based companies on the development of sports products is 0.24, and the impact of sports entrepreneurship on the development of sports products is 0.75. Therefore, it can be concluded that in order to promote sports-related businesses and produce sports products, goods, and equipment, it is necessary to provide the conditions for the establishment and expansion of knowledge-based sports companies
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In today's competitive and global environment it has become crucial for every organization to retain competent employee for survival. The success of an organization depends not only on how the organization makes the most of human competences, but also how it stimulates commitment to an organization. Employee commitment, together with a competent workforce, seems to be of decisive importance for an organization to be able to compete in quality and to go along with changes. This paper reviews the available literature on competency based management and its uses in the organizational sector. Very little research has been done in this area in the Indian organizations. This paper defines the concept of competency based management, the driving force behind the use of competency based management and its uses in the organization as well as the future prospect of research in this area specifically in the Indian organization context. Organizations are using competency based management as a tool for the success of the organization. Studies have shown that competency approach to human resource management is not new. Competency framework is used by the organizations today in different HR practices like recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, career development, compensation and pay etc. to improve the performance of the organization as well as of employees. Competency based management approach focuses on increasing the potential of employee to have the competitive edge over other organizations in today's time. Researchers and scholars have reported that competency based management has a positive effect on the performance of organization and on employee's performance also. Keyword: competency based management, organizational performance 350 Kaushiki Tripathi and Manisha Agrawal
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This article recounts a decade-long quest to define the U.S. geospatial industry and its workforce. Its focus is a milestone reached in 2009-2010, when the U.S. Department of Labor issued descriptions of five new geospatial occupations, estimates of current and projected geospatial employment, and a new Geospatial Technology Competency Model (GTCM). The GTCM identifies the foundational, industry-wide, and industry sector-specific expertise that distinguishes, and binds together, successful geospatial professionals. It identifies 43 "core geospatial knowledge and abilities," as well as specialized competencies related to positioning and data acquisition, analysis and modeling, and software and application development. The paper describes the GTCM's content, the process by which it was developed, and its potential uses, including assessments of how higher-education curricula align with workforce needs.
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Objectives: There is virtually no literature on how to assess competencies of applied sport psychologists. We assessed casework of applied sport psychology students and compared written case report assessment (WCRA) with structured case presentation assessment (SCPA) on reliability and acceptability (e.g., validity, transparency, feedback function and preference of methods, as perceived by students and assessors). Design: A quantitative, comparative study of two assessment methods. Method: Participants were 11 students, nine supervisors and three exam committee members. A number of 18 cases were evaluated with both WCRA by the supervisor and SCPA by two exam committee members. Ten of these cases were also evaluated with WCRA by exam committee members. Interrater reliability measures were calculated and compared for the different assessment methods. Participants' perception of the validity, transparency, and feedback function of the methods, and the preferences for assessment methods were surveyed with a brief questionnaire. Results: SCPA by the exam committee resulted in higher interrater reliability than WCRA by supervisor and exam committee. The feedback function of SCPA seemed superior to WCRA by either supervisor or exam committee. For assessment by the exam committee, the perceived validity and transparency of SCPA seemed higher than of WCRA. Students and exam committee had the highest preference for SCPA by supervisor and exam committee. Conclusions: Overall it can be concluded that, for assessment by the exam committee, structured case presentations provided a more reliable and acceptable method of assessment than written case reports only.
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The role of entrepreneurship education in helping to develop competencies within students is investigated. Building on a foundation rooted in structuration theory, competencies are approached as outgrowths of the learning and modification of scripts that derive from the interaction between the individual and the environment. A distinction is drawn between traditional business competencies and entrepreneurial competencies, and it is argued that the latter help define the unique domain of entrepreneurship education. Employing a multi-stage Delphi methodology, evidence is provided of a core set of thirteen entrepreneurial competencies. Measures are then developed for each of these competencies and then refined with a pilot study involving students participating in a rigorous international entrepreneurship education program. Based on pre- and post-measures, evidence is provided of significant improvement on most of the competencies as a function of the educational program. Building on the theoretical foundation and the empirical results, we draw a number of implications for the role of entrepreneurship education in developing these competencies.
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The purpose of this study was to investigate which competencies underlie teachers' entrepreneurial behaviour. Based on the literature and discussions in the field, six competencies (entrepreneurial knowledge, career adaptability, occupational self-efficacy, creative thinking, networking skill, teamwork skill) and entrepreneurial climate were included in the research model. A questionnaire was developed and tested in a pilot study (n = 178). A sample of 255 teachers from five different vocational schools in the Netherlands participated in the main study. The findings supported most expectations; only occupational self-efficacy was not significantly related to entrepreneurial behaviour. This study has theoretical and practical implications.
Abstract In view of the changes in and growing variety of sports-related occupations, it is highly relevant for educational institutions to know how well the educational contents of their sport science courses meet the professional requirements. This study analyses the relationship between the competencies acquired through academic sports science courses and the requirements of the relevant jobs in Switzerland. The data for this empirical analysis were drawn from a sample of n = 1054 graduates of different academic sport science programmes at all eight Swiss universities. The results show that academic sport science courses primarily communicate sports-specific expertise and practical sports skills. On the other hand, most graduates consider that the acquisition of interdisciplinary competencies plays a comparatively minor role in sport science education, even though these competencies are felt to be an important requirement in a variety of work-related environments and challenges.
Purpose – Entrepreneurial competencies have an impact on firm performance and growth. The purpose of this paper is to report empirical research into the entrepreneurial competencies reported by female entrepreneurs who are committed to the growth of their business. Design/methodology/approach – A questionnaire‐based survey of female entrepreneurs in England and Wales was conducted. The core of the questionnaire was a list of entrepreneurial competencies compiled from previous theoretical and empirical frameworks, coupled with Likert scales through which the entrepreneurs were invited to rate their ability in relation to each competency. PCA was conducted in order to identify clusters of competencies, and to identify the competencies that loaded onto those clusters. Findings – Four main clusters of competencies were identified: personal and relationship, business and management, entrepreneurial, and human relations competencies. Whilst previous research on the competencies of entrepreneurs has identified the two clusters of business and management, and entrepreneurial competencies, the competencies in the other two clusters have received less attention and have not been identified as clusters. Arguably, competencies in these clusters are valued more highly by female entrepreneurs than by their male counterparts. Originality/value – This study is the first to offer a comprehensive analysis of the competencies of female entrepreneurs. By identifying four key groups of competencies, the research provides the basis for an agenda for focus in education, and development of female entrepreneurs. More specifically, the Female Entrepreneur Competence (FEC) framework generated by this research can be used to support female entrepreneurs in the self‐assessment of their competencies.
Leisure services agencies are seeing a significant shift in the workforce due to a large number of retirements. As a result, succession planning is becoming an important management issue in the profession. In order to develop an effective succession plan, job competencies are needed. The purpose of this paper is to determine the competencies needed by chief executive officers (CEOs) in YMCAs. A Delphi technique was used to identify the competencies that formed the nonprofit competency framework (NCF). This framework consists of six general competency categories including business acumen, communication, community relations, leadership and management, professional practice, and volunteer/board management. Within these general competency categories there are 70 specific competencies. The NCF was compared with public parks and recreation competencies and nongovernmental organization sector competencies. It was determined that YMCA CEOs have competencies that match these two groups and do not necessarily identify with one, more so than the other.
Corporate entrepreneurship, the discovery and pursuit of new opportunities through innovation and venturing, is an important source of competitive advantage. Corporate entrepreneurship involves a diverse set of activities such as innovation in products and processes; the development of internal and external corporate ventures; and the development of new business models, which require an array of roles, behaviors, and individual competencies. In this article, we define individual competencies and distinguish them from other individual difference constructs. We argue that given the unique requirements of corporate entrepreneurship, a competency-based approach to assessing organizational human capital needs is superior to more traditional job-analytic methods. Drawing on existing literature, we outline a competency framework for supporting corporate entrepreneurship and infer the underlying, measurable knowledge, skills, and abilities that contribute to these competencies. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of this framework for the staffing, training and development, and performance-appraisal practices of firms seeking to promote corporate entrepreneurship. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.